Demon's Path (2018) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

I can't help getting impressed by you.
A normal person
would have gone crazy
after cutting off his own finger.
Yet, after such a long time,
you're still so sane.
You even stole a bone in an attempt
to cut off your foot and escape.
Kill me.
If you don't kill me,
you'll die a horrible death.
You're so fun. How can I kill you?
What exactly do you want?
I want to tell you
that I won't make you
cut your fingers anymore.
Because your friends
won't come and save you.
They all left to capture Cheng Wan San.
Even if I cut off your head
and send it over,
they'll still be the same.
You don't have to use these tricks.
I won't believe you.
I didn't believe it either.
But this is the fact.
I feel so bad for you.
You're so clever.
You actually put the soil here
into the fingernail
of the finger you cut off,
hoping that they can
find a clue and save you.
Unfortunately, even if you cut off
your foot to tip them off,
they won't care about you.
You're lying. That's impossible.
Ask yourself.
You know the answer.
You're just like me.
You don't trust people.
If you really value friendship,
why don't you even have one friend
after all these years?
You can't blend into this world at all.
Shut up! They are not like others!
"They"? They are the same police!
Do you remember
how horribly your fiancee died?
Do you remember
how the police treated that case?
When you knelt and begged them
to continue the investigation,
what did CID's leader say?
"I'm sorry. We've tried our best.
But the higher-ups said
there are many big cases lately.
We have to investigate
the murder of Wong Kai Mei.
It can't be helped.
The higher-ups want us
to solve it at all cost."
Shut up!
That's not true!
If you really believe in justice and law,
why did you hide
so many things from the police?
Why did you bribe the medical staff
and investigate organ trading
and trafficking on your own?
Because you're just like me.
You don't trust anyone at all.
You only believe that this world
is full of darkness and evil.
People like us need to do something
to scare them,
so that in this society of the world,
the people that law can't punish,
will behave!
I have decided to free you.
From now onwards,
we'll have nothing to do with each other.
Even if you want to attack me
or tear me into pieces,
you don't have to do it now.
Don't you think I have good skills?
Unwrap this present on your own.
Take it as a token of apology from me.
What do you want?
Let go of me. Dr. Ho, save me.
Shut up!
Ask him
why they sent everyone
to look for Cheng Wan San
and ignored your plight.
It's none of my business.
It's Madam Kok's order.
I'm just following her order.
Dr. Ho, please free me first.
One is an unfortunate forensic pathologist
and one is a fugitive
that became the talk of Hong Kong.
After so many years,
just like your girlfriend,
you will die in an unfortunate event.
Everyone thinks you all are innocent.
Don't listen to him.
We can take him down. Free me.
We can surely escape. Free me, Dr. Ho.
Please free me first.
Before you leave, why don't you
tell him who your dad is?
He's spouting nonsense.
Don't listen to him. Free me.
No, sir. Your surname is Chow.
-So your dad--
-Shut up!
Don't listen to him, Dr. Ho.
Please free me first.
Let me tell him then!
Your father is Chow Hon Weng.
That's the leader of CID in charge of
your fiancee's case back then.
Is that true?
Free me first and I'll explain.
Is that true?
I know nothing about it.
It has nothing to do with me.
Please free me. I beg of you.
Here. Take this.
I believe you have a lot to say to him.
I won't be disturbing you.
You've dissected a lot of dead people.
Is this your first time
dissecting a living human?
No. Dr. Ho, please calm down.
Listen to me. Please don't do this.
Let go of me. I beg of you.
Dr. Ho, I beg of you.
Let's leave together. We can flee.
I'm sure. Please trust me.
Anybody here? Help!
Let go of me!
No! Help!
Dr. Ho, no!
I don't want to die! Help!
Don't move.
You came at the right time.
Take a break and leave it to me.
Come with me.
Where are we going?
I'm taking you away.
Do you want to be caught by the police?
Where are we going now?
This place isn't safe.
What's the matter? You don't trust me?
Why did you save me?
The police are our common enemy.
If you get into trouble, so will I.
You don't look like a good friend.
I came to borrow money from you.
I want to flee.
How much do you want?
How much is your freedom worth?
I don't have so much money with me.
The money is with my wife.
I have no time to find your wife with you.
Give me as much as you have for now.
How did you know that my wife is missing?
I didn't say that your wife is missing.
I only said that
I have no time to find your wife.
-Did you kidnap my wife?
-I did not kidnap your wife.
-You're guilty!
-Stay away or I'll shoot!
Did you kidnap my wife
and learn that the money
and password are with me?
So you want to kill me
after taking the money
like how you killed
your hostages back then!
I repeat! I did not kidnap your wife!
Don't try to run away.
Go to the police station with me.
I'll go this way. You two go that way.
It's a mate.
Cheng Wan San, I can't believe
we captured you so easily.
I can buy a lottery ticket today.
Leave this to me.
The only thing
old police like us are good at
is judging expressions.
You look like you're about to retire.
It's just a job.
You don't have to risk your life.
My life is worthless.
