Envious (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

- She was on the floor.
- Can you walk?
- I'm not leaving.
- Don't leave me here.
- Let me know.
- Will you be nearby?
I'll wait here for you.
Lift up the train of the dress.
- I'll wait for you, Vicky.
- [Victoria sobs]
You're okay.
[pop music playing]
[music ends]
Matías Wait
[awkward music playing]
You alright?
- Hey, you.
- Hey.
What happened?
- [phone buzzing]
- [phone beeps]
- [Matías] Hello.
- Matías, come to my place.
- You're a good guy, you know that?
- Mm.
That's why I love you.
- Can I tell you?
- Mm.
If I were single,
I'd kiss you right now. Mm.
Yes, I would.
- Really?
- Mm-hm-hm-hm-hm.
It's too bad.
- Too bad because I I have a boyfriend.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm taken and I can't.
- And I am not the unfaithful type.
- Of course.
- Like my mother, 'cause she is unfaithful.
- Don't think about that.
I don't want to be like my mother, though.
It's alright. It's alright.
What you have to do right now is rest.
- Rest, yeah? Rest, relax.
- Okay.
How about you process that kiss
while you're asleep, yeah?
And if you still want to kiss me,
let's say you wake up,
and right away you want to kiss me
- [chuckles]
- just call me, I will be here.
I'll come to your bedside like this
- How about I do this?
- and we'll kiss.
- Just this.
- Yes, I'll be ready.
It's just like this.
- And I'll come.
- What happened? I can't remember anything.
They gave you anesthesia
so they could perform their tests.
You were in a lot of pain,
and completely wasted. Really drunk.
Would you come here now please?
- I am.
- Here.
Yes, I'll sit here.
No, I mean under the sheets next to me.
- Just lie in bed.
- Let me take my sneakers off.
- Without your sneakers.
- Can I just?
- There, like that.
- Yes. Like that.
Mm. Oh
- Your arm alright?
- Yeah.
Like this.
I don't want to be alone.
I don't want to be afraid.
[exhales] I'm gonna
stay like this from now on.
Here, with you for the rest of my life.
Stay with me. I'll protect you.
[Victoria] Mm.
[gentle music playing]
- Why are you here?
- I'm Vicky's emergency contact.
How about you?
I want to see how she's doing.
- Is she?
- Let me bring you up to speed then.
Last night, she had an accident at home.
She was in pain and wasted.
Don't be offended, but I don't think
she's gonna be very happy to see you.
Well, how about we let her decide? Eh?
I was there for ten years. I'll be there
if the doctors need anything.
Fine. Congratulations
for the ten years together.
But she would've called you if she
still thought you were important to her.
If you were so important,
you'd be Vicky's emergency contact.
- They called me, understand?
- Fine.
- So
- Okay, the test results were good.
Aside from the arm,
there are no fractures, no breaks.
But she has a very large contusion.
Inflammation, pain.
- I'm the one who brought her here, so
- Yes, but I am the emergency contact.
Since I brought her, I wanted to ask
if it's normal that she's so confused.
- Yes, it is caused by the anesthetic.
- Sure.
She'll say some very strange things.
- Don't worry. She won't remember it.
- That's fine.
But relax. She's going to be alright.
- If there's anything we can do, just ask.
- Thank you.
I heard what you were asking him.
- Since she's here for the next 12 hours
- There is no need for you to hang around.
I'm going to stay anyway.
I'll look for a coffee. Be back in a bit.
I'd really like it
if you weren't here when I return.
- Enjoy your coffee. I'm gonna stay here.
- Fine.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry, I'm gonna stay here because
Have a coffee. I couldn't care less.
- Just call her.
- No, not again.
It seems her phone is off now.
- Should we go check on her?
- That's what Yes, we should go.
She's sleeping right now, girls.
She got smashed.
Let her sleep. Let her relax.
You shouldn't have left her by herself.
I brought her to her apartment.
I didn't throw her in the gutter.
- Don't tell her that I told you.
- No.
- She'll kill me.
- I've seen Vicky in some bad spots.
- I know.
- I need to go now.
Sometimes she wants
to sit quietly and be sad.
All because of her idiotic obsession
with getting married.
It's all she thinks about.
Like, give it a rest!
No. Obsession, perhaps,
but I can understand it.
The guy is really handsome.
He's super charismatic.
He's like one of those sociopaths
that gets you invested, and then
They have this power.
Do you think you raised a moron?
Vicky's a smart girl.
We all become such fools
when we fall in love.
Falling in love is complicated.
- Being in love is a different thing.
- [phone buzzing]
She was always like that
with men, you know? Yes?
Say what?
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
- My dad was admitted. Why are you here?
- Oh
Vicky had an accident.
