Tunnel (2017) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Can you see me?
Professor Shin, can you see me?
Professor Shin! Are you okay?
That bastard ran that way!
Come on, go after him!
That bastard!
Professor Shin!
Can you tell who I am?
Can you see me?
Gosh, you
If it weren't for that whistle
When you're in danger, blow this whistle.
I'll come save you, honey.
This necklace
That little girl used to blow
the whistle whenever something happened.
Professor Shin
Why are you wearing this necklace?
Who are you?
That can't be
Are you Yeon Ho?
- Professor Shin!
- Professor!
My god, what happened?
What's going on? Are you okay?
We need an ambulance! Right now!
Where's Jung Ho Young?
You bastard!
Let go!
Let go
Let go you bastard
- Lieutenant!
- Did you get that bastard?
Please, just let go!
Come here!
Get up!
You bastard!
I'll kill you!
You bastard!
Stop! Stop! We got him!
We got him, so it's all good.
It's all good, we got him.
We got him.
Now it's all good. All good
Is she okay? Is she breathing okay?
Yes, calm down.
We'll arrive at the hospital soon.
- Hello?
- Where should we take her?
- This way!
- Get a doctor!
Is she okay? She opened her eyes
earlier, but lost consciousness.
Miss, can you hear me?
What happened to her?
Well, that's
Doctor, right here!
Please wait.
You're asking me to wait?
A person is unconscious. Don't you
have to examine her or treat her?
If something happens to Yeon Ho,
will you take responsibility?
She is unconscious.
How could you just leave?
You're a doctor! Do something! Anything!
You need to calm down, sir.
Where are you going?
Can't you hear me?
Make her wake up!
You can't do this.
Do you know how much
I want to tell her?
Let me go Let me go!
The serial killer Jung Ho Young
who had the whole city in a panic
has been arrested by the police
about an hour ago.
Mister Jung is suspected
of murdering seven women.
To many's shock, he was arrested
on-site during his murder attempt.
He is currently being transported
to Hwa Yang Police Station.
The car transporting Jung Ho Young
has just arrived!
Do you have anything you want to say?
Please don't push.
- Get that cap off him!
- Bring back my daughter!
We'll hold a conference soon.
Why did you kill her?
How can you call yourself a human?
Bring her back! Bring her back!
Bring her back
Bring her back!
Turn around.
Lock him up.
Finally, I've got my peace of mind back.
Good work, everyone.
It wasn't us.
It was all Professor Shin
There's nothing praiseworthy about
a young woman who meddled in our case.
What if something bad happened?
She's a nuisance.
Report it as a sting operation
with her consent.
Be careful what you say, okay?
I get it. No need to repeat it.
Team Leader A sting operation?
Hey, how do you think the press would
react when we tell them that
a psychologist caught the killer
even the cops couldn't catch?
The press will come at us
with all they've got.
Anyway, she's one brave woman.
How could she think of
luring out Jung Ho Young?
Actually, I'm more shocked that
Jung Ho Young took the bait!
By the way
didn't you notice something strange
about Lieutenant Kim earlier
when we arrested Jung Ho Young?
I've never seen him so worked up
since I started working here.
He's becoming more like Kwang Ho.
You saw his rage when
he was strangling him, right?
If it weren't for Team Leader Jeon,
we would have lost Jung Ho Young.
He's been talking about
Jung Ho Young every day
and he finally got him!
He must get a promotion!
He had his reasons to act that way.
His reasons? Like what?
Are you okay?
Thanks for your hard work.
But you know this is
only the beginning, right?
With some guys, everything
ends with the arrest.
But with some guys, the real difficult
part begins after the arrest.
Jung Ho Young's case is the latter.
He will never confess to us.
He's someone who wants to
play games with the cops.
There's no way he'd admit to the charges.
We must present him with
the undeniable and solid evidence!
The forensics are at the crime scene.
Tae Hee and Min Ha, join them.
Find fingerprints, DNA, or any
minuscule piece of evidence
from his car!
- Don't leave even a hair behind!
- Okay.
Seon Jae and Kwang
Where's Kwang Ho?
I think he's at the hospital.
Oh, for Professor Shin?
At least one of us should be there.
