Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 30: What's Wrong? Okay.]
What's wrong? What's the problem?
What's the matter?
What's wrong? What's the problem?
[-I'm Woong's Training cell.]
-What's wrong?
[I practice "what's wrong" all day long.]
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
-What's wrong?
[-But I don't know]
[-when I'm using "what's wrong."]
-What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
[But it is my mission to pass down]
[the tradition.]
What's wrong?
Gosh. Tradition, my foot.
I'm so sick of it.
What are you doing?
You're supposed to practice.
I want to do something productive
like other cells.
This is useless.
You punk.
Practicing "what's wrong"
is also important.
Hurry up and get up.
Why on earth is "what's wrong" important?
Why does it require training?
"What's wrong" is
passed down from Woong's mother.
-From his mother?
When his mother said
"what's wrong" softly,
it melted Woong's dad who was a sharp man.
"What's wrong" isn't a useless skill,
but a great skill.
When Woong faces a major crisis one day,
[Real Estate]
[that will be the day for you
to go into the world.]
[Real Estate]
Make it as fast as possible please.
I will. Don't worry.
-I'll give you a call.
-Thank you.
[I put my house on the market.]
Are you selling your house for money?
What are you going to do?
I have no other choice.
I have no money
to pay the rent in the new year.
Still, how can you sell your house?
I was actually going to call Sae-yi.
-What for?
-Her company was
interested in our game.
If it doesn't work out,
we should sell it
Says who?
I'm not selling it to anyone.
We have no money.
I put my house on the market.
Don't worry.
I didn't know how hard it was.
Starting a business is not easy at all.
Nothing's working out.
Honestly, I have nothing to say
because I have no money to help you,
but don't you miss the time
we got paid monthly and had warm meals?
This is the last box.
Check if there's anything left.
Okay. Thank you.
That's fabric softener.
[Cup noodle]
[SLW Studio]
[Did you get home safe?]
[Yes. Where are you?]
[Did you have dinner?]
[Yes, I ate what I had.]
Were you sleeping?
No, I'm not sleeping yet.
Where are you right now?
I'm in front of your house right now.
You're not home,
are you?
[Where are you?]
What's going on?
[SLW Studio]
[Jinny Express]
You sold your house?
About a month ago.
You sold your house to grow your business?
I ran out of budget.
I had no other choice.
And you never told me about it?
It's nothing serious.
It's common when one starts a business.
How can you say it's nothing?
You're staying here with no house.
Look at you.
A beard and a sleeping bag.
I can't even
I'm growing the beard on purpose.
Don't include that please.
How can you be joking right now?
How can you joke?
Do you even consider me
as your girlfriend?
How come you never tell me
every time something serious happens?
Master. The town seems to be in trouble.
Something must've happened.
It must be time for you
to go into the world.
Go and stop what will happen to Woong.
What? Me? How?
It's cold.
Use "what's wrong."
["What's wrong"]
[isn't a skill to soothe
or appease anyone,]
[but to inform our relationship is
very important.]
[So the true "what's wrong" should
reflect fear.]
[Fear that the other person might leave.]
[You must deliver that heart.]
[Serious but not brusque.]
[Soft but not light.]
[With fear that our precious relationship
might break.]
What's wrong?
Yu-mi. What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
I stopped her.
"What's wrong" worked!
I stopped her!
Woong. Seriously.
What should I do about you?
What is all this?
This is not bad.
I can save time on commuting.
That's why you told me
not to jump into a new business.
A new business is good,
but you've never tried it before.
I think doing a better job of
what you've been doing well is better.
Life never goes the way you want.
I believe one should be prepared
for the worst.
Because it's not easy.
I know it from experience.
I left the high-paying and stable job.
things I never expected
when I quit occur so much.
you thought I'd regret
since you regret?
I don't regret it.
I know I'll succeed in the end.
there are too many obstacles.
So unless you're really determined,
it's hard to endure.
I can endure it
only because I like this job.
But you're not sure
if you really like the marketing job.
That's what I meant.
Think about if you'll still like it
no matter what happens.
I get it. So let's go to my house for now.
You can't stay here like this.
Why not?
Going to my girlfriend's house
because I have no place to go is
I don't like that.
It's true that you have no place to go.
I didn't go bankrupt or ruin my business.
I decided to stay inconvenient
for the moment for my dream.
This is my choice.
You should understand.
[Seriously, Woong.]
-He's responsible.
-He's staying proud when he has no plan.
Let's just go home.
