Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Point of Intersection between Comedy and Tragedy

-Please step back.
-Please stop.
-Why are you doing this?
My brother did nothing wrong! Hui-jae!
Hui-jae! He didn't do anything wrong!
He's sick! Please!
Ms. Nam.
What's going on? He's your brother?
Yes, he is.
What do I do?
What will happen to him?
Shocking news. Sun-jae's brother,
who was said to be in the US,
turns out to have been holed up at home.
The police arrested him
just now for some reason.
Sun-jae was bawling.
Goodness. Really?
No wonder it was so noisy outside.
I thought he was studying abroad.
Isn't he at an Ivy League?
What do you think? It was all a lie.
How unbelievable.
It must have been
so stressful for you lately.
It has been. Thank you.
Sun-jae's mom. I mean…
Ms. Jang, it's all thanks to you.
They said it would be treated
as a criminal offense,
but they treated it as a juvenile offense
all thanks to you.
I only did my job.
Not at all.
This was only possible because it was you.
Gosh, how will I ever repay this kindness?
If you ever need my help,
don't hesitate to ask.
I'll help you at all costs.
That's very kind of you to say.
I really mean it.
After all, I'm an education director.
I could even help you
regarding Sun-jae's college admissions.
Your phone's ringing.
I'll leave you to it.
-Get home safe.
-Thank you.
-Call me whenever you need help.
-Thank you.
What is it? What's going on?
Why are you still here? I said to go home.
Your midterms start in two days.
-Ms. Jang--
-Don't they?
Lee Hui-jae, born on October 24, 2002.
Is this correct?
Do you know him?
Holding your tongue right now
won't do you any good.
Have you seen him before or not?
What is it?
She's his mother.
She'd like to defend him.
I'm Jang Seo-jin from T&A Law Firm.
Where's your warrant?
It was an emergency arrest.
The warrant will be issued soon--
In his own home?
That's only legal when there's the chance
of evidence being destroyed
or the suspect fleeing.
Can you prove that this child,
who was at home,
was fleeing or destroying evidence?
Ma'am, he tried to run away
as soon as he saw us--
You shouldn't have searched the house
without a warrant.
You're aware that's illegal, right?
But ma'am…
Ms. Jang.
the first thing people tend to do
is ask why the suspect was arrested.
Do you know what his charge is?
Of course not.
I'm only pointing out
the obvious illegality of this arrest.
What's his charge?
Thank you for driving me
to the police station.
I felt like I should go
because Sun-jae looked so shaken up.
He's Hae-e's best friend, so--
I know.
She's mentioned him many times.
I see.
about Mr. Ji…
I admit that I got worked up
out of nowhere.
Let's not…
talk about that anymore today.
Mom, where's Sun-jae?
Is he still at the police station?
I don't know.
His mom came, so Mr. Choi and I left.
Will his brother be okay?
I'm not sure.
I think there was a misunderstanding.
Sun-jae was worried sick.
Despite having experienced it
multiple times,
I was still terrified when I heard
that Jae-woo had been locked up.
Sun-jae must've been scared to death.
But since when did you know
about his brother?
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be…
Sun-jae, are you okay?
Call me.
Let's not talk about that anymore today.
Was I too cold?
What would I even say to her?
I'm the one who didn't want to talk.
Whatever. He was the one being cold,
yet he's not even calling me.
I won't text him.
I won't. Darn it.
-What is it?
-It's about tomorrow's photo shoot.
You should take a look
at the revised concept.
Why? Does it look weird?
One minute.
What's wrong with it?
Sir, I loved your abalone from last time.
They're too expensive. Maybe next time.
They're better today.
-Next time. Goodbye.
-Don't buy them from someone else!
How are the cucumbers?
Hey, Ms. Nam. Goodness, they're good.
I'll give you a big discount.
No, thank you.
I don't need a new phone. Goodbye.
By the way,
I saw that video about you.
I had no idea. You're incredible.
Gosh, not at all.
Of course, you are.
You raise your niece like your own
and live so diligently.
I'll halve the price!
No, you won't make any money then.
Just give me a few more.
All right.
-Please put them in here.
By the way,
you're looking good these days.
Your boyfriend must be treating you well.
