Doctor Slump (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

- Hey, Dae-yeong.
- Hey, what's up?
Nothing much.
I just saw I got paid.
What's wrong? Were you underpaid?
I'm sure the right amount was deposited.
That's not why I called.
I just wanted to buy you a drink
with my first paycheck.
Come on out. Let's grab a drink.
Hey, I'm sorry.
I just ate, so I'm really full.
I'm at my parents' house,
and their braised short ribs were so good.
So I had two bowls of rice.
So you can't come out right now?
No, I have a few things to read up on.
I'm a bit busy right now.
I was looking forward to spending
my first paycheck in a while.
- How could you?
- Hey, I'm sadder than you are.
Are you free this weekend?
My mom and Jin-woo will visit
my aunt on Geoje Island.
I'll be free all weekend.
How about we drink all night?
I'm not sure.
I think I'll be seeing Jeong-woo.
But you see him at home
and are always together at work.
We have to avoid each other at work.
Our colleagues don't know we're dating.
Oh, my. Are you dating in secret?
That sounds so fun.
Rather than fun, I just feel happy.
I don't ever want to leave her side.
We see each other
in the office and the OR.
We go to work and come home together.
This must be why people date.
I have reasons to live. I'm full of life.
Pay my gas and water bills then
if you're going to continue to bore me.
I should keep playing dumb
about you two at work, right?
Ha-neul wants it that way.
She does?
Is she embarrassed by you?
I'm just being careful.
People might feel uncomfortable
because of us.
Right. It's better to be careful.
Anyway, good luck
with your secret relationship.
It must be nice.
If you're jealous, start dating.
- With who?
- That's for you to find out.
Forget it. Let's drink this weekend.
- I'll think about it.
- See you tomorrow at the clinic.
I was on the phone for so long
that the tea went cold.
That's okay.
I love it.
I meant I like cold tea.
Okay. I didn't say anything.
Why are you trembling?
Let me pour you a cup.
What are you up to, Ha-neul?
I'm on my way home
after withdrawing some money.
Yeah. I want to give your mother
some pocket money.
What? Why would you give her money?
I've received so much from her already.
I wanted to repay her
with my first paycheck.
But you know what?
It feels a bit strange.
- What does?
- I've always made money.
But this time, it feels special.
Right. The same goes for me.
By the way, do you have
anything to give me?
For you…
- I want you to give me something instead.
- What?
You were probably paid too.
Buy me something.
Hey, I didn't get much
since I got paid per surgery.
You make much more than I do.
So you buy it.
No, you buy me something first.
All right.
Let's play rock, paper, scissors
and decide tomorrow.
Okay, good night. See you tomorrow.
Damn it!
You startled me. I thought…
Did you just close up?
Were you helping him?
That's none of your business.
You need to come with us.
To where?
- You'll see.
- Wait, what's wrong?
What's this about?
I want to go home!
Wait! What is it?
Why did you suddenly bring me here though?
There's something important to discuss.
Jeong-woo, I heard
you and Ha-neul are official now.
Right. That's right, Uncle Tae-seon.
I'm not just an uncle.
After my brother-in-law died,
my one and only sister
decided to sell her factory
and move to Seoul.
I immediately closed my restaurant
and followed her here.
Do you know why?
I knew what a dangerous place
Seoul could be,
so I couldn't let
the three of them go alone.
- I see.
- Really?
Wasn't it because milmyeon would be
more unique here than in Busan--
Anyway, I care deeply about my family.
I may be her uncle,
but I'm also a father figure to Ha-neul.
I'm aware of that.
Then, as her father figure,
can I ask you a few things?
Of course.
- What's your height and weight?
- I'm 183 cm tall and weigh 68 kg.
We're pretty similar.
You're not battling any diseases, are you?
- No, not at all.
- What does your father do?
He's a cardiothoracic surgeon,
and so is my mother.
- They're both doctors?
- Yes.
You better not look down
on Ha-neul because of that.
That will never happen.
- And--
- Did you pay off all your debts?
Ba-da, that's a rude question.
Only someone ignorant like me can ask it.
I know you were dying to know.
Jeong-woo, it's true that we like you.
But we don't want Ha-neul to suffer,
so I'll step up and ask.
Does she need
to help you out with your debt?
Not at all.
That won't happen.
I have a bit left, but if I keep working,
I think I can pay it all off by next year.
I see.
But you're innocent, so can't they
give you back the penalties you paid?
Well, I'll only know
once I file a lawsuit.
But I'm too exhausted to do that.
I understand. It must be so draining
to file lawsuits and attend hearings.
