Flex x Cop (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

[shallow sigh]
Leave here right away.
You leave here first.
[tense music]
It's dangerous here.
They don't go easy
on rich and powerful people.
[Ganghyun] Take a picture of it
and send it to Junyoung.
They took my cell phone.
They said
I should renounce the world first.
Why did you let them--
[door opens]
[door creaks]
[tense music]
[footsteps approaching]
[Isoo] Gosh, it's too bright.
Oh, the switch was there. Jeez.
[tense music]
What are you doing here?
[Isoo] I felt hungry.
Do you have cup noodles?
You shouldn't be here without permission.
The door was open, so I just
Okay. Where's the kitchen?
This way.
Okay, let's go.
[Isoo clears throat]
[Isoo] The switch was right here.
[door closes]
[Isoo clinking with chopsticks]
- Why don't you begin to eat?
- It's not ready yet.
It takes three minutes.
You look strong.
How about working for me?
How much does Bori pay you?
[dark music]
[file rustling]
[door opens]
Here are the text message records.
[Dongsu] Bori went to see
a plastic surgeon.
[Seongwook] I'll dig into it.
[Dongsu] Be careful.
[Seongwook] You, too.
Moon Dongsu seems
to have been following Bori.
[Kyungjin] Why did he go
to see a plastic surgeon?
We'll find that out now.
How about you? Found out anything?
[Junyoung] We got some pictures,
but it's hard to identify who are in them.
[Jeonghun] Excuse me.
[door closes]
These are fingerprints found
inside the Oryun Community.
Check them out.
[picture holding sound]
How did you
Mr. Jin sneaked into the community.
He said
Ms. Lee is also in there.
[Jeonghun] You can't reach her.
They submitted their cell phones.
Then, how did you get these?
I can't tell you.
[tense music]
Check them out.
[search system operating]
[matching alarm]
[shallow sigh]
[shallow sigh]
[tense music]
[Yongcheol] Bring the list of new members.
Oh. Wait, please.
Here it is.
[mouse clicking]
[dark music]
[Jeongyeon] Mr. Lee. It's me, Jeongyeon.
I'm digging into the Oryun Community.
I've been investigating
the key members of the community.
Now, I almost got to the clue.
- I'll reach you again.
- [announcer] Next up.
At around 9:30 a.m. on the 20th,
a 30-year-old man committed suicide
at a construction site
in Gangha-gu, Seoul.
The victim turned out to be a manager
of a cult named the Oryun Community.
In the suicide letter found at the scene,
the victim apologized
[call starting sound]
[announcer] to his wife.
Kim Daeyeon reports at the site.
[call starting sound]
I'm at a construction site
[Misook sighs]
in Gangha-gu, Seoul.
[absence guide]
[Misook] Why isn't she
- answering?
- [reporter1] It's been over three months
since the construction stopped
due to lien issues.
At around 9:30 a.m. on the 20th,
Lee, the manager of the Oryun Community,
fell from this building to death.
[dark music]
At the site, his suicide letter
was found.
[Hyungjun clears throat]
- [Hyungjun] Let's eat.
- In the letter,
- he apologized to his wife
- [Misook] Honey.
- What's up?
- [reporter1] Seoul Gangha Police Station
assumes that Lee committed suicide
and suspects his death
was induced by a cult
called the Oryun Community.
The GY Meditation Center,
which is run by the Oryun Community,
was suspected to be the wirepuller
of mass suicide at a motel in 2022,
but it turned out
to have no relation to the case.
[Hyungjun stepping]
[reporter1] Gangha Station
is investigating people around Lee
to find out why he died
[birds chirping]
How may I help you?
[Misook] This is my house.
I got to the wrong place.
[Misook] Huh?
[Misook grunts] What's this?
[Misook grunts]
[door opens and closes]
[Hyungjun sighs]
[door opens]
[hangers squeaking]
[hangers squeaking]
[box thuds]
[apples thud]
[Misook exclaims shallowly]
[Misook exclaims shallowly]
[Misook exhaling]
[Hyungjun exhaling]
[phone vibrates]
[Hyungjun] Excuse me.
[Misook] Honey.
We got a package here.
A package?
I'm not expecting anything.
[box rustles]
I can't find the sender's name.
Just leave it. I'll go check it later.
I should get going.
