Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e11 Episode Script

Love Is Hard for Otaku

Do you want more?
It can't be helped.
Practice on our day off is such a pain.
But the game is coming up.
Don't you want to practice?
But the weather is so nice today.
I want to go out and have fun.
After-school sports?
Hanako Koyanagi.
Today is finally the last time.
Yeah. I'm so glad.
It's nothing.
Hey. Let's go cherry blossom-viewing next year.
Then let's all go together.
What's wrong?
By the way, I wonder how they're doing.
Turn at the convenience store
and go straight.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
This is my first time
going alone in the afternoon.
I didn't tell him I'm coming.
I hope I'm not bothering him.
The holiday is coming up?
I've been busy. There's a game
I haven't had a chance to play.
I'm going to stay in and play all day.
I quit games for a while, so I'm looking forward to it.
Oh, smartphone games don't count.
Oh, I see. Whatever.
The last day of vacation
That bastard will definitely be at home.
If I'm bothering him, I'll just leave early.
Huh? Narumi.
What are you doing here so suddenly?
You should have told me you were coming.
My room is a mess. And I'm dressed like this.
This is embarrassing.
But I'm glad to see you, Narumi.
That's not going to happen.
This isn't a shojo manga or anything.
Let's be realistic.
So? You came here for a reason, right?
I want to get back to my game.
I bet that's what'll happen!
I'm sure he has some alcohol.
He'd like it if I brought snacks.
Huh? Maybe he's not home.
It's open!
Excuse me!
Hey, Hirotaka.
Don't be so careless.
Hirotaka! What?! What happened?!
What if he's?
When was the last time you ate?
I got it. That's enough.
That must have been really bad.
It wasn't funny for me.
Normal people don't play games
without sleeping or eating until they pass out.
He's not normal.
You're right.
So how is he?
Is it okay to leave him alone?
-I threw him in the tub.
-Who is it?
I thought I'd cook something for him in the meantime.
Oh, that's nice!
But there's nothing in his fridge
except bacon and onions.
What should I do?
Hold on.
If he has rice, how about fried rice?
Oh, I found a pack of instant rice.
Great. It's fast and delicious.
Say hi to Kabakura for me.
-Hear that?
This is refreshing.
I bet Nifuji's going to like it.
-You're acting like a girlfriend.
-How rude.
I cook and do stuff as his girlfriend?
I haven't done it for Hirotaka, though.
You should act like a girlfriend sometimes,
like today.
You didn't go over to cook dinner, right?
Yeah, well, I wanted to see him today.
No! Not me, I mean Hirotaka did.
I thought he might want to see me today.
It wasn't me. Really.
Sorry, this is kind of loud!
My hands are tied, so you hang up the phone.
It's okay. I'm worried, so I'm going to listen.
It's live cooking with Naru.
You're enjoying this, aren't you? Ouch!
The oil is splattering!
No way. He doesn't have salt and pepper?
Where's the spatula?
Naru is acting like Nifuji's girlfriend.
She's acting like a mother.
I bet Nifuji's going to like it.
Towel, towel
Oh, Hirotaka.
I made some fried rice. Have some.
And you should buy some salt and pepper.
Huh? Why are you here?
Put on some underwear!
Don't put it on while you're still wet!
It's tough being Nifuji's girlfriend.
-She's turned into a mother.
-The rice is burning!
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
You haven't logged in recently.
It's vacation.
Maybe he went out somewhere.
I wouldn't want to bother him.
Hey! Young man! Young man!
Young man.
Would you be interested in being a hair model?
Uh No. I'msorry!
I don't look like a girl, do I?
He's not here.
That was great. That was a good one.
Did you already finish the books
you bought yesterday? That's a lot.
The better the book is, the faster I read it.
Was it that good? What did you buy?
I should've known.
It happens sometimes.
Reverse book cover scams.
I see the cover and buy it for the sex scenes,
but the story turns out to be good.
She's good at finding books like that.
Naru is amazing.
This looks good!
Oh, so that's why you started buying
more boys' love these days.
Boys' love, huh?
Why do you like that kind of stuff with two guys?
A girl with a guy is good enough.
What if someone said
the same thing about yuri anime?
Right. There's your answer.
Every genre has its own fans. That's why they exist.
There's no substitute.
You may have said something deep,
but you're talking about boys' love.
Well, I'm not here to criticize that genre or anything.
I was just curious. Don't worry about it.
What? You're curious about boys' love?
I never said that.
-Do you want to try reading some?
-No, I'm fine.
It'll be okay. Boys' love is shojo manga at its core.
You like Cardcaptor Sakura, right?
I said I'm fine! You're so annoying!
Why are you so biased against it?
-Did boys' love violate you in a previous life?
You might like it if you tried!
Hey! How can a guy enjoy a love story
about two guys?
I don't have time to take risks
exploring new genres!
-I like reading slowly!
-Don't get so defensive!
You can skim, can't you?!
How long have you been an otaku?
You know
She said Nifuji was fine when he read it.
You? What did you make Nifuji read?
It wasn't me! Naru said so!
When she recommends something he's not interested
in, he reads it and tells her what he thought.
The psychological description
of the guy on top was good.
He's amazing.
But, you know, Nifuji is kind of special.
He only has preferences when it comes to games.
I think that's good too.
I can't talk to a guy
who's hung up on his preferences.