That's right.
-That'll be 5,000 won.
Treating me well, my foot.
He's not even texting me.
Here you go.
Thank you. I'll visit again.
Okay, bye. What a sweetheart.
That's good. Nice one.
That's it. Good.
Hold on. Let's get the table
out of the way and have you stand.
-Get rid of the table.
Did I get any calls?
IBS and Top and Top called to scout you,
but I rejected their proposals.
Director Kang called too,
so I said the photo shoot was going well.
I see.
I shouldn't apologize over text, right?
I'm not too sure.
Right, I should either call
or talk in person.
Mr. Choi, let's resume the shoot.
Okay. Let's go.
-Should I stand?
-Let's take some standing up. All right.
Okay. Good work.
Good work, sir.
You looked good on the monitor.
Of course. It's me, after all.
How about we move up
the 11 p.m. team meeting?
They've been texting and urging you
to come as soon as possible.
They must be busy.
All right, then.
How about 10 p.m.?
Okay. Tell them to be ready
so I won't need to repeat myself.
-Yes, sir.
Are you Jeong Seong-hyeon?
It's you, right?
Hey, it's been ages.
I almost didn't recognize you.
You lost a ton of weight.
How much did you lose?
I think you got the wrong person.
I didn't. It is you.
I see.
I get that you may not be happy to see me.
I understand.
But I was curious
about how you were doing.
-The guys and I would talk--
-You've got the wrong person.
Didn't you go to Daeseon Middle School?
Eighth grade, class three.
No, I didn't.
Mr. Choi has a busy schedule today.
Oh, I see.
I'm sorry.
You just look so similar to my friend.
I'm sorry.
Seeing how persistent he was,
you must really look alike.
I guess so. I have a pretty common face.
It's almost lunchtime.
Will Sun-jae not come today?
Have you called him?
He won't pick up.
I was shocked after hearing the news
from my mom yesterday.
For both you and Sun-jae…
Not everything is
as it appears on the surface.
Once you look closer,
everyone has their own demons.
It made me reflect a bit.
I didn't show it,
but I had been envious
of how perfect you guys were.
"How were they born so perfect?"
But I'm not saying that this
changes my opinion of you…
Darn it. Sorry, I'm not good with words.
Don't worry. I know what you mean.
But this thought came to mind too.
"Could there be a secret
behind my birth as well?"
As you already know,
I don't look like my mom.
-No, you do.
-How so?
Except for the height and double eyelids,
you guys look alike.
I see. So we do look alike.
Don't make me laugh. We don't look alike.
So this is what I imagined.
When I was born,
some other baby and I
had gotten switched up.
And up until now, I just thought
my parents were my birth parents.
And that other baby was…
Hey, where's Sun-jae?
-What do you mean?
-It was you.
What was me?
You look handsome today.
You can go home now.
No, you can go.
Don't look at me. Just go home.
These are the psychiatrist's notes,
his prescriptions,
adult guardianship forms,
and psychiatric hospital admittance forms.
Are you claiming insanity right now?
I'm just telling you
that he's in no state to be interrogated.
He's been cooped up in his room
for over a year.
He has bipolar disorder,
anxiety disorder, and hallucinations.
He was going to be admitted to a hospital,
and I was in the process
of applying for guardianship.
Yet you were going to send him to the US?
You had requested a US visa for him.
Oh, that?
I wanted to look for
other treatments abroad.
Excuse me.
This is Sun-jae's homeroom teacher.
He didn't come to school.
Please give me a call.
Please release him
and investigate him without detention.
I believe I've thoroughly explained
his current condition.
We can't do that.
This is a murder case.
Bipolar disorder
doesn't warrant his release.
As I've mentioned before,
he tried to run away twice.
I understand.
-Then let's take a break.
I need to go somewhere.
We can resume after I return.
There's a time limit
for applying for the arrest warrant.
We can't just--
Let's do that.
We'll take a breather.
Don't say anything until I return.
Don't utter a single word
or react in any way. Got it?
-Shut it! Don't say a single word!
You're claiming insanity
and refusing to talk right now.
I'll take care of the rest.
No wonder.
Come to think of it,
Ms. Jang has always been a bit strange.
