Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Daily Dose of Sunshine

[mysterious music playing]
- Ah!
- Oh Jesus!
[both chuckle]
How'd your surgery go?
- Oh, it went great.
- Ah
- You eaten?
- Breakfast, yeah.
- What'd you eat?
- What my dear mother cooked, duh.
- Hmm. Braised tofu?
- [Da-eun chuckles]
- Must've been good.
- Yup.
[Da-eun] Oh
[Da-eun] Do you think anybody saw us?
[Go-yun] Probably not.
- [Da-eun] You're sure no one saw?
- [Go-yun] Habits die hard, I guess, huh?
[Da-eun chuckles]
Let's be careful from now on.
[Go-yun] 'Kay.
[elevator beeps, doors open]
- [woman] Overtime last night, huh? Tired?
- [man] A little.
All right, sure.
[man] Mr. Yoon! Mr. Yoon! Hey, Mr. Yoon!
Please hurry. She's over here!
- Park Byeong-hui just hurt herself.
- What?
Oh no! Oh
- [Mr. Yoon] Just calm down. Relax!
- [nurse] Ms. Park!
- Back to your rooms.
- [Mr. Yoon] Calm down, please.
Please calm down, miss.
- [Mr. Yoon] You're all right.
- [Da-eun] I've got her.
- Rooms, please. Back to your rooms.
- [Deul-re] It's okay.
- I'll stop the bleeding.
- [Byeong-hui pants]
[Deul-re] It's okay. It's okay.
[muffled screaming, grunting]
Ms. Park, let's move you
into intensive care, Ms. Park.
[Mr. Yoon] Let's get up.
Let's go.
[Deul-re] Careful.
[opening theme playing]
[Hyeok-soo] She'll need to be
under close observation for a while.
It'll be better for her
to be in the Protective Ward.
At least for now.
The Protective Unit is a bit more strict
when it comes to belongings
than the Open Unit.
I'm sure there are good reasons.
And the restrooms
might not be as convenient.
But apart from those things,
there isn't a lot that's different.
Please try not to be too worried.
I'm sure she'll adjust soon.
I'm not worried about me.
I'm concerned for her.
She thinks we just came
to have some testing done.
She'll be here how long?
She's going to raise hell.
Then I'll make extra sure
to talk with Byeong-hui.
My daughter, she absolutely needs that.
Since this is breakable, then I'm afraid
that I'm going to need to keep it.
I I'd like to say
I'd like to say sorry, if I could.
I only meant to think of my daughter.
Oh, no, it's all right, ma'am.
It's all over.
Don't beat yourself up about it now.
[inhales shakily]
[Ms. Song] Oh, has Park Byeong-hui
moved to the Closed Unit?
[Da-eun] Yeah.
Do you really think
just by taking these things away,
we can prevent her hurting herself?
Uh honestly, we might not.
That's why it's a hard illness to treat.
Until I came to psychiatry, I didn't know
just how many patients
harm themselves, you know?
There are many
who'd hurt themselves, true,
although lately
it seems to be increasing a lot.
And there are many more
who are concealing it.
Why do they do it, do you think?
In truth,
it could look like
they don't want to live any longer.
But it really isn't like that.
Self-harm is really a cry for help.
Some might want attention,
while others have been pushed away
so often by society
that they start believing they deserve it.
It does seem like a lot
of self-harming starts young.
Byeong-hui did.
[Ms. Song] Mm-hmm.
The more pressure and stress
an individual feels when they're so young,
the likelier they are to try self-harming.
They just don't have
any of the proper coping behaviors yet.
[Da-eun] Hmm
What do you think?
Not much different from before, right?
I guess. I'm here for a test, right?
Soon. Why don't I help unpack your bags?
The doctors decide when.
Then my tablet, please, Nurse Jung.
I really am sorry,
but tablets aren't allowed.
- Why not?
- Those are the rules in this unit.
I'm going to the other unit, then.
Hold on.
There's really plenty to do
without your tablet here, okay?
I don't care!
It's my tablet. I want it now!
I can get a book, if you'd like?
Or comics. How's that?
Why aren't you doing what I ask?
Hand it to me, or I'll hurt myself again.
Which do you think you'd like?
This is why that patient croaked, right?
You just ignore everything I say!
[Byeong-hui breathing heavily]
[Da-eun] In a lot of ways,
depression is like the weather.
- Some days are endlessly gloomy.
- [door lock beeps]
[Da-eun] And other days
are perfectly clear.
[solemn music playing]
[door closes]
[key turning in locker]
- [Deul-re] Da-eun.
- Oh?
I decided to stop working here.
Like a family thing or what?
Or do you mean you're
getting married?
You're marrying Doctor Hwang, right?
[gasps] That's not it at all.
Oh, it's not?
Ooh, then
I've worked this job a while now,
and I'm just not happy with being a nurse.
I just worry
this might be a little soon.
Won't it be a shame to quit now?
[Deul-re] Hmm
Well, I never wanted
to be a nurse originally, you know.
I just wanted stability,
a job that looked good
on loan applications.
I wanted that kind of job.
And I decided on nursing.
[Da-eun] Hmm.
There's not one person here
who set out with some grand plan, y'know?
