Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Hooch Machina

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
The truck's on fire! Angel!
I'm going anyway!
No, no, no! Stay with Hooch.
I will get her.
It's okay, Angel. I'm comin'!
[Erica chuckles]
You were amazing today.
Love makes you do crazy stuff, I guess.
- Surprise!
- What are you doing here?
You You're not supposed to be back
for 1,460 hours.
[Brooke] I missed you, Deputy Turner.
And I would like to present…
my case board.
- Are those devil horns?
- Yeah, 'cause he's the bad guy.
I know you don't think I know about your
investigation with Uncle Scott, but I do.
You really wanna help?
We've had a major break in the case.
Dad came into the animal hospital
with a badly injured dog.
How did you end up with Daisy?
Your dad gave her to me
because he knew I didn't scare easy.
I never asked what was going on.
It was obvious. It's dogfighting.
[Hooch barks]
- If Walton is holding dogfights…
- Then we have to stop him.
Okay, buddy. It's a big day, bud, right?
We gotta be on the same team here.
You know what that means?
Okay, that means you're gonna eat
dog food and only dog food, right?
If you're feeling gassy, by the way,
you're gonna hold it till you get outside.
You're gonna… [inhales] Okay?
'Cause we gotta focus on the job.
And remember,
you're not just doing this for me.
Remember this guy? Walton?
The guy that you hate?
This is our chance to convince the chief
to help us get him, okay?
So I want you to look inside
and find your inner good dog, okay?
[sighs] We got this, Hooch.
If we get the chief's support,
it's gonna be big.
Hooch, I just told you you can't
What are you What is this?
Dad's watch.
I know you miss him, bud. I do too.
Remember what we're doing today, okay?
It's for Dad.
[upbeat music playing]
We got this, bud.
We got this.
[music continues]
[Scott speaking, faint]
[Mendez sighs]
Is this a joke?
- [music stops]
- I A joke?
You've been running
an unauthorized investigation for what?
Um, months?
Uh, well, it wasn't not authorized.
[stammers] This is a major crime
we're talking about
You suspect
someone's running a dogfighting ring.
But you've shown me
no real shred of evidence.
No, there's shreds.
There's lots of shreds.
Hooch, uh, barked in a warehouse.
Hooch barked at some guy.
Hooch, uh, then played with another dog
that you suspect might be involved.
I mean [chuckles] is there
is there anything
in this entire case [sighs]
that doesn't rest on Hooch?
Yeah. I mean Well, he's sort of central.
He's a dog.
We can't trust Hooch not to eat
the nondairy creamer in the break room.
I mean [scoffs]
if we brought this to the FBI,
they'd laugh us right out of the building.
You think? I I don't think that.
There's such a thing
as as being too close to your dog.
You know what? I was about to
give you a big protection assignment.
Maybe I should find a deputy
who's thinking clearly.
No, no. No, Chief, you do not need
a deputy who's thinking clearly.
[stammers] I mean, I'm that deputy.
I can think. I'm clear.
Just get it together, Turner.
- [Scott sighs]
- [whines]
Can you believe this?
Months of investigating,
and Scott calls this morning
and says the marshals won't help.
Not enough physical evidence.
What does that even mean?
Well, it's been a while
since I wore a badge, but
You should have seen
all the yarn on that board.
It was enough to knit a sweater.
Besides, why else would a dog
who's clearly been in a dogfight
be found right next to Walton's warehouse?
Look, I know it's frustrating,
but maybe if we huddle with Scott
No. Scott says that he's out for a while.
That he has to focus on his job.
That he's, I don't know,
too busy fighting crime to fight crime.
It's up to us. How do we nail this guy?
Well, he's getting those dogs
from somewhere.
I know. I've checked the local registry
for more pit bulls and rottweilers,
and none of them connect to Walton.
A smart criminal
is not gonna own those dogs himself.
So what's our next move?
We gotta roll up our sleeves.
Your dad used to call it
looking for a needle in a field of hay.
- [chuckles]
- Isn't the saying "needle in a haystack"?
He thought that sounded too easy.
Bred false confidence.
Yeah, that sounds like Dad.
Okay, so we look deeper.
Maybe he has people
getting the dogs for him.
We gotta get out there
and check all the shelters.
Find that needle.
Okay. Fine. Maybe to the chief,
it sounds like I rely on Hooch too much,
but it's not my fault.
I mean, he's part of the case.
Well, to be honest, maybe you do
have a bit too much faith in Hooch.
What are you talking about?
He's helped me with a ton of jobs.
Sure, but you can't even get him
to stop eating your socks.
You should've seen how good he was
when you were in Boston.
