Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Reddo doragon 2

[theme music playing]
[Marcille] No.
Can she even be revived after all that?
I've heard
that it's been done before, but
-Hey, Laios. What are you
[Laios] The resurrection office.
They'll know what to do.
Are you planning to take everything?
But aren't Warg bones mixed in there too?
[Laios] It's hard to tell them apart.
-[Senshi sighs]
[Chilchuck] Let me help.
[whimpers, gasps]
-Please wait!
-[both gasp]
The link between the soul and body
is fragile now.
You shouldn't move her.
[Marcille] The more damaged the body is,
the weaker the soul's bond.
When a resurrection fails,
it's usually
because the soul separated too far,
or because the body wasn't fully restored.
[Laios] Then, what should we do?
We go get a revival specialist
and revive her here.
[Marcille] But the restoration requires
more than twice the amount of calories
for the damaged parts.
So, we'd also need to bring
a lot of fresh meat for it to work.
It would rot on the way down, wouldn't it?
-Hang on.
[Marcille] Yes.
We have a large amount of fresh meat
right here in front of us.
Hey. Now hold on a sec.
You're gonna resurrect her
with dragon meat?
Reviving isn't even your specialty.
I didn't want to scare anyone
so I never mentioned it.
What I specialize in
is actually ancient magic,
which is highly forbidden.
Its use is frowned upon,
but using it to revive Falin
is our best option.
-Black magic?
That stuff is evil!
-Magic doesn't have morality.
-[Chilchuck gasps]
Well, Laios? It's your choice.
Please do it, Marcille.
Bring my sister back from the dead.
All right, then.
I'll try.
[Chilchuck] Are you guys insane?
Using dragon meat of all things!
Goat and pig are what people
would normally use for this.
But we don't have that right now.
[Laios] All right, let's start.
[Marcille inhales deeply]
-[blood squelches]
-[both groan]
First things first,
I would like to put the body
back in its original shape,
so I'll start assembling her skeleton.
That makes sense.
I'm familiar with canine skeletons.
[Laios] So I'll work
on putting the Wargs together.
[both] Mm.
That's kinda unnecessary, isn't it?
Not if it helps us avoid mixing something
and making dumb mistakes!
[Marcille] Humans have around 200 bones.
[Laios] Then we're looking
at about 840 bones total.
[Chilchuck] Huh? How do you know that?
[Laios] Dogs have around 320 bones,
and there are two skulls here,
so it's easy math.
Let's start
with the most recognizable ones.
The rounder set is a human's rib cage.
And the spine
is directly connected to the ribs.
Their curves don't look the same,
so they're easy to tell apart.
[Marcille] The toughest ones
are the smaller bones
from the hands and feet.
[Laios] Yeah, it's a lot harder
to tell the difference.
Let's start with the bigger pieces
and work down.
This piece that I'm holding
is the ankle bone.
Find the next biggest one,
then connect the two sides that line up,
and the instep is complete.
And then,
we have the bones from the hands.
Let's arrange them
starting with the fingers.
I got it! Ha!
[Laios] Like this, right?
-So close.
-[Laios] Aw.
Actually, the longest metacarpal,
despite what you might think,
goes on the pointer finger.
That just leaves us with the ones
that connect the fingers to the wrist.
[Laios] Hmm.
-Hint, please!
-This isn't a game, Laios!
[sighs] There.
[Marcille] It's ready!
How do I put this?
What a beautiful skeleton.
[Chilchuck] Not bad for some bones.
[Senshi] Seems she had
a good calcium intake.
[Chilchuck] This isn't gonna revive
the Wargs too, is it?
Only human souls get bound to the dungeon.
Because otherwise, this place would burst
from all the monsters' souls.
[foreboding music playing]
All right, here we go.
[Marcille] O Pilitsham.
O Esdoms. O Villaru.
Casuszameo Rotokt Artumcuks.
-O Kunquikeo. Eoktum Kome.
[Marcille] Tumao Elm Finktow Kemesfo.
Aoewauk Aentujon.
Tumao Elm Finktow Kemesfo.
Aoewauk Aentujon.
Tumao Elm Finktow Kemesfo.
Aoewauk Aentujon
[Laios] Marcille!
She just fainted.
[Chilchuck] So, what happened?
Did it actually work?
[whimpers softly]
Her airway's full of blood!
[Laios] All right, just cough it out.
[Falin coughs, retches]
[Laios] There. All good.
[Falin coughs, retches]
[Falin coughing]
[Falin faintly] Brother
[in normal voice] I'm glad you're safe.
-You're cold.
[Laios] Right, my armor! Sorry!
Let me go get you some clothes.
[Laios] Falin, what's the matter?
You're feeling okay, right?
[Falin] Uh-huh.
Good. I'm glad to hear it.
-[Laios] Marcille.
[Laios] Marcille!
[gasps] How's Falin?
Alive and well.
-But she's still a bit disoriented.
[Marcille whimpering]
[Marcille] Falin!
[Marcille] I'm so glad!
Thank goodness!
-[Falin] Marcille
-[Marcille sobbing]
-[approaching footsteps]
[Falin] Chilchuck.
