Edens Zero (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

New Friends

-We've got to hurry!
Help us!
It's total chaos out here.
If you don't hurry,
we'll be in big trouble!
Ms. Rebecca.
I'm glad you were able to rescue Copa.
It's a message from the ship.
Master and the others will be here soon.
Mr. Weisz, Ms. Homura,
and the real Sister are with him.
Ms. Homura is someone
who is assisting with the rescue plan.
He made even more friends
while I was gone.
Shiki's astonishing.
What's going on?
Is the Chronophage causing this?
Wait, isn't it just supposed to eat time?
Don't destroy the planet!
The gravitational field is going berserk.
The planet's Ether is flowing in reverse!
The tree's growing at an incredible speed!
Ms. Rebecca!
Ms. Rebecca!
I made it!
You saved me once again.
Don't sweat it. We're friends, right?
What the heck is going on?
Quit wriggling around, you moron!
That's Sister? And who's…
Introductions can wait.
We need to get off this planet first.
Oh, look at that!
Here comes Edens Zero!
I haven't seen her in ages!
Edens Zero here!
The tree prevents me from landing!
Rebecca! Are you okay?
Is that Happy? Yes, I'm fine!
Demon King,
can you do something about the tree?
Like what?
We just need to destroy this tree, right?
Let's try it.
Ether Gear?
That sword!
Leopard Claw Frenzy!
Atlas Flame!
A flamethrower? Where did he get that?
Most likely,
he modified the assault rifle.
I still can't land!
It's okay.
A hole this big is good enough.
Don't ask for the impossible!
I still can't land…
We're the ones who will do the landing!
Hold on tight, everyone!
-Don't tell me…
-Here we go!
To Edens Zero!
We're flying!
More accurately,
we're falling towards Edens Zero.
Gravity is awesome!
So this is the Demon King's power.
Now we will depart from Guilst!
Edens Zero, full speed ahead!
Many lives were lost, and 1,200 years
of the planet were consumed.
This day would become known as
the day Guilst was purged.
Ironically, this planet,
once overrun by money and greed…
was returned to a time
of prosperity through a calamity.
It's been a while, everyone. I am Xiaomei.
I am the teller of this tale.
To recover the original power
of the battleship Edens Zero,
the Four Shining Stars
who once served Demon King Ziggy,
Witch, who had protected the ship,
as well as Shiki and the others
with the addition of Sister,
continued their adventures.
Someday, soon,
I'm sure that we will meet again.
So that's a Chronophage?
It really does eat the entire planet.
I guess it gobbled up Norma too.
What a fearsome appearance.
I wonder if everyone was able to escape.
I doubt everyone made it.
But that can't be helped.
Those are the rules of the cosmos.
According to calculations,
1,200 years of Guilst's time was consumed.
Any remaining humans are sure to be dead.
But if you wait 1,200 years,
you could meet them again.
It has been a long time, Sister.
Yes. How have you been, Witch?
Thank goodness you're okay!
I'm glad you are too, Happy.
Once again,
thank you for
coming to rescue me, everyone!
Of course!
I'm glad that you happened to save Sister
while saving Lady Rebecca.
"Happened to"? Why you…
What? Suddenly… I'm getting so scared!
Don't cry, Rebecca!
Same to you, pal!
When I thought about
how I could have lost a friend,
I couldn't help but cry!
Quit crying! It's creeping me out!
I told you, quit crying!
This new Demon King is such a weirdo.
Haven't you noticed?
He is the child
Master Ziggy took in many years ago,
-Master Shiki.
-Stop crying!
I knew the second I saw him.
He's the brat Ziggy raised
at the cost of his quest for Mother.
-Look at him, all grown up.
-Come on, you have to stop.
There you have it!
That's how we brought Rebecca back safe
and found Sister!
Thank you for repairing me.
You're pretty high-spec.
Once we find Valkyrie and Hermit,
we can reclaim
Edens Zero's original power.
Then we can pass through Dragonfall
and get to outer space!
I can't wait!
Don't you have any idea
where those two are?