I was like, "Whose dog is this?"
- Oh, Hooch.
- Hooch, no, no, no.
- Those papers are notarized.
- I got it. No problem. Watch this.
Trade? Do you want the sock? Yeah,
of course you do. Come on. There we go.
It's good as new.
[elevator bell dings]
You're a good boy, Hooch, right?
Here, come here. Come here.
Hey, Hooch, sit. Sit.
Did anyone see that?
Good boy. All right, stay. Stay.
- [Jessica] Scott.
- Good. Hey. [grunts]
Now, Hooch, come on.
I am so glad I ran into you
before you went in.
I was talking to the chief.
You are really in the doghouse.
- No offense, Hooch.
- Is it really that bad?
All I can say is you gotta do something
to turn this around.
Of course. No, no. [stammers]
I've got an assignment with X.
We're protecting some high-tech lab.
Oh, I'm aware.
Chief almost pulled you off the job
and gave it to Trent.
What? Are you serious?
Would you calm down?
I shuffled some files, got Trent
sent to Stockton to serve a warrant.
Thank you.
Don't mess this up. [whispers] God.
This one is straight from the FBI,
so I need it to go well.
[Scott clears throat]
And well it will go. Very well.
FBI picked up rumors of a heist
being planned at Impact Amalgamated.
It's a government contractor
in Mountain View.
- Any leads?
- No.
They beefed up their external security,
but there's a chance
it could be an inside job.
I'm sending you over to do
a security assessment on the employees.
[Hooch sniffs]
[Scott] Hooch.
Don't worry, Chief. Hooch will be great.
I'm not overly confident he'll be great.
I have the right amount of faith in him.
Can't wait to dig in.
Concrete bollards, choke points,
good visibility, excellent shrubs.
Right. Wait, what do shrubs
have to do with security?
- Nothing. I just like a good shrub.
- [radio chatter]
- You the guys the marshals sent over?
- Yeah. Xavier Wilson.
Scott Turner. Uh, this is Hooch.
Hey, Hooch.
Ash Peterson.
I run the security team for the facility.
I hear you two have been
sent over to interview the staff?
The FBI's worried
there may be an imminent threat.
Have you noticed
any staffers acting unusual?
They're science geeks.
They all act unusual.
Yeah. Science.
It's hard to see 'em stealing anything,
but I guess you never know.
- Any details on possible suspects?
- Not yet, but we'll keep you posted.
- Hooch, no, no, no. Hooch.
- [Ash chuckles]
- Sorry.
- It's all right.
Think he smells my tuna fish sandwich.
- I can share.
- Thanks.
Ah, miss my mutt.
Had to leave him with the ex.
Yeah, breakups are hard.
I'm doing a perimeter check.
Let me know if you guys need anything.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
I hope he's okay.
Why you gotta say stuff like that, X?
[woman] I just don't understand why
you need to interview my employees.
We're crawling with security already.
We just need to cover our bases.
The threat could be anywhere.
I understand but everyone in this building
has gone through background checks.
I never trusted background checks.
A man's destiny isn't where he's been,
it's where he's going.
We just need to talk to everyone.
- Mm-hmm.
- You will barely notice us.
- [whines]
- And the dog? Is that really necessary?
Hooch is a law enforcement K-9.
He's very sensitive to people.
He notices things that we don't.
Our equipment is quite sensitive.
If there's dog hair
We will take any precaution
you think is necessary.
We've been developing drone swarms
for use in infrastructure,
agriculture and defense.
The drones are pretty small.
Seems like they'd be easy to steal.
I'm not sure
how you'd smuggle one through security,
but even if you could,
it would be useless.
The technology is in how we control them.
All right. I say we get the vibe
and then see where that leads us.
What Deputy Wilson means is that
we'll start our assessment in here.
Do you have an employee roster?
I'll be in my office, working.
- Please make this quick.
- Of course. Thanks.
"Get the vibe."
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, looks like Hooch
is getting a vibe already.
Yeah, maybe it's that
he's not used to flying robots.
X, please.
You saw the chief glaring at me?
Let's just figure out what's going on
and get this done.
- Okay.
- All right.
And two weeks ago,
Roscoe went to a retirement home
for seniors with dementia.
They love him over there.
Okay, so And that's the last one?
There aren't any more pits or rottweilers?
[sighs] End of my list.
Does the clinic need anything else?
Uh, no, I guess that's it. Thanks.
- Send your mom my best.
- Yeah, will do.
Why are you asking about pit bulls?
Oh, my gosh.
I didn't see you there. It's for…
Grandpa's investigation?
