TrollsTopia (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

The Makeunder - Smidge in the Saddle

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Well, well, what have we here?
"To: Lownote Jones."
Well played, envelope, consider
Lownote Jones intrigued.
Lownote, wait! Lownote!
That's an invitation for Guy
Diamond's birthday party,
and he always makes a huge deal
out of his birthday!
That is the most mind-blowing
invitation you will ever open!
"Please come to my party!
Hmm, it seems what you Pop
Trolls would call overwhelming,
we Funk Trolls
would call downright customary.
What a delicious
cultural exchange!
Well now,
Lownote Jones stands corrected!
Once a year,
on a very special night,
Guy Diamond becomes the one thing
he's always aspired to be
the undisputed
center of attention!
So sit back and relax, as we
present your invitation to
The Eyes on Guy Gala!
You're an eyes on guy ♪
Gala invitee ♪
Come one, come all
From near and far ♪
To the party of the century ♪
You'll gather round and take a
seat And feast your eyes on me ♪
On this day
I'll shine brighter than ever ♪
Don't fret sunglasses
are supplied ♪
You'll all say I'm stylish
Gorgeous, kind and clever ♪
That I am your
all-time favorite guy ♪
Submit your eyes on Guy ♪
Eyes on Guy
Eyes on Guy ♪
Gala RSVP ♪
- See what I mean by a huge deal?
- Indeed, I do.
And I am very,
very concerned about it.
- Concerned? Why?
- Because Guy Diamond will never
be the center of attention
at his birthday
I will.
You see, Lownote Jones
has a certain reputation.
He's known for being
Oh, how do I say it?
The World's Coolest Troll?
Well, if only I had a gold
star, I'd give you one.
Oh, wait, I do.
Make no mistake, most times,
I love being a cool Troll.
It just seems to brighten
everyone's day. Observe.
- Hey there.
- Who, me?
I just had to stop you
and let you know:
you have a smile
that lights up the world.
Oh, my guh!
But every now and then, my cool
persona presents a conundrum.
'Cuz no matter how hard
he tries to fight it,
Ol' Lownote Jones
tends to steal the spotlight
And so today, on our wedding
day, before all these witnesses,
I wanna confess
with my whole heart
How cool it is
to have Lownote Jones here!
C'mon, Lownote,
it's time for our first dance!
Oh, I see the problem
If you go to the party,
you'll take the focus away
from Guy Diamond.
Uh! You got that right, baby.
I just wish there was a way
to tone down my cool
just for one night.
Maybe I can help.
When it comes to being uncool,
uh, I'm kind of an expert.
Y'see, Lownote, I'm known for
being a bit socially awkward.
In fact, I once told
a story so dull,
it started the Great Contagious
Yawn of the year XI A. B.
He means After Bunker.
This happened last week.
So, after a lot of thought,
I finally decided.
The spoon is definitely my
fourth favorite utensil.
But listen:
To be uncool, we'll need
to downplay your entire vibe,
I'm talking a total make over,
uh, make under.
I'll do whatever it takes
to make sure Guy
gets the birthday of his dreams.
Okay then, for starters,
we've gotta do something
about the suave cadence
of your voice.
What suave
cadence of my voice?
That. Right there.
Y-you hear how smooth that is?
Hmm. Lownote Jones
has no idea what you mean.
There! You're
doing it right now!
Well, I suppose we'll just
agree to disagree, baby.
Don't wink! Oh.
Okay, wow, wow!
Don't worry, we'll have
you ready by party time.
I love it!
Oh, I'm having a wonderful time!
Oh, for me?
Thank you!
Yeah, come wish happy birthday
to my Daddy!
Give 'em some love!
Oh, my guh!
Lownote Jones!
- Oh, my God.
- It's Lownote Jones!
- Oh, man, here they come.
- Hey, hey! It's all right.
You're just gonna play it real
uncool, like we practiced.
Right. Let's do this thing.
First, start by
avoiding eye contact.
So some weather we're having,
am I right?
- Uh, what?
- Then, nothing but eye contact.
I said, some weather we're
having, am I right!
Laugh way too loud
at all the wrong times.
So, my cuddle pup ran away
- Oh, my guh.
- Oh! Oh!
Your jokes should be long-winded
and impossible to follow
So then, the puffalo's brother,
y'know, the one with the long horns,
not his step-brother, the one
with the really long horns,
He walks into the
party and says!
Wait, I skipped one part,
lemme start over.
