Wonderful World (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

[opening theme playing]
[melancholic music playing]
I don't have
any pictures of my mom.
[emotional music playing]
[Taeho] Seonyul's mom
passed away.
[nurse] A man ran here
with her on his back.
- Put her down there.
- [Seonyul breathing heavily]
[Seonyul] Help me.
[doctor] Ma'am, can you hear me?
Ma'am, do you hear my voice?
[melancholic music playing]
[Jiwoong] What brings you here?
Are you here to see me?
[Soohyun] Apologize.
[Jiwoong] Just earlier today
I was punished for my crimes in court.
[Soohyun] No.
[Seonyul sighs]
[Soohyun] Apologize to my son.
When I think about it,
you didn't
apologize to him at all.
[Jiwoong chuckles]
[Jiwoong] You almost had me there.
Okay. Deal.
[melancholic music continues playing]
how much?
[music fades]
What's this?
She's here.
[emotional music playing]
[Soohyun] Kim Eunmin.
It wasn't easy for me
to come all this way.
still can't forgive your husband
for taking Gunwoo away from me.
Ever since he killed my son that day,
my life has been hanging on by a thread.
I was as good as dead.
I came here to tell you this.
I'll help
your son.
That's the least I can do.
I'll give Seonyul's mother
not Gwon Jiwoong's wife
my word.
rest in peace.
[emotional music continues playing]
What are you doing here?
Don't think about anything else.
Focus on sending your mom off.
[Seonyul] Did you come here
to see me like this?
[Seonyul's breath trembling]
[melancholic music playing]
[Seonyul's breath trembling]
[melancholic music continues playing]
Give yourself a chance to be sad.
Let yourself suffer.
I'll see you after that.
[melancholic music continues playing]
- [Sujin] Great job.
- [Yonggu] Thank you.
[dramatic music playing]
[melancholic music playing]
[music fades]
[melancholic music playing]
[door opens, closes]
- What are you doing there?
- Oh.
I just needed to pack some stuff.
[Hansang] Seonyul's mom passed away.
Did you go?
You know who his father was.
He intentionally approached you,
harassed you,
and destroyed our relationship.
This is what he wanted.
He's working for Kim Joon.
- He's dangerous.
- [bangs cup]
Do you know what mindset I had
when I came here?
Talking to you like this
is hard for me.
You should focus on your work.
I'll focus on mine.
[Suho's breath trembling]
[soft pop song playing]
[sales lady] Excuse me, ma'am?
Aren't you going home?
Well, I had some work left.
Go ahead.
Great work.
- [all] Cheers!
- [glasses clinking]
[man] Ah!
Professor, I saw your segment.
- You were so cool!
- I went to the bookstore yesterday,
- and your book is doing so well!
- Professor, I respect you!
- Respect!
- [Soohyun] Jeez.
Look at the compliments flowing
because I'm buying.
[all laughing]
- Not at all.
- No way.
I just happen to have a question!
How can we live as wonderfully as you?
[all exclaim]
[Soohyun] Hmm.
Me existing as myself.
To do that, believe in yourself
more than anyone.
That's how you maintain your self-respect.
You'll be able to rise back up
after something difficult.
We may not have connections
but we have self-respect.
[all laughing]
To self-respect!
- [all] Cheers!
- [glasses clinking]
Now, here's your tasty chicken!
Quiet, everyone.
Say hi to my sister.
- Hello.
- Hello. Enjoy.
- [man 2] Thank you.
- [lady] Wow, it's grilled chicken!
The skin's so crispy.
[man 2] The cheese
and chicken are perfect!
- Hey, hurry up and eat.
- [lady] Mmm.
The scorched rice is good too.
[song ends]
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes]
How have you been, Goeun?
You must be busy.
I'm sorry I came without calling.
- Take a seat.
- Okay.
Would you like something to drink?
No, it's fine. I already had something.
Also, this. [chuckles]
I heard you collapsed,
and I couldn't even visit.
I'm so sorry.
Think of the kids,
and take care of your health.
If you want to see Soohyun
back to teaching again
and publishing another book.
Since you were discharged,
shall we have a family dinner?
It's been so long.
- Myunghee.
- Yes?
Don't try so hard.
I'll do what Soohyun wants.
I'm going to respect Soohyun's choice.
as the adult of the family,
shouldn't we stop the children
from splitting up?
If Soohyun was your daughter,
could you say the same thing?
I think
I should get going.
Take care of yourself.
I'd tell Soohyun
to get a divorce too.
If Soohyun was my daughter.
[pleasant music playing]
To be honest,
I adored Soohyun a lot.
She's my daughter-in-law,
but she was amazing.
I am
Suho's mother.
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes]
Back then
we were all in pain.
Can you forgive him
just once?
My mom
is going through a very hard time.
