Eva Lasting (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Jungla de asfalto

Oh, get real.
We're not going to hurt anyone,
and we'll rescue our classmates
who are failing our grade,
and that includes you.
It's the perfect plan.
[Eva] We have all night.
And the gun.
[Eva] This way.
- [they imitate gun sounds]
- [laughter]
[Eva] We are experts at picking locks.
The plan is foolproof.
[Édgar] There. Our job is done.
[Eva] What? You're not coming in?
[Édgar scoffs] Thanks, but no thanks.
So good luck.
And be careful with that gun, Eva.
Those things are not a joke.
- [Camilo] Come on, let's go.
- [Eva] Bye.
[suspenseful music plays]
Hey, but look at this.
You're doing really great.
- [Camilo] Hm.
- You're passing everything.
Well, then, in that case,
uh, let's pack this up and go.
[Eva] No, no, no.
Why did you come with me?
You don't need it.
I wasn't gonna leave you alone
with this madness.
You're a great guy, Camilo.
Seriously. I've never
had a friend like you.
I will never forget you.
And I want you to promise
that you will never forget me either.
- Okay, let's go.
- No, but promise me.
I don't have to promise you anything, Eva.
You know you're obviously
someone very important in my life,
and always will be.
Am I your best friend?
[gentle music plays]
You're much more than that.
That's sweet of you.
[gentle music continues]
[Eva] Pew, pew, pew, pew!
[funky music plays]
[adult Camilo] There was a robbery
in the book The Asphalt Jungle.
It was nothing like what we experienced
from our break-in at the school.
Or at least from what I can remember
about our break-in.
And that was a combination
of what actually happened,
what I wanted to have happened,
and the effect of the marijuana
that accompanied the experience.
- [gunshot]
- [Eva squeals and laughs]
[both laugh]
Aim there. Okay?
- Okay.
- Go ahead.
Guns have been around for a long time.
And it's better to use them like toys
than anything else.
[both laugh]
[glass shatters]
[both yell and laugh]
[funky music plays]
I know.
My lips are sealed.
No, because I just think it's fun
to feel the kickback,
hear the noise and hit the target.
[both laugh]
[adult Camilo] Despite the haziness
of that night,
I'll never forget the rush of emotions
I felt from being so close to Eva.
[adult Camilo] It was the '70s,
and that was one of those typical nights
of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Even though the sex involved
was with my parents.
[upbeat music plays]
What happened last night at the school
is frankly unacceptable.
Three students broke in
like common thieves,
and stole the report cards
for this semester.
The janitor was there,
but he could not intervene
at the moment because he might have
[Camilo] Three students?
It's probably because the janitor was so
terrified that he couldn't see very well.
They wandered around
with firearms in their hands.
To those students
who behaved like juvenile delinquents,
I want to say that, sooner or later,
you know you will be identified.
Because we already have clues.
So I encourage you to come
to the principal's office voluntarily,
and turn yourselves in.
If you do, then we can probably
find a solution
that does not involve calling the police
to take over the investigation.
To the contrary,
you will be expected to assume
all of the consequences of this act,
that is no less than a major crime
and a serious felony.
Don't you understand?
She's targeting us, Granados.
How can you not see
that Professor Alicia is lying to us.
She's lying, because she thinks
we'll get scared and confess.
She doesn't even have an idea
that there were actually four
and not three of us
who entered the school.
[scoffs] I'm not risking it. I'm going
to her to tell her what happened.
Oh, but how, brother?
- You know we have a criminal record.
- [Camilo sighs]
If there's any chance that the police get
involved, we go directly to reform school.
Besides, Professor Alicia
is giving us an opportunity
and we're not going to waste it.
Well, okay.
- But we have to leave Eva out of this.
- What?
- Yeah.
- She's responsible for all of this shit.
- What's wrong with you?
- [Édgar laughs]
We're not going to expose ourselves
to help your little rich girlfriend.
Also, she's stupid, because what we did
ended up being completely useless.
Okay. You heard Professor Alicia.
