Ultraman (2019) s01e11 Episode Script

You As You Are

Yes. Seiji Hokuto.
I heard he was in this class.
I don't know who that is.
Oh, I know who it is.
He hasn't come to class once
since he transferred here.
Oh, right. That was his name.
He didn't go to class even once?
Did that guy
transfer to my school
just so he could get close to me?
I'm going to tell you a place
that I want you to go to.
All right, but why?
Well, this isn't something that I would
normally ask you to do,
but I can't overlook this.
If anyone found out that a person
in your high position was making a killing
by committing fraud on the Internet,
I wonder what would happen to you.
Please don't tell my company or family!
I told you
if you pay me what I've asked,
I'll give this to you.
Hey, man. What the heck are you doing?
Oh, jeez.
What're you doing, Mr. Hayata?
Don't talk to me like that.
I wish someone who was
more reasonable would have come.
Please help me.
He's blackmailing me.
What's going on here, Hokuto?
Don't let that man fool you, Mr. Hayata.
You know what he is?
He's one of those cancers to society.
There are villains among
both aliens and Earthlings alike.
-That's why I wield the hammer of justice.
-Cut the crap!
You're the one demanding money!
Hammer of justice, my ass!
But, that's extortion!
Oh, fine.
Out of regard for you, Mr. Hayata,
I'll let it go this time.
But next time
I won't go so easy on you!
What the heck is with you, man?
What choice do I have?
It takes a lot of money to be Ultraman.
This is how I get the money to operate.
I doubt there's any point telling you.
Tell this to that Ide guy
the next time you see him.
If you let me join the SSSP,
then I won't have to do
this kind of thing.
Don't give me that crap.
Even if you don't get into the SSSP,
don't do this ever again.
I figured you wouldn't understand,
Mr. Hayata.
Just being born the son
of Serviceman Hayata,
you inherently gained
the powers of Ultraman, after all.
How did you find that out?
I'm not trying to be Ultraman
just to have some fun.
I have a real reason
for why I'm doing this.
Unlike you,
who's just being Ultraman
because the adults tell you to.
Now why don't you leave me alone?
That would be best for the both of us.
The only person
who can get away with being
a half-assed hero is you,
you pushover.
-Hold it right there.
I've got things to do, you know.
I admit, just like you say,
I had no reason to become Ultraman,
but did so because I was told to.
But at the very least,
as long as I'm Ultraman,
I do know that
I shouldn't do immoral things!
If you can't understand that, Hokuto,
then you have no right to be Ultraman!
If you're going to talk to me like that,
then bring it on.
Let's decide right here which of us
is more suited to be Ultraman.
I'll teach you exactly how weak
half-assed justice
truly is.
What do you want?
Can we have a little talk?
Too bad. You dodged me.
Is this guy going at it for real?
What's the matter?
If you don't turn into Ultraman soon,
you won't just get hurt.
I have no choice.
It looks like you finally
decided to fight, Mr. Hayata.
I won't hold back anymore.
Hey! Hold on!
I didn't want to hold back
from the start anyway!
That's enough!
What's that?
Mr. Moroboshi
You sit tight and watch, fool.
Nice! I always wanted to fight this guy.
That hurt.
Aren't you testing me?
Are you sure it's okay to kill me?
Or have I been upgraded
to elimination status?
That's what I'm about to confirm.
Stop it, Mr. Moroboshi!
You must know, Mr. Moroboshi!
Hokuto is human!
He's an Earthling!
Mr. Moroboshi!
Listen carefully, punk.
If I decide
you're suitable for elimination,
even if you're an Earthling,
I won't show any mercy.
But it appears that won't be necessary.
Was it okay to let him leave?
Those were my orders.
Moroboshi here.
As planned, the mark
is returning home.
"As planned"?
This isn't a drop
in the suit's energy circulation.
The problem is inside.
I've put too much strain on it?
I doubt you came here
just to confirm that.
Why do you allow that young man,
Seiji Hokuto,
to conduct his reckless actions?
