When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

When the Devil Calls Your Name
I am sorry.
Right now as soon as possible,
I need your soul.
Are you going to spare Luca if he brings the soul contract?
Episode 11
I should, right? A contract is a contract.
Then, what if he can't bring the soul contract?
Then Luca will die. That's none of my business.
If Luca dies,
Mr. Seo might give up on bringing a grade-one soul.
Mr. Seo should not give up.
He must bring a grade-one soul.
Where are you going?
I'll save Luca first.
Take care the BP.
- Get ready to shoot.
- Give me epi, hurry!
- He's still not back?
- No.
Wrap it up.
- Chief! We got ROSC!
- Doctor!
Spontaneous circulation has returned.
- Raise the BP!
- Yes.
Okay, let's just tell her.
Let's tell her all.
The fact is
fact is
About him you are looking for
About Seo Dong Cheol
Mr. Seo!
Pressure in the pulmonary artery has decreased and the right ventricle's size is normal.
I've never seen anything like this before!
Are you okay, Ma'am?
Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you.
Luca is okay.
Luca survived.
You understand what you just did, right?
Didn't you say life and death is fate?
That's right.
Ten years ago, a child was supposed to die but some devil changed fate,
under the name of a devil's salvation.
Ten-year-old boy dies on the operating table.
Saying you lost the whole world
I can get heart specialist, Doctor Kim Jeong Eun,
so you can save your son.
The reason God let you do whatever you've been doing
is because He believed in humans.
He believed they would find the light in the dark.
The contract between human and devil,
is God's promise that He will keep in the end.
You knowing Him so well.
You being a loyal servant, why did you save him?
If not me, then you!
Because you'll do it.
You are saying you thought God would punish me, so you did it to take my punishment.
Aside from the contract, He never allowed us to toy with human lives.
Then aside from the contract, you did change human life at your will.
For your beloved son.
Did you think I'd be touched?
Shall I cry tears like a human?
No way a true reconciliation will happen when the hatred is this deep.
The more you do that, you are only dragging me to a worse place.
Stop right here, my son. If you go any further, no one can turn it back.
It's too late to turn back already.
Wasn't it your will, Father?!
Are you saying we should let him die?
Life or death, it's that child's fate.
Yet you let that murderer who's less than a bug live. Is that God's will as well?
The person who's less than a bug is also God's child.
You can't refuse God's will.
If that child must die, then that murderer must die, too.
Ten times more painfully, at that.
That will be the reason for God's existence.
Human affairs are human affairs.
Our existence is just watching them.
That child's soul is already His.
From now on, I am not going to obey God.
Please release the poor humans now. I am begging you.
You stop it.
I am saying stay out of my sight.
My son
Uh? What is this?
Fish cake Ahjussi is F-Father? He's your father?
Then this old man is a devil, too?
You started all this.
I what? Who are you to mess with my son's life?
Why mess with my son's life at your will?
What are you? What are you trying to do?
What are you trying to do now?!
Who the hell are you? Why aren't you answering me?
My son, please stop.
So this is the place where humans are pretending to be God.
So you are not the one who saved Luca?
You are lucky, Mr. Seo.
Though that old man is selling fish cake now,
because he's God's messenger, he does have capability.
Though there's a slight change, nothing changed on your part.
What do you mean?
Bring Yi Gyeong's soul within the time limit.
Then according to our contract, your soul will be free. Forever.
Why do I need to bring Yi Gyeong's soul?
Besides you, Luca, no, another being who can kill or save us at will is here.
So why should I abide by my contract with you? Why?
What do you think fate is?
It's true God decides human fates.
But just once at birth,
humans come to this world with fate.
I am saying it can't be changed by God at will.
You get just one chance to change that sort of fate.
That's the moment you sign a contract with me.
That's how your fate changed.
In accordance with our contract, Luca's fate changed as well.
Like that, you and Luca lived another ten years with that changed fate.
Why should I abide by the contract with you?
Even if I bring Yi Gyeong's contract,
can you guarantee this won't happen to Luca again?
That's my arguing point now.
