Undead Unluck (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Rio de Janeiro

[Anno] Apocalypse
issues the quest results
before Fuko and Andy,
including the failure
to capture the Negator Unseen.
Several clues lead Andy
to believe that Unseen
was taken by Unrepair.
Signifying the existence
of Negators who may be enemies,
the Roundtable falls silent.
And then as a penalty
for not being able
to complete all quests,
UMA Galaxy is unleashed
into the world.
Juiz mentions that penalties
from Apocalypse have
the possibility to drive
humanity to extinction.
Those words prove true
as Acks an alien race
Invades with a massive fleet
to conquer Earth.
Juiz fends off
the invaders using
her Negator ability Unjustice
and then orders the pursuit
of Negators to fill the 11th
seat of the Roundtable.
Sensing an upcoming battle,
Andy volunteers to
approach Unrepair.
A new dawn shines
golden light upon
the reddish lands before them.
[Andy] I'll take care of 'im.
If their ability's
true to their name,
just a single attack
may prove to be fatal.
Very well, then.
And Fuko, you go as well.
Roger that.
Since you helped me,
it's time to return the favor!
[Fuko shuddering]
Ah! Everyone's fancy!
Sorry 'bout the wait.
What took you so long?
I don't belong here!
It's embarrassing!
[Andy] You know, it's been
a while since I've gotten
decked out in a suit like this.
Well, am I looking good or what?
Whoa, your long legs.
And chiseled frame, Andy.
Yeah, you look like some kind
of ritzy celebrity.
[Andy] I'm not askin'
ya what I look like.
I'm askin' ya if you
like what you see.
Huh? Does that even matter?
It does!
- [whimpers]
- So, fess up.
- How are the threads?
- Way too close.
- Do you like "em? Huh?
- Way too close!
[Andy] Come on.
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[jet engines roaring]
A black market auction, huh?
It's an auction that
deals with Negators,
UMAs, and Artifacts the Union
has had trouble controlling.
[Andy] Their operation's
been busted up before.
But it appears as if they're
now back in business.
[Andy chomps]
[Andy] The guys behind
it are mafia types
from all over the world.
It's always held at
a random location
so tracking them down's tough.
Juiz managed to
locate 'em, though.
Turns out the next auction
will be tomorrow night.
Being held on a luxury liner
that's docked at the port
of Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro?
Could that mean
[Apocalypse] Location
of Negator Unrepair.
They're right here.
[Andy] Yeah.
It's likely we'll
find Unrepair there.
Though it's anyone's guess
if he's buying or selling.
So here's what's gonna go down.
We both infiltrate
the ship using
the passes Nico made.
Infiltrate it? Is it safe?
But of course we can't
show up dressed like this.
Only a select few celebs
are allowed aboard.
Which means disguises, yeah?
It's it's so short!
So is covering
yourself up some kind
of habit you picked up or what?
S Shut up!
It's your fault for picking
the most revealing stuff!
[Andy] When we first met you were
revealing plenty with that top.
[Fuko] I was planning on dying!
I just threw something on, okay?
Besides, that doesn't explain
all your skimpy choices now!
We'll need as much
surface area as possible
- for big strokes of un
- Yeah, likely story! Please!
You'd sure love that,
but what about me?
And other people could get hurt!
Huh? What are you talkin' about?
No one is laying
their hands on ya.
You're goin' to this
shindig as my gal.
[Andy] But if showin' some skin
will make you too embarrassed
to enjoy yourself, then fine.
You can wear whatever you like
when you've got me with you.
But you do know these guys
buy people with money, right?
Hittin' them with a stroke
of unluck would probably do
- the world some good.
- Wha
I can't do that!
If I'm not careful,
they could end up dead!
[Fuko groans]
Did you really slip
in another skimpy one?
[Fuko] Miss Juiz?
I was wondering,
what made you choose
to assign me to this mission?
[Juiz] Hmm?
Our highest priority right now
is securing an 11th member.
- Now we want.
- Let me guess.
Unrepair? I'll take care of 'im.
Very well, then.
I'll assign backup
for insurance.
Take Tatiana along with you.
[Tatiana] Wait, uh, me?
And Fuko, you go as well.
[Juiz] Is there a problem?
I can see the point
of sending Tatiana with him
since she looks
tough and everything,
but why send me, too?
I'd just drag them both down.
It's simple.
I'm acting in accordance
to my own justice.
And justice to me
is to protect this planet
and the innocent
people who inhabit it.
In fact, that is the same reason
why I ordered Shen and Void
to kill you.
I couldn't let you roam free.
I believed that would endanger
this planet.
