Call It Love (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Do you want to stay here tonight?
Would you like more fruit?
Do you have…
any beer?
Wait here. I'll go get some real quick.
Why are you calling me
instead of coming home?
What's Mom doing?
She went into her room a while ago.
Is Jun with you?
He went to his family home.
He'll stay there for the time being.
Hey, get some ice cream
on your back, a really sweet one.
I can feel my blood sugar
dropping right now.
Is something wrong?
What? What's going on?
I'll come to you right now…
I think I'm going to regret it.
I know I'll regret it.
But I want to be here right now.
I want to be with him.
So you're just saying
you're sleeping over.
Why do you have to
sound like you're dying?
You scared me.
My bad.
I'll cover for you.
I'll make something up for Mom
so she doesn't worry.
Just get to work straight from there.
I'm in here.
I was most curious about
this room at your place.
It's as if
you're moving out tomorrow.
Your room is basically empty,
and so is your fridge.
This isn't really my house,
and I've always wanted to leave.
It was my dream once.
If I was broke, I'd go with my tent.
And if I had some money,
I'd get a camper
and go away for as long as I could.
But instead, I kind of
stumbled into starting up a company.
And it's always been on thin ice,
always teetering on the edge.
So I figured I'd just run away
if things didn't work out.
I'd at least disappear for a while.
And to do that,
I'd need my fridge to be empty
so that I would feel okay.
How would you ever run away
with your personality?
I bet you can't even keep your phone off.
Have you ever left your phone turned off?
I knew it.
Was there anything else you wanted to do
besides winning a gold medal?
I heard that a Buddhist monk
once told my parents this,
"Your second child will be
the pillar of the household."
"She'd be worth as much as ten sons,
so raise her well."
When I heard that
from my father for the 100th time,
I finally realized.
I was trying to be
the pillar of our family.
If you ask me what my dreams are…
I'd like my sister to marry someone nice,
and I'd like my little brother
to get a stable job.
That's all.
I haven't really thought
about anything else.
Is that boring?
I'd say you're very kind.
No, we're both stupid.
If I really was kind, I wouldn't be here.
In my head, I'm saying,
"You shouldn't be here. Go home."
When you went out to get the beer,
I was like, "Now is your chance, go home."
But it's all just in my head.
My body won't move.
I like being with you too much.
really like you a lot, Mr. Han.
To the point where
I wish everyone else in the world
would just disappear
and only the two of us would be left.
In this day and age,
a younger sibling getting married
before the older one is no big deal.
Mom, what do you know?
I met him at Jigu's part-time job.
I know she didn't go to work early.
Your mom isn't that old-fashioned, okay?
I did not know that.
I want you to call Jun
on your way to work.
Tell him to come over and get some food.
And that I'm sorry but I'd need him
to stay at his parents' for another week.
Are you staying longer?
Are you afraid
I'd want to settle down here?
That's not…
The owner of this house is Jun.
Talk to him about it.
Do you have any savings?
I'll lend you some money
so you can find a place.
Unmarried adult men and women
living in the same house is just wrong.
If Jun's parents find out,
things won't be pretty.
You are old-fashioned after all.
Okay, I'll look around.
But don't pack any food for him.
Jun will probably come back in a few days.
Maybe even today.
He can't last long over there.
I know that much.
Oh, that's refreshing.
Did you all sleep well?
I'm leaving early
to stop by my place before going to work.
Have some breakfast
before heading to work.
I have something to tell you.
Could I see you
before you come to the office?
Sit down.
People will think
you're getting yelled at.
Please give me some time.
I'm not asking you to let it slide.
In order to talk about
why I helped Mr. Cha,
there are just so many things to explain.
Like why I started working here,
who I am,
and what I've done.
I have to explain everything.
My mother is my weakness.
A weakness I want to hide
and don't want anyone to spot.
Who exactly are you, Ms. Sim?
Who are you?
It's my fault and my mistake,
so I want to sort it out.
What do you mean, sort it out?
Can matters of the heart be sorted out?
You messed up his heart as you pleased.
So what exactly are you going to sort out?
At the very least, I don't want him
to find out from someone else.
I'm going to tell him myself.
That way, he won't be hurt as much.
That's for certain.
Just give me time.
Let's talk after the fair is over.
I'll try to wait as well.
Your contract expires
around that time anyway.
Let's wrap it all up then.
Mr. Choi, the final drafts of the poster
are ready in the conference room.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Woojoo, could you go help Yuri?
I'll be right over
once I let Mr. Han know.
It's so exciting to see the final posters.
We're finally hosting the fair.
Now, my portfolio won't
just have proxy work
but an originally planned fair
on it as well.
That made me so emotional.
Do we have
all the tech support applications?
Yes, I got them from all
the companies that need electrical work.
