Wind Breaker (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

New Classmates

To accept someone,
you have to face them first.
You're a guy who can do that,
and it looks to me that
you want to accept others.
Sheesh, just what does he see in me?
-Good morning, Sakura-san
-Morning, Sakura-kun.
What are you guys?
When did you get behind me?
Suo-san and I have been
calling you for a while.
Are you thinking about something?
What's that grin for?
Huh? But you're the one
who was grinning, Sakura-kun.
It was fun to watch.
I wasn't grinning!
Oh, come on, Sakura-kun.
There's no need to be so embarrassed.
Shut up. Leave me alone.
It seems to me like
everyone's staring at us.
Well, you know why
Who cares? Not like
you're gonna die just from that.
You should learn
to get used to it a little.
Oh, they are here!
-They're here!
There are rumors
flying around about you guys!
You duked it out with Shishitoren!
So how'd it go?
Give us all the details!
Wow, we got surrounded for interview!
I see. So that's what the others
in the hallway wanted from us.
Ask them!
-I'm counting on you, Nirei-kun!
-You were in the fight, too?
-But your face looks fine.
Who are you again?
My name is Akihiko Nirei!
Allow me to explain everything!
Hey, hold it there.
Let me in on the fun, too.
Banana really is
the best flavor for protein.
Tsu Tsuge
The guy who was doing pull-ups
the day before yesterday?
Yes! He may seem a little eccentric,
but he should be just as strong as
Sugishita-san and Suo-san!
Yo, it's been a while, Suo.
You finally wanna give me your answer?
I told you I don't want to, remember?
You both know each other, Suo-san?
Yeah, sort of.
Fine, then. Now it's about Sakura-kun.
Let me ask you a question.
What is your virtue?
There it is! A live "What is your virtue?"
I knew he'd ask that.
He asked all of us that yesterday, too.
Per due?
Not "perdue"! I said virtue!
Things you're particular about!
I wanted to ask you
the day before yesterday,
but I wasn't done with my pull-ups.
But, hey, why are you even asking that?
What do you mean by "why"?
One's virtue is
the principle of one's life!
No harm in asking other people this!
-Oh, I get it!
-You do?
How someone embodies
their way of thinking shows
more of that person's nature
than just some data.
You put your right shoe first and drink
SACAS brand protein, right, Tsugeura-san?
Whoa! How did you know that?
Oh, that notebook.
Unlike your figure, you seem to
have some sturdy virtue!
Nah, it's not that big of a deal!
You don't have to be so modest here!
What is that guy's deal?
They're getting along well
Still, he's so hot-blooded
and such a pain.
Is he really strong?
Oh, yeah.
He's strong.
Oh, I know! You guys want to hear
Sakura-kun's story, right?
Then how about we get together
after school
and discuss our virtue over some food?
Granny asked me to
get rid of the weeds today.
-I gotta visit the dentist.
-My girlfriend's birthday
What's this? You're all real busy, huh?
Looks like it.
Are they stupid?
They're both so optimistic.
Oh, Sugishita!
You got here at just the right time!
What? You're busy, too?
No, I think his case
is a little different
Then how about just the four of us?
I'll take you guys to
my favorite restaurant.
No, I'm not going.
Me neither.
What? But Sakura-san,
there might be some delicious food there!
Looks like you're just as silly
as them, Sakura-kun.
Shut up!
You can be quite forceful, huh, Nirei-kun?
So this is your favorite restaurant,
Hey! Over here!
Can I really get good food here?
You hungry, Sakura-kun?
I recommend the protein okonomiyaki!
It doesn't use flour, high in protein and
low in sugar, making it good for muscles!
Oh! So healthy!
It looks pretty good in the picture.
Sakura-kun, you're so simple. How nice.
I'll just have water.
Do you like eating, Sakura-kun?
If you're particular about it,
that's a virtue too.
I'm not particular about it or anythin'.
You sure love having secrets.
Oh, well. If that's how you roll
Let's fight.
You were really cool when you said
you'd take the top two days ago.
Ain't no way someone who'd say that
in front of everyone has no virtue.
Not wanting to say it is also a virtue,
but I'll have you tell me with your fists!
Fighting is a type of communication,
Oh, wow!
We came into quite a shop, huh?
But, well, maybe here we can
That guy
Hey, there! What a coincidence!