We're neighbors, you know?
I'd bring her things at times,
and she never once
invited me in for some coffee.
And she had a very good reason for that.
Why would she lie about her son
and say he was in the US?
Probably because he isn't sane.
What do you mean?
I mean…
My friend's husband
is the chief investigator
at Ganghyeon Police Station.
So I asked her about it.
I can't tell you all the details,
but it wasn't a misdemeanor.
It's obvious. He committed a felony.
A felony? Like robbery or murder?
-I just got the chills.
-How scary.
No one can find out about this,
or our property values will drop.
We should hold a residents' meeting.
Right. You're the building representative.
She has so many positions.
She's a position collector, isn't she?
What are you saying?
Do you even know what that means?
I only end up in this position
because I volunteer to do things
that others don't want to do.
This world wouldn't be able to operate
if it weren't for people like me.
Yes, ma'am. I will treat you like a queen.
-Right. Ms. Cho, did you hear?
I ran into Ms. Jung
outside the academy today.
They've rehired
Choi Chi-yeol.
That's great.
What about the All Care Program?
Do you know?
Right. I did hear about that.
But I heard it's not confirmed yet.
But according to Ms. Jung,
he's coming back to the program.
But he wants Hae-e
to rejoin the group as well.
No way. He's being ridiculous.
Is it because
she's his girlfriend's daughter?
But to be honest,
she was supposed to be
in the program from the get-go.
That's right.
She was just kicked out
because you said she wasn't up to par
and wanted to replace her
with another student.
I'm sure the other moms
will be fine with it too.
She's definitely up to par now.
She aced the September mock.
If that's what you all think,
then I'm all for it too.
Anyway, I'll check with the academy.
She should rejoin.
Mom, where's Hui-jae?
Is he okay?
How did it go?
Why are you here?
Why aren't you at school?
I was just too worried.
Even still.
Are you serious?
Your midterms start tomorrow.
The exams aren't important right now.
Then what is?
Your school grades matter a lot this year.
You must get Level 1 in Language Arts.
Do you think you can ace your CSAT?
Will you ruin your life over Hui-jae?
Will my life be ruined
if I fail tomorrow's exams?
Of course.
-Look at Hui-jae.
-You're wrong.
His life was ruined
because you pressured him--
You can resent and criticize me
all you want…
after you get into a university.
As much as you want.
It's too late for school, so go study.
That's your duty.
Stay focused.
The exams start in less than 24 hours.
I told you to go to study.
-But Hui-jae…
-Go on.
Mom, I really can't.
Go in right now.
Listen to me.
So a sub six is symmetrical to a sub five.
Then a sub four plus a sub six…
is two a sub five.
Is this right?
Is this wrong?
Are you done?
Are you that worried?
About Sun-jae?
I'll focus.
You know how it is…
when you're too upset to talk to anyone.
That was how I felt
when I was told I couldn't play
ice hockey anymore after my injury.
You should give him
some time.
That punk.
I know it wasn't intentional,
but what good timing.
-What do you mean?
-It's nothing.
It's something only he and I know.
This won't do.
I can't focus either.
-Shall we call it a day?
We need to tire our bodies out.
Stop our minds from wandering.
You're doing well.
Don't be scared and let go.
That's it.
See? Aren't you glad you're here?
-You're not worried anymore, are you?
I'm only focused on not falling.
Legs shoulder-width apart.
Knees bent.
-Start with your right foot.
Imagine that you're pressing away the ice.
One, two.
Don't be afraid of falling.
You'll only hurt yourself
if you're scared to fall.
-So? Are you getting the hang of it?
You're doing well.
I think your heart just skipped a beat.
-You're wrong.
I get it, so hold my hand.
You'll hurt yourself.
I'm okay.
That's it.
Not bad.
Keep practicing.
He's good.
Doesn't it feel nice to exercise?
You can focus now, right?
Yes. I agree.
To be honest,
I wanted to show you how well I skated
at some point or another.
You've only seen my foolish side.
But then again,
I've never really studied before.
I wanted to show you what I was good at
and that I also worked hard in life.
I wanted to impress you.
Did it work?
There's no need for that.
You're already amazing.
What was that?