That's what I am talking about now, Mr. Seo.
Think carefully. The changed fate ten years ago,
and Luca's fate ten years later, and now.
He was scheduled to die today.
Then why? Why did that old man save Luca?
That means he can interfere anytime, right?
Whether it is predetermined or not, it means you can change it at your will.
If not me, then you! You will do it.
He thought I might get punished by God. He brought it upon himself.
He was being a big nose. But thanks to him,
despite your not bringing Yi Gyeong's contract, Luca is spared.
We can think of it that you and I are lucky.
A new fate is given to Luca.
A thing called life.
A new fate.
God doesn't touch human fates.
That old man won't interfere in our business anymore.
- So bring Yi Gyeong's contract.
- So if I bring it—
- Our contract
Our contract will be renewed.
Your soul will be free forever.
Promise me that nothing will happen to Luca.
If you are that nervous, hurry up and bring Yi Gyeong's contract.
If your contract is renewed, your first wish
will also be renewed.
What do humans call this?
Should I say a double guarantee?
Promise me that nothing will happen to Luca.
I promise.
I put God's pride on it.
Oh, where are you going, PD Ha? The surgery is not yet?
PD Ha!
Am I funny to you?
The world is fun for you?
What the heck? Come here! Hey you! Come here!
Luca. Right, this is Mom.
Oh my, Luca.
What on earth?
It must've been hard for you.
Luca, Luca. Are you okay? Look at you sweating.
You must overcome this, okay? I'll be praying.
He'll rise miraculously without any problem.
Everything is messed up.
I forgot something important.
I even forgot the fact that I thought it was important.
Like a fool. Everything is blurry.
What is important to me?
Did I even have anything important to me?
Whom do I love?
Did I ever love someone?
Who the heck am I?
Why am I tearing up?
If you are that nervous, hurry up and bring Yi Gyeong's contract.
To Luca,
a new fate is given. A thing called life.
Did you save Luca?
Luca doesn't have a soul contract.
Will you be alright with that?
There were many souls.
Shabby souls and somewhat meaningful souls.
But they are all the same to me.
They were just blinded by vain hopes
and pathetic souls.
They may have once shone, but like this
If you go any further, you can't turn back.
It's already too late to turn back.
If I refuse, will you burn the other wing as well?!
Your fury ultimately burned your own wing.
And that revenge will come back to haunt you.
I am not going back. I can't go back yet.
If God's will is finding good from my evil,
then I'll reveal evil out of all good.
I am going to prove God's arrogance.
The souls needing my salvation are still waiting for my touch.
He started it. He started it first.
Please spare my Woo Ram, too.
You saved dead Harib and this time you even saved Luca.
Lingering feelings make humans act foolishly.
Luca wasn't even a contractee.
- My Woo Ram, too
- The person with the ability to determine life or death
If that kid must die, then that murderer must die as well.
And ten times more painfully, at that.
That will be the reason for God to exist.
I don't have that sort of ability.
Go home.
I am sorry.
So why did you do it?
I couldn't help it. If I didn't get involved, he'd again
Again what? "Oh my, my father sacrificed for me. I need to get my head straight."
Ryoo is not that kind. Ryoo is mocking God. How dare
He even utters His name.
That kid doesn't know what to do now either.
Don't I know that kid? Don't you think I don't know that kid as his father?
If you know your son that well, why didn't you stop him in the first place?
You can't even control your surroundings, so what human
Right. It's all my fault.
I don't care what happens to me now. Please give Ryoo more time and I somehow will—
What else can you do? Did you forget you got fired?
You are no longer our boss.
That's why I am asking you a favor. A favor!
What should I do? Should I get down on my knees?
Do you scream asking for a favor?
I am in what the humans call menopause.
I am sorry. So
It's not something I can do freely.
I am only delivering His words. You've crossed the line already.
There's nothing more I can do. Go back and
wait for God's will.
Who is there?
This is Hui Yeon's mother. Open the door.
Would you like a cup of tea?
I am fine. Are you the man of the house or something?
I knew this would happen.