[Chilchuck] How are you feeling?
She's still kinda confused about this.
Oh, right. This guy here?
His name is Senshi.
He's been a big help during our journey.
Good to meet you, Falin.
I've heard a lot about you.
-[stomach grumbles]
-[all] Hmm?
[all chuckle]
[Laios] Hm.
Seems like a good time
to start prepping a meal.
[water trickling]
Thank goodness!
I was so worried, Falin!
I'm so happy
that everything worked out in the end!
-Uh, Marcille?
I can wash myself, you know.
Yeah, but I wanted to make sure
your skin was properly restored.
[Falin] That tickles!
[Marcille] Yes. Good.
[gasps] Why is there a bruise here?
That's a mark I got from tripping
and hitting the edge of the stairs
when I was a little kid.
Oh, that's all?
[Falin] Marcille,
you look even paler than I do.
That's because I don't have any mana.
If I eat something and get rest,
I should be fine
[yelps] What are you
Sorry if I scared you, I was trying
to give you some of my mana.
You don't have to do that.
I don't even think you have enough
to share with me right now, do you?
[Falin] I actually feel good.
Like there's power
welling deep inside of me.
Falin, you're still on the mend,
so please don't use magic
until you're used to your body again.
[Falin] I died, didn't I?
I don't really remember much about it.
What happened exactly?
You were all covered in wounds, and
for the Red Dragon to appear here
Wait! Are Shuro and Namari okay?
I would feel just awful
if anyone risked their lives
and got hurt because of me.
No, they're all fine.
-[Falin] Also
that magic circle I saw
there was something
that just didn't feel right about it.
I'm so sorry.
It's all my fault
you had to use something like that.
Stop worrying!
Sure, we ran into some hardships,
things got pretty rough.
But it's easy to look back
and laugh at all that now,
'cause everything
turned out well in the end!
Falin, there's no need for you
to blame yourself.
[Marcille] No one regrets
anything that we've been through.
[Marcille] As for that magic circle,
things will be fine if we erase it.
-[Marcille] For the moment
our biggest concern
is how to safely get back home.
Oh! I still have to wash all my clothes.
And we still have to find you
a new outfit.
Ah, if it weren't for those stupid frogs.
There were frogs?
[Chilchuck] What do we do now?
Return to the surface.
[Laios] We can't use return magic
or the Orcs' tunnels,
so we'll have to get to the castle
from the main road.
[Chilchuck] Not what I meant.
You may have rescued your sister,
but the fact remains
that we're still broke.
I do have some savings
in the bank, you know.
But no promissory note.
And it'll take a month to reproduce it.
[Laios] Yeah, you're right.
So about that Marcille,
the black magic she used,
did you already know she had that ability?
I never asked her about the details,
but she had mentioned
wanting to go into a dungeon to study it.
[Chilchuck] It always seemed weird to me.
An elf who looked like
she was living pretty comfy
wanting to go into a dungeon?
You don't suppose she's one
of those dark elves, do you?
-[Laios] Oh?
-I don't want her causing
any problems for us
-[Chilchuck gasps]
-Who are you calling a dark elf?
If dark magic was harmless,
it wouldn't be forbidden!
Oh, yeah?
So you consider healing magic harmless?
'Cause even that can be used for torture.
I'm researching ways that forbidden magic
can be useful to people.
And honestly, I'm not ashamed of it.
[both] Uh
Although I think it's for the best
if we forget about
the method of resurrection
this time around, if that's okay?
Didn't you just say that
you weren't ashamed of it?
[sighs] It's fine.
It's all over anyway.
Hm? I just realized
-[Senshi humming]
[continues humming]
[Laios] Where did Senshi go?
Maybe dealing with the dragon meat?
Oh, I just passed Mr. Senshi.
He was carrying a giant pan
along with firewood.
Like I said.
He's prepping food.
-[Laios] Hmm.
Near the dragon?
[both whimper]
[all] We got to stop him!
[Falin] What's happening?
When I cut open the dragon,
I cut the fuel organ.
[Laios] So lighting a fire
close to it is gonna
-[Laios] Stop!
-[loud explosion]
-[loud rumble]
-[all groan]
He's alive.
Is this defensive magic?
[gasps softly]
Falin, did you cast that?
I think so.
How'd you do it so fast
and without chanting?
I don't know.
[Falin] I thought about needing
to protect everyone, and then
-[Chilchuck] That's amazing.
Is it that sudden heroic strength thing?
Sure had been real helpful to have
when we were fighting the Red Dragon.
[Marcille] Anyway,
you were revived not that long ago,
so please,
refrain from using any more magic.
That startled me.
Didn't I say that dragons breathe fire
from fuel they produce?
[Laios] You ignited that fuel.
[Senshi] It's not going out, huh?
[Laios] The fat inside
the body is burning.
It'll die down eventually.
If that's the case,
then I can't take the meat from in there.
Hmm. Not good.
[flame crackles]
Guess I'll use that fire to cook.
[Senshi] Mix flour, yeast, salt,
and water in a bowl, and knead well.
Let it rest for a bit
Go take a bath while it rests.
