Wonder Pets: In the City (2024) s01e11 Episode Script
Episode 11
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets
in the City! Save the Chinchilla!"
Bye, Izzy.
See you, Tate and Zuri.
Hey there. How would
you like to say goodbye today?
A fist bump or using your words?
Words today. Bye!
See you tomorrow.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out, Wonder Pets. It's a
Squeak, squeak, squeak!
"Ex-squeak" me?
Aw, it's a baby chinchilla in
the Andes Mountains in Chile.
Oh, she's so cute.
And furry. But
what's a chinchilla?
And where's Chile?
A chinchilla's a rodent
With really big ears ♪
They look really
cuddly and sweet ♪
Chile is a country in South
America Explanation complete ♪
Aw, how nice.
Squeak, squeak!
Oh, no, look.
The little chinchilla's stranded
on a rock in that stream!
- Aw, now that's not so nice.
- Squeak!
A chinchilla is in trouble ♪
She needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go ♪
Gotta get the steering wheel.
Hop-hop-hoppa-ree ♪
Hop-hop-hoppa… ♪
Uh, was that Zuri?
Where is Zuri?
I'm up here!
Mega uh-oh!
What happened, Zuri?
Are you all right?
I'm okay. But…
- I could use a little help.
- Sure thing!
Yeah, we'll just grab onto
your little bunny feet and
What's wrong, Zuri?
You don't want us
to help you down?
I really need your help
Seeing as I'm in a jam ♪
But I don't like having my feet
touched It's just the way I am ♪
Oh, I understand.
We didn't know that ♪
Now we do ♪
I'm glad I told you ♪
We are too ♪
You know, I don't like it when
someone tugs on my spiky purple fur.
I don't like if someone
touches under my scaly chin.
Too ticklish.
I didn't know you felt that way.
Yep. So…
If you don't want us touching
your feet That's totally okay ♪
We'll just have to work together
To save you in a different way ♪
How about we use those? Tate!
If we stack those blocks
up Next to the shelf ♪
Then Zuri can get
down all by herself ♪
Ooh, hoppin' idea! I
wanna try! I wanna try!
Come on, let's get
to the teamwork part.
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Give it a try, Zuri!
Block-hop, block-hop, block-hop.
It worked! My feetsies
and I thank you.
Thank you.
Now come on. Let's finish the Jetcar.
We've got a baby chinchilla to save.
Let's go!
Bubble power!
We are coming to save you, adorable
little cutie baby chinchilla!
- Whoo!
- Oh, yeah!
Let's go!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help a chinchilla
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Check 'em out, the
Andes Mountains,
the only place in the world you'll
find chinchillas in the wild.
Ooh, I sure hope we can find the
little chinchilla that called us.
squeak. Squeak, squeak.
I think I hear her. At
least one of my ears does.
Squeak, squeak.
Okay, now the other
one's on board.
And look, there she is.
Zuri's ears for the win.
Come on, Wonder Pets ♪
We're going in!
Hey there, little chinchilla. We
came as mega-fast as we could.
Aw. Are you having trouble getting
off that rock, and back to your mom?
It'll be okay, we can get you off that
rock and back to your mom in no time.
Let's use the Jetcar
To fly up above her ♪
I'll pull the lever
And set it to hover ♪
And I'll grab you, chinchilla
With a gentle snake squeeze ♪
Mega-awesome idea, Tate!
This rescue's a breeze ♪
Mm-mmm. Squeak, squeak.
What's up down there?
I don't know.
I tried to wrap my tail around
her, but she moved out of the way.
Maybe she slipped on that rock
It looks pretty slippery to me ♪
I'd say that it's almost for
certain A definite possibility ♪
Let's try this
rescue again, team!
We'll rescue This little
chinchilla with ease ♪
It'll just take one more
Gentle snake squeeze ♪
Squeak, squeak.
Oh, no! She's slipping!
And she almost fell in.
We've gotta get her off
that rock, Wonder Pets.