Why doesn't your compliment
give me any hope?
This is so hard.
Dating is just as hard as studying.
Sun-jae must feel troubled.
I can tell by his looks
that he's a softie.
Should I pack some side dishes
for his family?
She's probably too distracted to cook.
That's enough.
Didn't she ignore you
at the police station?
I'm sure her ego was bruised
when you saw her there.
Do you think you're a fortune teller?
You and your absurd assumptions
about others…
What matters is that I'm right.
Who noticed
Mr. Choi's lovey-dovey gaze again?
Who is that? Waiting for Mr. Choi's call?
No, I was just checking my phone.
I beg to differ.
Your eyes were glued to the phone all day.
Right, Jae-woo?
Yes. It wasn't even ringing,
but she checked it 17 times.
I wonder why you haven't gotten
a single call from him today.
They say a man is only out of touch
when he's imprisoned,
mourning, or uninterested in you.
-Did you two fight?
-No way! We're not kids.
We're ripened adults.
Mature. Ripened is for fruit.
Anyway! Same difference.
You did fight.
Hey, stop staring at your phone.
Call him first since you're so ripe.
We didn't…
Why do you never listen to me?
You're so weird.
That brat saw right through me.
I can't believe this guy.
I know I'm impatient
and hate leaving things unresolved,
but I won't give in.
Never. I won't call him first.
But this is so frustrating.
Right. I'm not a teenager
who's playing hard to get.
Be nonchalant
and mature.
That's such a unique color. It's pretty.
It's my favorite color these days.
Tomorrow's online class
includes composite functions, right?
-I read the Q and A board,
and the students seem to be struggling
with function graphs.
I think we should go over
how to solve composite functions
by using graphs.
Okay. They seem to struggle
with equations that have graphs.
Okay, let's come up with a few of those
and help reinforce their confidence
when it comes to applied questions.
I'll reorder the questions.
Okay, let's do a test run right away.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
-Yeon-gyeong, is this a typo or an error?
What? I'm sorry.
I'm not upset.
-Look at this.
This one.
-I think it's an error.
-It needs to be smaller.
Are you very busy? I miss your voice.
-I'll do it right now.
Next question.
I was going to wait for you to call first,
but I'm too worried.
Can I see you?
I'm at the playground near your house.
Do you know how many times I called?
You didn't reply to my texts either.
I know this is tough for you,
but you should reply since I'm worried…
It's okay.
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be redirected to voicemail…
Is he studying or what?
It's me, ma'am.
I'm sorry for calling so late.
I was wondering
if your offer was still valid.
About how you'd help me with anything.
I had never seen Sun-jae cry before.
It broke my heart.
What about his brother?
Will he be let out?
I'm not sure, but his mom
is trying to help get him out.
So has Hui-jae been cooped up
in his room the entire time?
He came out every now and then,
but his mom wasn't happy about it.
She didn't want people to know
that he wasn't abroad.
I don't exactly know…
what a family is.
Sun-jae has two parents,
both of whom are lawyers,
and an older brother as well.
But he still seemed so lonely.
Everyone is alone in this world.
We all feel lonely despite having company.
-You're lonely?
-Why do you ask?
Shouldn't you be on cloud nine?
I am.
I couldn't be happier.
I swallowed my pride and texted him first,
but he ignores me?
Forget it.
We've barely begun the relationship,
so we can just end it.
I don't need him in my life.
Forget it.
The alarm.
It's really late, right?
What? Right.
It's 3 a.m.
Time just flew by.
All this work is exhausting
after taking a break.
You must be tired. Grab a cab.
I can drive today.
No, I'll drive you--
Forget it. Catching a cab at this hour is…
Come to think of it,
I don't even know your address.
Can you believe that?
Hop in. I'll drop you off.
That's okay. I'll drive you home.
Jeez, you little punk.
You don't want to tell me your address.
Are you trying to be mysterious or what?
We should depart at 10 a.m. tomorrow
since it'll be a long trip.
Why do I have such a tight schedule?
What am I doing tomorrow?
You have a special class in Incheon
for parents of seniors,
hosted by the Private Academy Association.
I tried to dissuade you back then.
But you said the educational gap
between Seoul and the provinces
needed to be narrowed down.
