Will Trent (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Bill Black

Previously, on "Will Trent"
He did bad things with girls.
What do you mean? Lenny's nice.
Lenny is a pedophile.
He is a good man. He paid his debt.
Why are you protecting him instead
of protecting your daughter?
You're a monster.
You need to leave my family alone.
They don't deserve this.
I didn't deserve what you did to me.
Didn't you?
We got a lot in common.
My mother had to go away, and
I was even younger than you.
Did she come back?
Of course she did.

Nice work.
20, 40, 60, 80, 100.
Get lost, old man.
I'm 34.
CK's crew runs this block.
- Okay, chill. We're leaving.
- Leave the stash.
- Go, go, go.
- Come on!

Why'd did you let 'em go?
That's my call.
You run with me, okay?
Not the other way around.
Sorry, boss.
Man, I'm sick of these zoomers.
- These look like our pills.
- Yeah, knockoffs.
The imprint's wrong.
- You know who they work for?
- Who cares?
We work for CK, me and you.
Bill Black, man of mystery.

When do I get my agent back?
Director Wagner, you ask
that question every week.
And every week, I don't like the answer.
That's why I brought donuts this time.
Welcome to our fifth weekly
check-in on the Macon operation.
- You can skip this part.
- Fine.
The DEA feels that progress has stalled.
What, do you want an apology?
I'm not asking you to put
your guy out on a limb.
We've spilled enough blood on this case.
But Macon is drowning.
They don't have the resources
to fight a drug lord like CK.
He's always been a step ahead of us.
It's been humbling.
And it's why I came to you for help.
Okay, look, I was going
to Macon check-in anyway.
I will talk to Will,
but trust takes time.
I appreciate that.
This agent that you lost
to CK, was he a family man?
Matthew Menaker.
Wife, three kids.
They're reeling.
There wasn't even a body to send home.
Well, Will's my best agent.
He's going to come through.
Case notes.
It's day 30 under cover.
Still building the reputation of
Bill Black to get on CK's radar.
Dante's my only connection to CK.
Hey, Marco.
Guess who's got a nasty right hook?
When he trusts me enough,
he'll into me to his boss.
Don't play me.
It's a simple plan for a simple man.
- Uh! This guy, right here.

Dante, I need bread.
Can you go to the store?
Then there's Rosa, Dante's cousin.
Dante says she has no
idea he works for CK.
Rosa, we're gonna come up to eat.
Oye, I can smell that from here.
- Is that guisado you're making?
- Mm-hmm.
Don't you dare come
back without that bread.
- Okay.
- Hi, Bill.
Can I bring anything?
Just your gorgeous self.
And she has her eye on Bill Black.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, here's your cut.
Tomorrow, I'm making a cash drop to CK.
You wanna tag along?
- You're serious?
- Yeah. CK wants to meet you.
I've been talking you up, man.
Um, are we, uh, still going
to your cousin's for dinner?
- Yeah, yeah. Relax.
- I'll see you there.
Hey, head's up. Your PO's here.
Billy Black, you ready for your
surprise probation check in?
Do I have a choice?

Here's this week's case
notes for you to transcribe.
How's Rosa?
Any fun tea about her on these notes?
I'm actually going to
dinner at her place tonight,
so let's wrap this up.
The DEA asked me to light a
fire under you while I was here.
They've been breathing down
our necks for an ID on CK.
I'm meeting him tomorrow.
- Wait, for real?
- Yeah.
Dante's bringing me along
for this week's cash drop off.
Well, contact me when you
got a name I can run with.
I gotta get something
to bring to this dinner.
You really bonded with
the community here, huh?
That's the job.
I've been going undercover
since I was a kid.
Foster care.
They drop you off some new scary place,
you mimic folks around
you in order to survive.
Sometimes you find a friend.
Speaking of, I ran into
Angie the other day.
She says hi.
I think your duffel bag's in the garage.
I'll check.
That's where Nico lives.
Gotta give notice before going in there.
There you are. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, yeah.
So funny thing, [LAUGHS]
Nico does not consent to
a search of their domicile.
That's mine.
- No kidding.
- But
- It wasn't for me, I
I'm clean.
Please, Angie, don't lie to me.
I don't wanna go on this ride again.
There's no ride.
I'm clean.
All right, let's make us
both feel better about this.
Okay, here goes.
Is that the last bag
of heroin in Georgia?
Okay, how do I fix this for you, Will?
Go back in time.
Okay? And don't bring
drugs into my house.
If it's not for you,
then who's it for, huh?
I can't tell you that.
Look, I had a bad idea and I'm over it.
But I'm clean, I'm telling you
Tell me!
You're lying to me,
and I hate it.
Maybe it's a good thing I'm leaving.
Yeah, maybe it is.

