Call of the Night (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

Kyôuchi oya inai nda

You know nothing about vampires.
I just don't get what's going on.
I mean, vampires? What?
That's right, I know nothing about vampires.
They're pretty, and rational
despite the ridiculous things they say.
They like humans and they coexist with them.
I have to go see Nazuna-chan.
Komori Housing Complex Council
Nazuna Nanakusa
Ko Yamori
Ano hi ringo no ki no shita kyouhan de
Fumi koete mita kyoukaisen
Suguni black out
A, oikari de
Oitaterarete konna jigen e
Oretoshita koto ga
Ore gotoki desura
Ore ni kagitte iya
Msaka ne
Kimi no sei ni shita
Himitsu o teni shita
Ichijiku no ha ga migi hidari
Atto iuma me ga sameru
Kato omoeba sora ni ochite yuku
Nanto iuka yamerarenu
Mouhito kajiri
Again, Fallin' fallin' rasenjou ni ochiteiku matenrou ni mo
Fallin' fallin' futaribocchi kizukanai curtain call ni mo
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah doko made mo
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah kono mi makasete
Itsuno ma ni
Kizu ga umatteku yeah
Again, Fallin' fallin' rasenjou ni ochiteiku matenrou ni mo
Fallin' fallin' futaribocchi kizukanai curtain call ni mo
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah doko made mo
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah kono mi makasete
Itsuno ma ni
Kizu ga umatteku yeah
Please? Please?
I can't wait any longer.
Can I?
Well, okay
I-I-I'm gonna go for it!
Fine, fine.
I was really at my limit there.
I was pretty close to losing it completely!
S-sorry! I didn't mean that!
It's not that I don't-
What happened?
Just tell me, for starters.
A vampire who lost control, huh?
I assume he was just plain starving.
He probably couldn't control his need to feed anymore.
Would you ever get like that, Nazuna-chan?
You were hungry today, weren't you?
You said you couldn't wait
Yo, idiot! Look at me!
Don't bundle me together with that geezer.
That's not something you need to think about, Ko-kun.
Why don't we go on a walk?
I don't know much about it,
but I've heard that vampires die
if they don't drink blood for ten years.
In other words,
we can go for ten years without drinking blood.
I hear it happens sometimes:
Vampires who refuse to accept what they've become
and die without feeding.
I see
So, what's the deal with this detective person
you talked about?
I don't know.
I do get the sense that
she doesn't like vampires, though.
She knows that I want to be one,
and she's trying to convince me otherwise.
Uh, so what?
You're quitting?
I don't intend to, but to be honest I'm a little worried.
That detective knew how to kill vampires.
And she actually killed one.
Is it really possible for a human to kill a vampire?
I wouldn't want you to get killed because of me.
Akira had a terrifying experience.
I'm sure Mahiru-kun was scared, too.
I was scared
This was the first time I thought that you-
that vampires are scary!
A bit late, huh, idiot?
I'm probably just worked up emotionally.
That's why I felt scared of vampires after all this time.
Nazuna-chan, I'm sorry about earlier.
But I'm okay now.
I want you to suck my blood!
Ooh, finally.
Now that I've identified the fear within me,
I can manage that emotion.
Fear isn't actually that bad.
Oh, Mahiru-kun!
I appreciate it, as always.
Wanna stay for a drink?
I'll come as a proper customer once I'm twenty.
You have a friend with you today.
Mm, young boys are so nice!
Why would you say that?
Can't take your eyes off of them?
Huh?! Uh, I'm super sorry!
You're more of a lech than I thought, Ko.
Uh, really?!
Wouldn't most people stare at that?
Well, you gotta be a bit more discreet, y'know?
Then you look without making it seem like it?
Oh, I'm the master of that kind of thing.
I pretend like I don't even care,
but I never miss a stroke of raunchy luck.
That's super cool!
Listen, Ko.
Why do you want to be a vampire?
What you think of as fun
Do you have to be a vampire to do it?
I know you don't like fitting in,
and that you were trying really hard
to fake it when we got to middle school.
You got tired of all that, right?
I get it, but-
H-hold on!
What we saw at school the other night
That was a vampire, right?
Th-that's a misunderstanding!
Or rather, a really unusual case!
But it was, wasn't it?
It attacked Akira,
and she could have been killed, right?
Is that what you want to be?
I dunno about that
Look, Ko
We kind of drifted apart once we
got to middle school, y'know?
We weren't in the same class,
and I didn't want to get in the way
when you were trying to change your image.
So when we ran into each other for the first time
in a while, I was a little worried.
Whether we'd be able to talk like we used to.
But I didn't need to worry.
I was happy to realize, "Oh, we're totally still friends."
What is it you want to do by becoming a vampire?
What I want to do?
As a vampire?
Why do I want it?
Because there's freedom?
Then, am I not free now?
It's not like I'm going to school.