She won't let me come over, and she won't tell me the passcode. And she won't go on a matchmaking date either.
I suspect she has a man, but she won't let me see you.
I suspected as much.
If you answer like that to my mother, did you think I'd overlook it?
My mom saw the article. She's upset, asking if your family is that killer's family.
I am prepared for it, and I could've persuaded her.
It's okay that you have a big debt and your family is shabby. But,
what I can't take is the huge wall
between you and me.
You have something that you can't tell me.
I still don't know what sort of a person you are.
I probably won't know in the future either.
I don't think I can handle that.
I apologize for my mother.
I need to go to work. Before I return,
I'd like it if you'd take your things.
Here. Let's eat.
Mom, did Mr. Harib stay?
During the surgery.
I wish he'd stayed a little longer.
I missed him.
A bit unusual, right?
- Eat up.
- Okay.
Are you ready?
Not yet.
I am sorry, Kang Ha. I can't take it anymore.
Don't tell me. I really don't want to know.
What's wrong? What is it?
Judge, Jeong In Seok.
Really? A judge?
Forty-two years old?
No. That's probably not true.
You have to accept it.
You said yourself that you are a good judge.
Ah, that
Please stop by.
Jin Ja Roo
Jin Ja Roo (Chinese Restaurant)
I'll go with you. I really like jjamppong (spicy seafood soup).
Our contract will be renewed.
That man said you are a good judge, too.
If your contract is renewed, then your first wish will be renewed as well.
What do humans call this?
- Should I say double guarantees?
- Jeong In Seok.
- Dae Ri Seok.
- My name is Jeong In Seok.
- What?
- I ran into a person I know on the street.
He said I am a judge and I was a good person.
So I was a good judge.
Remember I was reciting the laws before?
A judge, he said. A good one.
That's good. You ought to find your path.
I keep dreaming the same dream.
I am locked in a box like Prince Sado was and can't escape from it.
For sure it's a nightmare but I wonder if it was a dream, when I wake up,
or if I went insane. If not that,
then why am I here?
I am confused and scared, too.
Kang Ha.
Stop watching dramas and think slowly.
You can continue to stay here until you are ready.
Thank you.
Ah, it turns out that I am 42 years old.
We'll take time sorting out our titles.
Have a drink. (Dropped honorific)
Impudent punk. I am 66 years old, you punk.
♫ I can hear the heart pounding ♫
♫ A memory called you calling me out ♫
♫ When I close my eyes it becomes clearer ♫
♫ When I call you to hug you ♫
♫ tears from the stars ♫
♫ answer me instead ♫
Why am I like this?
♫ In my heart, you are not sadness ♫
♫ Always, oh looking for you ♫
Why did I do that? Why did I do that?
♫ is not sadness ♫
I must be crazy. I must be crazy.
Why do I keep thinking about him?
What are you doing at this late night?
Uh? How are you here?
I snuck out.
I want to eat ice cream.
I feel very bad eating alone in front of the person who had surgery. Want a bite?
Fooled you.
It feels like I am eating it watching you eating it.
Hurry and eat up.
I'll finish it all.
But is it okay for you to be out like this?
- It's amazing, isn't it?
- Um.
I guess the drugs these days are really good. The effect is really
I think miracles do exist.
Every time I fell into danger,
my father was there then and my brother this time.
But the miracle feels too real, so I am nervous.
Why nervous?
My father made a song for me, I heard. My brother sang it for me before the surgery.
Mr. PD?
I think my brother knows I am his younger brother.
It means my father wrote that song for me.
I think my brother knows who I am and keeps pushing me away.
Should I just tell him? Will he dislike me then?
I'm not sure.
My mom said my brother will dislike me for sure.
I worry about that the most.
I am not sure, but I don't think Mr. PD dislikes you.
I think he thinks about you a lot.
- R-Really?
- Yes.
But I think he has a complicated problem.
What complicated problem?
I don't know. That's the grown-up world.
Approach him slowly over time.
Aren't you interested in Hyung Harib?
Don't you think he's a charming man?
