All That Glitters (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Mr. and Mrs. Fang, this way, please.
You're really lucky.
Many people don't get to invest.
Our monthly quota
is always quickly filled.
This way, please.
Mr. and Mrs. Fang. Our manager, Rorick.
Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Fang.
Congratulations on becoming our clients.
Mr. Fang, here's
the 6 kg of gold you bought.
The current price for gold is
S$32,000 per kg.
You're entitled to a 5% discount.
That's S$30,400 per kg,
and S$182,400 for 6 kg.
I believe Jiahui has explained it to you.
You can sell the gold back to the company
at the original price
to earn a 5% profit.
If you choose to keep the gold
with the company,
we'll pay you 3% interest every month.
That's 36% in a year.
At the rate things are going,
the amount of our investment
will reach S$500 million a year from now.
Should be less than a year.
I like people who are confident.
The old man has good judgement
I was right about you too.
Thank you for giving me a chance,
Little Boss.
Don't call me that.
Just call me Richard.
Is S$500 million a lot?
It depends on each individual.
It's a fortune to me,
but it might not be so to you.
Because I'm richer than you?
You can have what I have too.
If we can raise S$500 million
and get 10% out of it,
that's S$50 million.
S$50 million can't buy you two floors.
Even S$500 million
can't buy you a building.
I bet the old man has said this to you,
"Greed can bring you success.
It can also cause your downfall."
But being just greedy is not enough.
You have to be ambitious
and adventurous too.
Take a big gamble.
That's how you can make it big.
Thunder and I are going to Macau.
Make the arrangements.
-A private jet?
Is it true?
Unless I was hearing things.
You've made your mark, Bro Musen.
Before this, you were a mover
who reeked of sweat.
And now, you're
travelling in a private jet.
It's not like the private jet is mine.
Wait till I can afford to buy a building.
That's when I'll have made my mark.
You're so greedy.
I'm content with having earned
a commission of S$6,000.
Yet you're thinking of buying a building.
You're something, Lin Jiahui.
You made over S$2,000 last month
and over S$6,000 this month.
Did you sweeten your clients up?
No. As you advised,
I didn't trade on my looks.
See? My clothes aren't revealing.
Still, be wary of people
with an ulterior motive.
I will.
Bro Musen, I've made S$6,000.
Did you make S$60,000?
Did you?
Mind your own business!
At least buy me a good meal.
Sure, I'll treat you to wagyu beef.
Sis Zhenyu, do you know Bro Musen
is travelling with
his boss in his private jet?
He did tell me.
I knew Bro Musen would make his mark.
He's been smart since he was a kid.
In fact, he's super smart.
My homework was always
a piece of cake to him.
Jiahui, are you happy in your job?
I was worried
that I couldn't adapt initially.
I'm not good with words.
How do I get people to invest?
But things are going
more smoothly than I thought.
Many of my clients referred their friends
and relatives to me to earn rewards.
-You think this thing can be trusted?
I can't help feeling 36% return
per annum is far too good to be true.
Investments are complicated, Sis Zhenyu.
To people who are good at investing,
36% isn't a lot.
I hear some shrewd investors
can earn two or three times that amount.
I don't know anything about investments.
That's why I'm worried.
It's a very common
concern among investors.
But I always tell them,
if they're really worried,
they can take home the gold,
which has been certified,
and sell it back to the company
three months later.
They can also make money that way.
Sis Zhenyu, our company already
made investments
during these three months
using our clients' money.
We've made a profit of over 5%.
I know it's Bro Musen
you're worried about, not me.
Don't worry,
he'll be fine since he's smart.
What are you chatting about?
The silly things that you did as a kid.
Bring it on. I have nothing to hide.
Come on, I can go on and on for days
talking about them.
You ingrate! I regret bringing you here.
Don't you go against Sis Zhenyu's order.
What did you promise her,
She said from now on, you must always
take me along if you buy her good food.
Don't put words in her mouth. I'm no fool!
He hit me again, Sis Zhenyu.
A cunning guy like him
won't be taken advantage of.
Hit him.
Lin Musen, Jiahui is no longer a kid.
Stop bullying her.
If I did bully her, I wouldn't have
brought her here for wagyu beef.
Are we really having wagyu beef?
You look just like a glutton.
Watch your saliva!
The chef told me a batch of
A5 wagyu beef had just arrived.
Hey, wagyu beef is expensive.
Let's have something else.
Come on, I don't always
get to have wagyu beef.
Don't try to help him save money.
He's loaded now.
There's money everywhere in this world.