[Senshi] Shape it to your liking
as you stretch it out,
and add your choice of toppings.
Lightly sprinkle flour
onto a piece of dragon hide,
then place it inside the dragon.
Cut off the tip of the dragon's tail.
No, that's so wasteful!
Now, skin it and place it in a soup.
Cut the meat into a block shape,
place it on a heated scale,
and after both sides are seared,
dip it into some seasoning.
[both gulp]
[Senshi] It's ready!
Oh, man.
Looks delicious!
Is this okay to eat?
-Of course, it isn't!
-Of course, it isn't!
[both gasp]
It feels like the first good meal
I've eaten in a while.
Good, good!
Take your revenge on that dragon.
-[Marcille groans]
-I guess it's fine.
I'm just glad that she's feeling better.
[light music playing]
Ah [grunts]
It's pretty tough,
but the flavor seems kind of familiar.
Yeah, I can't really place it.
I don't think it's cow or pig though.
If anything, it kinda tastes like
It's a bit like Living Armor, isn't it?
Ah, you think so?
I don't taste
the same rusty tinge the armor had.
The Kelpie and frog were pretty soft.
So maybe it's more like the Basilisk?
[Marcille] What do you think, Laios?
What are you all even talking about?
[Laios] This color!
This firm texture!
The rich flavor!
Each of these things
are distinctly unique!
So, why do you keep comparing
the taste of this to anything else?
Because this is the flavor of a dragon!
[Marcille] Oh, uh, Falin?
You may have realized by now, but
We haven't had the resources to buy food,
so we've been eating monsters.
So cool.
That is so cool!
[Falin] What kind of monsters did you eat?
And how did you eat them? Tell me!
Worried for nothing.
This is the worst possible outcome!
-We ate a Scorpion and a Slime.
-[Falin gasps]
Even a Walking Mushroom.
-[Falin] No way! You did?
-[Laios snaps fingers]
We harvested vegetables
from some Golems too.
[Falin] Wow.
You ate a Fish-man?
That wasn't an option.
We did eat some Living Armor though.
[Falin] Huh? How'd you do that?
Let's see.
The armor is basically the outer shell,
and then,
inside is a mollusk colony, which
Wouldn't it be a lot faster
to show her the real thing?
-What's this about?
Laios! Why'd you keep this from us?
-I'm so sorry.
Adorable. Can I touch?
-[Falin] Huh?
It went back in.
[Chilchuck] It moves around on its own.
[Marcille] Seriously?
[Laios] Sorry.
It was only supposed to tide me over
until I found another weapon.
But it reacts to other monsters,
which is convenient.
You were oddly perceptive at times.
[Chilchuck] We should've had Namari
appraise it for us.
In that situation,
I probably would have also thought
to hold on to it.
But tell everyone next time.
[Chilchuck] If you lose the trust
of those around you,
you lose everything.
I won't do it again.
You have my word.
All right. So, what's your plan now?
I'd like to keep it
until I get another weapon.
[Laios] I can kill it
if I submerge it in water.
But I'd have to break the sword
to get it out
or it would just rot in there.
[Marcille] That's not good.
[Chilchuck] Guess we'll keep an eye on it.
Aren't you the one who said
monsters are dangerous creatures?
And trust me,
I haven't forgotten about that.
I figured after I had made it harmless,
I could just go on and use it
however I felt like.
But I guess I was wrong.
It's too difficult to use monsters
while they're still alive.
What does it taste like, brother?
Do you want to eat it?
Yes, please! I'd love that!
[Marcille groans]
[Senshi] There's doors
all over this place,
but seems like
only two of them lead outside, huh?
[Laios] No getting ambushed at least.
[Marcille] Hm.
This house seems like
it will be comfortable to live in.
Why do they have seven bathrooms, though?
[Laios] All right. Let's sleep here then.
[Marcille] Yay! It's been ages
since I slept on a real bed!
[Chilchuck] We still got to use
-our sleeping bags, you know.
I'm sorry to be intruding like this.
Once we get enough rest,
then we'll be on our way.
Hey, what's up?
[Falin] A resident.
She's letting us stay.
Is that so?
[Laios] That's great.
There are only four of 'em,
so we'll have to share a sleeping bag.
We haven't really slept in the same bed
since our school days, have we?
I wonder if we'll both fit.
I feel like I've probably gotten
a lot taller since then, huh?
[Marcille] Oh, don't be so ridiculous!
-[Falin gasps]
I don't care if you've grown.
You're still a runt in my eyes.
[Marcille giggles]
I'm glad that you're with us again.
Yeah. Me, too.
I'm gonna go say goodnight to my brother.
[Laios groaning]
-[Falin] Brother?
-[Laios] Hmm?
What is it?
[grunts softly]
This injury here
You were being reckless.
Why would you do
Ah! [groans]
Maybe if a certain sister of mine
hadn't been reckless first,
I wouldn't have even had that injury.
So don't ever do anything like that again!
I honestly can't say
I even recall what I
[soft string music plays]
[Falin] I won't do it again.
Goodnight, big brother.
You too. Sleep tight.
[footsteps approaching]
[foreboding music playing]
[closing theme music playing]
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