Unbelievable ♪
Maybe this rescue's not gonna be
a super-mega-breeze after all.
I don't understand,
little chinchilla.
Why won't you let me pull
you up with a snake squeeze?
Is it something we did? ♪
Or something we said? ♪
Or do you wish someone else
Would save you instead? ♪
Aw, this is even
harder to figure out
than when we thought Zuri didn't want
us to save her back in the classroom.
Wait, that's it!
It is? What's it?
You thought I didn't want to be
rescued when I was stuck today.
- But you did.
- Yupperz.
Just in a different way ♪
Maybe something like that is going
on with the little chinchilla too.
I don't like anyone touching
my feet It's just what I prefer ♪
So, chinchilla,
maybe you don't like… ♪
Anyone touching your fur? ♪
Mm-hmm. Squeak, squeak!
Aw, we totally understand.
Squeak, squeak?
If you don't want us touching
your fur That's totally okay ♪
We'll just have to work
together To save you ♪
In a different way ♪
Let's see.
If Zuri got herself off of that
shelf with those block steps we made,
maybe we can make something
so that the little chinchilla can
get herself right out of that stream.
Hoppin' idea, Izzy. But we don't have
any of those build-y blocks here to use.
No, but we do have
build-y rocks!
Ooh, I've never built anything
with build-y rocks before.
Come on, Wonder Pets! Let's
rock these rocks together!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
It's a rock bridge!
A rockin' rock bridge!
Give it a try,
little chinchilla.
Squeak, squeak, squeak.
We found a way to help In
a way that works for her ♪
We found a way to help the
chinchilla Without touching her fur ♪
Squeak, squeak.
Victory snuggle hug!
Oops. Sorry, little chinchilla.
How would you like to celebrate?
Chinchilla fist bump!
This calls for a celery-bration!
Here, so you can grab
one for yourself.
Rock on, little chinchilla!
Squeak. Squeak, squeak.
Looks like our work here
is done, Wonder Pets.
To the Jetcar?
To the Jetcar!
Squeak, squeak!
Aw, you're welcome!
Squeak you later,
little cutie chinchilla!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We saved a chinchilla
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets in
the City! Help the Golden Spider!"
Bye, class.
Bye, Izzy and
Zuri. See you, Tate.
Dad, we cut out paper
spiderwebs today. It was hard!
Wow, amazing.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Uh, can you please slow down?
Wonder Pets, Wonder
Pets, hi, hi, hi.
Ooh, I'm so excited!
Check it out, Wonder
Pets. It's a spider!
Can you believe it? Spiders
are rock, rock, rockin'!
They have eight legs
Isn't that great? ♪
That's four more than us ♪
And eight more than Tate ♪
They spin webs out of silk
That's also called gossamer ♪
I really can't think of A
creature that's awesomer ♪
Me neither.
So how can we help,
little "a-rock-nid"?
You call spiders arachnids
and this one is so rockin'!
I'm a golden silk orb-weaver,
and I live in Thailand!
And well…
I wanna weave a web today
Like you wouldn't believe ♪
This will be the very
first one That I ever weave ♪
I want my dad to see And feel
impressed and proud of me ♪
But every time I start… ♪
Did you see that?
My web just falls apart ♪
I need help!
We'll be there super-mega-soon.
Come on, Wonder Pets.
The golden spider
is in trouble ♪
She needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
Seriously, what are we
waiting for? Let's go, go, go!
- Izzy, Zuri, and Tate ♪
- Now let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go!
- It's Jetcar time, team.
- Whoa!
I've never seen Izzy
move so fast, Zuri ♪
She's a furry, blurry,
flurry of hurry ♪
Izzy, can you slow
down just a tad?
No way, I wanna meet that
spider. So we gotta go now!
Working together
Me, and you, and you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
But we're not really
working together.
- Are we, Zuri?
- Noperz.
Not me, or you, or her ♪
Okay, let's rock and roll out!
Bubble power!
Izzy, are you sure you
didn't forget anything?
What? I'm mega-sure!