However, seeing our recent fight
with Victor no, Victhor
Made me think.
That unluck of yours,
if we manage to control it,
it might just be strong enough
to kill God.
But your power is
far from sufficient
in its current state.
Ragnarok is drawing
ever near as well.
For that reason,
might I request that you
continue working with Andy?
Connect with him and
do what it takes
To fall in love with him.
Ah, that's it! I have had it!
If this doesn't work,
just take Miss Juiz!
Whoa, looks good!
Eight outta ten!
Be confident. Hold your head up.
- Arms to the side, not in front.
- [stammering]
There, a ten!
Let's get this one.
[Andy] Is it too
tight in the chest?
[Fuko] A little.
[Andy] We'll have 'em do
a little tailoring, then.
[Andy] You can have it all
delivered to the hotel.
- [Fuko whimpering]
- [Andy] Hmm?
We've got time to kill.
- So how 'bout a walk?
- Huh?
Hey, by the way.
[Andy] 'Bout that stroke
of unluck the other day.
Wh What about it?
[Andy] When am I gonna get some?
[Fuko] Huh?
[breathing erratically]
Why are you runnin'?
- Come back!
- No way!
I got the hint!
Lemme get a meteor
shower all my own!
I knew it! [groans]
[Andy] Aww, come on!
I didn't get to eat that blast!
Victor did! I was the
one who smooched ya!
That unluck should
have been mine!
[Fuko] Not my problem!
We only did that
out of necessity!
And this isn't! Count me out!
What a dope.
Think you can buy time with some
random stroke of unluck?
Well, too bad! Right now I'm
In full armor mode!
- Karma!
- [Fuko grunts]
[wind howls]
Huh? Wait, is this
gonna get me, too?
- [tires squealing]
- [Clothy screaming]
Ah, sorry, Clothy.
I'll get ya a nice
ball of yarn later.
[Anno] A ball of yarn.
UMA Clothes' favorite food.
Oh! This was
a combo-type stroke of unluck.
[Anno] Combo type.
Low-potency strokes
of singular unluck
occurring in a chain
reaction-like style.
[Fuko] Sorry, it ended up
a lot bigger than I thought.
So about him.
Just thinkin' about
that Victor guy.
I don't even know who he is,
but I mean, hell,
it's not like I've got
a grasp on who I am, either.
He said somethin' about
him being the original.
For all I know, it's true.
I've barely got any childhood
memories for myself.
Without this card
here in my noggin,
I would fall apart.
He might show up
again someday
And try to attack you
and anyone else around.
- If that happens
- Don't worry about it.
If it does, I'll use my unluck
and save you over
and over again.
So long as you're
in there, Andy
I'll never give up.
Now, come on!
We've gotta get
ready for tonight!
Yeah. You're right.
[whimpers] Crap.
Forgot my gloves are
still off. Sorry!
- [shouting]
- [groans]
[Tatiana] Oh, it's you, Fuko.
That's strange.
According to my calculations,
I was set to drop near the port.
[Fuko] Guess my unluck gave
you a little detour.
[Tatiana] Well, whatever.
I assume the boss filled you in?
In approximately seven hours,
you two will be going undercover
to board that ship,
during which I will infiltrate
from another point of entry.
The auction is scheduled
to commence after
a cocktail party.
You two will search for Unrepair
from the inside
and I'll cover the outside.
I'm sure you'll see some pretty
gruesome stuff in there.
But don't blow your cover
until Unrepair is located.
[Tatiana] Oh, Fuko, take this.
I heard you were
going to wear a dress
so I had Mr. Nico remodel
the necktie that members wear.
I hope you like it.
Oh, wow, thanks!
[Tatiana] Oh, one more thing.
Those forged passes have
you down as a married couple.
[Tatiana] So put on
a good act, you two!
[distant giggling]
[distant horn blows]
Shall we embark, my honey?
Y Yes, my darling!
12:30 A.M.
Careful, now.
[Andy] We're about to enter
the underbelly of society.
Don't think about
any heroic stunts in there.
But even still,
don't go losing sight
of what you believe
is right, either.
- [Andy] Let's do this.
- [Fuko] Okay.
I must know.
That cryptid you won in
the previous auction?
How did it fair?
Oh, I wasn't able
to use it at all.
Andy, what exactly is a cryptid?
They're talkin' about UMAs.
I was actually thinking
of cooking it up sometime.
Care to join?
- Why, yes.
- [Fuko gasps]
Just tune 'em out.
Save your ears.
[guest 1] Did you hear?
They say that a Negator's
the main item for this auction.
[guest 2] Oh, quite
a rarity indeed.
It's impressive they managed
to find one considering
they're always dying on us.