If you use your wits,
you'll be able to make lots of it
and get to eat lots of wagyu beef.
Let's dig in.
Watch your manners, palace maid.
Her Majesty hasn't started eating yet.
Sorry about that, Your Majesty.
-Can I eat now?
I don't care! I want my wagyu beef.
-Mr. Li.
-Hello. Call me Simon.
Sorry, I was held up at a meeting.
It's all right.
This is our scheme for the repurchase
of gold. Please take a look.
-What would you like to drink?
-Okay, I'll get it.
Lin Jiahui, your goal today is S$200,000.
You must nail it.
Have you seen this person?
Why does he look so familiar?
It's that Thai?
Remember me?
-You're Su
Are you looking for someone?
Have you seen this person?
Sorry, I can't help you.
It's all right.
Thanks. I'll help myself.
Let me explain our scheme to you, Simon.
No need. I've gone through it
and got a rough idea of it.
I want sugar.
The coffee is a bit bitter.
Two packets of sugar, please.
-I'll get them.
-Here you go.
I'm quite pleased with
the scheme, Ms. Lin.
I'm willing to support you too.
But I'm having cash flow problems.
There might be a limit
as to how much I can invest.
Give me a minute. Let me check my account.
Sure, take your time.
I'll be receiving a sum of money
in a few days.
So for a start, I'll put in a million.
Okay. Thanks, Simon.
I'll go back and prepare the documents.
Once they're ready,
just come to our office to sign them.
What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?
Where are you going? I'll give you a lift.
-Never mind, I'll take a cab.
-It's okay, I'll drive you.
You've woken up?
Watch it!
-Let go!
-If I let go, you'll fall into the river.
Don't worry,
I didn't take advantage of you.
You were groggy, so I let you sit down
here and waited for you to wake up.
For fear that you might fall into
the river, I let you lean against me.
-How did I?
-You were drugged.
That man doped your drink
when you went to get sugar.
No wonder the tea tasted weird.
That scumbag.
I've got back at him for you.
He got a punch from me and lost two teeth.
You okay?
Get some more rest. Here.
It must've been sleeping pills.
Have lots water
to reduce the effect of the pills.
Thanks, Susakong.
What is it?
A colleague warned me
about clients with an agenda.
Bro Musen also told me to be street-smart
and not be so gullible.
But I'm so stupid! I never learn!
It's not so easy.
To see a person's true colors
is not so easy.
By the way, how did you find out?
I was standing outside the cafe
looking at you.
Looking at me?
Because I look like Pat?
You were reminded of her?
So if not for
the fact that I resemble Pat,
you wouldn't have looked.
Jintiao, why are
you calling back only now?
Of course it was an emergency
But it's all right now.
Please don't tell Bro Jintao about it.
If he finds out,
Bro Musen will find out too.
Then I'll lose my job.
Thanks, Susakong. I'm all right now.
I'll make a move then.
Give me your phone.
You're looking for someone, aren't you?
I'll give you my contact number.
Send me the man's picture.
If I find him, I'll inform you right away.
Mr. Lin.
Mr. Richard says, "Enjoy."
Where is he?
He's having a few games in the VIP room.
How much is all this?
MOPS$1 million.
A million?
Mr. Richard says he'll find out
tomorrow morning how you fare.
Good morning, Richard.
How did you fare last night?
I lost.
How much did you lose?
All of it.
I was winning
by quite a bit.
But you wanted to win more.
I thought I was on a winning streak.
And? You lost everything in the end?
Sit down and eat with me.
I have no appetite.
You either win or you lose.
Richard, it wasn't S$10,000
but S$1 million I lost.
I've never seen so much money in my life.
If only I hadn't been so greedy.
No way.
People are never content.
When you have a mil, you'll want ten mil.
When you have ten mil, you want 100 mil.
Richard, give me some time,
I'll pay you back the S$1 million.
No need. Take it as training fee.
Training fee?
I wanted to broaden your horizons.
If you lose
your appetite over just S$1 million,
you wouldn't be able to go far.
I won some money last night
S$10 mil.
Greed will only make you
lose your bearings.
You don't know when to stop.
Ambition is different.
You keep your head and observe
as you bide your time.
Focus on your target.
Pluck up the courage to take a gamble.
That's how you strike and win.
What you get
will be far more than S$10 mil.
Huang Jintiao, stop looking
or I'll gouge your eyes out.
I didn't know you were the sort.
What do you mean I'm the sort?
A lecherous man, always ogling women.
Not me! I'm not a lecherous man.