I did?
I must've been so full of myself.
You should've stopped me.
Next time I do that, just curse at me.
Better yet, just hit me.
Okay. I'll do that.
Yes, smile.
You should smile.
You look friendlier that way.
Did something happen
between you and Ms. Nam?
No. Did she say something?
No, she didn't.
I just want you two to get along.
You tend to look cold
when you're not smiling.
She could get the wrong idea,
so try to smile more often.
Okay, I will.
You must like her a lot.
I feel at peace when I think of her.
Come to think of it, you haven't dreamed
of that student lately.
Is that so?
You're right.
How fascinating.
Thanks. Good night.
You too.
I'll come here tomorrow morning.
You're right behind me.
Hello, ma'am. How are the radishes today?
They're good, of course.
Would you like one?
Yes, please.
Who is…
Is he…
Yes, he is.
Goodness. He's so handsome.
He's so tall too.
-Thank you.
He even has a nice voice.
Is he really a teacher?
He looks like a celebrity.
He's like a clean head
of napa cabbage. So tall.
Jeez, don't say that.
Speaking of which, I want a cabbage too.
-Please pack them for me.
Gosh, he's so handsome.
This tastes different
from the one at the campsite.
-It's so tasty.
I always have a cup
after grocery shopping.
It's tasty.
Did you really wait an hour and a half
since 3:30 in the morning?
I made a mistake, after all.
At least you know.
Even if you were upset,
how could you ignore the text I sent
after swallowing my pride?
You're so mean.
You sent a text? I didn't get it.
Look at you.
Will you still deny it?
Look. I didn't get it.
You're right.
But it says it was sent on my phone.
Jeez, machines sure aren't
completely reliable.
I would've been in huge trouble
had I not waited for you.
You're right. You were lucky.
When I cut ties with someone,
I am utterly merciless
and make a clean break.
I never look back.
I'm sorry about what I said. I apologize.
I just wanted you to get along
with someone who's dear to me.
I was trying to mediate,
but it came out wrong.
I know. I was also being too sensitive.
I twisted your words.
Should we go somewhere
when I become less busy?
Is there anywhere you want to go?
Let me think.
I'm fine as long as
I get out of this neighborhood.
Maybe the sea.
The sea. Okay, let's go.
Which way, east, south, or west?
Hold on.
There's also a sea in Incheon.
Why did you suddenly ask me
to come to Incheon with you?
You wanted to go to the sea.
Incheon is well-known
for its coastal drives.
I know that.
But I feel like I'm bothering you
when you're going there for work.
Mr. Ji must feel uncomfortable too.
No, not at all.
This is much more exciting
than just driving with Mr. Choi.
Should I turn on the heater?
No, I'm fine.
If you're sleepy, I can take over.
I'm a great driver.
That's okay. I'm in good condition.
Just sit back and relax.
I still don't know if I should be here.
What about my store?
Didn't you say
you had already made the side dishes?
You got Yeong-ju
and Jae-woo's permission too.
I'm sure they'll do just fine.
I bet they're happy that you're gone.
Jeez, Haeng-seon must be at the beach.
She must be tying seashells
And putting them around his neck
Whereas I'm opening these smelly cockles.
I'm so desperate to be in a relationship.
I don't ask for much in men.
I only want someone kind-hearted
and just two centimeters taller than me.
Who put this so high up?
He's grown much taller.
He used to be shorter than me.
Maybe I didn't notice because
I never looked at him as a man.
Where is she?
Wait up!
It's 247.
No way, Hae-e.
You got all of the math questions right?
I got lucky. One of the questions
I practiced was on the exam.
Jeez, studying is so hard. I'm done for.
Lucky you.
My mom will definitely nag me.
Your brother brought this.
He asked how you were doing.
He seemed quite worried about you.
Shouldn't you get out of here?
I understand that your mother
wanted you to stay quiet,
but that will only drag the case out.
I just have one question.
You know him, right?
Weren't you at Saeam Vista that night?
What are you doing?
Don't you know that
interrogating him while I'm away
is a violation of his right
to receive help from a lawyer?
Let's just request a warrant.
Without further investigation?
We have him for 12 more hours.
