Fish Upon the Sky (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

The characters, behaviors, places, institutions, professions, and situations in this series are fictional.
They are for entertainment purposes only.
We do not have any intention of directing or promoting any actions in the series.
Viewer discretion is highly advised.
I passed the test!
Can I get a hug?
Meen is the reason I want to change and be a better person.
Duean, I said I don’t want to drink!
I am weak.
I’m being paranoid.
I can’t handle this kind of stuff.
Can you please stop caring about other people and just care about me?
You don’t have to care what people say.
I want you to care only about me.
Why are you here?
Why can’t I be here?
It’s for MorkBam fandom only, the real couple.
It’s Mork’s birthday today.
MorkPi fandom is allowed too.
You guys are outnumbered. Bye!
I’m going in.
You can’t go in yet.
I’m not carrying a weapon.
Pi, right here.
Come on. Sit here.
Hi, Bam.
It’s great you’re here.
Keep Mork company, please. I’ll be right back.
I’m really glad you came.
Come on.
Of course, I’d come.
Here. Happy birthday.
you being here is the best present.
Don’t take it then.
You didn’t get that old one from me directly.
But this one, I want you to have it.
If you want me to have it, can you wear it for me?
You can wear it yourself.
But it’s my birthday.
Can’t you just spoil me?
There’re many people here.
But it’s my birthday.
Come on.
What are you doing?
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, Happy birthday ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Eat what’s left on your finger.
What are you doing?
Bam, it’s not clean.
Hey, where are you going?
You’ve blown out the candles.
The party is over.
It’s not.
What are you doing?
Being unclean together.
It’s sticky.
What’s the matter?
Are you mad?
I am sorry.
I’m not forgiving you.
It isn’t very easy to clean up.
Why did you sniff kiss my cheek like that?
Weren’t you ashamed at all?
Actually, I didn’t want to sniff kiss.
I wanted to kiss you for real.
You’re getting on my nerves.
You know it isn’t easy to clean up.
Here, let me help.
I didn’t want you to leave
so I tried to stop you.
Was I that wrong?
If you’re sulking, just say it.
All right, I don’t like it.
You don’t like what?
I don’t like what you did with Bam.
What are you smiling at?
You know it.
MorkBam fandom is saying you guys are a perfect match.
And I am always there with you guys, feeling like a side character.
It’s a good time to tell people what we are then.
And then you can be possessive all you want.
Are you not getting the message I’m trying to tell?
I’m not jealous.
I just don’t want to see you guys do that annoying stuff.
it’s not that hard to accept that we are together.
I’m okay whether you want to tell people or not.
But I just want to love you.
I want to love you without caring what people think.
The kind of love that I can hug you when I miss you.
Kiss you when I'm tired.
Hold your hand without caring about the world.
But everything is up to you.
It’s up to what you choose.
Telling people or not is all your choice.
I don’t say anything because I respect your decision.
But if my silence makes you uncomfortable,
I won’t stay silent anymore.
Wow, you woke up really fast.
Yes, so?
What did you guys do?
Did you talk it out?
We cleared things out.
Who did you hit on exactly, Mork?
Bam or Pi?
I like Pi.
Of course, I hit on Pi.
So, what are you guys now?
How about you ask him?
Pi, please tell us.
If you don’t tell them, I will.
We areseeing each other.
What’s wrong?
Are you that shocked?
Congrats, guys.
My duty is done here.
Hi. I’m Prik Pao from MorkPi fandom.
The fandom that’s more real than any other fandoms.
Tonight is a very good night.
It’s the night our captain is sailing this ship himself.
There’s no more work for us to do.
But our team has made a short video as a birthday gift for Mork.
So may Iplay the video to celebrate their grand opening?
(Sweet Glance)
(Soft-cheeked Boy)
(Our First Kiss)
Smile, smile.
I’m smiling.
I want to scream, actually.
Just watch the video.
You look cute in every picture.
Prik! Look!
Pi, somebody is wrecking you online.
Wow! He’s come so far. He looks completely different now.
True! I thought he was right for Mork.
But these pics are shocking me so much.
They say he had no friends at all.
Maybe he wants to build his new image.
I can’t take it. This is too much.
They aren’t a good match at all.
You’re so harsh.
Well, it’s true.