They're going to recover
the grades, Granados.
May I remind you that all this started
because you two
entered Eva's house illegally? Huh?
Here's the thing. You'll do as I say,
or I'll report you as thieves.
- You surprise me, Granados.
- [Camilo] Hm?
Look, the most serious thing is the gun.
I'll tell them that I forced you to do it.
I'm sure it will be fine. What do you say?
[tense music plays]
[Eva] Camilo, what do you mean?
I don't understand.
- We confess the gun is mine and that's it.
- What?
- Yeah.
- No.
No, no, no, no. I won't let you do that.
The janitor was only able
to see three people.
No, because if there's anyone
that deserves to go free, it's you.
Not me, who came up with the idea,
or the Acuñas, who robbed my house.
[Camilo] You don't understand, Eva.
Look, if we confess, I know we'll be okay,
because Professor Alicia said so. Right?
We'll just get suspended
for two weeks or so maybe.
But what if your dad
finds out what you did?
Huh? 'Cause the professor is capable
of making a call to wherever he is.
What would happen then? Just tell me.
Tell me the truth.
I don't know. Probably he'll send me away
to a boarding school out of the country.
[Camilo] If that happens, I'll die.
I'll die of sorrow,
because I don't think
I'll be able to live without you.
As I told you at your place,
I love you.
[gentle music plays]
I love you, Eva, more than anything
that exists in this world.
You're just about everything to me.
[Eva chuckles]
[romantic music plays]
[music fades]
[Dr. Alicia] Do you think this situation
is a laughing matter, Mr. Granados?
[chuckles] Uh, I'm sorry, Professor.
I'm nervous.
You expect me to believe
you were a part of the group
who broke in to rob the report cards?
Yes. Yes. It was me
who thought up, uh, the idea.
And that gun was really mine.
- [Dr. Alicia] Hm?
- Right?
So tell me, why did you do it?
Your GPA is one of the best
out of all your classmates.
You know, I was just
looking for a risky adventure.
[chuckles] So
Or perhaps were protecting somebody else?
The janitor said it was two boys he saw,
and his description
corresponds with you brothers Acuñas.
He also said, though,
there was a young woman that was there.
Yes. I I became the girl.
Yeah. So I was dressed as a woman.
You see, that was part of the plan.
Did you disguise yourself as Eva?
Because that's the only woman
we know around here.
Uh, yes. Yeah, that's it. Sure.
As Eva.
I was told I could find you here.
Either I finish this tablecloth
or I fail embroidery.
It's a scarf.
To be honest, I feel responsible
because, one way or another,
this was my idea for José María.
And that's the only responsibility
that you feel?
Do you not feel perhaps
the same responsibility for a classmate
who could end up facing the consequences
of something he didn't do?
have you ever been in love?
Have you ever felt like
you could do anything for somebody else?
Or that any sacrifice would be worth it
for the person you love the most?
I will not discuss
my private life with you.
Is that a no?
I am not stupid enough
to believe that Camilo Granados
came into the school at night
dressed as a woman to steal some grades.
You are entitled to think and believe
whatever you want, Doctor.
I just hope that someday
you'll find someone that rocks your world.
So you'll understand
there are things much more important
than responsibility.
And embroidery class.
I definitely should've chosen
the electrical class.
Thank you for your help.
[sighs] What did we do wrong?
Tell me. Where did we go so wrong
with you, Camilo?
For you to punish us like this.
No. No, it's nothing.
- Nothing? And then?
- [Camilo chuckles]
Are you laughing?
- Are you laughing?
- Dad! No, I'm just really nervous.
You know, Ana,
leaving him in that school was an error.
But you do nothing. "José's a pain in
the ass. Papa won't let him do anything."
What did I do? Hit a priest?
Did I spit on a nun, or what?
What sin are we paying for, Ana?
Well, fortunately for you,
your dad always has a plan B.
I'm sure there's a school
where you will be accepted.
So get ready, because, tomorrow,
I'm taking you to the military academy.
