Trigun Stampede (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

To a New World

Mr. Wolfwood!
Where is Mr. Vash?
He's not my problem anymore.
This is no time for jokes!
Where is Mr. Vash?
I said I don't know.
He probably got turned
into a mummy by Knives or something.
What was that for?
I thought you were better than this.
Who does she think she is?
Don't panic, Vash.
Now, let's begin.
Stage one connection established.
All vital signs are stable.
So far, so good.
My hundred years of research
are finally paying off.
Stop it!
I'm serious.
You won't shoot.
The glass is bulletproof. Not to mention
If you forcibly disconnect him
from the outside, he'll surely die.
What are you trying to do?
What we see of Plant is merely a shell.
Their real bodies exist somewhere else.
Not here, but another dimension.
A higher dimension.
The energy we consume from Plant
all comes from that higher dimension.
Plant is just a "window" that
connects the two dimensions.
What is it you want?
Why do you think those twins are the
only ones who gained a will of their own?
According to my hypothesis
the difference between Independent
and Plant is whether they have souls.
To retain their souls, they
must connect to the Core.
The source that bridges
the beginning and end,
and gives birth to all varieties
of materials and energy.
To connect Plant to the Core
and give them their souls
That is what I want.
You mean
you want to turn all the Plant
on this planet into Independent?
This is
I didn't expect this to be
the first memory we visited.
What do you mean?
Do you remember
the promise we made back then?
I found a way to free them.
To do it, I need your help.
Join me in saving our kind, together.
The humans can't help but overuse Plant,
because they landed on this barren planet.
And it's our fault!
Is it, now?
Then I'll grant your wish
and allow you to be
crucified for their sins.
If all Plant turns into Independent,
humanity will never survive.
We began walking the path
to self destruction, long ago.
Only turning them into
Independent can change that.
Vash's window is the only one that carries
them from here to the higher dimension.
Mr. Vash would never go along with this.
That's why we have to rebuild him.
Stage two connection established.
We can now use Vash as the window
to change all Plant life.
There's no turning back now.
Wake up, Mr. Vash!
Mr. Vash!
absorption and awakening start now,
followed by memory alteration.
Memory alteration?
It's going well.
We will now plunge deeper.
Eventually, he won't be
able to distinguish anything.
Neither me, nor the world at large.
He'll forget everything.
I'm bumming one.
I have to choose, huh?
Leave the town now!
Didn't you say you'd save me?
Didn't you say you'd save me?
Do you demand that we live,
even after becoming monsters?
You certainly can't look after them.
There is no greater irresponsibility.
Kill him to relieve the pain.
Kill me
I can't, Roro!
Please stop!
You are not the hero who comes
to everyone's rescue
You are just a coward who can't
stand people dying in front of you.
What is this place?
My hand
This is not reality.
This is a dream you're
showing me. It's all fake!
I have to get out of here.
I have to find a way out.
The sync rate has exceeded 40 percent.
You can't escape, Vash.
This is
That's right. It's the Big Fall!
How would they react if they
found out it was all your fault?
There's nothing to be ashamed of.
They're insignificant life forms
who don't even live for a hundred years.
Forget them.
Forget them and relieve the pain.
Do I know them?
Sync rate: 70 percent.
75 80 incredible momentum!
What's happening?
This is almost like
What's going on, Knives?
Don't panic.
Release your power, Vash.
Let us rebuild the world!
Sync rate: 90 percent.
It stopped.
That woman
Found her.
Rem Saverem!
Will it be his love for humans
or an older brother's
love for his sibling?
Which will decide the future of our world?
You sure are hungry!
Did you just finish your shift?
I see.
Have you heard? The Humanoid
Typhoon has snuck into this town
No way
That's why we have to stay overnight here.
What's that?
Mr. Vash!
Don't let him trap you! Wake up!
Is this a flower?
Yes, it's called a bailey flower.
There were all kinds of flowers on earth.
Can I eat it?
Some flowers are edible, yes.
But this one's for viewing, right?
Right, Rem?
It's just like those in the Plant room.
That's right, Nai. You sure are attentive.
Aw man, I can't eat it then?
Do you ever think about anything else?
Gee, sorry that's all I'm good for.
I didn't say that.
-You did!
-What's your problem?
You two never stop fighting!
Nai, even though you're the only one
with special powers, you can't
I know, I can't let anyone know, right?
The power you've been
blessed with is amazing.
But you have to promise me.
Even when everyone
wakes up from cold sleep
I can't show my power
to anyone but you, Rem.
And even if it's unnecessary
-I have to pretend to eat and drink.
-You have to pretend to eat and drink.
I know, okay?
You should worry about Vash, not me.
He'll be no different from humans
if he continues like this.
It's okay.
You don't need to compare
yourself to anyone else.
You can just be yourself.
You too, Nai. Come here.
Whether you have power or not,
you'll always be my favorites.
I love you.
This place should be
just as important to you.
Do you really think that?
We shouldn't be doing this, Nai.
You want to know what
Rem's hiding too, don't you?
It's me.
And me.
Project code, Type T.
There were other Independent
like us born on this ship.
50 years ago
Are the files stored here?
Nai! Vash!
What humans did to those
children is indeed horrendous.
I understand why you hate them.
But you still can't
You still don't get it, do you?
That episode was just one grain of sand.
Humans always repeat the same tragedies.
They cry out about fighting
and then turn around to start another war.
That's what history tells us.
You're reading that book again.
Humans don't learn from their mistakes.
That's not true.
Rem told me,
when we were born,
they promised not to
repeat that tragedy ever again.
Believe in them.
As powerless and weak as you are,
you can't survive as Plant.
That's why you need human love
more than anyone else.
You have to please them
and act like a harmless pet.
But that will never make you happy.
You need me to protect you.
That's why I made the ship fall.
It's my fault?
I did it for you.
This is the last memory.
Sync rate: 99 percent.
Please, make him stop!
There's still time!
It's too late.150 years too late.
Mr. Vash!
We're under attack?
An unidentified giant creature
has appeared before the central tower!
Please send backup!
What is that thing?
Just a bit more
That woman ruined everything.
What you thought was love
is just a story you told yourself.
It was a ridiculous fantasy.
Wait Rem
No! Please don't go!
I'll save you now.
Sync rate:100 percent.
Memory alteration and
assimilation completed.
I finally got you back.
Happy birthday, Vash.
Stage three connection established.
Is that
the entrance to the higher dimension?
The third city of July is asking
the urban union for help.
Please send backup immediately.
The arrows of fire to destroy the cities
The flood to cleanse the land
It's the day of Armageddon.
I will now enter the higher dimension
and make contact with their Cores.
Be careful, Knives.
It was a long road to follow
I couldn't even die before
Knives realizes his dream.
But it's all coming to an end now.
The foolish human race who thought
they ruled the world will now perish.
We Independent
will bring a new order to this world.
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