And who knows? You could grow into it.
I really don't think so.
My feelings aren't going to change.
Have you spoken about it
with Ms. Song yet?
I'm sure she'd be able to
convince you to stay.
Not yet.
I'm telling you before anyone else.
I suppose it seemed right.
[dance music pumping in background]
The thing is,
all the nurses have been strained.
And you're talking about losing one?
What were you thinking,
just letting her quit?
Why are you being like this, huh?
I just did the best I could.
She probably wouldn't have quit
if you had, would she?
You're positive it was your best try?
Yes, I really did what I could.
Hang on. Talking to your boss
like this isn't right.
No, it's not.
I'll tell you
the same things I said to her.
I discussed the consequences for her.
I told her that if she decides
to come back someday,
everything from her salary
to her reputation will have changed.
You should've gone scarier!
Just grab her
and really shake her up a bit.
At a certain point, we need to let her go.
Ultimately, it's her decision.
- Some beers over here, 'kay?
- You have to press this thing.
- Please bring us drinks.
- You're so hopeless.
[sentimental music playing]
[Seo-wan] We'll just go dragon slaying
some other day.
- [gasping]
- [bus stop bell dinging]
[breathing heavily]
[air brake hissing]
[Da-eun chuckles]
- Is there something wrong?
- Not really.
[Da-eun sighs]
we got a girl
who hurts herself in the unit.
And I don't know, I guess
it gets me thinking of Kim Seo-wan.
Ah I wish we could
just talk about happy times.
Only this is how it always goes.
Yeo-hwan told me one time,
uh, if there's mental illness involved,
it's gotta be seen
as a long-term fight, 'kay?
No matter how depressing things look,
let's talk, us two.
I don't think I'd like to be someone who
makes you stand under my umbrella alone.
[Da-eun chuckles]
I just wanna be there
in the storm with you.
[knocks on door]
Da-eun, come eat.
- Da-eun, hey.
- Huh?
Better eat.
Oh, okay.
The sauce was sweet already,
so I don't think I needed sugar.
I hope it's all right.
What? You must not be hungry?
No, not really.
Still, I'd better eat, right?
Better to get under the umbrella
than stand by yourself and get drenched.
- [Yeo-hwan] Here. Cheers!
- [Deul-re] Thank you!
[upbeat music playing in background]
- Yeo-hwan.
- Yes?
Deul-re's a free spirit, did you know?
Oh, is that so?
You see, we went to
this one musical before we got here.
The whole time,
she was shimmying like crazy.
You didn't break anything?
[both laugh]
No, it was my first one, 'kay?
Oh, your first one, huh?
Wow, that's crazy!
[chuckles softly] Uh, well, then,
I'll have to take her to many more.
- Aww!
- [both giggle]
You were doing it, too.
You were almost doing your own show.
Ah, well, occupational hazard.
Oh, uh, didn't you mention
working on a cruise?
I guess when passengers are clearing out,
the crew puts on a little show.
And they do farewell shows, too,
and meet up to practice it all.
And they get to sightsee
when they go to new countries.
- Oh.
- [Deul-re] Right?
- [Na-ra] You sound like a crew member.
- [Deul-re] Stop! [giggles]
- [Deul-re sighs happily]
- [both chuckle]
Well, I I think I got to know you
in an interesting way tonight.
You're a free spirit
who knows how to let loose.
And a new interest too.
A new interest?
The cruise.
Just talking about it, you seemed excited.
It's just that it's a whole other world
from mine, I suppose.
Why another world?
Now you can really do
anything you'd like to.
[Deul-re chuckles]
[poignant music playing]
Ah, Na-ra seems fun.
[Yeo-hwan chuckles]
[door opens]
Oh, cold. It's cold. Oh, cold.
- Oh, cold.
- Excuse me?
Ah, oh my, Dr. Dong.
Uh, hello.
[mutters awkwardly] Uh
- Oh, allow me.
- Oh gosh, no.
- I'll do it.
- Oh, no, I'm all right.
- I've got it, ma'am, it's fine.
- I can do it. No.
No. No, I I got I got it though.
Ah, goodness.
- [chuckles] You're up early this morning.
- Oh, yes.
Yes, I typically get up pretty early.
But what brings you here this early?
Da-eun told me
she had planned a morning walk.
- And I said I'd like to join her.
- Oh, that's great.
Da-eun's awake, right?
[tense music playing]
Oh, you bet!
You bet she's in there awake. [chuckles]
Oh, I just got out of bed, so
You don't mind waiting here? [chuckles]
[mischievous music playing]
[Mrs. Jung] Da-eun! Da-eun-
- [Da-eun, sleepily] Huh?
- Ah, I knew it, Da-eun! Hey!
- Da-eun, get up now!
- [groaning] Aww! Why?
Did you tell Dr. Dong
you'd be going on a walk, huh?
Oh, no! Oh my God!
What're you thinking,
forgetting something like that?
- Ah, God, ouch.
- Oh goodness. Are you
- I overslept.
- Get up, hurry!
I'm heading out!
I went out there dressed like a bum.
How embarrassing. Christ!
Hey, where are you going, huh?
Stop messing around.
- Why are you being so weird?
