Firebuds (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

River Rescue/Big Tread

[alarm rings]
-[both] Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are
Here for you ♪
Just listen
To our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door
On the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To all our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through
Our rescue crew
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
Cracking the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get
Into the mix ♪
Let's roll
Let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash ♪
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet and Axl
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best
Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Grabbing our gear
Hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
Cracking the code ♪
Let's roll around the bend ♪
Or else you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
[Flash] "River Rescue"
There's nothing like a good
nature drive to start the day.
-You said it, Bo.
-[both] Whew!
So, what are we doing next?
I vote for s'mores.
S'mores are scheduled
for sundown.
Next up is hide-and-seek.
Oh, yeah.
-Good morning, happy campers.
-Hi, Dad.
Look who else is camping up here
this weekend.
Hiya, Firebuds.
-Hey, Pow.
-Good to see you.
Pow's family is going hiking,
but Pow asked if he could
play with you all instead.
Can I? Can I? Can I?
-Of course.
Me and the big kids!
Now, Anak,
remember to look out for Pow.
He's younger than you are,
so he's going to need your help.
Ooh! A pine cone!
Ooh! Eee-ah!
You got it, Dad.
Come on, Pow.
We're about to play
Yes! Hide-and-seek.
I'm so excited.
So what's hide-and-seek?
Okay, so everybody hides except
the person who's "it,"
and then that person
tries to find everyone.
Ooh, a butterfly.
Bo, are you sure
it's a good idea
to play a game with Pow
where the goal
is to hide in the woods?
You know how easily distracted
little kids get.
Ooh, a beetle!
Ooh, a butterfly again.
Don't worry, Piston,
I'll help him.
Okay, who's "it"?
Not me.
I'd start hiding if I were you.
-One, two
-Come on, Pow. Follow me.
three, four
Okay, all you got to do
is find a good place to hide.
Like behind this bush.
-What are you doing?
Ready or not, here I come!
This bush isn't big enough
for both of us.
You got to find your own spot.
Maybe try over there.
By myself?
Yes. You can do it.
Just tuck in there and stay put.
Okay. Tuck in, stay put.
Tuck in, stay put.
Tuck in, stay put.
Tuck in, stay put.
Tuck in
Ooh, a river! Ooh, a raft!
Perfect hiding spot.
[engine revs]
Found you.
Pow, get off the raft. Now.
Is the game over?
Did I win?
No, it's not a safe place to hide.
Here, I'll help you off.
Ooh, are we going
on a river ride?
You weren't supposed
to hide on a raft, Pow.
I didn't know.
I've never played
hide-and-seek before.
Violet! Help!
Game's over, Buds.
Bo and Pow are in trouble.
What's up?
What kind of trouble?
They're floating downriver
on a runaway raft.
[gasps] We got to rescue them!
I'll radio Bo on my J-Bud
so he can tell us what to do.
Come in, Bo.
-Do you read me, Bo?
-Ooh, what's that?
[Bo gasps]
-[static crackles]
Looks like someone else
is gonna have to be in charge
of this rescue.
As Bo's vroom-mate, I probably
know the most about leading.
I'll do it.
-That makes sense.
-It's all you, Flash.
-So, what do we do?
Oh, yeah.
Leader's got to lead, right?
Well, the first thing we have
to do is catch up to the raft.
So let's roll,
[engine revs]
[siren blares]
Hit the sirens
Turn on the lights ♪
There's trouble brewing
We got to make it right ♪
We're gearing up
We're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
[all] Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
All right, Flash, what's the plan?
[gasps] The plan?
[all gasp]
Uh, there's got to be a way
to get us back to shore.
Ooh, you want
to play a game?
I'm thinking of a number
between one and five.
Hint: it's four.
Right. Oh, I have an idea.
Maybe you can watch out
for rocks
while I think up a plan.
-Okay. There's one.
-And another one.
-And a big one covered in moss.
