Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e12 Episode Script

The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps

Here goes
Hold onto the furniture!
That one's a demon
with supernatural powers!
Stop launching those reckless assaults!
You damn insects
running amok in my house!
The room freakin' spun around!
This is fun! This is fun!
Don't stomp all over her!
Who the hell are you?
What do you think you're doing,
stepping on a little kid like that?
I like it! I like it!
No human's ever sent me flying
like that before!
Why is he coming after me?
Isn't he a Demon Slayer?
My swords will hurt you.
Because they're not the kind of swords
you little gentlemen use!
The way they shred through flesh
That's what I pride myself on!
Knock it off! There's a demon
right there, you know!
Like I care!
Damn insects!
Out of my sight! Die!
The floor ripped apart all of a sudden!
At the same speed
as the sound of the tsuzumi!
In the shape of a beast's claws!
Spinning right!
Spinning left!
Damn insects!
You damn miserable insects!
I'm starting to get the hang of it now!
We're in yet another room now?
But what does this mean?
That demon didn't strike
his tsuzumi just now.
I'm picking up the scent
of multiple demons in this house.
Is there another demon
with a tsuzumi, then?
Is that why
I can smell blood.
It's gonna be all right, okay?
Just stay behind me.
Another human ripped to shreds
and devoured!
Wh-What's the matter?
It's all right.
There are no demons around.
Come on, let's head over there.
Without a backward glance.
Look straight ahead, okay?
Now there's another scent.
A unique scent of blood
I've never smelled before.
Looks like there wasn't that much bleeding.
Excuse me, Zenitsu.
Signal Signal Signal Signal me first!
If you want to talk,
don't come at me all of a sudden!
My heart nearly flew
out of my mouth just now!
I'm sorry.
If that had come to pass,
that would've made you a murderer
for sure! Do you get that?
It's just that See
You've been sweating, gasping
and shivering so horribly.
What about it?
Aren't I doing the best I can here?
Well, forgive me for saying so,
but you're making me nervous, too, so
Oh no! Sorry about that!
Even still Even still
If we talk too much,
those demons and all will
They might find us, right?
That's why
I think it would be best
to be as quiet as possible! Right?
A couple of kids.
Probably most agreeable to the tongue.
What did I tell you?
A demon showed up!
A demon showed up, understand?
Stay away! Stay away from us!
Stop that!
W-W-We don't taste good!
I'm sure I taste awful!
I'm serious, okay?
This kid's all skin and bones,
so he's all dry and tastes ghastly!
How will I know until I have a taste?
What was that? Quick-tongued!
Splitting a vase in two!
That's just not possible!
Zenitsu! Get up!
It's in my knees now!
80 percent of my fear is in my knees!
This is no time to whine, all right?
Just leave me behind, okay?
Make a run for it!
I can't do something like that!
What a great kid this is!
Even though I'm making
terrified sounds like this!
I gotta find a way somehow!
If I don't protect him,
what will become of him?
Dying before he reaches double digits
would be way too tragic!
But I'm so horribly weak!
Get up!
I don't have the ability to protect him!
But if I don't protect him
I'm gonna guzzle your brain matter
through your ears!
He's fast asleep.
What's up with him?
Please wake up!
Wh-What's this sound?
This guy
He's giving off a different vibe!
Thunder Breathing First Form,
Thunderclap and Flash.
It's dead!
All of a sudden, it's dead!
What the hell? I can't take this!
What is this? What is this? Yuck!
Don't tell me
Thank you! You saved my life!
I shall be eternally grateful
to you for this!
Why didn't you tell me sooner
that you were so powerful?
What are you talking about?
Did you say something?
Uh, no. Forget it.
Let's go now, okay?
Damn! He sent me flying again!
It's been like this
for the last three days, dammit!
Making my way
through a cramped building like this
It's just not my thing
for crying out loud!
Hey, you dodged me.
You seem to be a pretty fresh human.
Your flesh will be well worth
gouging out!
Self-taught Beast Breathing.
It's gonna be so worth it
to shred such a huge target!
You've got guts to charge me
head-on like that!
Flaunt your corpse
and serve as my springboard!
Fang Three Devour!
Comin' through! Comin' through!
If I can just devour some
No, a hundred humans' worth
I gotta search for more humans
with marechi and consume them.
That way
I can reclaim my place
among the Twelve Kizuki!
You can't eat any more?
Is that all you've got?
No, I'm not done!
P-Please give me more time!
J-Just a little!
I've had enough.
I'm stripping you of your number.
That's your limit, and you've reached it.
The more humans you devour,
the stronger you can become.
And once he saw my potential,
Master Kibutsuji was willing
to share his blood with me.