- Wait, I need
[Go-yun] Is she still asleep?
[playful suspenseful music playing]
[clears throat]
[exhales slowly]
[Da-eun] Dr. Dong.
- Oh. Sleep well?
- [chuckles]
I did.
Go on, my daughter.
- Bye, Mom, I'm going now.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Da-eun] Let's go.
- [Go-yun] Right.
[Da-eun sighs happily]
The sun always feels different
in the morning.
It's kind of like a rapid charger.
Like I'm a dead battery that gets charged,
whack, in an instant.
- Don't you think?
- Yeah.
[Da-eun chuckles]
So I guess it's like
you're my rapid charger.
Aw, don't say those things.
- Why not?
- [chuckles]
- [Yu-chan] Stop it.
- [woman] Just hold on!
- No, I'm good, I said.
- Wait, let me look! There!
There, there, there! All set. [chuckles]
- You'll do well, son.
- You got this.
Great, yes, go inside now.
You're embarrassing me!
- Go inside already! Go!
- You got this!
- Bye-bye!
- [Yu-chan sighs]
Hey, Song Yu-chan,
where are you off to so early?
Just work, that's all.
At dawn?
The company's not close.
What about you two?
- On a morning stroll.
- Oh.
Morning walks are known
to affect your melatonin levels,
so I thought we'd try it.
Nothing's better
to improve sleep, apparently.
Right. I guess this morning
will be the last one?
What's that mean?
Bro, this girl Is terrible at resolutions.
I give her three days tops.
Maybe just one, realistically.
- She's got such weak willpower!
- Zip it!
Unless you wanna meet your new boss
with a serious injury.
- Whoa! You hear her cursing?
- No, I didn't!
She cussed me out, I'm serious.
Over nothing, jeez.
All right, I get it. It's all good.
Tell you what,
I'll take a picture for you two.
- Shall we?
- All right.
All right.
One, two.
[camera clicks]
Turned out great.
- Shame we'll never see it ever again.
- What?
- Hey. Hey!
- See you later! [chuckles]
- That little-
- Wow, seriously!
This is really nice.
- It is, actually.
- [cell phone chimes]
Look how cute.
- Turned out nice, didn't it?
- It sure did.
[Yu-chan] Looking good, mayfly couple.
- He's still at it.
- Hey, mayfly?
Ah, don't worry about it.
Good luck on day one.
You've totally got this.
[wistful music playing]
[exhales sharply]
[door lock beeps]
Da-eun, today Ms. Park
is being given her IQ test, right?
Yes, it's been set up as
a full battery exam with the therapist.
Good, please check in with her.
Deul-re, please take a look
at Han Gyeong-ja's discharge.
A patient with Bipolar
is arriving today, Jung-ran.
Good luck, all.
[all] Good luck!
It's so hard
not to sound like an old woman.
When I give you a vocabulary word,
do your best
to please explain the meaning.
"To be proud."
Flying an aircraft, I think.
[Hyeok-soo] "To begin."
A game, or starting one.
Excuse me, may I ask a personal question?
[Hyeok-soo] "To avoid."
Why make the choice
to have us test your Byeong-hui's IQ?
Oh, Byeong-hui, she was a little slower
to pick up language when she was a girl.
She learned and spoke slower.
She struggled, as well,
to get along with other kids.
[man] Byeong-hui.
I'm sorry, but this score won't cut it.
Do it again.
[sighs heavily]
I told you,
your score's too low to go here.
Do it again.
[boy] Ma'am, my assignment.
[woman] Oh, good work.
Come here. Come on.
I need you to do me a favor.
Byeong-hui won't grasp
why this school's a no-go.
Make sure she gets it
and applies somewhere else.
You need to pick
a different school to go to.
Why would I?
I want to go train in a pilot course.
Dreams can't just come true.
So all you need to do
is write down a realistic option.
Explain away, Dumb-hui won't get it.
"Pilot." Try spelling it out, dummy.
- Then comes?
- [snickering]
[girl 1] "F"? What are you talking about?
- Well, then.
- [girl 2 snickering]
Spell "airplane."
Write it down, Dumb-hui.
[snickers] Can't do it?
I thought you want to be a pilot.
- [girl 3] Come on!
- [girl 1] It's too funny.
[girl 2] Can you write it in Korean?
[girl 3] She has to know
how to write it in Korean.
[girl 2] Wanna bet?
[tense music playing]
Why's everything a no for me, huh?
Why can't I do anything right?
Crazy bitch, what the?
- Hey, stop! What are you doing? Stop her!
- Let go!
[both grunting]
- [Byeong-hui yells]
- [grunts]
Why is everything I do wrong?
Why isn't anybody listening to what I say?
Why am I not allowed to do anything?!
Today there's someone new.
Song Yu-chan.
He comes to us
with a lot of prior experience.
- [gasps]
- [Yu-chan gasps]
This is the manager
at a really important firm.
Oh, oh, yeah. Uh, hello, ma'am.
Huh? You two know each other?
Oh, yes, of course we do.
Yu-chan used to work for us. [chuckles]
Yu-chan, you're working here now?
Why's that?
Our company would've been thrilled
to have you.