She doing okay?
Seems like it.
She wasn't shocked to
know that you've been
thriving out here in Macon
with all these criminals.
Just one criminal, all right?
Everyone else is nice,
hardworking people.
- Rosa's in nursing school.
- Love that for her.
Marcos and his son Diego
are Nicaraguan refugees.
Hard to imagine what
they've been through.
And now they have you as a neighbor.
Get a good night's sleep,
identify CK tomorrow,
and come home.
Dante, I hope you got that bread.
- Oh, crap. I got busy.
- I'll go get it, I'll go get it.
I'll go get it.
I'll go real quick.
Never show up without
a gift for the host.
- Ah, muah!
Ves, Dante, Bill has manners,
and he didn't even have
a mama to teach him.
Sit. I'll bring you guys bowls.
I kept Bill Black's life
story close to my own.
Makes it easier to remember.
When Rosa found out
Bill Black was an orphan,
she started looking
his way a little harder.
Bill Black, you want a beer.
I'm gonna get you a beer.
- Salud, bro.
- You must have so much patience
working for my cousin.
I'm grateful.
There's not much work out there
for people in my situation.
Rosa, look at this guy.
Waiting for you to eat.
Most polite felon I ever seen.
Dante, shut up.
Bill, eat. Don't let it get cold.
Gabriel, I didn't know you were here.
I stopped by to say hi to Dad.
Rosa's brother. Doesn't
live around here anymore.
Not much love for Dante or me.
How's he doing?
His breathing was rough this morning.
Yeah, I got him to sit
up and take some water.
He was talkative.
Good. Siéntate.
You're not leaving without eating.
- I'll get you a bowl.
- This is delicious.
- Mm, it's a secret family recipe.
You use chicken stock?
- Bone broth.
- Hm.
Where'd you learn how to cook?
[LAUGHS] Seriously?
So you never knew your parents at all?
I wish I had.
You know, for years, I convinced myself
my mom was a paleontologist.
"Jurassic Park" generation.
Yeah, you know, I told myself she was
smart, beautiful, and
on some tropical island
in search of dinosaurs.
Well, maybe she was a paleontologist.
Maybe she was eaten by dinosaurs.
Well, whatever she was, she was special.
Papi, you okay?
She knows how to handle Dad.
And he gets embarrassed.
Gabriel, I need a hand!
Call Mom.

Man, I always say I won't go too hard.
Damn. Going back to sleep after this.
You good for this meeting?
Hey, tranquilo, man. I'm hydrating.
What's up? You worried
this won't go well?
You got any tips?
Yeah, let CK talk.
If he wants to meet you, he
knows everything about you.
Hey, relax. CK's gonna love you, man.
Hey, get down! Get down!

- You should go back inside.
- Man, I gotta get him to school.
Go back inside!
Bill! Bill.
Rosa, something happened to Dante.
You're bleeding.
Come up. Come up, now. Now!
Sit down. Take off your pants.
The car came out of nowhere.
I'm so sorry. Um
Dante's dead.
This looks like a ricochet to me.
If you go to the ER for this,
they're gonna have to report it.
You were with me all morning.
No, no.
- Don't get involved.
- Yes.
They'll revoke your
parole, so you were with me.
Hold it.
All right, all right.
Um, I was fixing your leaky faucet
and, um, that's the story.
All right, I'm going to need new pants.
I'll get you a pair of my dad's.
Hey, Rosa.
Rosa, hey. Hey!
Dante was your cousin.
He's dead.
- Are you okay?
- I don't know. I don't know!
I don't know. But I'm
I'm not gonna let 'em
ruin your life, too.
- Sheriff's department!
- Open up!
- The cops are outside.
- Hurry up.
- Y'all need to stay back.
They'll start at Dante's
and then make their way over,
- door by door.
- Sheriff's office, open up!
- Put on your shoes.

Just in case they don't
believe the faucet thing.
- Come on. Let's go!
Step outside, please.
Samantha Hagar, Bibb County Sheriffs.
- Do you live here, ma'am?
- Yes.
- Can you show ID?
- Yes, I can.
Hurry up.
- Sir, do you live here too?
- Yeah.
- Down there.
- All right. ID.
I don't have one yet.
Just moved in last month.
Prior address?
Central State Prison.