They look so good.
Which do you like the most, Woojoo?
I think this one's the best.
For me…
CEO Han, pick one.
We have to decide on one by today.
I personally like the third one best.
It's got a good seasonal atmosphere too.
And you, Mr. Han?
Yes, I like the third one too.
It highlights the location and time well.
I like it too.
And it has a festival vibe to it,
so I like this one best.
I felt like a hotel café would be
uncomfortable for both of us.
And I didn't want to make it obvious
that we were having a blind date.
I guess I shouldn't have worn a suit.
It looks nice on you.
Would it be terribly cliché
if I asked you about your hobbies?
It would be a classic question.
I enjoy traveling.
Have you ever been to Spain?
How is it there?
In Spain, there's a place called Mallorca.
It would be the equivalent
of Jeju Island in Korea.
I also liked Barcelona…
Haesung really hates eating alone.
She says it's embarrassing and awkward.
Maybe I should have gone with her.
No, she said she wanted to eat alone.
She can't possibly be
dating again, can she?
I'm sorry.
Let's not talk like that among ourselves.
And we won't ask
until Haesung asks first
to eat together, okay?
-Here are your noodles.
-Yes, thank you.
Could we have some water?
Let her spend some time by herself.
She's done enough
empty laughing and chatting
while going through hell.
It's about time she stops doing that.
Shall we go to dinner?
Do you like Japanese food?
I know a really good place nearby.
Can we pretend
that we've already had dinner?
I'm sorry.
Am I not your type?
No, it's nothing like that.
I don't know how to explain this.
It's just that I'm weird.
I have no idea what to say
while having dinner.
And when I think about that,
I feel suffocated.
I'm sorry.
What a jerk.
Crazy bastard.
You drive.
I'm better at drinking
with clients than you are.
Let's do it together.
We can call a cab after.
The magazine company folks
prefer soju, and they drink like whales.
You can't handle them.
Hang on a second.
CEO Han, let's just go.
I have an appointment
so I'll head home straight from there.
Thank you for the breakfast.
I'll call you.
Yoon Jun.
What you have is an illness.
You're the one who's sick.
What are you doing here?
Sighing at my face means
you want me to get lost, right?
Should I go?
Do you want me to go?
Sit down.
I went on a blind date today.
And my mom found out about our scheme.
I thought, "What's the big deal?
I'll just go through the motions."
So I just went there.
But every single word
from her mouth suffocated me.
"What do I say
if she asks me what my hobby is?"
"What if she asks me
what my weekend plans are?"
"I hope she doesn't ask me any questions."
That's all I could think about.
It's an illness, you know.
I just can't stand being uncomfortable.
It's gross,
but I guess
I take after my dad, after all.
You're too hard on yourself.
Every time my pharmacy
school friends…
…complained about how difficult it is
to be inside that
tiny matchbox of a pharmacy,
I was like, "What's with them?"
"That's where I'm most comfortable."
And then it's Sim Haesung,
Sim Jigu, and Sim Woojoo next.
I think that's why I went off on you.
I hated the possibility
of being uncomfortable with you.
I'm sorry.
I was out of line.
I'm confused if you're rejecting me
or apologizing to me.
How many times
are you going to turn me down?
I understand Korean just fine.
Why beat around the bush so much?
I got it.
I'll keep my heart
from fluttering from now on.
Happy now?
You're killing me, Sim Haesung.
Ms. Baek and I
will be at the fair first.
So wrap things up
and come with the planning team.
Ms. Sim…
will not be going to the fair.
Her contract is up before the fair anyway.
It won't look good
if we force her to come.
She said it herself
that she doesn't want to go.
I don't drink anymore.
And I'm moving.
I won't be around here anymore.
-Hey, did you get the money?
Excuse me.
Just talk to me right here.
And give me back my stuff.
You know who is living
in the house in Yeonhui-dong, right?
That house was supposed to belong
to the three siblings, your children.
That's how it should be.
But things aren't right here.
So if you can come up with
about 30 million won,
I'll tell you how you can
get the house back.
You live with Heeja, correct?
If there's a way to get the house back,
then bring me the solution.
I'll pay you then with interest.
No, wait.
I don't want to hear another word.
I've been fooled once, no more.
Do you people have
even a shred of conscience?
If there is a way to get it back,
I'll find it myself.
I won't need your dirty hands to help me.
I'm going off the grid from today.
It's over.
I can't get any more money,
so I can't pay off the gambling debt.
What else can I do? I have to hide.
There's no point if I tell you
where I'll be going.
Don't look for me for a while.
Darn it.
I'm home.
Where are you?
Are you in the shower?
Darn it!
Did you really think we'll be parting ways
without going through all this?
What did you just say?