You should go there too.
And ask for her statement.
We need it to issue
the warrant for the arrest.
Don't let your guard down
now that we have the killer!
Stay focused until he's incarcerated!
You hear me?
Excuse me.
Besides the bruises on her neck
and wrist ligaments
she has no other injuries.
So why is she still unconscious?
I think she's in shock.
It's common for many
victims to experience it.
The experience of the assault
could be traumatic.
For now, we should wait it out.
I'll pay for it. Let's go.
Why are you paying?
Hey, there's a fire!
Why are you in here?
Don't tell me you live here.
Professor Shin!
I can't live in the same house with you.
You should move out.
It's not the same house.
First floor and second floor.
Are you out of your mind
or are you stupid?
I'm not hurt, so stop it.
Stop what?
I don't like dumplings.
It wouldn't look good to
your in-laws if you're too picky.
They might think badly of your parents.
She doesn't care for the victims!
She has no idea what the family members
of the victims are going through.
You have been so close to me
all this time
Yeon Sook!
Did you know?
That this lady was Yeon Ho
If only I hadn't disappeared
in the tunnel
then you wouldn't have died,
Yeon Sook
And our Yeon Ho wouldn't need to have
had such a difficult childhood
It's all my fault.
All my fault
It's likely that the next
crime will take place here.
In this reservoir area.
She's pretty bold.
I hope she's okay.
We got Jung Ho Young.
We found Yeon Ho too.
The truth is
I met her Yeon Ho.
How did you know?
This necklace
Yeon Sook gave me this necklace.
I lost it when I collapsed in the tunnel
after Jung Ho Young hit my head.
I've never seen her
wearing this necklace before!
I wonder if Yeon Sook told her about me.
She said she has no recollection
of her childhood.
She has no recollection?
She doesn't even remember Yeon Sook?
She lived with her until she was six!
It seems like she doesn't remember
anything from her time in Korea.
She was adopted at a young age
after Yeon Sook's accident.
It's possible
since she's been through a lot.
I wished her adoptive parents
were nice people.
But it seems like they weren't.
They both died in a fire
when she was 15.
I heard she met Dean Hong for
the first time because of that case.
The British police suspected
her of starting a fire.
Fortunately, nothing happened
thanks to Dean Hong.
And two years ago, she came back
to Korea as a professor
because of Dean Hong.
I think that's why she
hardly talks about herself.
She doesn't tell others
when she's hurt.
Lonely and tough
I think that's the kind
of life she has lived so far.
I'm sorry I left you alone
and for making you so lonely.
You should tell Professor Shin in person.
Tell her you're sorry to her face.
And about who you are.
How could I show up in front of her now?
After she spent 30 years without me?
All this time, when she was
going through all those things
I was never there for her
How can I call myself a father?
Kwang Ho
I can't tell her.
I got to see her face before I go back.
That's enough for me.
We have nothing.
No, no. Don't say that. That's bad luck.
Look at this lunatic.
Did he repent before the cross
after killing people or something?
Is that a cross
Isn't that a woman's necklace?
Check if there's a victim
who lost her necklace.
All right.
Jung Ho Young.
You've been arrested
under the charge of attempted murder.
Do you admit this charge against you?
You know Professor Shin, right?
The woman you tried to strangle
to death with stockings.
I don't know her.
And I wasn't trying to murder her.
I saved her.
You saved her?
Then why did you run away on the site?
Well, that's because
I knew you'd accuse me like this.
Kim Seon Jae.
Did you get Professor Shin's statement?
As expected, he does not
admit any of the charges.
Do you know what that bastard said?
He said he was trying
to save Professor Shin.
Oh, how is she?
She doesn't have any serious injury.
But she's still unconscious.
I'll wait until I get her statement.
I should never have asked for your help
on Jung Ho Young's case.
I'm sorry, Professor Shin.
Please wake up, please.
What's this?
This is a gift I gave your dad.
Now I'm passing it to you, Yeon Ho.
Whenever you're in danger,
blow this whistle.
And Mommy will come for you.
when Daddy was in danger,
did you also save him?
Will you come for me
no matter where I am?
Yes. Mommy can hear it from anywhere.
Even from far away?
Look at me.