Look, I know that you helped me before,
but this is grown-up stuff.
But you had no clues before I came along.
Because you need
your investigation partner.
Honey, I don't even think
there's any clues to find.
I just called every shelter in the county.
[cell phone rings]
- Hello?
- Hey, sorry.
It's Barbara from Best Buds Shelter.
As soon as you hung up,
I realized there's one dog I forgot about.
- Really?
- Yes.
- A pit bull named Nuke.
- [mouthing words]
We couldn't put him in
with any of the other dogs.
The thing is, I can't find his file.
Is there anything else you can tell me?
[Scott] So have you been following
all the security procedures?
No one's approached me.
I haven't shared anything.
I never take anything from work home.
Yeah, that's good. Uh, tell me this.
- [whines]
- Anything feel weird around the lab?
You get any vibrations?
- [sniffles] Vibrations?
- Uh, he means, um…
any coworkers acting differently, or
Not that I've noticed.
We're all pretty focused on this deadline.
- Yeah.
- Okay. Let us know if you see anything.
Or if you… feel anything.
I Of course. I should get back to work.
- Sure.
- [woman on PA] Initiate drone launch.
- [man] Launching now.
- Vibrations?
Yeah, I just wanna make sure that we're
paying attention to all seven senses.
- All seven senses? X, you're killing me.
- [drones whirring]
- [Hooch barking]
- Oh.
No, no, Hooch!
[Hooch barks]
- Come back here! Hooch!
- [Hooch barks]
- [growls]
- [man grunts]
- Oh!
- [man] He bit my ankle.
- [man 2] What's going on?
- [man 3] Why is there a dog in here?
[scientists screaming]
- [woman] It's biting everyone!
- [man 4] Hit the alarm!
- [alarm blaring]
- [Hooch barking]
That's bad. So bad.
[man 2] Everyone outside.
This entire disaster is your fault.
What the hell was going on in there?
It was an accident.
My K-9 became aggravated,
and one of the engineers pulled the alarm.
Which means we gotta search everyone
and lock down everything for nothing.
Maybe nothing, maybe something.
You didn't see anything unusual out here?
What are we gonna notice? We're
outside guarding the entrances and exits.
You and the dog are inside, doing
- Deputy Turner.
- Hi.
I thought you said we would barely notice
that you were here.
- I'm very sorry.
- You should be.
Your dog bit one of my engineers.
Actually, we did examine the ankle.
Hooch He just touched with his teeth,
and the skin was not broken.
Yeah, and even if it was,
most dog bacteria doesn't infect humans.
It's a whole little different universe
of beasties in a dog's mouth.
I think what my partner was trying to say
is that all your engineers,
including the one whose ankle was mouthed,
can get back to work.
Let's just get everyone inside.
- [whines]
- I'm I'm very sorry. And…
- Okay, everybody. Back to work.
- [man] All right, folks. Head back inside.
"A whole different universe of beasties"?
Are you trying to get me fired?
She's a scientist.
I figured she might be interested.
maybe Hooch bit that guy for a reason.
He didn't bite anyone.
Please. I I need your help.
I'm in hot water with the chief.
Yeah, a little tip.
You find yourself in hot water,
you got two choices:
Get out or keep on swimming.
You know
that doesn't mean anything, right?
So the whole lab was evacuated?
That doesn't sound good.
It wasn't great.
[groans] You know, I really thought
Hooch's reaction was, like, a clue.
Turns out that the guy that he kind of,
sort of, very lightly bit,
he's worked at the lab for 20 years.
He's never even had a parking ticket.
Scott, listen to yourself.
Hooch almost ruined your case,
and now you're making excuses for him?
A few months ago,
you were a rising star in the marshals,
and now, well…
Things can't go on like this.
What are you saying?
I'm saying maybe
this Hooch experiment isn't
[shushes] He's right there.
- Dogs can't speak English, Scott.
- [Scott] Yes.
But they can sense our tone.
And they can read our emotions, right?
I can't stop working with Hooch,
because I made him a promise, right?
That he was my forever dog.
And you are. [softly] You are.
I know it's tough, but are you really
willing to gamble your whole career
on the hope that Hooch is freaking out
for the right reason?
I mean, what if your luck runs out?
I can handle it.
I just gotta keep him on a shorter leash.
- [Hooch barks]
- [crashes]
[stammers] At least he's cleaning it up.
[Scott] I have a question,
and I'm not really sure
- how to ask this…
- [barking]
…but, um, do you think Hooch
is showing progress?
- Like, at all?
- What?
I It's not just on the job anymore.
Ever since Brooke got back from Boston,
he's acting out at home.