We won't get anything out of him
as long as his mother is by his side.
We'll only tire ourselves out.
That's true. That woman is so obstinate.
I get that she's a lawyer, but still.
Her attitude is a bit odd.
If she thought her son was innocent,
she would've gotten
to the bottom of this to clear his name.
But she kept him silent.
And claimed insanity.
I agree.
She doesn't look very upset either.
I'll request a warrant then.
Are you home? How was the exam?
I did so-so.
Are you serious right now?
I'll take care of Hui-jae, so don't worry.
Just focus on your exams.
You have Reading tomorrow, right?
Did you see the material on the table?
-Solve them thoroughly.
That wasn't easy to get a hold of.
Don't show it to anyone.
Hello? Are you listening?
Solve the questions by yourself.
Remember that.
The period before a student enters
their senior year is critical.
Every time someone asks me
how their kid should study,
I give them the same answer
no matter the student's grades.
They must master the hands-on concepts
before the break begins.
After that, they should solve
as many practice workbooks as possible.
It's important to figure out
the right strategy for admissions…
Thank you, Mr. Ji.
So they enter their senior year.
What strategies must they use now?
I've seen yachts on TV
but never in person.
No way!
Are we really sailing on that?
Of course. Do you think
we're here to just look?
I told you I had planned out
a luxurious premium course.
Hop in.
Do we just hop on?
Thank you, Mr. Ji.
-Watch your step.
Am I invisible? Am I a ghost?
Jeez, you're so jealous.
Help him out, Mr. Ji.
-Should I?
Thank you, honey.
It's the sea!
Have you never seen it before?
How adorable.
It feels so refreshing.
Is this yacht really yours?
Isn't it about time
you understood who I am?
I told you before, but I'm the Trillion--
I know. The Trillion Won Man.
But it never felt real to me.
Gosh, you sure are wealthy.
When did Mr. Ji learn to drive a yacht?
When I bought this yacht.
He said he needed to learn how to drive
all of my means of transportation.
Are you learning how to fly
a light plane next week?
-No, in two weeks.
-In two weeks.
Mr. Ji, you're a great driver.
I must've gotten the wrong idea about him.
I'm glad that you two
have cleared things up.
This is wonderful.
-Are you cold?
-No, it's not so bad.
-You are cold. I'll get a blanket.
-No, I'm fine.
Jeez, I'm really fine.
This feels like a dream.
It's a light scrape,
so the dressing will be enough.
Just in case, get a shot before you go
and disinfect the wound when you get back.
Okay. Thank you.
I'm truly sorry.
I should've been more careful,
but the waves suddenly hit.
That's okay.
I'm an idiot.
I should've controlled the yacht better.
You didn't do it on purpose.
People make mistakes.
But still,
she's a cook, and I injured her hand.
You can go. I'll take her home.
No, I should--
Go rest up. You must be startled too.
Thanks for today.
I'm truly sorry. Get better soon.
I will. Goodbye.
Hey, you came out as soon as I texted.
As you should.
-Why are you here?
They're notes from Reading
from the day you were absent.
The teacher pointed them out,
so those questions will come up.
-Just do well on the exam.
You need to do well in Language Arts.
Wait here for just a minute.
No, this is for after the exams.
My mom told me
not to share it with others,
so I'm sure it will help.
I've finished them all.
You should work on them too.
How reliable.
You've grown up well, Jae-woo.
Thank you for today. Goodbye.
Since our boss isn't here, how about we…
have a drink?
We should also discuss
the future of Nation's Best.
But I can't drink.
I'll be the one drinking.
You'll be the one eating.
I think Haeng-seon should be here
if we want to discuss her store's future.
Hey, you tend to overthink things.
We can discuss it first
and report it to our boss later.
Hey, let's go.
It's my treat.
-Here's your food.
-Thank you.
When will we discuss the store's future?
I'm full from the soda.
I am truly
lonely these days.
Honestly, don't you think
I'm pretty decent?
My personality? It's great.
My personality is great.
I have a great personality.
Don't you think so?
Yes, you're a decent woman.
Am I really?
Yes, really.
In that case,
if you take a bite of that,
that means we're going out.
-You said I was decent.