Yeah. She's here too.
- Right now?
- Yeah, she's in room nine.
- Oh, that's crazy.
- Incredible.
And how is she?
She's fine. I mean, she
she was at home and she had an accident.
- She's fine now.
- Oh, good.
How's your dad?
- Not well.
- Oh.
He had two heart attacks,
one after the other,
on top of a history of heart disease.
He didn't say anything to us, then
[Victoria] Go away, Daniel!
Go away! Get lost.
- I want to see my Where is my boyfriend?
- [nurse] Calm down.
No, but I wasn't talking about him.
I was saying the other guy.
- Where is Nicolás? Where is he?
- Vicky, let's go back to bed.
- [Victoria] Him?
- You see? You confused her.
[Daniel] No, I'm not confusing her.
No. Let's go to bed.
- I'm not going to bed with you. How many
- Just to lie down, to get some rest.
- Oh, okay.
- I just want you to lie down.
- This is someone else.
- [nurse] Yes, he brought you here.
But he isn't my boyfriend from yesterday.
- He is!
- [Victoria] But that means
What's the matter?
Everything really happened yesterday.
I thought I dreamt it.
Listen, you are very confused.
- It happened.
- Hey, I think you should take it easy.
- Who are you?
- Sister.
- Why did you bring your sister into this?
- She's her sister, not my sister.
- She's family.
- No, her name is Caro. Come on.
That's my sister.
Life went on after we split.
Things happened.
You want me to believe that?
Life is strange that way.
Things happen. They just happen.
- Terrible things happened.
- Yes.
I was trapped in there.
There are so many women.
- You told me that yesterday. Come on.
- So many women.
She was pitying me.
She pitied me like I was trash.
As if I were some train wreck.
I was there, but I couldn't do anything.
It upsets me.
I was there but I didn't know
I felt like I was in a holdup.
I was frozen still.
Mouth shut, like a complete moron.
I hate myself for it.
- Don't say that, no
- It's true.
She thinks she's better
because she can call herself a wife.
- How is she better?
- What's this about? Better than you?
You should hear what he says about her.
Horrible things!
He doesn't love me,
but he doesn't love her either.
I'll tell her that she's an asshole
and a bad person.
A poor woman. That is what I'll say.
"Poor woman!"
Why bother with someone like that?
She's not important.
I'm bothered because she kept rubbing
salt in the wound and she kept going.
And I stayed silent for some reason.
Did you see Laura?
- Yes, I did.
- Your father was admitted here.
- He's here?
- Yeah, he's here.
What do I care about my dad?
I'm telling you in case you wanna see him.
It's really serious.
- It'd be good if you saw him soon.
- It'd be good if I saw him?
It's good for me to see an old man
who abandoned me on some steps,
but it isn't good to see a bitch
and tell her that she is a bitch!
I don't like seeing you like this.
Seriously, I think that you should feel
a little bit sorry for her.
There's no need to hate her.
Yeah, I feel sorry for myself.
- Why do you feel that way?
- What you told me just now.
- You just said it.
- Feel sorry about you?
Exactly. You said, "A poor woman
who will do anything not to be alone."
- You're a poor woman?
- I do. Yes.
You're beautiful, Vicky.
Captivating, incredible.
You need to believe me.
Seriously. Come on.
Here you are, mad at everyone
and everything around you. In this gown.
But I look at you,
and I can't stop thinking
that you're beautiful.
- You're beautiful.
- [gentle music playing]
Look at those eyes.
- So knock it off.
- You look handsome today.
- Yeah? The mop?
- With these curls.
- [chuckles]
- [door opens]
- Oh my God! What happened to you?
- Vicky, what happened?
- I fell.
- [indistinct clamoring]
- It's okay.
- If you want, I'll tell you.
- Matías.
- Sure. Yes.
Well, she had an accident at home,
she fell, and we brought her here
so she could get checked out
and rule out anything else.
- Apparently, it is just her arm.
- Why didn't you call us?
Because I was super drunk, Mom.
I don't know what happened.
I only had the strength to call Matías.
He has a key to my place,
so he could get in.
So, he brought me here, and that's it.
I don't know.
- It wasn't serious. It's nothing.
- This is all my fault.
- I shouldn't have left you all alone.
- You didn't know this was going to happen.
I didn't know. It is what it is.
We are gonna beat the crap out of that
asshole who said he was your boyfriend.
She's saying that because I told the girls
when you weren't answering.
- It's fine.
- They were really worried.
Excuse me. I don't know
who allowed you all to come in.
Only one person at a time is allowed.
- Everyone can go. I'm staying.
- No, I'm staying with her.
You're very wound up.
I'll stay and take care of Victoria.