- Ugh
- So there's this puffalo, right?
Lownote, that was incredible!
I mean, this entire thing is super
weird, but you did it so well!
Oh, I dunno.
No, it's true, Lownote.
You were dry, you were stiff.
At times
You were even off-putting.
- Wow. Thank you, Branch.
- Yeah, just super weird.
So tired
I might have to head home, ya'll.
Oh, no, Lownote!
Your boring joke, it started a
Contagious yawn.
What have I done, baby?
What have I done?
Poppy! Branch!
Okay, Guy-dolizers!
It's cake ti
My party!
What happened to it?
It's my fault, Guy.
Lownote? But how?
It's hard to explain. But I guess
you could say, I lost my cool.
So you see,
the problem was that I did everything
Branch taught me too well.
And that contagious yawn caught on
like a funky dance craze run wild
- but in a bad way.
- I see.
I'm very sorry, Guy.
I really tried to be less cool, but
the fact is, it's just not who I am.
No, it's not.
And I would never want you to be
anything other than who you are.
- Really?
- Of course.
When I invite Lownote Jones to my
party, I want the real Lownote Jones,
whether I get to stand
in the spotlight or not.
- But your party
- And don't worry about the gala.
These bobble figurines
will still be good party favors
next year.
Not so fast.
This party is far from over.
What? The guests are gone. Reviving
this party would be impossible.
Not for the world's
coolest Troll, baby.
- Whoa!
- So cool!
Hello, have you heard
the inside-inside-inside scoop?
Apparently, the gala is back on
and better than ever.
But you didn't hear it from me.
What a story!
Say there, did I ever
tell you about the time
I got stranded
in the Anti-Dimension
and had a groove-off
against Reverse Lownote Jones?
Well, just imagine a place, where
everything was just like everything.
Party's back on, baby!
Looks like we get to share the
center of attention, Lownote.
Which is cool with me
if it's cool with you.
Oh, it's cool, baby.
Very, very cool.
My turn, ya'll.
And it's gonna be
Wha-what is it, ya'll? Am I
supposed to move to green or blue?
There there's
no way to tell!
No! Guys, if we can't decide, we're
gonna have to leave this game
You take that back.
You take that back right now!
Wait, if we don't finish, it'll
be like this game was never played!
The fun was never had! Would
we even be friends anymore?
I'm panickin' ya'll!
Wait. I know who to call.
- Ya'll whistled?
- Uh! Gust Tumbleweed!
The Fun Sheriff's here!
- A Fun Sheriff?
- A Troll of justice,
appointed to settle
all matters game related.
- Oh!
- Wow!
it's about time this
spinner and I
had a reckoning.
It's green! Hee-ah!
And so, Gust Tumbleweed,
having witnessed your skills in
action, we, the Tribal Council,
appoint you
Fun Sheriff of all TrollsTopia.
Well, it's a true honor.
But TrollsTopia, that's a big place.
I reckon' I could use a deputy.
I'll do it!
I'll be a fun deputy!
You wanna be Gust's partner?
Oh, my guh, yes! It's been
my dream job my entire life!
Well actually I just heard
of it two seconds ago.
It's been my dream job
my entire last two seconds ago!
Actually, Gust, Smidge would
make a great Fun Deputy.
She's tough, but fair
and she's really good
at keeping Trolls in line.
You two! That's a beautiful
display of friendship!
Keep it up!
I admire your gusto, Smidge.
I'd love to work with you.
Pin a badge on me
and let's fun up these streets!
Whoa there!
I can't just hand over a badge.
First, you gotta take a few
months, to study this.
Oh, my guh!
Huh? "A Fun Deputy's
Guide Book"?
"Chapter ten, Witness Interrogation:
Finding out what Simon actually said."
Oh, c'mon, Gust, I don't need
months, I know all this stuff now!
Eh, you'd be surprised.
Fun sheriffing ain't all
bingos and passing goes.
- I want you to be prepared.
- Oh, I am!
Look, just let me ride along with
you, just once. I'll prove it!
There's that gusto again.
All right, you got
yourself a deal.
Yes! Let's roll!
There's that gusto again.
One Mississippi, two Mississippi,
three Mississippi, four Missi
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Huh?
I'm clocking those Mississippi's
at a half second each.
Where's the fire?
- I-I was just, um
- You were just, um,
not giving your opponents enough
time to hide is what you were doing.
Let's slow it down.
Okay! Thanks, Smidge!
One Mississippi, two
Come on, guys. I'm fine!
