Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Someone's coming your way.
-Did they find the bug?
Auntie Im doesn't like loud scenes.
I've got them.
Deal with them quietly
so there are no issues.
Yes, ma'am.
Nam Han-jun, Kong Su-cheol. Wake up!
Those idiots. Unbelievable.
Wake up already! Come on!
Prosecutor Cha.
-I saw Gu Tae-su and I was following him.
-Just a second.
-Han-jun and Su-cheol have been kidnapped.
Gu Tae-su's dragging them
to the parking lot at the rear gate.
Rescue them before they go
somewhere that doesn't have CCTVs.
-You have to hurry!
Mr. Jang, come to the parking lot
at the rear gate now.
I'm so lonely.
If it weren't for Mr. Shaman,
I would have ditched you already.
-Don't ditch me.
-Where's your assistant and your car?
-I don't know. Damn it.
Stop it. I'm not drunk.
Mr. Shaman's in danger.
Mr. Shaman?
What do we do?
Shouldn't we be calling 911 or something?
I don't have my phone.
You had to get drunk and lose your phone.
-What do we do?
-What do we do?
Let's film them.
Call the police right now.
Call 911.
-Hey, they took Mr. Shaman.
-They took Mr. Shaman.
They just went this way.
Did you see the license plate?
Here's the license plate.
It's "70H 2163."
Pull over right there.
What's going on?
Mr. Nam's been kidnapped.
-We have to hurry!
Let's go. Get in. Go to the back.
What is this?
-Let's go!
-Where to?
-Just go.
-Go straight.
This way?
They took the Dongnam Interchange
and the exit to Inhae.
They passed the Inhae tollgate
to Jaepyeong.
Requesting a search
for a kidnapping vehicle.
It's a gray van,
license plate number 70H 2163.
It's entering Jaepyeong right now.
No, there aren't any CCTVs there…
Crap! Nothing's going right.
The glasses.
I told him to pay extra
for a GPS tracker. Jeez.
When he comes back, I’m going to kill him.
You're so dead. Damn it.
Han-jun's glasses have a camera on them.
I'm looking at his surroundings
right now, but…
What the fuck? What am I looking at?
Everything looks the same.
How can I find him?
Anyway, I'll send you a link
to the video feed.
The center says
they're tracking the car too,
and they'll let us know
when they find where it is.
It took them less than ten seconds
to exit that tunnel before.
Are there any short tunnels nearby?
There are more than ten of them
around here.
We found a suspicious car
at Jaepyeong Industrial Complex.
Jaepyeong Industrial Complex…
Make a right turn here.
No. Come on.
Get it together, Nam Hye-jun.
I have to get it together.
The video.
Yes, Detective.
A suspicious vehicle is
at Jaepyeong Industrial Complex,
so we're on our way there.
Detective, I couldn't see
the entire signboard,
but I saw the letters "IEND" on it
toward the end of the video.
I'll send you the picture right now.
Yes. Okay.
We need to look
for a signboard with “IEND” on it.
But it's so dark out,
we can't see that far ahead…
Let's split up and look for it
when we get there.
Jeez, it's dark out here.
Damn it. I make my living
with this face, jeez.
You little rat.
How much did you hear?
A rat?
I didn't hear anything. Got it?
If you want to live, you better tell me
how much you heard
and why you're looking into this.
If I tell you, are you really going to
let me live?
That hurts.
Get up.
-That hurts.
-Damn it.
If I tell you,
aren't you going to kill us both anyway?
-You little…
Wait. Damn it.
I'll tell you. Fine.
You want to know how much I know.
-It hurts.
-Wake up already, you idiot.
Gu Tae-su, I've been
fixated on you this whole time
but not anymore.
Turns out it's the bigwigs behind you
who are the real deal.
Lee Myeong-jun.
The mayor of Sinmyeong not only raped
an 18-year-old girl
but murdered her too. Didn't he?
So you know that too.
I thought Auntie Im was the mastermind
behind you, but…
Wake up, you idiot. Wake up.
Cha Seung-won
of Choekang Construction's involved too.
A mayor, an assemblyman, and
a high-ranking Prosecutor
were all gathered together
for a land development project?
Don't you think this is a bit too cliché?
It's not a game the likes of you
can understand.
Did Auntie Im say that?
That "it's not a game the likes of you
can understand"?
I knew it.
You're just a disposable pawn to her.