We should think about his pride.
That doesn't feed you.
That doesn't provide you shelter.
How can you just leave
after seeing him like that?
But Woong's right about it.
We can't just live together
without thinking about it.
You never know what might happen
while living together.
We might regret it later.
Then we can't tell him to leave.
He said he wouldn't regret
if it's something he likes.
I thought we liked Woong.
Why are you worried
about regretting in advance?
If only.
Let's go.
I'm not going, Yu-mi.
Are you really not going?
I'll stay here until I get a new place.
I'm very comfortable here.
Even if you can't see me anymore?
-Even if this moment
is our last moment?
What are you doing?
Are you threatening me?
Even if I'm serious?
-What's wrong, Yu-mi?
-Stop it.
[What? "What's wrong" isn't working.]
Does it not work twice in a row?
What do I do?
Goodbye, Master.
I'll teach you one more lethal move.
-While Woong's mother's lethal move
was "what's wrong",
this is Woong's father's lethal move.
[If you run into a crisis
where "what's wrong" does not work,]
[just say "yes", just say "okay".]
I'm not just saying this.
Pack up now.
Are you coming with me?
[Obedience is the only way to survive.]
When we get home, you're shaving.
Let's go.
-But the beard
Let's go.
[Woong avoided the crisis
thanks to the amazing DNA of the Goos.]
[However, he still has a long way to go.]
[Woong's crisis will continue,]
[and so will my training.]
[Wake up.]
[Wake up.]
[Wake up.]
[Wake up.]
My goodness. I'm late.
You should've woken me up.
I did, but you said
you could sleep for some more.
That was my sleep talking.
What do you want to eat?
I don't know. I'm not eating.
Yu-mi. Eat this before you go.
No, I'm late.
You're not late. I'll take a cab
and drop you off.
It will only take 20 minutes.
You have no money for a cab.
I sold my house. I'm full of cash.
I can get a cab as much as I want.
-Look at you.
-Sit down.
By the way, Woong.
I'm going to the marketing team.
I've made up my mind.
Did you think about it enough?
I didn't think about it enough,
but I want to give it a try.
What if you regret?
It's not like you must have a clear goal
to succeed.
I didn't know much about it,
but I might like it after trying.
I might get a goal while trying.
Don't you think?
Yes. Now eat.
[Actually, important events in life]
[happen unexpectedly.]
[Just like us now.]
I'm not starting a new business like you.
I'm only moving to a new department.
They wouldn't kick me out.
You never know.
You might set a new record
of the first kick-out.
The cab is here. Let's run.
What time are you off today?
Around 8 p.m.
Let's have dinner together.
I'll prepare it.
Okay. Have a good day at work.
-Okay. See you at home.
[Sometimes things you started
without a plan]
[gives you bigger happiness.]
Good morning.
Actually, I have something to say.
What is it?
I'll move to the marketing team.
I'm a bit scared though.
Good idea.
Are you sure?
Of course. I like it.
[There will be an obstacle,]
[but I don't want to know it yet.]
Aren't you getting in?
[Episode 31: Goo Woong's World]
[Things I learned from living with Woong.]
[Woong gets up early.]
[Wake up.]
Yu-mi. Wake up.
No, ten more minutes.
I don't fall for it anymore.
It's true.
It's cold.
Come on.
Do I have to do this to wake you up?
Here it goes.
What are you doing?
Look at you.
You're still not up?
Still? How about now?
-Wake up.
-I'm up.
Mission clear.
[Thanks to him,
I'm not worried about going to work late.]
Eat this before washing up.
Oh, a toast.
You know how to make a toast?
This is all I can make.
A fried egg and a toast.
Thank you.
-It's good.
It's really good.
[Woong's toast is the best.]
Woong. I bought churros.
Let's have churros with coffee.
[And Woong likes to tidy things up.]
Woong. Did you organize the cups?
Yes, they were all in different sizes.
I see.
I put the rest in the cupboards.
Is that okay with you?
You weren't using them anyways.
It works for me.
I bought churros. Let's eat.
What are you doing?
Are you looking for a book?
No, that's not it.
How are the books organized here?
How are they organized?
I just put them on the shelf.
There's no standard?
It looks like more than half
of the books is on romance.
Yes, I love romance.
It'd be better if you divide them
by romance and non-romance,
then organize romance novels
by author then by alphabetical order.
-Then it'll be easy to find.
It will be,
but that will take forever.
-Or will you do it for me?
Can I?
-Should I organize them?