[military music plays]
[adult Camilo] I was a living tragedy,
because the military academy represented
the failure of my sacrifice for love,
and the end of my story with Eva
right at its climax.
Which I considered
to be completely unfair.
How little I understood at that time
about Schopenhauer's maxim
that love and justice
did not necessarily go hand in hand.
[José] Not laughing anymore? Why?
Ah, that's what I want to see.
I promise you that
Promise what? No, no, no, no.
The time for promises is over. Forget it.
José, may we talk for just a moment?
- You're defending this charlatan?
- It's only gonna take a moment.
[adult Camilo] Now,
I was in my mother's hands.
Because if my old man
carried out his threat,
my glorious sacrifice to keep Eva near
would be reduced to ashes.
[groans] Ana, please understand
the only solution I see for this punk
is the military academy,
because he needs discipline.
- No!
- And a strong, powerful hand.
A military career has to be a vocation.
It can't be a punishment.
If you force him,
the boy will hate military life forever.
- He'll be more rebellious.
- What do we do then?
- Reward him? Congratulate him?
- No one is saying that.
The school has suspended him.
That's already a punishment.
No, Ana, please. Don't lie to yourself.
That's not a punishment for him.
It's a reward.
- Let's think of something else.
- I'm trying. Nothing else comes to mind.
All I can think of
is the military academy.
'Cause not even the whip
would work on him.
[Camilo] I'd rather be whipped a thousand
times than be separated from Eva.
Don't be ridiculous, José.
Historically, it's been demonstrated
that punishment is inefficient,
and even strengthens the offender.
Humanity has taken hundreds of years
to demonstrate that symbolic
and moral sanctions
are the only possible path
to resocialization of the individual.
[adult Camilo] At that time,
my mom was transcribing a university paper
about a popular French philosopher,
Michel Foucault,
and his book Discipline and Punish.
Thanks to Mr. Foucault,
my sentence was up for discussion,
and I was left in suspense,
praying for my fate.
Since it was a time
without the internet or social networks,
it was two long days
of waiting for my dad's decision,
and fighting my impatience by reading
and re-reading The Asphalt Jungle.
The waiting and the distance
nourished my love,
and I prayed to the gods
to give me a hand.
And at last, the final verdict came.
[José] I don't agree with this.
I do it for your mom,
because she still trusts you.
But if you get into any trouble, Camilo,
not even your mom will save you
from the military academy.
- Understood?
- Mm-hm.
- "Mm" what?
- Yes, sir.
While you finish your suspension,
you're going to be confined to your room.
You will not receive visitors or calls.
Except from Rodrigo Arbeláez.
Ah, yes. And just so you don't
fall behind in school.
When you go back to the José María,
there will be no free afternoons
for you, young man.
You will stop hanging around
with those punks, wasting your time.
You will go to school and then return
to the house. Do you understand that?
Yes, sir. Understood.
But if you get into trouble,
even just a little, then you'll see
how fast I'll watch you
putting on a military uniform.
[adult Camilo] Having saved my skin
thanks to Foucault and my mother,
and while I was waiting for my suspension
to be over so I could meet Eva again,
I spent my time reading the books
that she had recommended to us,
all of which I had borrowed
from the school library.
It was a way to keep my memories alive
and also to strengthen
my relationship with literature.
From the writings of, among others,
Joyce, Hesse, Oscar Wilde,
I started to understand
that there was no great love
that was not crossed by sadness.
["Pequeña y Frágil" by Sabu plays]
It was also two weeks
of writing, reading, and re-reading
the letters we had sent to each other.
[sighs] This girl's
just so amazing, brother.
I know. I can tell
by that stupid look on your face.
[Camilo] You're such a jerk.
Do me a favor.
I need you to give this one to her.
I don't know how you'll do it,
but have her read it in front of you
and tell me what she says.
Okay, bro. No problem.
["Pequeña y Frágil" by Sabu continues]
Eva was really emotional this morning.
What does the letter say?
She says she's counting the days
till she can see me again.