I'm totally broke, and you're broke too
if you don't sell this house.
Then we're finished.
Did you go out with me for money?
Was it all for money?
Then what?
You thought I loved you?
That's gross, snap out of it!
Just go find someone else.
Finding guys is your specialty.
You leave those things here!
I know your resident registration number,
your car license plate number, everything.
You're done for
if I report you to the police!
The police?
Sure. Let's go.
You think I don't have anything
to say to them?
Do you want me to go tell them
how you hid your dead husband's will?
How dare you play the victim card?
Think carefully.
Who has more to lose here?
Don't take anything with you.
Leave those things here!
You jerk!
Why should I do that?
Damn it!
Kang Namil!
I only have this one suit.
Woojoo bought it for me
to wear to job interviews.
I'll just need to iron out the shirt.
What's this?
Are you two going somewhere?
I have no idea.
I'll tell you
when all three of you are here.
I don't want to repeat myself.
What's with the suit?
I'm taking Jigu to see your aunt.
That tough aunt with the hair salon?
Some guy came to see me.
He says there is a way
to get the house back.
Shortly after buying that house…
your father said this as he planted
the tree and grass in the front yard.
"I'll evenly divide this house
into three parts for our children."
"It's the only way to stop
any of them from selling the house."
Even when he was having an affair,
he wasn't letting go
of the deed to the house.
So there's no way
he'd have handed it to her.
I'm going to ask your aunt first.
And if it can't be helped…
I'll meet her in person and ask directly.
Meet who? That woman?
Come on, pick it up.
I apologize for calling you
so early in the morning.
They're a newlywed couple,
and both work full-time
so now was the only time they could spare.
Why don't you guys go ahead
and take a look around?
I'll park the car and follow you.
This way, please.
Aren't you Minyoung?
I am his mother,
but he really is something else.
"Tell me. Why did you two break up?"
I asked him countless times,
and he just wouldn't budge.
That's the kind of person he is.
He doesn't have it in him
to spill other's dirty secrets.
I already had a hunch
as to why you two broke up.
If I couldn't understand you,
who could, you know?
Make sure to answer my calls from now on
and come meet me
at the address I send you.
-Come and take a look at the house--
-We're not back together.
What are you talking about?
Don't even give me that pathetic lie.
Twentieth floor. Door opening.
I'm sorry, but could you get off here?
I'll show you the house next time.
I'm sorry.
-You mean us?
Door closing.
I live here.
Across from him.
And that changes things?
Since you say you understand everything,
I'll tell you how I dumped your son.
While I was dating Dongjin,
I went on a blind date,
met with that person's family,
and even set a date for the wedding.
Then I just told Dongjin
that I'm marrying someone else.
That's not all.
My mom, who didn't approve of Dongjin
because he's got only one parent,
even sent him a wedding invitation.
That's just insane!
I'm not done yet.
Perhaps I was getting punished,
but it didn't work out
with that other guy.
So I split up with him and came to Korea.
And I moved into the apartment
right across from Dongjin.
Because I wanted him back.
I thought, "He'd forgive me
if I kept apologizing."
"No matter how cold he tries to be,
I know Han Dongjin."
That's how I was holding on
and I only just managed
to let it go and give up.
But you know what?
I'm upset too.
If it hadn't been for you…
If you hadn't constantly asked me
to give you some money
or kept asking me to buy you stuff,
I wouldn't have gone that far.
So I can't give you any more money.
You're the reason I became this way.
Who are you trying to blame?
Did you hear that?
Did you hear her ridiculous claims?
My goodness…
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Let's talk later. Get inside.
Hey, why are you crying?
What on earth do you have to cry about?
Please get inside.
Talk to me.
Your poor mom lives alone.
Aren't you worried about why I called you?
Pick up your phone on time.
Don't make me run over here
so early in the morning.
But you don't live alone.
Well, I started living alone yesterday.
That son of a…
Anyway, that jerk
took all my jewelry and ran off.
I thought he was just playing cards
with friends for fun.
I was scammed.
Did you borrow money from Minyoung?
How much?
It's really not much.
How much? I have to know
in order to pay her back.
What do you mean "pay her back"?
I heard what she did to you.
I'm going after her
for compensation money.
Come on, who do you think I am?
I was just saying things.
I didn't mean them.
I'm going to live here for the time being.
I don't want to go back to that house.
I mean, if it's too awkward
to live with me, uh…
you could give me some money.
And I'll go find a room to rent.
I have to go to work.
You're coming straight home
afterward, right?
Not now. Let's talk later.
Have a good day at work.
I'm sorry. I'll apologize instead.
I'm moving.
I won't be around here anymore.
Why are you telling me this?
Dongjin wants to be happy with you.
How could I not give up
after hearing that?
I thought Dongjin would take
my broken self back into his arms.