Sorry, wouldn't be doing our job
- if we let you go in this condition.
- Oh!
He's dizzy enough, now!
Nice work, Smidge.
I'm just gettin' warmed up.
There's a new sheriff in town
And she got all the skills ♪
Knows all the rules and is
cool And is keeping the drills ♪
So if you wanna have fun
And lose control ♪
Don't worry Smidgey's
got your back! ♪
If you having fun then
Fun then, fun then ♪
Smidgey gonna come around
I'll come around y'all ♪
'Cuz Smidgey gonna fun this
Fun this, fun this ♪
Smidgey gonna fun this town ♪
So, how'd it go?
Tell me everything!
Smidge was a natural out
there, Ms. Poppy.
And I think it's time she had
somethin', somethin' long overdue.
- Hmm?
- Volume two.
Another me-sized book?
But what about my badge?
You just said I'm a natural!
You are!
But you've got more to learn before
you're ready to be a deputy.
Take that chess game
that was in the song earlier
In finding the missing piece, you
almost stepped on another game.
Just think, if'n your foot'd
scattered them pieces,
they woulda had to call
that game of chess
- Ah!
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
Chapter 59,
"Always be aware of your
surroundings." It's all in here.
But I did so well.
- Gust, I'm telling you, I'd be a great deputy!
- I agree!
Once you've taken your time
and learned the material.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go check on Ms. Poppy.
Aww Hmm!
- Fun Sheriff!
- Huh?
I need the Fun Sheriff!
It's an emergency!
Well, sorry, Dante,
Gust isn't here.
But my game night
is in jeopardy!
I require an officer
of Fun Law immediately!
Deputy Smidge, at your service!
Step aside, step aside,
Fun Deputy comin' through.
Okay, something that everyone
loves. Comes out of Cooper
- Cupcakes!
- Correct.
This is also something
that everyone loves.
It comes out of Guy
- Oh, oh! Glitter!
- You got it!
Oh, my guh, they
look exhausted.
Well, how long
have they been going like this?
It's impossible to say.
The rules require them to keep going
until their time is up, but
the sand timer
has become clogged!
Please, Smidge, you gotta fix it!
They can't keep this up much longer!
In the sky, colorful
- bringing joy to everyone
- Rainbows!
Everyone stay calm.
I'm a Fun Deputy.
I'm just going to
give the timer
a flick.
Smidge, are you quite sure?
If you flick too gently,
the clog will not budge.
But flick too hard, and the
entire timer might shatter.
I know.
No, no, no, no.
I did it!
Fun justice is served!
Oh, my guh!
The timer!
Oh, my guh!
- No! No, no, no!
- Let it go, Smidge.
We're just gonna have
to declare this game
No! I can still fix it! It's
just like a jigsaw puzzle, see.
You just start with the edges, fit
some of the pieces like this
replace the sand and
good as new!
Oh, my guh, no.
It's not good as new.
Now, no one can play at all.
- Aw
- I'm sorry, everyone.
But the truth is,
I'm not really a Fun Deputy.
You need Gust Tumbleweed.
Then it's a good
thing he's right here!
- Huh?
- And I say this game ain't over yet!
30 second timer
16 gauge grain
Hourglass with fluted base.
This oughta do the trick.
It's okay, boys!
You're gonna be alright.
Gust, the timer
But how did you know
you were gonna need it?
A good Fun Sheriff
is ready for any scenario.
It's all right here.
Chapter 107, "Never bring a
spinner to a dice fight."
I'm so sorry I didn't listen, Gust.
Clearly there is a lot that I don't know.
And I understand if you don't want
me to be your deputy anymore.
Darn right,
there's a lot you don't know.
But of course I still want you
to be my deputy!
- Really?
- Listen, Smidge, study that scrapbook,
it'll teach you all about clubs,
diamonds and spades.
But what it can't
teach you is heart.
And, kid, you've
got that in spades.
Gust! There you are!
There's a big problem
with our game of Red Rover.
Got a fella who won't come over!
What do you say, Smidge?
Care to ride along?
think you can handle this one
on your own, Gust?
I've got some reading to do.
There's that gusto again!
On this day
I'll shine brighter than ever ♪
Don't fret sunglasses
are supplied ♪
You'll all say I'm stylish
Gorgeous, kind and clever ♪
That I am
Your all-time favorite guy ♪
Submit your eyes on Guy ♪
Eyes on Guy
Eyes on Guy ♪
Gala RSVP ♪
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