Familiar Wife (2018) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

What is this?
What is going on?
We were…
married, Woo-jin.
You and I were married.
We were husband and wife.
Of course.
You probably think I'm crazy.
It'll be hard to believe.
I couldn't even believe it myself.
it's the truth.
I saw it.
I saw it.
You were touching her butt like this.
Ju-hyuk. Can you stay?
We met when we were young
and loved each other.
Then we got married.
you had changed so much.
I didn't realize it was my fault
for making you lonely.
I complained
and resented you.
Then, one day, it happened.
I couldn't believe
or fathom what had happened.
-You have deviated from the route.
I went back in time.
To that day 12 years ago.
The day we first met.
Tell them to speak up if they did.
I ran into you
on the bus again.
But unlike before,
I turned my back on you.
When I woke up, Hye-won was next to me.
I really had a different wife.
You're lying.
I know it's hard to believe, Woo-jin,
but it's true.
Mr. Cha.
Don't you think you've watched
too many fantasy movies?
This is ridiculous.
If you feel that burdened by me,
be honest with me.
You don't have to make up
such a ridiculous story.
I'm being serious, Woo-jin.
There's no way it's true.
Where have you been?
It's still dark outside.
Have you known all along?
Is that why you called him
your son-in-law?
What do you know?
Mom, how much do you know?
How much of it is true?
Don't blame Mr. Cha.
He was good to us in so many ways.
I feel bad for both of you.
You and Ju-hyuk.
What an ironic fate.
I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed.
I should go to sleep.
I'm Seo Woo-jin.
Mr. Cha told me.
He said you don't drink coffee
and that you'd have a strawberry shake.
Who doesn't like strawberries?
The Priscillin
in the first aid kit at work.
I heard you left it there.
The pharmacist recommended it.
My son-in-law!
Mr. Cha, it's been so long.
He's not some man. It's Mr. Cha.
-How did you get his last name right?
-That's because it's his name.
Who do you think, dummy?
This is you, Mr. Cha, and your kids.
Okay, I got it.
we need to be on our toes today.
Woo-jin called in sick.
I think I'll have to work the counter too.
With Hyang-suk…
Where is she?
Is Woo-jin very sick?
I think so.
Her voice sounded weak.
She always had so much energy.
Here's the document.
Your rental loan is complete.
I asked you to set
the interest payment date as the 1st.
But it says the 11th.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I'll fix it right away. Please wait.
Mr. Cha. What's wrong with you today?
You look completely out of it.
Aren't you going to tell me more?
Is it good?
No, it's not good at all.
But you're happy
I didn't go to work today, right?
No, I'm not happy at all.
Why not?
We went grocery shopping together,
and I bought you snacks.
I don't like it.
He's waiting. You need to go.
Who's waiting?
He's waiting for you.
He'll be worried.
Are you coming back from the store?
Why didn't you ask her
to buy you more snacks?
That looks good.
Auntie, please take care of my mom.
-I'll be right back.
-Okay, bye.
See you later.
Look at you.
You're so polite.
I want ice cream.
It was so hectic today.
Will Woo-jin come in tomorrow?
I'm not sure. Maybe she's feeling better.
I should call her later.
By the way, where did Hyang-suk go?
Maybe it's a stomachache.
Is she in the bathroom?
Ju-hyuk, where is Hwan?
-Mr. Byeon.
I have something urgent to do.
May I step out?
Sure. Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Taxi! Over here.
I can't believe it…
and I don't even know if it's possible.
But the strange experiences that I had,
the recurring dreams,
and my mom's strange behavior towards you.
How you felt familiar from the start,
and how you knew so much about me.
And most importantly,
the bus.
That's something
only those who were there could know.
It all makes sense now.
Why I felt the way I did.
And why my feelings
kept going in your direction.
why did you do it?
Why did you make such a choice?
Why did you abandon me?
I was…
so scared of you changing.
I was scared that I'd have to
deal with you for the rest of my life.
But I didn't know it was my fault.
If only I had been
more considerate of you.
If only
I had listened to you a bit more.
Then we could've lived
as healthily and happily as you are now.
But I ruined everything.
I was selfish. So…
I made a foolish choice.
I know it's too late…
but I'm really sorry, Woo-jin.
I'm so sorry, Woo-jin.
I'm so sorry.
I'm really sorry.
It's probably not just your fault.
Relationships are never one-sided.