Have a drink first.
Anyway, we brought you here
to ask you to take care of Ha-neul.
You two should get along,
and you should find peace again.
Thank you.
Drink up.
Don't you dare stop drinking. Cheers!
Gosh, the ground is like gelatin.
I'm dying here.
Are you okay, Jeong-woo?
Yes, I am.
Please treat Ha-neul well.
Yes, sir. I'll treat her well!
Don't just treat her well.
You have to treat her super well.
Right. I'll treat her super well!
can you buy her a squirrel plushie?
That's right.
She had this plushie,
but its head ripped open. It was brown.
- It looked like this. Like this.
- Like this?
Can you buy her something similar?
Of course!
I will buy it right now.
All right.
Oh, dear.
Goodness, you're a go-getter.
You bought one immediately.
I've never been a procrastinator.
can you buy Ha-neul some hotteok?
Stop asking him to buy things.
She loves hotteok.
I have enough money to buy those.
Three thousand won. No.
I can even spend 5,000 won.
All right.
Hello, ma'am.
- I'd like 5,000 won worth of hotteok.
- Sure.
What about you guys?
Care to have some?
- Sure.
- I'm down.
All right.
We'll each have one too.
Okay. You can use those cups.
I see.
It's nice and warm.
It tastes best when it's still hot.
Gosh, that's hot.
- You too, Ba-da.
- It's hot.
Eat it while it's still hot.
Thank you.
By the way, what if Ha-neul
gets mad at me for being drunk?
I think she'll scold me a lot.
Don't worry about it.
Men can get drunk every now and then.
Don't be scared of her.
She better not yell at you.
I won't sit still if she does.
I knew it.
The three of us are one.
- One!
- Yes.
Here's your food.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
I need to pay.
Hold this for a second.
- You ate three as well.
- Can you hold this?
That'll be 8,000.
- Eight thousand?
- Yes.
All right. Let's see.
Here you go.
Here's your change.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Let's go.
Okay, let's go.
- Let's go, buddy!
- Good night.
Good night.
I saved the hotteok.
Morning, Jeong-woo.
You should've ate more quietly
so he could sleep.
What do you mean. He has work today.
Why did you drink so much?
- I didn't want to drink so much.
- Was it you?
Did you bully my future son-in-law?
Then, was it you?
Did you force him to drink?
No, he chose to drink.
I really tried to stop him.
Exactly. Once he drank, he got on a roll.
He was so determined to drink,
and we couldn't stop him.
- But yesterday, we said--
- Right! I almost forgot.
He withdrew some money for you, Wol-seon.
Look at how thick this is.
He's so loyal. You want to give it to her?
Let me explain--
Jeong-woo, try this.
It's really delicious.
It's so good with rice.
This dried seaweed's really good.
It really is.
Come and eat.
Hurry up and eat.
It's not like you to drive to work.
I'm only doing this for your sake.
You must have a hangover.
I'm sorry.
I'll just confess everything.
Usually, men stay quiet to protect
their brotherhood in these situations.
But I'll just tell you.
And what matters the most to me
is how you think of me.
Ba-da and your uncle
dragged me away to the bar yesterday.
I was pretty much kidnapped.
Then, they kept forcing me
to chug alcohol.
I really didn't want to drink a lot,
but I couldn't
because they kept making me drink.
They filled my glass
every time I finished.
Even in that situation,
I was worried you'd be upset
with me for being drunk.
But guess what they said?
They said they wouldn't sit still
if you scolded me.
They said we were one.
But did you see them? They betrayed me.
What did you say?
- Damn it.
- Hey!
What are you doing?
Don't tell me we're going back home.
Because of me?
Gosh, why would you do that?
What are you going say to them?
What do you mean? I'm taking a shortcut.
And there's no point in blaming them.
You were the one who drank
and failed to be responsible.
You should take care
of yourself from now on, okay?
Why are you smiling?
Your gaze is full of love,
but your words are so cold.
It makes me swoon
even when you're scolding me.
What are you saying? You must be crazy.
You do look like a squirrel
when you smile.
So that's why you liked it.
What do you mean?
They told me the story yesterday
about that squirrel plushie you adored.
You cried for days because your mom
threw it away without telling you.
You must've really loved it
if you cried in middle school.
- Is that how they remember it?
- Yes.
- I didn't cry because of the plushie.
- Then?
Actually, it was the day
of a field trip back then.
But I didn't want
to waste my time on that trip,
so I lied about being sick
and stayed home to study.
But I suddenly felt sad
and used the plushie as an excuse.
