X-Men (2011) s01e11 Episode Script


If you value your friends' lives,
don't move.
You just sit back and watch.
I need to give undivided attention
to what I'm doing.
Don't try to resist.
Can't you tell
there's nothing you can do?
I've already felt this heat
and pain before.
Takeo! Takeo! Takeo!
Takeo? I remember you now!
Hisako, do you know him?
He was at the Sasaki Institute!
We used to play together.
He was my friend.
Takeo, don't!
If you release your powers,
the world will be destroyed!
The world will be destroyed?
What are you talking about?
Takeo's power can twist
and distort everything around him.
Distort everything?
He doesn't just twist solids or liquids.
He alters dimensions as well.
Even dimensions?
All laws governing matter and energy
on Earth will cease to function.
What are you doing?
Can't you see you are hurting Takeo?
I'm causing him pain
through my illusion.
What are you saying?
If you no longer want
to feel pain, Takeo
destroy everything around you!
Don't, Takeo!
Dr. Sasaki was also crying that day.
The only enemies left
are Hisako and Takeo!
Mom, II
It hurt so much.
Everyone was in pain and crying.
How could I forget?
Omega-level telepaths can erase their
existence from other people's memories.
Particularly if he's inherited
Charles' blood.
So, Takeo
Takeo thought
that he had become a monster
because he hurt his friends.
He wanted to forget his own existence.
So he subconsciously erased himself
from the hearts of others.
Takeo must have been so hurt.
His power hurt his friends.
So he went so far
as to make us forget about him.
I decided to close the institute
after that.
I hid Takeo from the eyes of the world
and desperately researched
his abilities.
I only wanted to protect him.
Why didn't you ask us
or Professor X for help?
Takeo He
His father, Charles,
who had brought him into this world
and his mother
Have you finished confessing?
Altitude: 2,000 meters and falling.
Jean, is that you?
Your children are in danger.
Protect the future of mutants.
Altitude: 1,800 meters.
Was that an illusion? Or perhaps
Real or not, I can't afford to sleep.
Isn't that right, Jean?
No, Takeo!
You mustn't release your power!
What a waste that would be! How can
you lock away such magnificent power?
Bravo, Takeo!
This is an Omega-level power!
With you, taking over the world
will be easy!
I won't forgive him!
Takeo hurt the people around him
but it was nothing compared to
the pain he had to suffer!
He's been completely alone.
All because of his power!
If you're going to abuse that power
I won't forgive you!
Damn you!
New kid's doing all the work.
Us veterans can't put up
such a pathetic show!
Yes, I concur.
We'll need to do something
about his sensory amplification power.
Our nervous systems
can't take much more of this.
Hisako, I'm going to take care
of this man!
Can you really do it?
Hisako! Get down!
Jean, what's going on?
Why is everyone like this?
It's your fault.
My fault?
Because you didn't shoot me
a year ago.
Because I didn't shoot?
This is the future that
you created for mutants.
It's all your fault.
This is bad!
He's being sucked into the illusion!
Emma! Break the illusion!
I can't! Not in diamond form.
My telepathic powers won't work!
And if I revert back to normal,
he could harness my power
to create an even more
powerful illusion!
Very astute of you, Emma.
Then we'll have to take him out first!
What is this?
This is the future I created for mutants?
Yes, it's your fault.
It's your fault.
All your fault.
This is bad, Beast.
As soon as he makes a move, hit me!
Hit me! As hard as you can!
What do you mean?
That's the only way we can break
this sadist's power!
I'll break my limits!
-But, Logan, if you do that, then
-Just do as I say!
Come and get me!
I don't know what's on your mind,
but I'll do as you wish!
-Keep hitting me!
So foolish.
Has this guy lost all sensation of pain?
You monster!
You bastard!
He did it!
Stop it! Wolverine!
That's enough, Wolverine!
Wolverine! Wolverine!
Get a hold of yourself, Wolverine!
-Hey, there.
-Was that a secondary mutation?
The Damon-Hall Syndrome
is something else.
Should I vaccinate you again?
Even a hundred shots wouldn't do it.
That took a lot out of me.
X-Men, I'll have you all die here.
Starting with your leader.
Cyclops, open your eyes!
The future you wanted
was filled with despair!
Now you too shall sleep in despair.
Who are you?
This is just like the last time!
-Stop, Cyclops!
I can't shoot!
-No! Don't shoot, Cyclops!
Cyclops! Cyclops!
-Please, shoot.
-Don't, Cyclops!
Don't shoot! Cyclops!
Fire! Scott!
That's impossible!
Why did my illusion break?
Jean, I think I always felt guilty
for not shooting
when you were in pain.
Even though you begged me
to shoot you that day.
You showed me the way,
even in an illusion.
I'll never be as good as you.
But I'm ready.
I can finally say goodbye to you.
Don't celebrate just yet.
All you did was break my illusion.
I still have Takeo!
What's this?
Nonsense! This power is for me to
I'm going to
Stop! Stop it!
-Don't go too close!
It's falling apart! Everyone get outside!
What's that?
Unusual turbulence detected ahead.
I'm breaking through.
If that immense power spreads
throughout the world
It will cause mass destruction.
We gotta stop him here.
Are you going to attack Takeo?
Stop! Don't hurt Takeo!
At this rate, more and more people
will suffer.
Takeo will be hurt in the end.
I know you understand.
Now I understand.
What was that?
It's Takeo's power.
It's destroying the world.
I'm attacking! Disperse!
I can't do it!
Go with Yui!
My head.
The world is hurtling
towards its demise.
And the X-Men cannot stop it.
They are defeated, one by one.
In a cruel twist of fate,
a father is pitted against his son.
How will it end?
And what will become of the future?
Next time on X-Men: "Destiny."
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