Destined with You (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

I didn't want to go this far either.
Why did you have to date another guy?
- Mr. Gong.
- Yes.
I can't reach Hong-jo.
Please check where she is.
Yes, Mr. Gong.
Mr. Jang.
She went to Mount Onju
to deal with a complaint.
All right.
Hello. What's up, Mr. Jang?
Where are you now?
In the garden.
I'm on my way there now.
Well, something urgent came up,
so I need to go out now.
You know what?
Human bones were found in Nuri Park.
Is that so?
there's no use coming here now.
Too bad.
Will you not tell me your name?
I don't have a name.
Who doesn't have a name?
The one who had a name…
is dead.
Are you saying you're reincarnated?
Even all my servants have names.
I can't call you "No-name."
I'll name you.
What about Aeng-cho?
You're tiny and ugly
just like aengcho, a primrose.
- I don't like it.
- Aeng-cho.
It's perfect for you.
My name is Mu-jin.
Jang Mu-jin.
Anyway, it isn't a name someone
as lowly as you can call…
Your superior is speaking.
Wait for me, Aeng-cho!
Do you hear me?
Hello? Is anybody there?
Somebody help.
My phone.
Hong-jo? What happened?
I fell in a pit.
Where are you? Calm down and explain.
From the signpost that says "Saeteogol,"
walk about 100 meters to the left--
Hello? Sin-yu.
The phone is turned off. Please leave…
Saeteogol signpost.
Saeteogol signpost. Saeteogol…
Answer me, Hong-jo.
I'm here, Sin-yu.
Here. This way.
I'm here.
- Hong-jo.
- Sin-yu.
Grab my hand.
What are you doing? Hurry up.
I saw this face.
I've never met you before,
but I saw this face.
Are we
having the same dream?
Are you feeling less cold?
I feel better after soaking in the bath.
Did you really trip and fall?
I got distracted while taking pictures
and I didn't watch my step.
Don't go and deal
with complaints on your own.
Don't work outdoors for a while.
Then how will I get my salary?
Don't worry.
I was very shocked earlier,
but I'm perfectly fine now.
I'm not that hurt.
To me, you're hurt a lot.
I now understand what you said.
What did I say?
You said you saw me in your dreams.
I saw you too.
What did you see?
You were crushing on me
and chasing me around even then.
It's probably a form of avoidance
your brain developed
in a very anxious situation.
Is that so?
Anyway, it was so vivid
that it almost felt real.
I even had this thought for a while.
Just like what Eun-wol said,
our destinies must be inseverable.
You can tell that even without dreaming.
Still, I want to know
about the dream you had.
If we really had the same dream,
that's fascinating, right?
Let me do this until you fall asleep.
I'm really fine.
You don't have to
act strong in front of me.
I was very scared.
I was scared too, actually.
from the moment you didn't pick up.
I was worried
something bad happened to you.
It is nice to have someone
who always worries about me.
Everyone read this news
about human bones being found, right?
I was there at the site.
My heart was about to burst out.
I walked there every night
unaware of the buried body.
The thought gives me chills.
This gives me more chills.
"The body was skeletonized,
except for the hands,
as if they were left to help us
identify the body and catch the culprit."
And I saw this myself at the site.
I got chills all over.
I couldn't sleep a wink at night.
This is why you shouldn't live alone.
I hope the murderer is caught soon.
I'm so scared to get off work.
Me too.
Shouldn't you be relieved?
A bigger issue covered your scandal.
That's not important now.
Gather around.
Mr. Jang suspects
Mr. Na of Green Landscape Garden.
Listen. His wife has been
missing for five years,
and the park was built five years ago.
And Mr. Na took part in that construction.
Everything falls into place.
It is reasonable
to have suspicions about it.
I'm so glad we removed him
from our partners and cut ties with him.
You're being too rash.
We don't know yet
if the remains are his wife's.
Since it still has fingerprints,
they will identify the body soon.
We can cut ties after that.
Now, get to work.
Ms. Ma.
I'll go out to fill in the pit
on Mount Onju.
Be careful.
The New Year has just started,
and it's restless already.
How did it go yesterday?
Mr. Jang was very worried.
What happened?
I know, right?
I wonder why.
I'll have a quick lunch,
and head out to the site.
You startled me.
I'm sorry.
What did you do?
It can't be Mr. Na who…
Hello, Mr. Kwon.
Why don't we lunch together?
Would that be okay for you?
Why not?
Aren't you having a hard time
because of the post?
Look who's worrying.
I'm fine.
You're fine, but eating alone?
I'm used to eating alone.
I was bullied for a while in high school.
You don't get used to suffering.
Actually, I find working outside
more comfortable.
Did you get hurt?
Yes. There was an incident.
Can you tell me what happened?