The power of that man's blood
was mind-boggling.
I was sure that I'd grow
infinitely stronger than ever before,
be welcomed into the ranks
of the Twelve Kizuki,
continue to gorge myself on humans
and become even more powerful!
Or so I believed!
Or so I believed.
Brother Kiyoshi!
Wh-Who's he?
I'm Tanjiro Kamado.
I've come to defeat evil demons.
Now then, show my your wounds.
Good for you
for hanging in there on your own.
Now this ointment here is amazing!
My master gave it to me!
My master always wears a goblin mask.
Yes, it's true.
My master's ointment is so amazing,
it works in a split second.
Okay, you're all set!
Well? The pain's gone, isn't it?
Do you think you can you tell me
what happened here?
A monster dragged me away,
a-and I nearly got devoured.
But just then,
another monster showed up
out of nowhere,
a-and they started fighting to the death
over who was gonna get to e-eat me.
A-And then,
the one with the tsuzumi
growing out of him
When the other monster defeated him,
he dropped a tsuzumi!
And when I picked it up and struck it,
this room suddenly changed.
And I somehow held on until now!
A demon with tsuzumi
growing out of him
So that was him?
He mentioned marechi
or something like that.
That's right!
He kept calling me "Marechi"!
What is "marechi"?
It refers to the owner of rare blood!
You little brats!
I'm going to peck you now.
Cut it out!
What do you mean by "rare blood"?
The blood of all living species
can be categorized into types, idiot!
And the ultimate marechi
The more scarce the blood,
the more uncommon
For a demon!
A single marechi human has the same
nutritional value as eating fifty!
One hundred humans!
For demons, marechi is a feast!
Marechi is their favorite food!
I'm leaving this room now.
Keep calm.
It's all right.
I'm just going to take down that demon.
Listen to me, Teruko.
Right now, your brother
is terribly exhausted.
So, you gotta look after him, okay?
As soon as I leave the room,
strike that tsuzumi and move out.
Just like Kiyoshi's been doing until now,
whenever someone tries to open
the door or you hear something,
strike that tsuzumi right away
and make a run for it.
I promise to come get you.
I'll follow your scent.
I'll call out your names
when I open the door.
You just have to hold out a little longer.
You can do it, right?
Good for you!
You're so strong!
I'm heading out.
Strike it!
Damn insects!
So infuriating!
The tsuzumi on his right shoulder
flips the room right!
The left one flips it left!
Right leg, forward spin!
Left leg, backward spin!
The tsuzumi on his belly
launches that claw attack!
So fast!
The speed of the rotations
and attacks is devastating!
Miss Tamayo did treat my wounds,
but these injuries aren't fully healed yet!
Can I beat him?
Can I?
These injuries hurt so bad
I can hardly stand it!
All this time, I've just been enduring it!
When I pulled Zenitsu off that girl,
when I shouted out,
I was enduring the most terrible pain!
I was able to withstand it
because I'm the eldest son!
But I couldn't have
if I were the second son!
Whenever I dig in,
the broken parts creak,
and I can't muster any strength.
That demon's attack is leaving scars
that look like claw marks.
It scares me so much
that I can't move in closer!
Since I'm not at full strength,
if I charge forward
to get within striking distance,
a flash of pain makes me stumble!
I'll get sliced into rings!
My injuries are making me
imagine the most awful things!
Mr. Urokodaki!
Water can change into any form.
Pour it into a container,
and it's a square.
Pour it into a bottle, and it's round.
Sometimes, it can even smash boulders
and flow away as far as the eye can see.
That's right!
That's right!
There are ten Water Breathing forms!
So, I can battle any kind of opponent!
If you're hurt,
then make a move
that will compensate for it!
I can take on any form!
And this flow will never be stopped!
Right now, it's not just my bones!
My heart's also been broken!
A broken Tanjiro's not gonna do any good!
All right! If you could
please quiet down!
Look straight ahead!
Rouse yourself!
Give it all you've got, Tanjiro!
Give it all you've got!
I've done a good job until now!
I have what it takes!
And not today
or any time in the future!
Even if I'm broken
I'll never give up no matter what!
Give it all you've got, Tanjiro!
Give it all you've got!
I'm the eldest son, so I can endure it!
You're gonna cheer me on,
too, right, Nezuko?
Thanks, Nezuko!
Okay, to show my gratitude,
I'm gonna cheer you on, too!
Give it all you've got, Nezuko!
Give it all you've got!
You'll never give up no matter what!
You're the eldest daughter,
but if anything bad happens to you,
don't endure it. Just tell me, okay?
Next, Episode 13,
"Something More Important Than Life."
Looks like we've run out of time
for the Taisho secret!
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