No, I mean,
look out for rocks in the river
that we might crash into.
-By myself?
-Ah, you can do it.
Just look ahead and tell me
if you see any rocks coming.
Got it.
Look for rocks, look for rocks
Ooh! A sparkly fish.
Ooh, a dragonfly.
Ooh, a turtle.
Hi, turtle. Wanna play?
My plan is
uh, to see if any of you
have a plan.
-Of course, we do. Jayden?
I can use my J-Hook to snag
the raft and reel it in.
-I just got to make sure
they're close enough,
but the scope will tell me that.
They're in range.
Oh! Jayden's gonna use
his grappling hook.
Turtle, turtle, turtle.
Pow, what are you doing?
Don't paddle away from them.
Wait, they're moving
too far away.
Then launch it now.
Hi, turtle.
Pow, you weren't supposed to paddle.
I just wanted to play with the turtle.
But I told you
to look out for rocks.
Oh, right. There's one.
[both scream]
[Bo grunts]
-[all gasp]
Reel in your hook
and try again.
I can't. It's stuck.
[grunting and panting]
-Are you okay?
-I'm sorry, Bo.
I never watched out for rocks before.
What's the new plan, Flash?
Violet, Axl, any ideas?
See that old tree?
If we knock it into the river,
Bo and Pow can hop onto it
and drive safely to shore.
Wham-bam, perfect plan.
Oh, yeah!
I am so glad I planned
to have both of you plan it.
-Hit it.
-[engine revs]
[Bo] Yes! All we got to do
is drive onto that tree trunk.
-Get ready, Pow.
Drive, Pow. Go!
[engine revs]
-What are you doing, Pow?
-But, Bo, I can't
Yes, you can. It's easy.
So much for that plan.
Pow, why didn't you drive?
Because I can't, Bo.
I got pieces of raft stuck in my wheel,
and I can't get them out by myself.
I've never done
any of this stuff before, and
[sniffles] and
I can't do it all by myself.
You're right, Pow.
I was supposed to help you,
but I didn't.
I expected you to play
hide-and-seek by yourself,
and look for rocks yourself,
and I didn't listen
when you asked for help
with your wheel.
I'm sorry about that.
It's okay.
We're in this together.
And I'm gonna be here for you.
There. How's that?
Much better.
-Ooh! The river's going away.
We're coming, Bo!
Is that a waterfall?
It sure is.
Flash, I sure hope
your next plan works.
My next plan?
But I don't know what to do.
I shouldn't have said
I'd lead the rescue.
I've never done this before.
A leader is supposed to have
all the best plans,
but I can barely think of one.
I know being a leader
is new for you, Flash,
but I'm sure you can come up
with a great plan.
What if it doesn't work?
You have a whole team to help you.
We'll be with you every step of the way.
Well, I could stretch my ladder
out over the water.
Then Bo and Pow could hop on it,
and I'll pull them to shore.
-Love it.
Genius plan.
I'm adding that to our rescue manual.
Oh, well in that case,
let's roll, Firebuds.
It's slippery out here.
I need someone to hold me steady.
We got you, Flash.
Maybe I should ride in the bucket
to help them get on the ladder.
Climb aboard.
[ladder whirring]
Oh, look! Flash's ladder!
But it's so far away.
We're gonna float right past it.
Hmm. Okay.
Grab that plank and paddle to the ladder.
Like you did with the turtle.
You want me to paddle by myself?
No. This time,
we're gonna do it together.
That's it, Pow. Keep paddling.
Okay, Pow, now you have to jump
on that ladder.
But I'm gonna do it with you.
Give me your hand.
All right.
Get ready
and jump!
[both grunt]
You good, man?
I am now.
- Bo, I know you're happy
to be on land again,
but that rock is filthy.
Thanks for saving us.
It was all Flash's plan.
Yup. He led the rescue.
Way to lead, Flash.