I have things to do. Right. You alright?
- Yes.
- [Matías] You sure?
- Take care of yourself.
- Bye.
- It was nice to meet you.
- You too.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry.
See you later, Mati, you are a hero.
- [Matías] Thanks a lot.
- [Lucila] You too, Mati.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[emotional music playing]
[Victoria] Mm.
Thanks for saving me.
No, you saved me.
How did I save you?
Doesn't matter.
- No, tell me.
- It's such a silly reason.
- You gotta get some rest.
- Mm-hm.
And your ass is showing.
- Yeah.
- Yep. So you should go back.
- So
- So
- How about I call you once I'm out?
- Sure, okay. I'll be waiting.
- Bye.
- See you.
You are under observation, Victoria.
You can't go sightseeing
around the hospital.
I wasn't sightseeing, Mom.
You know that Héctor is here?
- Your father?
- Yeah.
- You're joking.
- Nope.
He had a heart attack. It's serious.
So, if you wanna see him
I haven't seen that man
for 35 years, Victoria.
I know you care about him, so
I remember, when I was young,
they gave me a little baby.
and a toy kitchen
for me to play house with.
I was little, I enjoyed playing around.
It was a game or something.
But when I got older, and I found myself
doing the same thing, but for real,
I didn't like it.
I thought to myself,
"There must be something wrong with me."
But, didn't you want this life?
Do you regret the life
the three of us had?
Not even for a second, Victoria.
When your dad left me,
I realized I didn't have to act
like the happy housewife.
It was not easy, raising you guys alone.
It was difficult.
I always knew he was completely useless,
but she wouldn't see that.
Ah she's just so intuitive.
- Yeah?
- I'm kidding. Listen.
I mean, she's an idiot.
She's a textbook wife.
A guy humiliates her, she feels like shit,
yet it's the woman's fault, you know?
I'm sorry, but may I remind you that
you were still married three minutes ago?
- Don't worry, I remember perfectly well.
- Okay.
But, as of this moment, I'm in the group
of the screwed over, the cheated on,
the manipulated, the humiliated,
the dumbasses, and the list keeps going.
- I think Vicky's situation is different.
- Why?
Eh she never had a personality.
She always adapts to whatever
her boyfriends want to see, or something.
Like when she was with Nari, the punk.
- The delinquent.
- And she changed her hair, right?
- Or the Opus Dei guy?
- Agus Casanova.
- She bought a rosary, started on church.
- Yeah.
Then Danny? She became a housewife
in a condo. Look at what he did to her.
Now she's as free as a bird,
answering to no one.
That's just where we are.
She has to work on that situation.
- Yeah, it's almost like she has to just
- She's stuck in a cycle.
That's what I'm saying
- Do you know where room nine is?
- Over there, honey.
Can I help you?
Um I'm looking for Victoria Mori.
Yes, she is there with my mom,
but who are you?
Are you Caro?
- Yes.
- Uh, I'm Laura.
We're family.
I'm Héctor's daughter.
I imagine you'd want to see him
because he was your husband.
Just I feel nothing for him.
He abandoned me.
I don't even know who he is.
Everything you do, you do because of him.
But how? He's a total stranger to me.
- Has he had any impact on my life?
- Everything.
Why do you really want to live in a condo?
Why do you want to marry
a knight in shining armor,
and strive to be the perfect wife
for the rest of your life?
Who are you trying to impress
that you have been chosen,
that you are wanted, that you are loved?
Open your eyes, honey.
[door opens]
Sorry, but it seems that her father,
your father, is dying.
[Lucila] I'm at the hospital.
I can't talk.
Excuse me, uh if you'd like to see him
Just go.
Girls, we ended up at the same hospital,
on the same day, it's
Go on.
I don't wanna go in there.
Does he know that we are here?
No, he's been asleep
for the last few days.
- Should we go together?
- I don't want to.
- Hmm.
- But you should go if you want to.
For your peace of mind. Seriously, go.
[sighs deeply]
[Victoria exhales]
So, my dad wanted you to have this
before he started feeling really sick.
- Come on.
- Okay.
[monitor beeping]
- Would you like to be alone with him now?
- No, no, no.
- You sure?
- No, it's all right.
[monitor beep]
Pardon me.
[woman kisses]
[monitor beeps]
[monitor beeps]
[breathes heavily]
[poignant music playing]
Not sure if you can hear.
[monitor beeps]
I wanted to say that
it really screwed me up when you left.
But that's done now. It's past.
You can rest easy.
It's over.
I wanted you to know
that Laura gave me the tickets.
[monitor beeping rapidly]
[long, uninterrupted beep from monitor]
[poignant music continues]
[breathing shakily]
[poignant music fading]
I'll put your documents here.
