Where's Wally (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Hit or Myth in Greece

# Oh, ay, oh. Where do you go,
where do you go Wally?
# Oh, ay, oh. Where do you go,
where do you go Wally?
# Oh, ay, oh.
I search the world for you.
# Take a trip around the world.
# Take a trip around the world.
# Catch a ride to the moon.
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in, discover something new.
# Oh, ay, oh.
# Anywhere you go I'll find you.
# Anywhere you go I'll find you.
# Oh, oh, oh.
# Where do you go,
where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
Lady Wenda of Castle WanderLand,
Lady Wenda of Castle WanderLand,
open your gates
and give us your flag.
You are no match
for me and my gnomes!
Sir Wally of WanderTopia,
you and your gnomes will never
be able to get my flag!
Turn back or get soaked
by Big Blue!
Wow. That is awfully big.
And awfully blue. What should we do?
And awfully blue. What should we do?
Right. OK, Lady Wenda.
You leave me and my gnomes no choice.
You leave me and my gnomes no choice.
A present? Hmm.
A present? Hmm.
Huh. I wonder why Wally
would give me a present.
Maybe it's his way of saying
he gives up, and I win.
Maybe it's his way of saying
he gives up, and I win.
Arf! You got me!
And we got your flag.
And we got your flag.
Good one, Wally! Where did you
come up with that present trick?
Well, actually
Mount Olympus!
Well, actually
Mount Olympus!
Wizard Whitebeard?
That sounds important.
Wizard Whitebeard, is everything OK?
Wally! Wenda!
Oh, am I glad to see you.
Oh, am I glad to see you.
I was just taking snickerdoodles
out of the oven to cool
when this arrived!
A WanderPost from a fellow Wanderer!
BOTH: (GASP) It's Odlulu and Fritz!
BOTH: (GASP) It's Odlulu and Fritz!
And look, Wenda. In Odlulu's hand.
A magic key!
We need to get it back
before Odlulu and Fritz
cause any trouble with it.
before Odlulu and Fritz
cause any trouble with it.
Right you are, Wenda. Where can
we find them this time, Whitebeard?
For that, young Wanderers,
let us askthe WanderGlobe.
By striped staff and white of beard,
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, O magic globe, to show
Spin, O magic globe, to show
How could I forget this part?
Where these wanderers will go!
Greece! The capital city of Athens,
to be exact.
Greece! The capital city of Athens,
to be exact.
You know,
Athens is over 3,000 years old,
making it one of the oldest cities
in the world.
making it one of the oldest cities
in the world.
Oh, yes, but don't let
its age fool you.
Athens is a modern city
with a few reminders left
of its legendary past.
Like this fortress
Like this fortress
And this temple.
Wow. It's really hard to believe
they're still standing
after 3,000 years.
Exactly, Wenda!
Exactly, Wenda!
The Acropolis and the Parthenon
are some of the oldest buildings
in the entire world.
Well, there's no time to waste.
Who knows what kind of trouble
Odlulu and Fritz could get into.
Who knows what kind of trouble
Odlulu and Fritz could get into.
Ready? Set
BOTH: Wander!
Well, Wenda, here we are!
Say hello, or "geia sas", to Athens!
Now, let's go and find
BOTH: Whoa!
Now, let's go and find
BOTH: Whoa!
Er, Wally? What's going on here?
Huh. This has to be
some sort of festival
Huh. This has to be
some sort of festival
celebrating ancient Greece.
That's the only way to explain it.
Well, can you explain that, then?
No! I don't think I can
explain that.
A flying horse!
I've never seen one of those before!
That's because they aren't real.
I've never seen one of those before!
That's because they aren't real.
They're imaginary creatures
from old Greek stories.
The Greeks called
these imaginary stories "myths."
Well, these myths
look pretty real to me, Wally.
Well, these myths
look pretty real to me, Wally.
Flying horses,
half-men-half-horse centaurs?
Flying horses,
half-men-half-horse centaurs?
All Greek myths!
We really need to figure out
what's going on here, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
I think I know what's going on.
Take a look at this.
I think I know what's going on.
Take a look at this.
Wow! It's a Grecian urn.
Before books, the Greeks would paint
their myths on urns.
Before books, the Greeks would paint
their myths on urns.
This urn tells the story of Jason,
a brave explorer
who sailed on his boat, the Argo,
meeting wondrous creatures
and having adventures.
Kind of like a Wanderer!
Right. But take a look at this urn.