Possession with intent to distribute,
battery, possession of a
firearm by a convicted felon.
- I served my time.
- I'm a rehabilitated man.
My witness says the victim
had a friend with him,
and he gave me a description
that sounds a lot like you.
But as you know, I was
fixing my neighbor's faucet.
That a euphemism?
Are you kidding me, Bill Black?
You promised no trouble.
Can you tell Sheriff Hagar
I'm a handyman by trade.
It lines up with my alibi.
Why did Dante Vasquez have
your number saved in his phone?
We were neighbors.
Why are you looking in his phone anyway?
- Isn't he the victim?
- It was a gang hit.
Really? Did Dante have a record?
Yeah, a couple of possessions and a DUI.
That's it? You think he was
in a gang with that sheet?
Why are you interrogating me?
Because I want to know
who shot my neighbor.
- Do your damn job!
- Okay there, Bill!
Let's not forget that you're
the one with the handcuffs.
I'm gonna give you five
minutes with this jackass.
Either he cooperates
or you violate his
probation. [SLAMS DESK]
- It's fun being on
this side of the table, I'm just saying.
Okay, are you going to prison now?
Do I need to contact Amanda
and see if she can fix this?
No. No, I don't want to get out today.
It'll look like I talked.
Who are you trying to impress?
Your only connection to CK is dead.
Why don't we just get you out of here?
There might be another way in.
Let me guess, Rosa?
I need to see her one more time.
She knew what Dante was doing.
She might have something on CK.
You know you're too
pretty from prison, right?
Please. I've been inside
before, but thank you.
Did I miss something?
Am I not violating his probation?
Apparently, Mr. Black's attorney
has convinced my higher ups
that he is no longer a person
of interest in this matter.
Okay, I'm sorry. He has an attorney?
Mmm. Mmm.
Oh, what's this? You two taking over?
Okay, we just got a visit
from our union rep.
Did you sustain a misconduct
complaint against us?
I don't know.
Did I?
"An allegation that
detectives Pulaski and Ormewood
failed to provide official
business cards upon request"
- "Has been investigated
and sustained by the
department captain."
Yeah. This rings a bell now.
We got called down to a scene
- Yeah, a murder scene.
- Grisly. Traumatizing.
So we get there, we're
taking statements.
This guy comes up to us
- And he's wasted, by the way.
- Tanked.
And he won't leave us alone.
And we are working, so
we have him escorted away.
Yeah, so he starts shouting
at us for the business cards
'cause he wants to get us in trouble.
So why didn't you give him the cards?
Because he was being mean to us!
Are you you're obligated
by a department code
to give business cards
to whoever asks for it.
- Come on, Cap.
- I didn't give you a punishment, did I?
- No.
- No, but it's still
- on our record.
- So?
So what if I said that we didn't
hear him ask for the business cards?
Well then, I'd tell you the guy
sent in supporting video evidence
along with his complaint.
Guys, look. Take the L on this.
Okay? I'm moving on.
Videos can be doctored, Cap.
Crystal, hey. What's going on?
- Maybe this was a bad idea.
- No, no.
Hey. All right.
Let me find someplace
we can talk privately.
All right?
Um, come on.
Did your kid end up making it to school?
Man, what do you think?
The cops were here asking
questions all day long.
I'm sorry about that.
Look, as soon as I save enough money,
I'm going to move him
far away from here.
Until then, just leave us alone.
I hate that I've been shot
at enough times in my life
that I can make calm
observations about it.
I saw it coming.
But I barely took cover,
I should have been hit.
The stray gunfire was
clustered on Dante's far side.
They made he sure he was
dead and I stayed alive.
If this retaliation,
the motive was personal.
Meanwhile, some lawyer I never met
is making sure I stay out of prison.
I don't know where CK is,
but he's watching me.
- Hello?
- Hey, I pulled your release paperwork.
The lawyer who got you
out was Wallace Kim.
- Never heard of him.
- Yeah, I did some digging.
He's a pretty big deal in Macon.
But this is the detail that's
gonna make you flip out.
A couple of years ago, he
represented your friend,
Rosa, in a civil dispute.
They're connected.
Guess I better go talk to her.
Mm. You hate that, don't you?
Let me know what she says, okay?
And Will, be careful.
Bill, let's try to sort things out.
Could I have you stand up?
Take off your shirt and pants.
What did you say to the cops?
I didn't have time to say much.
Do I you to thank for the lawyer?
That was courtesy of CK.
Well, I'd love to thank him in person,
if that's not too much trouble.
That's a whole lot of
history written all over you.
Anything in particular
you're curious about?
But you can put your clothes back on.
So Dante says you're good people.
He told CK you were worth
bringing into the family.
Yeah? That would have been
a lot more flattering before today.
- What that mean?
- It's the hat.
Hard to forget.
You were driving the
car that shot Dante.
Dante's big mouth put
us on the DEA's radar
a couple months ago.
Dante tried to pull it together, but
Yeah, he wasn't cut out for this.
Didn't even know he was
training his own replacement.
Oh, is that a job offer?
You're still in the application phase.
Next phase might get a little ugly.
Whatever CK needs, I'm in.
But I want to meet him.
Bill, if you were running.
Macon's most notorious drug operation,
would you go around meeting people?
Okay, so what's up?
He took my mom and I
to the Illuminarium.
We'd eat at Old Lady Gang.
My mom loves "Housewives of Atlanta."
But a few days ago he
He what?
He started coming into my
room at night when I'm sleeping.
Is he touching you?
Just, like,
rubbing my legs and stuff.
It's pretty creepy.
I tried telling my mom, but she
She doesn't want to hear it.
Hey. You did the right
thing coming here.
- Okay?
- [SOBS]
Hey. Hey.
You're okay. You're all right.
Okay? You're all right.
Can you arrest him for touching my leg?
Um, it's it's gonna be all right.
I promise.
I just need you to do me a favor.
Can you go stay at a
friend's house for a few days?
You know, just tell your mom that you
have to work on a school
project or something.
Yeah. Okay.
Okay. And what about your mom?
Is she home during the day?
No. She works all day.
So you go straight from
here to your friend's house,
don't go home, borrow clothes,
whatever you have to. Okay?

