Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e12 Episode Script

Behold the Negative Zone

Yo, friends, that's right, it's me
your blue-eyed, blushin',
ever-lovin' Thing.
Hey, right now,
for a limited time only
you can watch me stomp
the stuffings out of Terrax
Super Skrull, The Sub Mariner
and a whole mess
of other famous grungy creeps.
Thanks to the Fantastic Four's
own home video
my greatest adventures
are now yours to enjoy
when you buy
my famous collector's edition tape
called It's Clobberin' Time!
starring yours truly.
Hey, it's only a measly 29.95.
So get off your butts, get on the phone
whip out some of that plastic
and let me hear that
cash register go ding-a-ling-a-dong.
Everybody here at HTSN
is thrilled that The Thing picked us
to make this wonderful video
available to you
but you better hurry.
Ben said he had a surprise for me
but what's he doing selling video tapes?
I'll tell you what he's doing,
he's disgracing this building and me.
Everyone in New York
knows that moronic orange dump-truck
lives here, Mrs. Richards.
I sympathize, Miss Forbes,
but Ben's an adult. I can't control him.
Then perhaps Dr. Richards can.
Come along, Foo Foo.
Computer, lock coordinates
with Hubble Telescope
and access
image-enhancement protocols.
locked, protocols accessed.
Interfacing. Stand by
to record my observations.
Amazing! Matter runs down into
that black hole like water down a drain.
But if my theory is correct,
it will enter a negative zone
and become anti-matter as it exits.
Then, as it recirculates,
transforms itself into
Good grief! It's the Negative Zone
planetary system itself!
Its planets orbit
the backwash of a black hole
instead of around a sun.
One of the planets
seems to be a worid of inversión.
Gravity and physical laws reversed
with strange, dreadful
inhabitants of unbelievable power.
I want your undivided attention,
Dr. Richards.
So I pulled your plug.
I'm sorry, sweetheart,
she insisted on seeing you.
Very well, but disconnecting
my experiment when you did
was unwise and dangerous,
Miss Forbes.
The forces I was monitoring are very
powerful, their effects unpredictable.
- Look out!
- What's happening?
- Gor blimey!
- Reed!
Big time bizarre.
Now you've put a hole in my wall.
Reed, what is that?
Reed, what is he?
I don't know, but something caused
a tear in the fabric of our dimensión
and he came out of it.
You have nothing to fear from us.
We will not harm you.
Get away from me,
you grotesque cucaracha.
- Johnny!
- Flame on!
It's a stand-off.
I don't think he's afraid of fire.
Oh, my!
That entrance to whatever.
Something else is coming!
I've got to seal it off
before we get any more strange visitors.
This will destroy
the value of my property
and it's all your fault!
Oh, darling, you did it.
That's only part of the problem.
That insectoid creature
is loose somewhere in New York.
And we don't know how dangerous it is.
We've got to find it
and send it back where it came from.
Come on, out there,
keep ordering my video.
It's a lot better than them crummy
porcelain pigs they usually sell here.
crummy porcelain pigs
they usually sell here
I don't know what you want, ace
but we aren't hosting
a Halloween party here. Get lost.
What is it with you?
Don't you understand English?
I did not but now I do!
I am Annihilus
lord of the Planet Tyanna.
I herewith claim this worid!
Accept my rule or die!
Yes, shut ins,
these enchanting porcelain pigs
from the Age of Enlightenment
are next
here on the Home Town
Shopping Network.
Ask for Sir Reginald Swine
at only 79.95.
Then you can buy his friend,
Lady Fanny Pork for $59
You can't come in here. We're on air.
- Hey.
- Ben, we need you.
- Hurry.
- Give me a raincheck, Stretcho.
I still got tapes to unload.
But a strange creature from another
dimensión is loose in the city.
Whoa, hey, hey! What's with you?
This is serious, Ben.
This city and perhaps the worid
itself is in grave danger.
This is Sam Jaggers of Hard News
on special assignment in New York City
where you are watching
an incredible insectoid mutant
calling himself Annihilus
as he constructs what appears
to be his living quarters
high above the fashionable midtown area.
And it looks like the law has finally
decided to do something
about this weird intruder.
Let's listen in.
You, there on the building.
You're trespassing
and have no building permit.
For the last time,
cease and desist or we'll arrest you.
Prepare to disengage. Disengage!
Do the pincers movement,
Johnny. Now!
The choppers
are in free fall. Hurry!
- Got 'em, sis.
- Great work, Sue, Johnny.
Set them down safely
and join Ben and me as soon as possible.
We've got to learn exactly
what we're dealing with.
We mean you no harm.
Stay back, or be destroyed!
We can help you
return to your own dimensión.
Yeah, Bug Eyes,
we want to be pals.
Keep back!
He appears to be priming
his control rod for maximum power.
On three, focus all
positive energy beams on him.
One, two, now!
Anti-matter shards!
Refocus your energy beams now!
Hey, look at the Whosis!
He's dematerialized.
And there's no way to know where
he'll come back into this dimensión.
We've got to do some homework, fast.
How can we defeat someone whose
power equals anything we throw at him?
The problem's worse than that.
Our energy derives from our dimensión.
His emanates from
the anti-matter Negative Zone
which exists inside
a mysterious black hole in space.
Right. It's all on account
of the anti-matter no parking zone.
Thanks for clearing things up.
