Vinland Saga (2019) s01e11 Episode Script

A Gamble

I'm so cold.
Got any booze?
A Gamble
It's already autumn.
Everything tastes good in autumn.
Especially fish. Cod, trout, and herring!
The pigs and sheep fatten up too, captain.
That's right. It's great.
I want some salted sausage
with some dark beer!
Give me some.
At first, I thought it was weird.
But I got used to English beer.
I like cheese with my beer.
Cheddar had great cheese.
Enough about food.
It's all about the women!
The women here are so classy.
They're exactly my type!
I know what you mean! They've got modesty.
Maybe it's because they're Christian.
Christianity is nice.
It's popular these days. Maybe I should convert.
I don't want to convert.
If you're Christian, they're always telling
you not to do this or that.
I saw a statue of the guy they worship
in London.
He looked so weak.
-You'll get punished for saying that!
He's so skinny.
Thor could knock him out with his hammer
in an instant!
I heard he's a magician.
He does things like walking on water
and making more bread appear.
That's some lame magic.
Odin and Thor are better.
Well, well.
There's no need to jump to conclusions.
Let's ask a Christian directly.
Who do you think is better?
Jesus, or the gods in Asgard?
I wonder what's wrong?
Are you too shy to talk in front of everyone?
Don't get so full of yourself, Thorkell!
You infidel!
Do you understand what you're doing?
How dare you talk to
His Highness Canute with such impudence?
I don't like taking hostages either.
King Sweyn is ignoring me.
So, I thought maybe he'd notice me
if I captured the prince.
I wish you'd try and understand how hurt I feel.
Captain! You sound like a maiden in love.
That's exactly it!
I've fallen for King Sweyn.
You're huge for a girl.
You're the king of the Northern Sea,
after all!
You really fell for him.
You guys are all crazy.
You know nothing but war.
You're all going to die.
How can 500 men
defeat the Army of Denmark
and its 16,000 soldiers?
We're not going to die.
And we won't have a problem winning, Ragnar.
You've been under the influence of Christianity
for a long time.
Have you forgotten about
the honor of
a Norman warrior?
You mean Valhalla?
That's right.
The Valkyries
are always on the lookout
for the souls of heroes.
Heroes who deserve to be called
Einherjar, the warriors of the gods.
Only those who have fought
and died
are allowed to live in the hall of warriors
in heaven.
It's how you fight,
and how you die.
That's what matters.
The stronger the enemy, the better.
You're so old-fashioned.
Is that so?
It's because you're always running around
from battlefield to battlefield.
You poor thing.
You're just a child, Thorkell.
You don't know anything
about the royal court,
about King Sweyn,
or about my prince, Canute.
What do you mean?
I can see him!
Lord! It's you!
-He's out of booze!
-I'm your disciple!
-I'm right here!
-Priest! Priest!
Please sit down!
Get him some booze!
-Open my eyes!
Get him something strong!
Show me your love!
It's always so funny!
Incredible! It must be hard being Christian!
What do you think?
Jesus, or our god?
Which one's better?
Whichever one made booze.
You're right!
The booze will save us!
Nice one, Christian!
What's wrong?
Why did you all stop?
Right about there!
There they are!
It's an ambush! The hill on the right!
We've got you surrounded!
We're Ragnar's troops, under Prince Canute!
We're 2000 strong!
It's my men!
Two thousand strong?
It's usually a bluff when they announce it themselves.
Yeah, I know.
This is your last chance, you rebels.
Release His Highness and Ragnar at once!
If you do, we shall spare you this time.
Think carefully about where you stand!
You scoundrels
You have no
Your Highness!
Good. Very good.
You're more honest than I thought.
Followers of Ragnar!
Thanks for your hard work.
I will return His Highness
Canute to you!
There's no need to hesitate.
Now then
show us your best attack!
You bastard!
Control yourself.
We retreat!
But there's no need to retreat as a warrior!
They're not running away,
and they don't fear imprisonment.
If we retreat now
If we retreat now,
we'd be called cowards.
There is a reason for retreat.
We must prioritize His Highness' safety!
Victory means saving His Highness!
Hey! What's wrong, guys?
Are you scared? Even with 2000?
Or is it something else?
"We had to hold back because they had a hostage."
Would it be easier
to use an excuse like that?
You bastard!
How dare you?
Didn't you hear my order?
Don't let those war-hungry idiots provoke you!
Sorry, sorry.
Was what I said
the truth?
How dare you?
I'm sending you all to Valhalla!
If you can,
be my guest!
They've started.
Anyone could hear that.
The wind's good.
All right! Men!
Let's do this just like we planned!
You idiots! Protect His Highness!