Smile, smile, darling!
- Oh, darling.
- It's all going to be okay.
Please don't cry.
Nobody is coming.
It was all lies! Lies!
Professor, can you hear my voice?
Can you see me?
- Do you know who I am?
- Professor Shin!
Did you catch Jung Ho Young?
That's the first thing you ask
the moment you wake up?
We got him, so don't worry.
How are you feeling?
Can you help me get up?
Why are you both here?
You said you got Jung Ho Young.
Then issue the warrant for his arrest.
And find the evidence
to prove the murder charges!
Is that so important?
You almost died!
Well, I am alive, thanks to you.
If Jung Ho Young is released,
I would have almost died for nothing.
You need the victim's statement, right?
We can do it later.
Look after yourself first
You need my statement to hold him.
Don't worry. I'm fine.
You're fine? Are you serious?
Do you know how you look right now?
Stop thinking about Jung Ho Young!
Think about yourself!
I'm ready, Lieutenant Kim.
Park Kwang Ho! Kwang Ho!
Are you sure you'll be okay?
When and where did it happen?
Do you remember what time it was?
I think it was just past 10:00 p.m.
I've been to that road before.
There was a reservoir nearby.
I've been there because of
Dean Hong before.
That's why I chose that place.
Where did Jung Ho Young ambush you?
Do you remember that moment?
After that car drove away.
It was right after that.
Professor Shin.
I thought he'd approach me in his car,
but I was wrong.
I lost consciousness for a while,
so I can't remember it clearly
But I think he was dragging me
to the reservoir.
And Jung Ho Young was talking to me.
What did he say?
It was
"I enjoyed watching"
I enjoyed watching your interview.
You were sending a message to me, right?
It's likely that it'll take place
in this reservoir area.
When I was listening to that song,
I got so excited.
You were right.
I didn't kill Yoon Da Young
and Nam Joo Hee.
Of course, I did kill
all the other women.
Like this with stockings.
Are you sure he said that?
That he killed them?
But you probably didn't know this.
That I will
kill you too.
Professor Shin!
I've got to run!
Hurry, he's coming!
Professor Shin!
Wake up, Professor Shin!
He can't come after you!
Are you okay?
I'm not okay
I said, I'm not okay.
It hurts.
I'm hurting a lot.
You'll be fine.
That bastard
No matter what happens
Even if it means
I have to sacrifice my own life
I'll put you behind bars!
Let's put him behind bars.
All right.
Dean Hong!
Is Professor Shin okay?
She gained consciousness.
- Jae Yi!
- Dean Hong!
What happened Oh, god!
What happened?
Why is he not answering?
Did you find the evidence?
Now what are you talking about?
Why didn't you answer my calls?
Where have you been?
Did you find the evidence
to keep Jung Ho Young behind bars?
The one who comes in late
is always the loudest.
So what if we found the evidence?
What's the evidence?
Did Kim Seon Jae get
the victim's statement?
I got it.
Let's start the meeting.
Except for the 30-year-old cases
with the expired statute of limitations
among the seven prosecutable murder cases
that took place since 2009
and one attempted murder
we only collected the evidence from
Yang Yoo Jin and Lee Seo Yeon's case.
Only two cases?
Tae Hee, show them what you found.
One of the victims' necklaces
was missing.
What? Who was it?
Yes, it was hers.
It was Seo Yeon's necklace. "Lucia."
It was Seo Yeon's Christian name.
When she was baptized, her mother
gave it to her as a gift.
We hoped she'd become the light
of the world like her name.
But she disappeared before
she even became the light.
I think this necklace
has become our light.
The forensics test revealed
the victim's DNA in the necklace.
He's totally busted!
Anything else?
That's good enough for now.
We'll first interrogate him,
focusing on those two cases.
After pressuring him,
if he shows us his weak spot
that's when we'll ask him
about the other cases.
Bring Jung Ho Young.
So you don't know Yang Yoo Jin
or Lee Seo Yeon?
Then what about this?
You had it in your car.
You still don't know?
- I bought it.
- From where?
Was it Jong-ro?
Or maybe it was from Hwagok-dong.
There was the name "Lucia"
inscribed on the necklace.