I'm not the Seo Woo-jin you abandoned.
I'm not that weak.
When the waves come,
we'll overcome them and live happily.
I'll give you another chance.
So make it up to me.
Turn everything back to the way it was.
You're sorry?
Don't just say it.
Make it up to me.
By my side.
Did you eat yet?
You look hungry.
How did you know?
Did you cry?
Don't overthink it.
Be prepared to be cursed out
and live however you want.
Just follow your heart
and stop walking on eggshells!
Are you crying?
Why are you crying?
But I can't root for you.
Don't expect that of me.
You know,
your older brother.
Doesn't he owe us quite a bit now?
Make sure he pays.
Don't give him a discount.
Didn't you used to call me harsh
for charging him for food?
Why? Curious about how he's doing?
No, I'm not.
Why would I be curious about your brother?
He and I are now family in name only.
Nothing more or less
than a brother-in-law.
He has loyalty
the size of an anchovy's poop.
I won't associate with him.
Don't you ever mention him
in front of me again.
You're the one who brought him up.
But I think Ju-hyuk's worried about you.
I talked to him earlier.
He told me not to let you drink too much.
He's one to talk.
I bet he doesn't even eat properly
these days.
That nutjob.
I know.
He does seem a little crazy.
Are you crying?
Why would I cry?
These anchovies stink.
We bought the wrong ones this time!
What's up with him?
You're sorry?
Don't just say it. Make it up to me.
I'm being greedy.
Just follow your heart
and stop walking on eggshells!
It'd be too shameless.
I'll give you another chance.
So make it up to me.
Can I really do that?
Turn everything back to the way it was.
Can I…
be greedy…
just one last time?
I wanted to ask you face-to-face.
What are you doing this weekend, Woo-jin?
When Wolf becomes a black hole,
the Earth's rotation will slow down.
It will create a rift in space-time,
and a wormhole will be created.
The rift is already opening.
Once Wolf is gone,
gravity will reach its peak.
The wormhole
will allow us to travel back in time.
The timing is important!
The moon is a sign.
The moon.
The moon…
What should I wear?
It's hot today.
What? Is this for me?
Gosh, Mom.
-It's so pretty.
-Stop it.
-It's pretty.
-It's pretty.
Why is there so much traffic
on the weekend?
Was there an accident?
If you're on the way to Gupo-dong,
you will experience traffic.
Around 10:10 a.m. today,
the 170 bus and a 2.5-ton truck collided
near the bus terminal, causing congestion.
That means it's blocked up there.
Many passengers
were seriously injured in the accident.
Let's go this way.
There are a lot of accidents today.
Please be careful.
Did you wait long?
You're so pretty.
If I'm so pretty, why did you abandon me?
I don't know.
What about your mom?
Her caregiver is here, right?
She'll be okay. Let's go, Mr. Cha…
How did I address you before?
After we got married,
you just said, "Hey, you."
Hey, you. Where should we go today?
I mean, Ju-hyuk?
I thought about it, Woo-jin.
Why don't we go to the place
where we had our first date?
Wow, it's the beach!
You thought I'd say that?
I guess it's pretty typical
to go to the beach in the summer.
By the way,
if this was our first date,
what did we do?
Well, we went to see the ocean
and ate good food.
It's strange.
It's a memory for you,
but not for me.
It's okay. We can make more memories.
What should we do?
What is there to do?
What should we do?
Did we chase each other
and say, "Catch me if you can,"
like in the movies?
We did.
-You first suggested it.
There's no way.
Should we reenact this?
Right now?
-Do you want to catch me?
I don't think so. I won't catch you.
-Catch me if you can.
-I don't want to.
Catch me if you can!
Do you think I can't catch you?
-It's cold.
-Give me a second.
Hello, Mr. Byeon. What can I do for you?
What do you mean?
Useong Company went bankrupt?
I don't know. What's going on?
How could this happen less than a week
after they got the money?
Ju-hyuk, call your father-in-law now.
Yes, sir. I'll call him.
I'm going to lose my mind.
I also feel like
I've been stabbed in the back.
It didn't seem that way
when I saw him yesterday.
I didn't realize his true nature.
So you can't reach him at all?
I even tried calling his second phone,
but it's turned off too.
Mr. Lee.
I'm sorry for introducing him to you,
but he owes us a lot of money as well.
The losses are severe.
There's even an emergency
board meeting right now.