'Sup, Kiryu-kun!
Wanna join us?
See you later.
-Let's sit further inside.
-Oh, how cold.
-It's Kiryu-san!
-Oh, he's the one you're interested in?
Here you go.
Thank you.
Your legs don't hurt, do they?
Here you go, sir.
Oh, thanks.
Wow, what muscles.
Wow! Wow! This is so great!
Four of the five strongest one-on-one
members of my research are here now!
You sure look happy, Nirei-kun.
Good for you.
Aren't you happy, Sakura-kun?
You're among that five.
How strong is that guy?
Glad you asked!
In middle school, he went to the famous
rich boy school Kanna Mid,
but there are rumors that
he beat up some third-years from
a famous delinquent school
all by himself in his first year!
What else?
You're really enthusiastic today, huh,
Hurry! What else do you know about him?
Why are you so red?
Don't worry about me! Tell me more!
-Look at this funny menu!
-He seems to be popular among girls.
She's wearing Seikai Girls' High uniform.
Maybe she's his girlfriend?
That's not what I'm asking!
Sakura-kun is desperate
to not think about their relationship.
What's the matter, Sakura-kun?
You're curious about Kiryu-kun?
Then we really should
all chat together. Kiryu-kun!
-Hey, stop it.
-Come over here and chat with us!
You too, missy!
Hey! I didn't ask you to do that!
Sakura-kun said he's curious about you!
Oh, so your name is Sakura-chan.
Sorry, I do remember your face,
but not your name
You fought with Sugi-chan, right?
Yup! You're curious about
Sakura-kun too, right?
But I'm a bit busy at the moment,
so let's chat at school later.
Have you decided?
I feel like I was just publicly shamed.
That's not true!
People can be curious
about various things!
-Come on, don't be so cold, man!
-Wait, Tsugeura-san!
You haven't told me
your virtue yet, either!
Let's all have a fun chat together!
It's okay.
He's part of Furin, just like me.
But you must be so scared.
Will you please stop?
Huh? Stop what?
It's Tsugeura.
Tsuge-chan, have you ever thought about
how you come off to other people?
Huh? How I come off? As myself, of course.
You're tall, bulky, and look strong.
Your look can be scary to some people.
If someone like you starts shouting,
girls would get frightened.
You won't be popular with girls
with that attitude.
Huh? This is looking bad
I'm scaring you? Sorry about that!
-So straightforward!
-So straightforward!
It's a little loud in here.
Let's go somewhere else.
I'm really sorry!
What a tiny voice.
Did it hit that hard when he said
you're not popular with girls?
Not that.
Needlessly scaring other people
goes against my virtue.
He's surprisingly sensitive, huh?
We finally found you!
Surround him, boys!
What now?
Wow, you're so annoyingly persistent.
How dare you do me like that earlier?
But it was you who started it.
You're scaring this poor girl.
How are you going to make up for it?
Hey, hey!
What's all this?
I saw this guy trying to pick up
this poor girl when I was passing by
So I knocked him out and ran off with her.
And to think he'd drag
this many guys just to find us
What a persistent jerk.
So she wasn't his girlfriend, huh?
Looks like it.
Kiryu-kun! You're so cool!
Oh, thanks?
That means your virtue is
"being emphatic to girls"!
Yeah! Great! That's awesome!
Sure, but this isn't the time for that.
Hey, orange buzzcut! I've got
a bone to pick with that pinkhead!
It's also classy how you don't
boast about it, either!
Hey! Are you listenin', punk?
let's save that for later, okay?
I knew I wasn't wrong about you!
You little punk!
Good grief
Surrounding a few with larger numbers.
Talk about being super lame.
-You punk!
-What do you think you're doing?
I hate guys like you.
You don't have to stir them up like that.
Nice one, Sakura-kun! Well said!
That makes me feel a bit better.
Let's step back a bit, shall we?
It'll be okay.
Those three are super strong.
Aren't you hurt, Sakura-kun?
Sure you don't wanna sit this one out?
Huh? What are you talkin' about?
Man, sorry to get you guys involved.
Hey, Furin! I don't give a crap about
you being the town's shield or whatever!
Don't get carried away!
Tsk, what a bunch of scum.
Well, let's get this over with quickly.
Get 'em!