So you'd know what that means, right?
Of course you don't know.
This was a gift Lee Seo Yeon
got from her mother.
The fact that Lucia
was her Christian name
You didn't know that, did you?
I was mistaken.
I found it on the street.
Hey, you better tell the truth.
You killed her and had the guts to
hang this necklace inside your car.
Why? Was it your souvenir?
Detective, maybe you've watched
too many movies.
I found it on the street, so that's
why it has the DNA of the owner.
I didn't kill that lady.
I did kill Lee Seo Yeon,
but that wasn't me.
You said it yourself
that you killed her.
You even told Professor Shin
that you killed both of them
with stockings.
Well, I lied.
Do you even realize
how many people you've killed?
I didn't kill anyone.
I swear.
Look at that crazy bastard.
He's denying Lee Seo Yeon's case
even when the evidence is there.
What do we do now?
He knows too well that it's difficult
to prove his case without his confession.
Let's do the polygraph test.
A polygraph test?
It will only give us
circumstantial evidence, though.
Do you think Jung Ho Young will fail
the test? All he does is lie.
Even if you can lie with your words,
your emotions don't lie.
They reveal the truth
whether you want it or not.
If we can leverage it
to pressure him psychologically
that'll be enough, Team Leader.
Contact the National Bureau.
Ask me anything you want.
It will tell you I'm lying.
What's your name?
Jung Ho Young.
Did you strangle
Lee Seo Yeon to death?
Did you strangle her with your hands?
I didn't kill her.
If you didn't use hands,
did you use stockings?
I said, I didn't do it.
How did you strangle her
with stockings?
Did you hear what I said?
I said, I didn't do it.
Did you try to kill
Shin Jae Yi the same way?
Then let me change the question.
How did you feel when you strangled
your sister 30 years ago?
Were you aroused?
Or were you disappointed
you couldn't finish her off?
I didn't do anything to my sister.
Why did you try to kill your sister?
Did she ignore you for being a loser?
Did your wife also ignore you?
Is that why you killed her?
I said, no!
When you saw the victims
who you thought had ignored you
begging for life, you probably
felt like you were superior to them.
Isn't that right?
What the hell do you know about me?
You're wrong. You're wrong!
Although it can't be selected as evidence
it will be enough to
support other evidence.
Yes, that's good.
Professor Shin! Professor Shin!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
I thought I'd be fine.
I know killers very well.
So I thought I'd be able to handle
anything that happened to me.
Like what Detective Park said.
I was afraid that I'd provoke
Jung Ho Young to kill more people.
Jae Yi
I had a lot of things
I wanted to find out
and to ask him
but I couldn't say a word.
Not even a single word.
I couldn't say anything.
I was too afraid.
I know
Anyone would have felt the way you did.
Even if it were me, or Lieutenant Kim.
Or Detective Park.
Anyone would've done the same.
Lieutenant Kim.
It's the first time you're drinking
with us after work. Lighten up.
Have more stew.
Here you go.
We got Jung Ho Young!
Yes, we did get him. But
We got him.
That's good for now.
That's good enough.
This stew is very good.
Kim Seon Jae, try some.
What do you consider
"good" and "enough"?
We couldn't even link him
to the 30-year-old cases!
Who taught you to investigate like that?
Why would you say that
to Team Leader?
I'm fine.
He talks back to Team Leader
whenever he drinks.
Well, he has a good reason to do so.
Did Kwang Ho say anything wrong?
Are you talking back to me?
When did I do that?
You're talking back to me again!
He's rubbing in our faces
that he caught Jung Ho Young.
Don't say that, Detective.
- Stop it!
- Stop what?
Kwang Ho!
You think getting a promotion
is everything, don't you?
You have to become a good person first!
Get this thing off me first!
Calm down, calm down.
I'll take it off, so get lost!
I don't want to drink with you.
- Hurry!
- Stay still, you punk!
I said, don't move!
Oh, for god's sake! Cut it out!
I can't stand it anymore!
It's a great day. Why are you fighting?
Did we lose Jung Ho Young?
We got Jung Ho Young!
So why the crap are you guys
arguing at a dinner table?
I'm thirsty.
How are you feeling?
Are you okay?