No wonder she said she'd get rid of you
once the project is finished.
Cut them both and clean the site.
"Cut" us? Not "shut" us up?
Cut what?
Damn it
It's 2163.
We'll get off here and look for it.
-Ma'am. We'll go further down.
Mr. Cha. It's Mr. Nam's glasses.
It's the IEND.
Mr. Jang, we found it.
Goddamn it.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Ganging up on me? That's low.
Piss off. I said, piss off!
Gu Tae-su.
I'm bleeding.
Wake up.
Shoot, did I hit him too hard?
Darn it.
Jeez, damn it.
-Who the hell hit my head?
-Su-cheol, help me.
Who are you guys?
Which one of you just hit my head?
Was it you?
You're dead now, damn it.
Right. So it was you.
What kind of a man hits another
guy in the back of the head?
Too bad for you, but
resurrections are a hobby of mine.
Get this.
Darn you.
You startled me.
Hey, you idiots.
Hey. You don't want to do that.
What? Come on. Let go.
Hey, look.
Are we done here?
Piss off.
Gu Tae-su…
-Mr. Jang, here.
Gu Tae-su! Hey, you guys follow Han.
Okay. Hey, come on, let's go.
This was just a little scuffle
but I'm hungry now.
-Darn it.
Good work.
How crazy do you have to be to
whack someone's head this hard?
You shouldn't do that!
How dare you lay a finger on him!
You'd all be dead now
if anything had happened to him.
-Are you okay?
-Who did this to your face?
-No, it's fine.
Get up.
You coward. You thought you could
run away on your own?
Did you?
Gu Tae-su.
Give up already.
-Detective, are you all right?
-Yes, I'm okay.
I've been doing this
for the last 20 years.
Gu Tae-su.
-Get out of my way.
Move, or this man dies.
Damn it.
Gu Tae-su.
You're Lim Yeong-ju…
aren't you?
I nearly had him.
But Detective,
-do you know Lim Yeong-ju?
A bit.
I'm not sure, though.
I'll tell you when I know for certain.
-Let's get up.
-Damn it.
That reminds me.
Has the Kang Eun-hye case
been taken care of?
It's all been taken care of.
You don't have to worry.
You are as remarkable as ever.
You must have been scared,
with the campaign going on.
Of course. I was shaking in my shoes.
Are they really laughing? Are they nuts?
Kang Eun-hye's murderer is
the mayor of Sinmyeong?
He was elected into office to work
for the people, not kill them.
That son of a bitch.
The rest of those bastards
deserve to die too.
-Those fuckers…
-The director is here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
The man of the hour.
You have impeccable timing.
Don't mind me.
So what if he's my brother?
He should be punished for his crimes.
Still, it can't be easy.
Yes, he's right.
He's still your brother.
Prosecutor Cha's family history is
his own business.
It's okay. And us…
We should be doing our jobs.
If we arrest Gu Tae-su first
and get his statement--
If we bring in Gu Tae-su now,
Auntie Im will destroy
the evidence and run.
Auntie Im?
You mean the woman
who was in the side annex?
The shaman who only sees the best
of the politics and business world.
But she's so shrouded in mystery
that we can't find much information.
I see.
We need to find the evidence
that Gu Tae-su has
before they realize
that we're investigating them.
Auntie Im is distrustful of others
and is true to her desires,
which means she has to have something
on all of them.
That way, they won't ever betray her.
Gu Tae-su's real name
is Lim Yeong-ju, right?
See if he has any ties to a shaman
called Auntie Im.
We'll look for evidence
that will allow us to arrest them both.
I'll look into what it is
that the cartel really wants.
What about the guys we arrested today?
Do we let them all go?
It's not like they have any information,
so just let them go.
Let's just focus on catching Gu Tae-su.
But, what about this?
What about me? The victim?
Who's going to pay for this wound?
They look worse off than you do.
No, they don't.
It was self-defense.
I didn't do anything wrong, okay?
Of course, you didn't.
What kind of fool just takes a hit
to the head?
-You aren't a fool!
Who hit my head?
Su-cheol's done nothing wrong. Let's go.
Your injuries look bad,
let me drive you home.
No, we live in the same neighborhood,
I'll take them.
If those are my options, I'm…
going to go with this one.
I'm equally uncomfortable with both.
What should I do?
It looks bad.
-It's okay.
-Those bastards.
I'm going to kill them!
Do you have any idea how worried I was?