All right! Come at me!
What? Tsugeura-san?
You're just all talk, huh?
Jeez, he shouldn't be
worrying about other people.
Now die!
You know, I always
let my opponent strike me first.
So now it's my turn.
A German suplex?
He's as flashy as always.
Let the opponent show their stuff,
then show mine.
That's my virtue!
He's definitely gonna die young.
That was dangerous!
Why'd you throw him at me?
Sorry, I thought it'd be faster
to just send them your way.
Huh? Are you screwin' with me?
All right! Give 'em to me!
Kiryu-san is making Sakura-san
and Tsugeura-san fight for him?
Is he having fun with this?
Kiryu-kun, you don't have to
worry about us here.
I'm here, after all.
Got it.
Why are you just chilling?
Well, can you blame me? I am chill.
Suo-chan is good! Just like the rumors!
He was trying to keep people
from coming at them?
Kiryu-san! Behind you!
Oh, thanks, Sakura-chan.
Leave 'em
Bring it on.
Leave 'em all to me.
You're so nice, Sakura-chan!
I'm not doing it for you!
It just works better for me that way!
Kiryu-kun! Pass them to me, too!
How should I describe this?
They overwhelmed them.
Sheesh, they're so weak,
that barely felt like a fight.
We took care of them so quickly.
You two are amazing!
Sakura-kun, say our slogan!
Bofurin's slogan!
I'll have you take the best part!
Sakura-san's from outside,
so he probably doesn't know about it.
Oh, that's right!
All right, then you better memorize it!
Anyone who causes pain,
who brings destruction,
who holds evil in their heart
will be purged by Bofurin
without exception!
You didn't have to yell that loudly.
Those words
They said it back then, too.
Well, there you have it.
If you've got power, you should
use it for something better next time.
Okay, sir
Don't do anything bad again!
All right, it's finally over!
It's all right now.
Thank you so much!
Thank you Thank you so much!
Take care now!
Still, although I know you're strong
from your fight with Sugi-chan
you're really impressive, Sakura-chan.
Yeah! No wonder
he's tryin' to make it to the top!
Oh, really?
What? You weren't listening back then?
Oh, I did remember it being
very loud and rowdy, but
I was just getting to
the good part of my game.
Even so
I'm glad to know about you
before we decide on a grade captain.
Grade captain?
More importantly,
tell me your contact info.
-I wanna have it, too!
How do I do this?
Here, give me.
Why is your face red?
Oh, you haven't downloaded any app?
Then I'll have your number
There's only one registered number
Why are you laughing?
I'll check with you for the weather
from now on.
Why are you staring at your
phone for? Playing a game?
Why did you sneak up on me?
Oh, sorry.
I wasn't trying to freak you out.
Anyway, you should finish your breakfast,
or you're gonna be late.
Give it back.
I added myself, too!
Who asked you to do that?
You got yourself
Kotoha-chan's contact info!
Huh? Why?
We'll see each other at school,
so why say this through text?
Oh, Sakura-san!
Good morning.
-Good morning!
What on earth is a grade captain?
What? Why are you so angry?
Besides, why do you keep messaging
the stuff we could just say here?
Huh? But isn't it more convenient?
I saw the read receipt,
so I knew you saw it
But it is hard
when you're still new to it.
But don't worry, Sakura-kun.
We'll be talking about that now.
They're the grade captain and
vice captains of Tamon Team second-years.
Hey, eyes up, guys!
Those guys They're from back then, right?
Oh! Wow, wow! They're famous second-years!
Hey! Sit your butts down!
and Kaji-san!
To think I'd get to see them
up close like this!
What's with that guy?
He doesn't seem to be interested at all.
We're gonna have you guys decide
on a grade captain.
The grade captain is the head of the class
and the one responsible for their actions.
Any problems that come from this class
will be his responsibility.
You guys can decide on who
however you like.
Just hurry and get this done with.
That means the grade captain
is sort of like the top of the class.
Like that guy.
Excuse me.
Oh, Suo, you wanna run
for the grade captain?
He doesn't look like he'd volunteer
for something like this.
I think Sakura-kun will be a good fit.
So you have a smartphone, Sakura-san.
Of course! What do you take me for?
Let me see.
No pictures
Your apps are still
only the defaults ones.
And your contact list "Weather"?
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