[call ending sound]
[Hyungjun sighs]
[camera shutter sound]
[doorbell chimes]
Hello. What's up?
[staff] We'll execute a warrant.
[heavy music]
- Warrant?
- Come in.
[Misook] Excuse me?
Hey, wait.
[box rummaging sound]
[unstable breathing]
Where's Ganghyun? Where is she?
Something happened to her, right?
I'll be right back.
[shaky breathing]
[door opens]
[shaky breathing]
[door closes]
[Sunggu] Who
sent that money?
You didn't decide who sent it
in your scenario yet?
I'll say it one more time.
I've never received money,
so, I don't know who sent it.
[Sunggu] It's no use lying.
We have evidence here.
I think I know who made up this scenario,
and I'll definitely catch this one.
If you hold out like this,
who do you think will get hurt?
[dark music]
Your daughter has just been promoted
as a leader
[Sunggu] Father and daughter
worked in the same station,
so it's easy to make a story.
Think of it as an early retirement.
Resign by yourself.
[deep sigh]
How's Lee Seongwook's case going?
We'll close the case soon.
Is there anything to look into?
It's a suicide case.
Why do you care about this case
more than other ones?
It's already on the news.
I don't want to make it a big issue.
You know I don't like it.
I'll wrap it up soon.
[Sunggu] Okay, go ahead.
[Sunggu exclaims]
[file rustling]
[Hyungjun sighs shallowly]
[Changun sighs]
You're not allowed to be here.
Do you know where Ganghyun is?
I can't reach her.
Answer me.
I heard the news that Lee Seongwook died.
Something's going on
in the Oryun Community, right?
[Hyungjun] Answer me.
[Changun smacks lips]
We don't share anything--
[mellow music]
Ganghyun seems
to be investigating alone now.
You get it?
Get out, please.
[Hyungjun] Protect her.
I'm asking you.
[Junyoung] Sir.
[Hyungjun] Hey.
Where's Ganghyun now?
Mr. Park wouldn't tell me anything.
Where is she?
She's in the Oryun Community, right?
Yes, I guess so.
You guess?
You don't know
where exactly she is, either?
Maybe she has joined them
covering her name.
We're also investigating in secret.
[deep sigh]
[Junyoung] Sir.
Trust us.
We'll get her back safely.
Something's going on
in the Oryun Community?
Nothing useful for your article.
- I don't have anything to say.
- I do.
[suspicious music]
[Giseok] The community leader
had an accident five years ago.
[file rustling]
He survived after surgery
and started to spread
the theory of rebirth.
[Giseok] Among those who were fooled
by him, twelve people have died.
And so have the manager of the community.
Now, tell me what you know.
I don't know anything.
I'm not here to write an article.
One of my teammates is in there.
[door closes]
[urgent breathing]
How did it go?
Where is Ganghyun?
[Hyungjun] She's investigating something
in secret.
Then, why can't we reach her?
[Misook] Is she somewhere dangerous?
Easy, she's fine.
She's with her colleagues.
She's fine, okay?
[sighing] Gosh.
[Misook and Hyungjun sighs]
[shallow exclamation]
[Yeji] I finally got an answer from Bori.
He'll tell me about my next-born life
at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
[Yeji panting]
[tense sound effect]
[Yeji exclaims]
[heavy music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[sharp sound effect]
You're Detective Lee Ganghyun
from Gangha Police Station, right?
I've met you once before.
I'm Kim Jeongyeon, an SBC reporter.
[Joseph] Come on.
I'll introduce you to someone.
[keyboard clacking]
[tense music]
[Ganghyun gasps]
How did you become a manager?
Too many people
were killed here.
[Jeongyeon] Shin Woohyuk and Lee Seongwook
met in a pyramid selling company.
They founded this community,
claiming to have discovered
the secret of rebirth
after a serious car accident.
[Jeongyeon] Using the skills
they had learned in the company,
they started a cult.
[Jeongyeon] Hopeless young people
were easily lured to the community,
but they couldn't bring much money.
So, Shin Woohyuk
solicited them to volunteer
to accumulate virtue
at a nursing hospital.
First, to the patients,
he serves a tea made by himself.
It was drugged, right?
I confirmed it yesterday.
[Jeongyeon] The tea makes them relaxed,
so patients get addicted to it.
He lets the members submit reports
about the status of patients.
And he picks the target.
