365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

No One Dies This Time

Someone is calling you.
Magpie? Hey, why is Magpie calling you? Why?
- Why is that? - My gosh.
Hold on a second. Wait.
What's going on with you?
I know you do whatever you want, but you don't do shortcuts.
Why is the thug from the detective agency calling you?
- Why is he calling you? - Why are you beating him up again?
- Gosh, he just got - Captain Heo!
Goodness. It's
- This came for you. - Thank you.
What's that? What did you get?
(Zian Clinic)
(Detective Ji Hyeong Ju, Seoul Makang Police Station)
(Kim Se Rin, Royal Studio)
Goodness. Thank you.
(Zian Clinic)
(Hwang No Sub)
(Ko Jae Young)
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
(You will be the star of the guardian and light the dark.)
Yes, we got it too.
You'll stay at the café, right?
I'll call you as soon as we find anything.
("Rest on the Flight into Egypt" By Rembrandt)
(You will be the star of the guardian and light the dark.)
(You will be the star of the guardian and light the dark.)
Did you find it?
What's the point though? We don't know what this means.
Looking at Hye In's card, it didn't represent her death.
And the painting didn't make sense either.
And all the lines are as abstract as they can be.
Why is this happening to us?
I'm sure this means something.
We're being invited to play this game.
(Seo Yeon Soo, died from a fall, Cha Jeung Seok, suicide)
(Chapter 3, Star of the Guardian)
(Volume 27, Song of the Light)
Hold on.
What is it?
Chapter 3, Volume 27.
March 27.
(You will become the captain of your life, challenging your fate.)
Chapter 3, Volume 13.
March 13.
That's the date of Hye In's accident.
(So Hye In, March 13)
Cha Jeung Seok
(Cha Jeung Seok, February 22)
(The gleaming golden glory of the light will be with you.)
- Chapter 2, Volume 22. - Chapter 2, Volume 22.
(Let the rainbow of the soul be in your garden.)
Chapter 1, Volume 27.
(Seo Yeon Soo, January 27)
(I hope sun's power gives you energy and moon's power gives you rest.)
(Chapter 1, Volume 25)
Chapter 1, Volume 25.
(Choi Kyung Man, January 25)
It was the date.
The date of their death.
March 27.
It's today.
will one of us die again?
There are so many stars, right?
Young, which constellation is your favourite?
Se Rin.
My gosh, please pick up.
- Did you reach him? - He's not answering.
Did something already happen to him?
Keep trying. Call me as soon as he answers.
- Where are you going? - I must check on Bae Jung Tae.
Hyeong Ju.
I'll be careful.
Ga Hyeon, don't go outside. Stay here.
Please stay inside.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
Text me Bae Jung Tae's phone number. Now!
What? Why?
Darn it.
Gosh, what's going on?
Se Rin, where are you?
Ga Hyeon, I think someone is following me.
Where's your boyfriend? Did you call the police?
I called both of them just now. I'm so scared.
Get inside your house right now.
Se Rin.
Se Rin, are you there?
(Kim Se Rin)
Why did you call me out at this hour? What's going on?
I'll explain it all later.
- Ga Hyeon? Follow me! - What?
- Do you really want to die? - Mr. Bae Jung Tae!
Se Rin! Se Rin!
Are you okay?
- Hyeong Ju, check on Ga Hyeon. - Okay.
Royal Studio, Room 716 in Sinyeong-dong. Hurry!
- Se Rin! - Bae Jung Tae ran away! Catch him!
Se Rin. Se Rin.
Se Rin. Are you okay?
Stop! Stop!
The suspect is on the run.
You should've stayed still.
Stay still.
What are you? Why are you
Let's go.
Sun Ho.
Sun Ho! Sun Ho!
Wake up. Sun Ho.
Sun Ho!
Sun Ho!
Sun Ho!
Excuse me.
Did that man look familiar to you?
She did mention a stalker.
She was nervous because she felt like she was being followed.
This is it. Which room is it?
- Room 576. - Room There it is.
- Are you okay? - Hello, sir.
What did the doctor say?
Do you need to go to a bigger hospital?
What's happened to your leg?
- Did you break your leg? - No, it's just fractured.
I just need to rest for some time.
My goodness! When I heard you lost consciousness,
I expected the worst.
Exactly. Do you know how shocked our Lieutenant Jin was?
"Our Lieutenant Jin"?
Since when have you been calling her that?
Since when? Goodness, look at your hand.
- It must hurt. - I scraped it.
Hyeong Ju.
- Did you catch Bae Jung Tae? - How's Se Rin?
She was moved to a room just now.
Thankfully, the wounds aren't serious.
We caught him.
You should've stayed home.
Why did you come outside? Aren't you scared?
I am.
I'm afraid of dying as well.
do you know what scares me even more?
It's when people die
right before my eyes.
I see the people I could've saved
in my dreams every night.
They ask why
I'm still alive
and why I failed to save them.
They ask me that every night.
I thought Se Rin would meet the same fate.
That's how I feel as well.
Losing a partner once again
is too terrifying.
Are you talking about me?
Other people may not think that way, but we're still partners.
We even have our own headquarters.
It's the next day.
Everyone's still alive.
If Sun Ho had died,
I would've killed you myself. Do you understand?
That's exactly why
he shouldn't have chased an innocent man.
You scumbag.
"Innocent"? How can you say that after what you did to Se Rin?
I've done nothing wrong.
That wench was determined to set me up.
Ms. Lee Shin ordered you to kill her, didn't you?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
- Where is she? - Hyeong Ju!
What are you doing?
Are you okay? That darn man
Who appointed that lawyer for him?
Don't you know that he has the right to have one?