If Hooch has a problem with Brooke,
maybe that's a sign.
- A sign?
- Or not a sign.
You know, maybe it's one of those signs
that says, "This is not a sign."
Anyway, all I know is dogs don't change
their behavior without a reason.
So, what was happening with Hooch at
the lab before he had this big reaction?
A lot.
Uh, busy lab, dozens of engineers
doing engineering things.
Okay. Anything right before though?
The robots started flying.
Dr. McDormand walked in…
Wait, do you think
Hooch was reacting to her?
Do you think the chief engineer
could be planning to rob her own lab?
Maybe. Yeah, it's possible
that Hooch was reacting to her.
Or it could be the robots,
or it could be you.
Me? What do you mean?
I mean, you're under a lot of pressure,
and maybe Hooch
is picking up on that a little.
How am I not supposed to feel pressure?
I mean, if that lab gets robbed
while Hooch is biting engineers,
- it's we're toast.
- Toast.
- Over.
- Over.
[sighs] That would be awful.
Okay, well, I would start talking
to Dr. McDormand alone
without the robots, right?
'Cause dogs,
they like to focus on one thing at a time.
- Okay.
- I can write you a list.
A checklist of things to look out for.
So when Dr. McDormand is talking,
you can see how Hooch reacts. Okay?
- Great.
- Great.
And just remember, if Hooch
is worried about you, he can't focus.
When Angel was taken, I was…
- [sighs] …so scared.
- Yeah.
And I had to put that aside in order
to get Hooch to help me find her, right?
Looks like Angel's back to her old self.
I, um…
I can't tell you how thankful I am
that you saved her.
It was a team effort.
You did just as much as I did.
Yeah. [chuckles]
Team. You and me. Great team. [chuckles]
[phone chimes]
Oh, uh, this is Xavier. I, uh, should go.
- Okay.
- Hooch! Come here, boy.
That should be good.
Okay, yeah. Good luck!
- Thanks.
- And remember…
[blows] Relax, you know?
Don't think about getting fired.
Don't think about what I just said.
No, you're not gonna get fired.
You know You might, but don't think
about it 'cause that's not gonna help.
- Great.
- Mm-hmm.
[Scott] Come on, Hooch.
So Dr. McDormand could be
planning to heist her own lab?
- [imitates explosion]
- It's a possibility.
Erica gave me a checklist of things to
notice about Hooch for when I talk to her.
That's smart. Get Hooch's opinion.
Yeah, I was just hoping
we wouldn't have to rely on him this time.
A good deputy uses every resource.
Yeah, what if our only resource
is a dog who hates robots?
You know,
one time I was chasing this fugitive.
All I had to go on was a candy wrapper.
Spent two weeks
staring at a piece of trash.
Well, we don't have two weeks.
We gotta figure out
who's gonna rob this place
or my career in the marshals is over.
[stammers] What do I do then?
Something else.
You know, shed your skin like a snake.
What else do you like to do?
What's your passion, Scott?
My passion's not getting fired, okay?
I wanna be a US Marshal
for the federal government.
- Then you better keep your voice down.
- That's my passion. I'm passionate.
- He's coming. Look professional.
- Sorry.
- [radio chatter]
- Look who's back.
Hi. I just We I just really wanted
to apologize again about yesterday.
Yeah, we're focusing our investigation and
reinterviewing some possible suspects.
Just make sure we don't have everybody
running out with their hair on fire again.
- Yeah.
- Of course.
And you, mister. You behave, understand?
Thank you. Say "thank you," Hooch.
- All right.
- [Hooch whining]
Hooch. Just find the bad guys, okay?
I'll get you your own sandwich.
[dogs barking]
Yeah, I was here that day.
But I don't remember who adopted Nuke.
It gets so busy, you know?
Jimmy, a dog doesn't just walk
out of the shelter carrying its own file.
You must remember something.
Well, like I said, I remember
that it was really busy and confusing
- and a whole bunch of people came by…
- Mom, I think he's lying.
I think you're right, kiddo.
But I don't know what to do about it.
- I thought that it was pregnant…
- Play along.
- What?
- [crying]
Matthew! Matthew!
- …a mistake was made… Oh, what?
- How could you lose a dog?
He's probably frightened somewhere
and cold and hungry.
And you lost him!
- Why is he freaking out?
- Oh, he gets like this.
We have to find that dog!
Poor Nuke, he's gone forever.
- Can you get him off of me?
- No. I wish I could.
Gosh, when he gets going like this,
he's totally out of control.
- It could be hours.
- [Matthew crying]
Okay, wait. Just chill, kid, okay?
I remember one thing.
