Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?

This show contains scenes that some viewers may
find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
Excuse me for interrupting, but
I'm gonna announce it one more time.
The winner of the third game,
Friendly Hide-and-Seek, is
Group C
Third Game Friendly Hide-and-Seek
Group C! The game is over!
Huh?! How?!
We found their hider first, didn't we?
That's true. Group K did find
the other team's hider first.
So we're the winners, then.
Oh, but that's not the only way
for a team to win, right?
N-No way!
Sorry, guys.
I pushed the give-up button.
parent and child crooks
Before the End of the Third Game
It can't get any worse.
Episode 11: Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?
Episode 11: Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?
This is the worst thing
that could have happened.
Hey, Hyakutaro, nobody
else is nearby, right?
Y-Yeah, I think they all went
looking for Mikasa.
Okay. We should get started, then.
The truth is, the moment you switched teams,
our victory became certain.
I really didn't want to have
to win this way, is all.
This really is the worst thing that
could have happened, Hyakutaro.
Incoming call
Katagiri Yuichi (Group C)
This is Katagiri Yuichi.
I don't have much time,
so I'll get straight to the point.
Please push the give-up button.
Are you screwing with me?
There's no way I'll push it.
In that case, I'm going to punch
Hyakutaro until you push it.
Y-You're bluffing!
I'm sure you'd like to believe that,
but I've run out of options.
First punch. Here we go.
And the second!
Stop! It won't work!
You're crazy if you think you can
break me with a bluff like this.
I'll keep going then. Sixth!
I-If you really were punching him,
then why isn't Hyakutaro making any sound?
Yeah, that surprised me, too.
He sure is tough.
Do you want to hear his voice?
I'm f-fine, Captain.
It's a bluff, just like you said.
Don't push the button!
T-The waver in his voice
Is he really
What do you mean, "monster"?
Katagiri Yuichi This guy is the devil.
Sorry, Hyakutaro!
It won't be long before Kei
and the others find their hider.
Just hold on until then.
This is a breeze. A breeze.
I mean, he isn't really hitting me anyway.
Here I go. Eighth!
Damn it!
At this rate, it is starting to look
like he can really take it.
Well, in that case,
I'll have to break something
that can't be fixed.
W-What's that supposed to mean?
I heard about you guys.
You're all on the same
basketball team, right?
Hyakutaro-kun told me about it.
In the last tournament,
he kept missing shots
and ended up getting you injured.
He practiced his shots
like crazy after that.
What the hell are you planning?!
Please push the button. If you don't
I'll break Hyakutaro's finger
I'll break Hyakutaro's finger.
You can't make shots in basketball
without a delicate touch, right?
Once a finger is broken, even if
you recover and rehabilitate it
Y-You piece of shit!
You have ten seconds.
Ten, nine, eight,
W-Wait a minute!
seven, six, five, four
Hey! What the hell—
I'm gagging you so that
you can't bite your tongue.
Three, two, one
Maybe he didn't really break it?
No, I'll never forget that sound.
It sounded just like when it happened to me.
I'm sorry, Hyakutaro!
Which finger shall I do next?
You can't be serious
Of course I can.
I'll keep breaking fingers until
you push the button. Really.
Stop it! You scum!
No, you're the scum.
I mean, you were the one who
started all this, weren't you?
What did you say?
You're the reason your team is playing the
Tomodachi Game in the first place.
Your debt is what started it.
Your debt is what started it
So you knew.
Well, yeah.
It seemed like a taboo topic in Group K.
But none of the three I talked
to knew whose debt it was.
At first, I thought the one with
the debt was the youngest, Kei,
but then I realized the power
dynamics went the other way.
Basically, it made sense to assume
the debt belonged to the captain.
I learned about you from Hyakutaro.
You're willing to put your
life on the line for people.
But you also can't handle it
if you're responsible
for someone else getting hurt.
My family business was drowning in debt.
It got so bad, I was going to have to
quit high school and start working.
But I wanted to play one
last tournament with everyone,
and then Kei said
he'd help me pay it off, on the condition
that I obeyed his every word.
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, guys.
This is all my fault.
But even though that's true,
I'll never forgive you for what you did!
I will never
ever forgive
a cowardly piece of shit like you!
Stop! That's enough!
Why are you stopping me?!
It's really not a big deal!
B-But your finger
He broke your finger!
B-But that sound I heard was clearly
M-My god, did you
You broke your own finger?!
We had reasons why we
absolutely couldn't lose.
That's why I chose to—
No, that isn't it.
I just couldn't think of any better way.
I guess I really am a
cowardly piece of shit.
Hyakutaro, why didn't you tell me?
Well, he said he'd let you hit him
as much as he hit me.
We've lost this match.
Group C
Third Game Friendly Hide-and-Seek
Two Million Yen Award Obtained
Oh, no we haven't.
There's no way I'm settling for that.
We lost? Speak for yourself.