Maybe he couldn't love me,
but I thought he'd at least be
by my side until I became okay.
If it hadn't been for you,
maybe it could have happened.
I heard from Sunwoo.
you're going to quit working here.
I thought I told you.
I don't want to extend my contract.
Can't you reconsider?
I think I'll be sad
if you're not around when I'm at work.
Good morning.
-Yes, good morning.
I'll be at my desk.
I'll talk to you later.
Get me that thing from yesterday.
Good morning.
Hello, sir.
Good morning.
Did you have breakfast?
Be polite and don't tell her
about your singing.
Why? Are you embarrassed about that?
Watch your tone with me. I'm your mother.
There will be people
jealous of you when you do well
and delighted when you fail.
Don't even care about them.
Then why are you taking me there?
Your aunt only has two daughters.
My mom sure knows how to strategize.
Have some coffee.
It's been a while, Jigu.
Yes, it has.
What are you up to these days?
Did you get a job?
Thank you for the coffee.
Hyunju, are you feeling better nowadays?
I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you.
I've been so busy.
You meet with Heeja often, right?
I don't meet her often.
Just once or twice during the holidays?
I don't really meet her apart from that.
I thought to myself
that I wouldn't talk about it
since it's been over ten years
and it would make me feel old.
But seeing you right now, I can't help it.
Who prepared birthday meals
for your husband
and took care of your daughters
after they gave birth?
Come on. Why are you
digging up such old history?
I didn't tell you
to cut off ties with your brother.
We were close.
When you heard that I was sick,
didn't you wonder how sick I was
or how I was doing?
I have no excuse for that.
Then tell me everything you know
about the house in Yeonhui-dong, Heeja,
and the man she lives with.
Don't leave anything out.
I want to tell you everything too,
but Woojoo knows more than I do.
She should have met with Heeja's son.
You must not have heard.
Then you probably don't know
she's been to the police station.
-The police station?
Woojoo, why didn't you say?
Say what?
That you've been
to the police station,
and that you've met that woman's son.
The person
you're trying to reach is not available…
She found out
that Heeja was still living in that house,
and went over there to confront her.
She wouldn't open the door
and instead just called the cops on her.
So I had to go bail her out.
Let's just go quietly.
We're on our way to Yeonhui-dong.
I'll call you later.
Mom, should we just go?
You don't think I can take her?
Not at all. I'm afraid you'll mess her up.
Let's just listen to
what Woojoo has to say.
Look, it's Woojoo.
Can we even be here?
Yes, I got permission from the boss.
On days we close,
I use this place as my practice studio.
We'll just need to clean up.
Now tell me.
I heard you've been to the police station.
And I heard you met Heeja's son.
What did he say?
What do you think?
I bet he said,
"I'm sorry but it's our house now."
He didn't.
At first, I heard that she sold the house
to invest in her son's company.
But it turned out
the son had nothing to do with it.
But he was still looking for us.
To apologize to us.
Apologize to us?
He looked so guilty.
I couldn't even suspect
any other intention
as he apologized.
I'm sorry.
I told him I understood.
And I told him it was okay.
I also told him that it wasn't his fault.
Just like how we suffered because of Dad,
he seemed like
he suffered a lot because of his mom.
So I forgave him.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.
Is that all?
Is there anything else you're hiding?
There isn't.
-Are you clocking out?
-I am.
Sir, we're clocking out for the day!
-You're here.
You heard from Jigu, right?
He said we should grab beers.
Let's get some on our way back.
Mom's leaving tomorrow.
So come back home.
It's not because of her
that I hadn't been home.
I'm coming back home tonight.
-Where are you?
Right now, I'm…
I had some things to take care of at home
and I didn't think to call you.
I'll explain tomorrow morning.
You look like you had a rough day.
Mr. Han?
I told you.
It's good we bought a lot of beer.
Let's go in together.
Gosh, so a moment like this
can actually happen in real life.
This is truly such a happy moment.
Good to see you.
Yes, ma'am.
Start singing, Jigu.
Let me first announce
that we're gathered here today
by the official request of Ms. Kim Hyunju,
who is gracing us with her presence here.
You did this?
You said no one's heard him sing.
We should at least hear him once.
I don't know
why my voice is shaking so much.
First of all,
it's a great honor
to be able to sing in front of you all.
You who trust me the least in the world,
but also cherish me the most in the world.
I want to go to the farthest place ♪
I wonder what kind of people
I will meet there ♪
I want to go to the highest point ♪
I wonder how much farther
I can see beyond ♪
A small water bottle
And a dusty camera ♪
And a stained map in my bag ♪
Over the hill
And through the forest trail ♪
Wherever my light steps would take me ♪
I walk slowly ♪
On the endless path ♪
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