Yes. I'm really okay. Trust me.
Is she okay?
Ask her if she needs anything.
No, actually tell her we're coming.
Should we come?
No, Dean Hong is here.
And I'll go home tomorrow morning.
Oh, any updates on Jung Ho Young?
He didn't confess, but we did
substantiate the allegations.
What about the 30-year-old cases?
We've got nothing on those yet.
He's denying the cases with the evidence.
So it doesn't seem like
he'll confess to us easily.
What if we go talk to his mother?
- Jung Ho Young's mother?
- Yes.
You remember your last
phone call with him, right?
Why are you so obsessed
with women in skirts?
Are you interrogating me
or are you just curious?
It's because of your mother, right?
Did your mother used to wear
skirts? Or did your sister?
Try harder.
You're not killing strangers.
You're repeatedly killing your
own mother. Isn't that right?
Jung Ho Young was trying to hide it.
But the reason why he called you was
because he saw his mother on TV.
One thing that ticks Jung Ho Young off
is talking about his mother.
Perhaps his mother is holding the key
that would start him talking.
She is holding the key?
I'll go talk to her.
Thank you.
And take care of yourself.
You hung up?
You should've let me talk to her.
What did she say?
She said she's fine,
so we don't need to worry.
She's being released tomorrow morning.
She's going home that soon?
She should stay longer.
I'll try to take care of her too
But since you live in the same house
with her, I ask you to take care of her.
Who are you to ask me that?
I'm her father!
Hold on.
What's your relationship with Yeon Ho?
We shouldn't keep
Team Leader waiting. Let's go in.
Don't change the subject.
Answer me.
What's your relationship with her?
Hey, don't even think about it!
Over my dead body! You hear me?
That punk!
So you're saying that Jung Ho Young's
stressor has been his mother?
It was his mother who admitted
the 19-year-old Jung Ho Young
to a mental hospital.
She never visited him once.
And she even said that her own son
was "not a human."
It's normal for mothers
to defend their own kids.
But that was not the case
with his mother.
Maternal love becomes a problem
when they're either
excessive or deficient.
I've told you about déjà vu, right?
Yes, you have.
Why? Did it happen to you again?
It was a woman.
And I called her "Mom."
All this time, I could never recall her.
It's possible that you're recovering
your memory, piece by piece.
And there must be a reason
why this is happening now.
A reason?
Perhaps it means that
it's about time you find out.
Yeon Ho.
I found her, Yeon Sook.
Thanks to that whistle necklace.
You saved her, Yeon Sook.
Yeon Sook.
Wait for me just a little longer.
I'll lock this bastard up
and will be back soon.
I won't be long.
After I go back
I'll return things to the way they were.
Please wait for me
just a little longer.
- I can go on my own now.
- But you have no one at home.
I just want to rest up.
I'll call you if I'm not feeling well.
Go straight to your house, okay?
I was at the hospital, so I didn't
get a chance to talk to you earlier.
I heard from Lieutenant Kim.
Thank you.
It's nothing.
Since you thought of doing
something like that after talking to me
I'm partly responsible.
I shouldn't have said those things.
Anyway, I'm thankful that
you came back safe.
After all we got Jung Ho Young, right?
You're just like
Lieutenant Kim in that way.
We've been working in the same
college all this time.
But I didn't even know you.
This department is in the hospital.
So we probably never
got to run into each other.
Plus, I always lock myself in the lab.
Do you want to stop by
to play chess sometime?
I want to pay you back for
cornering my king last time.
Sure, why not.
Min Ha, is your stomach okay?
"For god's sake! Cut it out!"
When did I say that?
You said, "why the crap are
you guys arguing at a dinner table?"
You had a pretty high tolerance too.
"For god's sake! Cut it out!"
He may have a meltdown again.
Oh, cut it out! Cut it out.
There he goes again!
I got an order to transfer Jung Ho
Young's case to the prosecutors.
What? What are you talking about?
We didn't even get started
on the 1980s' cases!
These are the cases that are
getting nationwide attention.
They probably think this case is
too big for the cops to handle.
Also, the due date for
the investigation was today anyway.
Forget the due date.
If we don't solve it this time,
it'll become a cold case forever.