I'm very good at it.
Give it a try. That works for me.
Thank you. I'll do my best.
You don't have to thank me.
There are six shelves.
If I divide six alphabets per shelf,
it will be perfect.
A, B, C, D, E, F.
G, H, I, J, K, L.
M, N, O, P, Q, R. S, T, U, V, W, X.
Then Y and Z.
And put the rest of the novels
-Okay. That works.
-Why is he so happy?
Why is he so happy?
Does Woong like to do chores?
That's right. That's why his house
was always neat and tidy.
Now I get it.
How's Woong's cell?
He's so different from our Chore cell.
Are you talking about me?
Yes, you. Compare yourself to him,
and see how you're so different.
[Even on the first day Woong moved in]
Thank you.
-Let's go.
It might be cold because
I turned the heater off when I left.
[Reason, wait. Did we clean the house?]
-It's our first time
bringing Woong home
without getting prepared.
Is the house cleaned?
I'm nervous.
It looked fine
when we were leaving in the morning
Over there!
[The drying rack!]
[Did she not put away the clean laundry?
She had so much time this weekend!]
Take a seat.
Reason, we have a big problem.
There's more!
What? There's something else?
[Darn it! Where's the Chore cell?]
Hey, did you not put away the laundry?
What have you been up to?
I was going to fold them
and put them away tomorrow.
I'll do it now.
Hey, Woong is over now.
Will you fold laundry in front of him?
Then I'll do it tomorrow.
We need to do something about it now.
He's in the house already!
Really? Then we should do
the Laundry Kick.
[Here we go. The Laundry Kick!]
[Hide them well.]
There. Are we good now?
No, there's more.
[Look at the pillow.
The drool stains and]
[My gosh, look at all the hair.
What do we do?]
I told you to wash the pillow cases often.
Right, you did.
I was going to wash them next week.
You little
It's okay. I know
how to make them look brand new.
[Just flip them over.]
There, it looks clean now.
I can't believe you're pleased with this.
-And look at that!
[The crackers she was eating yesterday.
Why didn't you put it away?]
[That's no problem at all. Right there.]
[There, it looks like a book now.]
Doesn't it look so natural?
Oh, my goodness.
All right. I'm off to bed now.
Good night!
[We've always lived like this, you know,]
[But look at Woong.]
[He's so different.]
Woong, have some coffee.
Woong, do you need a hand?
Too many Lees. There are just too many.
-You have many books by Lee Dong-gun.
Right, I'm a fan of Lee Dong-gun.
That's why there isn't enough space
on the second shelf.
Too many Lees.
Oh, boy.
Woong, you don't have to
organize them alphabetically.
[Lee Dong-gun]
What's this?
This isn't a book.
It's a cracker box. Why is this here?
My gosh, you're right.
Why is this here?
I don't care.
Now, these can go into this spot here.
[Lee Dong-gun]
There. Perfect. It's done!
-Are you done?
Great. Have some of this.
It's probably cold now.
The floor is dusty.
Let me clean the floor first.
I'll do it. Just have some of this.
No. Where's your mop?
The width of this is
approximately 40cm.
Then the floor is
The space between the bed
and the bookcase is about 160cm.
Can I just mop four times
and clean the entire floor?
Let's go.
Look, it's perfect.
Look at this.
This is what I'm talking about.
This is so much fun.
He thinks cleaning is fun?
[I've never seen anyone
who thinks cleaning is fun.]
[I've never seen anyone
who thinks cleaning is fun.]
And this guy is my boyfriend.
That is even harder to believe.
Things I didn't know before we started
spending all this time together
What's wrong?
What is it? What are you looking at?
-Get up for a second.
The poster is not centered.
It's too far to the left.
It's getting late,
so we can't hammer a nail now.
I should push the bed.
That way, the poster will be centered.
Better? Can you check, Yu-mi?
I think it looks good now.
Does it?
Okay, much better.
I can relax now.
-What do you think, Yu-mi?
-It looks good.
[Woong loves to clean and organize.]
It's perfect.
My gosh.
I'm impressed.
You even organized the pots
according to their sizes.
I couldn't just walk past them.
I'm going to call you a neat freak
from now on.
That's your nickname now.
You'll even want to organize
my underwear at this rate.
Why are you all quiet?
Did you already do it?
No, not yet.
"Not yet"? Don't do it!
I can do a great job though.
-No, don't do it. No!
-Okay, I heard you.
Okay, I won't do it. Sit down.
-You won't do it, right?