I mean,
Sin-yu asked me to protect you,
but I don't know from what.
Sin-yu is strange.
He should protect me himself.
Why would he ask someone else?
Don't mind him.
The sandwich tastes good. Try it.
Jae-gyeong, try it.
Why do so many people want
to see the CCTV footage today?
Was there someone else besides me?
A very good-looking man came
at dawn.
By any chance, was that man tall too?
Yes. How did you know?
Are you hurt?
Nobody will get hurt from those punches.
Why are you here?
I checked the CCTV footage.
Aren't you here with the same reason?
That's right.
But why did you lie to me?
You said you tripped and fell.
But that's not true.
You think he might've pushed you.
That's why you checked
the CCTV and came here.
You should've told me
before coming here alone!
Didn't you hear the news
about the dead body?
What if Mr. Na is related to that case?
Why are you so angry?
He might be a murderer.
You could've run into
this dangerous man alone.
Who else would I come with?
With me.
At least tell me about it.
- Why should I?
- Because that's what couples do.
I understand why you were worried.
See? It's your fault.
Don't lie to me from now on.
I didn't want to worry you.
I want to worry about you.
No, I don't want to.
What I mean is,
I don't want
something worrisome to happen.
Even if nothing worrisome
happens, I worry…
Forget it.
Anyway, don't lie to me ever again.
I'll never lie to you again.
Go now.
I looked around. He's not here.
You shouldn't come here alone either.
It's dangerous.
All right.
Shall we go?
Not that way.
Not that way either.
Stick to me.
I'm not joking.
Don't go about alone from now on.
Don't ever miss my calls, okay?
I'm so glad they
came to an agreement without a lawsuit.
If they hadn't,
we wouldn't be able to air it.
Gosh, it's not thanks to me.
It isn't good for
the pharma company to file a lawsuit,
so they just glossed it over.
She must be here.
Did you ride a scooter?
Your helmet.
Gosh, look at me.
You're exactly the type I was looking for.
Just let them date at work.
I don't get why they're so hard on her.
It's not because of dating at work.
It's because the men
are Mr. Jang and Mr. Kwon.
- They're both GL.
- What's GL?
GL for good-looking.
You're BL because you're bad-looking.
Nobody will be jealous of us dating then.
Who's dating you?
Then let's not.
Let's just eat dinner then.
I'm meeting my ex.
Why are you meeting that piece of trash?
He broke up with his girlfriend.
He wants to come back to me.
I'll get going.
When do you finish?
I'm working overtime.
I think I'll finish late.
You don't have to wait for me.
Why are you working alone?
How did you know that?
That's probably why you called.
What is it now? Are you being bullied?
It's what junior employees do.
That means nobody is there, right?
Wait there. I'll come help.
Don't come.
Ms. Ma forbade dating at work.
Ms. Ma isn't there.
That's true, but…
Seventh floor. Doors closing.
Why isn't he coming?
He's not picking up.
Sin-yu, wake up.
Don't worry.
Because you drove me here,
I'm not sick anymore.
You should lie down.
You better go.
I'll lie down after you leave.
How can I leave?
I'll call my parents.
You're lying.
You're not going to.
I'll be honest.
I don't want you to see me in this state.
I really don't want to go.
But I'll leave.
Don't worry too much.
I have to do something for him.
"Pregnancy Spell." No.
"Pass the Exam Spell."
"Good Fortune Spell."
"Anti-aging Spell."
"Mind-Body Cleanse Spell."
According to the MRI,
there's nothing wrong.
I think you should take
psychological consultations as well.
Why is he here?
What is it? What now?
I edited the document. Read it again.
Must I read it now?
Did you have to come
at this hour for that?
I couldn't sleep a wink.
Can't you see my sunken eyes?
What did your ex-husband say?
You're not getting back together
with him, are you?
Get back together?
I want to.
But before that, he wanted my kimchi
because he couldn't eat well.
Gosh. So?
I wanted to slap him with kimchi,
but I just slapped him.
Good job.
Check my presentation slides.
What's with this survey?
"Are you willing to live with me?"
There are only "sure"
and "yes" for answers.
There's no "no" between us.
"I'm moved."
Did you think I would say that?
Don't fool around with documents.
How are you not serious about anything?
But I'm sure I'm pretty cute.
Want to see my other charms?
Take this.
Why are you so perverted?
- I'm late.
- Hey.
- Read it. I spent the whole night on it.
- We're late.
Yes. I called in case
you were worried about me.
I came to work just fine, so don't worry.
I didn't worry about you.
Why didn't you worry about me?
You told me not to.
Still, you should worry--
Well, that's upsetting.
I missed you.
I almost went crazy yesterday.
This is the office.
That's why I locked the door.
Why did you lock the door?
I thought about it,
and I think
the office is the safest place.
Safe for what?