Please give us more time!
We can find out the truth.
No, we will find out!
Okay, I'll stall for time
until tomorrow morning!
So do what you can!
How will you get his confession?
As Professor Shin has advised us,
we'll talk to Jung Ho Young's mother.
Then get moving fast!
Kim Seon Jae, let's go.
You got him already. So why
did you come here to bother me?
Please visit Jung Ho Young
to convince him.
Please? He will listen to his mother.
As a mother, please think of the victims!
Why should I do that?
Your son killed
my mother.
30 years ago, in Hwa Yang.
Jung Ho Young killed my mom,
who was innocent.
Do you know why I became a cop?
To catch the guy who killed my mother!
And I finally caught him!
He's right before my eyes!
But there's nothing I can do.
Please, I'm asking for your help.
Please meet your son
and convince him.
That bastard was
has no heart
Ma'am open up. Ma'am!
Let's go back.
What other cards do we have?
What's the point?
He can make aces good for nothing.
When Jung Ho Young said he'll tell
you something more interesting
I think you've triggered something
in him that he'd forgotten
for 30 years.
I think you've become his "trigger."
Perhaps he started the murders
from 30 years ago again.
We have one last card.
What is that?
- It's me.
- What?
He'll have so much fun
once he finds out I am the son
of the woman he killed 30 years ago.
He'll want to play games with me.
And that's our starting point.
We'll give him the bait
and then take him down.
This time, I'll be the bait.
You know who this woman is, right?
Who is she?
Why do you have this woman's photo?
Because she's my mother.
Your mother?
This woman is your mother?
You killed her.
Isn't that right?
Gosh how could this be?
She was wearing an ivory cardigan
and a gray skirt.
It was in the back route
of the 18th division, right?
I was going crazy trying to find
the guy who killed my mother.
It seems that I've finally met him.
The statute of limitations
has expired anyway.
So, confess.
I know you killed her.
I'm so sorry, but
I didn't kill her.
You bastard.
Then how do you know
what Seo Hee Soo was wearing?
You know it because you killed her!
I was just just saying
whatever came to my mind.
I have a very good imagination, you know.
"I did kill those dogs.
But I didn't kill people."
"Do you need a reason
to kill people?"
Hey, Jung Ho Young!
You killed them, right?
I know you killed them,
you piece of shit!
You're still lying.
After 30 years,
we've met again, haven't we?
Who are you?
How how can this happen?
Why do you look so surprised?
I've traveled 30 years into the future
to catch you, you bastard!
What kind of a joke
I wondered what kind of a sick bastard
puts dots on the heels of his victims.
Turns out that was you.
- Dots?
- Why?
You're going to deny it again?
No, I mean
What are you talking about? Dots?
You don't know about the dots?
What the hell is that?
It's not this guy.
It's not this bastard!
What do you mean, it's not him?
If it was him, there's no way
he wouldn't know about the dots.
Do you trust that bastard?
He's just acting like he doesn't know!
No. It looked like he really didn't know.
He's not the killer
of the 1980s' victims.
If it's not Jung Ho Young,
then who is it?
Hey, Yeon Ho
Professor Shin was right.
She said that Yoon Da Young
and Nam Joo Hee's cases were different.
The two cases where we found
dots on the victims weren't his.
There's another guy.
There's another murderer!
So you're saying
there are two murderers?
This case was almost over
and now you're telling me what?
But then how does Jung Ho Young
know about the path in 18th division?
And about what Seo Hee Soo
was wearing too?
Because he's the killer!
I said, he's not!
- He saw it!
- What?
He didn't kill Seo Hee Soo;
he saw her getting killed.
He saw what Seo Hee Soo was wearing
and about that path
And he saw that stockings
were used for strangling.
He saw all of it! That's why he knows.
Hey! Jung Ho Young is our witness!
Huh? Where is Jung Ho Young?
He has a visitor.
His mom came to see him.
You killed them, right?
Why did you do it?
Do what?
Why did you do it?
Is that what you say to your mother
you haven't met in 10 years?
You want to know?
You shouldn't have been born
my son in the first place.
Or you should have been born
a normal person.
After I locked you up
in the mental hospital
to make you a human,
you should've lived quietly.