She's holding on for me.
don't say
anything else.
I'll come see you
once I get my feelings organized.
Get home safely.
Take good care
of your mother.
- [door opens]
- [doorbell chimes]
- [doorbell chimes]
- Mom?
What brings you here at this time?
I bought you a coat.
Stop worrying about me.
See. I'm fine!
[both chuckle]
Try it on.
Why did you buy something so expensive?
You look so pretty.
Mom, make sure you keep yourself warm.
Okay, thanks.
That's right! Wait a second.
I'll bring you some side dishes.
I told you to stay at the hospital
for a few more days.
Why would we waste money
on hospital bills?
I'm so thankful to the young man
who took me to the hospital.
- Do you
- [liquid splashing]
- know him well?
- Yes.
He comes here whenever he thinks
of his mom's stew.
To me, he looked to be in pain
rather than being hungry.
Strangely, I couldn't stop
worrying about him.
He's young,
but he looked so tired and sad.
[emotional music playing]
[Seonyul sniffles]
[emotional music continues playing]
I'll go ahead.
[Seonyul] Okay.
[Joon sighs]
[Seonyul] You must be busy
preparing for the election.
Is that what's important right now?
Didn't I tell you I'd be your father?
I heard
your mom woke up for a moment.
Did she say anything?
I didn't see her
in her last moments.
[Joon sighs]
Let it all go now.
I hope you feel at ease too.
I'll do the same.
[smacking lips]
You went through so much
taking care of your sick mother.
[mysterious music playing]
Mr. Kim.
I need to learn more about
my mom's accident.
What for? It's all over.
I just
heard something strange.
You must be busy.
You should go.
If there's something on your mind,
you should look into it.
Call me if you ever need anything.
[mysterious music continues playing]
[Joon sighs]
[car door opens]
It's all over.
Why is he so reluctant to give it up?
He must not feel at ease
after his mother died.
[smacking lips]
Let's go. [sighs]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[music ends]
Great job, guys. Thanks a lot.
Do you want company?
No, I want to be alone.
I can be here in five seconds if you call.
Call me.
[Sujin] Bye.
[door opens]
[Yonggu] Let's go.
[emotional music playing]
[Sujin] I think it's her phone.
[Jiwoong] Hey, honey.
[Eunmin] Where are you, honey?
[dramatic music playing]
[sighs in relief]
Did you get a probation?
I'm so relieved.
I told you.
Nothing would happen.
Yes, we just got home
after Seonyul's exam.
He's fine.
[Eunmin exhales]
What about the boy's mother?
Poor thing.
It's a good day. Why would you bring up
that dead kid?
[dramatic music continues playing]
Do I have time to care about that kid?
Don't say ridiculous things.
- What brings you here?
- Hello?
Are you here to see me?
What's wrong?
[Soohyun] Apologize.
[Jiwoong] Just earlier today
I was punished for my crimes in court.
[Soohyun] No.
Apologize to my son.
When I think about it,
you didn't apologize to him at all.
[Jiwoong chuckles]
[Jiwoong] You almost had me there.
Okay. Deal.
But how much?
Just so you know,
I'm not responsible for this anymore.
I'd like to offer some
to show my sense of duty.
You're lucky to have met someone like me.
Once you're ready, you can call me.
[dramatic music continues playing]
You scared me.
What do you think you're doing right now?
[Soohyun breathing short] Apologize.
You ruined my child's life.
So apologize properly!
[Jiwoong] Look here, lady. That's enough.
I won't be considerate anymore.
[Soohyun] Apologize!
- [Jiwoong] What the hell? Seriously?
- [glass breaks]
[Soohyun crying]
[crying] Sir!
[Soohyun crying] Please!
Please, apologize.
- Please, apologize to him.
- [Jiwoong] Hey!
Do you know how many businesses
I'm involved in right now?
Do you know how many deals I've lost
because of your kid?
He could've died anywhere else!
Why did he have to get hit by my car?
Seonyul. She's here.
[deep sigh]
[soft pop song playing]
[machine beeping]
[doctor] I'll start the anesthesia.
[gas hissing]
[Seonyul] I wanted an ordinary life too.
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
- [Jiwoong] Make a wish!
- [both cheering]
[Eunmin sniffles, cries]
[Eunmin crying]
[Seonyul] I wanted to be a good son.
It's all done.
[door closes]
[song continues playing]
[Seonyul] All I had left
was my vengeance towards you, Eun Soohyun.
[camera clicks]
[car accelerates]
[Soohyun] Even if it's not painful,
don't get hurt anymore.
Take care of yourself.
Wouldn't your life be a waste?
Can't you live a proper life?
Think of your parents.
- I can't see you ruin yourself anymore.
- You're a murderer.
[Soohyun] Did you think
I'd be your guardian
without any level of commitment?