Unfortunately, I do not. However…
Your sword belonged
to Valkyrie, didn't it?
Allow me to clarify. I also
do not know Valkyrie's whereabouts.
In fact,
I am also searching for my master,
Valkyrie, who suddenly disappeared.
-Your master?
I sensed as much when I saw your sword.
Valkyrie had a disciple?
I see.
So that's why you wanted to
get on this ship.
I miss my master.
I blurted out my thoughts!
How embarrassing!
Then what's this about
having a duel with Shiki?
That is true as well.
Valkyrie told me about the Demon King,
that he was an expert
she was no match for.
As a warrior,
I would like to duel his successor.
I don't want to fight a friend, though.
You're the disciple
of Grandpa's friend, right?
That makes us friends!
You'll end up friends
with all of humanity.
A duel is not a fight, but a match.
In fact,
it can only be done between friends.
I don't insist we do it now.
But someday in the future.
Will you allow me to ride this ship too?
I am prepared to do
whatever it takes to find Valkyrie.
After we find Valkyrie,
let's have our duel!
-Glad to have you!
I am much obliged.
But we still don't know
where Valkyrie or Hermit is.
Does this mean that
you will join us too, Mr. Weisz?
Ultimately, you did end up
helping us rescue Rebecca.
I knew it. You're the kind Professor.
You fixed me halfway too.
You brought me to this ship as well.
And it was you
who released me from my bonds.
You also assisted
with cleaning inside the ship.
You're already our friend!
Fine, I guess I am.
I've got nowhere else to go anyway.
I guess I'll stick around for a while.
-He's that mercenary!
What's he doing here?
Hold on!
He's on our side.
In fact, he's my servant.
This is Mosco, the ship's caretaker.
He was with me,
but that Sister-imposter converted him
into one of her goons.
Cute, isn't he?
But he was in bad shape when I found him!
How many times did
those pricks have to shoot him?
When I find whoever did it,
I'll give them the same treatment!
-It was--
-Zip it, idiot!
Nice to meet you all.
Don't push that!
I told you not to push it!
-So what does that button do?
Seems frightening.
Report on Guilst after
being consumed by the Chronophage.
It seems 1,200 of its years were consumed.
That's way worse
than the 50 years from Norma.
What's the death count?
I don't have accurate numbers.
However, judging from the number of ships
that escaped into space,
not even 10% got away safely.
Nearly everyone on that planet was vermin.
Nobody will miss them.
But they were still lives.
Countless lives were lost.
I always thought of Guilst as
a prison without bars.
I couldn't have cared less
what they did on that planet.
But this has let that man loose
into the cosmos.
Captain Jaguar.
That man is on a different level,
compared to Illega and Rogue Out.
That man…
The one who transformed Guilst
into a hive of villainy,
and one of the Oración Seis Galáctica.
Drakken Joe.
Otherwise known as the Dark Alchemist.
The Spa of Eden is the greatest.
You've even given it a name, Rebecca?
Why are you holding so still?
This is also a form of training.
No ordinary person
can withstand water this hot.
Is it that hot?
According to my sensor, it's 42 degrees.
I have been wondering for a while now…
Can you also wield Ether Gear?
It seems you're using it
to endure this water.
No, this isn't Ether Gear.
Not yet anyway.
You must hate baths as much as a cat!
You say that by bathing in this water,
you can learn to use Ether Gear?
I think maybe you can.
As I suspected, you too are training.
Well, that's…
So what sort of power do you wish to use?
What? You can choose?
If you haven't learned yet,
then it is possible to choose.
Let me see…
How about something like auto-aim?
Since I use guns, I want Ether Gear
that lets me hit every enemy I shoot at!
That would be awesome!
-That's right! Isn't it, Happy?
Aye, sir!
I would like to challenge you to a duel!
There I go again,
blurting out my thoughts!
Is that a problem?
Well, we're in the bath,
and we're both naked…
We'd look ridiculous.
So it's been ten years since then?
Were you on the ship the whole time?
I am the Shield of Edens, after all.