Oh, I just
I just wanted
to change things up, I guess.
[woman] Really?
Too bad.
You know, we used to have
a pet name for Yu-chan.
- [man] What is it?
- It's E-ZPass Yu-chan.
E-ZPass Yu-chan?
[woman] His reports always got approved.
Working with him was smooth sailing.
And unlike most employees these days,
he never said no, not once.
[woman 2] Wow,
sounds like we picked the right guy.
I'm sure he'll get you
a big ol' bonus, you'll see.
- You guys really picked a good one here.
- [man] Really? [chuckles]
- Hey, Yu-chan.
- Yes?
There's a report I have to submit today.
Could you give it a scan?
[unsettling music playing]
It's nothing all that hard.
If you could double-check
if I made any typos?
Come on, just this once.
- [unsettling music builds]
- [high-pitched ringing]
[inhales deeply]
[exhales slowly]
[Na-ra] What's up?
What prompted
this visit to our little studio?
Well, it's just that I really
wanted to ask you for some advice, Na-ra.
You really came all the way here for that?
Am I going completely crazy?
- You never want to share your thoughts.
- I don't?
No way!
You know, people used to call you a robot.
- I guess everyone has their own opinion.
- [Na-ra] Pretty much.
Right, then, tell me.
What kind of advice am I giving?
I want to work on a cruise ship too.
[Hyeok-soo] We have the IQ test results
for Park Byeong-hui, ma'am.
The results show that her IQ score is 71,
which means
that her IQ is lower than average.
I don't understand. She's?
People are considered average
at 90 or higher,
while mild disability starts below 70.
So those who score in the 70 to 84 range
are considered
to have a borderline intellect.
Byeong-hui is in that range.
There must have been
a problem with the test.
Can she take it again?
I'm I'm not sure how to
The score might seem low. That's true.
The number doesn't mean that much.
Kids in the borderline range,
with extra care,
prove capable, and, in general,
make comparable scores soon enough.
Still, once more, please, Doctor?
It would mean a lot to us.
You promised me
I wouldn't take more tests!
So, why am I retaking it, then?
[mother sighs]
You're being the same as everyone else is.
Why do you keep on
putting me down like this? Why?
Listen to me!
Come on, please just try it once more!
I said no.
I said I wouldn't!
[tense music playing]
Byeong-hui! Oh no!
- [Byeong-hui] Let go!
- Stay back.
[Byeong-hui breathing shakily]
- [yelps]
- [clattering]
Someone please come!
Byeong-hui, don't do it! Don't!
- [grunts]
- Byeong-hui!
[tense music builds]
- It's okay.
- Byeong-hui, it's okay.
So, Byeong-hui tried
to hurt herself again?
Mm-hmm, she seems to be on bad terms
with her mother ever since the test.
Put her under watch. That could work.
[sighs] Yeah, but what's best for her?
Sure, we can stop
her self-harm attempts for now,
but then what happens?
Wouldn't that essentially just
keep her pretty reliant on us?
I guess that's true.
Check this for me?
Could I, um use your hairband quick?
[determined music playing]
- Hey! What's going on?
- Hang on just a minute.
- Ow!
- Hurts, right?
Burns just a little, doesn't it?
Snap this instead from now on
when you want to self-harm.
We'll get as many bands as you need
for as long as you need.
Da-eun, you really did a great job.
Stopping any self-harm
is really difficult.
The most important thing to do
in this situation
isn't stopping the drive altogether.
It's switching their tools out
for less damaging ones.
Rather than hurting themselves,
there are other things they can do.
I think you're showing her that.
So, Byeong-hui can heal now?
[chuckles softly] With you helping her,
I think she has a great chance.
[relieved chuckle]
I really hope so.
[hair tie snaps]
[hair tie snaps]
Should I go too?
I don't think so.
I'll be all right.
Just let me, please?
I'll go along, and I'll pretend
to, like, be your bodyguard?
Look, I'm gonna be fine, all right?
Stay right here, okay?
- Stay there.
- [car alarm beeps]
[both chuckle]
Stay right there!
- Hi, everybody. My friend is here!
- [woman 1] Hmm?
- [woman 2] Huh?
- [man 1] Oh?
Deul-re wanted to observe a practice.
And she applied
for a staff position with us!
Seriously? That's great! No way, wow!
Hi. I'm sorry to intrude, everyone.
[woman 1] No, not at all.
[group vocalizing harmoniously]
[vocalizing continues]
The fun part is, at the end,
we all dance together.
[vocalizing continues]
[vocalizing, scattered clapping]
- [man] All right, yeah!
- [whooping]
[man 2] That was awesome!
[man 1] Yeah!
[groans softly]
Oh, hey, Yu-chan.
Hey, man.
Huh? Going to work, or what?
I'm on my way home for an hour or so.
Treating you so badly already?
You're a brand-new hire though!
[wearily] I know
- [alarm clock ringing]
- [Da-eun groans sleepily]
- [ringing stops]
- [Da-eun moans]
- [moans]
- Hey.
Hey, Da-eun.
- [moans sleepily]
- Da-eun, hey.
Da-eun, you awake?
No, Mom. I can't go. I'm too tired.
He's waiting. Get up now, dear.
