Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e12 Episode Script

Becoming a Bully's Buddy

Ippo, shouldn't you be resting?
-You'll get sick!
-It's okay!
I have to be active in the morning
to feel right!
See you at the boat!
Look at how elated he is.
Sorry for staying so late yesterday.
That's okay. I had a great time.
Doing homework together
makes it go really fast.
-So, come over again sometime.
-Thanks, I will!
This is great!
This must be a heavenly reward
for winning my debut match!
Oh, yeah.
I won!
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.
The winner, Makunouchi!
It was just like Takamura-san
said it would be.
The applause fell on me like rain.
I'll never forget that!
I'll try to forget that.
I bet everyone's going to be shocked
at these bandages.
Besides, when they find out
I won my pro debut match
Awesome, Makunouchi! You are awesome!
Way to go, Makunouchi!
I really admire you, Makunouchi-kun!
All right! To celebrate
Makunouchi's first victory
let's toss him in the air!
Congratulations, Makunouchi-kun!
Aw, stop!
But it would be in bad taste
if I sounded boastful.
That's the tricky part.
And you know what Yoko said after that?
-What happened? You're all bandaged up!
-Here it comes!
What?! You're a professional boxer?!
Yeah, sort of.
I never would have figured you
for a boxer.
So, you're a pro.
-What are you going to do about college?
That must have taken determination.
Are you going to box for a living?
Uh, I haven't thought that far ahead yet.
Right now, I'm just devoting myself
to boxing.
I'll probably be bombarded
with questions all day!
I should've known better.
It's not like I took up boxing
to be popular.
You're eating lunch here? That's pathetic.
I left my license at home,
and there's nothing else for him to take.
Uh, hi! Did you want to
see me about something?
What's that?
I can't talk to you
unless it's important?!
Uh, no.
-Uh, yes?
Come on, Umezawa-san.
Say I heard from a guy in your class
Well, you know. You won your debut match?
Uh, well Sort of.
Looks like it's true.
Yeah, but still
How did you win?
Huh? Didn't you come to bully me?
Umezawa-san is asking
you a question! Answer him!
I did this and
Are you mocking us?!
We can't understand that!
Explain from the beginning!
Uh, right.
Well, in the first round
You started to bleed?!
You were happy that you didn't lose
by technical knockout?
And you won with right jabs only?
Don't try to sell me that, you bastard!
I bet his opponent was weak.
That's how it was, right, Ippo?
Uh, um
Do you all like boxing?
Of course we like boxing!
Boxers are at the pinnacle
of manly strength!
All delinquents idolize them!
That's why we think you're
You idolize me?!
Don't push your luck!
-We don't idolize worms like you!
Oh, yeah.
-So, when's your next fight?
When's your next match?!
Uh, right.
Um, my opponent hasn't been selected yet,
but it'll be at Kourakuen Hall in a month.
Oh. In a month, huh?
At Kourakuen Hall, huh?
In a month, huh?
What was that all about?
You lied to us, Umezawa-san!
Shut up!
Weren't you going to apologize?
You wanted to be friends!
It's too late now!
Oh, shut up!
Hi there, Yagi-san.
Ah, Fujii-san.
What kind of article is it today?
Oh, it's nothing much.
Are you here to interview me?
Okay, how about this?
A Special Feature Article!
A whopping 20 pages
"All about Mamoru Takamura!"
You'd be guaranteed double the sales.
-But, it takes more than that
-Where's Makunouchi?
I brought what the Chief
asked me to bring.
He's in the ring downstairs. Be my guest.
I will, thanks.
Fujii-chan, you must have good footwork
to get behind me so quickly.
Did you say something, Takamura-kun?
-You're just as guilty, Yagi-chan!
-What did I do?!
Hey, come on!
Don't rest after the one-two!
You're forgetting three, the hook!
Working hard, I see.
Your after-punch pull is too slow!
Don't go in straight! Move sideways
or you'll get countered!
He's biting his thumbs.
Oh, I see! It's the peek-a-boo technique.
He says it'll get him into the habit
of keeping his fists under his chin.
That makes sense.
His guard did look awfully loose
at his debut match.
'Peek-a-boo' is
an English expression, right?
It's a unique pose the renowned trainer,
Cus D'Amato, taught Mike Tyson.
It involves holding
the gloves firmly to the chin
and peeking through at the opponent.
As expected of Chief Kamogawa.
He came up with a plan of counterattack
in no time flat.
Throw a hook immediately
after the one-two!
I appreciate it, Fujii-kun.
No problem. I'm only happy to
accommodate a request from you.
For you.
It's a video of Miyata's match
from the other day.
Watch it for your reference.
Oh! Thank you, sir!
Your next match,
along with the Rookie Tournament,
is coming up, right?
Do your best.
Three fights, three KO wins.
Way to go, Miyata-kun!
The Rookie King Tournament.
I have a rough road ahead of me,
but I'll make it!
-Is the kid here? Hey, kid!
-Uh, yes!
Your next opponent has been selected!
Your opponent is
Yoshio Fujiwara of Maeda Gym.
So far he's got one win and one loss.
The win was by decision.
He's no biggie.
You can't judge by record alone.
In boxing, you never know the result
until the match is over.
