Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Meaningless Sacrifice

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 12)
(Let's go abroad.)
(Qin Qin, let's go abroad together.)
(We'll never come back again, okay?)
Bye, Yan Chen.
Excuse me, did you call for a designated driver?
You have three years of driving experience?
I've been working as a part-time designated driver for three years.
Don't worry.
I drive very steadily.
I always get five-star ratings.
Are you not going to work at the bar anymore?
I just got off work.
Did you just graduate?
I'm in my senior year.
You have quite a few part-time jobs.
I want to pay off my student loan as soon as possible.
I'll park the car here for you.
Give me the payment QR code.
No need, you can make the payment on the platform.
I know.
I want your WeChat payment QR code.
It's getting late.
Take a cab home.
Watch out.
Be safe.
Where is my chessboard?
Who let you touch it?
Can't I touch it?
You can touch it.
But before you touch it, shouldn't you ask me first?
Sorry, I won't make the same mistake next time.
Do you also like playing checkers?
We should play together if we have the opportunity.
My skill is alright.
We can also play Chinese chess.
Captain Song, do you usually conduct bed checks?
I'll accompany you to check tomorrow.
I can observe and learn along the way.
Good night.
Hello, Instructor.
It's break time now.
Yes, it's our break time.
That's why we're working out to relax.
It's a great stress reliever, Instructor.
-Let's exercise together. -Exercise with us, Instructor.
Exercise with us.
He's astonished. Let's continue.
Go on with your workout.
Pi Pi, turn on the music.
What did you say?
I think you're putting too much pressure on them.
They train during the day and exercise at night.
Their body never gets to rest.
Everything needs to be done in moderation.
I think you should reduce their training volume.
If you have nothing to do, there are files over there.
Go read them.
It can't go on like this.
They can't achieve good results with an exhausted body.
Scientific training requires rest.
The situation on-site
is much more complex, difficult and dangerous than on the training field.
If they don't train hard, they will die in real combat.
Be harsh to yourself.
This tradition is deeply ingrained in Shili Tai.
I know it's deeply ingrained in Shili Tai.
You think I never did any research before I came? I read the materials.
The new recruits' physical fitness test ranked second in the city.
They ranked third in the training assessment.
Doesn't that indicate the problem?
The training on Shili Tai isn't about achieving good results in assessments.
If we waste time on fixed subjects,
how is this any different from exam-oriented education?
and the will to withstand pressure.
These are the intangible things that they need to train.
Lin Hao, where is it?
The car by the roadside. Go and take a look.
-Hello. -Hello.
You have something for us?
-Yes. -What is it?
-Don't you know? -We have no idea.
Take a look at it.
There's so much.
We can't take all of this.
Da Peng, go get Pi Pi, Ge and the others.
It's still warm.
You guys are fast.
We're delivering food to you. Of course we need to be fast.
Brothers, we have extra food!
You guys eat.
It's still cold.
Take it yourself.
Take it yourself.
-Hurry up. -No need to fight.
Having a passive attitude toward meals is a problem.
-It smells good. -Help yourself.
Captain, Instructor, come over and eat with us.
-Yes, eat it while it's hot. -You guys eat.
Captain, you have to eat it.
It's all thanks to you.
A supporter sent this to us.
She mentioned you by name and thanked you
for saving her at the mall last time.
Yes, she even sent several boxes of lemonade.
It's still cold.
What are you doing?
The fire station has regulations.
You can't accept gifts and presents from the public. Don't you know this?
Next time.
We'll strictly adhere to it next time.
Isn't there a rule in our fire station?
It's prohibited to waste food.
Wasting is shameful.
He's gone. Give it to me.
-Thank you, Instructor. -Thank you, Instructor.
Thank Captain Song.
Thank you, Captain Song!
Song Yan?
Why did you take the initiative to call me today?
How's the food? Do you like it?
What do you want to eat tomorrow?
Zhan Xiao Rao, I made it very clear to you that night.
Don't send anything over.
It's my choice whether to send it or not.
It's your attitude whether to accept it or not.
If you don't like it, just throw it in the trash can.
Do you think wasting food is a small matter?
Are you angry?
I really think you're great.
I want to develop a relationship with you.
You and Xu Qin are friends, right?
She's my first love.
Let's go.