[Da-eun] Just go and pretend
you're me today, all right?
[Mrs. Jung groans softly]
[Da-eun groans]
- [Mrs. Jung] Get up. Get up.
- No, Mom!
[Mrs. Jung] Hurry up and get up.
Go, hurry. Get lost. Scram.
No, Mom, wait! [groans]
[strained grunting]
[Da-eun groans softly]
Let's not today.
Right, let's not.
I'll work out extra tomorrow. Yeah.
Come on, you're coming along.
No, no!
[romantic music playing]
- [giggling]
- Careful, careful.
All right, ro-cham-beau!
[laughs gleefully]
- Just one more.
- No, no way, no.
- Just one more.
- I said no.
[romantic music continues]
[Da-eun] Wow!
He must have been really tired.
Oh well.
He sees patients all day,
and then there's some kind of thesis
he's working on these days too.
He's a hard worker.
No, Ma!
It smells amazing. Yummy.
No, don't come out. See you next time.
Doctor, just a second.
Can we talk, just for a little?
I wanted to tell you myself,
tell you
exactly how much I appreciate you.
[chuckles] Oh, no.
I really like her,
so it's really not a big deal.
It's hard for Da-eun, but I
See, I also
have been under a lot of stress.
Every time her face goes blank
or she seems even slightly depressed,
that's when my heart will seize up
and start to go all cold.
We'll be watching something,
a TV show, or the news,
and someone died or killed themselves.
And every single time,
I can't help but look for signs from her.
Maybe it's silly, but I
I worry about how she's sleeping.
And so then I'm up at night,
just to check she's in bed, safe.
Only then,
so I feel like I can relax at all.
I understand.
You're the closest person to her.
I'm sure that's hard.
Only now,
it's like so many fears are gone.
When I see my Da-eun by your side,
she smiles so beautifully and happily.
And so
so now I'm giving you
a blessing, you know?
[Go-yun] Ah
Oh, ma'am.
Thank you.
- No, I'm so thankful to you.
- Don't be.
Since you met my Da-eun
I think I could
I think I could rest in peace now,
thanks to you.
Oh my Wait, have you been ill?
[mischievous music playing]
[moans sleepily]
[Hyeok-soo] This test
is called matrix reasoning.
You need to choose the picture
from the choices below
that best suits the empty square.
Number four.
[knocking on door]
Yes, you can enter.
Um, Byeong-hui,
did she perform better on the test?
This time was a little better, 75.
Well, I suppose that's good news.
[sighs heavily]
[door lock beeps]
Why couldn't she score
just a touch higher?
I imagine she won't be happy
with this result either.
[Ms. Song] It's possible she wishes
that it was lower instead.
I made sure we went over this, didn't I?
That would make the score even lower.
On other tests, you told me
to put down some kind of answer, right?
Now I'm being told otherwise. Why?
Byeong-hui, that's why I clearly explained
to you how to do it.
Other students told me
that pilots need good grades.
One of the girls I room with
told me that's how it works.
So I solved all the puzzles I could.
Byeong-hui, I just
[sighs wearily]
[sighs heavily]
[distant plane passing]
[mother] Seventy-five this time.
Seventy-one the last time.
When 69 points is all she needed.
A two-point difference.
Two points lower, two, and Byeong-hui
There was a special needs school, you see.
This was all about admission
to a school that would suit her?
Oh Three.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
I'm just a little slow at calculations.
Could you please just wait a second?
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
[cashier] One. Two.
- Four.
- [Byeong-hui] Four.
[chuckles encouragingly]
My hope was that she would become
just a little more ordinary if she
was able to spend more time
with other kids around her.
But I eventually came to understand
that in order for her to go to college,
or to get work, or to fall in love, or
to be like normal people in most ways,
it'd be necessary to work twice as hard.
And still, it would be hopeless.
It's not that I like the idea
of my child being called disabled.
that's the reality.
[chuckles emotionally]
A child's dream is
what a mother keeps safe, only
only Byeong-hui dreams of
flying, which I know won't happen for her.
[sighs] Rather than encouraging
a dream that can never come true,
I want to ensure
that she has the greatest life she can.
And that is the best I can do
for my daughter, I just
Now it's impossible to put her
where she belongs. Two points over!
My child is anything but ordinary.
But I'm forced to raise her
as though she is.
[pen scribbling on paper]
[plane taking off]
Byeong-hui, why a pilot?
Why is that what you dream of?
I guess it's that
when me and my family went into the air,
I was the happiest, I think.
That's why I wanted to be a pilot.
Planes are happiness, I guess.
I get it,
though it's not just pilots
who get to fly in the sky, you know.
You can fly on airplanes
even if your job is different.
I still want
what I wanted all along.
[poignant music playing]
Okay, attention please!
Everyone take one.
- What is it?
- Let me see.
- What?
- Oh! It's the schedule.
- Right, it's for you.
- [woman] Gimme one!
- Look what I'm holding.
- [woman 2] Here.
What about it?
It's the cruise tour plan.
You get one as well.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Dubrovnik is where it sets out,
Then the Adriatic, to Europe,
all the way around Europe!
Let's have a fun year together, you and I.
A whole year?