However, this upcoming match is important
in terms of getting a boost
before the tournament.
You can't afford to lose this!
Don't slack off!
Yes, sir!
He's on fire!
I'm still having trouble
believing it even after seeing this.
He'll probably end up
being knocked out anyway.
That's true.
Let's laugh our heads off at him.
But what if he turns out
to be incredibly strong?
That's impossible, and you know it.
Yeah, good point.
-Good! Go for it!
-Keep it up!
-Go for the body, then the head!
-Close in on him!
-Ooh, look at them go!
-Just a little more!
Ippo's next. He'll probably last
all of ten seconds!
That's possible.
Yeah, we know how he is.
It's finally Ippo's turn.
Hey, you guys! What are you
getting nervous about?!
Look who's talking!
It's Ippo!
It's really him that came out!
-It's that polite bowing again!
-I love it!
Good luck!
He's an instant hit!
Look at his opponent!
Holy crap! He looks strong in every way!
Chief! He has no eyebrows!
Humph! He has the appropriate look,
but you don't box with your face.
Don't let that scare you and step forward.
You'll have no problem
if you make the moves we practiced!
Like I said, his guard is soft.
Let him have it from the get-go.
You got it! I'll send that baby face
home to his mama with one punch.
It's on!
Here he comes! I'll counterpunch!
Damn, his guard seems firm to me!
That was close.
The peek-a-boo style is working!
What's with this guy's punches?!
It destroyed my guard!
It feels like being hit with a rock!
Good job! You're on a roll!
Is this for real?
Ippo's got the upper hand!
Which of you said it'd be over
in ten seconds?!
You, Umezawa-san!
Damn! Don't get carried away!
You're mine!
Hey! He went down!
But didn't that guy just use his head?!
He did! That was definitely a headbutt!
That's dirty! That bastard!
That was butting!
Referee, what are you doing?
Keep your eyes open!
It didn't hurt me! I can continue!
What the heck was that?
A four-round match is
a two KO system. I can't fall again!
Ippo's on the offensive!
-He isn't losing the battle!
It's no good!
I can't win by fighting fair!
Hey! That was headbutting, Referee!
Watch carefully, Referee!
Watch his head!
You, watch your head!
What? It was an accident.
His head's so low,
I can't help bumping into it.
Do it again,
and I'll deduct points. Got it?
-You watch out too.
The peek-a-boo style involves posing low,
so does that make me easier to bump into?
He did it on purpose!
That piece of crap! What a cheater!
He's not fit to be called a boxer!
Ippo! Take that sucker down!
Yeah! Get him, Ippo!
Aw, you moron!
Get him!
They hit each other!
It's okay. He's overpowering him!
Good job! It's working!
-Go, go! Finish him!
-Get him there, Ippo!
He's relentless!
I can't get a shot in edgewise!
Damn! I'll do it
as many times as I have to!
He's doing it again! Dodge him, Ippo!
Man! He got it!
That's a penalty, Referee!
If I know a headbutt is coming
An uppercut?
I can take it!
-Did he block it?!
Give him another!
All right!
The winner, Makunouchi!
He did it!
Ippo, congratulations!
Thank you, sir!
That was brilliant.
-Great job, Kid.
What's wrong? I didn't hit you that hard.
Look, Yagi-chan! This is impressive!
It's not nice to laugh.
They're having a blast in Ippo's corner.
They have reason to.
That uppercut was intense!
I already knew he'd be victorious
when they hit each other simultaneously.
I knew Ippo would pull through!
Well, I knew we had nothing to worry about
even before the opening gong.
What are you talking about?!
I'm the one who first noticed him!
I noticed him as someone to bully.
We saw his hidden side.
Yeah. That we did.
He's tough.
Want to go somewhere?
-Sure! Where do you want to go?
-I feel like a parfait.
Hey, Ippo.
-Come here for a second.
-Uh sure.
Hey, guys! This is Ippo Makunouchi,
the guy I just told you about!
He's my buddy!
He may not look like it,
but he's a professional boxer!
Just yesterday, he won again
with a powerful KO victory!
I wish you guys could've seen it!
You mean, Umezawa-kun
you came to see the match?
Of course! You're my buddy!
You and I are friends, aren't we?
He was up against a scary-looking guy
with no eyebrows,
a no-good cheater who screwed
the rules when he started losing.
The guy made this eerie smirk back
in his own corner.
He starts going
full-blast in the first round, but
-But you should have seen Ippo
-I don't know how to feel.
But I'm glad there's someone at my school
who's this excited about my victory.
We all thought he was
about to get a KO out of the guy,
but that's when the cheating bastard
pulls a headbutt!
But this is where Ippo shows
his amazing move!
It hurts, but I'm happy!
That's when Ippo's left uppercut exploded!
Then, another one!
A killer right uppercut!
The headbutting bastard
finds himself flat on his ass!
The referee starts counting
and we all count with him.
The guy doesn't even twitch.
Ducking. To lean the upper body
forward almost into a squat
to exchange blows with your opponent.
If you can't do it, you're down on the mat
and the tournament is over.
Then the dream will end, a dream
and promises will go unfulfilled!
That's why I'll give it all I've got!
All I can do now is not give up!
Next time, "The Eastern Japan
Rookie Championship Tournament Begins."
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