Vividred Operation (2013) s01e11 Episode Script

I Want You to Know How I Feel

You caught him, right?
What's wrong?
No It can't be!
No way
I see how it is.
The four of you were in cahoots from the start!
You liars!
We're not liars
"Episode 11 - I Want Her to Know"
"UN Defense Forces Headquarters"
"Lowest Level - Special Confinement Chamber"
Who would've thought it'd be that girl?
Do we have the results from her physical examination?
Yes, ma'am.
I have the data right here.
Seems my hunch was correct.
This girl is at once human and something else entirely.
That key, her only personal
possession, is much the same.
Compositional analysis shows
a phase shift on the quantum level.
She's an anomaly that is at odds with the laws of this universe.
In other words, that girl
Please, Mizuha-san!
Let us talk to Rei-chan!
I'm sure there's some kind of misunderstanding!
How could Rei-chan have been controlling the Alone?
Check your data again!
But you saw it with your own eyes.
That was the true face of things.
Until our department finishes the interrogation, nobody else will be permitted to see her.
Does that mean we can see her once you're done?
I can't make any promises.
Why not?
She was attempting to destroy the Incarnate Engine using the Alone.
At this moment, she is the single greatest threat to our world.
Child or not, I'm sure her punishment will reflect that.
They can't
Furthermore, it's come to light that all her identity documents were convincing forgeries.
Then that means
There is nothing in this world that can prove she's Kuroki Rei.
This data leads us to the only possible conclusion.
The girl who calls herself Kuroki Rei
comes from another world.
Another world?
That's ridiculous!
There's nothing to be surprised about.
The existence of worlds parallel to our own was theorized long ago by Einstein.
The more pressing question is,
why did that girl come to our world?
It's not over yet!
Excuse us.
What a lonely room.
There's nothing in it.
Did Kuroki-san live here all alone?
I wonder how she felt as she
looked at the Incarnate Engine.
When you were hospitalized that one time,
I happened to run into Kuroki-san.
She said that there was something important she had to do at all costs.
Using the Alone to destroy the Engine?
may have been it.
But I believe she had a reason that compelled her to do it.
I'd like to speak with her once more.
Why does she hate the Incarnate Engine so much?
She knows the trouble it'll cause if the Engine is destroyed.
If something I love were causing others to suffer
I don't think I could stand it.
she said she'd to anything to bring "it" back.
What was she trying to bring back?
I've known her for so much longer than the rest of you,
but I had absolutely no idea.
Don't say that being class representative makes you responsible for her.
I-I wasn't
She called us liars.
Rei-chan thinks we lied to her.
I can't just let that be.
Me neither.
I wanted to be friends with Kuroki-san.
Is Rei-chan really on the Alone's side?
So you are asserting that the girl who calls herself Kuroki Rei
came from a world parallel to ours?
Think about it.
Why are we unable to detect the Alone until they're close to the Incarnate Engine?
Can't you see it's because they don't approach, but simply appear?
In other words, they come from a phase-shifted universe that we cannot detect.
Furthermore, though her body is that of a human,
she possesses superhuman physical abilities.
If we consider that the chemical makeup of her body is based on a different system of physical constants,
this irregularity is easily explained.
We processed Kuroki Rei's physical data using Professor Isshiki's newly-developed method,
and determined that the quantum waves she emits are correlated with the Alone's appearances.
Kuroki Rei is a living lighthouse in this universe for the Alone.
In other words, she acts as a beacon.
Are you saying that as long as that girl lives, the Alone will continue to invade?
Well, more or less.
Then what are we hesitating for?!
We should execute her at once!
I agree!
Her continued existence is a threat to us all!
If Kuroki-san was really controlling the Alone,
what would you do, Akane-chan?
I don't know.
But I don't want to ignore the truth.
What would you do, Wakaba?
It's the same for all of us.
None of us have an answer.
Is there no way for us to see her?
Will we really never see her again?
I won't stand for that!
I want to talk to her again.
I want to talk with her lots and learn more about her.
I want her to learn more about you three too.
I want to see Rei-chan again!
Me too!
I agree.
No objections here.
Let's go!
Wait for us
Isshiki Akane's and Futaba Aoi's Palette Suit signals detected.
Saegusa Wakaba and Shinomiya Himawari have also equipped their Palette Suits.
They've begun moving toward UDF Headquarters.
Lieutenant Amagi
My apologies,
but could you turn a blind eye just this once?
I'll be lucky if getting fired is the worst that happens.
There She's in there!
Emergency alert!
Intruders inside HQ!
I repeat! Intruders in—
Naked Collider!