I mean, you see why
I gotta do it, right?
I can't I can't let him
get his hands on that girl.
I'm doing the world a favor.
I could do without the judgey eyes.
Yeah, I'm going through with
it whether you cosign or not.
And then I'll let Will go.
I promise. I promise.
I will.
And you'll take care of him.
We've come a long way, you and me.
I'll miss our little talks.
And I thought about the
things you used to say ♪
And I thought about
the things we did ♪
Hey, can you meet?
What's up? You shouldn't be here.
What are you doing?
I ain't even got no ♪
And I ain't really got no home ♪
No place to put these things I own ♪
And I've thought about
the things you used to say ♪
And I thought about the
games we used to play ♪
And I thought about that little kid ♪
And I thought about
the things we did ♪
I always thought that
we would be together ♪
I always knew that
we would be together ♪
But I don't wanna wait forever ♪
I don't wanna wait forever ♪
Hello, hello ♪
Hello ♪

- That was hot.
- Yeah.
You didn't see that coming, did you?
- Mm.
- I couldn't restrain myself
when I saw you in a hoodie.
We should have thought of
this Bill Black then years ago.
I've, been, uh I've been
thinking about you a lot.
You know, um, the distance, it, um
It's been good.
Giving me some clarity.
Is that why you didn't
make me pee in a cup
before we did this?
If I don't ask any questions,
I won't get any lies.
You're taking care of yourself for once.
You have to tell me what that's like.
It's work.
Well, I'm glad you came.
- Me too.
What happened?
Um, nothing.
Just a sucker punch to the kidney.
But I passed the test.
Of course you did.
You always come through.
You always will.
You close on this?
Last few days been intense.
Feels like something big's in motion.
Maybe the final step before I meet CK.
I feel bad for CK.
- He's literally
the only guy in the world
- that can't trust Will Trent.
- Mm.
As long as he trusts Bill Black.
I've been thinking about how lucky I am.
Everything I've been through, I
I wouldn't have made it without you.
Not everyone is so lucky.

I should go.
I don't need anyone
wondering where I went.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's Angie?
Why you asking?
Elevator talk. I don't know.
Forget it.
She's okay. She's fine.
She's good.
I don't know. She's acting weird.
Something's up.
You don't think she's using again?
No. I don't think so.
She's just off.
What should I do?
Well, she's your partner.
Have her back.
- Yeah.
Good talk.
What are you gonna do for money now?
I mean, you and Dante, you guys
were working together, right?
Yeah. Um, I'll be all right.
People always need a handyman.
- Pretty good at fixing things.
- Oh?
And how does a pretty good
handyman end up in prison?
Circumstances and choices.
I had needs, basic ones.
And was presented with a solution.
Any regrets?
Just learned lessons.
My mom worked at a doctor's
office in East Macon.
And one day, as a favor for a friend,
she snuck out some painkillers.
And then she started doing it
a little more and a little more.
- And one day, they got her.
- Mm-hmm.
But she put us through college.
You do what you gotta do to survive.
You get it.

