Undead Murder Farce (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Where The Wolves Dwell

What you've done is a sin!
Running away isn't a sin!
I have no role or obligation!
You are a priestess!
I never agreed to become a priestess!
You tried to end our bloodline!
That is a great sin!
It's not going to end.
I can live anywhere!
This village is all we have!
If that's true, then we
should just cease to be!
That bite mark
It matches the one seen in the other cases.
Then that would mean—
Shit, shit, shit!
She got away. We searched the
forest but couldn't find her.
Good work.
By the way, were you shooting
at me or the werewolf here?
So it was Alma.
It appears as though we
have our culprit.
As promised, could you give us information
regarding the Forest of Fangs?
Hey, hey! You're not the ones who found her.
It'd be lovely if you'd calm down a bit.
I haven't forgotten my promise
to lead you two there.
At dawn,
go stand in the burnt
remains of the watchtower.
Once the sun goes up, hold up the stone,
with the poem pointed towards the sun.
That's all.
The stone will show you the rest.
Which is the Forest of Fangs?
Who knows?
The mayor said we'd find
out if we stood here.
If it turns out to be a lie, it'll
mean y'all are useless to us.
Then I'll roast you on the spot.
You hear me? On the spot.
So this is
the Forest of Fangs.
All righty, then.
In that case, let's get going
to the werewolf village.
They're on the move.
You're awake?
You're impressive. I didn't think
you'd wake up until morning.
Um Where am I?
Vera, Kaya, thank you.
I think she's okay now.
Geh, she's awake.
Wh-What are we gonna do, Nora?
Should we call Gunter?
Do not.
But I mean What if she's
Vera, this person isn't the culprit.
She has a rifle, which does not fire buckshot.
Good morning. Is everything okay now?
It seems so.
Thanks, Kaya.
Are you okay? They said you came
floating down from upstream.
Nora found you and pulled you out.
W-We have your weapon!
Your body was frozen, so I had
Kaya and Vera warm you up.
Yes, to go along with our midday nap.
I don't know how to thank you.
Did you say midday nap?
What you consider night is our midday.
That's why it's a midday nap.
Be careful.
Everyone in this village has
noses and ears far keener than yours.
Humans aren't supposed to be here.
Um Where am I?
This is our village.
The village of werewolves.
Is this your house, Miss Nora?
Do you three live together?
No, everyone lives alone.
No one has a partner in this village.
I see.
Shizuku Hasei That's not
a name from around here.
I came from the far east
From a country named Japan.
That oddly-shaped rifle
It was made out of silver.
Why were you carrying it?
Nora, are you sure she's
not the culprit?
You keep mentioning a culprit.
May I ask what that's about?
Serial murders have been occurring.
Girls from our village are being killed.
The murders always happen on rainy days.
The person I serve is named Aya Rindo.
Lady Aya is a detective by occupation,
and specializes in cases
involving inhuman creatures.
They're people who solve
mysteries and cases like these.
Lady Aya may be able to help all of you.
Where is this Lady Aya now?
She's currently in a human village.
She should arrive here shortl—
We can't have any more humans showing up.
We won't be able to hide you all.
No, you don't have to worry. Lady Aya is—
Sorry, Shizuku, but we
can't trust a word you say.
If you really have nothing
to do with the murders,
please leave the village immediately.
I am not your enemy.
You drink tea in this village?
Why did you put hot water in
the cups? Are you going to drink it?
It's to warm the inside of the cup.
Why do you warm it up?
So that the temperature of the tea
doesn't go down when you pour it.
Here you go.
I wanted to thank you for saving me.
There'd better not be poison in here.
We were watching, so it's fine.
Chamomile, rosehips, and elderflower?
And calendula?
I think it's good.
It's totally different from our usual tea.
Well, at least it's not poisoned.
Thank you very much.
Um If you tell me to leave, I will oblige.
But before I leave, could you just tell
me what is happening in this village?
It started a year ago.
There have been three victims so far.
The first one was a
14-year-old girl named Romi.
She was found in the forest on a rainy day.
She had been shot in the face with a shotgun.
The second was Etta. She was eleven.
She was killed exactly the same
way as Romi four months later.
Four months later, 15-year-old
Clarissa, too
They still haven't found the killer.
The Blutkralle searched for the killer
for days, but couldn't track down the scent.
The rain had erased it.
The men of this village.
They protect us.
Did the three victims
have anything in common?
Not really. Just the fact
that they were girls.
But didn't they all seem a bit
weird right before they died?
Spacing out, seeming nervous?
There really aren't any
clues about the killer?
The only thing we know for
certain is they have a shotgun,
they effectively cover
their scent each time,
and they're skilled at
catching others by surprise.
Because you can't kill us unless
we're in our human forms.
No one heard the gunshots?
We've never heard them.
There are probably guns that
don't make sound, aren't there?
I've never heard of a shotgun
not making any sound.
You all have a keen sense of smell, right?
If there were a human in this village,
wouldn't you be able to sniff them out?
What are you trying to say?
We're done talking.
Now leave our village.
How exactly is she supposed to leave, though?
Won't she be caught by the Blutkralle?