I'm sorry I'm so late!
- I lost track of time, sorry.
- No worries, I just pulled in.
Uh so I, uh, did some digging,
and there's
this LOE, a letter that you need
to receive in order to go ahead.
Before the cruise.
Have you gotten that yet?
No, not yet.
The wait has to be pretty torturous, huh?
Wish they'd be quicker.
[Da-eun groans gently]
[grunts softly]
- [Yu-chan, wearily] Hey.
- Huh?
Hey, Song Yu-chan.
Wow, a seriously long time
since I saw you.
I thought you were dead.
It's not surprising, is it?
I'm working at this hour.
Ah, right. Your nose up to the grindstone.
Your old pals lost.
No one's forgetting anyone, okay?
You have no idea how much
I think about you all day.
Oh, wow I mean, come on,
just how do you manage to say that
about me without cracking up?
- Do you not think like that?
- Whoa!
We grew up together. I do think like that!
- Hm?
- That's our biggest issue, isn't it?
Because all we do
is worry and think all day.
"Is Jungda feeling sad today?"
"Is Song Yu-chan riddled with anxiety?"
But you and me can't worry
about each other right now.
You found yourself a boyfriend
to worry about going forward.
And I need to find someone too.
A girl who's pretty enough
to pass for an idol.
Okay. I swear not to be sick.
Now you promise me.
I swear I won't.
I'm off.
- It's just
- Hmm?
That said,
I'll take the stance that you
will not ever, ever, get to meet
somebody as beautiful as an idol.
Oh, what, you wanna fight?
- And this supposed girl, hmm?
- Mm-hmm?
Surely that woman would have standards!
- Oh, don't run away! Come back!
- [laughs]
- I'll forgive you!
- Don't wanna!
- Ha-ha!
- Come back! You little Hey! I'm gonna
- Get back over here! Hey, Jungda!
- [laughs]
[notification chimes]
[man 1] Mr. Song, please submit
an approval request as PM.
[woman 1] We've set up
a meeting with the client.
I wanna take you with me.
Clear your schedule.
[man 2] Form a task force
and report back when it's ready to go.
[woman 2] Make a list of who signed up
for the company talent show,
and send me a video link.
[man 1] Is that report ready?
Can I check it right now?
[mother] Yu-chan, your brother's closing
the coffee shop for an Internet café.
Call him up and talk him out of it.
[brother] What do you think of a franchise
instead of an independent chicken place?
We'd have to pay the franchise fee
and the renovation costs.
[tense music building]
[breathing shakily]
Okay, so what's up, then?
I've actually got
a disorder. I get, um panic attacks.
That was actually
the reason I quit my last job.
I'm sure work stress played a big part
in why it all happened.
So, what, you expecting some slack?
Ah, no, not at all, sir, no.
Uh, I I was wondering
if I could just set the pace
while I'm getting
some groundwork laid out here.
[man] Less work won't help you.
If you let work bury you,
there's no time to panic. Got it?
[tense music playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
[choked grunting]
[panicked breathing]
[tense music building]
[labored breathing]
[choked gasping]
[man] Oh!
It's completely flooded, look.
This way, here. Oh, I'm, uh
Why didn't you get out, sir?
Hey, your shoes are all soaked now.
See, the problem is that burst pipe.
- [relieved sigh]
- [man] Yep, doesn't look good.
- [pipe creaking]
- Oh Uh, ri right.
It was leaking the other day.
[man] I think
the same spot burst open again.
Ugh, that's why I told them over and over
that the whole pipe needs to get replaced.
They never took my advice.
[man] Cheaping out
to save pocket change, smart move.
- Yeah, that's what's gonna happen.
- [cell phone vibrating]
[man] I told them
[cell phone continues vibrating]
[cell phone vibrating incessantly]
[water sloshing]
See you tomorrow, guys.
[keyboard clacking]
[exhales sharply]
That's our biggest issue, isn't it?
Because all we do
is worry and think all day.
But you and me can't worry
about each other right now.
It's time to go.
Mr. Song, it's not time to go.
I want to help you out
with all of those reports, sir.
But I'm afraid
I signed the standard labor contract,
which states eight-hour days
are the limit here,
which works out to 40 hours a week.
If I keep working anymore,
we'd be ignoring labor principles
in the law.
But the more important point
is that I'm
leaving for the day
to take care of my health.
I hope you'll forgive me.
I really am sorry, but I'm going home now.
You found yourself a boyfriend
to worry about going forward.
And I need to find someone too.
A girl who's pretty enough
to pass for an idol.
So let's promise
that we'll stop getting sick.
I swear not to be sick.
Now you promise me.
I swear I won't.
[exhales sharply]
[breathing deeply]
[resolute music playing]
Byeong-hui. After you leave us,
you'll keep getting better, won't you?
[Hyeok-soo] Try to focus
primarily on your health.
This is the type of condition
that's manageable,
yet it can't be cured completely,
Byeong-hui. All right?
If things get too hard
to manage on your own
or you want to begin self-harming again,
please come back here.
We can help you, however you need.
The whole team here.
Sorry, what should I do with these?
- Oh, I'll take those.
- Thanks.
So, what did Byeong-hui
and you decide to do for school?