What brings you here?
-What's wrong? -Take it.
I need to read 20 pages of a book tonight.
I have to work tomorrow. I can't drink.
You focus on your book as I drink my wine.
What's wrong?
If you want to drink, why don't you go to Xiao Yi Xiao?
Why would I look for him? I want to settle accounts with you!
Me? What did I do?
What did you do?
Is Song Yan your ex-boyfriend?
He told you about it?
That's uncool of you. You didn't even tell me.
I didn't know how to tell you.
Use your mouth, seriously
Forget it.
Once we finish this drink, we'll move on from this matter.
You told me you liked him so much.
You're not pursuing him anymore?
I won't get involved with my best friend's boyfriend and ex.
This is my bottom line.
Why are you laughing?
Did you not take me as your best friend?
You act as if we've been friends for very long.
But I feel like he still likes you.
Do you still like him too?
Why don't you two get back together?
We haven't seen each other for 10 years.
That doesn't matter.
You're both single.
Childhood sweethearts, rekindling the past. It's perfect.
You don't have any other ex-boyfriends, do you?
I don't have any ex-boyfriends. He's the only one.
You've only had one boyfriend?
I didn't have anyone before him. I didn't have anyone after him either.
Then what are you waiting for?
Life is too short not to love.
Hurry up.
It's hard to explain in a few words.
Is it because your family doesn't approve?
Our parents are all the same.
They say it's for your own good.
But it's just an excuse to cover up their need for control.
I won't let them have their way.
If parents are being unreasonable, I'll be even worse than them.
Create a fuss a couple of times, and they will know your bottom line.
I've heard about your mom's temper.
What can you do?
I'm not as brave as you.
I can only accumulate strength slowly to change their mindset.
If I can become a deputy chief physician this time,
my salary will increase.
At least I can achieve some financial independence.
You have to be mentally prepared.
It's not easy to change their mindset.
All the best!
All the best!
What do you think of the new instructor?
I think Captain Song doesn't like him.
He's definitely closer to Jun.
I don't like him either.
Just a gut feeling.
Your gut feeling means nothing.
Stop blabbering here.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
You got kicked.
Dress right, dress.
Eyes front.
Stand at ease.
Stand at attention.
Vice-captain, Squad Three has assembled.
Eight people are present as expected.
-Please give instructions. -Join the squad.
Yes, sir.
Today, we're running 20 kilometers.
Everyone must pay attention to safety, okay?
You must follow the designated route.
Yes, sir!
Instructor, what are you doing here?
To run with everyone.
Instructor, we're carrying heavy loads for 20 kilometers
and also climbing mountains.
Let's take a breath of fresh air together.
-Let's go! -Okay, Jun Ping.
Depart now.
Turn to the right!
Left turn, run.
One, one, one, two, one.
One, one, one, two, one.
One, one, one, two, one.
Can the instructor make it?
No way, I bet five kilometers.
He won't make it back.
Catch up with the squad.
Slow down.
Jun Ping, quick.
What is this?
Da Peng, not bad.
Da Peng.
Da Peng! Not bad!
-Pi Pi! -You're going to fail soon. Hurry up!
Oh my God.
Not bad. The results are still okay.
But compared to our time, you're far worse.
Jun Ping, what's the matter with you? You're even worse than the new recruit.
No, Vice-captain, isn't it my job to keep them safe?
-Cut it out. -Da Peng, where's the instructor?
Instructor ran out of energy when he was climbing the mountain.
We tried to support him, but he refused.
Instructor has never run 20 kilometers. And he was carrying a heavy load.
-None of you waited for him? -I
Alright, I bet he's worn out from running.
We'll wait for a while, it's okay.
I knew he couldn't handle it from the start.
-What should we do if something happens -He'll be fine. He's a grown-up.
Wait for a while.
Alright, guys. You may fall out. Have a good rest.
-Okay. -Okay, Vice-captain.
Take it easy.
Pi Pi, eat a bit more for lunch.
You're too skinny.
Thank you, Squad Leader.
-Let's go. -Hurry up.
Bye, Vice-captain.
Is this okay?
It's okay.
Oh my God.
It's so late, why isn't he back yet? His stamina is really bad.
It's getting dark.
Stop waiting.
-Captain. -Captain.