According to police reports,
an astronomical 80% of land in Guajira
is planted with marijuana
and 500,000 pounds of weed
are produced annually,
reaching Florida and Europe
by clandestine routes
on ships and airplanes,
supplying approximately
20 million smokers.
The business profits the entire chain.
The growers,
those in charge of production,
the marimberos, who are traders
that buy from the farmers
to stockpile
and then sell to the exporter,
the exporters themselves,
and finally, the money launderers,
who siphon their profits
back into the country
So proud, right, son?
Yeah, Colombia. No?
[adult Camilo] Having served my sentence,
and with my heart beating wildly,
I prepared to go back to school
and start living what I thought
would be the happiest time of my life.
[José] What will happen to you
if you mess up again.
Forewarned is forearmed.
So you'll go from home school,
and from school to home. Is that clear?
Yes, sir. Don't worry. You won't get
any more complaints about me.
- [José] We'll see.
- Don't worry. We have confidence in you.
Speak for yourself.
I don't trust anyone at the moment.
Do you know why?
Because the country and the world
have gone to shit.
You don't believe it? Here.
Read this. Even the rich
have become corrupt.
One can understand that the poor
steal to eat, but the rich too?
Do you know what that means for us, Ana?
What, José? What?
According to you,
every fortune has a secret.
[José] No, but this country
has gone to hell.
Especially with our education system.
Weak and complacent.
The proof is our idiot here,
who does whatever he wants and goes back
to school as if nothing bad happened.
Like everything is normal.
[intriguing music plays]
[Camilo] "I need you to answer calls.
Everything has an explanation. Your Dad."
[intriguing music continues]
[Camilo] "After the approval
of the minimum dose last April,
and the Times magazine report highlighting
Colombia as a new drug paradise,
there is a new scandal."
"The capture of businessman
Jorge Eduardo Samper,
who, by taking advantage
of the so-called "Sinister Window"
managed to launder millions of dollars
from marijuana trafficking
through his legally established
companies in the country."
[knocking on door]
[Ana] Camilo.
You're gonna be late.
"Illusory joy is very often worth more
than a sorrow whose cause is real."
What can we deduce
from this quote by Descartes?
Beyond what we find in his books,
and his discourse.
Hm? Self-deception? Denial?
Hey, guys. And Eva?
What about her?
Well, where is she?
- Who knows? You're her BFF.
- It's weird she's not here yet.
[Álvaro] No, no, no, bro.
I don't think so.
With the classes we have today,
it's fine to play hooky.
Bro, don't forget
we have that math class today.
[adult Camilo] Apparently, at that moment,
none of them had any idea
what was going on with Eva.
But what was going on?
Where was she? Was she okay?
Miss Ana?
[Ana] What?
Did you leave the newspaper
in the bathroom?
I was looking for it.
I haven't read it yet.
Then why is it in the bathroom?
Hm, Camilo?
[scoffs] That fool reading the newspaper?
I doubt it.
- All these.
- Oh. [chuckles]
Did you read all of them?
Yeah. What else am I gonna do,
24 hours a day locked up in a room?
Read, of course.
Um, Ms. Sara
Call me Sara. Thank you.
[chuckles] Sara. Do you think
you can let me use your telephone?
Sure, it's my absolute pleasure.
If you weren't a student.
But since you are a student,
I can't let you.
Oh, it's an emergency.
I forgot something very important
that I need to tell my mother,
so I need to call her.
Aw. What's wrong?
No, it's personal.
It's something at the house.
Oh, no. Personal issues you solve at home.
At home, family things.
At school, school things. Right?
No, I lied, because actually
what I need is to call Eva Samper.
What is it? She's not here.
She has a problem that's very serious.
It's true. What I really need
is to talk to her. Can you help?
What happened?
Let's make a deal. I'll tell you
if you swear that you won't tell anyone
and if you let me use the phone?
[telephone rings]
- What?
- No, nothing.
[suspenseful music plays]
Yeah, yeah.
[suspenseful music continues]
- What's up? Where were you?
- At the library, returning books.
Do you want to go
to our spot to celebrate?
