A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Our World

Where do you want to go?
Is it okay if I decide?
Our first date, and I get to choose
The place I want to go with him is
How about this?
The Curry Fes Special!
Not interested?
How about
A place where he'd enjoy
Where could I possibly take someone
who's traveled the world?
Where do you and Kyoya-san
usually go for your dates?
Our dates?
Just that zoo from that picture.
And he sometimes takes me on a drive!
Don't worry too much about it!
I'm sure any place would do!
He just wants to see you smile.
The place I want to go with him is
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want
This feeling of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
We are about
to arrive at our next stop, Seyama
It sure is empty today.
What's up?
I just remembered the first time we met.
We met on a train like this.
It was pretty cold back then.
It was the middle of winter, after all.
Back then,
we just happened to be on the same train.
But now, we're riding the same train,
heading to the same destination.
This place?
Was there something here?
Well, someone's excited.
Did you pick this place to take pictures?
Wisterias. Cool.
They smell really good!
I wonder if this is the moment
people refer to
when they say their heart was stolen.
By the way, Yuki.
You were taking pictures of flowers
earlier too, right?
Although I enjoy food and scenery
I also like taking pictures of flowers
Right now,
the azaleas color the roadsides
The wisterias hang from the sky
And soon enough, the hydrangeas
will absorb the rain and bloom
While the sunflowers are boldly opening
as if they've been waiting for it
It's like the flowers are lining up
to bloom in their respective seasons
There was a honey bee flying around you.
It's okay now.
So this is the world you see.
Can I borrow your phone?
Let's see if the wisterias can be seen
with this angle.
A picture of us together
Should we do a countdown?
Three, two, one, okay?
Wow, looks good!
This karaage is great.
Makes me want to grab a beer.
Speaking of which,
you went drinking with Oushi-kun?
Right, Oushi. How's he doing?
Surprised? We're good friends now.
No, I'm sure that was just Oushi-kun
being dragged around by Itsuomi-san.
I should drop by his place sometime.
Can you show me the way?
His place?
Why the heck did you bring him here?
That might be a little difficult
Is that the sign for "difficult"?
I thought you were signaling for a kiss.
But it didn't make sense
based on our conversation.
Kissing here would be a bit
Yeah, something feels weird.
I thought he was going to kiss me.
Maybe he
This sign means "don't."
This is "don't" while this is "nice."
It's the same as the movement
for "out" in baseball.
I'm too embarrassed to kiss you here,
but I'd like to stay close to you.
Is it okay?
You told me this before, but
Me too. If it's you, Yuki,
I'm fine with everything.
No need to hold back.
I asked you this before, but
Why do you often travel
to other countries?
Oh, that?
Sure, I'll tell you if you're curious.
Really? Just like that?
It's a long story,
so I'm gonna type it on my phone.
He types quickly,
but his thumb pauses from time to time.
He's really giving it some thought.
It's here!
It really is a long story.
All right.
It's pretty long. Can you read it at home?
Since we're here, how about a boat ride?
Or not?
I'd love to!
There's nothing written there
that would make you uneasy.
Don't worry.
That makes me even more worried.
But he's relieving me
of any future concerns I might have.
Did you take a picture?
That's fine.
When I think of how happy I was
to hear you were fine with everything
I feel myself overflowing
with so many emotions.
The swan boat was rocking so much,
it felt like my heart was shaking
even more.
I tried my best to hide my teary eyes.
Why do Saturday classes make me so sleepy?
I know, right?
Wanna hang out somewhere, Oushi?
The weather's great today.
Who do you like more, me or Mitoki?
What's with that face?
Didn't you say you wanted
to be more honest with yourself?
I'm helping you open up here.
Can't you pick another question?
What started all this anyway?
It's a girl, right?
Huh? You're not denying it?
What? Who?
Come on, Oushi. Tell us more about her!
Didn't you want to be more honest?
Shut up!
She's a cute girl.
Ashioki's being honest with himself!
So who's the girl?
Is it the girl with the hearing aids?
Gimme the details, Batayan!
Coming right up!
I'm here
Haven't replied to Shin-kun yet?
Yeah Everything was too sudden.
I haven't sorted my feelings yet.
I was going to keep it a secret
for as long as I lived.
