Beast Tamer (2022) s01e12 Episode Script


I'll kill you, without pity, mercy,
or dignity of any kind.
Or so I'd like to say
But I see I have many more toys
to play with that-a-way.
He ran away?!
No he didn't.
His real target is
All the people of the city!
I can't let that happen!
It's a demon we're dealing with, though
I can't make them
You guys!
Stella, you look after
the townspeople and Nina.
Good luck to you all.
I I want to
You can sit this one out.
You don't like fighting, right?
Don't worry!
You leave this to us!
So wait here.
Let's go!
Beast Tamer
They may be weak, but they
reproduce with such rapidity
Humans truly are insects—
Oh? My, my, my
If it isn't that human and
his friends from before.
You couldn't wait your turn for playtime, eh?
I'm not here to play.
I'm here to destroy you!
How interesting.
Yes, truly interesting.
It certainly sounds like a more amusing
pastime than stepping on these ants!
You've been wide open for a while!
Come and get it!
You think that little toy can hold me?
It was enough to distract you.
After all
our preparations are complete!
Flash Impact!
Did we do it?
Hey, I was gonna say that!
It won't be quite that easy, I suppose.
My, my, my. Five on one
And four of them ultimate species.
I may be at quite the disadvantage.
Perhaps I'll call for a few reinforcements.
They're creepy!
He summoned monsters?
I sense no trace of intelligence within them.
Now, my charming servants,
feast to your hearts' content!
Dragoon Howling!
My, my. What worthless reinforcements.
We all knew they were cannon fodder.
Now it's back down to you!
Perhaps I forgot to mention
I can call them in limitless abundance!
Then we'll beat your next wave, too!
I applaud your spirit
but don't go forgetting my own presence here!
How dare you hurt her?!
Dragon Breath!
You okay, Kanade?
I'm fine.
You okay, Tania?
Thanks but I'm fine.
Impressive, dragonoid.
That was quite a diverting exchange.
I must find a way to thank you.
The city
Look at how well the insects' nest burns!
Human magic simply can't—
Gungnir Twister!
Here we go again!
This is Rein's
Finish this, you two.
Leave it to us!
This should
be the end of it!
Even after all that damage dealt
It pains me to admit it,
but that strike was truly excellent!
No way
He's still got that much power?
Look at all of them!
Yes, very good.
Now, show me more
of your faces cast in despair!
He ran away?
No he's
He's going to destroy Horizon!
We won't let him!
He blocked it!
Neither our spells nor attacks
can reach him now
It's been a pleasure knowing you.
Wh-What do we do, Rein?!
I want to try something.
Really? We'll help—
While I work it out, the people
You don't know how to help them?
We could yet be of service.
Do you mind, Runa?
Sure thing.
We'll use teleport magic
to get the people to safety in a snap!
While we do that, you guys beat the demon!
Rein! If they do that
Yeah, that would drastically
reduce the casualties.
No need to worry
about our identities being revealed.
The people we saved
in the mansion already know.
We wanna protect the city
just as much as you do!
Sora Runa
Go to it!
Sure thing!
Yes, we will!
Shouldn't we be out there?
I've heard unconfirmed rumors
that there's a demon out there.
Demons are the Demon King's
front-line soldiers,
the natural enemy of the Hero's—
No need.
Our enemy is the Demon King alone.
We don't have to face the small fry.
Yeah, right.
The demon stuff could all be crap anyway.
But what if it's true?
Aggath, Mina
Are you objecting to my judgment as Hero?
No of course not.
The judgment of the Hero
reflects the will of God.
It won't mean anything
if we destroy it ourselves.
The one-two punch of the instant-death spell
and the sealed demon
Not even Rein can survive that!
We must continue to secure a route
for civilian evacuation!
But there are too many.
We can't hold out forever!
We just can't handle it—
Remain strong!
What will happen to the people
of Horizon if we fall here?
To protect the city at all costs
That is our duty as knights!
Yes, ma'am!
There you are!
What are you two doing here?
We have a request to make
regarding the evacuation!
I see.
To use teleport magic
to get the citizens to safety?
We'll help, of course.
Thank goodness!
We were uncertain that they
might take the word of fairies alone.
You heard them.
We'll bring the people here.
Yes, ma'am!
Let's go!
You need not worry, Nina.
We will protect you.
Yeah, no worries!
Rein's on the way!
Now, let us work hard to prepare!
But is this really okay?
You're in my way!
Clear out!
Th-Thank you, Kanade!
You're awesome, dragon lady!
Leave this to us!
Get yourselves to safety!
Damn it They never stop!
No, Rein! Save your power!
Crowd control is our job, remember?
This magic circle
will send you to a safe location!
Those wings Are they fairies?
Don't they hate humans?
Wouldn't it be dangerous to go inside?
I don't know if it's safe
There's no way to know where it'll take us.
I knew it.
They don't trust us.
You're the ones who ate my hot dogs, right?
How were they?
They were delicious!
Yeah, I never ate somethin' so tasty before!
Is that right?
If they like the same foods,
humans and fairies can't be that different!
You're both so pretty!
Are you flower spirits?
I knew you were flower spirits!
You saved us, didn't you? Thank you.