You scared me to death!
I had so many things to worry about!
What about the insurance policies?
What about the loans?
-Come on now. It's okay.
You're pretty scary when you worry,
aren't you?
Hey, you!
Who do you think your brother is?
People might think
you're Su-cheol's sister!
So what? Su-cheol's obviously
the one who got hurt!
There's blood right here.
I got hit too. Here and on my side.
I got beaten up too,
so why aren't you hugging me?
Whatever it is, take care of it yourself.
I'm going to take Su-cheol to his room.
Go over there and reflect on yourself.
Jae-hui, could you keep an eye
on Nam Han-jun?
-Let's go.
-No, I'm fine.
I just got a small knock to the head.
But I'm fine. I hit them more.
The head's the most important part.
You got hit there again?
Look at this. This must have hurt so much.
Let's go to the hospital first.
-What the hell?
-Come on.
What's with her? Has she gone crazy?
Are you okay? Shouldn't you
go to the hospital too, Mr. Nam?
I'm fine.
Come on, let me see. Your face too.
I'm fine. Yes.
It's just a little blood.
You should put ointment on.
It'll get infected if you don't.
-Let me see.
-I'll just let it get infected.
-Wait, no, I need--
-Come on.
Are you sure you don't have
to see a doctor?
It's fine. It's nothing
a good night's sleep won't cure.
Have some tea before you go.
What are you looking around for?
You've seen it all before.
That was because
you were acting so suspicious.
Then I'll take an official tour
of the house this time.
-You saw it.
-You didn't even recognize me.
But I guess you liked this guy.
It doesn't have any dust on it.
Well, I'm not the type
to treat other people’s things lightly.
Give me that.
I assumed you had thrown this away…
I found it in a corner
while cleaning. Give it here.
Just give me it.
Damn it.
-Are you okay?
-Gosh, it hurts.
Damn it, I landed on my bruises.
You said you were fine.
How is this "fine"?
I've never been hurt like this before,
so how was I to know?
Considering these are my only injuries,
I defended myself pretty well.
You saw it before, right?
It was 14 against 1.
Nam Han-jun. You're a legend.
My goodness.
Mr. Nam. Did that hurt?
Come here, let me see.
Damn it, of course it hurts.
Jeez, this girl.
Why isn't she back yet?
She should be back by now.
She's been gone for less than ten minutes.
Ten minutes?
Anything could have happened.
Are you that worried about your sister?
Of course I am.
She acts like a crazy person,
but she's got a soft heart.
She's always dating because
she's too nice to turn down guys.
Jeez, it's so exasperating.
My brother was like that too.
He used to worry about me every day too.
It used to annoy me
because it felt like nagging,
but I miss it now.
I envy Hye-jun.
You do?
All right. Then from now on,
consider me your big brother.
I was your brother's friend anyway, right?
I have no intention of considering you
as my brother, Mr. Nam.
Then what do you want to consider me as?
Your boyfriend?
Your husband?
What is that what you want?
Jeez, what goes on in that head of yours?
Anyway, I have no intention of considering
you as any of those things,
so you don't have to worry.
That's weird. I seem to remember
that you had a big crush on me before.
That was just
for a very short while when I was young.
I don't like you at all now.
You don't make my heart race. Not one bit.
"Not one bit"?
That's preposterous.
Look at me.
Come on, are you looking at me?
Look at me, are you doing it?
Wait, it doesn't make your heart race
to look at someone as charming as I am?
I'm handsome, smart,
well-mannered, and talented to boot.
I don't make your heart race?
Damn it. Who is calling
at this important moment…
"Important moment"?
Hye-jun's pretty late. It's getting late…
Yes, right.
That… I mean, how silly of her.
This house is amazing.
-It's almost done.
-I'm so hungry.
You're hungry?
What do you want first?
I've got freshwater snails
and carrots and cucumbers.
-Whatever tastes the best.
-Okay, then. Cucumber first.
This is so good!
What is it?
You've got this great place, so why do
you sleep on our couch all the time?
It gets lonely here.
Do you want me to move in?
A grown woman like you can't go
around saying things like that.
No, you're going to get into trouble.
It's pretty.
But does it work?
Yes, of course.
Yes, it does.
Hey, did you buy a new camera?
It looks vintage and right up your alley.
You know what I like?
Yes, I do.
You like old things with a sense of
nostalgia better than new things.
And you prefer analog to digital things.