This is turning out
the same way London did!
There's still time!
Two thousand?
What are they talking about?
They only have 400 max.
This will be over in half an hour.
What's wrong, captain?
Don't you smell something?
Something other than blood.
You're right.
I can't smell anything.
It's the smell of intestines?
It's upwind.
The smell of charcoal.
Hey! Get me some oil!
Don't be so slow!
All right! That's good!
Light it!
This is bad.
Captain! Where are you?
Right here.
We're in trouble.
We're in the middle of an inferno!
With all this smoke, we can't tell who's who.
We can't fight like this.
It's better downwind.
Let's go.
Dying in a forest fire won't get you to Valhalla.
This isn't a forest fire.
Someone set it on fire.
It wasn't them.
They wouldn't burn themselves
when they're here trying to save the prince.
That means
A third party
is involved.
It's burning.
It hasn't rained in a few days.
There's a lot of ways to die.
But I wouldn't want to die like that.
It's a painful and boring way to die.
It'd help us out a lot if Thorkell died in this fire.
That monster would never die from a tiny fire like this.
I just want to confuse them for a while.
All right!
Pour some water on him!
You saw the prince from far away, right?
He has a helmet with a feather and red cape.
Don't get it wrong.
All right. Go!
Hey, Askeladd.
Maybe we should have joined Ragnar's 400 men.
Combined with our 100, we'd be even against Thorkell.
We can't win being even.
Even if we won,
Ragnar's men would take the prize.
-It's a deer!
-It's all or nothing.
Get it!
-Even if we end up burning Canute,
-It's venison!
we'll just pretend we don't know anything.
No one would ever find out we did it.
That's what you say.
You just think that Thorfinn can capture
the prince, right?
Regardless of what you say,
you actually trust him.
That boy.
It's just easy to make use of
an idiot who's not afraid of anything.
What's going on?
Thorkell's not the one who did this.
In any case, we must escape!
Your Highness! Hurry!
What kind of man swings his sword without
seeing who he's attacking?
I was scared.
What if you injured His Highness?
You fool!
Your Highness!
Where are you?
Smart men check first, just like that.
I apologize, sir.
His Highness is over here!
We're on the same side!
Please, just--
We found Canute!
-The prize! The prize!
-The prince is here!
Over here!
Damn! You're Thorkell's men!
I'm the one who's the fool!
Don't kill the prince!
I know!
We have to be careful, right?
Over here, little boy.
We're nice guys.
That was close!
A horse?
Who's this kid?
Why's he staring at us?
He looks like he wants to fight.
Are we allowed to kill him?
Sure. He doesn't look like he's important.
All right. It's decided.
Die, kid!
He disappeared?
You there.
You're Prince Canute, right?
I've come to save you.
Wait right there.
No one would come here to save the prince!
Why does His Highness
never get to choose?
You're Thorfinn, right?
Well, well!
It's really you, Thorfinn!
I knew I'd see you again!
You guys were fighting him?
He gave you a hard time, right?
Thorfinn's a great warrior.
He gave me this wound, after all.
If you underestimate him, you'll get hurt.
Wait, Thorfinn.
There's two things I want to ask you.
You guys are behind this fire, right?
One more.
You called yourself Thors' son, right?
Your father's name is Thors.
And your mother's name is
Am I wrong?
How do you know that?
I see, I see!
So, you're the son of
the Troll of the Jomsvikings!
That's why you're strong.
The Troll of the Jomsvikings?
He's Thors' son?
He doesn't look like him.
You know my father?
Of course I know him!
He's the only man in the world
who's stronger than me.
He's a true warrior.
That's hot!
Really hot!
We don't have time to talk about the past,
I'll give you the prince for now.
Let's do this again.
We're headed for the same place anyway.
To King Sweyn's main forces!
If you're able to escape me,
you'll be victorious!
Don't let me down,
son of Thors!
Oh, dear.
Where's Thorkell?
Your Highness!
You're with the enemy!
You bastard!
You're one of Thorkell's men.
Thorfinn's late.
You trusted in his luck
too much this time.
It doesn't matter.
I didn't lose anything.
There's more of them.
Hurry up and take away your dead.
Don't shoot!
It's me!
I've brought the prince!
Because of your reckless plan,
my men got scattered.
You'll pay for this dearly.
You would have been destroyed
by Thorkell anyway.
Be quiet.
However, in this situation,
I have no choice but to entrust the prince's safety
to you.
Protect His Highness,
and send the troops to the main army.
I, Askeladd, son of Olaf,
accept your request.
as his bodyguard, I would like to
look upon His Highness' face.
Your Highness
Are you sure he's not the princess?
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