It is my job to defend this ship.
But in reality,
it was Lady Elsie who protected it.
That chick who latched on to Ziggy?
She has become a fine woman.
She's a pirate, though.
I can't wait to see Valkyrie and Hermit.
Once the four of us are together,
we'll return to the outer cosmos again.
That reminds me. That dinky bot…
She's our successor, right?
You mean Pino?
One day, that droid will become
the Light of Edens.
Excuse me. What part of Edens am I?
You're the pig of Edens!
How massively touching! Moscoy!
Is that my B-Cube?
I found it in that tower.
I forgot to return it to you.
That's okay.
Thank you!
A 3-D video device?
I have one just like it!
You bought them for us, Professor!
Is that so?
Say, where's Homura?
Right, I only let her on Edens Zero
because she agreed to my conditions.
On what condition was I let on?
To serve me!
I offer oil massages, electric massages
and mind-melting torture
and pleasure massages.
Which kind would you like?
I find that last one intriguing,
but I doubt I could ask for it.
This is…
great training!
So she's out of service
for the time being.
That made me imagine naughty stuff!
Training is awesome!
What's your condition?
What will you make Homura do?
It's not that perverted!
Well, you know how Edens Zero has
that room that makes outfits, right?
You mean the Wardrobe Room?
Hermit loved that place.
Me too.
The condition is that she wears
the clothes that I pick for her.
Your face says,
"I'll make her wear sexy outfits."
She'd look great in a bunny girl outfit!
I want to wear a bunny girl outfit too!
I just said "girl," didn't I?
That armor can't be worn by a man!
Then can I wear that armor too?
It's Clarisse.
-Thank god you're safe!
-Sorry I didn't call you.
I see you made lots of friends.
By the way, is the Guild Master all right?
Yes. I heard the Guild Master escaped
before getting loaded on the ship.
The Master was worried about you too.
What a relief.
We'll be returning to Blue Garden now,
so fill me in then.
About that,
it's probably best if you don't return
to Blue Garden for a while.
How come?
This incident has become big news.
Lady B-Cubers get kidnapped,
a Chronophage attacks,
then a daring escape from a vile planet!
What in the world happened on that planet?
This girl, Rebecca…
She gave us all the courage to escape!
That girl's got guts.
I want her in my next video.
Everyone, watch Rebecca's videos!
Thanks to this,
you're now "the mysterious,
pretty girl who saved everyone."
You're all the rage now.
You're kidding. This is so embarrassing.
We're getting tons of views
on our channel!
But they gave us bad ratings.
Isn't that great?
That's what you wanted, right?
It's thanks to everyone promoting us!
Thank you!
Thank you! But they gave us bad ratings.
I don't think you should return
until things settle down.
The guild's going wild too!
They're like,
"That cute girl's part of our guild?"
The people in the guild sure don't care
about anyone else but themselves, do they?
Okay. Take care!
Thank you, Clarisse!
We can't let this opportunity go to waste!
Now's the time to make a great video!
Aye, sir!
How about one of me dancing
in a bunny girl outfit?
That would be cool!
That's why you get such bad ratings.
If we cannot return to Blue Garden,
then where should we look for clues
about the Four Shining Stars?
I've got a few leads.
But never mind that.
Since we're close to Iron Hill,
let's take a look.
Iron Hill?
There it is.
It's the colossus of the hero Orgia.
It's gigantic!
I can see another beyond it.
You're right!
That is the hero Arcelik.
The one behind is Nikolaus.
And Urochloa.
How many of them are there?
I think there are 12.
They're the heroes who guarded
the Sakura Cosmos during the Dark Ages.
The Heavenly Knights
of the Dancing Sakura.
The guardians of Blue Garden.
Space is awesome!
I live on Blue Garden,
but I never knew about this.
What's wrong, Pino?
There seems to be a person over there.
A person out in space?
Whoa! You're right! There's someone there!
Put it on the screen! Zoom in!
I said I had a few leads,
but I never expected
the first one to pay off.
Are you reading my mind, Hermit?
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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