Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Da Capo: From The Beginning

I'll take you home.
Then shall we walk?
It takes just 30 minutes.
Thanks for today.
I had fun too.
Sleep well.
Get back safely.
Oh, I forgot.
Wasn't I really fast?
I thought you flew.
Here's my present.
A present?
Last time
It's raining.
Can you lend me an umbrella?
I'm sorry.
I don't have an umbrella.
You don't? Not even one?
I stayed in hotels for years.
So I didn't need an umbrella.
They always had extra.
So I wanted to get you one.
Now you have a place to stay.
Thank you.
I really am.
Chae Song Ah.
Song Hee.
I apologize. I should've
greeted you first.
It's fine.
It's very late, so
let's part here.
We'll meet some other time.
Let's go.
- Song Ah.
- I'm coming.
Sleep well.
Excuse me. Can I
have more kimchi?
My husband did it again.
This time,
I might lose the diner.
I called Joon
Young out of shock,
then just hung up.
I can't ask Joon
Young for more money.
What should I do?
What should I do?
- Joon Young.
- Song Ah.
- Were you practicing?
- Yes.
What are you playing?
Bach, Tchaikovsky,
If you play pieces
from all ages,
isn't it too hard?
I'm preparing for a competition.
The Tchaikovsky competition.
I just hated competitions.
Towards the end, I hated
it more than death.
I've been practicing
for a while.
I'm sorry for not telling you.
That's okay.
You must be very busy, then.
Shouldn't you have practiced and
not gone to Daejeon yesterday?
No, that's fine.
I'll let you practice, then.
Where are you going?
I have some Harmonics homework.
I'll find an empty lecture hall.
You can do it here,
if you're okay with that.
No. You can practice in comfort.
Well done. You did well.
You play this part
on a down bow.
How about the up bow?
I think if you play this part
on an up bow, you can extend
the last C of this
scale on a down bow.
Shall we try that?
What? My accompanist?
Yes. You know Cecilia
is my friend's daughter.
She called me to say she
just can't play for you.
Were you rude to her? Did you make
an excuse or talk back to her?
You're the first student I know
to get fired by her accompanist.
What will you do about
your entrance exam now?
Call Cecilia and beg for
forgiveness or find someone else.
I'm going out, so
lock up and leave.
Hello, this is Chae Song Ah.
Oh, I'm sorry. I
can't play with you.
Good luck with your exam.
No, wait, can you
Here's my score.
Make a copy and
return it next time.
Shall we meet here
again next time?
- Yes.
- Okay.
That I come here to
practice with you.
My mom doesn't know.
Ji Won. You must tell your mom.
Tell her.
Yes. Do you think you can help?
My grad school entrance
exam's coming up.
Yes, hello.
Seoryeong University's Lee
Ji Oh gave me your number.
My name is Chae Song Ah.
Then do you know
someone else who you
think could help me?
Ms. Lee.
Are you giving her lessons?
Ms. Lee. You know what
Professor Song Jeong Hee's like.
How could you do
this behind my back?
I'm sorry.
- I just
- Yang Ji Won.
Is this why you
tiptoed around me
and said you'd
practice at school?
How dare you lie to your mom?
Please calm down.
Who are you?
I'm Jung Kyung's
I think it's a
miscommunication issue.
Why not go outside and
let Ji Won explain?
Many of her friends
practice here too.
We're leaving. Go on, walk.
Shall we talk?
Are you tutoring her without
her professor's permission?
Why do something you can't
handle? What are you thinking?
What if someone other
than her mom saw?
It'll be a matter of time before
Professor Song hears and you'll
You'll never get to teach
at Seoryeong University.
You teach students too.
Aren't you a tutor too?
You and I are different.
How are we different?
Have you ever
dealt with parents?
You were never tutored
even in university.
This is the first time someone
ever complained to your face.
This is my problem.
I'll deal with it.
Okay, fine.
How could she do this when she
learned from Professor Song too?
I really don't get it.
What are you doing?
Study your music.
What is it?
It's nothing.
Is this the best you can do?