You should've just gone
on that field trip.
I know.
I regret it now.
I should've taken the chance
to enjoy such things, but I never went.
You've never gone on a field trip?
Not even once?
- Did you wait long?
- No.
Did you get home safe yesterday?
Yes. Thank you for the meal
and the tea. Thank you for everything.
I should be thanking you. You built
a mini playground in our living room.
I'm all done.
Thank you so much.
You brought it all the way here
and even assembled it.
I really owe you.
It was my pleasure. I remembered
my sister wanted to throw this away.
I spared her the trouble
and also got Jin-woo a gift.
Everyone's happy now.
And I got to have a delicious meal.
My mom just happened
to send me some side dishes.
I haven't had a decent meal
like that in a while.
Call me over again
when she sends you more.
Why are you so intent
on coming to my house?
That's not what I meant.
I should get going then.
That's mine!
This is a name brand.
No wonder why it felt nice.
Gosh, you're so silly.
Good night.
You didn't have to walk me out.
I had something to buy
at the convenience store anyway.
Right. Did you raise
Eun-jeong's allowance?
Yes, I'm giving her 50,000 won more
just like you advised.
Well done.
She probably has many things to buy
but can't tell you about,
such as underwear, makeup,
and feminine care products.
You're right.
I had no idea.
By the way,
I'd like to see Jin-woo again.
Let's meet up at a park
on a weekend and catch some insects.
- Is he good at soccer?
- I'm not sure.
We've never really tried.
We haven't spent much time playing sports.
I haven't taught him how to ride
a bicycle yet since I can't either.
Then, would you like me to teach you?
I could just teach Jin-woo.
But if you want to ride with him,
I think you should learn too.
And it'd be better for him emotionally
if his mother taught him.
How about we give each other
three SOS stickers then?
"SOS stickers"?
Here they are.
We'll each get three.
We'll use them
when we need each other's help.
For example?
I'll need them when I learn how to ride
a bicycle or catch insects.
You'll need them
when you buy Eun-jeong gifts
or if she needs to see an OBGYN.
There are many things to help with.
I see.
I'll put them to good use then.
Oh, my gosh! I have butterflies.
So this is why people
like waiting for deliveries.
They're excited to open them.
You had them sent to the clinic?
What did you order?
They're for you. You wanted a gift.
They're both for you.
You didn't have to get me two gifts.
I'll open the bigger one first!
All right.
I wonder what's inside.
"History of Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery"?
Yes, and it's the original copy.
I searched every used book site
and there was one left. Looks fun, right?
Open this one now.
You'll like this even more.
"Even more"?
Okay. I can't wait.
So? Do you like it?
Her nasal envelope looks good,
so let's just replace the silicone.
Open a D30 silicone.
Opening a D30 silicone.
Please hurry.
Let's focus.
I'm sorry.
It looked like a tricky procedure.
Good job.
See? It suits you.
You should always wear that from now on.
Also, finish that book
by the end of the week
and tell me your thoughts on it.
I have to tell you my thoughts
on the book and wear this puppy cap.
- Did I do something wrong?
- What?
You're not taking revenge
by disguising them as gifts, right?
They feel like punishments.
- Fine. Give it back. You're so ungrateful.
- I'm just joking.
I love them.
How did you know
they're just what I wanted?
That's rich coming from someone
who gave me a plushie and hotteok.
I was drunk when I bought those.
I have a separate gift for you.
- Really?
- Of course.
Where is it? Over there?
You'll never find it there.
Really? Then, is it over here?
Follow me.
What? A field trip?
Yeah. You've never gone on one.
Let me take you.
We're too old for field trips.
No, we're not. We can visit a museum
and go camping at night.
I'll show you that adults
can go on field trips too.
Well, it does sound like fun.
Right? Then, we'll leave tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- Yes.
I promised to see Hong-ran this weekend.
You can see her next time though.
If you pass again on this opportunity,
you may never have
another chance to go on a field trip.
Isn't that terrifying?
First, let's go shopping.
What? Shopping?
Yeah. You usually wear
new clothes on a field trip.
Didn't you know?
I'm going to teach you everything.
Let's go.
Wait, hold on. Your bag.
- Don't you need your bag?
- I can take it later.
- What about these?
- Dresses?
- They look like beachwear.
- Then, we can go to the beach.
But it's a field trip.
You look good in both.
No, I want something more comfortable.
- Then, how about this one?
- Stop it!
What's wrong? I think it'll look nice.
No, it looks like a nightgown.
- We're going here.
- Gosh, it's pretty.
Right? There's this kind of stuff too.