I wander around at night.
Why did I want to become one again?
Because of Nazuna-chan?
No, I hang out with Nazuna-chan
because I want to be a vampire.
Because I want to fall in love
No, the order's mixed up.
I'm trying to fall in love
so that I can become a vampire.
C'mon, tell me!
Are you going to become a vampire
and trick people to suck their blood?
Or are you not going to drink anyone's blood,
lose control and become like that thing?
Either way, I
You don't have to decide right away.
But I want you to think about it.
About what it means to become a vampire.
What did your friend want?
Wh-what's the matter Ko-kun?!
Can't hold in the raging passion anymore?!
Sorry, Nazuna-chan, just for a bit.
Just for a bit
Nazuna-chan, tell me!
What am I thinking right now?
Hey, couldn't we have stayed at your place like always?
Or somewhere outside?
Oh come on, just for tonight.
I don't think there's anyone home, but hold on.
Sure thing.
For Meals
It's okay.
Come on in, Nazuna-chan!
So this is your room, huh?
That's odd.
What is?
I can't find any porn.
But it's a middle school boy's room
You can't because there's none here!
That's impossible.
What about your parents?
Are they working at this hour?
Mom's probably at work,
and Dad hasn't lived here since the divorce.
So don't worry.
Then that means
"Hey, my mom's out tonight."
"Wanna come over?"
The classic situation!
But you're the one who said you wanted to come over.
This is the first time I've had a girl in my room
since I started middle school.
And she just has to sit on the bed.
Why there?!
What about the space between the wall and the bed?!
And now she's lying down
Hey, this bed smells like you, Ko-kun!
That's kind of raunchy!
And she's sleazy.
Oh, there's a used tissue.
I blew my nose with that, obviously!
This is so unnerving!
Up we get
Have you reconsidered, after all?
What do you
You met with your friend, didn't you?
I don't have to suck your blood to tell.
You're unsure, Ko-kun.
The vampire who never sucked blood
Your friends
A detective who can kill vampires
It'd be weird if you weren't unsure.
Actually, a normal person wouldn't be unsure.
He'd give up becoming a vampire
in favor of his friends.
He asked me why I wanted to be one.
Why become a vampire?
I thought about it, but it's because I like the night.
The night's free.
It's like a whole different world,
and people can be different there, too.
That's why I like it.
But lately, I've started seeing that it's not all just fun.
I was okay with that, though.
Because you acknowledge all of my emotions.
But it's different if there's actual harm.
It's one thing if it's just me,
but if I were to hurt my friends
And when I think about it,
I have plenty of fun as it is right now!
I mean, it's not like you're that eager to
make me your offspring, anyway!
Even if I don't become a vampire
Let me help you with your decision.
Listen up.
Why do you think the night felt so fun to you?
Because there's freedom?
Yeah, that's definitely true.
But taking that further,
it's because it's out of the ordinary.
Your ordinary is daytime and school.
Nighttime is the opposite.
I'm sure it was exhilarating.
But think about it.
Right now, do you get equally
as exhilarated or more
compared to that first night you went out?
Isn't the fun you feel part of the ordinary now?
Ko-kun, anything out of the ordinary
never lasts for long, you know.
Being a vampire's just boring.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
It's been decades since I became a vampire,
but I've never been anything but bored.
I just wait for time to pass as I spend
each shallow, meaningless day.
Well, thanks to that I'm a boss at
video games now, though!
Why did you try to show me just the fun stuff?
Why did I?
Maybe because that's how I wanted to be.
I see
Anyway, I'm gonna head home for now.
Huh? H-hold on! I still-
S-sorry! I didn't mean-
Thought I was gonna kiss you?
You weren't?!
12th Night: My Mom’s Out Tonight
Private Detective
Hey, Yamori-kun.
I thought it was about time you called.
"Can you spare some time, miss?"
"Why don't we go to a cafe or something and
slip into a scandalous relationship?"
Wait, that's not it?
Why did you think it was?
Jeez, I totally had that wrong!
Now that's embarrassing.
You were serious?!
Of course I was serious!
I told you to hit on me properly next time, remember?!
Why are you kind of angry?
I like the idea of stringing
a middle schooler along for a change.
I don't think it's such a bad deal for you, Yamori-kun.
Where are you going?
You want to talk about vampires, no?
How much do you know about me, Miss Detective?
You mean your idiotic
"Ooh, I wanna be a vampire dream"?
Other than that, let's see
Your name is Ko Yamori, fourteen years old.
Single-mother household.
You don't go to school but your grades
are reasonably good.
You don't have a lot of hobbies but you like sneakers
and collect them secondhand for cheap.
You have no experience with romance,
but you like girls with big boobs.
You don't own porn but you sometimes save
those kinds of images on your phone,
then delete them out of embarrassment later,
only to regret it and do it all over again.
Huh?! Uh, what?! That's freaky!