He’s come so far.
Look at his teeth back then.
Pi, hold on.
Please hear me out.
Pi, stop.
- No! Let go of me.
- Listen to me.
I didn’t do it.
You freaking did it.
You’re the only one who has those pictures.
Who else could have done that if not you?
Listen to me, Pi.
I really didn’t do it.
Just believe me, please.
If you want us to remain friends at all, don’t follow me.
I don’t want to hate you.
I love everything about him.
This is what you call love?
Mork, I have a confession to make.
(Mom: I saw it in your bag and cleaned it for you.)
Pi, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Give it here.
Are you sure you’ll be okay?
Come on.
It’s good to have a friend.
You know what?
You’re my first friend.
Now that we’re friends,
don’t you ever leave me.
Why was Meen so mad at me?
What’s wrong?
Pi, who did this to you?
Are you up there?
I know you’re there.
Come out and talk to me.
Mork, you asshole!
Please talk to me.
Why the heck are you shouting in front of my house?
Go home!
Can I talk to Pi?
He doesn’t want to talk to you.
Damn you!
He’s changed so much already.
But for me, he doesn’t have to change anything.
I love everything about him.
What you just did is what you call love?
I didn’t do it.
Why would I want to hurt him?
Why would I want to make someone I love feel bad?
Stop shouting.
Come out and talk to me, please.
Do you think I won’t hit you?
Pi, talk to me please.
Shut the hell up, Mork!
Pi, come out here.
I told you to shut!
Pi, please.
Damn you, Mork!
I shooed him away.
Can I please be alone?
I just want to love you.
I want to love you without caring what people think.
It isn’t about people on social media.
It’s me.
I’m weak.
I’m being paranoid.
I lack confidence.
I suck. I can’t handle this kind of stuff.
You’re not me. You don’t get it.
I didn’t do it.
Why would I want to hurt him?
Why would I want to make someone I love feel bad?
You want to be yourself.
And I want to be myself too.
So I did hurt your feelings, Meen?
Duean, I said I don’t want to drink it!
Do you think what I did was wrong?
I shouldn’t have done that to him.
Take it back.
Pi, I really didn’t do it.
- Whatever.
- I didn’t.
All right, you didn’t.
I have a confession to make.
Those photos,
I was the one who posted them.
I just snapped.
I have to admit
I like you so much.
I like you…
more than a friend.
It’s not like I’m talking to you and holding your hand like this, right?
People can see.
You are jealous.
I am not.
You are.
You’re not just jealous.
You are aggressively jealous.
After seeing the result of what I did,
I feel really bad.
I shouldn’t have done it.
Mork, I am so sorry.
You have every right to end our friendship and hate me.
But Mork…
Please forgive me for this.
I really didn’t mean to.
I will do whatever you say.
Please, Mork.
It’s done.
It can’t be fixed now.
It can.
I will help you and Pi get back together.
(The story of a fifth-year student ep.12 - From Bad Luck to Beautiful Love)
May I…
Damn it!
Say whatever. Just be yourself.
All right then.
I bought you a snack.
It’s so good.
Let me open it for you.
Don’t you want it?
Why are you doing this?
I just want to say I’m sorry.
I shouldn’t have made you do such a thing.
From now on, I won’t force you to do anything.
Whatever you want to be,
or whatever you want to do,
It’s all fine by me.
I am sorry.
Are we cool now?
It’s really good.
You’re not mad anymore, right?
Duean, what did you just do?
I wanted to have some too.
But you already gave it to me.
Buy yourself another one.
Bye now. I don’t want to be late.
Pay attention in class.
I know. Stop calling my name already.
Get to class safely.
I’m waiting for you to call me ‘Duean!’, ‘Duean!’ again.
I know.
The next surprise is about to take place.
A med student is going to confess to a dental student.
For me?
Hold on.
I have something to say to you first.
Clear sky.
It’s just perfect for today’s mission.
My mission is to deliver love to people.
Crap! I don’t want to do this.
Pi, hello!
Not the people I love though.
I’m just their cupid.
Pi, the next surprise is about to take place.
A med student is going to confess to a dental student.
Where are they?
This way.
Pi, take the balloons with you.
Give them here.
Let’s go.
Duean, I’m your brother.
What the heck are you doing?
That’s right.