It's not sudden, though.
He's been in love with you
since high school.
Aren't you the same?
You've been worrying about the same things
for a long time, right?
Shouldn't you be thinking more about
what's ahead instead of what's past?
You sure you should be taking your time?
Sir, is it okay if I take my lunch now?
Sure. By the way,
I haven't seen Emma-chan around recently.
Is she busy with work?
Did something happen between you two?
I'm not going to pry,
but I hope she comes back soon.
Yeah. Me too.
Four hours went by in a flash.
It's really crowded today.
That guy was totally hot!
I know, right?
They're completely smitten.
I don't blame them.
It's Itsuomi-san, after all.
And it's not just his looks.
I'll read his message once I get home.
When I asked him about it back then
I'll tell you when we know
each other better
he said
He's easygoing and unpredictable.
Just what does he see when he travels?
I was preparing myself to read it
and before I knew it, it's night already.
"When I was young,
I loved vehicles, especially airplanes."
Airplanes? Boys sure do love them.
I'd have my parents take me
to the airport just to see the planes.
I've always loved traveling
since I was a kid.
Wow! These drawings don't end!
This is the Berlin Wall, Itsuomi.
This wall split Germany in the past.
It used to be longer back then,
around 155 kilometers.
I moved to Germany when I was six.
It was like a trip at first.
Everything was new and fun.
But after a while
How are you liking school, Itsuomi?
I can't understand what anyone is saying.
Well, it is an international class.
Is everyone speaking
in their mother tongue?
I only know a little English,
and German is really hard.
I actually wanted to go back to Japan.
But I couldn't say that to my father.
I didn't want him to think I was pathetic.
Wer. Was. Wann. Wohin. Warum.
Das ist meiner!
Danke! Tschüs!
Yay, tor!
I also!
Ich will soccer
Ich will auch fußball spielen!
Komm schnell!
The moment I got my words across
I was filled with joy.
It made me want to learn languages
to communicate
rather than just memorizing them.
After that, learning languages became fun.
Itsuomi, how's school been lately?
My friends are waiting for me,
so I want to get there fast.
Is that so? Sorry to hold you up.
Yeah, I'm gonna brush my teeth now!
Now that I think about it,
maybe that's what made me feel like
I knew the world.
Right now, I travel to learn
the many cultures, histories,
and languages this world has to offer.
It's also to sate my curiosity.
And I want to teach kids.
So that someday,
that knowledge can become their shield.
I see. So he has a dream.
He told me about a school on water
when he was in Cambodia.
He was also surrounded by kids in Laos.
Maybe he was visiting a school?
He's already steadily working
towards what he wants in life.
So this is who Itsuomi-san is.
Good work. See ya.
Yeah, good night.
Huh? It's me! When did he
You were so busy taking pictures
you didn't even look at me
Really? I'm so embarrassed
I said I was okay hanging out
for two or three hours, but
But the truth is, I want to see you
even if it's just five or ten minutes.
It's strange how much I want to learn now
since meeting you.
How would you feel
when this happens to you?
What moves your heart?
What impression does it leave inside you?
What can I give you?
I want you to teach me everything.
Because I love everything about you.
How can he say all this?
How am I supposed to reply to this?
How can you be this sweet to me?
You taught me all these new feelings.
Your eyes Your hands
I want to gaze at them forever.
If I get to know you better, I'm sure
If I get to know you better, I'm sure
I'm going to fall for you even more.
Bye! Take care out there!
Yuki! Yo!
I came to check on Yuki!
You working hard?
Yuki-chan's been a big help.
She learns so fast!
I knew you could do it, Yuki!
I'm going to ask you to do
some new things soon.
I'm counting on you!
-You can do it, Yuki!
It's nothing.
I was wondering when you'll buy that book.
Why not just get it today?
Well, yeah.
I'm cheering for you, Oushi.
It's rare for you to be the one
to ask me out on a date.
Not really
It's so cute! Thanks so much, Kyoya-san!
I'm glad you like it.
Going out with you feels like a dream.
I feel the same.
I look forward to our future, Rin-chan!
I finally have a passport!
With this, we can travel anywhere
in the world together.
I'm excited to see where we'll go.
My world continues to grow,
endlessly meeting new colors
Now and forever.
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