But if you die,
your wife and kids will be very sad.
-What do you want?
-I'll count to three.
Let's put our hands up together
and act like nothing happened.
You'll take this fellow back
and I'll leave this place.
Good. That's a good suggestion.
You're so clever.
No wonder you survived all these years.
You can't let him leave.
Do you know how many people he killed?
-The Elizabeth House--
-Hey. What's wrong?
-What's wrong?
-Number 9413!
Are you really a police officer?
I am a police officer
that will never get a promotion,
a gambler and a coward!
You've graduated!
Come! Let's take a photo together!
You're brave.
Are you the one who kidnapped my wife?
Where is she? Speak!
I told you that I didn't kidnap your wife!
You kidnapped her to threaten me.
Where are you hiding her? How is she now?
Did the police tell you
that I kidnapped your wife?
They just want to bait me
and capture all of us!
I don't believe you!
Killing me won't do you any help.
I'm really not the one
who kidnapped your wife!
Who told you that
the police captured my wife?
Mr. Kot told me so.
You're an excellent cutter.
Surprisingly, besides being
an amazing butcher,
you're also a nice chef.
You just want to take advantage
of the conflict.
You play this game with them
not because you want to compete with them.
You just want to use their personal agenda
and take the chance
to make them take all the blame.
Did anyone tell you
that it's a waste of your talent
if you don't become a criminal?
Have you thought of the possibility
that they both know
your objective all along
and is just playing along
to lure you into their trap,
so that they can make you
take the blame for everything?
This is the most interesting part
of the game.
I read a book.
It says that the funniest thing
about a competition
is letting your opponent
know your next move.
And even your move after that.
May you be the last man standing.
I'll excuse myself.
The exit is here.
It's not time yet.
There are things
I want to find out personally.
There are things you need to know
in order to give up completely.
Have you heard of the story of a frog
and a scorpion crossing a river?
A long time ago,
a scorpion wanted to cross a river,
but it could not swim.
So it walked to the riverside
and asked a frog if it could ferry him.
But the frog said no.
Because another frog
once agreed to ferry it
and halfway through,
the scorpion stabbed the frog to death
with its tail.
But the scorpion said,
"Why would I be so stupid?
If I kill you, I'll drown to death too."
The frog thought the scorpion had a point.
Why would the scorpion be so stupid?
So it carried the scorpion on its back.
To its surprise, halfway through,
the scorpion stabbed the frog.
The frog was very, very sad.
While sinking, it kept asking,
"Why did you stab me?
You'll drown."
The scorpion said, "I'm sorry.
I didn't want to.
But it couldn't be helped.
Because this is my nature."
May you find your nature soon.
-Looks like my dessert is coming.
Soon you'll know
who your real enemy is.
Why did you agree to play a game
with that old thing?
Why did you do something
so crazy with him then?
At first, I wanted to let
one of you take all the blame.
But now that I think back,
we both fell for his trick.
Don't try to brainwash me.
Once I see him, I'll know who's the liar.
I can't open this door.
Welcome, the two best murderers
in this world.
There are four boxes in front of you.
But only the ultimate victor
has the right
to open the boxes
and open the door to see me.
if someone tries to cheat
by prying or breaking the boxes,
the boxes will explode automatically.
By then, you won't get to see me.
Wretched old man!
Where are you?
Come out! Don't try to be funny!
It's chloroform.
Inhalation for more than
a minute will kill us.
That's because someone
isn't following the rule!
So this is punishment!
In the next five minutes,
if no one opens the boxes
We'll follow your rule!
Stop this!
That's a good boy.
Who will put his hand
into one of the boxes in the front first?
I'm so nervous. What is inside?
It's okay.
I prepared two cards for you.
The biggest value is two
and the smallest value is three.
The loser will have to put his hand
into the box first.
You'll have to put your hand
into the box first.
I'm the one who should say sorry.
I pick this box!
I feel so bad for you.
You're bleeding.
Does it hurt a lot?
Why are you so unlucky?
But it's okay.
Next, we have a lucky audience.
He's a man with blood-stained hands
who killed countless of people
over the years,
Lau Fan!
It's sulfuric acid! You wretched old man!
I'm going to kill you!
When your hand is in this state,
you can't even kill yourself!
Okay. There are two boxes left.
Who will lose both hands?
The CEO, Cheng Wan San,
or our lucky audience, Lau Fan?
There's no commercial break.
It'll start right away.
You have to choose one from two.
It's really difficult.
Am I right, Mr. Cheng?
Of course, one is heaven and one is hell.
If one is your wife
and the other is your mistress,
how will you choose?
Leave the rest to me.
You must have enjoyed the show.
I'll play with you after I get the key.
What is this?
What is this?
Darn you! There's no key
in any of the four boxes!
-You lied to us!
-I didn't lie.
I'm not the one who lied to you.
We've never been companions.
We're just the same kind.
We're similarly selfish.
Others' lives aren't important.
Only our lives are important.
When a scorpion ferries a scorpion,
the ending is the same.
Where is my wife?
I'll answer you one last time.
The police--
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