There was this guy, okay?
Blond, kinda older.
He didn't give me his name,
but he wanted Nuke,
and he kinda gave me 50 bucks
- to lose the dog's file.
- What?
I didn't think that it was a big deal.
Is it this guy?
Yeah. That's him.
[blows nose]
Matty, that was amazing.
I call it good cop, sad cop.
I got a book from the library
about investigations.
Well, good job, kiddo.
I just don't really know what to do now.
I mean, your Uncle Scott is busy,
and I can't go question Walton alone.
Well, good thing Dad's a police officer.
Yeah. Yeah, he is.
Thanks for talking to us, Dr. McDormand.
So you've run this lab for eight years.
That's a long time.
It's a very significant project,
and I'm very busy with it.
- [Hooch snoring]
- Is this gonna take long?
No. No, no, no. It shouldn't…
Shouldn't take much longer.
Uh, government work's
mostly out of the public eye.
Do you ever feel like
maybe you don't get enough credit?
It's not about credit. It's about
pushing the frontiers of science.
[softly] Wake up.
The technology we're developing
in this lab will change lives.
And I'm sure it can change lives.
It can also be worth a lot of, um, money.
Excuse me? What are you implying?
- [Hooch snores]
- [Scott] Um…
Nothing. I'll let you get back to work.
Come on. Hi, good morning.
[door buzzes]
- [Scott] Yo.
- Hey, anything?
He slept through the interview.
He didn't react at all. [sighs]
So we check her off the list.
Maybe. But it's suspicious, man, right?
That she keeps saying
that the security review isn't necessary.
She doesn't want Hooch around.
He did freak out when she came in the lab.
Now you whine? You're useless.
Useless? I don't know.
That's what I said
about the candy wrapper.
All right, fine. I'll bite.
How did the wrapper finally help?
Never found out. Guy turned himself in.
Then why are you
wasting my time talking about it?
Because it could've been the key
to the whole case.
You gotta notice the little things, Scott.
Like the shrubs outside,
Dr. McDormand's shoes
or Hooch and that tuna sandwich.
You think it's a clue
that my dog likes food?
X, this place is gonna get robbed,
- and we are no closer
- [barks]
- No, no! Hooch, Hooch!
- [Hooch barks]
- Come back here! Come back here!
- [woman] No! He nipped my ankle!
- Whoa!
- [woman 2] Get this dog away!
- No, no! Everyone, just stay calm.
- [drones beeping]
Everything's fine.
[man] Whoa! The drones!
- [scientists screaming]
- Watch out!
- No, no. This can't be happening, no!
- [Hooch barking]
[alarm blaring]
[woman 2] It's coming right for you!
- [scientists screaming]
- [Hooch barking]
No. No. No. Look
[man] Everyone, evacuate!
[man on PA] This is not a drill.
Please head to the muster point.
[Xavier] All good, Scott.
Repeat, this is not a drill.
[sighs] It was a disaster.
I thought maybe Hooch
was pointing me in the right direction,
but Dr. McDormand wasn't even in the lab
the second time Hooch freaked out.
What do I do?
Time-travel back to this morning
and leave Hooch at home?
I'm serious.
I'm sorry, but there's one move here.
And it's staring you in the face.
I can't stop working with Hooch.
We're a team.
I know.
But this is your career.
I mean, what if you had a car
you couldn't control,
that only sometimes got you
to where you needed to go?
Would you really keep driving that car?
Just talk to the chief and tell him
you want a fresh start without Hooch.
The chief's already so mad at me.
Trust me. He'll be relieved.
And he's getting a great deputy back.
Just gotta rip off the Band-Aid.
[elevator bell dings]
- [Hooch whimpering]
- No, no, no. Hooch, come on.
You You're not
gonna make me feel guilty, okay?
- You should be feeling guilty.
- [whines]
Come on.
[Scott] Jessica, I just need you
to keep an eye on Hooch
while I talk to the chief.
Mm-mmm. No. No, no way.
- I won't be part of this.
- Please. Just watch him for a bit.
So you can shoot yourself in the foot
and make the dumbest decision
of your whole career?
Well, at least I'll have a career.
Jess, he's a disaster.
- No. Hooch is a sweetheart.
- [copy machine whirs]
This copy machine is a disaster.
It's jammed. Let me help.
- Please just hear me out, okay?
- No, it's stupid.
Of course, I've had some wins with Hooch,
but he can't even behave at home.
Everywhere he goes,
he leaves a trail of destruction.
Destruction? Oh, come on.
- You're being way too hard on him.
- [Hooch growling]
Okay, I get it. I'll watch Hooch.