No, I can't go.
[Álvaro] Why not?
Because I'm kind of grounded.
I have to go from my house to school,
and from school to my house.
Oosh. Sucks.
Yes, but if I don't obey,
they'll send me to the military academy.
A military school?
Yes, the military academy.
That's where he said.
[adult Camilo] Although it was true
that the agreement with my dad
was that I went from home to school,
and from school to home,
this was a matter beyond my control
that justified taking any risk.
I invoked Romeo's spirit
and went in search of my Juliet.
Hello. I'm here to see Eva. Is she in?
- She's not here.
- Please, wait! I have to talk to her!
[door slams]
[doorbell rings]
I know Eva's here,
and I need to talk to her.
You're wrong, young man.
No, no, no, no, no. No, I'm not.
I'm gonna stand right here
until she comes out and faces me.
That is your problem.
[Eva] Miguel.
[tense music plays]
The American cops told me that they are
the only ones capable of helping you.
United States
Drug Enforcement Administration.
If you really wanna help your friend,
and you speak with her, tell her
that we'll be waiting for her here.
So let her know
we promise to keep her safe.
Nobody can help me, Camilo.
But you're not responsible
for the things your father has done.
- You really think so?
- Yes.
Because the last few years, all I've done
is give myself this great life
thanks to the things my father's done.
I saw a telegram
there in the room, near your bed.
Your dad was asking you to answer
his calls to explain things to you.
Also, I heard you talking to him
on the phone at the party.
So I know that you didn't know
or agree with what he was doing.
- Yes, but I covered for him anyway.
- [Camilo] But he is your dad.
No one can blame you
for loving your parents.
It's not like
you get to choose them either.
Hm? You shouldn't have to hide
because of him.
Now you see why I couldn't tell you?
The important thing is
now I know,
and I swear I won't leave you alone
for anything in the world.
Tomorrow, we go to José Maria together
with our heads held high,
and whoever dares to say anything
No violence.
Whoever dares to say anything,
I'll convince them that you have no
responsibility for your father's behavior.
I have to leave now
to get home before I get in trouble.
But tomorrow, I'll pick you up early
and we'll go together to José Maria.
[soft music plays]
[door opens]
[José] Where were you? Didn't we say
you would come straight home?
Yes. But I just had an emergency.
[José] With your friend Eva?
We know who her father is.
We called the school, asked about her,
and they told us that this girl,
just like her father,
is getting you all hooked on marijuana.
That was only once, Dad!
[tense music plays]
And also, you're lying, because I know
you didn't discuss that with the school.
Now you see? There's no substitution
for experience, my boy.
Now you've admitted it, I need you
to cut off communication with that girl.
No, Papa. Eva's in big trouble. I'm her
boyfriend. I can't leave her alone.
She's the daughter of a criminal.
Let's not go there either, José. No one is
to blame for the sins of their parents.
But she gave them marijuana.
I don't believe anyone forced you
to smoke either. Marijuana.
It was only once,
and I didn't even like it.
[Camilo] At the time, I felt
the truth was way too problematic.
I just don't know, Camilo. This could be
the screw-up I was waiting for
to take you to the military academy.
Stop threatening him.
He won't disobey you, José.
I hope so.
[intriguing music plays]
[adult Camilo] As expected,
Sara, the librarian,
could not resist the temptation to tell
what I had revealed about Eva's father,
and that morning, the gossip
had already spread like wildfire.
Professor, in this country,
the rich think that they have a crown.
They go around breaking the law
and do whatever they want.
They know that nothing will happen.
Why don't you talk to me directly, Martín?
As my mom says, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Well, right now, my father is in prison.
Because he was arrested.
Not because he surrendered.
Either way, he's paying for what he did.
We'll see. Because rich people
turn prisons into luxury hotels
with all the comforts they can get.
We'll also have to see
how long your dad stays incarcerated.
Because with all the money
he earned from his "vocation",
he'll probably pay off the judges
Hey, Salcedo, shut up!
Why? Someone has to tell her
the truth here.