I don't ogle women.
I mean, I don't look at other women.
I only look at you.
Huang Jintiao! When are you
going to stop loafing around?
You quit your job.
So are you between jobs?
Between jobs?
Oh no, I'm not "between jobs".
You don't understand that expression,
Huang Jintiao?
Between jobs means being out of a job.
I'm going overseas.
-You're going away?
-To Thailand.
You good-for-nothing!
Going on vacation when you're jobless?
It's not a vacation.
I'm going there for further studies.
-Further studies?
I'm going to a Muay Thai gym
to learn Muay Thai.
My lessons start next week.
Musen told me
you were obsessed with Muay Thai.
You're even going far away
to take lessons.
Of all things,
you chose to learn fighting.
So what if you master it?
Can you make a living out of it?
Sure, I can.
I can teach Muay Thai for a living.
Do you really think
you're Huang Feihong or Bruce Lee?
There's a master in every trade, Mom.
Exactly. Who knows, I might become
the Huang Feihong of Singapore.
How can you be so naive at your age?
Huang Jintiao,
it's good to pursue your dream.
Don't give up halfway
I won't.
I'll pay you, Lady Boss.
Don't bother.
When you've really become
the Huang Feihong of Singapore,
help to promote my coffee shop.
Sure, thanks. I'll be going.
Bye, Zhenyu.
Bye, Lady Boss.
You took my words seriously?
What a fool you are!
Come on, Mom. He's so devoted to you.
Devoted, my foot!
I heard it.
Huang Jintiao said he wouldn't look at
other women. He'd only look at you.
Watch where you're going, Tommy!
My Milo dinosaur is
left with one mouthful!
What happened to your eye?
Who punched you?
Peter and his gang.
Why did they hit you?
They were sniffing glue
till they went berserk.
-Take me to them.
Why not?
What if they punch me in this eye too?
Relax, I'll be with you.
That's why I'm scared.
You know Shorty Yang?
He was sniffing glue
and eventually jumped to his death.
Take me to them, now!
Huang Jintiao!
Just call the police
to have those hooligans arrested.
No need to get yourself involved.
Don't know how to call 995?
I'll do it for you.
Don't call the police, Lady Boss
Peter mustn't get arrested.
His grandma will be heartbroken.
Like me, he was brought up by his grandma.
His grandma dotes on him.
Those hooligans almost
fractured your skull the last time.
And now, you're going to
incur their wrath again?
I'll be fine. Don't call the police.
You fool!
Do whatever you want. I don't care!
Mom, if you're worried,
just call the police.
Who says I'm worried?
You heard me.
He can do whatever he wants. I don't care!
Age is catching up with me.
I'm getting forgetful.
Auntie Prawn Noodles ordered
two coffees. I almost forgot.
I'll deliver them this minute.
Come on.
Out of my way!
Look who's talking.
Don't you know glue sniffing can kill you?
That was how he hit me too.
You should've told me.
So pretty
I told you to call the police
So heavy
So heavy
My eyes are hurting more and more.
You'll be all right.
We'll see a doctor real soon.
It's all your fault, Huang Jintiao.
Yes, I'm to blame for it.
My daughter is blind.
What if I lose my sight too?
That won't happen.
I'll take care of you both.
I'll take care of you all my life.
Stop rubbing it in
I mean it.
I'll take care of you all my life.
I love you, Xiaomei!
-Stop it! Don't go on and on
-I really love you.
Closed for lunch?
Xiaomei, you'll get to see a doctor soon.
Huang Jintiao.
Are you okay, Huang Jintiao?
Xiao Xiaomei! Help Xiaomei!
I'm all right now.
Xiaomei, you're fine?
I'm fine. You? How are you feeling?
Your eyes are okay?
What happened to me?
The doctor said
you couldn't catch your breath.
And you were too anxious.
That's why you passed out.
Hey, don't spout nonsense again.
It's not nonsense. Those were
words from the bottom of my heart.
I bet you said them in a delirium.
No, I didn't. My mind was very clear.
I'm past 40.
And my three children are grown-ups.
No, you still look so young.
But look at me, I'm 28 but look 38.
You're getting younger and prettier
as the years go by,
whereas I'm getting old before my time.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm serious. We really can get together.
We won't look incompatible.
I'll let the nurse know you've woken up.
Wait for me.
Whatever for?
I'll go back to my shop. You go home.
I mean, wait for me
to come back from Thailand.
Wait for me to come back.
I'll make you my wife.
I'm not as crazy as you.