- You're just letting him squirm - How will he squirm out of this?
I wouldn't be surprised if he and his lawyer plan
to shorten his sentence.
I'll take care of this. You stay out of this.
He'll say you coerced him. Don't give him a reason to get out.
You can take this after 10 minutes.
What about your meal? Did you eat?
You've been eyeing Bae Jung Tae. You finally got him.
What's your relationship with the victim?
She seems to be Ga Hyeon's friend.
How long do you need to stay here?
They need to observe me for 3 to 4 weeks.
Come on. I asked you a question first.
Why are you deflecting my question?
You seem fine.
Come on, answer my questions when I ask them.
It's frustrating for me.
The message was the date of death?
That's why I called you.
That means
I could have really died.
Did you hear why Bae Jung Tae attacked you?
Or anything about Ms. Lee Shin?
For the past few days,
I did feel that someone was following me.
But I didn't think I was right.
I had no idea that it was that ex-convict.
Do all ex-convicts murder people?
People like you look down on the others.
Se Rin.
Young Woong.
Who are you?
Young Woong!
Do you really want to die?
Mr. Bae Jung Tae!
If it weren't for you,
I really might have died yesterday.
What about your parents? You still didn't call them?
It's better that they don't know.
If they find out I was attacked,
I might have to move back home.
Do you think Se Rin could have died yesterday?
If so,
you saved her, Ga Hyeon.
What did Bae Jung Tae say?
He's denying all the charges.
He said he didn't hit her or do anything wrong.
And that Ms. Lee Shin didn't order him to do so.
If she didn't order him to do that,
how did we end up getting those messages?
Do you think the messages don't mean the date of death?
We've been given a test that doesn't have answers.
And the person who gave out the test
has disappeared.
(Lee Shin, Ji Hyeong Ju, Shin Ga Hyeon)
Wait. Are you telling me that we don't even know where she went?
Game over.
(Automatic transfer of fund)
- Hyeong Ju. - You're back.
- Sa Kyung. - Hello.
- I'm back. - Captain Heo.
I came back to work after a month!
- Sun Ho. - Sun Ho, congratulations!
- I missed you. - I missed you.
Why are you curious about that?
I want to go to Russia.
I want to eat sausages in Germany.
- German beer! I love sausages. - That sounds good, doesn't it?
In 1, 2, 3.
What is it?
Iced coffee. It's hot.
What about you?
Do you want to share it?
You got something over here.
You're so cute.
Drink this. I made it.
It's hot!
In 1, 2, 3.
Nose. Nose. There, nose.
Come here.
How adorable.
Good dog!
("Pieces of Destiny")
(We are closed for the time being. Zian Clinic)
(7 months later)
Sa Kyung, what are you going to do with Soon Woo?
- What do you mean? - If you're not interested in him,
I'll hand him over to the Traffic Department.
There's a line of women who want to date Soon Woo.
You should do that. Set him up with a new post too while you're at it.
My gosh, you're quite an actress.
This is why I had no idea until I got a wedding invitation.
- What are you talking about? - It's nothing.
What wedding invitation?
- My gosh. He's so annoying. - Yes.
Hey, we need to go.
- Hi. - Hello.
- Okay. - Soon Woo,
why did you leave without me?
I just stepped out for a moment.
Thank you for your help, everyone.
- What's this case? - Name, Jang Jin Ho.
A missing person's report was filed on him seven months ago.
A few days after the report,
only the fallen vehicle was discovered at Woonjeong Lake.
There wasn't any blood in the car.
After falling, he probably tried to escape.
But he got swept away in the current.
They already came to a tentative conclusion.
He drifted down pretty far.
- In 1, 2, 3. - 2, 3.
(Handong Logistics)
Hold on. What's his name?
Jang Jin Ho.
(ID card, Jang Jin Ho)
(Handong Logistics)
Young Gil died because of me.
When was the missing person's report filed?
March 27.
(Chapter 3, Volume 27.)
(Handong Logistics)
It was after the loading the boxes.
He got in the accident on the route he always takes.
So we couldn't believe it either.
He could've driven that route with his eyes closed.
What? Park Young Gil's replacement died?
Yes. His name is Jang Jin Ho.
The date of the missing person's report was March 27.
According to our investigation, it's highly likely that he died
on the day of his disappearance.
Then, the date on the last card
was pointing at Jang Jin Ho's death?
After Park Young Gil died,
Jang Jin Ho took over his district
as well as his truck.
So if Park Young Gil was alive,
it's very likely that he might have faced the same accident.
In the end, the date of death on the card was correct.
You all remember the first phone call
from Ms. Lee Shin, right?
It was the train derailment.
Tomorrow morning at 11:34.
KTX 738 from Busan bound to Seoul will be derailed.
When a certain date comes, I go back to the past
and relive my life again.
I knew the train number because I had already seen it
on the news.
She told me she knew it because she did the reset several times.
Ms. Lee Shin knew the dates of deaths
because she already knew about their deaths.
What are you talking about?
They were all alive.
What if it wasn't before the reset?
But the life before the reset?
What if she observed us, so she knew what would happen to us
in advance?
That's right.
All of you
(Handong Logistics)
(327th Lottery, Price: 5 dollars)
(Handong Logistics)
(365: Repeat the Year)
I don't have any resentment against you.
I just have a lot of time.
I won't be fooled again.
She told me to choose either to save him or save myself.
- I'm going to die? - Open up!
- I don't believe it. - It's all related to Shin Ga Hyeon.
- Isn't this odd? - Who wouldn't cherish their lives?
Shouldn't we try to survive?
You must thank me. I'm doing the work for you.
I wonder why you're suddenly curious about that.
You must pay the price for it.
Next up is you.
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