Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e12 Episode Script

Bring Out Your Beast

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Isn't this romantic?
You and me
sharing some tea
while learning about
the Teapot Dome Scandal?
-Bring out your beast!
-Aah! Ow!
Bernard! [ Gasps ]
Grab some paper towels!
There's boba!I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
It's just that there's
this place at the creek
called the Splintery Butt,
where everyone plays
Bring out Your Beast!
And I was thinking maybe
you can teach me how to play.
Wait, what's
Bring Out Your Beast?
It's just
some dumb card game
I played when
I was a little kid.
You, like, make a deck
of 30 different beast
and support cards,
each with their own offensive
and defensive abilities,
which you use to
battle other players
until you or your opponent
are dealt enough damage
to take your life
total down to zero.
Or, I don't know,
something like that.
I don't remember.Say that again but slower.
I wanna know how to play!
I don't play Bring Out
Your Beast anymore.
I've got other things
to worry about now,
like end-of-year tests,
summer jobs,
the love of my life.
[ Chuckles ] Oh.
So even in
a hundred trillion years,
you'll never want to play Bring
Out Your Beast everagain?
No, Craig!
Now let me finish my homework.
Bernard's room.
Okay, your turn.Here I go.
I swipe all three of my
Bush-Alo beasts to play
Drog-On, which lets me
un-swipe my Bush-Alos
so I can re-swipe them to attack
the Drog-On's damage bonus!
Take 12 damage
to the face!
Hey, what do you want?
Bernard, can I play with you?
I'm a little bit bigger now.
You're too dumb to play!
You wouldn't get it
get itget it
Aah! What a jerk!
Time to go to
the Splintery Butt!
-Oh, yeah!
-Take six damage!
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Kid: Ow, my butt!
So many great minds doing things
I do not understand.
Bring Out Your Beast!Forget it, Turner!
You're playing with a starter
pack you bought two years ago.
Get some new cards,
or leave us alone.
I don't need new cards!
I got heart!We all have hearts.
We're humans.
We need them to live.
Now, if you didn't have a heart
and were still standing there,
that would be impressive.
Aw, dude, just play her already.
She challenged you.
It's the rules.
Bring Out Your Beast!
[ Children chanting
"Bring Out Your Beast!" ]
Bring Out Your Beast!
For my first turn,
I play Ick-arus!
The slime snake!
I summon
Chillin' Villain!
The most dastardly
yeti in the North.
And I attack with
his frosted fists!
I activate
a slime shield!
Now I attack
with a sloppy slap!
Take 3 damage!
I don't understand
what's happenin'.
Do you?
-Attack! Attack!
-Ohh! Aah!
[ Grunting ]
[ Cheering ]
Better luck next time!
Man, that was awesome!
All right, help me find
some beasts for our deck.
Aw, we definitely got
to put this guy in.
Kelsey: You guys see the
resemblance to Mortimor, right?
JP: Aw, man, look at
the muscles on this one.
Ooh, look at the muscles
on this one.
Wait, you guys! Look at
the muscles on thisone!
I want to play
with this guy.
Squeakers the Infected!
Huh. You sure?
Yeah, I mean, I got no idea
how to play this game,
but that mouse
looks kinda weak.
Well, I think he's cute.
Now, we'll just add
a few more cards,
we're ready to challenge
somebody to a game
I still don't understand!
[ Slurping ]
H-Hey! Cool juice!
Uh, thanks, I guess?Bring Out Your Beast!
I summon Cannon Cat!
The purrocious powerhouse!
I summon
Squeakers the Infected!
Dude, that's, like, one of
the worst beasts ever printed.
Read the card.
"Squeakers the Infected
deals 3 damage to you
at the end of your turn."
Aah![ Mouse sneezes ]
My Cannon Cat
now uses Visceral Volley.
[ Grunts ]That's 5 damage.
Well, then, for my next turn,
I play a Bush-Alo!
That thing is useless against
a fire beast like mine.
I give my cat a Power Berry
Boost and attack for 10 damage.
Ugh! I don't know what to do.
I guess I'll just play this.
A Beast Snare.
[ Gasps ]
You have a Beast Snare?!
Take my Cannon Cat!
I forfeit! You're not getting
any more of my cards!
Man, I can't believe
he had a Beast Snare!
-[ Gasps ] You won!
Was it
the Mortimor card?
It -- It was this.
Is that really
a Beast Snare card?
Apparently. Why?
Read the card,
you fool!
The Beast Snare is a relic from
the very first edition of BOYB.
The card allows you to literally
steal other people's cards,
making anyone that has it
impossible to beat.
They had to
stop printing them
because it was
destroying the game.