Oh, what is this?
- It's a long story.
- Right.
Speaking of stories, I just got a call
from the head of security at the lab
saying that you're
making his job impossible.
But I'm sure you're gonna have an excuse
about how Hooch…
- I have no excuse.
- What?
You were right. I got too close to my dog.
I wasn't thinking clearly, but I am now.
Hooch just
He's not a reliable law enforcement tool.
If I had a car that I couldn't control,
I'd have to ditch that car, right?
No matter how much I like the car.
Are you sure about this?
Yeah, I am.
And I know me being part of a K-9 unit
- was Marshal Sickerman's big idea.
- [stammers] I'll…
I'll smooth it over with him.
Thank you.
Do you mind if I take the afternoon?
I just need to
- I gotta deal with Hooch.
- Yeah, sure.
And, Turner?
If I'm being honest, I know
it was challenging working with him.
But I'm gonna miss him, you know?
Scott! Hooch! [chuckles]
- Hey.
- [Erica] Hi!
- [barking]
- Whoa.
Okay! I am not gonna ask.
Um, I wanted to give you this.
The other day when you said
rescuing Angel was a team effort,
I realized I need to thank everyone.
So, I am having
a little thank-you barbecue.
Inside the card, it says,
"It would be ruff without you." [chuckles]
- Ruff! Get it? Like a
- It's funny. Thanks.
[sighs] Um, Hooch is invited too.
We'll definitely
We'll definitely try to make it.
- Okay, great.
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm totally okay.
I just I'm just kinda busy.
- Oh, of course.
- Sorry.
Yeah, you're busy.
Yeah. Go, you have things to do.
Watch out, Angel. Let the man through.
I'll see you this weekend, Hooch.
I know.
Something's wrong, Angel.
- [sighs]
- [Angel whines]
And somebody needs a bath.
- [whines]
- Yeah. You.
[Matthew] Hey. You're such a good boy.
It's just with the situation at work
and him chewing up all Brooke's stuff.
It's just There's no place for him.
I know before you said it was too much.
It's okay.
I can handle it now.
Thank you. It means a lot.
Of course. He's gonna be happy here.
He's gonna miss you,
but Matthew's gonna spoil him rotten.
[Matthew] Hey, Mom.
Can I make Hooch a cake
out of hot dogs and peanut butter?
Uh, maybe later?
Don't worry. She'll say yes.
You know, I really tried to make it work.
I know Dad wanted me to.
Don't worry. He'd get it. He would.
Hey, bud.
I know you're not gonna understand this,
- but I don't have a choice here.
- [whines]
I wasn't lying
when I said you were my forever dog.
- [whines]
- I'll never forget you.
But, um…
Maybe you're not the kind of forever dog
who works with me or
or lives with me. Or, um…
[Laura] Hey, we'll see you soon.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[Hooch whining]
It's okay, Hooch.
- [sad music playing on radio]
- [sniffles]
It's just a stupid dog. [sighs]
[sad music playing on radio]
Just change this.
[sad music playing on radio]
- You know wha
- [music stops]
No music. I don't need music.
So, I know you're bummed, but I got you
a little something to cheer you up.
Argyles. Now that it's a sock-safe zone,
you can wear 'em again.
Yeah, you're right. Thank you.
Scott, you gotta look on the bright side.
You can use those bottom shelves again.
Maybe get a new couch?
We could even have a picnic on
the living room floor if we feel like it.
There's that smile.
And one more bit of good news.
We're going sailing on Saturday.
Congressman Whitley invited us.
You're gonna love him.
- [stammers] You said Saturday?
- Yeah.
It's just this Saturday,
Erica was sorta having this thing
to thank everyone who helped find Angel.
That's sweet.
But you don't really miss
something like this.
And honestly,
it's probably not the best time for you
to be going to a party for a dog, right?
Yeah. [chuckles]
It's a good point.
Trust me.
This is just what you need.
[toy squeaks]
[toy squeaks]
[cell phone rings]
Hi, Laura.
Hey, I was just checking on you,
making sure you're okay.
Uh, yeah. Last night was a little lonely,
but I'm at work an hour early
with socks that match, so…
How's Hooch?
Oh, my gosh. He and Matty are inseparable.
The cutest thing happened. Did you know
that he has a little herd dog in him?
- What do you mean?
- Well, there was a big storm last night.
And before it started, he starts barking
and nipping at Matty's heels.
Wait, wait, wait. Hooch was doing what?
He was nipping at his heels?
No, it was really sweet.
It's straight out of a vet tech book.
Dogs are better than people at sensing
when the barometric pressure drops.
- So…
- Really?