Someone who is rich
and in the last days of their life.
He lures them
to offer their whole fortune
for a happy next life.
[Woohyuk] Now,
you can rest in peace.
[suspenseful music]
Thank you.
[cardiac impulse stopping signal]
[Ganghyun] Yeji said she got an answer.
That means she'll get a poison.
Seven people will get it.
Escape from this place.
It seems like Bori noticed
that you're here.
They asked me for the list of new members,
so I ruled out your file.
I didn't tell anyone. How did he
Bori has a lot of connections
in many fields.
[Jeongyeon] I'll make a chance at night.
Get ready to go.
I should save people.
[car door closes]
[door closes]
We're here for a patient
who had urgent surgery long ago.
[doctor1 sighs]
[doctor1] You need a warrant for that.
We're in an urgent situation.
You had a patient
with a pipe-penetrating injury.
Do you remember him?
His name was Shin Woohyuk.
He hurt his lungs and liver
but survived after surgery.
Then, he founded a cult,
saying that was a miracle.
[Kyungjin] People who believe him
are committing suicide.
We need your help.
[keyboard clacking]
[pressing enter key]
[search alarm sound]
[doctor1] Yes, I remember him.
that patient
was dead.
[heavy music]
[Byungsik] I don't have much time,
so I'll make it quick.
We can find out
how often propofol was injected here
and identify who administered it.
[Byungsik] Shin Woohyuk was here, right?
[doctor2] Yes.
Why was he here?
[doctor1] Shin Woohyuk
was sent here with the patient
due to a traffic accident.
[people murmuring]
[people murmuring]
[heavy breathing]
[car door closes]
[Woohyuk's heavy breathing continues]
[passersby chattering]
[Seongwook gasps]
[Seongwook breathing heavily]
[doctor2] He wanted
to change his whole face.
Even his ears.
When is he coming?
Tomorrow night.
When he gets here,
call me right away.
[phone vibrates]
Yes, Mr. An.
Shin Woohyuk is planning to run away
after plastic surgery.
[Byungsik] I also confirmed
that fund of GY was transferred
to his overseas account.
Lee Seongwook found it out.
That's why he was killed.
Ms. Lee and Isoo are in danger.
[Byungsik] I'll get a call
when he comes for the surgery.
But we can't arrest him with that.
We need the proof of Lee's murder.
That's all we can use.
[Jeongyeon] We'll wrap up
with meditation tonight.
Let's warm down before that.
Stand in pairs, everyone.
[Jeongyeon] Give your partner
a shoulder massage.
Your shoulders are tense.
[interesting music]
[Ganghyun groans]
Gosh, it's hard.
[Jeongyeon] Switch turns.
Oh, you're good at it.
Lower left, okay.
Yes, right there.
- It's great.
- [Jeongyeon] Next,
-hands on your partner's shoulders
-It's good.
and stretch.
[Isoo exclaims]
[Ganghyun exhaling]
What about the fingerprints?
I sent them.
[Isoo exhaling] I have my own way.
Send another message.
I'll sneak into Bori's residence
at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
Bori will give poison
to seven members.
We should raid the scene.
Hey, I'm getting exhausted.
Get off me.
[Isoo and Ganghyun exclaim]
[Isoo exclaims]
[tense music]
[Junyoung] This man was dead.
Shin Woohyuk was in the car
ahead of this truck.
are you talking about?
[Junyoung] Lee Seongwook
was in the same car.
[Junyoung] They met
in a pyramid selling company.
After they had this accident,
[Junyoung] they founded the Oryun Community.
[paper rustling]
[Junyoung] Shin was convicted
three times,
and your husband Lee
was convicted twice for fraud.
Shin Woohyuk
is planning to run away
after hiding the money.
Shin killed your husband
because he found it out.
[paper rustling]
Please sign here
to agree with the autopsy.
he can't be reborn
- after the autopsy.
- You still don't get it?
All of those are fake. It's a fraud.
Two of our colleagues
sneaked into the community.
Please help us catch this bastard
who fooled you and killed your husband.
[dark music]
[tense sound effect]
Get the manager.
[Jeongyeon groans]
[Jeongyeon groans]
[zoom-in sound effect]
Open the door.
Where's the manager?