Right. She'll need to cross a body
of water to cover her scent trail.
How about using the eastern lake?
Huh? That's on the opposite
side of the village!
We'll be found as we try
to go around the forest.
We won't go around.
I'll lie to the Blutkralle and get them
to gather in the western forest.
Is this the only werewolf
village in the hollow?
Honestly, it might be the only one in Europe.
You don't go to the human villages?
Of course not! They'd kill us.
There are many werewolves who have
fled from human villages.
Nora's one of them. She came
here when she was four.
Not to mention, if we leave the village,
the Blutkralle will drag us back.
We're priestesses.
Priestesses? The two of you?
Once a girl in the village turns thirteen,
she becomes a priestess.
Some of the priestesses will get
summoned by Granny Regi
and participate in a blood ritual.
Granny Regi is the mayor.
Nora's going to be made
a priestess next week.
It's the Blutkralle!
What the heck? They were
supposed to be in the forest!
Hey, Kaya.
H-Hello, Dennis and company.
That's a lot of hay. Where are you taking it?
Oh I thought I'd make a sofa
It's stuffing.
I smell something nice Is that chamomile?
Oh, yeah! We just had
some tea at Nora's place.
Well, see you later.
A human!
Get behind her!
I'll be borrowing this!
Split up and surround her!
It's futile.
There's nothing you can do now.
Kaya, Vera, what's going on here?
You've got the wrong idea, Gunter.
We were just—
I asked you what's going on.
Well, um
I came from outside!
From atop the cliff.
I heard about the werewolf
village and came to investigate!
I saw those two piling hay onto that cart,
so I jumped in when they weren't looking.
I've been hiding ever since.
Those clothes are from this village.
As humans go, you're a poor liar.
What's all this commotion?
A human and not a local one, either.
What are you doing here?
She's not our enemy! She just
got lost and ended up here.
Humans aren't allowed in our village.
That's the rule. Kill her.
She got washed here by the river!
And Nora saved her!
True I do smell Nora's
scent on those clothes.
W-We said we should kill her immediately,
but Nora said we should wait
That we should hear where she came from.
Very well.
Let's hear what she has to say.
The sheep's scaffold will
bear the weight of your sins.
Each time you lie or hesitate,
one of the planks will fall.
If the scaffold holds until we finish
questioning you, you're innocent.
If it falls, you're guilty.
How are you going to determine
if I'm lying or not?
Granny Regi will determine that.
It's been a while since we created
the scaffold. The last time was Rosa.
What is your name?
Shizuku Hasei.
Why did you come to this village?
I just ended up here coincidentally.
Lady Aya
You're the one who killed
those girls, aren't you?
Nora said she wasn't the killer.
Something about her
having a different gun
So she's not the killer.
A gun? This human had a gun?
Y-Yeah. But Nora said
Why did you have a gun?
Not to shoot any of you!
She said that she would help us!
That she might be able to find the killer!
Y-Yeah! She said that her master
was some, uh detective,
whose job was to solve mysteries!
The killer is the woman up there.
And this is a werewolf village.
We don't need the help of a human.
Lady Aya is not human!
Lady Aya is a being known as the Immortal!
She's inhuman like yourselves.
She is on your side!
She will eventually reach this village.
That was a gunshot!
It came from the western forest!
Blood I smell blood.
Nora's not here.
Nora! Nora!
Why did it have to be Nora?
We were so close
It's not raining.
We can track the killer's scent.
Bernt, Dennis, can you smell it?
Powder smoke, steel, and shotgun shells
Then there's Nora's blood and
something that smells like human blood.
Maybe the killer got hurt, too.
Where's the scent headed?
It stops here.
What? What's going on? Where's the killer?
She's right here. It has to be her.
She must've killed Nora.
It's her!
But Granny Regi, we had her
surrounded the whole time.
She couldn't have killed her.
Shizuku, tell us! What would
a detective do now?
Please, help us.
You can leave me bound.
In exchange, could you do
exactly what I ask you to do?
If you prove to be of no use to us,
we're going to treat you as a criminal.
That's fine.
If she were shot here, there would
be a lot more blood splatter.
She must've been killed somewhere else.
Her skin is wet.
Could you touch Nora's clothes?
Bernt, touch them.
They're dry.
Which means Nora was in the water somewhere,
got out, put on her clothes,
and was shot right after.
And then she was carried here?
We would be able to follow the scent of
powder smoke and blood, then.
But the scents end here.
Not to mention, her being carried
here doesn't add up.
The sound of the gunshot came from here.
Gunter, look!
Could you touch the tree?
It's still a little hot.
So there were two shots fired
And yet we only heard one gunshot.
Hey, human.
Did you figure something out?
You've wasted our time.
Lady Aya!
Lady Aya would be able to solve this mystery!
No. We're not going to let
anyone else into our village.
We will kill all intruders.
Now, confess your sins.
Oh, no! I haven't done anything wrong!
I ain't never robbed or killed nobody!
The worst I ever done was
I killed and ate a cow once.
I felt sorry for that cow.
I see. What did the cow taste like?
Sorta like my dog—
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