You're back, Mom
Auntie Prawn Noodles had a chat with me
and I forgot the time.
She didn't open her stall today.
Oh? Did I say Auntie Prawn Noodles?
I guess I'm getting senile.
I meant to say Auntie Fishball.
She came to buy coffee just now.
I wasn't talking about Auntie Fishball
but the hawker next to her
The one who runs a vegetarian stall,
Sis Hua.
Go on like this and you'll name
everyone in the hawker center.
You didn't go to deliver coffee.
It was actually
"Xiaomei to Jintiao's rescue."
Are your eyes all right now?
How did you find out?
I even know that someone
confessed his love to you.
"I love you, Xiaomei.
I'll take care of you all my life."
If Zhenting heard about this, she'd think
you were acting in a Korean drama.
Who's this person
who's been telling tales?
Tommy came and told me everything.
Ming happened to deliver prawns to me,
so I got him to check it out.
-Did you remind him not to tell anyone?
Thank goodness it was Ming.
He doesn't gossip.
If word got around, I'd be
too embarrassed to do business here.
It's all that idiot's fault.
I regret helping him.
Zhenyu, I didn't purposely go to help him.
I just happened to pass by
while on my way to get something.
Seeing the superglue had got to my eyes,
he panicked and started
spouting nonsense.
The words he said in desperation
must be from the bottom of his heart.
He's a fool. If I took his words for real,
I'd be as foolish as him.
Be brave.
You're only in your forties.
You still have a long way ahead of you.
The three of us will leave you
one day to lead our own lives.
If there's someone you like,
try and accept him.
It's your own life,
so make the best of it.
Don't bother about what others think.
Have you figured a way out?
I'm still thinking.
Still thinking?
My lessons start the day after tomorrow.
You know how shrewd your grandma is.
It's not so easy to dupe her.
If I miss this chance,
I'll have to wait for six months.
Wait for six months for what?
Wait, my foot! Give him an earful, Granny
I told him to learn English
since his English is so poor,
but he keeps saying no.
What are you waiting for?
Why won't you learn English?
Go for classes!
-All right.
-You'd better.
Granny, this is for you.
So much money? Keep it for yourself
I work hard. I'm not like him.
See how capable he is.
You're so greedy for money, Grandma.
What do you mean I'm greedy?
I'm saving up the money for his wedding
in the future.
This money is for you to spend, Granny.
No need to save it up for me.
Huh? I've won a prize?
How much is it?
Huh? S$100,000?
I've to pay an admin fee of S$1,000?
How about I give you a million?
I'll burn it for you, scammer!
Stupid con artist! I'm not so gullible!
Why not cancel the landline?
That'll stop con men calling.
No. What if his dad calls
and can't get through?
Where's the soup, Grandma?
Oh, I forgot. Give me a minute.
I should think
he's turned into ashes already.
Some son you are, Huang Jintiao!
Fancy cursing your own dad!
Lower your voice.
How dare you curse your dad,
you unfilial thing.
Buy an air ticket
to go to Thailand this minute.
Whatever for?
You told me the other day that you'd
dreamt of your dad calling to say
he was in Thailand.
Did I?
Stop pretending!
I get it.
You don't want your grandma to
make you go to Thailand to look for him.
Look, buddy. I'm not going to
help you hide it from Granny anymore!
What's going on here?
He received a call from a man
a few days ago.
The man said to him, "Jin"
Yes, that's what his dad calls him.
Exactly! That man said, "I'm your dad."
Guess what your grandson said to him?
He said, "You're my dad?
I'm your grandpa!"
And then he hung up.
You unfilial son!
-What happened after that?
-Granny is asking you.
How should I know?
What happened after that?
After that, the phone rang again.
The man said, "I really am your dad.
Your grandma's name is"
-That's right!
Oh, this is making my hair stand on end.
He also got his mom's name correct.
That must be him!
What else did he say?
He said, "I'm in Thailand right now.
I really want to go home.
But I'm up to my neck in debt.
Come with S$80 to S$100,000
to pay off my debts.
Once I'm out of debt,
I'll be able to go home.
You know who I miss most?"
"It's your grandma."
My foot! Who is he trying to kid?
It's him all right!
Buy an air ticket for me.
I'm going to Thailand.
We're not talking about Sentosa, Granny.
It's tough travelling to Thailand.
Why not let Jintiao go instead?
This fellow?
He couldn't wait for his dad to
turn into ashes. Would he want to go?
Are you going or not?
-Are you going or not?
Yes, I'm going.
why do you like coming to the park?
Because I can only hear and feel.