- There's a show too.
- That's right.
It looks like fun.
Thank you for looking this up.
- Have you been sleep well lately?
- Yeah.
I don't depend on sleeping pills anymore.
I'm glad.
Have you been taking sleeping pills
since high school too?
Yeah, since senior year.
Strangely enough,
and maybe it was due to anxiety,
but I couldn't sleep well.
Jeong-woo. I gave it some thought.
I think it's possible that Kyung-min
spiked your drink with Ambien.
I've been reading
some dissertations lately.
And many cases showed
that mixing alcohol and Ambien
produced pretty serious
and dangerous results.
Maybe that's what he was aiming for.
I like how things are right now.
When I got drunk
with your uncle and Ba-da yesterday,
my head was spinning
and my fingers were numb.
But that stroll at night I took
with your plushie and snack in hand
made me really happy.
And when I woke up the next day,
I had my own seat at your table.
Then, you scolded me on our way to work.
And now,
we're sitting here as we have
some refreshing coffee after work.
I love it.
I hope this peace
will continue to last.
For now.
I like drinking coffee with you too.
I like it even more.
- Jeong-woo, I'm here.
- Come on in.
All right.
What's with the kimbap?
All right. Field trips and kimbap
go hand in hand.
We could've just bought them.
Of course not.
They're not the same.
I put my heart into making these.
Have a bite.
It's really good.
You're a good cook.
Would I be hitting the jackpot
if I took you off the market?
You better do so before someone else does.
Gosh, we're wearing new clothes,
we made kimbap, and we're on a bus.
It really feels like a field trip.
And they say this is where
the popular kids sit.
It makes me feel special.
Hey, you already are special.
Right now,
you're the prettiest girl in this class.
"In this class"?
From now on, think of everyone here
as if they're our classmates.
Then, this field trip will feel
even more realistic.
I see. Okay.
That's it.
But our classmates seem pretty tired.
They all fell asleep right away.
You're right. They must be tired
from studying all night.
I guess so.
Sleep tight, guys.
- We're going to have some fun.
- I'm so excited.
I'm loving the view.
Me too.
It's beautiful.
Oh, no.
- My goodness.
- The road is so bumpy.
I'm so tired from studying last night.
Right? Take a nap.
It's the same here.
Do you see those students?
Think of them as our classmates.
It'll help you get into character.
I'm afraid it won't.
They're so young. I feel guilty about it.
It's okay. We look young.
Gosh, we're falling behind. Let's go.
We need to get to our next location
before sunset to take nice photos.
Right. You wanted to take photos.
But what kind of photos?
We didn't have to wear uniforms.
We're on a field trip. I thought
it'd be nice to take photos in them.
Doesn't it feel
like we've gone back in time?
Then, we need to be more in character.
- Get lost.
- Are you talking to me?
Can't you see I'm studying?
I said get lost.
How could you say something so harsh?
I'll go on ahead.
What's with her?
Stop right there!
You know I hate coming in second!
Hey, Ha-neul!
Let me see.
Nice, right?
You're looking great.
I can't believe she's even studying
when we're taking our graduation photos.
- What?
- What?
Were you staring at Ha-neul again?
You just can't take
your eyes off of her, can you?
You might as well go out with her.
Yeah, since you've come this far…
- Date! We hope you go out with her!
- Date! We hope you go out with her!
Give it a rest.
Hey, why would I ever go out with her?
Let's be honest.
Who could put up with her temper?
I truly feel bad for whoever
her future boyfriend will be.
Okay, the second group can go.
The third group is next.
Hurry up.
Hurry up and sit down. Who's talking?
It's Jeong-woo!
- Jeong-woo, look handsome.
- Yes, sir.
- I'm sorry.
- Mu-geun.
Come forward. Standing in the back
won't make your face look smaller.
Relax your shoulders. That's good.
Ha-neul, put the book down and look here.
I want you all to smile.
- Smile.
- Smile.
Give me a big smile. That's nice!
We look so similar
to how we looked back then.
You're right.
I can't believe this.
I never thought I would end up
as your future boyfriend.
So? You don't want to?
What do you mean? I'm thrilled about it.
If I could go back in time,
I'd give myself a good beating
for being harsh on you.
Why was I like that?
When did you take this photo?
I was preparing for our trip yesterday
and thought of you
when you were a student.
So I looked at our yearbook.
When I saw you holding
your vocabulary book even in the picture,
you looked so cute.
But I also felt bad for you.
I feel bad for you even more right now.
Are you that hungry?
Yeah. Let's grill some meat.