I don't think so. He's always moody and wishy-washy.
Don't know if you can call our situation an office romance.
It can't be because we are co-workers.
So burdensome men are a no for you?
I need to hurry back. My mother is probably very upset.
Yes, Mother. I came out for a walk.
Be back soon.
Did you really come to eat ice cream?
Of course.
When I opened my eyes after the surgery,
I realized there was one more face I wanted to see.
Now that I am alive, there are too many things I want to do.
You do what you want to do whatever that might be
so you won't have regrets, okay?
- I am off.
- Bye.
Please give me a bottle of Soju.
What does your sister do?
My mom saw the article. She's upset, asking if your family is that killer's family.
Of course, you live together with the intention to marry her.
You do know how old my daughter is, right?
Can you do the wedding right now?
There's a huge wall between us.
You have something you can't tell me.
I still don't know what kind of a person you are.
I won't know in the future either.
I don't think I can handle that.
If you die, you are making our kids into murderers.
Not just one but make both of them in agony like that.
You must not die.
Get better quickly.
Thank you.
I am sorry to barge in this late.
I drank some. I have something to tell you.
If not today, I'll never
be able to tell.
Come in.
I did it.
I did it all.
Because of you, I am to my daughter
Father. Father stop.
Let go.
Let go!
Because of you two biches, I am
jinxed for life.
Let me! Let me!
Get up. You die first. Get up.
Die bich.
Father stop.
Please stop!
Please. Enough already.
I was a coward all this time.
I think I really told myself I didn't do it and forgot about it.
I did it.
I did it.
You take the second exam as scheduled.
No, no, no.
If you go to prison, this family has no hope.
Do you understand?
If he goes to prison,
this family doesn't have any hope.
Is this the police?
I hit a person.
I am not sure.
But I did want to kill him.
I am not going to policeacademy.
No, no.
Don't do that.
Gyeong got arrested like that and I didn't go to the second interview for police academy.
What happened between me and my father
is something I need to carry for the rest of my life.
Gyeong called me a stupid idiot.
I felt better after she cursed me.
I am an idiot, right?
The world is forgetting, but my family is suffering again because of me.
Please stop attacking my family.
What is the reason you're telling me this?
What do you want from me?
At least you seem to be a nice person.
I am not sure, being an idiot.
At least I think you'd know
how to correct this.
I am envious.
I'd feel better if could forget everything.
The whole world is going "Kelly, Kelly!"
They want Kelly. Congratulations.
Thank to that, The Liver and Gallbladder is getting the spotlight again.
They are burning up the phone lines looking for Seo Dong Cheon.
They are not looking for Lee Choong Ryeol.
Have you tried to contact Dong Cheon?
Ask him to see me.
Didn't I tell you I don't know?
Do you expect me to believe that?
It looks like a photoshoot.
Take it as a souvenir, I won't charge you.
My motto is,
"It all works out in the end."
I lived my life checking all four directions, and I caught this.
What's the big deal when a man and woman of appropriate age are in love?
But people might not think that way.
One of them could get hurt right away.
Take a look.
You can smell this is for returning a favor of some sort, right?
I don't think like that. The world—
Let's not touch Yi Gyeong.
I can reveal to the world what you've been doing, too.
You talk just like your father.
A hooligan thief like you is not qualified to do music.
Don't get so serious.
You know I am not saying I'd spread this photo to spite you.
You'd better not.
Your temperament is just like his, too.
Don't take after your father's hot temper.
He treated me unfairly a few times, too.
I picked the song he threw out, out of the trash can.
Why? Because it was too good to be thrown away. Too much of a waste.
I felt it'd be a decent song with a little bit of tweaking.
But he called me a thief and a bum digging in the trash.
Call me a bum?
Do you even know what the music is?
Taking his crappy temperament and doing music by his side,
that isn't an easy task.
So what do you want?
What I want?
Where my friend Seo Dong Cheon is and what he's doing
is what I want to know.
- And—
- And?
Don't be cheeky in front of me ever again
or I'd dig your two eyeballs out.