Oh. I guess I kind of sort of
maybe forgot to put on the wings.
Anything else? Like us! We're
not in the Jetcar either.
Uh, whoops.
Izzy, you're going too
fast Put on the brakes ♪
You're forgetting your
team And making mistakes ♪
Yeah, and the whole working
together part, remember?
Oh, right.
Mega-sorry about that.
It's okay.
But if you take a
breath And slow down ♪
You'll still get it done ♪
And better yet
You won't forget ♪
Anything or anyone ♪
You're right.
Come on, let's try this
again. All of us together!
Uh, at a
super-mega-reasonable speed.
One prop.
Two wings.
Two bubble jets, and three… one,
two, three mega-rockin' Wonder Pets!
Bubble power!
We are coming to help
you, little golden spider!
Oh, yeah!
Let's go!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the golden spider
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Ooh, look at all
those pretty golden webs.
And all the rocking
golden orb-weaver spiders!
But where's the
one that called us?
Let's look for the spider
who doesn't have a web yet.
I see her!
eyes for the win ♪
Come on, Wonder Pets!
We're going in ♪
Whoa! You're even
more rockin' up close!
She is really happy to meet you.
I'm happy
to meet all of you too.
Can you help me weave my web
Before it gets dark tonight? ♪
I really want my dad to
See I can do it right ♪
Whoa. That's not right.
Right! I mean, not right.
I mean, you're right that
it's not right. I mean…
No matter what I do My
web keeps coming out wrong ♪
And my dad will be home soon
So I really don't have long ♪
Her web keeps falling apart
and her dad will be home soon.
This is a sticky situation.
Don't worry, with your
eight legs plus us three,
we can work together and rock
this before it's too late!
Thank you!
I'll make some silky strands
And then we can begin ♪
I'm feeling pretty good about
this Big web for the win ♪
Uh, little spider.
Teamwork, remember?
She's moving so fast.
It's making me dizzy.
One more strand And my
web will be all done ♪
We rocked this web
We're number one ♪
Uh, we?
Aw, my web
fell apart again.
And oh, no! The sun is setting!
My dad will be home soon and
I still didn't weave a web.
"Unbe-weave-able" ♪
Aw, I just don't get it.
What am I doing wrong?
We couldn't tell.
You were moving so fast
It was making us dizzy ♪
And we wanted to help
But you were too busy ♪
Wait a second. That's it!
It's like back in the classroom
when we were building the Jetcar.
I was so super-mega-excited
to meet a rockin' arachnid
That you went way too fast
and forgot to add some parts.
And some friends.
Yeah, and I think the little spider
is making that exact same mistake.
Just take a breath and slow
down You'll still get it done ♪
And better yet, you won't
forget Anything or anyone ♪
But I can't think of
anything I'm forgetting.
Maybe you'll figure it out if you take a
deep breath and try building a web again.
This time a little slower.
And all of us will
help this time.
Okay, first you
make a strand ♪
Then you make another ♪
Then you make a third ♪
And connect the first
two To each other ♪
That's it!
I remembered what
I forgot I forgot!
I was moving so fast, I forgot to
connect the silky strands together.
Sounds like the silk strands
gotta work together too.
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
All done!
Wow. I don't know what to say.
It's beautiful and shiny
and golden and silky.
Wow, Zuri. For somebody who doesn't
know what to say you sure said a lot.
Wait, I forgot one thing.
Now it's done!
It's a big W for
- Waffles!
- Wonder Pets.
And waffles.
That's a spider's way of saying thank
you, thank you, thank you, Wonder Pets.
You're welcome.
We rocked it together
with a rockin' arachnid!
Dad, look, I made my first web!
Aw, it's beautiful.
I knew you could do it. I'm
so proud of you. Come here.
Aw, a super-spider
16-leg snuggle hug.
This calls for a celery-bration!
Uh, where's the celery?
I think it got caught up in
another sticky situation.
I'll just take a bit of this
web home as a sticky souvenir.
Thanks again for your
help, Wonder Pets.
You're welcome.
