Enheraf (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Nice to see you, dear.
Enjoy your drink.
It's nice to see you, Ms. Fawzeya.
-It feels good to be here.
-It's thanks to you.
May I ask you a question?
What is your relation to Hadeer?
Hadeer is my cousin,
and she's just like a sister to me.
No one heard from her
since she left the countryside.
Someone told us she was married
to someone here.
-So I thought I'd check on her.
-My, my.
She was married indeed.
She was happily married,
and all the girls in the neighborhood
were jealous of her.
But sometimes one succumbs to evil.
And so she did.
She robbed me and ran away.
How could Hadeer do this?
She robbed you and ran away?
Why are you asking?
Are you two having problems?
Level with me.
Do I look like someone
who causes problems?
By God you don't.
I treated her the best way possible,
and I made her life so easy.
She was like my little sister.
I picked her out of all girls
in the neighborhood
to get her married to Daboor.
So why would I start
any problems with her?
You're my darling who gives me
everything that I want,
except for one thing.
One thing.
But what can I say?
It's out of my hands, Daboor.
I'm sterile.
If I hadn't been sterile, I would've
carried the child of my former husband.
But you know what?
I will find you a bride.
-I'll get her ready for you.
And she'll bear your children,
and they'll be mine,
and I'll love them.
Yes, don't be surprised.
They'd call me "mother".
What do you say?
You're fine with this, aren't you?
I don't get it.
Come on now!
How many loaves, ma'am?
Enjoy the best bread around here!
Top of the morning to you!
Good morning, Ms. Fawzeya,
I'll bring the bread up
to your apartment.
I'm not here for the bread.
I'm here for the semolina cake.
If only, Ms. Fawzeya!
I only sell bread.
You're a decent, good woman.
Everyone in the neighborhood says you're
a poor, broken woman who's on her own.
And I love you a lot.
My, my!
My, my!
You're too sweet!
God bless you, Ms. Fawzeya. Your
presence lights up the neighborhood.
I know.
My, my!
-Tell you what
I want to get you married
so you can settle down,
be respected in your own home
and be a great housewife.
Who would even look at me
when I'm just some poor bread peddler?
Sorry but what do you mean by that?
Don't get me the wrong way.
My, my!
I'll get you married to my husband.
He'll give you a home
and provide you with good sustenance.
So? You still want to think about it?
I said he's going to give you
good sustenance
instead of the fava beans
you eat all the time.
Semolina cake with cream,
ghee, sugar, and honey.
Pick your stuff up
and come with me.
All right.
-Move it, girl. You're still thinking?
-Yes, Ms. Fawzeya, I'm coming right up.
My, my!
Um Ibrahim watch the stand
until I get back.
Make way, boy!
You know?
I have a sharp tongue,
yet I wouldn't answer her back.
If I used my sharp tongue,
it would kill a cow or a buffalo!
But I held back and chose silence,
and thought to myself
that I know better,
and I have a big, forgiving heart.
So I took the initiative to reconcile
with her and get on her good side.
And so I did.
But I regret that.
I overheard her
turning Daboor against me,
and inciting him.
This wasn't the first time
I overheard her.
But my long standing relationship
with Daboor didn't go to waste.
He told her: "Don't you dare
speak like that about Fawzeya."
What's even worse
Find me and the kids an apartment
away from here, Daboor.
I don't want that woman
near me or my children.
I heard her telling him:
"Don't say that! We want to take
the children, leave this place,
disappear off the face of the earth
and go where no one knows us.
And I want you to divorce Fawzeya,
and never see her again."
He yelled at her, stormed out and left.
I went upstairs quickly.
I pretended not to hear anything.
On the next day
Come on, my boy Malek.
Open up, Hadeer.
-Come on!
Yes, Ms. Fawzeya?
Why the delay?
I'm here to check on you and the kids.
Little Malek, come here.
-I got you gifts!
-Mommy Fawzeya!
It's Mommy Fawzeya, darling!
How are you, dear?
Give me a sweet little kiss.
My, my!
Get down here. Now!
I warned you against greeting strangers
or going to them without my permission!
-Go inside.
Am I a stranger now?
Oh my goodness!
So be it, Hadeer.
So be it, Hadeer.
We woke up in the morning
and found that she stole our stuff
took the children, and left.
Did we wrong her?
Are we at fault here?
No. She's the one at fault.
She's to blame for everything.
The drug helped you, obviously.
I went to Sindbad, Hadeer.
You're really not making this up.
I saw Daboor,
and Fawzeya.
You are indeed Daboor's wife.
But what I don't get is
why you left.
Who tortured you like that?
And your children
what became of them?
I killed my children.
I'll take your word for that.
Where did you bury them?
I didn't bury them.
I covered them with potash,
and threw them in the sewer.
How can I know you're not lying.
The card.
That woman is so confident.
She committed murder
in such a prestigious hotel.
I think she's so stupid.
She left a lead that would
get her into deep water.
There's also the guy
who tampered with surveillance.
The only one I feel sorry for is Hor.
I left for work on the morning
after our wedding.
By the way, did she like the gift I got?
Yes, she did.
She liked it a lot.
I don't know how to thank you.
I'll get you one when you make
the right decision and get married.
You don't plan to?
-I got you.
-Why me?
You'll end up alone.
What's going on?
The coffee place is on fire!
The coffee place is on fire!
The coffee place is on fire!
The coffee place is on fire!
The coffee place is on fire!
Wake up!
Get up, they're pounding on the door.
What is it?
-Who's pounding on the door?
-What is going on?
Just a second!
Help, people!
What a disaster!
Ms. Fawzeya!
-Oh my goodness!
-What's going on?
-Oh my goodness!
-The coffee place is on fire!
-Oh my goodness!
-Call the fire department!
-You set it on fire!
-Why would I?
-Get a grip!
-You set it on fire?
-You set it on fire?
-Why would I?
It's my source of income.
-You set it on fire?
-No, it's my source of income!
-Why would I do that?
-I'll kill you, Galal!
You set it on fire?
-I didn't do it!
-I'll be the end of you!
I I'll be the end of you!
I'll be the end of you!
My coffee place!
You're doing Daboor harm!
-Get your hands off me!
-Get your hands off me!
-Call the fire department first.
-Oh God!
-Call the fire department.
This is my source of income,
Ms. Fawzeya!
It's them!
It's them!
What is this?
What is this, Galal?
What is this, Magdi?
Did it come to this!
I lost my money!
I lost my money!
-My heart aches!
-Call the fire department!
The coffee place caught fire, Fawzeya.
Listen to me,
if the coffee place
isn't restored and made better,
I'll teach Galal a lesson
and teach his friends a lesson too!
Based on what, tough guy? Huh?
Did you get into a physical fight with
him? I was the one doing that, man!
Have you no shame?
Man, you stood there watching me
as if you were watching TV!
Oh my goodness!
I'll teach him a lesson
regardless, Fawzeya.
Why are you still up
and not in bed, honey?
I couldn't sleep.
You and Dad weren't here
so I was scared to sleep by myself.
Come on now. Go to your bed
because you're going to school
and we'll go out together
after you're done with school.
What is that, honey?
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