♫ O mio babbino caro ♫
♫ Mi piace è bello, bello ♫
♫ Vo'andare in Porta Rossa ♫
♫ A comperar l'anello ♫
It's worse than the rumor. Are you ill?
I am getting baptized tomorrow.
Call me Catalina from now on.
Do you think baptism is something like a massage you get at any time?
You have to get training for six months to become a church member.
Really? Tomorrow is a perfect time, though.
Did you know this secret thing feels awesome?
If you consider a fart to be a pleasant freedom,
becoming sacred is like pooping freely and then like, bam!
It feels like I am flying to the sky.
You know that thing on TV, that—
Hey! Joo Ra In. Do you not realize how much shooting is left to do in this drama?
I heard you missed the meeting with the director yesterday.
Yesterday? Meeting?
I did.
Unni, don't worry.
Once I become sacred, everything will be fine.
Just trust me.
Oppa. Let's have a sacred talk.
Perhaps you are here to sell, too?
Get a grip.
I am talking about the soul, soul.
It's dangerous for you to travel alone. Where is your manager?
The part-timer didn't show up. She'll be here soon.
Something happened?
Gyeong, someone these days—
Don't come near me.
No these days
What are you thinking about?
I know, right? I am overreacting.
How could you think
in broad daylight I'd
How could you even think—
That's because it's my first time.
It was my first time hugging a man that closely.
I was too busy making a living, so I never had time to do that sort of thing.
Follow me!
How dare?
Get out!
I haven't had one meal today.
I am sorry.
I can't perform like this, right?
Why? You've never seen a 28-year-old virgin before?
No, it's that
I am perfectly fine.
I am going to do what I want from now on.
To a person like this
To a brilliant person like her,
would I be able to ask for her soul?
And I don't look at you as a man, so don't worry about it.
You are walking fast.
Luca. Are you okay?
You are not in pain?
He ran away escaped again.
He said he must do what he wants to do.
Luca's mother will kill me.
♫ I can hear my heart pounding.
♫ The memory of you calling me
♫ becomes more vivid when I close my eyes.
♫ Tears flowing from the stars answer instead
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Hold on to these friends here.
Okay, got it.
♫ Always, oh beautiful life even if it's a dream
♫ even if it's a dream
♫ I want to see you again.
♫ Always, oh looking for you.
♫ I will sing
♫ until you are tired of it
♫ A longing which is you
♫ is not sadness.
PD Ha, are you interested in Kelly?
I am interested in Kelly.
My son who fell in love.
♫ Always
Kid with a heartache.
♫ In my heart
This is devil's play.
He's enjoying watching me.
♫ Oh looking for you
♫ In my memories you are not pain
♫ Sound of my short breath
♫ My voice calling you
Sing for me.
It's late. You should go home.
Love it!
Love it!
What do you think?
Humans think a lot. That's why they are humans.
What is there to think about?
Mr. Seo's soul is on the line.
Wasn't the music like life to him?
Luca and music, nothing is more important for Mr. Seo.
But there is one more thing.
There's a thing called conscience in humans with souls
which makes them unable to make a decision knowing fully what is important.
That is ambition.
If you have one, then you'd want two. If you have two, then you'd want three.
When faced with the decision time, greed kicks in and they want everything.
Please give me your autograph!
♫ No one can achieve it ♫
♫ Even if you run closer and closer to the front ♫
Please hold my hand.
Yes, thank you.
♫ It seems like you can't even get halfway there ♫
- Mr. PD.
- Sang Hee.
- Good work.
- Thanks.
Drink this.
- What is this?
- It's my heart.
♫ Somewhere in my dream of wanting to fly ♫
♫ How far far away
We should drink on a day like today, right?
There you go again.
♫ must I go to find you? ♫
Dojorae. (Drink til dawn)
How did you know?
Searched the internet.
You even searched because of me.
- Dojorae.
- Cheers!
♫ Come to me without turning back ♫
Will Kelly accept my love on a day like this if I tell her how I feel?
♫ By the time this song is over ♫
Your name?
♫ Will my insignificant dream soar, too? ♫
I am kidding, kidding.