You're a shy romantic,
though no one would think so.
You've never managed to tell anyone
you liked them
when you were in school, have you?
Well, the thing is…
If you ask me out now, I'll say yes.
-I know you like me.
You think I'm pretty, right?
You like me, right?
Well, yes. I do like you,
but I need more time to find out
how exactly I like you--
I'd like it if you'd start
seeing me as a woman…
I already do.
I already think of you as a woman.
You do? That's good.
I'm totally defenseless
and sexy right now.
Do you want to kiss?
Come on, don't tease me. Let's go eat.
Do you not know that I like you?
When I thought
something might happen to you,
I knew for sure.
Knew what?
My feelings.
That I'd regret it if I didn't tell you.
I like you.
My heart races whenever I see you.
What about you?
I'm not sure if my heart's racing
because I'm surprised
or because I like you. I need to check--
Then shall we check?
I don't think we should be doing this.
I'm confused whether
this is just my instincts
-or love.
Don't think and just look at me.
Do you like me?
I like you.
You make me feel like
my heart's going to burst.
But we can't do this.
Han Jang-mi, wake up.
You can't sleep here.
I did my best to wake you up, I did.
I'm definitely not doing this because
I want to look at you as you sleep.
What did you do to me?
My heart…
My heart feels like it's going to burst.
-The hiccups.
Nam Han-jun can't find out,
so let's find a way
to stop them before we go in.
-Yes, okay.
-Just a minute.
I need to catch them.
I can't breathe.
My gosh, what's this?
Did you two sleep together?
No! Well…
we did sleep…
but nothing happened.
Right. If something did happen,
we wouldn't be here like…
I'm late! Bye!
Stop laughing.
Were you two together
this whole time? All night?
Well, the thing is…
Damn it.
Kong Su-cheol!
You'd better tell me everything.
Tell me what exactly happened
from the moment you two disappeared,
All the details regarding the who,
what, when, where, how, and why.
Or you're dead.
What did you do with my sister?
What the hell?
Stop it. I was at an Internet café
all night and ran into him right outside.
You expect me to believe that?
Do you want me to start profiling?
Go ahead. Should I show you
where I've been?
Yes. We did meet outside. That's right.
You still deserve a slap, damn it.
If anything happened
between the two of you,
I'm going to kill you, got it?
-You deserve another slap. Jeez.
Good morning, ma'am.
You're wearing the same clothes.
Did you sleep out?
I was tired after all that work
yesterday and overslept.
I didn't even have the time
to wash my hair and came straight…
What about you? Did you sleep here?
Yes, I did.
I found the contact number
for the real Gu Tae-su's family.
When did you last speak to him?
Since he went to Korea,
I've never contacted him.
He's not my family anymore.
Don't call me back.
I'm so tired of him.
-What did she say?
The missing Gu Tae-su
must've been on bad terms with his family.
He was adopted overseas, right?
Poor guy.
Don't bother.
He was chosen
because there wouldn't be any trouble.
No family and no friends in Korea.
He's the perfect target
for identity theft.
But what about the fake Gu Tae-su?
Who's he?
When he was here, there were
no matches for his fingerprints.
Is that possible? For a Korean adult?
It is if he never registered his prints
in the first place.
How's that possible?
By the way, is Mr. Jang not coming today?
He said he was going to see a doctor
and follow up on something.
I wonder why he went on his own…
It's been a long time.
Hey, what's with that fat ugly heart?
What do you think it is? It's latte art.
Here's your latte.
Thank you.
Did you try the big data analysis?
Give me something to analyze first.
We only have one company card
that hasn't been used in months.
So what am I supposed to analyze?
Gu Tae-su's used to lying low,
so he wouldn't have looked
for a new hideout each time.
See if he's been
to someplace private
near Joyce Entertainment.
Where would that be?
Aren't there any high-end hotels
or private bars or restaurants
on his company card bill?
It's been a while,
but there is a restaurant. Forte.
-Wait, Gu Tae-su
goes to a hip place like that?
I guess so.
I'd better check it out myself.
-Are we going out again?
-I know, when we're swamped.
No, I'll go on my own.
Su-cheol, you make coffee.
You, take care of this place.
And you put
Gu Tae-su's movements onto a map
so I can profile it. Okay?
-Okay. Bye, then.
-See you later.
-All right!
They say there aren't any CCTVs near
the place where the gray van was found,
so they can't trace Gu Tae-su's movements.