Do you think you can win
a competition like this?
Do you want people
to say you regressed?
Shall we both crash
and burn together?
I'll play again.
Do and play as I say.
My schedule is already
full. I can't fit you in.
- Joon Young.
- Hi, Song Ah.
Kim Kyu Hee's entering the
Tchaikovsky competition too?
Isn't that a gamble?
She must think she
can come first again.
You haven't eaten yet, have you?
Let's go and have dinner.
Song Ah.
Hey, Soo Jung.
Hello. I saw you as
I was passing by.
What's up?
Did you call the
accompanist I recommended?
Is she free?
No, she's not.
I see. That's too bad.
I'll tell you if I
think of anyone else.
Thank you.
Do you need a new accompanist?
Yes. The person I was
practicing with
had some personal issues.
It's okay. I'll
find one in no time.
Can't I play for you?
Why are you looking for
someone from afar
when you have a pianist
right next to you?
I know you want to
do this on your own,
and I respect that.
And I understand you don't want
to change your mind suddenly.
But still, if you're in
a difficult situation
You're busy.
You have to prepare
for the competition.
I just feel uncomfortable
asking you this.
It's okay.
Isn't your exam piece
Franck's sonata?
I'm playing it for Jung
Kyung's recital anyway,
so it's not like I have to
learn from the beginning.
Oh What I mean is
That's true.
I forgot you were playing
for Jung Kyung's recital.
Why are you thinking
about it like that?
I just wanted to reassure you so
you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
That's why I mentioned
Jung Kyung, but why
What's wrong?
I think
both of us are a
bit tired today.
Let's stop talking about this.
- Song Ah
- I better go now.
Darn. Did they say
it would rain today?
I don't have an umbrella.
- Hey, let's run.
- Wait for me!
You can go with me.
You had an umbrella?
Yes. I bring it
with me every day.
Every day?
I'm sorry.
I had a bad headache
after a hectic day.
I guess I was a bit sensitive.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Then will you let
me play for you?
Aren't you going to answer?
Yes, then Can
you play for me?
I'll try my best.
Come here.
Come on.
From now on, don't
worry about the rain.
I'll bring this umbrella
with me every day.
did you play like
this in this part?
I told you to start this
scale on a down bow.
But why did you do an up bow?
Why did you do as you please?
If I start this
part with an up bow,
I can extend the last C of
this scale on a down bow.
I thought it would sound better.
Are you the teacher?
I'm sorry.
Don't make this mistake
during the competition.
You're home.
Oh, yes.
I'm sorry about last time.
I was a bit harsh.
It's okay.
I liked seeing you talk more.
I never saw you
like that before.
I was always curious
what you were thinking
and what was on your mind.
If you were curious, why
didn't you just ask me?
Really? I guess I should have.
Jung Kyung.
Don't you miss Mom?
What about you?
If I knew this piano would
stay here for so long,
maybe I should've
learned how to play.
From Mom?
I miss her.
I know.
That she won't come back no
matter how much I miss her.
I can't help it.
So I'm just enduring it.
When will you start
working for the foundation?
I went to the board
of directors meeting.
Jung Kyung, why do you dread
working for the foundation?
I already told you.
I want to continue
playing the violin.
Your career as a
violinist ended long ago.
Why can't you accept that?
You're the one who
should accept it.
That you're considering
this foundation as Mom,
and you're obsessed with it.
Did you really make the
foundation to remember Mom?
You're just doing it
to get rid of your guilt.
The guilt for not being close
with Mom before she died.
You're just obsessed because
you can't handle the fact
- that your daughter died first.
- Jung Kyung.
You're the same, Dad.
What my uncles say
about this foundation.
It's just Grandma's meaningless
obsession that's wasting money.
You know that it's true.
But why can't you get
rid of the foundation?
You weren't even close with
Mom, and now she's dead.
Why do you keep
living in this house?
For me,
just watching you and Grandma
living in regret and obsessing
for the rest of your
lives makes me exhausted.
I don't want to live like that.
Yes, Mom. I came to practice.