I'm going to keep meddling in your life.
I have to see you live a proper life.
[Seonyul] What
do I do now?
[Sujin] Seonyul! Hey, Seonyul!
Are you up?
[Yonggu] Seonyul!
Have you eaten?
[song continues playing]
[doorbell rings]
[song ends]
Eat it.
I've done this before too.
It was even hard to have a sip of water.
I even tried living
as if I were dead, but none of that helps.
You have something to do.
[soft music playing]
So what do you know?
You have to pull yourself together first.
Then I can tell you.
[soft music playing]
[soft music continues playing]
- [call connects]
- [Soohyun sniffles]
[phone vibrating]
Hey, Soohyun.
What are you doing?
What do you think? I'm working.
Let's go
get some air.
I'm busy.
Just close the restaurant for one day.
Come out.
I'm out front.
[soft music continues playing]
It's so pretty.
- [Goeun chuckles]
- Look at this.
- Pretty?
- [Soohyun] It's so pretty!
Shall we see scarves?
- I'll buy you one.
- No, you do it.
I'll buy it.
No, Mom.
- [Goeun] I already have one.
- Mom, you look great.
- You're so pretty.
- [Goeun chuckles]
Goodness. My hands are ugly.
This is so embarrassing.
Your hands are beautiful, Mom.
These hands raised me.
They're the prettiest hands in the world.
Do it.
Pick your favorite from here.
[elevator opening sound]
It's not too late to confess.
[chuckles nervously]
It's been so long.
To be honest,
I have something to tell you
What is it? What is it this time?
My sister-in-law? Or my brother?
Excuse me?
[mysterious music playing]
[Sujin] Yes.
I asked Kang Taeho to introduce me
to Eun Soohyun.
I'm approaching him well, so don't worry.
[exhales] I'm a little busy right now.
I'll call you again later.
Are you a fool?
You said you heard me.
I approached you on purpose.
why would you call me again?
I know why you approached me.
I'm letting you use me.
I'll let you.
It's comfortable
that they grill it for you.
- [waiter] Enjoy it.
- [both] Okay, thank you.
Mom, eat up and make sure
you don't collapse again.
Try it like this.
[Goeun] Mmm.
It's really delicious this way. [chuckles]
Mom, eat it slowly.
It's so good.
[both chuckling]
Can we get two servings to go as well?
Now, here's one for you.
- Mmm.
- Is it good?
It's better eating it with you.
Yes. [chuckles]
[soft pop song playing]
I'm living in luxury thanks to you today.
Wow, it's nice.
- Here.
- [Suho] It's finally out.
I wanted to show you first.
Why am I so nervous?
My wife is so impressive.
You worked so hard.
You helped me so much. I'm grateful.
What are you talking about?
You did all the hard work.
I'll continue to help you,
Writer Eun Soohyun.
[both chuckle]
- Here.
- Here.
Is there something
you want to tell me?
What is it?
[music fades]
The person
who sent us that photo
was Gwon Jiwoong's
Do you remember
the boy who carried you
to the hospital?
[emotional music playing]
That was him.
[breath trembling]
would you tell me that now?
You knew all of that,
so why did you endure it alone?
You should've told me.
[voice shaking] How did you do that alone?
[breath trembling]
How did you bear all that burden?
[emotional music continues playing]
It was
so hard on me.
He's the son of the man who killed my son,
I hate him so much.
But seeing him like this
makes me pity him as a person.
I just
- wanted everything to stop.
- [Goeun sniffles]
I was so scared because I thought
everything was going to break.
[Soohyun crying]
[Soohyun exhales]
[Soohyun sniffles]
It must've been so hard on you alone.
I didn't
know anything.
I couldn't do anything for you.
[Goeun sniffles, cries]
[music fades]
[soft music playing]
[Soohyun] Mom.
Shall we just
live here together like this?
I'm going to see the flowers
all over the world.
You can go with me.
If I'm going, I should go
with a handsome man.
[Soohyun] What?
[both chuckle]
What was that?
But, Soohyun?
[soft music continues playing]
After I'm gone
no one will be with you.
Then don't leave.
Just be by my side like this.
- [both giggle]
- That tickles. Stop!
[Soohyun giggles]
Get away.
Go to bed now.
Go to sleep.
[soft music continues playing]
That child.
Don't hate him too much.
[phone vibrating]
[music fades]
[phone vibrating]
You scared me.
What do you think you're doing right now?
[Soohyun breathing short] Apologize.
You ruined my child's life.
So apologize properly!
[Soohyun pants]
[Jiwoong] Look here, lady. That's enough.
I won't be considerate anymore.
[pensive music playing]
[Soohyun] Apologize!
- [Jiwoong] What the hell? Seriously?
- [glass breaks]
[Jiwoong] Damn it.