Come have a seat here.
I gave it a thought.
I cast the Fair Skin Spell
and cured my blushing.
But the Cure Disease Spell
didn't work on you.
I think I cast the wrong spell.
You're not just sick.
You said it was because of a curse.
Cursed Frog Prince.
Take my kiss.
One kiss isn't enough.
Mr. Jang, I knocked--
I dealt with the complaint well,
thanks to you.
Don't come and ask
such trivial things again.
I'm very busy.
Thank you always
for your kind consultation.
What brings you here?
Mayor wants to have lunch with you.
I understand.
I think you can stop acting.
What is this meeting for?
Have a seat.
We finished discussing.
If it was up to me,
I would've called off this wedding.
But he asked me not to
and Na-yeon still seems to like you a lot.
What can I do? I'll just let it slide.
Just get married.
I apologize.
I wouldn't have pushed
for Mount Onju's development.
Na-yeon still likes you
and wants to marry you.
Then that's the end of the story.
What will you do with her?
I couldn't decide what to do with her,
but my head has cleared now.
Yes. You've come to your senses.
What took you so long?
Shall we order now?
You guys go ahead with the meal.
I'll go and sort things out.
You're here.
Did you wait for long?
I did, but it's not so bad.
I didn't expect to eat here.
You don't like places like this.
But you do.
Why am I getting nervous?
It's like the day of our first date.
Shall we eat first?
I don't know what's good here.
You don't need to choose.
I ordered our food already.
Let me serve the dishes.
Here's herb-crusted French rack of lamb
and Pinot Haut Brion 1982 vintage.
I'll open it.
We'll drink the wine a bit later.
I understand. Enjoy your meal, sir.
Why order wine when you don't drink?
I came here after meeting the mayor.
He brought up our marriage.
After I broke up with you,
I cried a bit in front of Dad.
Don't cry from now on.
Are we… getting back together?
Hold on.
Hi. This way.
I thought you called for work.
But it was for dinner.
Am I supposed to join?
Sit here, Mr. Lee.
Mr. Jang, I've always wondered
what kind of woman you would date.
This is how we meet.
Who is he?
You know who he is.
November 15th.
That's when you two met at this table.
Don't you remember?
It was 7:52 p.m.
You probably didn't know
that Mr. Lee appeared in your selfie.
That's why you showed me your photos.
What selfie?
See it for yourself.
Lee Hyeon-seo's face reflected
on the glass in your selfie.
What were you doing with Hong-jo?
We met for work. The interior--
Don't cover it up. He's Mr. Jang.
He's doing this because he knows it all.
Yes, we met.
We met.
So what?
Want to hit me?
Why would I?
I'm going to treat you
to a very nice dinner
to congratulate you.
I wish things work out for you.
You look great together.
Why does he always get on my nerves?
Should I take revenge for you?
Forget it. Whatever it is, I'll do it.
I turned on the lights for you.
The street lamps
aren't the only ones lit up.
My heart lit up too.
It's twinkling.
Is there no one inside?
He should be home.
Who are you?
You startled me.
I raised him hard
and sent him to Hankook University,
but he won't pick up.
It's useless raising children.
It must be hard to pick up calls
when he's serving the mayor.
Do you have a boyfriend, Miss?
Yes, I do.
I like you because you're sociable
and nice. What a pity.
Pour me a drink.
What's happening?
You're back.
Why are you two drinking together?
I was coming back from grocery shopping.
He was waiting for you out front.
So I was keeping him company.
Hong-jo, go upstairs.
You can go in with him first.
- I'll clean--
- I said, go upstairs.
I don't know how you found out,
but you should leave.
You disrespectful brat.
You think you're so great, huh?
Leave, I said.
I'm leaving now.
I was going to anyway.
Stop bothering me.
I told my company
to change the person in charge.
I'm too embarrassed to come here.
Even after telling him that,
he still won't change his mind?
Sin-yu and I really broke up for good.
So I want to give him a parting gift.
I need 30 million won.
Then I'll never come to you.
Yes, Mayor.
About Mount Onju's development…
Change it from Bawoo to Haum.
Is it because of Mr. Jang?
Does that matter?
It was a competitive tender,
and the business plan is confirmed.
There are enough reasons
for issues to rise.
I told you many times that it was your job
to make it work regardless.
If we side with Haum,
we'll get 30 billion won.
Do you think
you won't get any of it?
Anyway, I'm glad Mr. Jang cut him off.
That owner used to hit on Hong-jo too.
- He did?
- Yes.
So that's when he fell for Hong-jo.
That's impossible.
Since we're at it, let's ask.
What happened with Mr. Jang?
You guys are not dating, are you?
Of course not.
No, right?
What's wrong?
I should've told you this beforehand.
We are dating.
I'm sorry I told you late.
- What?