Is that why Mr. Cha
is at headquarters right now?
Yes. He's probably exhausted
after being harassed all weekend.
I should've stopped him back then.
He didn't even do due diligence
on that money.
He raised the limit
using his authority as the branch manager.
Headquarters won't let it slide.
What's going to happen to him?
Is he going to get fired?
My friends from other branches said
if this gets out of hand,
our branch might shut down.
Why are they saying such ominous things?
What's wrong with you all?
I know you're all on edge,
but let's not argue amongst ourselves.
There's not a day that goes by
without some sort of crisis.
We should do an exorcism or something.
I looked into it,
and it seems that Useong Company
ran off with the loans
before going bankrupt.
They planned it all out,
and we fell for it.
Of course, we fell for it.
Ju-hyuk's father-in-law recommended it.
We didn't know this would happen.
Stop it.
Ju-hyuk's father-in-law
suffered a huge loss as well.
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha.
What should I do?
What did headquarters say?
I admitted that I made a mistake
by cutting corners,
but they're asking if I took a commission.
I told them
that had I even received 10,000 won,
I would've killed myself right there.
But they didn't believe me.
They wouldn't believe me.
How could this be?
I think I'm going to get fired.
I have to meet my son's in-laws soon.
My daughter hasn't even graduated
from college yet.
What will happen to my family
if I lose my job?
My wife
is good at spending money,
not making money.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm sorry.
Hi, honey.
No, it's nothing.
It's just a small accident.
We deal with money here.
These things happen all the time.
I've worked here for almost 30 years.
This is nothing.
Besides, I have a lot of credibility.
Yes, so don't worry.
I'll go home early today.
Go buy some groceries.
Don't spend more than 100,000 won.
I was so stupid.
I should've been more careful.
I shouldn't have introduced him
to the branch manager.
I should've done an inspection.
Why is that your fault?
It's the fault of the guy who tricked us.
That bastard.
I hope he gets struck by lightning
every step of his way
or chokes on something and dies.
Don't blame yourself.
He was determined to deceive us.
How could we have known?
You and Mr. Cha
were just unlucky.
There are times like that.
No matter how hard we try
to avoid misfortune,
the whole universe pushes us towards it.
In times like that,
all you can do is face it.
After my dad passed away,
and when I sensed my mom was getting ill,
I felt the same way.
Ju-hyuk, look at this. It's a bit strange.
What is?
I looked at the financial statements
and corporate seal certificate,
just in case.
The seal on the certificate
is different from the one
on the board of directors' records.
What if the documents were fabricated?
"Jason Lee"?
Jason Lee?
I just transferred the money.
It'll take about two days.
I think you should stay
in Hong Kong for the time being.
They're not just letting it slide.
I'll tell Mr. Kim
to look for a place for you to stay.
Okay, Mr. Han.
Don't call me until I call you.
I didn't mean to do this.
I needed additional funds
for the launch of a company.
I was going to pay it back
once the contract was signed.
But the contract didn't go through.
Can't you
turn a blind eye just this once?
I can't.
Then our brand manager
will take all the blame.
Are you going to expose Useong
as JK's shell corporation?
Do you think you'll be safe?
You're the one who introduced
Mr. Han to the branch manager.
And people know about our relationship.
They'll be suspicious.
They'll think you were in on it
from the start.
Are you okay with that?
You'll lose just as much as I will.
Did you forget the passcode?
What happened?
Is it really related to JK?
-Is it?
I'll explain
everything later.
Okay, sure.
Mr. Cha.
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
Is he at the gym?
Mr. Cha is not responsible for this.
I was the one
who was introduced to Mr. Han
by Mr. Lee of JK Group
and connected them.
I'll be there soon.
-Mr. Byeon.
How could this happen?
What is it? Did something happen again?
My heart is pounding.
It's not that.
Useong Company
was a shell corporation of JK Group.
JK was behind it.
Damn it.
No way.
My goodness.
What you're saying is very unconvincing.
You know that, right?
As a loan officer,
I admit that I failed to find the error
in the documents.
I'll accept the punishment,
but I can't accept the charge
of complicity in this case.
Mr. Cha, you're JK's son-in-law.
You're family.
You just connected them
without knowing anything?
How does that make sense?
Who would believe that?
The follow-up team from headquarters
has already begun legal action.
We're going to investigate
with the Prosecutors' Office.