Kind of like a Wanderer!
Right. But take a look at this urn.
It just has outlines,
like a blank sticker book.
Something is making
these imaginary creatures
Something is making
these imaginary creatures
pop off their urns
and into the real world.
Not someTHING, Wenda. SomeONE.
Exactly. I think she has
the Greek Myth Key.
Exactly. I think she has
the Greek Myth Key.
A key that can make Greek myths real.
But why would Odlulu
want to make Greek myths real?
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure.
But I think we're about to find out.
Huh? Wha!
Uh oh! Wanderers!
He's heading for the museum.
Odlulu, Odlulu, Odlulu!
Aah! Odlulu!
Oh, hey Fritz.
I think I finally have
the hang of this key.
And I also found
what I was looking for.
And I also found
what I was looking for.
And you're just in time
to see me get it.
Not so fast, Odlulu!
Wanderers! Why didn't
you tell me they were here?
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
You're just in time to watch me
get the Golden Fleece.
The Golden what, now?
The Golden Fleece.
It's the golden wool
of a magical golden sheep.
It's the golden wool
of a magical golden sheep.
One of the greatest treasures
in Greek myth.
Exactly. And I'm about
to make it real.
It'll be perfect
for my birthday invitation picture.
It'll be perfect
for my birthday invitation picture.
BOTH: No! Odlulu, wait!
I look stunning in gold,
don't you agree?
Uh, Wally? I don't think
the myths are done popping yet.
the myths are done popping yet.
Oh no!
Odlulu, you need to reverse the magic
and put everything back
Odlulu, you need to reverse the magic
and put everything back
where it belongs, right now.
Nuh-uh! Not until I take
my birthday invitation picture!
Odlulu, you need to do it
Uh oh.
I need to do it before what?
You didn't finish
what you were saying.
Err what's that?
That would be one of the most
famous monsters in Greek myth.
A one-eyed giant called
(ECHOING) Cyclops!
Pretty kitty!
Huh? Ugh. He's not a kitty.
He's a ferret.
Huh? Ugh. He's not a kitty.
He's a ferret.
Uh, Odlulu? I don't think
this is the time for that.
Ooh. Cyclops want
to hug pretty kitty.
Oh no! (GRUNTS)
Odlulu, you need
to reverse the magic right now!
Ooh. Shiny gold blankie!
Hey, wait! That's MY Golden Fleece!
No! My shiny gold blankie.
No! My shiny gold blankie.
Bumblebee girl can't have it.
Cyclops found it first.
But I need it
for my birthday invitation picture.
But I need it
for my birthday invitation picture.
Mine! Cyclops needs a nap.
Cyclops is sleepy.
I'm taking shiny blankie
to nappy place.
I'm taking shiny blankie
to nappy place.
The Acropolis!
It's quiet there.
Hey, come back with that!
Wait! Odlulu, no!
Wally, without the Greek Myth Key
we'll never be able
to get these imaginary characters
back on their vases
where they belong! Right.
back on their vases
where they belong! Right.
Uh, baklava?
The Cyclops said he was going
to the Acropolis to take a nap.
That old fortress
from Whitebeard's pictures?
But we don't know our way
around Athens. And it looks like
But we don't know our way
around Athens. And it looks like
the locals might be too busy
to help us right now.
If the Acropolis is what you seek,
then maybe I can help.
BOTH: Whoa! A real Greek hero!
Ha! I am Jason of the Argo.
Follow me, friends,
and I will be your guide
Follow me, friends,
and I will be your guide
through the city of Athens.
Ha! Ha-ha!
Thanks for helping us, Jason.
You are welcome, Wally and Wenda.
But this is most confusing.
One moment I'm sailing the seas
But this is most confusing.
One moment I'm sailing the seas
on the mighty Argo with my crew,
and then pop! Here I am in Athens.
Chariots that move without horses?
Lanterns that tell these
horseless chariots to stop or go?
Lanterns that tell these
horseless chariots to stop or go?
Although, this is not
the Athens I remember,
enough of the old city remains
for me to lead you
where you need to go.
for me to lead you
where you need to go.
But why the Acropolis?
Because we need to get a magic key.
So we can return
these characters to their stories.
A quest!
Oh, how I love a good quest!
A quest!
Oh, how I love a good quest!
Are you adventurers like me,
Wally and Wenda?
Sort of. We're Wanderers.
Wally and Wenda, Wanderers!
Sort of. We're Wanderers.