Where's Waldo Pizza? You find us
no matter where we are?
Yeah, it's me again.
Give me the pepperoni, salami,
garlic combo with anchovies.
Oh, but hold the onions.
You see, I got a lady friend visiting.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
You've been working so long
I thought you might enjoy a tea break.
Oh, thank you, Alicia.
I always love watching Ben
stick out his little finger
when he slurps out of the saucer.
Hey, hey,
don't knock my manners, firefly.
I ain't the one
who eats chicken soup with his hands.
Reed, the inter-dimensional doorway.
Free! Free!
In a new dimensión to conquer! Ha ha!
Annihilus, I would know his stench
even on the Dead Plains
of the Jackal Worid of Arrrl!
Hey, I like this guy.
He makes me look like
Brian Austin Green.
There's no room for Annihilus and me.
I am Blastaar!
I must rule alone!
I don't like this.
Our problem has just more than doubled.
Unless we can find a way to counter
the effects of anti-matter in this
dimensión, our worid is doomed.
We must follow him.
I'm giving it everything,
but that blue-whiskered jerk
is still ahead of us.
Ahhh, sustenance.
What the?
Eat heartily, Annihilus,
it is your last meal.
Come now, I must practice
the language of this new dimensión
which I shall conquer and plunder.
Let me hear you say
farewell to your life!
You were right, Blastaar!
There will be no sharing.
Earth will be mine alone!
Amazing! According to my sensors
Annihilus has absorbed enough radiation
to vaporize New York.
But his system has converted it
into non-radioactive anti-matter.
It's clobberin' time!
Yeow! Ooof!
I'm sorry, Officer,
I didn't see the off ramp.
Only one of us
shall remain to rule!
I invoke the challenge of Algestus Kax!
A fight to the death. Winner take all!
I accept.
And the choice of field is mine!
There on the highest battlement.
We meet in one hour,
earth time!
That doesn't give us much time
to learn how to neutralize them.
If we don't find a way to return
them to the Negative Zone
the human race could become slaves
to either Blastaar or Annihilus.
It's like the door into
the Negatory Zone wasn't never there.
That's because the precise moment
in which a confluence of diverse
energy-producing events
caused a tear
in our dimensional fabric has passed.
But Blastaar and Annihilus will meet
in combat in less than 40 minutes.
And we don't have the resources
to defeat them. Is it hopeless?
No, Sue. Not if we find the key to
re-open that inter-dimensional doorway.
I've reproduced
the experiment I was working on
when the tear in
the dimensional fabric appeared.
But so far it hasn't produced results.
It's pizza guy!
Okay, who belongs to the pepperoni,
salami, garlic combo?
Is pizza the surprise
you promised me, Ben?
No way. Just wait.
My surprise is a doozy.
Ah, yo, pizza guy.
We get your combo.
- Reed, a combo!
- Of course!
It was a combination
of energy-related events
that ripped a hole
in this dimensión in the first place.
That was brilliant, sweetheart!
I thought so too.
I learned from the best.
I I don't get it.
We're going to re-create
the exact combination of events
which tore the fabric of
this dimensión
and pray it's the key
to the Negative Zone.
Ben, you must get
the Home Town Shopping Network
to re-run your appearance at once.
Say what?
Yo, friends, that's right, it's me
your blue-eyed, blushin',
ever-lovin' Thing.
Right now, for a limited time only
While I was tapping into
the Telescope's coverage
of that black hole in space
Ben was on the Home Town
Shopping Network
which was receiving thousands of calls
by way of a communications satellite.
I believe a spontaneous
interface took place
which was then interrupted.
Now, Miss Forbes, please.
This is the most ridiculous
exercise in stupidity I
Just pull the cockamamie plug!
Oh, yes, yes, of course, of course!
And be sure Foo Foo barks.
His sound is part
of the energy equation.
Oh, speak, Foo Foo, speak.
Bark, you shrimp.
- It's happening!
- Way to go!
Good grief!
It worked! Now to reprogram
the Fantasticar
for inter-dimensional travel.
And then to the top
of The Worid Trade Center.
Blastaar and Annihilus should be
facing off for the final conflict
in exactly 12 minutes.
Can't you wait to observe protocol?
I have no patience for ritual.
Die, usurper!
There isn't a moment to spare.
The buildings are shaking down
to their foundations.
Your new doohickey sure don't look
like much. What if it don't work?
Then we could be stuck
in the Negative Zone forever.
At least the worid would be free
of Blastaar and Annihilus.
Ready, Johnny, Ben, Sue?
- All set.
- Yes.
One for the money,
two for the show
- Now!
- Flame on!
Hurry, Ben, Johnny.
I can't hold them much longer.
Uh! Haagh!
Now drive us through
the spaceltime barrier
into the Negative Zone.
Release me!
I do not wish to return now!
When I jettison cargo
hold on tight and whatever you do
don't open your eyes.
Ready? Jettisoning!
You shall pay for this indignity!
All who meddle
with the will of Blastaar die!
They're coming right at us!
I said close your eyes!
Oh, Ben, you're back safely.
The inter-dimensional window which
opened onto the Negative Zone
has been sealed.
Which leaves only one question
still unanswered.
What was Ben doing
on the Home Town Shopping Network?
I needed a little bread
for Alicia's surprise.
Here, kid. You can even ride it
to the supermarket.
Oh, Ben!
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