Get to it, you two.
Mana Teleport!
Now, second wave! Enter the magic circle!
Captain! Emergency!
What is it?
The monsters!
The monsters are here!
I will manage the teleportation.
Runa, you—
Yeah, you got it!
They're not even that tough
But there're just too many!
We got this!
Don't worry, cat spirit lady!
Let us
handle this!
You guys
Our way of thanking Miss Tania
for showing us what's what!
We'll help ya out!
You two!
And it's not just us!
As a special request, the Horizon
Adventurers' Guild will back up Rein's party.
They and a few knights are currently
holding off the monsters attacking the city.
Though I fear the battle might be difficult
without the intervention of the Hero's party
Please, to save the city and them
I ask for your help!
I owe Rein and his comrades a debt.
If you're going to help them
as they risk their lives to save the city,
then feel free to use the darling
weapons I put my soul into forging!
Leave it to us! We owe them, too!
We don't need the help of the cowardly Hero!
We can fight our hearts out now!
We'll protect Horizon ourselves!
I see. You're all
You're going to work it out again, aren't you?
Just leave these ones to us!
Well, isn't this interesting?
I've got courage times a hundred
No, a thousand!
Thank you, everyone.
We will protect this city.
Raise your swords!
Act as knights!
Mana Teleport!
I won't let you come any closer!
Fireball! Multi-shot!
Now, get into the circle!
Illusion Arrow!
Stay strong!
We must hold them off,
no matter what it takes!
I'm scared to hurt people, or to get hurt
That's why I always ran and endured
They're all fighting but I
Is it enough to always let others protect me?
Mana Teleport!
Nina, you should get to—
How's it coming, Rein?
It's no use. He's still too far away.
What do you mean?
I need to get right up into his face!
Tania, why don't you transform
into a dragon and take him there?
Not possible.
That form's not particularly agile.
I'd just be making a target of myself.
And if I attack from afar, the monsters
would just block whatever I did, like before.
What about the fairies' teleport magic?
That would likewise be a tricky prospect.
Teleport magic requires numerous
conditions to be enacted in advance.
Matching its destination to a moving
opponent would require on-the-fly changes.
In other words, "Instant Teleport,"
which Sora and Runa can't cast.
The only one who could handle
such delicate teleportation would be
Nina, what are you doing here?
I can't just run away helplessly
and let people protect me forever
I wanna help, too!
A demigod!
I've heard demigods have special powers
that other ultimate species don't!
Something about
spacial manipulation or something
Yes. I do believe Nina could cast it
Instant Teleport!
I want to get close to that demon.
Can you get me there?
I can.
Nina, will you help me?
Rein, Nina, hurry!
Leave them to us!
But there are too many, even for you two
No worries!
We believe
that our master will do what is needed.
What's this, now?
What does that mere human think
he can accomplish alone?
Look at him scamper!
Very entertaining.
But can you dodge this one?
We meet again.
Is that a demigod?!
Of course Instant Teleport!
Right answer.
And you can chain its use
to create an effect akin to flight
But it'll do you no good!
A mere human can't harm me!
Increasing your own power?
But what good does a mere human
increasing their power do?
I'll extend my honest compliments
for making it this close to me
But now it's the end.
Go on! Devour that human!
Physical abilities
aren't the only thing Boost increases!
What have you done?!
Rein! Rein!
Extensions of me, devour him!
Obey me!
Wh-What are you doing?
Hurry and devour that man!
That won't work.
I've overwritten your control
of these monsters.
You stole control from me?
It can't be done certainly not by a human!
Who are you?!
I'm an unremarkable beast tamer!
Beast tamer?!
How can a mere beast tamer
take control of my monsters?!
I couldn't have done it on my own,
but with my comrades by my side
I can even beat you!
An unexpected but, perhaps,
interesting conclusion
Won't you tell me your name, human?
I will not.
How uncooperative.
It's over!
Nina! Thank you!
If not for you—
I I can't
You never think things through, do you?
Kanade! Everyone!
It wasn't a perfect conclusion.
I'm sure some people got hurt.
But in the end, we kept them safe!
It's been three days since the attack.
The city's on its way back to life.
Horizon's a strong place.
Stella was officially appointed
the new captain of the Knights.
I'm sure she'll remake
the Knights as a force for good.
She told me that
the accomplices to the wrongdoing
were moved to the capital for punishment.
Stella also looked into Nina's village.
Apparently, the villagers
moved away after losing Nina.
But as long as she's alive, she'll probably
run into them again some day.
Kanade's been a huge help
in putting the city back together.
She's a proper Horizonian now!
Tania had been hiding the fact
that she was a dragonoid
But apparently they'd all
caught on a while back!
Sora and Runa are fitting in
really well now, too.
Hey, girls! Well done!
Have some fresh from the grill!
Take as many as you want!
Thank you!
Heck yeah!
You really are the city's champions.
They really are amazing.
But you're a champion, too!
C'mon, I'm no champion.
I'm just an ordinary beast tamer,
the kind you find anywhere!
I don't know about that
What? Wh-What's with you guys?
Oh, Rein
You're still totally Rein!
Huh?! What's that mean?
A Home for All
Next Time: "A Home for All."
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