A Love So Beautiful (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Declaration of Love

Mi-nyeo. You've gotten so much prettier.
Did you lose weight?
Do you want to sit here? Hey, move.
-Where will I sit then?
-I don't know. Move.
What's wrong with Se-hyeong?
Did his eyesight get worse?
Poor guy.
Breaking news.
Ms. Moon will be
our homeroom teacher again.
you can't call that breaking news.
-Yes, you can. There's one more thing.
-What is it?
After the mock exam,
we'll do volunteer work
and go on a picnic.
I should've delivered the breaking news.
-Jin-hwan stole my spotlight.
-You are no match for me.
Volunteer work and picnic?
We should study if we have time.
We're seniors now.
Hey, Su-jin. Study hard by yourself then.
He's so annoying.
What should we do at the picnic?
-Anything. As long as we're out of school.
-Me, too.
I see so many familiar faces.
It's good to see you again.
Let's not be at the end of the ranking
this year, please.
Ms. Moon, will we go on a picnic
on the volunteering day?
Yes. But, don't get too excited
before then,
and study hard.
Ms. Moon, after the volunteer work,
can we go camping
and have a barbecue party?
-I'm in.
-Ms. Moon.
Let's have fun for the last time.
Ms. Moon. We'll place first
on the mock exam.
I'll ask for permission.
Heon, I prepared this for you.
Nobody has ever proposed to me like this.
To hell with it. Sol-i, be my girlfriend.
What are you thinking about?
Look up when you're walking.
Anyway, how much money do you have?
You're still counting it.
Not much. I won't be able to buy snacks
this month.
Why not?
it's because…
Isn't this scary?
No, it isn't.
It's not scary. I see.
It's cute. What is it?
It's not scary.
It's cute.
What's your name?
-It's so cute.
How pretty.
Dae-sung, where are you?
I'm in front of the school.
Come to the pool right now then.
The national team coach is here.
What is it? Is something wrong?
I have to go first,
so I can't walk you home. I'm sorry.
No, it's okay. You should go.
You'll come to the picnic, right?
Yes, of course.
I'll get going. Go home safe.
What are you doing here?
What's that?
This? It's a secret.
Why are you out here?
Can't you see?
I'm taking out the trash.
You've been taking out the trash
when the bag isn't full yet.
Since when?
I mean, I thought you were waiting for me.
Me? Why would I?
I mean, I just wish you were.
I must be out of my mind.
Heon, I didn't hear you. What did you say?
Payment by card.
Enjoy the movie.
Thank you.
Please give me a ticket
for the movie he's watching.
-Do you want the same movie?
Can I sit in the seat next to him?
Then, I'll sit next to her.
What? How did you know I was here?
All I did was follow you.
And I ended up here.
Go home. Hurry.
It's dangerous at night.
I'll take you home after the movie.
Excuse me. Are you going to pay?
-Yes, please.
-No, don't.
Ha-young and Jin-hwan?
Ha-young. Say, "Ah."
Just keep your eyes on the movie.
The popcorn is really good.
It's the best snack for movies.
This is the first movie
we're watching together. It will be fun.
Don't talk to me.
Ha-young, isn't this a horror movie?
My heart is pounding.
If it gets too scary,
can I hold your hand?
Stop bothering me!
I'm on a diet.
This is great.
It's not cold at all, is it?
-It's nice.
-The weather is perfect.
-It's so nice.
-I love it.
What? Both of you have this?
-Yes. It's really good.
-Really? I should buy one, too.
It's the best.
Be quiet, guys.
Are you here to have fun?
-Why are you so noisy?
-Yes, we're here for fun.
Why else would we be here, for a test?
Why is he so tough on us?
Is he a drill sergeant or something?
"Depending on your attitude,
today could be heaven--"
"Or hell."
We're getting along today.
I'm not following you.
I know. Who cares?
Hey, Mi-nyeo.
Can I have a bite? I'm hungry.
-Yes. Sit down.
Say, "Ah."
-Isn't it yummy?
-It is.
Ha-young. Drink this.
No, thanks.
Ha-young, are you mad at me?
Yes. Totally.
Why? What did I do wrong?
I'm sorry.
-You're so stupid.
-I won't do it again.
-Hold this.
-Yes, ma'am.
"Collect the trash."
It's Heon.
I'm exhausted.
Ms. Moon, you should've added
sliced ham instead of tomato.
-Lean on me.
I'll be your backrest.
It's comfortable.
You aren't mad at me anymore, right?
Your back is vibrating. Don't talk.
By the way,
sitting back to back like this
makes my heart race.
Stop disturbing me and be quiet.
Thank you, Ms. Moon.
I appreciate it.
What was this song?
too dangerous.
Based on what I saw for the last two days,
he's doing great.
It's only natural for a young swimmer
to have ups and downs.
He has potential.
-Can he make the national team?
If he keeps up,
he'll make the Olympic team too.
Dae-sung, I'll see you
at the National Training Center soon.
Thank you!
Heon. I can't open this.
Can you help me?
-Look at that.
-Give me that.
-Put it down.
Put it down!
What should we do?
-Oh, Sol-i!
-Oh, Sol-i!
All right.
Let's do our best this year.
"We can't put it off any longer.
My wedding, your university!"
What are you doing?
My wedding!
-Our university!
-Our university!
Thank you.
-I'm starving.
-It's really delicious.
It's really good.
Meet me at the trail over there
in five minutes.
Thank you, my friends.
Why is it crooked?
I finished my volunteer work earlier.
Why am I volunteering again?
Hey, stop whining and just do it.
Got it.
Everything looks so romantic.
Everything looks so excessive.
Hey, Heon is coming.
-There are still a few more to light.
Just go, idiot.
-Sol-i, good luck.
Good luck.
Hey, Heon.
Why did you wrap this around you?
I was in a hurry.
Ha-young, if you like romantic events,
shall I prepare one for you?
Be quiet. I'm still mad at you.
Why are you mad at me?
We had fun watching a movie yesterday.
Quiet. I think Heon is almost here.
-Get ready.
What about your family? Do they know?
One, two, three.
Don't look.
Did you like Sol-i, too,
but played hard to get?
You did. You played hard to get.
That's not it.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Why are you always causing trouble?
Stop. Go in first.
What are you doing right now?
Heon. You're such a jerk.
I had a lot of fun today. Thanks.
So did I.
Is this yours?
-I like Sol-i.
-So what?
Don't hurt her feelings.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-hyun Yang
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