You’re my brother.
And I’m a pervert.
What a dck!
Not me!
Look again.
What the hell are you looking at, Pi?
What are you guys doing? I’m confused.
We’re just misleaders.
The one who wants to confess is over there.
You didn’t want to see me.
So, I had to do it this way.
Fine. Say what you need to say.
Let’s get it over with.
Pi, just listen.
Those photos,
it was all me.
I know the password to Mork’s phone.
I posted them.
You did?
If there’s anyone to blame, it’s me.
It’s over now.
But Mork wants to talk to you.
Say what you want.
You always think about other people.
You care what they think and what they say.
But for me, I want you to ask yourself.
Ask yourself what you really think.
Ask yourself if you want to be with me
As for me, it’s always been very clear.
I want to be with you.
Don’t you get it?
I never had friends.
I was never in love.
And then you came along.
I don’t want to lose you.
You are loved by so many people.
How can I say that…
you are all mine?
It just hurts. It hurts so bad to be judged by people.
But what hurts me more is you being judged by those people too.
If they hate you because you’re with me,
how can I be happy with that?
Pi, Pattawee.
Don’t be afraid I’d feel bad if they criticize me.
Be selfish all you want.
Because I’m so damn happy when I’m with you.
Those people don’t make me happy like the one I love does.
Are you lying to me?
What can I do to make you believe me?
Be my boyfriend?
No more ships to sail.
Do you want to be shipped with me?
Hell no.
Want some drink?
You’ve been crying a lot.
I bought it for you. The ice cubes are melting.
Are you hitting on me?
I’ll just be frank then.
I like you.
Can I hit on you?
He’s hardcore.
Just let me know if you don’t want to be hit on. That will save me time.
I’m a girl.
Aren’t you gonna give me a chance to play hard to get?
You wanna play?
Let’s go.
Go where?
Go play.
Come on.
You’re crazy. Who would want to play with you?
Are you serious?
Yes. Watch your step.
We have found a new ship.
Take good care of my brother.
If he cries again, you’ll be crying too.
(Stop worrying about other people’s business. What about your own?)
Give me some time to think.
Don’t you freaking push me.
Damn you! You’ve been getting on my nerves since the first episode.
Why? Do I look like someone you can mess with?
Why are you still looking at me? I’m gonna beat you up!
Our Snow White will never wake up again.
My horse, who’s there?
Is she Snow White?
Are you a prince?
Yes, I am a prince.
Hold my sword, please.
Snow White, why are you lying here?
Wake up and talk to me.
Here he comes!
Snow White has woken up.
P’Jeans, you’re awesome.
You killed it.
- Really?
- Really.
Meen, my dream has finally come true.
Thanks so much.
You were incredible.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn’t be here.
Name whatever you want to eat. My treat.
Let’s thank the audiences.
Is that for me?
No, not you.
It’s for Meen.
For me?
Take it. It’s heavy.
Hold on, I have something to say first
From day one until now,
I’ve been having this weird feeling for you.
My heart pounds when I’m with you.
I like your scent.
I like your annoying voice.
And you’re the reason why I want to be a better person.
Do you think it’s weird?
It’s not weird, Duean.
Do you get what I’m trying to say?
I do.
I am…
feeling what you’re feeling.
So that means…
we feel the same way?
Will you be my boyfriend?
Okay. I will be your boyfriend.
This is the right moment to kiss.
The end of the story of a fifth-year student ep.12
You worry about the other doctors' cases.
What about your case over here?
Let me give you tepid sponge.
No! You don’t have to.
Asshole! What are you doing to my brother?
Calm down!
Have you seen this, Mork?
Your brother belongs with my brother now.
What a grand opening Duean had there!
I guess Meen was okay with that.
Let’s talk about us.
When will you accept my friend request?
I deleted it.
How can I accept it?
Send it again. I’ll do it now.
Done! Are you cool now?
(Sutthaya Nithikornkul listed that you two are in a relationship.)
Do you want me to delete them?
Delete what?
Your photos.
No. Just leave them there.
Why not?
You don’t like these pictures.
I used to dislike them.
But I have changed a lot.
And I have no idea how much I’ll change in 5 years.
Whether I like them or not, they’re all me.
But for me, I like every part of your life.
Do you remember that you called an impossible love fish upon the sky?