Yet you're still making my life hard.
Then 30 years ago
why did you give them my alibi?
It wasn't for you.
It was for myself.
Because I didn't want others
to know that I was the mother
of a murderer like you.
Whether you're dead or alive
you're a worthless human being.
Why don't you just go and get killed?
Why are you even struggling to live?
If you committed crimes,
accept your punishment.
Don't ever come out of here
until you die.
Kim Seon Jae.
Call Detective Kim Seon Jae.
Jung Ho Young is the witness?
We're not certain yet.
What do you think, Professor?
I'm not sure.
What did he say he had seen?
Excuse me, Lieutenant Kim.
Jung Ho Young says he wants to confess.
I'll call you back.
Where is Kim Seon Jae?
He has to hear this himself.
That's right.
I did kill her.
I killed your mother.
What did you say?
Kim Seon Jae, let go of him.
Say it again!
What did you do?
- "Please let me go."
- Jung Ho Young!
"I have a child!"
I have a child!
A child
Shut up!
Just you wait. I'll kill you!
Kim Seon Jae, stop it!
Don't let him trick you!
I confessed because I took pity on you.
Don't I deserve better treatment?
This case is expired anyway
You son of a bitch!
Seon Jae Seon Jae!
Seon Jae, step outside. Okay?
Kwang Ho, we have the blood test result.
You killed Seo Hee Soo?
I just told you.
You want a cigarette?
I don't smoke.
Don't kid yourself. I know you smoke.
Why would I do something
so harmful for my body?
You should quit smoking, Detective.
If you want to live longer.
Right. Seeing that your blood test
result doesn't show cotinine
which is the metabolite of nicotine
you probably never smoked in your life.
- And that's what I said.
- Seo Hee Soo
You didn't kill her, right?
You're not the killer.
Because I saw the killer
smoking in the tunnel.
Since you don't smoke,
you can't be the killer.
You didn't kill her.
But you saw her getting killed, right?
What's this bullshit?
I said I killed her!
I said, I'm the killer!
You're the witness, aren't you?
Please please
I have a child
A child
I killed her.
I said, I did it! I killed her!
You bastard, what did you see?
Did you see the killer's face?
- I killed her!
- Bullshit!
Who's the killer? Who was it?
- I'm the killer!
- You
I killed her I killed her!
I killed her!
Kim Seon Jae!
Let me go!
I killed her! Kim Seon Jae!
I killed her! Kim Seon Jae, I killed her!
Hwa Yang Police Department has
charged the serial killer Jung Ho Young
with murder and attempted murder.
Today, they have transferred
the case to the prosecutors.
Mister Jung has denied all charges
against him, but has been convicted
because of the physical evidence
found on the victim Lee Seo Yeon.
Who was that looking for me?
Jae Yi? It was a policeman.
A policeman?
Yeah, I think I got a note. Hold on.
Why would the police be so
Prisoner 478, you have a visitor.
Do you know me?
I heard you're the witness
of a case from 30 years ago.
Hey, why are you getting out of the car?
Go home.
I'm worried.
I'll go back after I see her.
You punk! I said no!
What is he not allowed to do?
Oh, Professor Shin!
- Go back!
- Why are you doing this?
- Are you crazy?
- What's the matter with you?
What about your health?
Are you okay to go outside?
I'm much better now.
I'm relieved to hear that.
Do you have anything you want to eat?
Kim Seon Jae!
Why are you asking her that?
If I do, would you buy it for me?
- What?
- Sure thing. I'll buy anything for you.
You punk
Follow me out.
Excuse me for a minute.
What is it?
Yeah, Rookie, what is it?
Senior, have you seen the news?
The news?
Why? Did something happen?
Jung Ho Young killed himself!
What in the world
He had a visitor on the day he died?
Did you came to ask me
how I killed them?
Jung Ho Young left
a letter for you, Detective.
You know about the women
who died here 30 years ago?
Maybe he's playing games
until the last moment.
Hide yourself
Lieutenant Kim asked you to find me?
I'm sorry. Yeon Ho.
He could've seen the killer's face.
Why did you go see him
without even telling us?
Are you interrogating me right now?
Sorry, but this is confidential.
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