We're being pursued!
This way!
What did you say?
Akane-san and the others
So they're finally here.
That took longer than I expected.
Professor, don't tell me you anticipated this!
But of course!
This is my granddaughter we're talking about!
Akane-chan, you go on ahead!
Hurry to where Kuroki-san is!
Let her know that we're not liars.
Just admit that you want to be friends with her.
All right.
I'm counting on you three.
You shall not pass!
Out of my way!
Isshiki Akane!
Hang on!
I'll get you out of there!
What are you here for?
Did you come all this way just to mock me?
Of course not!
I want to talk to you!
I have no words to exchange with the likes of you.
Maybe you don't, but I do!
And it's not just me.
Aoi-chan, Wakaba-chan, and Himawari-chan
They're all here.
None of us were lying.
We really do want to be your friends.
I have no reason to believe what you're telling me!
But if I don't tell you, how will you understand?!
I want to get even closer to you.
Because the very first time I met you
I got a tingling feeling!
How can you say that?
You don't know anything about me!
That's why I want to know more!
I'll tell you all about myself!
So tell me more about you!
Why would you go so far?
Because we're friends.
Good grief.
I shouldn't say this about my own granddaughter, but you oughta tone it down a bit.
Grandpa! What are you doing here?
Akane-chan! Kuroki-san!
Are you two okay?
Yup, I'm perfectly fine.
You did it, Akane!
Sheesh, stealing the spotlight for yourself!
Say, Miss.
Seven years ago, an intelligence that transcended human understanding gave me a message.
That entity is the one sending the Alone after us
and ordering you to destroy the Incarnate Engine.
Am I correct?
Allow me to answer that.
What's that?!
A talking crow!
No way!
A demon?
What the—
How does that thing work?
What are you doing here?
What in the blazes are you?
I am a Speaker.
I represent those who exist in the gaps between beginnings and ends,
those who rule over all of time and space in all dimensions.
The supreme beings: them.
"Supreme beings"? Not mincing words, I see.
Why do those with such power fear the Incarnate Engine?
They are worried.
You lowly beings are toying with powers beyond your ken.
Powers that could upset the very balance of this universe.
My world was destroyed when Incarnate Energy ran amok.
Before me, the lone survivor, this crow appeared.
It said it would restore my world if I followed its orders.
That's why
Is that true?
That thing you said you'd bring back
was the parallel world you lived in?
Kuroki Rei, you have truly disappointed me.
Such a simple task, and you
couldn't accomplish even that.
The rest of you let me down as well.
To think that you'd let Rei live.
The Alone are guided to this dimension by Kuroki Rei.
If you wish to stop them, simply kill her.
And yet, you
Then what are we hesitating for?!
We should execute her at once!
Execute her?
Do none of you know the meaning of friendship and compassion?
What nonsense are you spouting?
All we need to do is prevent the Alone from detecting her.
Is that possible?
A trifling task for Isshiki Kenjirō!
Either way, I won't allow Kuroki Rei to be executed!
I listened in on your conversation.
An eavesdropper, eh?
Humans, you see,
require water, air, light,
and friendship in order to survive.
If we look lightly upon friendship or upon life,
we lose our right to live.
You girls proved as much through your battles.
This is truly a shame.
If you had only killed Rei,
everything would have ended there.
The girl who controls the Alone is set up as the greatest pitfall in this test.
If Kuroki Rei had been killed, this universe would have automatically failed.
I did not expect matters to come to this.
So you're saying that we've passed this test?
Not at all.
I have brought a multitude of worlds to their doom.
Through that, I have come to understand.
They do not wish for lowly beings such as yourself to have access to Incarnate Energy.
No world must ever pass the test.
What are you saying?
If they simply wanted indiscriminate destruction, there would be no need for any test!
That's right!
That can't be true!
How is that fair?
We never wronged them!
Know your place, Speaker!
I am always fair and neutral.
That is why I must correct this improper conclusion.
That bird is insane.
Rei, you are the cause of this entire mess.
You have failed me.
I will be taking your arrows.
Don't lay a feather on my friend!
Out of my way.
Go on, return them to me!
If I lose these, my world will be gone forever!
There is no need to bring it back.
I cannot imagine that they wished for its return.
My duty is to make the future they desire into a reality.
I shall now carry out their will in their place.
It can't be
Oh no!
Get back!
"To be continued"
Aoi-chan, Wakaba-chan, Himawari-chan
and Rei-chan!
Thank you!
I love you all!
Next time: Vividred Operation.
"Final Episode - Vividred Operation"
With you guys by my side, I know we can save the world.
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