Yes. That's why dogs herd sheep to safety.
- Actually, it's really interesting
- Laura, I gotta go.
- I gotta go. I'll call you back.
- Uh
Great. Okay. Sure you're busy.
[line ringing]
- [Xavier] Yo.
- X, are you at the lab yet?
- [Xavier] Yeah, man. What's up?
- There's something I'd like to check out.
Look, I have no idea if this is related,
but it just seems like
too big a coincidence to ignore.
Exactly what I said
about that candy wrapper.
It could be nothing,
but it might explain what Hooch was up to.
Speaking of Hooch, where's he at?
We're taking a break. I'll explain later.
…until Cypress Beach
got hit by a big storm.
Look, right before it started raining,
Hooch tried to herd my nephew to safety.
Just like he did
with the engineers in the lab.
Why are we talking about your dog
reacting to a storm?
Because there wasn't a storm
when Hooch freaked out in the lab.
Why else would
the barometric pressure drop in there?
It wouldn't. We have
a state-of-the-art ventilation system.
The pressure's precisely controlled.
What if someone was inside the ducts?
Wouldn't that change the pressure?
I suppose. But if someone
came out of the ducts, we'd notice.
What about the labs in the east wing?
Looked like nobody was in those.
Oh, God. The server room!
What's in the server room?
The hardware that controls all the robots.
It's the heart of our entire project.
- [McDormand panting]
- [keypad beeps]
Oh, my God. They took the C3 chips.
I don't understand.
We were just testing the drones.
Then it must have just happened.
Can you think of anyone
who would have had access to the system?
No. The only way into those vents
is through the roof.
Hang on. Anyone else smell that?
- Smells kinda like
- Tuna fish.
- Uh-huh.
- It's a candy wrapper.
The head of security
kept feeding Hooch tuna fish.
Now we know why
he wanted Hooch to be his buddy.
[vents creaking]
Come on!
- You gonna tell me, "I told you so"?
- Nah. It's not about me.
They must have been trying to
break in before, but Hooch stopped them.
Hooch is a genius.
What's genius, huh?
Freaking out? Biting people?
- Eating the bad guy's sandwiches?
- Man, just saying.
- Go right.
- Okay.
US Marshals! On the ground!
[Ash] Hold them off!
You, over the edge!
I'm going over!
[both grunt]
[Scott] They went over the side. Go. Go!
Let's move. Come on.
They're gonna get away.
No, they won't.
No, no, no. What are you doing?
We can't go down this thing.
Like I said,
"Use every resource. Never stop."
You got this, Scott.
Never stop over a wall. God, come on!
Oh, no.
- They're coming down.
- [screams]
- It helps if you roll on the landing!
- You could've mentioned that earlier.
Best lessons you learn yourself.
Let's go!
- Gotta cut 'em off.
- Have to drive around the labs to get out.
We'll run through the building.
Out of the way. Move, move, move!
Get out of the way!
[alarm blaring]
Call the police, now!
- Windshield's bulletproof.
- Go for the hood.
You can't take out a truck engine block
with a nine-millimeter.
Nope, but you can shoot off
the distributor cap.
Where's the distributor cap?
It depends on the year of the truck.
If it's before 2004
Just shoot!
- I'm out!
- I got one more.
Cover the driver! Shrub. Get the shrub.
- Freeze! Don't move.
- [Xavier] One, two, three.
[both grunting]
You're under arrest.
Like I said, "Love a good shrub."
[siren wailing]
Fourteen heists in a dozen states.
They used their high-level military
clearances to get jobs as security teams.
Gained access to tech,
pharmaceutical targets,
then wiped the security systems
behind them clean, covering their tracks.
No one's laid a finger on them
until today.
Dr. McDormand sends her thanks.
The lab's drives have all been recovered.
Very cool.
Yeah. And, um… Turner.
[sighs] I was a little hard on you.
Clearly, you deserved a second chance.
Thanks, Chief.
Good job.
See? Told you.
Just gotta nail the next job.
Thanks for having my back.
- What?
- Nothing.
I can feel your look.
You can't feel a look, Scott.
Yeah, you're judging me
for the Hooch thing. I know that.
No, maybe you're judging yourself.
I mean, Hooch did…
Yeah, I know.
Yeah, Hooch sensed the drop in pressure.
He also bit a bunch of engineers.
If I can't trust him, then
he's not a reliable law enforcement tool.
Nah, I get it. Makes sense.
A tool doesn't work anymore,
you get rid of it.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
That's why I'm done working with Hooch.
Question is: Is Hooch your tool…
or is Hooch your partner?
Hey, Jess, you wanna get some souvlaki?