Thanks, Bo. I had a lot of help.
Well, now that we're all
safe and sound,
how about we finish that game
of hide-and-seek.
I'm still it.
One, two, three
But this time, let's hide together.
Yes, Bo, yes! Let's
Ooh, a butterfly!
[Violet] eight, nine
Ready or not, here I come.
"Big Tread."
Come on, y'all. Try to keep up.
Jazzy, Piper, remember
the first rule of hiking:
hold the tree branch
so whoever's behind you
doesn't get hit in the face.
[sighs] Kids.
We finally found
the perfect place to stop
and have a snack.
Did someone say snacks?
Mm. Oh!
You know what this
reminds me of?
Spooky campfire stories.
-Tell us one.
Oh, yeah!
A story would be delightful,
Violet, but not too spooky,
as there are young children present.
-We love spooky.
-Bring it on.
Then listen up
to the tale of Big Tread.
Have you seen
The monster truck ♪
With the biggest wheels
Around? ♪
His tires leave
Ginormous tracks ♪
Upon the muddy ground ♪
His name's Big Tread
And you can tell ♪
If he is on the prowl ♪
Just listen closely
For the sound ♪
Of his awesome mighty howl ♪
Ah-woo ♪
If you hear a rumbling
Down the trail ♪
You better heed
This warning tale ♪
And stay away
From old Big Tread ♪
'Cause he'll roll over you ♪
Until you're squished ♪
Ah-woo ♪
You mean Big Tread's
in the woods with us right now?
Nah, Piper,
it's just a made-up story.
[laughs nervously]
Yeah, Big Tread's totally made up
[Violet] Legend says
That Big Tread's grill ♪
Is the sharpest
That you've seen ♪
They say he rolls around
These parts ♪
Way down in the ravine ♪
At night he makes his home
Inside a dark and spooky cave ♪
And if you dare
Drive up in there ♪
It won't matter
If you're brave ♪
Ah-woo ♪
If you hear a rumbling
Down the trail ♪
You better heed
This warning tale ♪
And stay away
from old Big Tread ♪
'Cause he'll roll on you ♪
And you'll be sorry ♪
Ah-woo ♪
Big Tread, Big Tread ♪
Big Tread ♪
[all howl]
Hey, P,
you okay, man?
-You look a little freaked out.
-Me? Ha!
Only a little-kid car would be
freaked out by that story.
You should really check
on Jazzy and Piper.
Uh, where are Jazzy and Piper?
Maybe they got scared
and went home.
Not that there's anything
to be scared of.
They shouldn't
be out there alone.
What if they get lost in the woods?
Our little sisters,
lost in the woods?
We got to find them.
Let's split up and start looking.
Use your J-Buds
to stay in touch.
Good idea.
Okay, let's roll, Firebuds.
But what if Big Tread's out there?
You coming, P?
-[branch snaps]
I'm happy to go home
if you're spooked, Piper.
But it is just a made-up story.
But what if it's not?
Which way leads back home?
[Jazzy] Oh.
Um hmm
I'm pretty sure it was that way.
See anything, Flash?
Anyone spot Jazzy or Piper yet?
-[engine revving]
-Not yet.
I got nothing.
I found some tire tracks,
but they look too big to be Piper's.
Big tracks can only mean one thing.
Big Tread.
P, what is up with you?
Why are you so jumpy?
Jumpy? A big-kid car like me?
I'm not jumpy at all.
-[Piper] Help!
-[both gasp]
[tires squeal]
Oh, thank hood-ness.
There you two are.
What are you doing on that bridge?
Piper got spooked
by the Big Tread story,
and then I kind of got us lost.
Well, now you're found.
Come on, we'll take you back.
[wood creaks]
The bridge is too rickety!
It's gonna break!
Then don't move, sis.
How are we gonna get them
off the bridge?
We can use my J-Hook
to pull them over.
Oh, man, the cable's too short.