The first time you eja-
That amount of detail is freaky!
The first time you eja-
What? How?!
Just joking!
Ha ha, gotcha!
It's all speculation!
Deductive reasoning!
Because I'm a detective, remember?
How much of what she says is true?
Um, about wanting to be a vampire
Why are you against it, Miss Detective?
That's a weird question to ask.
Because vampires are evil from the
human perspective, of course.
See, I think humans causing misfortune for
other humans is inevitable sometimes,
depending on the time and situation,
but I think it's unacceptable for a vampire to cause it.
People live among other humans.
You can't avoid conflict.
But I can't allow misfortune that
never should have existed,
intended by something that isn't human.
Vampires only ever make people unhappy.
You saw an example of that too.
But you said that was only because
he didn't drink blood for ten years!
That's right.
Because he was a honorary human, who maintained
his pride as a human being to the very end.
Can you say for sure?
That when you become a vampire,
you'll be okay with drinking human blood?
Or else never drink any and
live with the pain for ten long years?
Besides, considering you haven't fallen in love yet
despite the amount of contact you've had,
I honestly doubt you'll ever get to be a vampire.
That's not-
Have you ever considered
That's not-
that you might lack romantic urges to begin with?
That would be a problem, wouldn't it?
You definitely wouldn't get to be a vampire, 100%.
But that's good, actually!
There's no need for me to convince you otherwise now.
But wait
Now there's a problem, isn't there?
You know about their existence,
which means you're a liability for the vampires.
Simultaneously, the vampire
who invited along an anomaly like you
Nazuna Nanakusa, was it?
I don't think she'll be safe, either.
They might just murder the both of you, you know?
I-I don't want that!
Then make your decision now.
You can live as a human,
or become a vampire and get killed by me.
Decide right now.
Do you really have the ability to kill vampires?
You saw, didn't you?
I can't tell you how,
but your fate depends on your answer.
If it means you'll choose the proper life as a human,
I'll do anything.
I'm prepared to do that.
But won't I get killed by the vampires?
Not to worry!
Because I'll kill every single one of them.
You can't!
I can't believe that those people are really that evil.
They fret over things just like us,
and they have something akin to respect for humans.
They have the ability to understand
people's vulnerabilities.
Saying that they only ever cause misfortune is a lie!
I can't agree with your reasoning!
Fine, be that way.
I didn't want to deny you your nocturnal roamings,
but I'll have to take the easiest route.
Hello? There's something I would like to report.
Recently in the neighborhood,
there's been a boy of about middle school age
fooling around late at night, alone.
It scares me a little.
Yes, that's right, around that area.
If you could talk to him if you see him
Yes, thank you very much.
So, policemen are really quite dedicated.
One call, and they come immediately.
Before you have to give up your beloved nighttime,
I think you'd better hurry on home.
Go on, run!
Dammit Dammit!
I didn't get to ask her anything.
How she kills vampires,
why the guy said her blood tasted awful,
why they say my blood tastes good,
or what and how much that detective
knows about vampires
What should I do?
Should I go to Nazuna-chan's place?
That detective made it sound like a joke,
but she obviously investigated me quite a bit.
I don't want to cause trouble for Nazuna-chan.
I want to talk with her.
About random stuff that doesn't matter.
I thought it was you, Yamori-kun.
Wait, is Yamori-kun right?
Do you remember me?
Hatsuka-san was it?
Oh, that's right.
Yofukashi no uta
Terashitette moonlight
Me o ubatte blue light
Neon sign ga yobu omote ura
Yofukashi no uta
Tsuresatte midnight
Chibashitta red eyes
Otona tachi no komoriuta
Gaki no koro kara yoru ga suki datta
Kuji ni neru no wa nanka iya datta
Nantonaku tada mottainakatta
Omae no koto ga motto shiritakatta
Hey hey
Iwayuru sanmon no toku
Nageuttedemo mitainosa motto oku no oku no oku
Iro koku himo toku
12 o'clock kara ushi no koku made
Hajimete omae o mataida no wa
Iya hajimete matagatta no wa tashika juushi
Ore wa nanimo shirane wannabe
Tetori ashitori subete ga atarashii
Sugata katachi ni sono kaori
Shizukesa ga niau sono kuroi hada ni
Sui komareteta temaneki sareru mamani
Sorekara omae wa ongaku o kureta
Onna no hadaka mo mishite kureta
Nonda koto nee sake ni kuchi tsukete
Oton no tabacco kusune hi o tsuketa
Yaccha ikenai ga afurete
Shiccha ikenai ni mamireteru
Mukae ni kuru yami ni magirete
Omae wa itsumo kimagure de
Yofukashi no uta
Terashitette moonlight
Me o ubatte blue light
Neon sign ga yobu omote ura
Yofukashi no uta
Tsuresatte midnight
Chibashitta red eyes
Otona tachi no komoriuta
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