Then check out any public transportation
and taxis nearby.
It's a secluded place,
-so he would have needed transport.
And I pulled a list of all the places
where Gu Tae-su used his company card,
just in case.
Hello? I'm busy right now, can we--
This is important.
Let's talk face-to-face.
Come to Forte now.
It's a restaurant at Sinmyeong Hotel.
-Right now?
Jeez, what was that?
Isn't Forte a place Gu Tae-su used
to frequent?
Yes, it is.
It's a famous venue
for marriage proposals.
Did you decide on Mr. Shaman?
What are you saying?
This is for the investigation.
We aren't like that.
"We"? You just said "we."
Unbelievable. She said "we."
I can't believe this.
Don't you have work to do?
We'll go back to work then.
We'll go investigate.
I don't have a lot of time.
Damn it. I don't have anything to wear.
What do I use?
Investigating? Is that what you
meant by something important?
Gu Tae-su visited this place quite often.
Why? Were you expecting something else?
No, of course not.
What could be more important
than investigating like this?
-Hi, Mr. Cha.
-Lieutenant Han.
I have something I'd like your opinion on.
Are you free right now?
I'm sorry.
I'm in the middle of investigating.
I'll meet you there.
at Forte…
No, don't come. Don't bother.
Mr. Nam…
Why does he always trying to butt in?
Excuse me.
Let's eat here
then check out that bar over there too.
We might find a clue about Gu Tae-su.
And don't get the wrong idea.
This is a restaurant I bring Hye-jun to.
So you're just being nice to me
because I'm like your sister?
Yes, exactly.
We need to eat to chase after bad guys.
What? I thought he was going
to investigate, but they're just eating.
That's a date under the guise
of investigation.
That's totally unfair.
What is?
Come on, look. There they are,
eating at a nice restaurant--
I don't mind.
Do you still think it's unfair?
No, it's very fair.
Everything's very high-end here.
It's not like Gu Tae-su.
You're right.
You know, this is actually the first time
a guy has given me flowers.
It's just a part of the ruse.
Hey, Mr. Cha. You're here early.
Am I interrupting anything?
No. We're investigating.
We heard that Gu Tae-su comes here often.
By the way, what did you want
to discuss with me?
It's something private.
We'll talk next time.
What is it you can't tell her
in front of me? I'm very curious.
It's a secret between friends,
so I'm not going to tell you, Mr. Nam.
You two don't look close enough
to share secrets.
Come on. Stop that.
Mr. Cha, sit.
He is a regular,
but he hasn't been here in weeks.
When was the last time he came?
The fourth Thursday of last month.
That's pretty specific.
Every fourth Thursday at 8 p.m.
He's never missed it.
Did he come by himself?
Was there anyone with him?
I've never seen him come with anyone else.
By any chance…
have you ever seen this man here?
Excuse me.
I just need to make a call. You go ahead.
Come on, why would you do that?
Read the room.
Mr. Nam. This is Cha Do-won.
Does Seung-won go to Sinmyeong Hotel
every fourth Thursday?
I'm sorry.
I can't disclose his schedule
without his permission.
I'll take responsibility
if anything happens.
He'll be at the office late tonight.
You should talk to him in person.
Lieutenant Han,
I'm afraid I have to go because of a case.
I'll call you if we find anything.
Did you ever talk to him about his life,
or hear anything about it?
He was a very quiet man.
Did he ever come any other day
other than the days he usually does?
Well, he has a hobby
that he usually does in the winter,
but he did come on a different day
a while back because he got a permit.
It's hunting. Spring hunting season is on
to control the wildlife population.
So that's why he left those footprints.
He always gives us a hefty tip
because he'd leave
muddy footprints whenever he came.
How was he dressed?
He was usually in suits.
It seemed he had a lot of work dinners.
He always smelled faintly of smoke
as if he'd been to a barbecue restaurant.
Why didn't I think of that?
A mobile home. A trailer.
It's a camping site!
Hey. See if Gu Tae-su's movements
overlap with any hunting--
I'm marking all the camping sites
on the map. Wait.
How did you know that?
I planted a bug and a GPS tracker
on you in case you got kidnapped again.
What? Are you crazy?
-Can I have a cup of water?
It's nothing.
-He's in there, right?
-If you could wait…
What brings you here?
I wanted to ask you something,
but you wouldn't answer your phone,
so I had to come.