- What should we do?
- What's wrong?
Did you forget to bring it?
No, that's not it.
Someone was supposed to bring it,
but they're not here yet.
They're not here yet? Who?
Hey, Ha-neul.
What? What are you two doing here?
Your boyfriend called yesterday.
He asked if I could see you here
instead this weekend.
- He wanted it to be a surprise.
- Really?
Oh, my gosh.
Field trips are more fun
when your friends are there.
But why are you here?
You think I wanted to
join your lovely trip?
But Hong-ran used an SOS sticker…
An SOS sticker?
We agreed to help each other out
as single parents.
I still haven't taught my son
how to ride a bicycle yet,
and I heard this was
a great spot for that.
Were you two always that close?
We recently went to buy bras together--
What? Buy what?
Well, what happened was…
I went to her house--
You went to her house?
It's a long story.
Aren't you hungry?
- Yes, I am!
- Let's have some meat!
Let's grill it.
- This is--
- That's lettuce. Hold on.
Let's go wash it.
Okay? Let's go wash the lettuce.
- This is strange.
- Hurry.
How did you guys get so close?
Why are you so close? What could it be?
A field trip for the two of you.
It's ridiculous yet sweet,
and sweet yet ridiculous.
Forget that. Explain it to me.
What's going on between you two?
I told you.
We're just helping each other out.
- He's teaching me how to ride a bike.
- Is that so?
You could ride bikes anywhere
in Seoul, but you came here?
I actually came to have
a drink with you. Okay?
It's so hard to see you these days.
I felt awkward about being a third wheel,
so I asked Dr. Bin to come with me. Okay?
It's not okay. I'll keep an eye on you two
and see if anything's going on.
Hey! You didn't wash all the lettuce.
You're acting strange.
You're being very suspicious!
Hong-ran, do you like oil or ssamjang?
- Meat goes best with ssamjang.
- Ssamjang?
That looks good.
We'd like some too.
Here's your meat.
Thank you. Here you go.
It's good.
It's delicious.
You have similar appetites
and drink alcohol the same way too.
You were in sync like a K-pop group.
- Totally.
- Who's the leader?
By the way,
how did you two become friends?
Ha-neul's not the type who makes friends.
I was the one who latched onto her.
We were surrounded by people
who enjoyed drama and gossiping.
So it was nice to see someone
work hard and mind their own business.
I am a person
who's calm and always the same.
Of course.
Simply put, you're the genuine type.
Come on.
Then, how did you two get so close?
Right. You said
you once had a falling-out.
What was it?
It wasn't anything serious.
Guys sometimes get into arguments.
That's right.
What is it? Why are you stuttering?
It must've been something significant.
Just say it.
To be honest,
we used to be best friends.
No one else was
more dear to us than each other.
Jeong-woo was like a younger brother,
a friend, and an older brother to me.
Do you remember the four criteria
for DKA I taught you yesterday?
And how do you categorize moderate DKA?
Come on.
Okay, how do you categorize moderate DKA?
I need to sleep before I categorize.
Don't be ridiculous.
The medical license exam is next week.
Dae-yeong. Wasn't it your dream
to make rounds
with a white lab coat on
and a bunch of interns around you?
- Yeah.
- Right?
Dae-yeong, you can do it.
- Right.
- Yeah.
If Jeong-woo hadn't comforted
and encouraged me,
I might've never become a doctor.
What? Who are you?
I'm a doctor too now.
I passed the exam!
- Seriously?
- Yes!
Good job!
I loved Jeong-woo with all my heart.
I mean, I cared about him a lot.
Hang in there.
You can do it.
But bittersweet like coffee,
fate was cruel
and our happiness didn't last long.
The professor is here.
- Hello, sir.
- Take a seat, everyone.
And we have good news.
For working hard
to study for and take the exam,
he's granted all of us
a one-week vacation!
A round of applause!
You can take turns
and go on your vacations.
Thank you, sir.
And you know the Voluntary Medical Service
is going to Africa next month, right?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes.
The hospital director wanted
the PS Department to join in as well.
If you don't have any plans
for your vacation,
then why don't you help out?
What is it?
What's with this vibe?
What? No one?
I'll go, sir.
All right.
I've always wanted
to try medical volunteering.
I'll make sure to be well prepared.
All right. That's great.
Are you sure about this, Dae-yeong?
You wanted to go on trips
and sleep in before joining the military.
That was my original plan.
But this feels like my only chance
to volunteer overseas.
Gosh, you're the best.
Oh, my gosh.
So you couldn't go volunteer
because you hurt your hand?