It seems she is interested in someone else.
♫ to somewhere in my vague and painful dream? ♫
Thank you.
Thank you.
♫ Somewhere? ♫
CEO Ji Seo Yeong
It's a good day and the breeze is nice, too.
I just thought about you.
What is it that you want from me?
At least I thought you'd know how to correct this.
I have to decide.
I must make my decision
Just what do you think of me?
On the day when I came to see you as a total stranger.
Someone who can make me into a top musician in ten years.
The producer who has that ability. That's how I see you.
Okay, forget about me. What about Yi Gyeong?
Did you even ask her?
No, she'll be against it for sure.
Can't you just spread it out in the media naturally?
The end result is for Yi Gyeong's benefit.
I am very curious how you think of me but forget that.
You know it's not fake.
I am just asking to correct the past.
Okay. But let's make one thing clear.
This is not right.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
I know it's not right.
But even for a moment not bad-mouthed,
and even for a moment, I'd like to see her shine properly.
If I must accept my new fate, then I'd accept it my way.
Luca and music.
Nothing is more important to Mr. Seo, but there is one more thing.
There's a thing called conscience in humans with souls.
which makes them unable to make a decision knowing fully what is important.
If you wander around wanting everything,
then I'll give you the gift of experiencing losing everything.
[Exclusive] Kelly's brother Mr. Kim, "I am the one who hit my father with the ashtray teh years ago," cleared conscience.
Sending you reporting material.
Yes, Reporter Um. I just sent you a mail.
Yes, as a follow up article.
I won't be surprised.
Not at all.
I won't.
I won't. Uh
You startled me.
I guess devils can travel through walls?
There isn't anything you can't do, is there?
Must be nice.
I guess you miss the days of Seo Dong Cheon.
You made an exclusive space for Seo Dong Cheon. Very well.
I used my money to do what I like.
Don't pick a fight.
Right. This is a nice collection.
Because you despised your pathetic life,
you even decided to sell your soul, yet you are reminiscing about your past?
I am repeating myself again.
I am saying this clearly.
I don't see your will to carry out the contract now.
That makes me very worried.
What is? What about my will?
My will is very normal.
"I'll put her on top then drop her."
Your plan was to bring that desperate soul to me.
But because your son was in danger you hung on to me crying a river begging to spare your son.
You son is alive now.
It's true I hung onto you crying a river, but you are not the one who saved my son.
Is it important who saved him?
This is what I think of your thinking.
"My son is safe and the poor kid is now happy.
The contract with the Devil is extended.
Change, extension.
I only need to drag time.
This is your real plan.
Then are you giving up like this?
You must have forgotten everything.
The reason you had to sell your soul other than your son's.
Money, success, youth.
And the thing carrying your soul,
the music. Have you forgotten all of it?
What shall we do now?
Do what?
Okay. Let's go back to the beginning.
To the place where you are longing so desperately for,
to the time you are reminiscing about.
To that moment
I am sorry if you got your feelings hurt from the last article,
but I think this article will be beneficial for you.
Who is the source?
I write my articles based on the fact.
If there's another fact that I don't know about, I'll write a follow-up article.
Open the door.
I said open the door. I know you are listening, so open the door.
How can you do this to me?
You saw how I protected my family.
You really are a devil-like person. Did you know?
♫ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted ♫
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile ♫
♫ You who were the desert's sweet water ♫
Who are you?
My father came last night.
You really don't know where Seo Dong Cheon is?
He's probably dead.
I think I saw my father. You know he's not dead.
You misunderstand something.
I am Reporter Um Sang Sik of Goryeo Daily. You are Kim Yi Gyeong's brother, right?
Nothing will happen. I'll make it that way.
Everything will come to fruition. Everything you want.
- Everything I want?
- Of course, everything.
You remember the thing I told you before about a woman who keeps popping up in my head?
I think I know who she is.
When I left that place, I was already
separated to a different tomorrow than yours.
Your soul
I am collecting.
♫ Even the mountain birds who cried all night are leaving ♫
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