Bye, rockin'
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the golden spider
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets
in the City! Save the Chinchilla!"
Bye, Izzy.
See you, Tate and Zuri.
Hey there. How would
you like to say goodbye today?
A fist bump or using your words?
Words today. Bye!
See you tomorrow.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out, Wonder Pets. It's a
Squeak, squeak, squeak!
"Ex-squeak" me?
Aw, it's a baby chinchilla in
the Andes Mountains in Chile.
Oh, she's so cute.
And furry. But
what's a chinchilla?
And where's Chile?
A chinchilla's a rodent
With really big ears ♪
They look really
cuddly and sweet ♪
Chile is a country in South
America Explanation complete ♪
Aw, how nice.
Squeak, squeak!
Oh, no, look.
The little chinchilla's stranded
on a rock in that stream!
- Aw, now that's not so nice.
- Squeak!
A chinchilla is in trouble ♪
She needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go ♪
Gotta get the steering wheel.
Hop-hop-hoppa-ree ♪
Hop-hop-hoppa… ♪
Uh, was that Zuri?
Where is Zuri?
I'm up here!
Mega uh-oh!
What happened, Zuri?
Are you all right?
I'm okay. But…
- I could use a little help.
- Sure thing!
Yeah, we'll just grab onto
your little bunny feet and
What's wrong, Zuri?
You don't want us
to help you down?
I really need your help
Seeing as I'm in a jam ♪
But I don't like having my feet
touched It's just the way I am ♪
Oh, I understand.
We didn't know that ♪
Now we do ♪
I'm glad I told you ♪
We are too ♪
You know, I don't like it when
someone tugs on my spiky purple fur.
I don't like if someone
touches under my scaly chin.
Too ticklish.
I didn't know you felt that way.
Yep. So…
If you don't want us touching
your feet That's totally okay ♪
We'll just have to work together
To save you in a different way ♪
How about we use those? Tate!
If we stack those blocks
up Next to the shelf ♪
Then Zuri can get
down all by herself ♪
Ooh, hoppin' idea! I
wanna try! I wanna try!
Come on, let's get
to the teamwork part.
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Give it a try, Zuri!
Block-hop, block-hop, block-hop.
It worked! My feetsies
and I thank you.
Thank you.
Now come on. Let's finish the Jetcar.
We've got a baby chinchilla to save.
Let's go!
Bubble power!
We are coming to save you, adorable
little cutie baby chinchilla!
- Whoo!
- Oh, yeah!
Let's go!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help a chinchilla
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Check 'em out, the
Andes Mountains,
the only place in the world you'll
find chinchillas in the wild.
Ooh, I sure hope we can find the
little chinchilla that called us.
squeak. Squeak, squeak.
I think I hear her. At
least one of my ears does.
Squeak, squeak.
Okay, now the other
one's on board.
And look, there she is.
Zuri's ears for the win.
Come on, Wonder Pets ♪
We're going in!
Hey there, little chinchilla. We
came as mega-fast as we could.
Aw. Are you having trouble getting
off that rock, and back to your mom?
It'll be okay, we can get you off that
rock and back to your mom in no time.
Let's use the Jetcar
To fly up above her ♪
I'll pull the lever
And set it to hover ♪
And I'll grab you, chinchilla
With a gentle snake squeeze ♪
Mega-awesome idea, Tate!
This rescue's a breeze ♪
Mm-mmm. Squeak, squeak.
What's up down there?
I don't know.
I tried to wrap my tail around
her, but she moved out of the way.
Maybe she slipped on that rock
It looks pretty slippery to me ♪
I'd say that it's almost for
certain A definite possibility ♪
Let's try this
rescue again, team!
We'll rescue This little
chinchilla with ease ♪
It'll just take one more
Gentle snake squeeze ♪
Squeak, squeak.
Oh, no! She's slipping!
And she almost fell in.
We've gotta get her off
that rock, Wonder Pets.
Unbelievable ♪
Maybe this rescue's not gonna be
a super-mega-breeze after all.