That's right.
So Jeong-woo ended up going instead of me.
It doesn't hurt?
The documentary they filmed was a hit,
and Jeong-woo became a star doctor.
So you were supposed to be
that star doctor.
What are you talking about?
Are you drunk after just one can?
It sounds like Jeong-woo didn't push him.
Dae-yeong stepped on the plastic bag
and fell. Jeong-woo's innocent.
Also, even if Dae-yeong
had gone overseas to volunteer,
who knows if he would've become
a success like Jeong-woo?
I do.
Let's be honest. Mr. Bin is more handsome.
My goodness.
You're a total lightweight now.
You're drunk.
Wake up.
Go wash your face with cold water.
Look who's talking.
I know he's your boyfriend,
but you shouldn't be biased.
Are you kidding me? "Biased"?
It's obvious that Jeong-woo
is more handsome.
Please don't fight. You'll end up
ripping each other's hair out like we did.
You shouldn't do that.
You two ripped each other's hair out?
No, we didn't.
We didn't rip any hair out.
We touched it.
That's right. We just slightly touched it.
You did rip each other's hair out.
What would make two grown men
fight and rip each other's hair out?
Then, listen close
and tell me whose fault it was.
Dr. Yeo.
- Yes?
- A TV network called you.
Here's the memo.
Thank you.
A reporter called for an interview
and said they'll call again.
- We need to make our rounds.
- Right.
We'll be back.
- Bye.
- Okay.
With how things have changed, it's a bit…
A bit what?
I mean, it's just…
It's a bit overwhelming
and scary.
If you're scared,
ask the people to embrace you.
You're the "nation's doctor" now.
Right. I have a favor to ask.
For my next lecture, I need to
talk about endoscopic forehead lifts.
Can you help me look into more cases?
You're the "nation's doctor,"
so ask the nation for help.
What's with you? What's the problem?
Did you just spin my chair around?
Does this feel good to you?
Damn it. I only did it,
because you kept being sarcastic!
I had my reasons for being sarcastic!
Fine, forget it then!
Keep spinning!
Let's break up!
Hey, stop right there.
Did you just grab my hair?
Yeah, I did. So what?
Let go. If I count to three
and you don't, I won't sit still.
What are you going to do then?
One, two,
Did you just grab my hair? Damn it!
Both hands? Damn you!
Let go!
You let go first!
That stings!
Damn it. You're dead meat!
Damn it!
You're dead meat!
go away!
What did I just hear?
- Where are you going?
- You're so childish.
Even Jin-woo
wouldn't fight like that, right?
I thought you'd be
in an awkward situation,
so I gave up my vacation
and canceled my plans
to go in your place.
But you grumbled and never greeted
or thanked me when I returned. I was hurt.
I'm sorry.
I admit I was jealous
and immature in the past.
But back then,
I was in a rough place mentally
after filing for divorce.
You know what I went through.
My in-laws looked down on me
because they were wealthy.
I had to pick up my father-in-law's calls
even in the middle of surgery.
I had to go play golf
with my mother-in-law on my off days
and tell her friends
what they needed to get done.
I couldn't take it anymore,
so I filed for divorce.
So when you became famous, I thought,
"That should've been me."
"My in-laws should've seen me
become so successful."
That's how I felt.
It was really painful.
I'm really sorry.
I had no clue.
No, I'm sorry.
It was my fault.
- No, it was my fault.
- No, it was…
Where did they go?
Did we do something wrong?
In all my life, I've never heard
of doctors fighting in the office
with stethoscopes.
Me neither.
But after hearing Dr. Bin,
you can empathize, right?
You like him, don't you?
I don't dislike him.
What? Seriously?
I don't know
if it's camaraderie or pity that I feel.
But I'm drawn to him more
than to any other men.
I feel bad for him too.
He looks like a deer in headlights,
which is kind of cute.
He's my type.
Is that so?
All right.
Good luck with the deer in headlights.
The sound of crickets and a deer
in headlights. What a good match.
So what about work? Are you going to
stay at Dae-yeong's clinic?
I'm not sure.
I gave it some thought.
About that bastard, Min Kyung-min.
His in-laws may own
a pharmaceutical company,
but he still could've been
a professor on the side.
He could've been a consultant
or an outside director.
But why did he quit?
He walked all over you
to become a professor,
so why did he quit after a few months?
There's a medical reporter I know.
Should I ask for help?
They could look into his company
and see what he's doing.
Who knows? Maybe you can be reinstated
if we have something on him.
Better yet, we could tell everyone
about how he stole your dissertation--
I like how things are right now, Hong-ran.