You're the one who lost, blockhead.
Come on, Kei!
Shut the hell up! The rest of you
held me back just as much as he did.
My plan was perfect.
But still, you were completely useless.
What are you doing, Banri-niichan?!
Banri niichan?
I'm not his real brother.
We grew up together. I was like
the typical neighborhood "older brother."
I had no idea.
Give it up, Kei.
Your strategy didn't account
for this situation, so you lost.
And Juzo made the right
choice in pressing the button.
Why's that?
Because if he had thrown
Hyakutaro under the bus,
I would have lost all respect for him.
That makes sense. I guess I would have, too.
And then we would have lost
the next game no matter what.
One day, "I have lost"
will be a great asset.
Yeah, what's that line from?
It's from my bible.
But what are we going to do now?
We still have the debt.
We might never be able to
see each other again after this.
I'll have them pass all
of the remaining debt to me.
And I'll ask them to make sure you guys
at least don't get split up.
Are you really okay with that?
What about your dream for us
to play in one last tournament?
It's all right.
We did get to play one last,
great match together.
U-Um, Yuichi-kun?
I was wondering, did you know about me?
Yeah. You work for the management, right?
I figured it out.
O-Of course you did.
For the weak and insecure girl
you were trying to play,
you followed my difficult
instructions a little too perfectly.
I see.
And since I knew you were
with the management,
I pushed you off that cliff without guilt.
Then, your reaction when
I betrayed you was also
It was all an act to make Group K think they
were winning, so they'd leave me behind.
You had me eating out of
the palm of your hand, huh?
Pass this message along to your bosses:
"I will absolutely crush all of you."
You bet!
Can you stand?
Yeah. Ouch!
Yuichi, you said you were
a cowardly piece of shit,
but I don't think you are.
You don't always have
the nicest ideas, but take a look.
You didn't destroy their
friendship after all.
I don't care what anyone else says.
I know you're a good person.
Thanks, Tenji.
But if he was any slower
pushing that button,
I really might have broken
Hyakutaro's finger.
The old me would have
broken it without flinching.
If you knew about that side of me,
would you still tell me I'm a good person?
Would you still think of me as a friend?
Congratulations on clearing the third game!
There's a little time left before the fourth
game begins, so I'll let you leave for a while.
Of course, don't tell anyone about this,
and don't try to run away.
If you try anything like that,
the others will be in real trouble.
We're back.
Yeah. Let's go and find Sawaragi right now.
At this hour, we might be
able to catch Shiho-chan alone.
She was always the first one at school.
Always the stalker.
Let's go and find out the truth.
family of crooks
Don't ever come back
to this school!!
What the hell happened here?
Give it back,
We'll find you
you piece of shit
you suck
Shiho-chan and Shibe-kun have disappeared!
One Week Earlier
Since you three are exempt
from the third game,
I'll let you go home temporarily.
But you can't talk to anyone about the game,
and you'd better not run away.
Why would you even think we'd do that?
There's too much going on
that we don't understand,
and we won't run or hide
until we do understand.
That's my Shiho-sama, always
ready with the cool one-liners.
In that case, I'll tell you
something nice before you go.
Right now, Group C's total debt amount is
10.8 million yen.
10.8 million?
Shiho, what's wrong?
N-Nothing at all.
We shouldn't listen to
what Manabu says, anyway.
Why not?
Because we all know it's all just lies
intended to poison our friendship.
Well, believe me or don't, that's up to you.
But incidentally, Yuichi-kun and
Tenji-kun both already know about it.
Oh. They must have asked
Yuichi, there's no mistake, then.
Shiho-chan's secret got out and she ran.
I d-don't really understand, but there was
a reason why Shiho-chan disappeared.
Don't ever come back
to this school!!
family of crooks
No matter what, try to act natural.
If we seem shaky and weird,
people might start asking questions.
Morning, everyone!
Hey, Sawaragi-san.
As class vice president,
I'll get right to the point.
You were the one who stole
the class trip funds, weren't you?
Don't people usually save
money like that in an account?
The other classes said they did.
Sensei said that you insisted
on collecting it in cash.
No matter how you look at it,
you seem really suspicious.
Calm down, you guys!
Shiho isn't the thief.
Because the thief is—
Don't, Shibe!
It has to do with that game.
You shouldn't say too much.
O-Oh, right.
You should also know, Shibe,
that we think you're an accomplice.
You've got to be kidding.
Do you know how rich I am?
Come on, two million
isn't enough to cry over.
All right, about that two mil
I'll lend you the whole amount!
That's a bad move.
Yeah, that would have pissed everyone off.
No, that's not what I mean.
did some kind of big
incident happen after that?
H-How did you know?
Well, two days after that,
Shibe-kun's dad got arrested.
Sitting City Council Member Shibe Masakazu Arrested!
It seems like the police
found out about all the stuff
that was exposed in the second game.