I'm thinking about ending
my juice cleanse.
- [Jessica] Is that food? Let's do it.
- Mm-hmm.
[truck beeping]
Hey, so you're completely sure
that Walton bought that dog?
- Because if you're not
- I confirmed it at the shelter, Grady.
I've tracked every pit bull in the county.
Really? Wow. So this thing
that you and Scott are investigating is
We're on to something big.
Let me do the talking, okay?
You're just here if things go south.
[Walton clears throat]
Laura Turner.
Officer Garland. Good to see you.
Either of you want a cup of joe?
No, we're good.
How's the clinic? It must be nice
helping out animals in need.
Oh, so funny
that you should mention animals.
We're actually here about a dog adoption.
Heard you recently took in a pit bull.
Who told you that?
It doesn't matter.
What matters is the dog.
Name's Nuke.
Heard he's pretty aggressive, troubled.
Yeah, we needed a guard dog
to protect the yard here.
Some folks don't like aggressive dogs,
but I've always had a soft spot for 'em.
[Grady] Hmm.
Didn't see him on the way in.
'Cause he ran off. A few days ago.
Darndest thing. Must've got under a fence.
I came in one morning, he was gone.
I couldn't believe it.
- I drove around, made some calls.
- Really? That's your story?
The dog just disappeared?
That's the truth. Dog ran off.
Is that some kind of crime, Officer Grady?
- No.
- Well then…
We done here?
- I would arrest him if I could.
- I know, Grady.
- Are you mad at me? You seem mad.
- I'm not mad.
I'm worried about Nuke
and all the other dogs.
We've gotta do something
before it's too late.
It'll be nice to get on the water, right?
So the congressman loves
these blue cheese olives.
- Try one. I picked some up at a bout
- Ooh! [chuckles]
- Here you go.
- All right.
- Yeah. Oh, there's Missy and Carl.
- [chokes, spits]
- [Brooke] Hey, guys.
- Hey, Brooke.
You're gonna love them.
Are you okay? You've been kind of quiet.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm good.
Could you maybe smile a bit?
They're talking about a trip to Aspen.
[both chuckle]
Sorry, I, um…
No, I'm just thinking about Hooch.
Well, just Let's get on the boat.
You'll forget all about him.
[stammers] It's not just that I miss him.
I'm thinking maybe
he deserves a second chance.
Scott, come on.
Hooch had a billion chances.
And picture this:
US Marshal Scott Turner
and Attorney General Brooke Mailer.
Now, does that image
have a slobbery dog in it?
Yeah, I don't I don't
I don't know about that image.
I just
I don't think I can do this right now.
What about the congressman?
I'm holding a basket of hors d'oeuvres.
- What am I supposed to tell everyone?
- I don't know.
I don't know, Brooke. I just
I know that I gotta go see Hooch.
Are you really choosing your dog
over our future right now?
Oh, please. You I've wanted
a future with you since I met you.
For years, I dreamt about all this.
I just I don't think
I can do it without Hooch.
Scott Turner,
if you walk away right now, it's over.
We're over.
Well, then I guess we're over.
Have you lost your mind?
Nah, I lost my dog.
But I know where to find him.
- [sighs]
- Bye, Brooke. I'm I'm sorry.
You're my forever dog. No matter what.
Good boy, Hooch. Good boy. I love you.
[softly] Orange County.
[upbeat music playing]
I just figured they would show up
because Scott's the one
who gave me the idea.
Yeah, well,
Scott's a little mixed up these days.
- But this is This is so nice. [chuckles]
- Yeah.
And look at Angel's hat.
She's a party animal.
So cute. [chuckles]
Can I get one of those sparkling waters?
Yeah, I'll grab you one.
- [Jessica] Thanks.
- You know about that, Angel, right?
- Thank you, Angel.
- Bubbles.
[cell phone rings]
Hey. You coming?
Erica was just asking about you.
Yeah, I'll be there in a couple of hours
if it's still going.
A couple hours? Where are you?
I'm going to pick up Hooch.
Hey, can you do me a favor?
I'm already stuck at a social event
drinking sparkling water.
- Now I gotta do you a favor?
- I No, it's just
My dad was tracking these criminals
in fancy cars coming to my hometown
for dogfights, and
Yeah, that case you took to the chief?
I know. I know, I know.
It's probably nothing.
But I just spotted two sports cars
in Cypress Beach.
Can you run the plates for me?
Okay. Fine. Send them.
I'll call you back.
I'm at a party. Get here.
Thank you.
- [barking]
- [gasps]
Dial that phone, and you're a dead man.
[Scott sighs]
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