Because even if I stopped him,
he wouldn't quit.
He's always been after
whoever it was
that brought down that airplane.
Even if he was at risk of harm,
or even if he might lose his life,
he wouldn't quit.
That's the kind of kid
that Seiji Hokuto is.
Are you satisfied
with things being that way?
What can I do about it?
It's all my fault anyway.
What about you?
Why have you gotten into the act again?
Are you serious about taking on
the Universal Alliance Council?
That's right.
If I wasn't,
then I wouldn't have taken this form.
Sorry to make you wait.
They told me he just left school
when I called, so it might be a while.
Mr. Maru!
Well, Shin. That was fast.
Of course, I rushed here, Mr. Maru.
I'm sorry for coming so suddenly.
I just had to see you today.
But I didn't have your number.
Oh, that's right!
I haven't introduced myself, have I?
What are you talking about? I know you.
You're Rena Sayama, right?
Sayama is my stage name.
My real name is Endo.
I'm Rena Endo. I'm a pop idol.
-It's nice to meet you.
-Oh, right.
I'm Shinjiro Hayata. I'm Ultra
That was close!
Hayata? You mean that Serviceman Hayata?
-Yes. I'm his son.
-No way!
Is that why you're working here?
Well, I guess you could say that.
So, why did you come
What's this feeling I'm getting?
Hayata, is something wrong?
This feels like malice.
That girl is the pop idol who says
she loves Ultraman.
She's only getting close to you
because she wants information
from you about Ultraman.
I can easily imagine
that as an adolescent boy,
getting close to a hot pop idol
must be thrilling for you.
I can even understand that if things
go well between you,
you can expect to get some action.
However, if you let your lust
get the best of you
and tell her stuff you shouldn't,
I'll kill you!
Well, Rena
Why don't we go somewhere else?
If we talk here,
people might hear things they shouldn't.
You're right. Roger.
I'll kill you!
What? New York?
That's right.
I don't know
when I can start performing again,
so the agency president told me to go
for a change of pace and to study.
When are you leaving?
Tomorrow about this time,
I'll be over the Pacific Ocean.
I see. So that's why
you wanted to see me today.
How long will you be there?
I haven't decided yet.
I might even find work in America.
What? Then you'll be there forever?
Hardly! That would never happen.
Well, I can't say that for sure either.
You're kidding.
And I wanted to be able
to get in contact with you in the future.
Okay, I'll give you my number.
I was hoping I could get info
from you about Ultraman.
About Ultraman?
Oh, that makes sense.
This is my number.
Can I have that for a second?
That takes care of that.
Come to think of it,
did you find out anything?
Do you have any new info about Ultraman?
Well There was something, but
That looks really bad!
That really is bad!
Actually, Rena,
I have the number for Ultraman.
-I'm going to call Ultraman now
so he can save those guys!
What? Hayata!
You forgot your phone!
That was a surprise!
We're alive!
-Thank you, Ultraman!
How did it go? Ultraman showed up, right?
Yes, he came.
He saved those workers
and flew off with a whoosh!
Is that right? That's great.
I have to get ready for tomorrow,
so I should be going.
Then I'll walk you to the station.
Hayata, can I talk to you more about
what we were talking about last time?
Of course. Go ahead.
At that time, the Ultraman that was there
tried his best to save everyone there.
He listened to my selfish request
that not a single person should suffer.
Selfish request?
It's only natural
for someone to wish for that.
Is that
what you think Ultraman would say?
I think No, I'm certain that
the day I was born
Ultraman was trying to save
everyone back then too.
Me and my mother And everyone.
That's why I have to tell
the Ultraman now
and the Ultraman from then
these feelings of mine.
Why are you telling me this?
I get the feeling that
if I tell you, Hayata,
the message will get to Ultraman.
Oh, that's right. Here's your phone back.
Excuse me!
Thank you
for listening to
my request that time.
Always stay
the way you are, all right?
All right.
I'll do my best to.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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