So if you eat that,
it means you're my boyfriend.
What do you say?
That's gross.
"Gross"? Why?
You're Haeng-seon's friend.
You're like a sister and family to me.
So to think that you'll be my girlfriend…
is gross.
It'd feel weird.
I see.
I'm a decent woman,
but to have me as a girlfriend
is gross.
-Right, that's understandable.
Hey. What the heck?
All right.
That sobered me up. I should just go home!
Excuse me.
Goodbye. Jae-woo, you can pay!
Wait up!
-Live octopus, two bottles of soju,
-What do I do?
-and a soda. 31,000 won.
-What's wrong with me?
Her expression was weird.
She looked sad and upset.
Was it because of what I said?
Because I said it was gross?
What was that earlier?
I'm certain he turned the handle
abruptly on purpose.
Are you okay?
How's the wound? Does it sting?
It's okay. It's just a scrape.
It could've been dangerous.
It's lucky you're athletic.
What if you fell into the sea?
You may be okay now,
but it might hurt after some time.
Apply some ointment.
The doctor said to disinfect it
before going to bed,
so don't forget that.
Are you listening to me?
-Make sure you disinfect it.
You seem to be
very startled and out of it.
I'm not.
I'll disinfect it. Don't worry.
That can't be.
I'm just being overly sensitive.
Why would he do that?
Aren't you dropping me off?
I'm kidnapping you.
Kidnapping me? Where are we going?
To my house. You're worrying me too much.
I'll take care of you today.
We need to disinfect it,
and you seem out of it.
You don't need to do that.
Just drop me off.
Does it sting?
I'm almost done.
Hang in there.
I should go.
You didn't get any sleep yesterday,
so you should sleep now.
You must have a long day tomorrow.
Good night.
Can you stay the night?
Spend the night.
Stay with me.
You're up?
Where are you going?
I need to go home before the kids wake up.
Don't leave.
I want to have breakfast together.
-How's your hand?
-It's okay.
I really should go.
I'll drop you off.
But I really need to go--
Just five minutes.
Let's just lie here for five minutes.
-I'm off.
Oh, my!
Hey, Mom.
Good morning.
You're already going to school?
I wanted to get some reviewing in
before the exam.
I see.
I didn't just come home.
I went down to get something--
Okay. I didn't ask.
But Mom,
get changed.
Or Auntie Yeong-ju will tease you.
Of course.
That was so embarrassing.
Off to school already?
You're probably too nervous to eat.
How about some juice?
It's okay. Goodbye.
I'm at a dead end.
No matter what,
you have to listen to me.
You know that, right?
I'm off to school.
He seemed quite worried about you.
Shouldn't you get out of here?
All right. You may begin.
A warrant review isn't about
whether you're guilty or not.
They're here to determine
whether to let you go or not.
Just keep your mouth shut.
I'll do the talking.
Like so, the suspect has no intention
of cooperating with the investigation.
Due to concerns about his fleeing
or destruction of evidence,
we'd like to request an arrest warrant.
Furthermore, not only is he a suspect
in the murder of Mr. Jin I-sang,
but he's also a suspect
in another murder case.
-This could be a serial killing--
-Your Honor.
Please understand
that keeping him in custody
for other cases
is a violation of the warrant's rule.
Since the warrant only mentions
Jin I-sang's murder case,
the hearing will be confined
within that boundary.
Mr. Lee Hui-jae.
Do you admit to the charge on the warrant?
Did you murder Mr. Jin I-sang?
-Your Honor--
-I saw it.
What did you see?
Mr. Jin's last moments?
Because you murdered him?
Your Honor.
My client is in
an extremely unstable mental state--
No, I didn't kill him.
I'm a witness.
Why does this person
order so many metal balls so often
when there's not even an elevator?
What's the use of them anyway?
I'm dying here.
I should get paid more for this.
Someone else…
killed him.
Does this mean we'll sleep together
in my room tonight?
What are you doing?
Is this your true nature?
What are you trying to say?
How is this for my sake?
You deceived me, you know that?
I told you numerous times
not to show it to anyone else!
Many people's lives
could be ruined because of you.
Even Hae-e could be stressed out
about college admissions.
Where could Hae-e be?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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