Eat up.
My gosh.
I knew you were clean,
but you're such a neat freak.
I didn't know
you loved to clean this much.
I don't know if I can say I love to clean.
I just enjoy arranging things
in a regular pattern.
There's something very mathematical
about cleaning.
Just come up with precise algorithms,
and you can apply them anywhere, anytime.
That's why my place is always tidy.
He's diligent and efficient.
And the logic of science behind it.
He's a true master.
Hey, did you learn anything from this?
I did. Woong is the best!
That's not what I'm talking about.
Shouldn't you learn from him?
Come on. Why should I?
The person who enjoys the task
can take care of it.
I'm going to get some rest.
Should I just kill her?
Woong's Chore cell?
Yes. You must've seen his Chore cell
when you were in his village.
I want to learn their know-how
and train our Chore cell.
If I remember correctly,
Woong doesn't have one.
What? How could he be so good
at house chores
without a Chore cell?
Instead, there is
[a huge artificial intelligence cell
in Woong's village.]
[An artificial intelligence cell?]
Apply the algorithm now!
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
[Applying the algorithm.]
That's what they have?
Yes. That's where everything is handled
whenever any problem arises.
It probably takes care
of all the house chores too.
That is amazing. I'm so jealous.
It's so efficient
and scientifically advanced.
I wouldn't have to nag
our lazy Chore cell anymore.
It'd significantly reduce my workload.
It sounds like the world
I've been dreaming of.
Love, I have a favor to ask.
-A favor?
-You know,
the wormhole has been opening up often.
Right, I know.
When the wormhole of love
opens up today
Have some coffee, Yu-mi.
-It's hot.
Woong, look.
Doesn't the moon look really yellow today?
-Does it?
-Yes, look.
No, look at me.
[Send me to Woong's village!]
Be careful, Reason.
I'm not scared at all, Love.
I'm so excited!
I'll come back with all their know-how!
Finally, I'm here.
This is Woong's world.
The world ruled by science and logic.
The world
where reason is the most treasured value!
What What is that?
No, get away from me!
Right! If he goes there now,
he'll encounter Lustsaurus going crazy.
Will Reason be okay?
No! Get me down!
Yu-mi is so sexy!
I can't restrain myself!
I want to go home!
[Woong's village was a chaotic world]
[where the logic of science
and pure animalistic lust coexisted.]
Get me down!
[I do not dare dream
of going back to that place]
[ever again.]
[Episode 32: The Cake and the Keyboard]
[Daehan Noodles]
Ms. Kim.
Oh, Mr. Yoo.
Are you leaving for the day? I'm jealous.
Are you not leaving?
I have to work late today.
You know that you're starting
in Marketing next week, right?
Yes, I know.
Ask me
if there's anything you want to know
regarding the transfer.
Anything I want to know?
Yes, do you have any questions?
[Of course, we have questions.]
Everyone in Marketing gets paid more
than the others do.
So Yu-mi is getting a raise too, right?
Ask him that, Yu-mi.
What if she isn't?
Then she needs to quit.
Why transfer, then?
It'll be such a hassle.
You said you'd support me--
Hurry up and ask him, Yu-mi.
Tell him you won't do it otherwise.
I do have a question.
What is it?
By any chance, will my
Your what?
Nothing, never mind.
It's nothing.
If I think of a question,
I'll definitely ask you.
Okay, sure.
Have a good weekend.
Thank you. You too.
Why is it so hard to talk about money?
Right, Ms. Kim.
Did they tell you about your pay?
Sorry? No.
You'll get a raise.
I'll tell you the exact amount later.
I see. Okay.
See you.
All right. Let's work hard, Writer.
Hello? Where are you, Woong?
[I left the office just now.]
Me too.
Woong, let's stop by the grocery store
on the way.
I have no food at home.
Let's make something delicious.
I got here too early,
so I've already started filling the cart.
Why are you getting so many things?
Woong, I'm getting a raise.
The people in Marketing
get the highest salaries.
I guess
mine will be bumped up to that level.
It'll be a big raise.
That's amazing.
So we can definitely splurge today.
There's a two-for-one deal
on the dumplings.
That's too
No, it's not too much.
I can just keep them in the freezer.
No, it's not that.
Don't get that one.
This one is tastier.
Really? But the two-for-one deal
doesn't apply to that one.
That one is 400g.
If you get two, it's 8,000 won for 800g.
This one weighs 500g, and it's 5,500 won.
That one is 1,000 won per 100g.