I'm sorry, Joon Young. But
I think I might lose the diner.
- Your diner?
- Yes.
Your dad put up the
diner as collateral.
Is Dad out of his mind?
Doesn't he know that the
diner is all we have left?
I'm sorry, Joon Young.
I asked everyone and everywhere
I could and got nowhere.
How much is it?
About 30,000 dollars.
By when?
The sooner the better.
Darn it.
I shouldn't have
taken a sabbatical.
If I didn't come to Korea,
I wouldn't have to see
all this in person.
I could've just made money
and sent it home.
If you can't get
it anywhere else,
if you really run
out of options,
- Director Nah or
- I can't.
She gave me so much already.
I can't ask for more help.
I can never do that.
You both said you couldn't
make it, and you're both here.
Let's go inside. Come inside.
You two are really dating?
Since when?
The cake for your boyfriend
you tried to order
Things happened. Just let it go.
- We can't just let it go.
- No way.
- What now?
- I don't know.
Why are you making faces?
- Congratulate us.
- Won't you congratulate us?
Come on, congratulate us.
- Well Congratulations.
- Okay, then.
- Congratulations.
- Congratulations, I guess.
Good for you.
- Be happy forever.
- Yes.
- I'm jealous.
- Cheers.
This is so nice.
Hey, hey.
- Darn it.
- Don't act like we're close.
What's that about?
Do you know me?
The time I wasted on you.
The heartache and
all the alcohol.
It's such a waste.
It was all a waste.
Guess what the most
valuable thing I lost is.
Song Ah.
When Eun Ji and Min Soo
said they're dating,
do you know what the first
thing I thought of was?
"If they break up,"
"our group's over."
"We're done for."
I'm sorry.
I was bad.
Min Seong.
I want
all of us to No.
Maybe not me,
but I'd like
you and Song Ah
to go back to being friends.
You have to prepare
for the competition.
I just feel uncomfortable
asking you this.
It's okay.
Should I
not have asked him
to play for me?
I'm sorry, Joon Young.
I asked everyone and everywhere
I could and got nowhere.
I think I might lose the diner.
Joon Young will be
your accompanist?
Why would he play for you
Oh, gosh. Are you two
really dating?
Oh, well
But you denied it last time.
My goodness, that's great.
Song Ah, that's
pretty impressive.
Joon Young, I feel
so frustrated.
Do you think it's easy
to get a chance
to shoot a reality
program for TV?
Do you know how hard it was
for me to schedule this?
I told you before
that I wouldn't do it.
Fine, let's think about
the TV show a bit more.
I came for another reason.
A private concert for the VIPs
of Kyunghoo Card. Is this okay?
I know you hate to do things
during your sabbatical.
But since this is a private event,
the public won't know about it.
More importantly, they're
paying a huge amount.
Chris said he's in as long
as you're okay with it.
You'll receive 30,000 dollars.
I used to work at
Kyunghoo Card before,
so I used all my connections
to cut this deal.
So please, let's do this.
Okay, Joon Young?
- I
- Yes, what is it?
Seong Jae. Then the other
conditions are the same?
Yes. By the way,
there's one thing.
Can you make the
payment in advance?
Hae Na, why do you
lack passion lately?
- Sorry?
- Can't you play harder?
Just look at Song Ah.
She's using Park Joon
Young as her accompanist
for her grad school exam.
Song Ah seems like the quiet
type, but she's very persistent.
She always gets things done.
You should learn from her.
Anyhow, I have to go now.
Lock the door when you leave.
I'll see you next week.
- Have a good day.
- Bye.
Why would Park Joon
Young play for
Aren't you going to
quit playing the violin?
You started too late in life.
Regardless of whether
you're good or bad,
you just can't catch up.
You can't beat time.
These instruments
have souls too.
They've been around for
more than 100 years.
Don't make them think
they met the wrong owner.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Is Park Joon Young playing
for your grad school exam?
Yes. How did you know?
Song Ah. The thing is
Song Ah, I recommend you
don't join that room.
Park Joon Young should
worry about his own career.