How come you've gone
from the laziest student
to the biggest contributor in class?
So what? Are you pissed
that I'm confronting your girlfriend?
So what if I am?
- You want trouble now?
- [Camilo] So what?
[Dr. Alicia] Hey, stop it.
That's enough. Don't forget where you are.
See, you jerk?
Debate is welcome,
but with arguments that stay polite.
That's what I'm doing, Professor.
But some people in this class
just can't stand the truth.
Let's not talk about truth
or you'll be sorry.
I'm surprised
at your bad memory, Granados.
Don't forget who you are and who she is.
Remember, she's here as a punishment.
Yeah, fuck off, Salcedo!
I said enough already,
or I'll suspend you from class.
[rock music plays]
[adult Camilo] I couldn't keep
my commitment to Eva
that I would not resort to violence
to resolve things.
I retaliated with force.
This time, to one of my best friends,
for having messed
with the only thing in my life
I considered sacred at that moment.
[rock music continues]
[boys shout]
[music stops]
We know we talked about this, Camilo.
Yeah, but I couldn't resist.
- Ouch! Be careful.
- Sorry.
And so then, are you gonna fight
the entire school?
Martín isn't the only one
who thinks I'm as guilty as Papa.
If I have to, I'll fight the whole world.
[inhales sharply]
No one will ever treat you badly.
Very well. But you decide.
Either you keep using your fists
against the world
and I'll never speak to you again, or
you learn to resolve things
in a peaceful way,
and we stay together.
Decide quickly, because I need a favor.
Here. Hold still.
[adult Camilo] That day, Eva decided
she could no longer put off
visiting her father in prison,
and asked me to accompany her there.
[melancholy music plays]
Glad you came to see me.
[adult Camilo] I had agreed
to accompany Eva to jail
because her request was further proof
that I was now part of her world.
Besides, my dad had been hired that day
for a job outside of Bogotá,
so there was no danger
of him arriving home early.
I didn't want to push her to tell me
about the meeting with her father.
I didn't have very good memories
of the times I had demanded explanations.
With Eva, I understood
that if I wanted to earn her trust,
I would need to be patient.
It didn't go well with my dad.
He tried to justify everything
by attacking me,
and trying to say to me
who should really feel guilty.
Are you judging me also? Me?
I just really want an explanation.
How many times did I write you? Huh?
How many times did I call you
to give you that explanation?
It's only now you give me the opportunity?
You fled and left me alone.
So what did you expect me to do?
To be accountable for what you did.
[scoffs] Oh really?
Just like you answer for your actions.
you are also a part of this equation.
What are you saying?
[Jorge] You smoke.
You consume marijuana.
I'm just trying to legalize
all of the money
that you utilize to buy your merchandise.
[adult Camilo] Eva's dilemma was an early
foreshadowing of a debate that,
as the years passed and the war
against drug trafficking intensified,
became more and more heated.
Who were the ones
really responsible for the problem?
Those who produced? Those who traded?
Those who consumed?
Those who legislated?
All of them? None of them?
[doorbell rings]
You have to be pretty shameless to show up
after all you've done and everything
that's happened, young lady.
Yes, forgive me, Mr. Granados.
But I really need to talk to Camilo.
I need you to leave here right now.
I won't ask again, please.
- [Camilo] Eva?
- Now.
- What are you doing here?
- We don't care.
- She was just leaving. Now, please.
- Then I'm going with her.
Oh yeah? Perfect.
Well, go ahead and leave. The door
of this house is always open for you.
Go. But I'm warning you, Camilo.
If you choose to leave this house,
you can never come back.
I am so embarrassed
with how that went over.
No, it's not a problem.
I'll take care of my dad.
It's just that, if you came,
it's because something serious happened.
Does it have to do with your dad?
[Eva sighs]
I came to say goodbye.
What do you mean, say goodbye?
[melancholy music plays]
Uh, well, people from the government
came to my house.
Since I am a minor
and my father is in prison,
they're making me go to my aunt's
in the United States.
[melancholy music continues]
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