[tense music]
[shallow sigh]
[Ganghyun holding out]
[gangster1 groans]
[Ganghyun grunts]
[gangster1 groans]
[Ganghyun breathing heavily]
[Isoo grunts]
[Isoo] Jeez.
You said it's tomorrow morning.
Why are you so early?
There was an emergency.
I came here because I trust you.
I see.
You're all dead now.
Who wants to turn yourself in?
[Woohyuk] Everyone's here now.
Hey, Bori.
You want to confess?
Show him what manners are.
Okay. Show me.
[Isoo exhaling]
You can start the autopsy now.
[Jiwon] Let's get started.
[fighting sound]
[gangsters shout]
[fighting sound continues]
[Ganghyun grunts]
[Ganghyun panting]
[Isoo grunts]
[Isoo shouts]
[gangster2] Damn.
[Ganghyun shouts]
[gangster1 groans]
[fighting sound continues]
[gangster3 groans]
[gangster2] You punk.
[Isoo grunts]
[gangster2 groans]
[Ganghyun grunts]
[gangster4 groans]
[Isoo grunts]
[gangster3 groans]
[heavy breathing]
[Ganghyun grunts]
Finish it now.
[Isoo shouts]
[Ganghyun groans]
[Isoo groans]
[Isoo breathing heavily]
[Isoo groans continuously]
[groans in pain]
[gangster2 groans]
[Ganghyun shouts]
[Ganghyun groans]
[Isoo groans in pain]
[Ganghyun groans]
[gangster3 exhaling]
[Ganghyun groans]
[Ganghyun breathing heavily]
[Ganghyun groans]
[gangster3 exhaling]
[heavy breathing]
[Yongcheol shouts]
[tense music]
[clapping continues]
Wake up!
[Woohyuk clapping]
[Woohyuk] Okay.
Ready to talk?
[Isoo breathing]
[Ganghyun groans shallowly]
Are you okay?
I slept tight.
[Woohyuk] Lee Ganghyun
from Gangha Station
and a rich son.
Why are you here?
We're here to arrest you.
Did I do anything wrong?
[Ganghyun] Aid for suicide,
abetment for suicide
and abetment for murder.
And a murder for you.
That bastard.
[Woohyuk] Did you not learn anything
from your father's case?
You really want your father
to hold the funeral of his own daughter?
You do?
How many people have you killed so far?
[trilling lips]
I don't know. I stopped counting
after reaching 100.
[Woohyuk] They were going to die anyway.
I just helped them die happily.
Huh, shit.
You're such a crazy bastard.
If I were a silver spoon like you,
I'd have never done this.
[Woohyuk] Silver spoons
don't need to do anything, right?
It's so unfair.
[Isoo] Even if you were born rich,
you'd have been a trash anyway.
I can tell it from your face.
You are going to die here.
[heavy music]
[Woohyuk] It'll take some time for you
to be found dead.
And me?
I'll disappear without a trace.
No, you can't do that.
In the sky over there
is a drone developed by Hansu Electronics,
which is invisible and inaudible.
It's a new model.
Our colleagues are on the way here.
You got it, idiot?
[rhythmical music]
[drone operating sound]
[Woohyuk] What a nice bullshit.
You could've made an excellent fraud.
Unfortunately, the police
are all under my control.
Your colleagues
[heavy music]
are not coming.
[heavy banging sound]
[Isoo and Ganghyun exhaling]
[Isoo exclaims]
[Isoo and Ganghyun exclaim shallowly]
You want a next-born life?
There's no such thing.
- [Isoo] Hey.
- [Ganghyun] You!
Bori, you fucking bastard!
[Isoo] You, punk!
Jeez, damn it.
[Isoo and Ganghyun grunt]
[Isoo grunts]
Untie me, quickly.
[Isoo and Ganghyun grunt]
[Isoo exhaling]
This is how they killed Moon.
[Isoo] Shit.
Damn it.
[water spouting in]
[Ganghyun screams]
[Isoo breathing heavily]
[Isoo] Gosh, block the water.
[heavy breathing]
Goddamn it.
[Isoo breathing urgently]
[Isoo breathing heavily]
Block it.
[Isoo] What?
I'm sorry.
Stop sounding like a weak character.
Junyoung is on the way here.
I can't swim.
[heavy breathing]
You don't need to swim now.
Look. It's not about swimming.
Just look at me.
[Ganghyun breathing heavily]
Breathe slowly.