Do you know how much damage
the company has suffered
because of this illegal loan?
How are you going
to take responsibility for the losses,
the bank's credibility, and image?
Collect all the loan documents
from the past six months.
Yes, sir.
Where's the audit team?
Did they leave?
They're raiding
the branch manager's office.
It's opening time soon,
so I'm sure they'll leave shortly.
Gosh, isn't this too much?
If Ju-hyuk were here,
they would've even searched his pockets.
He's worked hard for the past ten years,
working diligently
and never complaining about overtime.
But it all went up in smoke.
Headquarters think
Cha Ju-hyuk was in on it, too, right?
I think so,
judging from the way they're acting.
No way. That's impossible.
But he's the son-in-law of JK Group.
Why didn't he know?
Watch your mouth.
You worked with him for years.
How can you still not know him?
Did he brag about being JK's son-in-law?
Sometimes he did.
But he wouldn't do that to us
or to our branch manager.
We know that better than anyone.
I know he wouldn't do that.
It's not like Ju-hyuk
didn't know he'd be suspected.
But he still told the truth
for Mr. Cha and our branch.
You know what?
Kicking someone when they're down
is basically like telling them to die.
It means more to support someone
at their worst, not at their best.
Am I right?
I'm not sure if I should tell you this,
but I overheard Mr. Yoon
talking on the phone with his friend.
Mr. Cha got divorced recently.
But even if he says that now,
they might suspect it was a fake divorce.
No way.
Ju-hyuk must be having a really hard time.
Why do bad things always happen
all at the same time?
JK is really stabbing Ju-hyuk in the back.
I feel so bad for him.
First, he gets a divorce, and now this?
Is there anything we can do to help?
We can't just sit back and watch.
I'm not sure
if this will have any effect or not.
Gahyeon branch's Cha Ju-hyuk
received awards at the main branch
-for being a role model…
-And a hard worker.
Cha Ju-hyuk is innocent.
I think it's unfair to fire him.
He always speaks and behaves properly.
He would never try
to take out an illegal loan.
Mr. Cha is innocent.
From what I've seen,
he would never do anything
to harm the company
for personal gain.
Mr. Cha is diligent.
He thinks of KCU as a job for life.
He's passionate
and is an impeccable employee.
This is the security footage
from the restaurant
where you three met
the day the loan was taken out.
What did you talk about that day?
-You planned it together, right?
I thought it was just a meal.
Mr. Han was there.
He needed a loan,
so I brought him to the branch.
That's all. Really.
I'm Team Leader Byeon Seong-u
from the Gahyeon branch.
Do you remember me, sir?
Mr. Byeon, what brings you here?
It's about the loan mishap at our branch.
There's actually been a misunderstanding.
These are the documents
our employees made.
-Please take a look.
-Please read them.
Thank you.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached.
Please leave a voicemail after the tone.
Are you Mr. Cha Ju-hyuk?
This is the Prosecutors' Office.
The chairman of JK Group
and the Korean Business Association,
Mr. Lee Byeong-geol,
is being investigated
for receiving an illegal loan
of 12 billion won from a local bank.
According to the investigation,
Mr. Lee purchased a shell company
on the brink of closing
and fabricated overseas sales
to disguise it as a reliable company.
He borrowed 12 billion won from KCU Bank
and intentionally went bankrupt.
The Prosecutors' Office
plans to summon Mr. Cha,
Mr. Lee's ex-son-in-law
and senior associate at KCU, as a witness.
Next on the news.
Wolf, a star that lies
68 light-years away from Earth,
is rapidly becoming a black hole
as it approaches extinction.
Mom, it's nothing.
He's just being summoned as a witness.
He's not going to jail.
Stop crying. It's not like Ju-hyuk's dead.
Of course, Father.
No, that's not true at all.
It's your dad.
And I won't ever
let that happen to Ju-hyuk.
It's just a witness interview.
A witness.
Not "fitness." I said witness.
He'll be out soon after the interview,
so don't worry.
No, you don't have to come.
You'll hurt your back again.
Yes, Father. Don't worry…
Bye, Mom.
Hang up now.
Dad, hang up!
Jong-hoo, how long has
the disciplinary hearing been going on?
Exactly 30 minutes.
The result should be out by now.
Why am I so nervous?
They need to hurry up and announce it.
Are they trying to kill me?
Cha Bong-hee speaking.
I understand.
What happened? What did they decide?