Why is he playing
for his girlfriend?
Maybe that's why she came
onto him in the first place.
Park Joon Young is
way too good for her.
I called you three times
that the keyboard was broken.
I'm sorry, I really am.
But we can't request
for a repair service
over one broken piano.
Then we'll have to
call them every day.
Then are you telling me to wait
until more pianos get broken?
It's the school policy.
What do you want me to do then?
No one else is
complaining about this.
Why are you being
like this on your own?
If you don't like the
pianos at this school,
you can just practice at
home with your own piano.
Joon Young and Song Ah?
Yes. You didn't know?
No. When did those two
How did you know? I
didn't even know about it.
Oh, I have a friend
from art high school
who teaches piano at
Seoryeong University.
She told me.
Gosh, that's amazing.
You have some great connections.
Then I guess the rumours have spread
across the whole school by now.
Yes. But
I think the rumours
sound pretty bad.
Is the competition over?
Yes. Gosh, I'm so tired.
- Ms. Cha.
- What?
Joon Young and
Song Ah are dating.
Oh, I heard.
What? Was I the only
one who didn't know?
But what about the rumours?
What do you mean, they're bad?
Well, it's true that
they're both studying music.
But to be honest, there's
a big gap in talent.
On top of that, Joon
Young decided to play
for Song Ah's grad school exam.
So I guess people are
gossiping about that.
Are you practicing
at school today?
No, I'll practice at
the rehearsal room.
What about you?
thinking of going home.
Don't you like this?
You seemed to like it before.
Thank you.
- When shall we
- What?
Why are you so surprised?
It's nothing. What
were you saying?
When shall we start practicing?
How about tomorrow?
When can I start participating
in your professor's lessons?
Let's start a bit later.
Will that be okay?
Your exam is coming up soon.
A little later.
Let's start after I
practice a bit more
on my own.
First place.
Professor Song, Ji Won
came in first place.
I was so delighted to
hear the good news.
You didn't have to
treat me to a meal.
No, I really wanted to invite
you and thank you today.
I decided to come right away
since today is such a happy day.
I feel grateful for
Ji Won trusting me
and following me all this time.
I just let them be.
My name will be on their
profiles later anyway.
What? Why can't you do it?
Is it because I asked
for the pay in advance?
My team went over the proposal.
To be honest, Park Joon Young's
not that attractive a deal,
and he's not doing anything
to maintain his image.
So we decided to
scrap the event.
What kind of nonsense is that?
What's wrong with his image?
There's talk about him
dating a classmate
and playing the piano for her.
He can do that, yes,
but it doesn't look good.
Our whole team knows already.
You know what our
reference checks are like.
We're really thorough.
I know that, but
Joo Sang Wook.
You said you'd be responsible
and make this happen.
Is that how I taught you?
To be so irresponsible?
I wasn't going to say this.
I didn't want to
submit this proposal,
but I did for your sake
and got chewed out for it.
My boss asked where I
got such an old idea.
- What?
- You were my mentor long ago,
but now you work on
projects I give you.
So next time, bring me something
that actually sounds promising.
My gosh.
Also, if you want
to ask for a favour,
at least buy me coffee.
You always expect me to
put it on my company card.
You order stuff
without telling me.
- Hey.
- Bye.
Hey, Joo Sang Wook.
You played so well today.
Thank you.
Bring your accompanist
to the next lesson.
Park Joon Young.
You're so good.
- Professor.
- Yes?
Could you take a look at this?
What's this?
Details of how many tickets
our orchestra members bought.
Okay, that's good. Thank you.
By the way, did you order
the food for our dinner?
The stir-fried meatballs
must be ordered in advance.
- Okay.
- Good.
Song Ah. Give me a call.
I'll speak freely.
Joon Young is a celebrity.
He's a celebrity.
Nothing good will come from a
rumour that he has a girlfriend.
I mean,
you can't help that you aren't
that great with an instrument.
But isn't it just wrong to make
Joon Young play for you for that?
Yes, Lee Jung Kyung.
It's okay if someone like
her asked him to play.