Rosa, um, did you know any of the guys
Dante was working for?
- Why do you ask?
- Does your dad need some help?
No, I just need to give him a pill.
You hold that thought.
It's not the way Rosa
would treat family.
If that was really her father,
she wouldn't be so callous.

Sir, what's your name?
From DEA.
Agent Menaker, my name's
Special Agent Will Trent.
I'm gonna get you home, okay?
He, uh, just needed a little adjustment.
No pill needed.
Maybe you're the one who
should be in nursing school.
You're not in nursing school, Rosa.
Anything else you wanna
tell me about myself?
You're CK.
Nice to finally meet you.
I wish you wouldn't
have done that, Bill.
Who's the guy in the bed?
DEA had a guy on us.
They found Dante.
Thought they could scare
me out into the open.
- So you took him?
- Mm-hmm.
Right off the street.
Broad daylight.
He was a fountain of information.
And they haven't bothered us since.
What's going on here?
Bill found our little guest.
Ah, snooping?
Sounded like a bad cough, went in
to check in on your dad.

Rosa, you can trust me.
You want me to trust you?
Prove yourself.
You want me to kill a guy
who's basically already dead?
The gal downstairs, does
coke with Dante, kill her.
She does this for hours a day.
Hundreds of people watching.
If she says something
about our business
We just got the sheriff out here,
you wanna drop another body?
We have cleaners that can handle them.
Nobody found Menaker, did they?
All right.
- Give me a gun.
- Mm-mm. Use a knife.
This is the test, Bill.
Gabriel, go with him.
You'll give our friend
the bedroom his fatal dose.
Mm-hmm. And I'll be watching, too.

You want a show?
Be right back.

I don't want to see you again.
- Get the
- Now, settle down.
- Get out!
- Listen
- Don't touch me!
- You're making a big deal
- out of nothing.
- Get out of my house!
- Shut up!
- Shut up!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Get out!
Get out of my house! Get out!
Hey. Shh.
You gotta be kidding me.
Why the hell did you call her?
You know she's out for my blood.
- I didn't call her!
- Hey, hey
- Get out!
- What happened here?
- I didn't touch her.
- Hey, what happened here?
I came home from work
early, and I found him.
He was touching her.
- No, no, no.
- We were just playing around.
Isn't that right, Crystal?
Crystal, what happened?
I just wanted my book bag.
Can you tell me what happened?
He he
- I'm sorry!
- It's okay, sweetheart.
It's all right. It's not
your fault. Okay?
I'm gonna get you out of here.
- You need to leave!
- Ahh!
One move and I shoot.
Lenny Broussard, you're under arrest.
Anything you say can and will be used
- Ahh!
Oh, my God! Ohh!
Oh, no.
Nobody move! Nobody move.
What should we do?
You need to leave.
You you need to, uh, go to the mall.
See the first movie that's showing.
Okay? You weren't here.
- But we
- No, I killed Lenny.
You were not here. Okay?
Okay, tell me what
happened. Where were you?
Where were you?
Crystal and I were at the movies.
Okay, now go. Go, go, go.
Ohh, this is not where
I planned on this going.
At least you're dead,
you son of a bitch.
Leaving me another
mess to clean up, huh?
I'm not gonna let you
ruin this girl's life.
I'm not gonna let you do that.
Okay. Okay.
It seems so sad when you look back ♪
Seems so sad when you look back ♪
Seems so sad when you look back ♪
Seems so sad when you look back ♪
Ain't no looking back ♪
No, no, no, no ♪
There ain't no looking back ♪
No, no, no, no ♪
Okay, Polaski.
No, no, no, no ♪
You got this.
Hey, there ain't no looking back ♪
No, no, no, no ♪
There ain't no looking back ♪
No, no, no, no ♪
There ain't no looking back ♪
No, no, no, no ♪
Anywho, I'm flying to New York.
- I'm so excited, I've never left
Hold on.
Hi, Bill. I'm in the
middle of something.
- Wait, wait, wait!
- Don't, Don't! Please! Please! Please!
My name's not Bill Black.
I'm Special Agent Will
Trent with the GBI.
There's a drug dealer
trying to kill you,
but I'm not going to let that happen.
Do you have a rope, twine?
Something I could tie him up with?
Got a pair of tights.
You know, a lot of people are
going to think I'm dead now.
I hope so.
That's kinda the point.
I need you recall the GBI,
ask for Faith Mitchell.
All right? Tell her we need help.
Um, you got naloxone?
It's the stuff used a
reverse drug overdose.
Here. Anything else?
Um, you got a car?
No, it got towed three months ago
and I don't have the money to fix it.
- Can you do something about that?
- Listen to me.
The courtyards are being watched.
Lock your doors. Don't make a sound.
Bad guys think you're dead.