-Call him. -Okay.
The call got through.
No one answered.
Take the car.
Bring him back.
-Yang Chi. -Yes, sir.
No need to go.
He's back.
-Jiang Yi. -Yes, sir.
-Take good care of the instructor. -Yes, sir.
You've worked hard, Instructor.
Instructor, have a sip of warm water.
Instructor, take it easy.
The previous instructor was excellent, right?
I've heard about him.
Yes, Jun is very nice.
Do you all
dislike me?
Not really.
How should I put it?
Instructor, let me tell you the truth, don't get angry.
Do you feel like you're part of our team?
I think.
Song Yan and I have disagreements.
What do you mean?
He's too rigid
and too harsh.
Instructor, you have to think the other way around.
He can't be lenient.
The value of life is above all else.
Captain is highly sentimental.
But he doesn't express it.
As for his strictness,
it's definitely for discipline.
This fire station is like being at war.
Discipline is above all else.
What was
the former instructor like?
one emphasized discipline,
the other valued emotions.
(China Fire and Rescue)
(It's now 10:13 pm.)
(The temperature is 30.3 degrees Celsius.)
Thank you.
Mom, what brings you here?
It's been a long time since I've been here.
I happened to pass by today.
So I came up to take a look.
It's pretty clean.
I bought dinner for you.
I'm leaving.
Were you thinking that
there are other people at home?
You won't do
anything that would make me sad.
I won't.
I've been thinking these past few days.
Can I stop being like this all the time?
Can I
be bold for once?
When your brother paid a fine to the bank, I knew something was off.
Is it that guy surnamed Song?
The parents behave improperly, and their son follows suit.
Not a single person in this family has good character.
You don't have to attack him like that.
Right now,
I have nothing to do with him.
Do you want to have something to do with him?
If that's the case, then you should go abroad.
I feel very sad.
You know what?
He came to my house a few days ago.
He was there.
He made porridge for me.
I've been living here alone for such a long time.
It was the first time I felt at home.
But that feeling quickly disappeared.
He left.
I really wanted to ask him to stay.
But I dared not do so.
Because you were afraid that I'd be upset.
So you want to convince me first.
You should dispel this thought as soon as possible.
I already told you.
Don't go against your parents for an outsider.
He doesn't have to be an outsider.
Just a bowl of porridge?
It was just a bowl of porridge and you can't forget about it.
Your dad was worried you'd work too hard.
He bought a house near the hospital for you.
He bought you a car.
And the best hospital,
including the best team of physicians to guide you.
I joined this hospital based on my own abilities.
Don't be silly, kid.
That's because your surname is Meng.
You don't have to know about the ways of the world.
You don't have to please Deputy Dean Liu.
You can do whatever you want.
It's because your family has got your back.
Look at your dad and brother.
For the sake of this family,
they are facing all kinds of pressures every day.
They work hard.
But you?
For this little bit of affection,
a bowl of porridge,
you act as if you're on the verge of dying.
You forget the gratitude toward your parents.
I remember it.
Of course I remember it, Mom.
That's why I've been restraining myself.
I've been in pain.
I don't want to make you sad.
Qin Qin.
I don't ask for anything from you.
All I want
is that you can be an obedient child.
Okay. Dress right, dress.
Eyes front.
Stand at ease.
For the new recruit assessment, you must get a good grade.
Captain said that if you don't get good grades,
you have to pack and leave.
Do you have confidence?
Can you embarrass Shili Tai?
-Louder! -No!
Set off.
(Entry Control)
(China Fire and Rescue)
Even if I have a limp, we still get the highest total score.
Tell me, how should we celebrate?
-That's right. -Let's celebrate.
But it's your treat.
-You guys are so weak. -We treat you?
You came first in place, and we have to treat you?
Are you kidding me?
Slow down.
-This way. -Slow down.
-Come, watch out. -Quick.
Slow down.
What do you think, Da Peng?
What do you mean?
If you don't treat us
Don't touch that!
Don't take them from me!
They're all my babies.
Take care of your injuries.
All of you are taking the opportunity to steal my things.
Do you know how expensive they are?
They're all my babies.
You've snatched them all.
You guys are over the line.
What's wrong?
-Instructor -Hello, Instructor.
Instructor, I'm left with an empty box.