Then does that mean
Yeah, Shibe talked.
He told his dad about the Tomodachi Game.
Not even Shibe could get
two million yen without an adult's help.
Shibe-kun came to school the next day
and apologized to everyone,
saying he couldn't get the money,
but then everyone started
really bullying him.
Shiho-chan tried to stand up for him,
but then she stopped coming to school, too.
family of crooks
Don't ever come back
to this school!!
Y-You guys!
Why are you at school?
I thought you'd be with Shibe.
What are you talking about?
Something's going down at Shibe's place.
Isn't this Shibe Masakazu's home?
The council member they arrested?
There's a body?
I heard it was murder.
Who did it?
It was
Shibe's dad was
Hey, they're coming out.
W-Why is this happening?
Shibe! Shibe!
What the hell's going on?!
Yuichi? Tenji?
No! This isn't right. It isn't!
I wanted Shiho to—
You'd better not say too much.
That man
It's Shiho-chan's father.
Tenji-kun? Why are you—
M-My father Were you the one—
Calm down, Tenji! There's no proof yet!
Um, we're friends of Shibe Makoto-kun,
and we wanted to know what happened.
Is that right?
Sorry, I can't talk about it in detail.
The police are sworn
to confidentiality. And
You don't want to get involved in this.
If there's anyone or
anything you care about,
don't stick your nose
into others' business.
You don't want to lose what's
precious to you, do you?
That basically means nothing to me.
I don't have family or anything else
to care about, really.
So your threats aren't going to work.
What I mean is that if you want to stop me,
you'll have to come straight at me.
What is going on, anyway?
For now, all we can do
is find out more about Shibe.
Yuichi, do you think Shiho-chan
is tied up in this, too?
W-What do you mean?
W-What do you mean?
What did Shibe-kun do?!
What does Shiho-chan have to do with it?!
Well, we don't really know all the—
You're lying! You're both hiding
something from me, aren't you?!
You were acting weird this morning, too!
And after all that in the second game,
you trust each other now?!
And Yuichi's hurt!
Come on, tell me! What are you hiding?
We can't
Why the hell would we tell you?
As soon as the second game ended,
I was through with you.
You looked at me like
I was a monster, didn't you?
You didn't say a word to me
before I went to the third game.
That's not what I'd call a friend.
I was just scared, because they
said you were a murderer.
But I waited! I waited
to find out the truth.
Even though I was scared,
I waited for you both to come back.
That's only because
Sawaragi told you to, right?
You only do what people tell you to do.
Quit talking to me like I owe you something!
Kokorogi, let me make this
crystal clear for you.
People like you, who can't decide
a single damn thing on their own
There's nothing in the world I hate more!
Get lost. I'm done with you.
What about the Tomodachi Game?
Won't you be in trouble without me?
Nah, you're useless.
I guess you didn't notice how much
of a burden you are for everyone else.
O-Of course I knew
I could tell that from the start!
That's why I always did
what you guys told me.
I didn't want to be in the way!
Yeah, and I'm telling you that
you're in the way right now.
Kokorogi, you're a stranger to us now.
Was that the right thing to do?
It's not about right or wrong.
Lives are on the line.
We should leave Kokorogi out of it.
If we tell the management that we'll take
on Kokorogi's debt, they shouldn't complain.
Unknown caller?
Sorry to surprise you, but we're going to
start a special Tomodachi Game right now.
Unknown Caller
In Call
Katagiri Yuichi-kun is there too, right?
Is it true that threats don't work on you
because there's nothing
and nobody you care about?
What are you trying to say?
The game rules are super simple, man.
All you have to do is choose between
two options: show up, or don't.
If you do show up, you'll
have a really terrible time.
If you don't, Kokorogi Yutori will
have a little bit of a terrible time.
The game you two are playing this time is
The Weak Win Game
The Weak Win Game, got it?
The weak win?
100% Damage
For example, if two different people
suffer the exact same amount of pain,
one with self control won't scream.
Weak Person
Strong Person
A weak person, however,
will immediately start screaming.
Strong Person
You'd think the strong person
is superior, right?
But you know,
Weak Person
in our world, people will say the person
who screamed is a "poor thing"
and go easy on them.
That's outrageous, isn't it?
If self control is a disadvantage in this world,
it's almost as if the weak win.
Absolutely Refuse
I protest!
Yuichi-kun, if you're showing up,
come to the designated location alone.
If you bring anyone else,
you'll never see Kokorogi Yutori again.
And if you do show,
I promise you'll have
a much worse time than Kokorogi Yutori.
Basically, if you don't show up,
you'll end up objectively less injured
but what do you wanna do?
If you do anything to Kokorogi,
I will kill you.
Are you going, Yuichi?
We got Kokorogi caught up
in this thing, so I think I have to.
On top of that, this one
is going to be different
from the other games.
NEXT: What's Most Important to Me Is
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