Like me, okay?
[Isoo] In my house, you saw the photo
of me doing a free diving.
You can dive down up to 328 ft
without any equipment
and hold out for ten minutes.
You have enough oxygen
in your body to hold out.
[in a shaky voice] Okay.
Believe in yourself.
[in a shaky voice] Okay.
[Ganghyun panting]
[tense music]
[Ganghyun] Open the door.
[door opens]
[Isoo shouts]
[Isoo exhaling]
- Get a stab-proof vest and a gun.
- [Kyungjin] Okay.
- Let's go, Mr. An.
- Go ahead.
- [Junyoung] What about you?
- I'll bring a support team.
We'd better make it a big thing.
We'll raid the Oryun Community now.
Mr. Lee.
[Byungsik] We'll go get
the leader of Oryun.
We have no evidence yet.
But unless we move out now,
our colleagues could die.
You can leave if you want.
- Let's go!
- [agents] Yes, sir.
[suspenseful music]
Let's go bring Jeongyeon.
[Isoo] Slowly, slowly.
Breathe slowly.
[Ganghyun panting]
Keep breathing slowly, okay?
Where are you going?
[Ganghyun panting]
[siren wailing continuously]
[dark music]
[green bugs chirping]
I'm tired.
Let's go get some massage.
[engine starts]
[siren wailing]
[tense music]
[tires screeching]
[car door closes]
[Byungsik] Get off!
Where's Lee Ganghyun?
[yelling] Where is she now?
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[heavy music]
[Junyoung] Hey, you okay?
Excuse me.
I know you're groggy now,
but let me ask one thing.
A detective sneaked in here a while ago.
Yes, I know.
You know where she is?
Please help her.
[Kyungjin] Let's move to a safe place.
No one on the second floor.
[Kyungjin opening Velcro]
[Kyungjin exhaling]
[suspenseful music]
[Junyoung opening Velcro]
[door opens]
Where is Ms. Lee?
[banging sound]
[banging sound]
[banging sound]
[tense music]
[police officer1 and 2] Hands up!
[gangster3 sighs]
Damn it.
[banging sound continues]
[Junyoung] It's under the floor.
[banging sound]
[water splashing sound]
[Junyoung] Water.
It's a water tank.
A water tank is under the floor.
[Isoo banging]
[Isoo exhaling]
Here's a passage.
[banging sound]
Ganghyun! Jin!
We're here. Hold out!
Hurry up! Water is rising.
[urgent breathing]
[gun clanking]
[Team2 member1] Gosh, it stinks.
It's a smell of rotten corpses.
[Junyoung] What?
[banging sound]
[Kyungjin] Back off.
[suspenseful music]
[gunshot continues]
[Isoo sighs]
[Isoo breathing]
[Isoo grunts]
[Isoo] Ganghyun.
Wake up, Ganghyun.
Hey, wake up!
[dark music]
Come on.
Lee Ganghyun!
Do cops carry out an arrest
without any evidence?
How can I open the water tank?
What are you talking--
[Woohyuk groans]
Tell me!
- Shit.
- It's in the drawer.
[Woohyuk] Drawer
[Byungsik] Jeez.
[heavy breathing]
[Isoo] Please, wake up.
Hey, Ganghyun.
Wake up! Hey!
[drawer kicking sound]
[Isoo breathing heavily]
[Isoo] Wake up.
Ganghyun, please.
Wake up!
[breathing in tears]
[drawer kicking sound]
[banging] Hey, Ganghyun.
Jeez, Ganghyun!
[Isoo breathing urgently]
[Ganghyun coughs]
[Ganghyun coughs]
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
[Ganghyun breathing deeply]
[Ganghyun breathing deeply]
[Isoo exhaling]
[Isoo and Ganghyun breathing]
[lid opens]
[Isoo exhaling]
[heavy breathing]
[Isoo breathing]
[shallow exclamation]
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
[Ganghyun breathing heavily]
Okay, that's enough.
[Junyoung sighs shallowly]
[Junyoung] You okay?
You got them?
[shallow response]
[mellow music]
[Ganghyun exclaims shallowly]
[Ganghyun breathing shakily]
What's that?
It's me who saved her after struggling.
Why are those two hugging?
[Junyoung exhaling]
I'll hug you.
I was worried about you, bro.
Stop it.