Mom is signing
your discharge papers with Lu.
[sighs] I just can't wait
to get out of this place.
What's that?
He gave that to you?
Was he holding on to these?
It sure seems like it.
He kept them all these years.
It doesn't make sense.
The thing is, right when it happened,
when he died right there in bed,
I just felt
I felt abandoned.
Which is strange because
that man never cared for us,
but I still felt abandoned
right after he'd passed, so
[Carolina] I don't know.
We've always been sort of orphaned.
But now it's
we're completely orphaned, like for real.
[exhales] All I wanted
was for him to hold me.
You wanted him to hug you from the dead?
No, Matías.
I wanted Matías with me right then.
Like, at that moment,
when everything was happening.
That's all I could think of.
I wanted Matías to give me a big hug
and tell me that he was going to get
The Little Mermaid on VHS for me.
Why on VHS?
- It's just a joke between us.
- Ah.
- [Caro] Do you already have private jokes?
- [Victoria] A few.
[Caro] Have you seen The Little Mermaid?
After Dad was a no-show that time,
I never wanted to.
- About a girl that lives under the sea.
- Yes, I know.
She is always surrounded by nice things.
She sings and carries on.
And yet, she is obsessed
with the world up above, you know?
She's crazy.
[Caro] Really crazy, because she lives
surrounded by corals, anemones,
and yet she's obsessed with a fork.
But then, one day,
a prince falls into the water from a ship.
[Caro] And she saves him.
How are you?
At that moment, she falls in love.
Deeply in love.
I mean, she really falls in love.
Hopelessly in love, in fact.
Then she makes a deal
with this evil queen.
She begs for legs,
so she can be with him and gain his love.
- And does it work?
- No.
He doesn't just fall in love with her,
what's worse is, he's tricked
into falling in love with another.
- That's awful.
- It is.
And as a result, she loses her voice.
[upbeat music playing]
[Victoria] You realize, don't you?
- That I'm that girl.
- No.
I'm afraid you're quite ordinary.
But I often think
that when you want something,
you really obsess over it.
Every single day.
So, you give it everything,
your whole world. It's incredible.
And you would give up your legs,
your voice, every single thing,
in exchange for some guy, you know?
Because I haven't seen the movie.
Well, I did.
I saw it with Danny,
I saw it with Nicolás.
Do you know who I don't see it with?
With Matías.
In fact, I think he loves you
just the way you are.
Like you don't have to do anything
to get him to love you, Vicky.
It's quite rare to find that.
[upbeat music continues]
[Victoria] You're saying
me desperately wanting to be with Matías
isn't a bad thing?
No, it's not bad.
I believe it's the most sensible thing
I've ever heard you say.
[upbeat music continues]
[Victoria exhales]
Go look for him.
- I'm scared.
- [chuckles] I understand.
Come here.
- [phone buzzing]
- [Roto barks]
Hey, so where are you?
[Matías] I'm here walking Roto.
I was afraid he'd wreck the place.
- When are you guys going back to my place?
- [barking]
Fifteen minutes. He really misses you.
Oh, that's great.
I miss him too.
Thank you.
- [vendor] Hey, you like these flowers?
- They're beautiful.
[horn honking]
- Vicky.
- What are you doing here?
- Can I speak?
- I'm fine. Can you go now please?
There's something I have to tell you.
Just give me two minutes.
Two minutes.
I'm gonna look for my keys. Tell me.
I know I hurt you. I know I was wrong.
- I know you won't forgive me overnight.
- Ready.
- Wait a minute, please.
- I have. You're forgiven now. You can go.
- Seriously.
- No. About Bruna, I made a mistake.
- I don't know what
- Alright, no problem. You'll work it out.
You both can go to couples therapy,
or you can get a divorce, I don't know.
I didn't come here to vent,
or to tell you I was wrong.
I'm here because I I uh
I've been feeling weird this whole time.
It's strange, but it feels like
I was living someone else's life.
- And
- Are you on drugs? Are you high?
- I didn't take anything.
- They're bad.
I'm better than ever, Vicky.
- Thank you.
- Sure thing.
I'm better than ever
because I never stopped loving you.
[laughs] Please, cut it out.
That's complete nonsense.
- What?
- It was nonsense when I pushed you away.
Rather than convince you
that we're better together.
- Are you serious?
- I'm really serious.
All I want is for us to have
the life we always dreamed of.
[Victoria] What are you doing?
Will you marry me?
["Salgo Corriendo a Buscarte"
by El Zar playing]
'Cause I want to marry you right now.
What do you say?
[Matías] Answer him.
Are you gonna marry him?
["Salgo Corriendo a Buscarte"
continues playing]
[Daniel] Will you?
[music rising]
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