This one is 1,100 won per 100g.
[Jini Dumplings, Dongsuk Dumplings]
The difference is only 100 won,
so let's go for the tastier one.
[Jini Dumplings]
Look at you. You can do math very quickly.
I am pretty quick.
Shall we have grilled dumplings
for dinner?
How about we have that with spicy ramyeon?
You sure know what you're doing, Woong.
Let's go.
Are we getting too many things?
No. This won't even last us a week.
Woong, I need to use the restroom.
Okay, do we need anything else?
No, we're good.
-Okay, go.
-Take my card, Woong.
Gosh, don't worry.
No, I wanted to pay for everything today
to celebrate my raise.
It's okay. Just go.
I'll wait for you outside.
But I wanted to pay
for everything today
-Your total is 182,840 won.
Here you go.
I'm sorry,
but do you have another credit card?
-It looks like your card is maxed out.
Just a moment.
Try this.
In a single payment, right?
Yes. Actually, wait.
I'll split it into three months.
Three months? Okay.
Thank you.
Have a great day.
My stomach got upset all of a sudden.
Are you okay now?
Yes, I'm fine.
By the way, it must've been expensive.
No, it wasn't too bad.
How much was it? I'll pitch in.
I picked out most of them anyway.
What is the currency of Australia?
Australian dollars.
There you go. That was my joke of the day.
-Let's go.
-My goodness.
Let me carry one of them.
-Hand it over.
-No, I don't want to.
-Gosh, seriously.
We should hurry!
Yes. If we're late,
we won't be able to find seats!
What's going on?
My gosh, I see so many on the board.
I'll put mine up right here
so everyone can see it.
Everyone is feeling the same way.
I really hope things work out.
I'm so excited.
"Let's get married and have
three meals a day together."
"Please let me put on a wedding dress."
My gosh, these guys
Do you
want to do it?
Do what?
you know
I meant,
why would you ask that
while we're washing the dishes?
You said it's best to use masks at night.
Are you talking about sheet masks?
Yes. My skin got so nice after I used it.
You should've said masks from
the beginning.
What is this? Kim Yu-mi.
What were you thinking?
Gosh, you're so lustful.
I am not.
You're not?
Not what?
-Stop it.
-Tell me.
[If I marry Woong,
I'd make him delicious food every day.]
[I'm going to make him lots of good food.]
[It'd be nice to live with him
for the rest of my life.]
I knew this would look good on you.
It's too tight.
It's cutting off my circulation.
Just wait.
I think my face turned purple.
You can't make me laugh
when I have a mask on.
Tinky-winky. Let's take a photo.
I don't want to.
I'm going to take it.
One, two, three.
[Can't she marry Woong?]
[Let's get married
and do sheet masks together every day!]
[Let's marry Woong!]
[I'm all for this marriage!]
[A small wedding in Hawaii!]
[Let's ask Woong]
[if he wants to get married.]
[Ask Woong if he wants to get married.
Kids in 2 years?]
-Emotion, what are you doing?
Let's ask Woong if he's interested
in getting married.
Why would you ask him that?
Why not? Can't we ask him that?
I think he'd want to get married too.
Can I ask you something?
What is it?
Well, so
The thing is
[Let's ask Woong
if he wants to get married.]
No. We can't ask him.
What are you doing?
"Do" what?
Do a karate chop!
What are you doing?
Guess what I was trying to ask you.
I have no idea.
You don't have to know.
What is this? Is this a new joke?
Do a karate chop!
It's a new joke.
Reason, what are you doing?
Bulletin cell,
let's get rid of all of this
while everyone's asleep.
-Get rid of all the memos
on marriage.
Then there won't be anything left.
All they keep putting up are things
related to marriage.
That's why we need to get rid of them.
If they keep putting things about marriage
on here,
Yu-mi might make a mistake subconsciously.
We're done.
If you see any memos on marriage
in the future,
take them off right away. Okay?
Don't you want Yu-mi to marry Woong?
It's not that I don't like it,
but it's not something you do alone.
Why? Doesn't Woong want to get married?
That's what it's like.
Yes. I saw it with my own two eyes
when I went to Woong's village.
I saw where his desire to get married was.
[Desire to get married]
I couldn't mention it because
they'd be disappointed.
But I thought you should know.
I keep seeing memos
on getting married these days.
But why was it at the bottom of the ocean?
Does that mean Woong doesn't want
to get married?
I don't know the reason either.
Just take good care of the bulletin.
You must be so happy.