Wally and Wenda, Wanderers!
I like that.
Tell me, Wanderers,
where have you sailed
on your adventures?
We've wandered all over the world.
We've wandered all over the world.
So have I!
What is the name of your boat?
Mine is named The Argo.
We don't have a boat.
No boat?
We don't have a boat.
No boat?
But how do you wander
from place to place?
We use a magic suitcase.
A magic suitcase?
It's a long story.
It's a long story.
Zeus's thunderbolt! A talking cat!
What kind of magic is this?
What kind of magic is this?
It's not magic. It's Fritz.
He's a ferret.
I've seen many strange creatures
in my adventures, Wanderers,
I've seen many strange creatures
in my adventures, Wanderers,
but this may be the strangest.
Yah! Oh-ho-ho-ho!
Come, Wanderers!
And strange talking cat.
Come, Wanderers!
And strange talking cat.
The Acropolis is this way!
I meant this way.
OK, Cyclops. Let's be fair.
I saw it first,
so give me back the Golden Fleece.
No! Cyclops is tired.
so give me back the Golden Fleece.
No! Cyclops is tired.
Cyclops want to nap.
But I need it
for my birthday invitation picture.
I look just stunning in gold. Ah!
Bumblebee girl talks too much.
Bumblebee girl talks too much.
Makes Cyclops head hurt.
Listen. What if I trade you for it?
Something for you to hug
instead of the shiny blankie?
Something for you to hug
instead of the shiny blankie?
Like the pretty kitty?
Pretty kitty?
Oh, right. Ha. Fritz.
Now where did that ferret go?
Now where did that ferret go?
Um. No, not the pretty kitty.
But something even better.
Cyclops is listening,
bumblebee girl.
Cyclops is listening,
bumblebee girl.
Three heads?
Three heads?
I thought it was three puppies!
Hmm. Three-headed doggy
not better than shiny blankie.
Not cuddly enough.
Not cuddly enough.
Sorry, three-headed dog. I tried.
Wha-! Ha-! Hm.
Wha-! Ha-! Hm.
Uh, Wanderers,
why are we in the underworld?
It's not the underworld, Jason.
Well, it sort of is.
It's not the underworld, Jason.
Well, it sort of is.
It's a metro station.
A train station underground.
Ha, ha, ha!
A silver serpent!
Stand back, everyone!
I will protect you.
I will protect you.
"Next stop: The Acropolis."
It speaks?
Jason, it's not a monster.
It's called a metro train.
Jason, it's not a monster.
It's called a metro train.
Yes. You ride in it.
Hm. "Metro?"
Zeus's thunderbolt!
Zeus's thunderbolt!
It's his first metro ride.
I'm sorry, sir,
do you have a ticket to enter?
I'm sorry, sir,
do you have a ticket to enter?
Uh, sir? Sir!
(PANTING) Uh, one student,
and one cyclops.
Enjoy the Acropolis!
OK, let's see
what we can trade. Let's see.
What could I find in here
to tr- hey!
What could I find in here
to tr- hey!
No more trading. Cyclops is tired.
Want to take nap with shiny blankie.
Want to take nap with shiny blankie.
Bumblebee girl go away now.
What about
my birthday invitation picture?
Ha, ha! That was fun!
Let's ride the silver serpent
I mean, "metro," again!
Let's ride the silver serpent
I mean, "metro," again!
It was as swift as the winged feet
of Hermes himself.
# Baklava! #
# Baklava! #
# Baklava.
Baklava. #
# Baklava. #
# Baklava. #
Where is he going?
I've seen them lure many boats
into rocky shores
with their sweet songs.
Plus, now I suddenly want baklava.
We can't let Fritz
get captured by those Sirens.
We can't let Fritz
get captured by those Sirens.
What do we do, Jason?
Oh, uh, uh, right!
We must block out their singing,
Wanderers. We'll need some cotton,
or straw, or beeswax
to stuff in our ears.
or straw, or beeswax
to stuff in our ears.
Do you have any of that, Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here!
Over here!
I have just what we need
to block out those Sirens.
Great thinking, Wally.
I have no idea what these are.
Oh, right.
I have no idea what these are.
Oh, right.
They're called
noise-cancelling headphones.
They also play music.
Zeus's thunderbolt!
OK, now let's go save Fritz.
OK, now let's go save Fritz.
# Baklava. #
Nothing breaks the spell of a Siren
like the sound of a good Bouzouki.