For me,
my fish upon the sky is possible
because it’s you.
You’re making me blush.
Please stay with me for a long long time, fish upon the sky.
Okay. I’ll stay with you for a long, long time.
I’m envious.
What’s up? You’d been gone.
You didn’t come to my birthday party.
I got something to do.
I did give you a present though.
I helped you guys figure out how you felt.
I heard you two metaphorized your love as fish upon the sky.
And yours?
It’s probably a star in the sea.
It’s not possible.
It is possible.
If a fish can swim upon the sky,
you can find a star in the sea too.
How long will you stare at each other?
Damn it, Sutthaya!
Aren’t you going to care for me just a bit?
Do I really need to call you?
Hello, Mork.
What are you doing?
I’m in clinical practice.
What’s up?
Hey, aren’t you going to call me at all?
I’m tied up.
And I know you’re reading. I don’t want to bother you.
You’ve been occupied with other doctors’ cases.
What about your case over here?
What happened?
I sprained my ankle.
I’m home alone. I can’t walk properly.
I can’t move around and I’m hungry.
Nobody cares.
I gotta go now.
Sorry about that, sir.
Even with the story I made up,
you still don’t care?
Fine, I’ll go find something to eat myself.
(Mom: I’m on duty tonight. Order something in for dinner, okay?)
All right, mom.
See you.
I’ll order something then.
I’m coming.
What am I gonna do?
Why is my life so dramatic?
I know. I’m coming.
Just a sec!
Can’t you just chill? I’m coming!
You just can’t stop ordering stuff, can you Duean?
Damn! Why didn’t you come a bit faster?
Damn it, Duean! What are these things for? Are you opening a shop?
Duean, why did you order so many things!?
Screw it. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll just stay here.
What a shitty day!
Why did I have to hurt myself today?
I can’t walk and it hurts so bad.
Woah! Is it this bad?
You’re so late. It’s better if you didn’t show up at all.
I am sorry.
Come on. Let’s go eat.
Let me help you up.
Don’t. I can walk myself.
You can’t.
I can.
Be still.
Sure I can. I’ve been taking care of myself all day.
Don’t be stubborn, Pi.
It doesn’t hurt. I can walk.
I’ve walked myself all day.
I better help. Come on.
I’ve been alone all day. I don’t need help.
You came so late. You shouldn’t have come at all.
I am sorry.
You didn’t reply to my messages.
What are you smiling at?
I can just look at you all day.
Do you want me to feed you?
No way!
My hands are working fine.
I can eat.
Hey, stay still.
Legs up.
Thanks, Mork.
Hold on.
Take medicines and get some rest.
Support your leg with this. It will help with the healing.
Yes, doctor.
I think…
you need tepid sponge.
No. You don’t have to do it.
Hey, what are you doing, Mork?
Don’t try to resist.
Mork, I’m not kidding.
You don’t have to do it.
Damn you!
Is that your basket?
Are you happy now?
Pants now.
My pants? We don’t need to do this.
Just don’t.
Watch your leg.
No. No way.
Mork, it hurts.
It does so stop moving.
I got them.
Are you happy now?
You can give me tepid sponge now.
Underwear too.
Mork, don’t! Stop!
Stop it.
Mork, stop it!
Be still. Don’t move.
I’m so naked.
I have nothing to hide.
Please. I just want to see your room.
Stop calling each other, damn it!
Mork, you asshole. What are you doing to my brother?
Meen, close your eyes.
Mork, you’re so dead!
Are we really doing this?
We are.
If not with you, who else would I do this with?
But I have never done it.
Me neither.
You’re my first.
We will go through it together.
Will it hurt?
No. I’ll be gentle.
I promise.
Okay. Open your mouth.
That’s good.
See? The longer we’re together, the cleaner your teeth get.
Okay. Great.
A little suction.
And we’re done.
Can I check?
Always take advantage of me. You kissed me again.
So it’s my turn.
2 3 and…
Can’t I get more?
Come on, we’re in a public place.
I normally kiss you in public places, don’t I?
Hey, don’t push your luck.
No one is here.
What are you afraid of?
Just one?
(Director: Cut!)
Come on then! Why are you still looking at me?
(Director: Cut!)
Yes, sir.
Pi, watch it!
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