When I come here, I can hear the birds
singing and the insects chirping,
and I can feel the breeze,
the swaying of the leaves on the trees,
as well as the butterflies flying.
Here's my promise to you.
I'll make you see them once again.
I already told you.
So long as everybody around me is fine,
I have no regrets
even if I can never see again.
No. I'm so good-looking and charming.
It's not fair to you if you don't
get to have a glimpse of it.
I'm okay with only being able to
hear and feel you.
Well, we all lose our looks over time.
Nobody can stay young and pretty forever.
But our voices do not change.
Down the road, your voice will
still be familiar and endearing to me.
But many years from now, I'll have become
an old lady with grey hair and wrinkles.
You have a point there.
What's the matter?
If my eyes were damaged,
I'd be able to be like you.
Don't be silly.
I have something for you,
What did you buy this time?
Here you go.
Careful, it's heavy.
What is it? It feels cold.
It's gold.
Why are you giving me gold?
Relax, this isn't the dowry.
I'll be giving you at least 10 kg of gold
for the dowry,
to show my sincerity.
You bought this?
Of course. I couldn't have robbed someone.
How much did it cost?
Not much, around S$30,000.
It's S$30,000
and you don't think it's a lot?
It is not a lot.
Those investors buy 10, 20 kg in one go.
It's like they're buying some cheap metal.
You're-so-Pretty, know why
I'm giving you a gold bar?
They say love is stronger than gold.
But love can be felt but not touched.
It's different for gold. You can touch it.
If there's both love and gold,
it's perfect.
This is the first gold bar I'm giving you.
I don't want it.
-It's gold, you know.
-I don't want it!
You're-so-Pretty, you're
the most important person in my life
I'm giving you the best
and most precious thing.
It's a show of my love for you.
I won't take it.
Don't you think it's abnormal to make
so much money in such a short time?
How is it abnormal?
I make investments for people.
When they make money, I earn a commission.
It's like how property agents
and stockbrokers earn money.
It's honest money I'm making.
What if you suffer a loss?
Jiahui told me many of the investors
are old folks who just got their CPF money
I always warn them about the risks
involved in investments.
Ask people who speculate in shares
whether profit is guaranteed.
If a certain stock
looks promising, you buy it.
Share prices go up and down.
You may make a windfall,
or lose everything.
The same goes for investing in property.
If the market is good,
property prices go up.
If the market is no good,
property prices drop.
But it's different for gold.
This is a rare and precious metal.
If you're investing for the long term,
you won't suffer a loss
I'm making investments for people,
not conning them.
Why won't you believe me?
It's not that I don't believe you.
I'm worried about you.
You're worried?
I know I'm not well-educated
and I don't have a degree.
So you think
I'm only fit to be a supervisor
and make S$2,000, S$3,000 a month.
That'd be normal to you.
-That's not how I look at it.
-Yes, it is.
You think a guy like me can't invest
and make money for other people,
and I can never afford to buy a gold bar
worth S$30,000 for you.
That's why you think
I stole it or robbed someone!
Let me ask you again
do you want the gold bar?
You don't want it? Fine.
What did you do?
Since you don't want it, I dumped it!
What are you doing?
This is a pond. It's dangerous. Come up!
You won't be able to find it.
Watch your footing. I'll look for it.
You really found it.
I'm sorry. I was too reckless.
You said this is the first gold bar
you're giving to me.
So will you be giving me more gold bars?
If you don't like it,
I won't give you any more of it.
No. I want it.
No matter how many gold bars
you give me, I'll accept them.
You have to push it hard.
-Don't mention it.
I think we're safe.
We owe it all to Xiaomei this time.
If I hadn't dreamt of her
telling us to run, we'd have been
What's the matter?
Your legs feel like jelly?
Same here.
My legs are so weak and so painful.
Liu Mu, I kind of miss Xiaomei.
I want water.
You want water.
I'll boil some. Give me a minute.
You okay? Not feeling well?
What did I tell you?
You have to watch your back all the time.
You neither eat nor sleep well.
And when you hear a dog barking,
you're ready to run away.
Even if you were made of steel,
you'd collapse.
Let me get some sleep and I'll be fine.
Okay, sleep.
Wake me if something seems amiss.
Got it.
Be wary of the man next door.
He was looking at me just now.
Don't be so paranoid. Get some sleep.
Liu Mu.
Miss Mo said we could contact her
in an emergency.
We almost got caught.
And you're sick.
This counts as an emergency, right?
Call her, quick.
Subtitle translation by: S Lin
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