[Soohyun sobs]
[Soohyun] Mister Mister!
No, sir! [crying]
[stops the recording]
[Seonyul] I
still can't forgive you.
But why are you doing this to me?
[pensive music continues playing]
I know it's hard for you to see me too.
It was.
I lost my child.
I was in prison for seven years.
When I was inside
I missed my child
every single day.
Also, I hated the person
who did that to him.
But I learned something one day.
That person
also had a family.
[pensive music continues playing]
I already knew
that you were in hell.
[guard] Inmate 4811! Stay with me!
[Seonyul] It was the same for me.
But I turned away from it.
I thought I'd be able
to survive if I did this
or else I would die.
[pensive music continues playing]
[call disconnects]
[flips phone shut]
[music ends]
[Jinhui] Don't get me started.
The pictures of Kim Eunmin's accident
you requested
were so hard to find.
Thank you so much.
If we ever get the chance,
I promise
to repay you with an interview.
[Jinhui] That would be
an infinite honor. [laughs]
Please check the email I sent.
By the way,
are you still digging around that case?
[mysterious music playing]
[call connecting]
Hello, Attorney Lee.
[chuckles softly]
I called because I wanted to ask
a few questions.
By chance
can you introduce me to a lawyer
who specializes in traffic accidents?
Kang Yunseok?
Kang Yunseok.
[mysterious music continues playing]
[Soohyun] Right. The lawyer
who represented Kim Eunmin's perpetrator.
[mysterious music continues playing]
There's a long distance
before this car stops.
They must've been speeding.
[inhales, exhales]
Still, despite all of that,
these skid marks and the accident spot
should be closer.
What do you mean by that?
It means the driver saw the victim
and only hit the brakes after the crash.
By chance,
maybe they were too slow
to react to the situation
because they're an inexperienced driver.
[Yunseok] Then they would've
steered to the right.
Take a look.
The angles of the skid marks
show the driver
had no intention of swerving.
They're too straight.
are you saying it was intentional?
Of course.
There's a 90% chance or more
this was a deliberate accident.
You'll win this case.
May I
ask for a favor?
[music fades]
[mysterious music playing]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[scanner beeping]
[scanner beeping]
[scanner beeping]
[scanner beeping]
[music fades]
There are no wiretaps or hidden cameras.
What's going on?
Why are you being like this?
I think someone came here
- when I wasn't home.
- What?
Who would do that?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Seonyul] Mr. Kim, I need to learn more
about my mom's accident.
- What for? It's all over.
- I just heard something strange.
[Joon] I heard your mom
woke up for a moment.
Did she say anything?
Nothing's been installed,
they must've been looking for something.
Looking for what?
[suspenseful music continues playing]
That's right.
Things were so hectic,
so I couldn't tell you
because I didn't know what it meant,
but your mom said something strange
before she died.
[dramatic music playing]
What did she say?
- [machine beeping]
- Seonyul's on his way. Just wait.
[labored breathing]
[nurse] Ma'am, give us some space.
[labored breathing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Sujin] But, Seonyul.
Why do you think she said that
with her dying breath?
[phone vibrating]
[phone vibrating]
- Hello?
- You told me to call you
when I was ready.
[Soohyun] Yes.
Let's meet.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[music fades]
Why did you do it?
Why did you say my mom's accident
wasn't an accident?
That car that day
didn't cause the accident
because they couldn't slow down.
[mysterious music playing]
They said he was waiting for a while.
Waiting for your mom to show up.
[vehicle accelerates]
[vehicle accelerates]
[loud thud]
[tires screeching]
[mysterious music continues playing]
These are all the documents I gathered.
I've finished verifying it.
I got all the consults too.
You can decide to bury it
or go all the way.
Why did he do it?
He was asked to kill your mother.
Who is he?
[mysterious music continues playing]
You know who it is.
Kim Joon.
[dramatic music playing]
What's your reason?
Why do you work for him
when you know everything?
[dramatic music continues playing]
Are you really working for Kim Joon
because of this?
Great job.
- Who did it?
- I sent it.
Did you follow him around
while she was in prison?
- Are you trying to torment her?
- I won't forgive anyone
who hurt my parents.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[pop song playing]
[Soohyun] All of this
is connected to one person.
[audience] Kim Joon! Kim Joon!
[Soohyun] He caused
the accident on purpose.
[Seonyul] Come out!
[Seonyul] Mister.
Make sure he's punished properly.
[Soohyun] Make sure you didn't
miss anything in your mom's case.
Think about it one more time.
[Joon] He said he was looking
into his mom's accident.
But he's hanging out
with Eun Soohyun. [laughing]
[Soohyun] You knew all of this.
Can you forgive him?
[Seonyul] I'm sorry.
[Soohyun crying]
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