The concerts I booked
him all got cancelled
because of the rumour about
you, so what'll you do about it?
I thought you were smart,
but if you ruin your
boyfriend's career,
that's just wrong.
My goodness.
Hyun Woo bought 100 tickets?
Song Ah?
Kyunghoo Card
is trying to save up,
so they can't go ahead
with the concert.
I'll see what else I can book.
- Joon Young.
- Yes?
It's good to meet people
regardless of their backgrounds,
but can you be a little more
quiet about who you date?
I'll call you back.
This evening, I have a dinner with
Professor Lee's orchestra members.
The chamber orchestra?
When is your concert?
At the end of the year.
I asked to rent
Kyunghoo Art Hall.
Right, Kyunghoo.
I'll come.
Where are you eating at?
At Hannam-dong.
I have to be there later on.
I have to practice
with Jung Kyung.
Lee Jung Kyung.
It's okay if someone like
her asked him to play.
I see.
When do we practice?
Next time.
Let's practice next time.
Shall we meet up in the evening?
No. You will be tired
after practicing.
Let's meet up.
I want to get some air
and walk with you.
I feel a bit suffocated.
I'll call. Let's meet if we can.
Hello. What's your name?
- Kim Da Hye.
- Kim Da Hye.
- Choi Mi Na.
- Okay.
Thank you. You can go inside.
Welcome. What's your name?
What? You're in Seoul?
I'm sorry to call so suddenly.
I couldn't stand
being with your dad.
Can I for just one night
Yes. You can sleep in my room.
I have something to do and
can't come to the bus terminal.
You know my address, right?
Then take care.
I'm sorry, Song Ah. I
can't see you today.
My mom suddenly came to Seoul.
I'm sorry.
Okay, that's fine.
Have a good time with your
mother and see you tomorrow.
I'm sorry. Enjoy your dinner.
- Jung Kyung.
- Yes?
Can I charge my phone?
Over there.
Why couldn't you
make it last time?
- What?
- Last time.
We meant to practice together.
Why couldn't you come?
I went to Daejeon.
Let's practice.
Tune your violin.
Hello, Professor.
I'm a bit late. Do
we have a big group?
- Yes, almost everyone's here.
- Okay.
By the way,
you gave me the list of members
and how many tickets they bought.
You wrote down that you'd
buy the tickets too,
but there's no need.
You're already working
so hard as my assistant.
There's no need for
you to buy tickets.
Just the orchestra members
who will play can buy them.
Professor Lee.
Am I not an orchestra
member then?
No. I've only gathered
the talented players.
I hired you as my assistant
from the beginning.
Come inside after
you're finished.
Hello, everyone.
- Professor Lee.
- You look great.
Have a seat.
Hello, I'm Nam Hae Ran
from the class of '03.
I'm currently lecturing
at Woojin University.
Hello, I'm Kim Hae Na
from the class of '17.
I'm so happy to meet all of you.
I hope we have a great time.
Hello, I'm Chae Song Ah
from the class of '17.
Song Ah is my assistant.
She's not a member
and just someone who helps
with our chamber's affairs.
She's very smart,
and I feel so grateful
for all her support.
After she graduates,
she'll go to grad school
and become my student.
She worked so hard to prepare
for today's gathering.
Let's give her a big hand.
Have a good night, everyone.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
I'll see you soon.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Thank you for today.
I'll see you next time.
Song Ah, I'm sorry,
but I don't think
I can go today.
My mom suddenly came to Seoul.
I'm sorry.
"Da Capo".
When you go
back to
the beginning of the song.
That was
what came to my
mind at that moment.
What consoled me
was Joon Young
playing that piano.
I'm sorry for not
understanding how you felt.
Are you going to keep
playing as you please?
Can't I at least play
the piano as I please?
I'm not happy at all
playing the piano.
Joon Young has a
great taste for women.
He needs a wife to
pack his bags
and handle his schedule.
Can you stay beside Jung Kyung?
It keeps concerning me.
You playing for Jung Kyung.
Let's never see
each other again.
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