Well, for now she's going to
remain at her current school.
They agreed to start
a separate employment track for her.
Can Byeong-hui go
to pilot school as well?
She wants to go to pilot school still,
so she's going to be studying a lot now.
I said pilots
take employment classes, too,
so I bet we'll be fighting again later.
[chuckles] Just please
don't stress too much, all right?
Both you and Byeong-hui
will be better off for it.
I'll try.
You're amazing, Ms. Da-eun. Thank you.
[poignant music playing]
Thank you, that really means a lot.
[poignant music continues]
[door lock beeps]
Have you decided what's next for you?
I told Ms. Song
that I was thinking of quitting.
Only now I think it's a mistake.
[Da-eun] Hmm
You've been thinking a lot
There's not very much
to be confused about, is there?
On the cruise, I'd be
away from Yeo-hwan
for an entire year at least.
So, you think you're abandoning Yeo-hwan?
That's how it feels.
And also,
an entire year without him would
I honestly don't know
if I have it in me to go.
All right, everybody!
Grab your glasses. They full?
- Yes!
- Yeah!
Okay, folks, just before we say cheers,
let's thank Ms. Deul-re for the time
that we were lucky enough
to spend with her.
Of course, you won't forget me now.
- [laughter]
- You tease!
- Please, drink up. To an amazing girl!
- [all] To an amazing girl!
- [laughter]
- Ahem!
This is a gift we got for you.
It's from all of us here.
- [cheering]
- Yeah!
Thanks, guys!
It's matching shirts.
- One for you, one for your boyfriend.
- Huh?
[Min-seo] Hwang Yeo-hwan's your boyfriend.
- [giggling]
- Ayo!
- Oh my God! How did you know?
- You did have a boyfriend!
- Everybody knew. You weren't subtle.
- [Ms. Hong] That's right.
I've been practicing
for their wedding speech.
- And what about you and your boyfriend?
- What?!
Yeah, you got a boyfriend, too,
that butt doctor guy, Dong!
It's fine to want some privacy.
It's just you're both so obvious.
I mean,
holding hands outside the hospital?
- No, it's just a habit now!
- Oh, habit, you say?
- No, that's not
- You said so!
- No, I meant No!
- [Ms. Hong] Aww, you guys are so cute.
[Da-eun] I'm so embarrassed!
In a lifetime,
we all eventually experience
some difficulties.
Maybe things don't happen
the way you want them to.
But then, all roads
lead back to me, don't they?
So you can call me anytime.
Because no matter what happens,
if someone causes you trouble,
I'll rush over.
- Thanks, Mr. Yoon, you're a gem.
- [chuckles]
You kept working to be better, and that
always got me trying to work harder.
When you began,
you were young and inexperienced.
Still, you being here
made me a better nurse.
Not at all.
Really, I learned so many things
by being with you.
I'm grateful, Ms. Park.
[sighs] It's bittersweet, isn't it?
Goodbyes, it seems, you know?
- [all chuckle]
- I'll choose to see all the good things.
There's less competition,
after all now, right?
I mean, Ms. Song, listen.
Everyone says Deul-re, even when
I'm there, is the next head nurse!
Thank you.
It's just, it's you know,
that sorta talk really gets you down!
- Hey, I don't get mentioned for it.
- I don't either.
Well, that sure sounds nice and all,
it's just I won't be stepping down soon.
[Soo-yeon] Right
So you all be patient,
or I'll start flipping the grills over.
As fun as that sounds,
let's toss back some drinks!
- All right. Let's go.
- [all] Cheers!
[Da-eun] Cheers.
[pensive music playing]
This spot again, huh?
[chuckles] Yeah.
And do you
still think of yourself as a pile of shit?
I don't.
If I was, that'd mean
that you'd be dating
a pile of shit, right?
The cruise is
I say go.
You keep having to make tough choices.
You had to cut off your own mother
and leave your career
to try to find real happiness.
And you went through
those hardships for a reason.
To get to where you are now.
So, then, why hesitate?
Do you worry about leaving me?
I do.
Your dream
it's more important than us/
If I were your doctor
and you were a patient of mine
that prescription's
what I'd recommend for you.
Do you think
we're breaking up or something?
- Huh?
- 'Cause you're sorta acting like we are.
I'm, uh,
"more than us" is really
a figure of speech, that's all,
- Hm?
- [chuckles]
It's like, "Nah, I'll be fine.
Don't be worried." You know?
Gosh, for a second there,
you seemed really cool, until
Ah, noted.
Now I'm not?
Now you seem
kinda like a dork.
[Deul-re chuckles]
[both chuckle]
I wonder how Deul-re is coping.
When I look at both of you,
it kinda seems like
everybody is striving
for something in their lives, and
I'm in the same spot as ever, you know?
A smoke sounds nice.
Ah, nuh-uh, no way.
Thank you.
If you stop and think about it,
what we're hoping to puzzle out
is how to be a same-spot person like you.
You're the complete, hmm
version of yourself already.
- Think so?
- Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
That sounds good, huh?
Mmm. Did you drink a lot?
[Deul-re] What are you doing out here?
Oh, the fresh air felt so good.
How's the boss? Huh? Is she drunk?