You know Gu Tae-su, right?
He murdered Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
Did you give the orders?
What the hell are you talking about?
I saw you and Gu Tae-su together
at the ceremony.
You met Lee Myeong-jun, Nam Pil-gu,
and Park Jeong-hyeon that day.
Uncle and Auntie Im too.
It was just a business meeting.
I see. Business?
Does that mean
Kang Eun-hye's death was
a part of that business too?
Auntie Im is that woman
from before, right?
The one who made your case go away
under Father's orders.
-Did she cover up Kang's case too?
-Shut up. You don't know anything.
How far are you going to go?
Are you willing to do anything
to be the president of Choekang?
I haven't seen that look
in your eyes in a while.
You've always looked down on me
and despised me.
But do you think
you're that different from me?
At least
I don't cheat like you do.
I've gotten here
through my hard work alone.
It wouldn't have been possible for someone
as inflexible as you to do whatever
you wanted without your position
as the son of Choekang's president.
It wasn't because you were a prosecutor.
If my job can't stop you,
let me advise you as your brother.
Whatever you're trying to do,
you should stop.
Because you're going to send me to jail
like you did with all our relatives?
Yes. The company won't go under
just because you're gone.
You punk!
If you get in my way,
I'll make sure you lose your job.
You be careful.
Father shouldn't have cleaned up
after you like that.
It's his fault. He ruined you.
I've come to give you this final warning
because you're my brother.
I'm going to make everything right.
You better be ready.
I sent you the map with Gu's movements.
I'll send you the map
with where he made calls.
Wildlife hunting was permitted
in three places last month.
Yangseon, Samcheon, and Bongeun.
So, his hideout is in one of these places.
A secret hideout that no one knows about,
that only he has access to.
But there are three camping sites.
How do we find him?
Profiling got us this far.
Next time, we'll get help
from law enforcement.
Ms. Han found possible locations
for Gu Tae-su's hideouts.
Mr. Nam and I will go to Samcheon
camping site.
Then we'll go to the one next
to it. In Bongeun.
We're the police.
Do you know this man?
-You know him?
He's a long-term camper, he moves
his RV between the parking lot here
and the public parking lot down there.
-Do you have his license plate number?
-No. He left his RV here
and drove away in his sedan.
And this is a free parking lot.
We don't register license plate numbers.
Okay, let's split up
and look for Gu Tae-su's RV.
-This way.
-Well done.
-You're so good.
Excuse me.
Is this the owner of that RV over there?
No. That one belongs to a woman.
I see.
I must have made a mistake.
Thank you for your cooperation.
-Have fun.
I'll go that way.
-I'll go this way, then.
You're just going to walk right up to it?
Can we go in here?
Who are you people?
I'm sorry.
Well, I think we have the wrong car.
I got robbed yesterday too.
That was you two, wasn't it?
What? No, that wasn't us.
I think it was you.
No, it really wasn't us!
It wasn't! It wasn't us!
You did do it!
Damn it. It's not working.
It's 38,000 won.
Thank you.
Gu just used his credit card
at a gas station.
I found it.
It's five kilometers from here.
Five kilometers?
We'll go that way and follow him.
I might have found Gu Tae-su's RV.
I'll get back to you after I check.
-I found Gu Tae-su's RV.
There's benzene, the gopuri fabric…
It's definitely Gu Tae-su's.
-Where is it?
-It's above the reservoir.
Okay. Wait there, I'll be there soon.
His mother kind of looks
like Kang Eun-hye.
Open the door!
Stop it!
Damn it.
Gu Tae-su!
Gu Tae-su!
Gu Tae-su! Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Gu Tae-su! Open the door!
Gu Tae-su! No!
Gu Tae-su!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Su-cheol. I think Jae-hui's in danger.
You need to come quickly.
Who's it going to be, me or her?
Mr. Nam…
Thank you.
Come here.
On the count of three. One, two…
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
He was the suspect
in my first murder case.
There must have been an accomplice.
There's a rumor that drugs
are being dealt in N.Joy Club.
So that money is being laundered
and handed out as investment returns?
There's ominous energy
coming from the top floor.
-The Royal floor?
-The CCTV in the security room is hacked.
-An inspection report? What's that?
-A ledger of their crimes.
So Auntie Im is conning the others?
I'll deal with Chairman Park.
Arson is Gu Tae-su's trademark.
The place where
his identity began to take shape…
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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