Apparently they're easier
to find now than ever.
Hmm? What do they mean, easier?
Could be the
language unification.
[Apocalypse] The unification of
all the world's languages.
Altering the
memories and cultures
of all non-Negators.
All languages have now
been unified to English.
Oh, let's grab those open seats!
Remember, the only reason you
can still chat with Shen
is that necktie.
Oh, you mean
Negators that can't
speak English.
With everyone's suddenly
speaking in English,
they're gonna stick out.
Then that reward doesn't seem
like it's very good for us, huh?
Not necessarily.
The Union has a hell
of an information network
of their own.
As long as we're one step ahead,
the target's ours.
You're not eatin'?
But what's better for them?
- Hmm?
- Bringing them to the Union,
or letting them
be sold off here?
They're about the
same, aren't they?
Ya either die during the quest
or become a fat cat's plaything.
I wonder what kind
of person they are
The one up for auction.
Why'd you say that?
Maybe they're like me
A big inconvenience
to those around them.
If so, they've probably led
a really hard life.
Not knowing why their
ability's happening to them.
Not knowing what they should
or shouldn't do.
So I was about to choose death.
You know, I used
to think folks that ended up
as Negators
had only three courses in life.
They could accept
their ability and live,
fall into despair
and choose death,
or double down and embrace
a life of crime.
But there is a fourth choice.
And that is to eliminate
the source itself to kill God.
After I met you,
joining the Union was
an off-handed thing.
But getting to know
them changed my mind.
You don't need to
accept, give up,
or double down on
anything. You can fight.
That's why Union's got my vote.
So what about you, Fuko?
I'm not sure.
I can't accept myself.
Back then I was so
close to giving up.
But I would say
[mafia thug 1] We'll have
to ask you to leave.
This area's strictly
off-limits to non-personnel.
Come on, boys. Do me a solid.
I wanna show my
girlfriend here the stars.
You've been warned once.
Guest or not, I won't ask again.
You think your pretty boy looks
can charm the mafia?
- Latla.
- What is it?
Am I gonna die here?
Yes, you take a fatal shot
through the head.
That so?
Oh, well. Can't have that.
[mafia thug 1] Hmm?
- [both grunting]
- Oh, my.
[both gasping]
- [shouts]
- [groans]
[mafia thug 2] He cut our necks
before I could even react!
[mafia thug 1]
He sliced the carotid artery!
Gotta stop the bleeding!
- [groans]
- [mafia thug 1] My hands
Why can't I move my hands?
Um, thanks for this.
Hey, Kain, come here!
[both groaning]
You see, if you
weren't such a baby,
you coulda snuck
onboard like that.
What, drenched in
bile? I think not!
This is yours, Rip.
Should I have brought
a suit to wear, too?
Nah, we'll be
running amok anyway.
Dress code be damned.
Thanks, Latla, but
you can toss that now.
I won't be needing it.
[Creed] Well, are
there really any here?
There is. But just
the one, though.
I say let's take them now.
And you said that we
wouldn't find any, Latla!
Your fortune telling is way off!
Shut up, will ya?
You got lucky, that's all!
Feng, so glad you could join us.
Uh, Rip, he only speaks
Chinese. Remember?
Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot.
[speaking Chinese]
[Feng speaking Chinese]
[Tatiana whimpers]
Zombie, we've got big trouble!
- We have infiltrators
-I'm not Zombie.
- on the deck of the ship!
-I already told you, I'm Undead,
[Tatiana] And they were
speaking -ball brat.
- a language other than English!
[Tatiana] A man
with an eye patch
slit the necks of
some mafia guys
and they got all
weird afterwards!
- [gunshots]
- There are four in total,
and at least two of 'em
are confirmed Negators.
They're after the Negator
being put up for auction!
What do we do, boss?
They must be
Negator hunters.
This group has come up
- quite a bit as of late.
- Man chill out.
- That's their unofficial name.
- Not fair! I wanna go!
Are these the same
ones who took Unseen?
[Juiz] Most likely, yes.
We have one thing in common:
that they also specialize
in collecting Negators by force.
But the difference
lies in our objectives.
We who are aligned with Union
are seeking to kill God.
To be freed of rules.
Them, on the other hand
They are seeking revenge
against the world
They dispose of
collected Negators
they deem worthless.
Well, I suppose that's
another thing we have in common.
- [Fuko] We do not!
- [grunts]
At least that's not why
you tried to kill me.
You did it in order
to protect people, right?
These powers, being a Negator
It can be sad and painful.
But even so
Taking it out on the
world is not right!
- Let's go!
- Yeah!
[Kairi Yagi's
"know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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