Yeah, there's no stopping her now.
As is her right.
[Ms. Hong] Take responsibility!
Gotta get her straight before you leave.
- Go!
- [chuckling]
- C'mon!
- Ms. Deul-re?
[Deul-re] Huh? Oh, Ms. Song.
All right. Gimme a big hug.
[chuckles softly]
You are always welcome back.
I really am grateful to you.
It means so much, really.
[chuckles emotionally]
Oh, come here, already.
- [Da-eun] Mmm!
- Aww! [giggles]
[Da-eun] Mmm!
Me too! Whoa!
You can't leave me out from getting hugs!
- [Da-eun] Ms. Park! Come join us!
- Hurry! Run!
- Hurry! Hurry!
- [giggling]
[all laughing, squealing]
[poignant music playing]
[woman] Thanks. Have a good trip.
- [Deul-re] Thanks so much.
- Next.
[both chuckle]
[Da-eun chuckles]
Were you hoping for Dr. Hwang?
[chuckles softly] He wanted to come with,
but I finally talked him out of it,
It doesn't make much sense if he'd
given up on the speech for the seminar,
know what I mean?
Really? It seems like
the type of trick he'd pull. [chuckles]
While I'm gone,
can you please keep an eye on him?
Mm-hmm. And I'll keep
you posted on everything.
[both chuckle]
[inhales deeply]
So, then, what brings you here?
Hmm. Hard to say.
I wanted to come and see you off, but also
to let you know,
whenever I watched you work,
I would always think,
"I want to be a great nurse like her."
Well, you made me quit
trying to be a nurse at all.
Since I could never be
as good a nurse as you, Ms. Jung.
Someone who seems to just
get on their feet again, no matter what.
Unlike me,
I'm someone who needs help standing.
That's why I want to do this.
I want to learn
to get back up by myself now.
So looks like we had a good influence
on each other, wouldn't you say?
- [chuckles]
- [Da-eun chuckles]
How have you been doing?
[Byeong-hui] Good.
Things with your friends are good?
Do you think I'm too
too troublesome, miss?
[boy] Ugh, you're killing me.
For the last time, you'll go
to room eight for employment training.
That one's not my classroom, 'kay?
It's the room
where you learn to get jobs, okay?
Like how to work
on a computer or something.
I'll go to college.
No, you can't.
Just leave her alone.
Taking some class won't help her,
It doesn't matter if she goes or not.
[sighs] They told me
I have to make her go.
Whatever. Let's just get it done.
- I wanna stay here.
- You gotta go.
Refusing won't get you
into a top-ranked school,
or in a cockpit, 'kay?
Why not? I can do it!
- [boy sighs]
- [grunts]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[tense music builds]
[breathing heavily]
[elastic band snaps]
Byeong-hui, you made
the right choice, okay?
So, how did you get here?
Is your mother traveling with you?
Not now.
I started working here.
I came here for practical training.
The teacher in the job class said I should
try to be near the spot
where I'd dreamed of getting hired at.
[Da-eun] Mmm.
Oh, I guess you have to go?
Till next time.
I'll see you around, Ms. Jung.
[poignant music playing]
[sighs happily]
[poignant music continues]
[Da-eun] We're all standing on a border.
Byeong-hui stood on the border
between dreams and reality
until she finally found her own answer.
Yu-chan stood on the border
between anxiety and stability.
Yu-chan, hey.
- It's six.
- Oh, is it?
[Da-eun] And now,
he's found a way to stop hurting.
All right, everyone, that's it for today.
Great job, guys.
[heavy rain pattering]
[birds singing sweetly]
[Da-eun] I once stood on the border
between depression and hope,
until I found someone who always
visits me before depression ever does.
We all cross between night and day
in the journey of an entire life.
Hello, again.
Ji Seung-jae, here at the Psychiatric Unit
as a nurse, miss.
Get in here.
I'll be your preceptor today.
It would be nice to
have a real orientation,
but we're much too low
on resources at the moment.
You gotta be quick to adapt,
I'm afraid, Mr. Ji.
As I'm sure you remember,
we're very short-staffed.
Which means there'll be no time to go over
every little thing like we would normally.
[Mr. Yoon chuckles]
[man 1] If you say so. Let's go again.
There's no curtains up in here,
so we all tend to get up
a little bit early
when compared to most units.
Just hang on.
He won that round. [chuckles]
[man 2 sighs] Fine.
Depression is like
a physical ailment, see.
Telling someone with depression
to "snap out of it" can
[Min-seo] Hmm?
Oh. Thanks.
Hey, I'm going to buy some pants.
Do you like these?
They seem nice.
Yes, magnetic fields,
which means much fewer side effects.
- It'll probably take 30 minutes.
- Hey.
- Are you hungry yet?
- Not at all.
[Ms. Song] Dong forget
to take your medication.
You're too big to hide.
- Eat that outside.
- Ugh, I get it, come on.
You always harass me over snacks.
I'm hiding to eat!
Is that mine? It's mine, hey!
All right, go on!
Take some of this. Have at it!
Thank you very much!
[Da-eun] Each one of us is standing
on the border between normal and abnormal.
[poignant music playing]
[closing theme playing]
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