-[ghostly howling]
-What was that?
-Just some animal
howling down in the ravine.
Is this Big Tread's ravine?
Ah-ha, that story
did freak you out.
No. I'm not a little-kid car.
I'm a Firebud.
-Hey, man, it's okay.
-I am not freaked out,
and I am going to prove
how not freaked out I am.
Hold on, you two.
I'm coming out on the bridge
and using the J-Hook
to reel you in.
But, Piston
[wood creaking and splintering]
Piston, you okay?
I've been better.
What happened?
It's a long story.
We found Jazzy and Piper,
but Piston fell.
I guess it wasn't so long.
How is he gonna get back up here?
And how are we gonna
get Jazzy and Piper
across a broken bridge?
Piston could drive up
that switchback trail
and meet Jazzy and Piper
on the other side.
But then how will they
get back over here?
Oh! We could throw my tow line
over a branch
and swing it over to them.
Yeah! Then Piston can swing
back here with Jazzy and Piper.
Wham-bam, perfect plan.
[engine revs]
Jazzy, Piper,
Piston's gonna cross the ravine
and climb up to you.
I have to cross the ravine?
[distant howling]
[gasps and whimpers]
Piston? Did you hear the plan?
I think he's afraid of Big Tread
but won't admit it.
You know, Piston,
if you were scared to cross that ravine,
I'd understand.
You do?
Uh-huh. I was scared
when the play fort caught fire.
Yeah, and I was scared when I got stuck
in the broken tree house.
And I am terrified
of squirrels.
Have you seen the teeth
on those things?
Well, maybe I am a little scared
of Big Tread.
But I thought you would all
think that was silly.
[Bo over radio]
Why would we think that?
I was worried that you'd think
being scared of Big Tread was babyish,
and that I'm just not
brave enough to be a Firebud.
Everyone gets scared, Piston.
Even Firebuds.
-You bet.
And we'll be right here
on the radio the whole way.
I've even got a trail map
to guide you, P.
Alrighty then. Let's roll.
What is it?
[Piston, over radio]
A weird scratching sound.
Piston, when I'm scared,
my moms say take a deep breath.
And let it out slowly.
You'll feel better.
[inhales and exhales deeply]
[leaves rustling]
Oh. The sound was just branches.
Scary shadow!
When I'm scared, my mom says
to think of another time
something scary turned out okay.
Well, that screechy sound
did turn out to be branches.
The trail should start
right in front of you.
I see it.
All right, you should be
coming up to a cave.
All you got to do is roll
through that, and you're done.
[ghostly howling]
Did you hear that howl?
What if this is
Big Tread's cave?
[Bo, over radio] Big Tread
is just a made-up story.
That's easy for you to say.
You don't have to drive into a dark cave
with something howling inside.
You now, Piston, when I have
to drive past a squirrel,
I just tell myself, "I can do this."
And then I do it.
I can do this. I can do this.
-Okay, I'm inside the cave.
[gasps] What's that?
[gasps] Piston!
Come in, P.
You don't think
Big Tread is real, do you?
-All right!
Guess who was making all that noise.
An owl.
Piston! You made it!
I know. I can't believe it either.
You ready to take a little swing?
But what if we fall?
I know you're scared, Piper,
and that's okay.
Everyone gets scared sometimes.
Even big brothers?
Not me.
Okay, I'm a little scared of space aliens.
So we're all just gonna take
a deep breath and go for it,
because we can do this.
-All right.
Everyone take a deep breath.
[all inhale and exhale deeply]
See? You did it.
-Great job.
-Nailed it.
Nice flip.
Epic rescue, P.
[siren chirps]
I couldn't have done it
without all of you.
It's getting late.
I guess we should head home now.
Aw, can't we hike a little more?
I'm up for it if everyone else is.
-Oh, yeah!
-[distant howling]
-[all gasp]
[all laugh]
[closing theme plays]
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