I don't understand,
little chinchilla.
Why won't you let me pull
you up with a snake squeeze?
Is it something we did? ♪
Or something we said? ♪
Or do you wish someone else
Would save you instead? ♪
Aw, this is even
harder to figure out
than when we thought Zuri didn't want
us to save her back in the classroom.
Wait, that's it!
It is? What's it?
You thought I didn't want to be
rescued when I was stuck today.
- But you did.
- Yupperz.
Just in a different way ♪
Maybe something like that is going
on with the little chinchilla too.
I don't like anyone touching
my feet It's just what I prefer ♪
So, chinchilla,
maybe you don't like… ♪
Anyone touching your fur? ♪
Mm-hmm. Squeak, squeak!
Aw, we totally understand.
Squeak, squeak?
If you don't want us touching
your fur That's totally okay ♪
We'll just have to work
together To save you ♪
In a different way ♪
Let's see.
If Zuri got herself off of that
shelf with those block steps we made,
maybe we can make something
so that the little chinchilla can
get herself right out of that stream.
Hoppin' idea, Izzy. But we don't have
any of those build-y blocks here to use.
No, but we do have
build-y rocks!
Ooh, I've never built anything
with build-y rocks before.
Come on, Wonder Pets! Let's
rock these rocks together!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
It's a rock bridge!
A rockin' rock bridge!
Give it a try,
little chinchilla.
Squeak, squeak, squeak.
We found a way to help In
a way that works for her ♪
We found a way to help the
chinchilla Without touching her fur ♪
Squeak, squeak.
Victory snuggle hug!
Oops. Sorry, little chinchilla.
How would you like to celebrate?
Chinchilla fist bump!
This calls for a celery-bration!
Here, so you can grab
one for yourself.
Rock on, little chinchilla!
Squeak. Squeak, squeak.
Looks like our work here
is done, Wonder Pets.
To the Jetcar?
To the Jetcar!
Squeak, squeak!
Aw, you're welcome!
Squeak you later,
little cutie chinchilla!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We saved a chinchilla
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets in
the City! Help the Golden Spider!"
Bye, class.
Bye, Izzy and
Zuri. See you, Tate.
Dad, we cut out paper
spiderwebs today. It was hard!
Wow, amazing.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Uh, can you please slow down?
Wonder Pets, Wonder
Pets, hi, hi, hi.
Ooh, I'm so excited!
Check it out, Wonder
Pets. It's a spider!
Can you believe it? Spiders
are rock, rock, rockin'!
They have eight legs
Isn't that great? ♪
That's four more than us ♪
And eight more than Tate ♪
They spin webs out of silk
That's also called gossamer ♪
I really can't think of A
creature that's awesomer ♪
Me neither.
So how can we help,
little "a-rock-nid"?
You call spiders arachnids
and this one is so rockin'!
I'm a golden silk orb-weaver,
and I live in Thailand!
And well…
I wanna weave a web today
Like you wouldn't believe ♪
This will be the very
first one That I ever weave ♪
I want my dad to see And feel
impressed and proud of me ♪
But every time I start… ♪
Did you see that?
My web just falls apart ♪
I need help!
We'll be there super-mega-soon.
Come on, Wonder Pets.
The golden spider
is in trouble ♪
She needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
Seriously, what are we
waiting for? Let's go, go, go!
- Izzy, Zuri, and Tate ♪
- Now let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go!
- It's Jetcar time, team.
- Whoa!
I've never seen Izzy
move so fast, Zuri ♪
She's a furry, blurry,
flurry of hurry ♪
Izzy, can you slow
down just a tad?
No way, I wanna meet that
spider. So we gotta go now!
Working together
Me, and you, and you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
But we're not really
working together.
- Are we, Zuri?
- Noperz.
Not me, or you, or her ♪
Okay, let's rock and roll out!
Bubble power!
Izzy, are you sure you
didn't forget anything?
What? I'm mega-sure!
Oh. I guess I kind of sort of
maybe forgot to put on the wings.