Jeong-woo makes me laugh a lot these days.
He drank with my mom during the day.
He bought hotteok after getting drunk
with my uncle and Ba-da.
Today, he took me on a field trip.
And I got to spend time with you too.
Looking back,
I think I really missed having
this kind of ordinary life.
In the past,
family, love, or people around me
weren't all that important to me.
But when I was struggling,
I was comforted
by the most ordinary of things.
You're right.
Living an ordinary life is the hardest
and most amazing thing to do.
Things have finally gotten better,
so I don't want to relive
those miserable moments.
I just want to enjoy
this small happiness for the time being.
Let's go.
All right.
- One more can?
- Sure.
Thank you.
How's Ha-neul doing?
- Yes.
- What is it?
I happened to overhear you two
on the rooftop last time.
About what Kyung-min did to her.
I told you this before,
but I was really worried
when your incident happened.
But Kyung-min was always by your side,
so I thought he'd be able to comfort you.
But damn. I had no idea who he truly was.
By the way,
he's not dependent
on drugs or anything, is he?
Drugs? What kind? Illegal drugs?
- Come on.
- It's just that I saw something.
- He used to carry around powder.
- What?
He used to buy me food too
whenever he visited you on his off days.
I think it was our fourth year.
I once bumped into him.
- Gosh.
- I'm sorry.
- Goodness.
- Are you okay?
Gosh. I haven't seen
powder medicine in a while.
I can't swallow pills,
so I ask for powder.
- I see.
- Go on in.
- I'll be back.
- Okay.
I didn't think much of it back then.
But now that I think about it,
people doing drugs is not uncommon now.
What if it was cocaine?
You're right.
I've never seen him take pills before.
Gosh, why did that thought
never cross my mind?
What thought?
- I once saw him put powder in my drink.
- What?
They found Ambien in my blood.
But I can't be sure because I was drunk.
And I used to take
sleeping pills back then,
so it could've been that.
I wasn't sure about anything,
so I just let it go.
Wait, that's not the issue right now.
If that's true, why did he do that to you?
Why does he have a grudge against you?
I don't know.
But in any case,
here's what I want to know.
- Ambien's only sold as pills.
- Right.
But he turned it into powder,
so that means it was premeditated.
If he wanted to kill me, he could've used
pesticides or something more lethal.
But why Ambien?
I've always been curious about that.
But it all makes sense
if he had been carrying it for himself.
He could've spiked my drink impulsively.
What brings you here?
You need to keep your promise.
You were the first to find my cameras.
But you kept them for two days
without reporting them.
I asked you why you did that.
I just don't see why
I owe you an explanation.
You took my property
for two days without my consent.
So can't I be curious
about what you did with them?
Mr. Kang!
Watch what you say.
So? How was the trip?
Of course, it was super fun.
I'll write a report on it,
so better be excited.
- What is it? Is something worrying you?
- What?
You've looked a bit down since yesterday.
It's nothing.
I have a therapy appointment today.
I'll be back early, so let's eat together.
But you can eat first if you're hungry.
I'm pretty good at waiting.
Take your time.
Thank you for coming
such a long way with me.
You used your SOS sticker, so I had to.
Right. I need to give it to you.
I used one to learn how to ride a bicycle.
When should I use the rest?
I want to make good use of them.
How about taking Jin-woo to a bathhouse?
Kids love playing in water.
but boys over five can't join their moms,
so he hasn't been to one in ages.
Or how about camping with Jin-woo?
When will you use your stickers?
Can we just talk about us?
Not about our friends or kids.
I'm curious about you.
Let's talk about us next time.
How have you been?
We lowered your dosage. Did you have
any side effects or difficulties?
Not really.
I don't think I experienced any.
That's good.
We have information on various activities
and hobbies on our website.
There are a lot
of helpful videos and lectures,
so you can take a look at them.
What is it?
He's a senior colleague of mine.
Yes, you're right.
Dr. Min used to work at Daehan too.
I didn't know he volunteered though.
It hasn't been that long.
It's only been two years
since he joined our organization.
I see.
Is it sponsored by Haesung Pharmaceutical?
Didn't Kyung-min become
the director of that company?
This must've been a fond memory
to have set this as your wallpaper.
Haesung is sponsoring
both our association and the one in Macau.
They sponsor an association in Macau too?
The wife of Haesung's president
is from Macau.
I see.
He would've been away for a few days
if he volunteered overseas,
so why didn't he say anything?
There was no need to have kept it secret.
So why?
Hey, Hong-ran.