What? Who does she think she is?
What is she mad about? I don't get it.
I know why
you're so picky.
It's because it's hard for you to say the word "like."
You've always been too serious.
You get offended easily and can't surf the Internet.
I know you're the type of guy who likes to enjoy things
alone instead of sharing the fun with others.
Knock it off. Don't say it out loud.
I know all that, but still
Give it to me.
I just have to read it, right?
Give me one that's not too erotic.
It's delicious.
This is the first time I ate something you cooked.
Well, if I had eggs, it would have turned out better.
how come you don't use salt and pepper?
Huh? There wasn't any?
I don't normally use them.
Then why did you have bacon and onions
in your fridge?
-Those were probably Naoya's.
He cooks sometimes when he sleeps over.
Become delicious.
He irons my clothes
and buys me toilet paper.
Hey, that's what a girlfriend would
-Let's go on a date after you finish eating.
Are you studying?
Oh! Yeah. Do you have work now?
Yeah. I got here a little early.
I'm lucky to see you here, Kou.
Me too.
Uh Well Uh
You haven't logged in recently,
so I was wondering why.
But I thought you were out for the holidays.
You must have lots going on.
Oh, that's because my brother
plays lots of games over the long break.
I didn't want to bother him
by borrowing his computer.
And during the break a lot of employees leave,
so I try to work lots of shifts.
I see.
I thought you got tired of online games.
No. I want to play.
I want to get better, so please help me.
-I'm going to go change now.
-This is for you.
I made this myself.
It's a game strategy guide.
Thanks, Kou.
That was really good.
This really is a shojo manga.
He's so simple.
This isn't a date. This is a walk.
It's a date, a walk and rehabilitation.
You stayed inside the whole vacation.
-Stop complaining and walk!
-Okay, okay.
Oh, there wasn't enough fried rice?
You eat a lot, right?
This is embarrassing.
I didn't know you lived near a park.
It's the first time I've been here.
I bet I can't do pull-ups anymore.
Well, I couldn't do them before either.
Narumi, are you feeling nostalgic?
Nostalgic things are nostalgic.
Like those swings and those small bars.
Well I never played in parks.
You're right.
Hirotaka, you said no to going camping
with your family, right?
Yeah. Vacations were my chance
to play games all day.
Your parents were disappointed.
Well, Nao had enough fun for the both of us,
so it's okay.
I did understand how you felt, though.
You liked playing outside like normal.
Well, yeah, but
Reading manga at home, watching anime,
and then reading manga again is great.
We're still doing the same things now.
Well Oh, well.
What I like never changes.
That's what it means to be an otaku.
Today's login bonus was great too.
Great! I got a 10-shot hatcher!
I don't have enough orbs yet.
After making dinner,
let's watch late-night anime and relax.
Hirotaka, we're going home now!
I've lined up the studio, the cameraman
and the place for the after-party.
Over 10 people are coming to this cosplay meet.
I can't wait!
This figurine is 200 yen cheaper than yesterday.
Should I get it?
If you're okay with crying tomorrow,
why don't you wait.
Buff? Debuff?
I'll ask Kou later.
Hurry, Hirotaka! Hold the B button!
Wait, Narumi.
What happened?
My favorite voice actor is
starring in a variety show today!
I'm recording it, but I have to see it live!
Naru, don't worry about me. Go.
Run, Hirotaka! Don't give up!
Sorry. I can't go on.
No! I want to watch it together with you!
When we get home,
cook me something again, okay?
Okay, leave it to me.
After we watch the show, I'll go shopping
and make you Naru's special dinner!
-Hirotaka, go!
-Hirotaka, go!
-Hirotaka, go!
Love Is Hard for Otaku
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
Hey. When was the first time you fell in love?
My brain is filled with shojo manga now.
It happens. It's a phase.
It is?
You should talk about that kind of stuff
with just you girls.
Yeah. I'm not good at talking about stuff like that.
Right? Nifuji.
Then who was your first love in 2D?
-Kyoko Otonashi.
-Yuki Amami.
Huh? I thought your first love was Sakura.
I used to like older women.
Leave me alone!
I thought your first love
was someone more sexy.
You're a boob guy.
That hurts.
I used to be pure.
I wasn't born as a boob guy.
You look so composed when you say that.
Our preferences change,
depending on our age and our environment.
What are your preferences now?
Yuki Amami.
You haven't changed.
Oh, Hirotaka. Narumi.
Welcome, everyone.
Nao. Are you about to start your shift?
Yeah. I don't have class in the afternoon today.
Hey, Nao, when was the first time you fell in love?
Why are you asking all of a sudden?
It was my kindergarten teacher.
Everyone liked her.
We used to fight about who
would marry her when we grew up.
But she was already married, of course.
Well, people often don't get to date their first love.
It must be a bittersweet memory.
Oh, it's time to start heading back.
Bye, Nao. Work hard.
Oh, but my brother got to date his first love.
You know what's going to happen
to you if you say anything, right?
It was a girl from a game, right?
You went that far with Nakoruru?
Huh? Hirotaka?
Hold on.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry.
Did I hear "Nakoruru" just now?
-Hey, did you see that just now?
-Oh, Kou, welcome.
-Oh, hi.
By the way, you had fantasies
about Doi-sensei, right?
Well, I can't say that I didn't!
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