- My gosh.
- You're dating him?
- No way.
My gosh!
Ms. Ma.
You said no dating at work.
Won't you stop her?
Ms. Ma.
The gathering
that didn't happen last time,
we're having it today.
Don't tell me you've got plans.
I won't.
- That's not--
- Okay.
Sticking together
doesn't mean you're dating?
Like this?
If you do this,
does it mean you're dating?
I mean…
You guys are dating?
I'm going to get some air.
See you.
Have you read the news?
I'm so relieved.
What shall we do tonight?
We have team dinner.
Why does your team always have gatherings?
I'm sad.
Call me when you're done. I'll wait.
- Cheers.
- Cheers!
- Let's work hard.
- Yes!
They serve a lot of side dishes. How nice.
The octopus tastes and smells good.
If it's about smell,
you smell good too.
Doesn't Ms. Ma look prettier nowadays?
Ms. Ma became prettier…
and Mr. Gong became neater.
Try this pork, it tastes good.
It's suspicious.
Is something going on?
- Nothing--
- How did you know?
Why are you flustered?
- Are we?
- We're not.
Excuse me.
Can't you treat me well too?
Mr. Kwon and I live
in the same house.
I've been living
in that house for six years.
One day, Mr. Kwon suddenly moved in.
So Mr. Kwon and I
are really nothing more than neighbors.
What about Mr. Jang?
What happened was,
we met when I went
to demolish the shrine on Mount Onju.
But that spell…
The Love Spell was cast wrong.
What spell?
Love Spell. It's a spell.
She's too drunk. She can't think straight.
I'm serious.
I'm very serious.
While demolishing the shrine,
he found the spell book.
It was written by someone called Aeng-cho.
That's so ridiculous. So?
That love something spell. Did it work?
If it did, let me try too.
I can only cast the spell once.
Then should I cast the spell
to make you rich?
What a joke.
Can you cast that spell on me?
Come on, she wants to cast it on me.
Then play rock paper scissors to be fair.
Ready or not, rock paper scissors.
Get rich.
Why isn't she answering me?
Even if she drank a lot,
she could send a dot.
Is it because I didn't send an emoji?
Why isn't she answering…
What happened?
Oh, it's Jang Sin-yu.
You should've called when it was over.
I got it.
That's not what I mean.
Mr. Na was caught.
How did you come here?
I came here to stick by your side.
You told me to stick to you.
By the way,
why didn't you change the password?
What do you think?
In case I come here?
I didn't expect you
to come here drunk like this.
I even ate octopus.
You ate good stuff.
Stand up. Let's get you sober.
I'm here to stick to you.
Why won't I stick?
I need to stick to you.
Why do I keep moving away from you?
You are sticking to me.
- Hong-jo.
- No.
- I need to stick to you.
- You are sticking to me.
I'll stick to you.
How many octopuses did you eat
that you became one?
One thousand.
You ate 1,000 octopuses?
My heart is so light now.
Mr. Kwon is my neighbor,
and I'm dating you.
I told them everything.
Where am I?
Don't you know where you are?
I know. It's your house.
Stay here for a while.
I'll go buy hangover drinks.
Who are you?
Stop fooling around.
Don't go.
Come here.
If you won't, I'll come to you.
Won't you regret it once you're sober?
No, I won't regret it.
I want to seize you.
Yes, Mom.
I don't trust Father.
I'm serious.
He told me to call you
because you didn't pick up.
On his birthday, come with her.
Okay. See you on that day.
What happened?
You didn't answer.
I was so worried.
Can you come pick me up?
Where are you?
Did you meet Eun-wol?
But why didn't you answer?
I was unaware of the time passing
while listening to her.
How can you just leave after seizing me?
Then you shouldn't have
in the first place.
I'm sorry.
Don't ever do that again.
I was worried about you.
Do you… want to go see snow with me?
Why did you suddenly want to see snow?
I have something important to tell you.
I have something to tell you too.
You go first.
It's Father's birthday soon.
He wants you to come with me.
Don't feel too pressured.
We'll just have a meal together.
Father and I don't speak
the same language,
but Mom is cute.
You're slightly cuter, though.
I don't think
I can go.
Is it uncomfortable?
I'll be honest with you.
I saw something
I didn't want to see.
Is it the dream again?
Is that why you met Eun-wol?
I don't know what she told you,
but you said it didn't matter.
You said what matters is the present.
Don't you remember?
The bloody hand.
Did you know…
that it was me?
Whoever kills me…
would be cursed.
Subtitle translation by: Kim Yeeun
I'm the one who put the curse on you.
That was the past.
It was ill-fated,
and it will stay
as an ill-fated relationship.
You already know.
Before your life ends,
nothing ends.
So what?
I can't see your face anymore.
Can you live without seeing me?
Ripped and synced by
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