Nothing breaks the spell of a Siren
like the sound of a good Bouzouki.
The cat can talk
AND dance a Syrtaki?
What kind of magic is this?
Now, to the Acropolis!
To get the Greek Myth Key
Now, to the Acropolis!
To get the Greek Myth Key
and return everything back to normal.
Let's go!
Come on! (LAUGHING)
(SHOUTING) So, how do the musicians
get inside of here?
They must be very small,
or very thin!
Am I yelling?
Am I yelling?
The Acropolis! We made it!
Hello, Wanderers.
BOTH: Odlulu!
(GASPING) Odlulu! Oh!
Oh, where've you been?
Uh, baklava, baklava!
Oh, where've you been?
Uh, baklava, baklava!
Zeus's thunderbolt.
She understands him.
Who's this?
I am Jason. Of the Argo.
Who's this?
I am Jason. Of the Argo.
Odlulu, give us the key
so we can reverse the magic,
and put everything back
where it belongs.
Sounds good. Just one problem.
The Cyclops has it.
And he's not in a mood for visitors.
The Cyclops has it.
And he's not in a mood for visitors.
Go away!
Cyclops needs to nap!
Sir, we are closing soon.
You have to leave.
Sir, we are closing soon.
You have to leave.
That is one cranky Cyclops.
He'll never let us get close enough
to get that key, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
(GRUNTING) Introducing
the Wally Trojan Fritzernator!
(GRUNTING) Introducing
the Wally Trojan Fritzernator!
Remember our capture the flag game?
Yes! Arf and the wrapped present!
Yes. And what did the Cyclops want
even more than the Golden Fleece?
Yes. And what did the Cyclops want
even more than the Golden Fleece?
Exactly. So
Special delivery for Cyclops!
Special delivery for Cyclops!
Cyclops not expecting delivery.
All Cyclops wants to do is nap.
Pretty kitty!
Big pretty kitty!
Perfect for Cyclops to hug!
Perfect for Cyclops to hug!
ALL: Whoa!
Huh? What was that?
Did you say something?
Did you say something?
No matter.
Let's go take a nap. Mmm.
OK. Now all we need to do
is wait for him to fall asleep,
OK. Now all we need to do
is wait for him to fall asleep,
then we sneak out,
get the Greek Myth Key,
and put all these imaginary
characters back on their urns.
and put all these imaginary
characters back on their urns.
OK, I think he's asleep.
You think so(?)
Everyone, let's sneak out
and get that key. Quietly.
Everyone, let's sneak out
and get that key. Quietly.
ALL: Shh.
ALL: Shh.
OK. Let's look for the key.
It has to be around here somewhere.
Hm. Aah!
Hm. Aah!
Oh, hey Fritz. Find anything?
Uh-huh. Our Greek Myth Key!
Good work, Fritzy.
Uh-huh. Our Greek Myth Key!
Good work, Fritzy.
Let's go show the others.
What's the matter?
Why aren't you coming? My tail!
Oh, your tail.
Oh, your tail.
Why didn't you say that
from the beginning? Bumblebee girl.
Oh. Hey, Clopsy. How was your nap?
Oh. Hey, Clopsy. How was your nap?
Not good, I guess?
That can't be good.
That can't be good.
Nope. It's actually very bad.
The talking cat has the key!
Then, after that talking cat!
The talking cat has the key!
Then, after that talking cat!
I mean, after that ferret!
Everyone, inside the Fritzernator!
I mean, after that ferret!
Everyone, inside the Fritzernator!
Uhhh! Come back
with my big pretty kitty!
Ha! Ha!
Now it's time to reverse the magic.
Big pretty kitty!
Now it's time to reverse the magic.
Big pretty kitty!
He followed me home, Mom.
Can we keep him?
He followed me home, Mom.
Can we keep him?
Fine. I guess I'll have to find
another outfit
Fine. I guess I'll have to find
another outfit
for my birthday
invitation picture.
I really did look stunning in gold.
Woohoo! Baklava! Ha, ha!
Woohoo! Baklava! Ha, ha!
Come on, Fritz! We only have
eleven months until my birthday.
Well, Wanderers, it looks like
our quest has ended
Well, Wanderers, it looks like
our quest has ended
and it's time for me to go back
to where I belong.
I could definitely use you
on the Argo.
You are some very brave
wandering heroes.
You are some very brave
wandering heroes.
We learned from the best.
Thank you, Jason.
There goes a truly mythic wanderer.
I'll miss him.
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