I'll get
a three-month pay cut.
And Ju-hyuk will be fired.
I survived.
But I couldn't save Ju-hyuk.
What the hell is this?
They worked him hard for ten years,
but they can't let it slide just once?
They always say employees are like family.
Who would abandon their family?
Who abandons their family?
I'm sorry, Ju-hyuk.
I'm the one to blame.
You are dismissed.
Hurry up and get some gum.
Woo-jin told me not to buy you any.
Just don't stick it anywhere, okay?
-I want this one.
-Are you done?
You picked a lot.
You're eating cup noodles today.
You told me to.
I guess I'm bad at
getting the right timing.
I came to say goodbye.
I won't come by anymore.
Sure, whatever.
I now know for sure
what kind of person I am.
I guess I'm unlucky.
I make my life and the lives
of everyone around me miserable.
Is it karma?
I said I would be punished.
But I forgot.
I got greedy again.
That's why the heavens were angry.
Not everyone is able to repent.
You still have a chance.
A chance to turn everything back.
Today is the day.
I don't want to.
I don't want to be so shameless anymore.
I'm too scared.
You're crazy.
You were so desperate before.
Won't you regret it?
Did you have regrets?
Okay, Mr. Ha.
If you hear from Ju-hyuk, please call me.
I know, right?
Yes, thank you.
Ju-hyuk didn't call?
No, and Mr. Ha checked with everyone.
Why do you keep crying? Did someone die?
I can't help it.
Where are you?
You said you'd never see him again.
I can't abandon my family.
Can you?
He's not thinking of
doing anything drastic, is he?
Shouldn't we call the police?
How many bridges are there in Seoul?
Don't say something like that!
I'm just worried, that's all.
Is Woo-jin still looking for him
on her own?
I think so.
It's like looking for a needle
in a haystack.
How can she find him
in a huge city like Seoul?
I know.
It'll be hard to find him alone.
Hold on.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached.
Please leave a voicemail after the tone.
Mr. Cha, where are you?
I'm really worried about you,
so please call me back
or give me a text.
Voicemail recorded.
Mr. Cha, where are you?
I'm really worried about you,
so please call me back
or give me a text.
It's cold!
Why are you up?
Mom, I have to go somewhere right now.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me just for today.
I really have to go.
I'm really sorry.
I know. You should go.
Take this.
I think you'll need it more than I do.
We all have moments
when we want to turn back time.
There's no guarantee
that things will go the way we want.
But these opportunities
don't come along often.
Does that mean…
you too?
Go. You don't have much time.
What are you doing?
You don't have time. Go.
-Hurry up and go.
I did well, didn't I?
If only I had been faster that time,
I could have saved you.
Woo-jin is faster and smarter than I am.
She'll be able to change things
the way she wants.
-Come here!
What are you doing?
Come here right now! You jerk!
-Were you trying to die?
-Why are you being so stupid?
-Woo-jin, I won't die.
How can I die?
I won't do such stupid things anymore.
I won't die.
Do you know how worried I was?
Why do you have to make it so hard for me?
I made you suffer again.
It's okay. It's nothing.
Getting fired from the bank?
Who cares?
There are plenty of other things
you can do. You can do it all!
I know it's hard right now.
But you have me.
Let's face everything together.
-Come on.
-No, I won't.
You'll suffer if you stay with me.
You might end up as miserable as before.
So just go, Woo-jin.
Run away from me while you still can.
What a stupid thing to say.
When you smiled
the brightest you have in your life,
I wasn't there.
Whenever I was near you,
you were miserable.
I'm so sorry.
I'm really sorry.
end it here.
I'm sick of this too.
I'm not leaving you.
If I was going to, I wouldn't have come.
Just go.
Let's go and get through this together.
No, go!
I said, go!
If that's what you want,
I'll go and change our fate.
Opportunities like this don't come often.
If that's what you want,
I'll go and change our fate.
Opportunities like this don't come often.
It's real.
I remember the dream
of an eternal summer night.
So that I won't forget it
even when the morning comes.
Listening to this song,
I realized that summer
is the most romantic season.
During tropical nights…
You have deviated from the route.
You have deviated from the route.
If you don't open the door,
I'll kick it down.
For goodness' sake.
Open the door!
You're up.
You were sleeping out here.
Was it really hot yesterday?
You should get ready.
You have to go to school. You'll be late.
This is crazy!
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