How much of a raise are you getting?
I'm not sure yet.
I'm going to look into it
when I go in tomorrow.
I want to go to Marketing too.
I'm going to be so bored at work
without you.
You have Ruby.
Are you kidding me?
I'll come see you every day.
I'm in the next department.
Are you buying clothes for Woong?
Yes. Today's Woong's birthday.
Oh, really?
What do you think?
I don't think
he'd look good in this color.
Not that.
How does it feel to live with him?
It's actually--
Not good?
No. It's nice.
It's really nice.
Oh, my gosh. Really?
While spending time together,
I came to realize that he's
a better person than I thought he was.
That's perfect.
Get married!
No. It's not like that.
Why? Why push it off?
It's not like we're in our 20s.
I'm happy right now.
Woong's situation isn't that great either.
It's Woong!
Hey, Woong.
I'm shopping with Yi-da.
When are you going in?
But I might
have dinner with Yi-da before I go home.
Right. Okay.
What? You said you were going home
before dinner.
I lied.
I wanted to surprise him,
so I pretended not to know.
I acted like I forgot his birthday.
I bet he's sulking like crazy right now.
I feel bad for him.
He must be so sad.
I want to surprise him tonight.
My gosh.
-That's really pretty.
-Isn't it?
You're so strategic.
-This is nice.
[Happy birthday, Woong!]
[Happy birthday, Woong!]
There we go.
[Woong, did you get off work?]
[Yes, I'm on my way home.]
[I think I'm going to have to grab dinner
with Yi-da.]
[I'm sorry, but you're going to
have to eat alone.]
There we go.
He's probably
going to sulk after reading that text.
I just need to scoop up
the rice and the soup.
Oh, right!
There he is.
He'll come into get changed and see this.
While he opens the present
You're going to be so surprised.
Is everything ready?
Of course. Endorphin can't miss out
on a surprise party!
The moment Yu-mi opens the closet doors,
we're going to shout with her.
You're so loud!
♫ Happy ♫
♫ Birthday! ♫
[Happy birthday, Woong!]
Gosh. I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous?
He's here!
[Happy birthday, Woong!]
He's coming. He's coming in!
Hey, everyone!
When Yu-mi opens the closet,
what should we scream?
Let's get ready!
-Ten, nine, eight,
-Ten, nine, eight,
-seven, six, five,
-seven, six, five,
-four, three,
-four, three,
-two, one!
-two, one!
[Happy birthday, Woong!]
Hold on!
Guys, hold on!
Something unexpected happened!
-What is it?
-What happened?
What is this?
Did he go back out?
Oh, no.
Is he really mad?
My gosh.
What is this?
[Bluetooth mechanical keyboard]
It's a keyboard.
Woong. Where did you go?
Why did you come home
and then leave again?
I'm going back to the office
because I have some work left.
How did you know that?
Were you home?
I just came out.
[What's this keyboard?]
Did you see it? It's a gift.
A gift?
Tomorrow's your first day
working for Marketing.
[That's the best mechanical keyboard
out there.]
Famous writers all use that.
A gift for my first day on a new team?
To help you write.
-What's going on?
-Why did they stop?
-What are they doing?
-What's going on? Do you know?
-No idea.
I dropped by to leave that
because I need to work all night.
I should be the one to give you
a present. Not the other way around.
You need to give me a present? Why?
Today's your birthday.
-Is it?
-You didn't know?
I had no idea. I totally forgot.
You remembered my first day on a new team,
but you forgot your own birthday?
Things have been a bit hectic these days.
When did you get home?
I just left.
Come in!
Come home and have dinner.
I made you a birthday dinner.
Happy birthday.
You made all of this?
This makes me so happy.
We can cut the cake later.
[Happy birthday, Woong!]
Did you make this too?
I'm so touched, Yu-mi.
Thank you.
This is really good.
You did a great job with the soup.
Do you want to get married?
[Yumi's Cells]
[You guys look really close.]
[We just bumped into each other
a couple times.]
[Of course. It's a notorious story.]
[You fall for each other
while working out.]
Did you have dinner? Do you want me
to treat you to dinner to comfort you?
[I think something's going on between
Bobby and Yu-mi.]
-No way!
[-What's with this group?]
[Excuse me.]
[Hello, I'm Yoo Bobby.]
[This behavior is a bit strange.]
[Oh, no!]
[There's a guy who'd take off his jacket]
[for a girl whose boyfriend
is standing in front of them!]
Ripped and synced by
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