You said you knew
a medical reporter, right?
Hello, I'm Nam Ha-neul.
I'm Kim Do-yun.
I'm sorry for the short notice.
Don't be.
Dr. Lee told me you had questions
about Haesung Pharmaceutical.
Yes, I heard a little bit about it.
Haesung's new medicine was going to pass
phase two of the FDA's clinical trial.
I wanted to know about the dissertation.
I haven't read it yet,
but I heard Director Min is developing
a drug that relieves acute pain.
There are almost no side effects.
The effects of the drug last
2.8 times longer than the existing ones.
- And it reduces pain almost in half.
- What?
But aren't most drugs rejected
during phase two?
I heard the approval rate
was less than 5%.
Rumor has it the drug
is likely to move onto phase three.
But some say
the credibility of that source is…
is pretty lousy.
What do you mean?
If such a groundbreaking drug
is in development
and rumors say it'll head to phase three,
Yeouido should be making their move.
The stock prices should skyrocket.
A few years ago, a reporter colluded
with a pharmaceutical company.
He wrote a false article
and manipulated stock prices.
He was the worst.
And rumor has it
this same reporter is the source
of these Haesung rumors.
Also, Haesung doesn't seem
to be an honest company either.
They say its president
has no interest in pharmaceuticals
but only took over to profit illegally.
Some say they're linked
to gangsters from Macau too.
Mr. Yeo, is the dissertation
you tried to submit as evidence credible?
Why did Haesung's vice president
attend Jeong-woo's hearing?
Hi, Mom.
What? The police station?
You said you saw the man
on the day Yeo Jeong-woo moved in.
- He was following Mr. Yeo?
- Yes.
Wasn't that the doctor Kang Jin-seok?
The person who followed Jeong-woo?
The man who followed him
the day before the hearing
and the man who broke into
his house was Kang.
But he wasn't there
on the day Yeo moved in.
At that time,
Kang Jin-seok wasn't in Korea.
Maybe he just lied about that.
He admitted to everything else,
so why would he lie about that?
We have a record of him
flying to LA that day for a conference.
I sorted out the individuals
who were in the area
around the time and date
you said you saw him.
Do any of them look familiar?
Take your time.
What? Ha-neul.
What are you doing here?
Mom called. What's going on?
Our misfortune came sooner
than we expected.
The concerns we tried so hard to hide
to maintain our current happiness
were slowly becoming real.
Jeong-woo, are you okay?
I'm sorry. It's my fault.
I'm all right.
The sincere and concerned look in his eyes
made it impossible to doubt him.
Once the closest friend,
he became a stranger in an instant.
Do you like Ha-neul?
You shouldn't be happy right now.
Once warm, but now ice-cold.
I know him very well.
All I can hope for now
is that this isn't
as dangerous as it feels.
I had set up seven spy cameras.
One in the OR,
two in the office,
and three in the hallway.
Then, where do you think I put…
the last camera?
Even the police didn't know.
Aren't you curious
to see what was recorded?
We need to talk.
I thought we were done talking.
Why did you visit Jeong-woo
on the day he moved in and just leave?
Seeing how silent you are,
I guess Jeong-woo
shouldn't know about this.
Where are you right now?
Get in.
Let's talk here.
Aren't we discussing things
that are secret?
Get in.
Ha-neul, why can't I reach you?
Is something wrong?
I wondered why you wanted
to become a professor
if you were going to quit so soon.
I guess it was because they needed
at least one to develop a new drug.
I read your dissertation.
But I found many errors,
starting with your control group.
So how could dissertation like this
pass phase two?
I heard something interesting.
With a false article
about this false dissertation,
some believe you're trying
to manipulate stocks.
That's what I heard.
What are your thoughts on that?
You're curious about many things.
I haven't asked
what I'm really curious about yet.
Why did Haesung's vice president
attend Jeong-woo's hearing?
I ran into him at court that day.
I vividly remember this face.
Haesung has something to do
with that medical accident, right?
Are you…
involved in Jeong-woo's medical accident?
Taking a stroll at night
while drinking some warm tea
without a care in the world.
Was wishing for such a day
asking for too much?
I shouldn't have told her
to take her time.
Those words tormented me
for a very long time.
Are you telling me Ha-neul is unconscious?
Why is she still unconscious?
The CT scan showed
no bleeding in her brain.
I desperately prayed you'd wake up soon.
I love you with all my heart, Ha-neul.
Jeong-woo, let's not exhaust ourselves.
I'll stay strong.
You should stay strong too.
Meeting Kyung-min was because of me?
This happened because of me?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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