Anything else? Like us! We're
not in the Jetcar either.
Uh, whoops.
Izzy, you're going too
fast Put on the brakes ♪
You're forgetting your
team And making mistakes ♪
Yeah, and the whole working
together part, remember?
Oh, right.
Mega-sorry about that.
It's okay.
But if you take a
breath And slow down ♪
You'll still get it done ♪
And better yet
You won't forget ♪
Anything or anyone ♪
You're right.
Come on, let's try this
again. All of us together!
Uh, at a
super-mega-reasonable speed.
One prop.
Two wings.
Two bubble jets, and three… one,
two, three mega-rockin' Wonder Pets!
Bubble power!
We are coming to help
you, little golden spider!
Oh, yeah!
Let's go!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the golden spider
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Ooh, look at all
those pretty golden webs.
And all the rocking
golden orb-weaver spiders!
But where's the
one that called us?
Let's look for the spider
who doesn't have a web yet.
I see her!
eyes for the win ♪
Come on, Wonder Pets!
We're going in ♪
Whoa! You're even
more rockin' up close!
She is really happy to meet you.
I'm happy
to meet all of you too.
Can you help me weave my web
Before it gets dark tonight? ♪
I really want my dad to
See I can do it right ♪
Whoa. That's not right.
Right! I mean, not right.
I mean, you're right that
it's not right. I mean…
No matter what I do My
web keeps coming out wrong ♪
And my dad will be home soon
So I really don't have long ♪
Her web keeps falling apart
and her dad will be home soon.
This is a sticky situation.
Don't worry, with your
eight legs plus us three,
we can work together and rock
this before it's too late!
Thank you!
I'll make some silky strands
And then we can begin ♪
I'm feeling pretty good about
this Big web for the win ♪
Uh, little spider.
Teamwork, remember?
She's moving so fast.
It's making me dizzy.
One more strand And my
web will be all done ♪
We rocked this web
We're number one ♪
Uh, we?
Aw, my web
fell apart again.
And oh, no! The sun is setting!
My dad will be home soon and
I still didn't weave a web.
"Unbe-weave-able" ♪
Aw, I just don't get it.
What am I doing wrong?
We couldn't tell.
You were moving so fast
It was making us dizzy ♪
And we wanted to help
But you were too busy ♪
Wait a second. That's it!
It's like back in the classroom
when we were building the Jetcar.
I was so super-mega-excited
to meet a rockin' arachnid
That you went way too fast
and forgot to add some parts.
And some friends.
Yeah, and I think the little spider
is making that exact same mistake.
Just take a breath and slow
down You'll still get it done ♪
And better yet, you won't
forget Anything or anyone ♪
But I can't think of
anything I'm forgetting.
Maybe you'll figure it out if you take a
deep breath and try building a web again.
This time a little slower.
And all of us will
help this time.
Okay, first you
make a strand ♪
Then you make another ♪
Then you make a third ♪
And connect the first
two To each other ♪
That's it!
I remembered what
I forgot I forgot!
I was moving so fast, I forgot to
connect the silky strands together.
Sounds like the silk strands
gotta work together too.
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
All done!
Wow. I don't know what to say.
It's beautiful and shiny
and golden and silky.
Wow, Zuri. For somebody who doesn't
know what to say you sure said a lot.
Wait, I forgot one thing.
Now it's done!
It's a big W for
- Waffles!
- Wonder Pets.
And waffles.
That's a spider's way of saying thank
you, thank you, thank you, Wonder Pets.
You're welcome.
We rocked it together
with a rockin' arachnid!
Dad, look, I made my first web!
Aw, it's beautiful.
I knew you could do it. I'm
so proud of you. Come here.
Aw, a super-spider
16-leg snuggle hug.
This calls for a celery-bration!
Uh, where's the celery?
I think it got caught up in
another sticky situation.
I'll just take a bit of this
web home as a sticky souvenir.
Thanks again for your
help, Wonder Pets.
You're welcome.
Bye, rockin'
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the golden spider
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