I'm sorry I made you do that.
I just needed to know that you could.
Step over here.
Hands behind your back.
Hands behind your back!
- Where's Gabriel?
- Don't move!
Bill, where's my brother?
- All right, come over here.
- Is he dead?
Sit. Just sit. He's alive, all right.
So you're a cop? You're a cop?
Shut up.
My cleaners are gonna be here
before anybody you called.
He's got maybe a minute,
you have maybe five.
- I let you into my home,
into my family.
I thought we understood each other.
- Okay.
And I did go to nursing school.
Agent Menaker, can you hear me?
- Well, you know what?
- I'm not ashamed of what I do.
It must be so lonely
living with all your lies.
Will you shut up?
- Come on.
- You know, everything
I was offering you,
even though you judged me for it,
it was real.
I know it was, Rosa.
It just wasn't for me.
Come on.


Will, over here! I got a car!
Come on, get in.
Where's your son? Is he safe?
- At school. Hurry up.
- 911 doesn't come here.
- You're GBI?
- Special Agent Will Trent.
Yeah. That's me.
- There they are!
- Go, go, go, go, go!


- Jesus.
What are you doing here?
Well, I thought my partner
might be in trouble.
You all right? What happened?
I'm fine.
I came to do a wellness
check on Crystal, and, uh,
he attacked me.
I didn't even say anything.
Walk me through this.
Uh, he he pinned me down,
he was hitting me over and
over with the rolling pin,
and I, uh
I reached for that knife and I
I stabbed him in the neck.
Right. So you called a timeout
to go grab kitchen weapons,
and for some reason you passed
up the knife for the rolling pin?
Not to mention that he
had pinned down before,
well, judging from the
upcoming carpet bill,
you severed his carotid artery.
Anyone else would've
been showered in blood,
but you're not.
I'm new to this.
Yeah. Well, we've got
a lot of work to do
if we're gonna make the
scene match that statement.
Don't come in here.
Bill Black looks like
he needs to shower.
Bill Black's officially retired.
For now.
That's too good a
name to retire forever.
Why? Because you came up with it?
Well, you took down CK.
They've got Rosa in custody.
And I just heard the DEA raided
that safe house you told them about.
Between the physical evidence and
Menaker's testimony, CK is cooked.
How is Agent Menaker?
Well, he'll be in detox for a while
from the fentanyl they had him on.
But his family is
happy to have him home.
That's great. I'm, uh
I'm happy for them.
You're home too, Will.
Go put on a three-piece suit and relax.
Actually, I'm gonna go to the
hospital to check up on Angie.
Did you know about this
Lenny Broussard guy?
I did.
But, um, I haven't heard
that name in a long time.
And that's when I called
Detective Ormewood for backup.
Do you mind giving me a few minutes?
So close no matter how far ♪
I'm fine. Believe me.
You should see the other guy.
So, Lenny.
That was the thing you
couldn't tell me about?
Nothing else matters ♪
Yeah, because there was nothing to tell.
I was just watching him.
And there was no problem
until he attacked me.
Life is ours we live it our way ♪
I was wrong about the heroin.
Your bad idea was to have Lenny OD,
But something happened.
What was it?
Never care for what they say ♪
I went over there to check on Crystal.
I stabbed him.
I watched him bleed out in front of me.
Never care for what they do ♪
I'm sorry about the other night.
The next time I want a one night stand,
I'll do it the old fashioned
way and just go to a bar.
When I get out of
here, I should come over
and pick up my stuff.
Do what you got to do, Ange.
So close no matter how far ♪
Couldn't be much
more from the heart ♪
Forever trust in who you are ♪
Now nothing else matters ♪

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