And that is one of the last
Beast Snares left on Earth.
[ Gasps ]
That card is pure evil!
Okay, I've been
in this situation before
with an evil report card.
We just gotta put it
in a hole.
We gotta get this card
as far from here as possible.
this seems far enough.
It's time to put
this card to rest
in this
emergency birthday card
[ Music plays]that I have in case
I forget someone's birthday.
[ Grunts ]
In the name
of the Creek Goddess
now it's extra protected.
Thanks for everything,
They wash his face of dirt
and leavesLittle Butler ♪
"You people have
too much money!" ♪
Did you
Bring Out My Beasts?!
I keep everything in my room
in a very specific place.
I know
when anything is moved,
especially when
a binder is laying
in the middle of the floor
with a note on it that says,
"I came to life
and had an adventure.
Love, Your Cards."
Well, who's to say?
And my
Beast Snare is missing!
You said you didn't care
about them anymore.
I don't care
about the game!
The cards are worth
serious money!
They were supposedto pay
for my college tuition!
Or a small down payment
for a used car.
Where's that card,
[ Both grunting ]
[ Music plays]
It's not here!
[ Children screaming ]Huh?
That's coming
from the Butt!
[ Children groaning ]
JP and Kelsey: Craig!
That Turner kid
has the Beast Snare!
She's been challenging
people to battle her
and stealing
all their beasts!
We even tried to challenge her
with our custom-made decks.
I used my Death Falcon
Winged Destroyer.
And I tried to fight her
with my Uncle Al
and this old piece
of Mahjong.
She's unstoppable.
Come on, Mark. You can beat her.
You're the last card fighter!
All right.
I play my Ick-Arus!
Turner: I play Beast Snare!
[ Chuckles ]
Looks like I'm invincible!
Now, who should I challenge
next? [ Laughs evilly ]
That card is my future.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
for this to happen.
I just -- I just wanted to
finally play the game like you!
Wait, what?I always thought it was cool
how you outsmarted everybody
with just the right move.
I just wanted
to be like you,
but instead, I'm the one
who got outsmarted.
But I'm gonna fix this.
[ Children murmuring ]
Give me back
that Beast Snare!
It doesn't belong to you!
Ha! There's only one way
you're getting it back.
[ Gulp! ]
Bring Out Your Beast!
And what are you
gonna play with?
If we're gonna do this,
let's do this the right way.
With matching jackets?
No, dummy. Together.
With my Snare, I'm unbeatable.
Bring it!
They're fighting for
the fate of the Butt!
We can win this thing
if we can deal enough damage
before she can play
that Beast Snare.
A Bush-Alo. Play it with
a Booster Berry and attack.
2 damage.
I can take it.
Play your Giant.
-I Thornbolt it!
-Let her roll.
Ha!Attack again with
the Boosted Bush-Alo.
I re-grow
the Thornbolt!
-Now you roll.
-I roll and play this!
Craig, what are you doing?!Playing a deflection card?
Won't that
save our Bush-Alo?
Yeah. Ha!
And damage her with
her own Thornbolt!
You're really catching on,
little bro.
Hey, I got a text
from my boyfriend
saying he was digging up
some college money at the Creek?
They're beast battling
for the fate of the Creek!
And they're winning!
They're actually winning!
They've already won.
They're brothers again.
You blockhead!
That's not how you win!
And besides, as soon as she
draws that Beast Snare,
they're done for.
A few more points of damage,
and we win.
I activate Beast Snare!
[ Both gasp ]
-[ Gasps ]
Yoink!Watch it, Craig.
Uh, I play Drog-on!Snare it!
I play this Falcano Bird!Snare it!
She's stealing their beasts
before they can do any damage!
There has to be a way.It's okay.
It's -- It's over.
This is
all my fault anyway.
I should have played
with you earlier.
You're actually
pretty smart, man.
This game -- It's just
about reading the cards.
I got it!
Squeakers the Infected!
Oh, it's that
little mousey card!
Ha! Should have listened
to your brother.
You can play any beast
you want.
I'm just gonna snare it!
In the stack it goes!
Read the card.
"At the end of the turn,
Squeakers deals
three damage," to me?!
[ Gasps ] She doesn't have
the life left!
Ohh. Felt nice
while it lasted.
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Cheering ]
Here's your card back,
I'm so sorry I took it.
I just --
No. Keep it.
You can
keep all of them.
There will be a day
when I come for them,
probably when my first
tuition check is due,
but until then,
they're yours to battle with.
Just so long as you use
protective sleeves.
Th-Thanks, Bernard.
That was cool!
I can't believe you guys won!
You must have been a pretty
good player when you were a kid.
[ Chuckles ] No.
I was the best!
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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