They've snatched them all.
Da Peng, how's your leg?
I applied some medicine to it.
It's much better now.
Take it easy.
Instructor, we didn't embarrass Captain today, right?
Of course not.
You guys performed very well.
I think he's happy.
He's secretly elated.
Can you take this opportunity
to ask Captain
to let us go to the fire scene sooner?
Yes, Instructor.
No way.
We have to follow the rules and regulations.
You've been waiting for so long. Just wait a little longer.
It's almost time.
These regulations are unreasonable.
That's right. We're so capable now.
Why don't you talk to him yourselves?
Forget it.
I'm afraid of being scolded.
Is he that scary?
-Song Yan. -It's not negotiable.
I think the performance of the new recruits in the assessment
is really outstanding.
Some fire missions can be handed over to them.
It can also accelerate
the transition between the new and old members of the fire station.
A fire scene is not an amusement park.
Passing the assessment
only shows that their technical skills meet the standard.
Their ability to respond on the spot,
psychological resilience
and mental willpower
still need to be trained.
That's why they need practical experience
and missions to accelerate their growth.
When you've learned the word "sacrifice",
then only you come to me to ask for another chance.
Sometimes sacrifice is avoidable.
Under current technological conditions,
the safety factor has greatly improved.
In the fire at a high-rise apartment in Dongjiang,
there were two casualties.
The chemical plant explosion at Liaoning,
four casualties.
The fire at Mountain 625 at Shannan, 17 casualties.
Their average age is less than 22 years old.
Sacrifice is indeed not a tradition,
but it's the reality
this team has to face.
I actually don't understand.
With your family background,
you can get opportunities anywhere.
Why do you have to come here to make trouble?
What's that supposed to mean?
Do you think I'm here for opportunities?
What's wrong with my family background?
Captain Song, I think this is reverse discrimination.
Can't I love this profession?
I like this profession. I want to do something for this profession, can't I?
Yes, I know.
It's hard for you to accept me emotionally.
I'm here to take over from Instructor Suo.
There are many things
that I can't empathize with you like he did,
or have a tacit understanding with you.
But we can develop that over time.
I just want you to know one thing.
not here to fool around.
(Student's dormitory)
Are you still selling cosmetics?
These are cheap little brands.
These are authentic products.
I've been fined so much money,
I need to make up for the money.
Right, do you know any quick ways to make money?
I really need to earn money now.
When I find a way to make money, we can make money together.
Thanks, sister.
Do you need money that badly?
We're graduating soon, and I feel anxious.
Besides, our major is very niche.
The wages are low.
I'm not a local like you guys.
If I want to stay here after graduation, I won't even be able to afford the rent.
Find a rich boyfriend then.
You know what?
Wu Qing Qing in the next dormitory found one.
That kind of guy.
No wonder.
The last time I saw her, she was carrying a Chanel bag.
I thought it was fake.
It's authentic.
Doesn't she feel bad about it?
Who knows?
Girls, can we have some ambition?
When it comes to making money, we should rely on ourselves.
Relying on a boyfriend is useless.
Just wait and see.
I, Zhai Miao,
will definitely become a boss through my own efforts.
Boss, I wish you success soon.
I'll hold hands with the boss.
You can hold this hand.
Thank you, boss.
Ye Zi.
This is your campus card, right?
-So you picked it up. -No.
Someone picked it up and sent it here.
Who sent it here?
A young man.
He was wearing a suit.
He's quite handsome.
Aunt, when did he send it?
He just sent it here a moment ago.
Thanks, Aunt.
Don't mention it.
You said
it's your dream to be a firefighter.
Is that true?
Of course.
Have you watched Burning Flame?
You want to do well in this field,
to make a difference.
I'm touched.
Logically speaking,
you have plenty of choices and opportunities to try different things.
Any other profession is more glamorous than this one.
But I happen to like this profession.
If I can make some significant changes,
that would be even better.
What's wrong?
I envy you.
These kinds of words
You can say it so easily.
I meant it.
I'm being a bit audacious.
Your parents must be very supportive of you, right?
My mother supports me in everything.
My dad isn't exactly like that.
But he said,
no matter what I do,
I just need to be a man of integrity.
That's what matters.
Your dad also supports you, right?
He's also a man of integrity.
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