Go away.
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[Byungsik] Ganghyun.
[handcuffs rattling]
You do it.
[Ganghyun breathing shakily]
[Ganghyun] You're arrested
[somber music]
for suicide abetment,
murder abetment,
and attempted murder.
[handcuffs locking sound]
You may remain silent,
you may testify on your behalf,
and you may challenge
[handcuffs locking sound]
the properness of arrest.
Lower your eyes, punk.
[people murmuring]
[car door closes]
[Ganghyun] Yeji.
Bori is a criminal
with three previous convictions for fraud.
Everything was a fake.
[shaky breathing]
Call me later.
[Ganghyun] I'll help you
solve your issues legally.
Gosh, it's cold.
[shallow sigh]
[Junyoung clears throat]
Have a drink with me later.
What the hell?
Where are we drinking?
[engine revs]
[shallow laugh]
[tires screeching]
[car door opens and closes]
[Misook moans]
[Ganghyun] Mom.
[mellow music]
[Misook breathing in tears]
[Misook] You little brat.
- What's wrong with you?
- [Team2 members] Move, everyone.
- [Team2 member2] Move.
- [Misook] I was so worried about you.
You okay?
[detectives chattering]
- Yes.
- [Hyungjun] Okay, then.
Good job.
[Misook sighs]
[Misook patting Ganghyun]
[Misook breathing in tears]
[Giseok] Jeongyeon.
You'll be scolded for it later.
[sighing] Let it slide, please.
Never do it again.
[sighing shallowly] I'm sorry.
[Giseok sighs shallowly]
[Isoo sighing] I suddenly feel lonely.
[footsteps approaching]
[Kyungjin] Hug again?
- Get lost.
- Okay.
[Isoo] Mr. Choi.
[Jeonghun sighs shallowly]
[Jeonghun sighs]
[Jeonghun] I've got more wrinkles
thanks to you.
Here's the one who worries about me.
- Let's go.
- [Isoo] Oh, you go ahead.
I'll go by my bike.
I also have a wrap-up party.
[shallow laugh]
[Isoo sniffling]
[Isoo] Gosh, it's cold.
[Jeonghun] Jeez.
[autopsy tool clinks]
[Jiwon] Picture, please.
[assistant] Okay.
[camera shutter sound]
[tense music]
[camera shutter sound]
[tires screeching]
[Seongwook breathing shakily]
[swallowing sound]
[shaky breathing]
[siren wails in distance]
[Jiwon] Mr. Park Changun.
Take this
and check it out.
What's this?
[Jiwon] Lee Seongwook
risked his life to reveal
the truth inside it.
At first, I was going to go
to Violent Crime Investigation Team 1,
but I changed my mind and came to you.
I made a copy of it
just in case.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[suspicious music]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[Seongwook] Well
Shin Woohyuk and I
founded the Oryun Community
and lured hundreds of people
to offer their whole fortune
to the community
and commit suicide.
[Seongwook sniffling]
All the evidence I've collected
is in this USB.
Please catch
Shin Woohyuk with this.
[shaky breathing]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[cup thuds]
[Sunggu] You mean, you want me
to stop the investigation?
[Woohyuk] I have an idea.
Just send us some people.
[Sunggu sniffling]
[tense music]
Hopeless people
need a religion.
[shaky breathing]
What are you talking about?
SOU moved out?
By whose order?
[TV turning on sound]
[announcer] Breaking news.
The leader of the Oryun Community,
Shin Woohyuk, was arrested for abetment
of murder and suicide.
Reporter Lee Giseok is at the site.
[Giseok] Here is Na Han Won,
which is the headquarters of the Oryun Community.
Just now, the leader of the community Shin
and the accomplice Kim
were urgently arrested here.
Police investigating the death
[door opens and closes]
of the manager Lee
-found out
-What's up?
-that Shin ordered Kim
-What the hell?
[Giseok] to murder the manager Lee.
[heavy music]
Mr. Hwang Sunggu,
you're arrested for accepting bribes,
divulging official secrets
and obstructing official duties.
You punk,
- are you insane?
- Don't be any more indecent.
[Changun] We got the evidence here.
Arrest him.
[rhythmical music]
[Isoo and Junyoung] Thank you.
[mellow music playing]
[Isoo sighs]
I even got my hair redone,
but I'm dating him? Jeez.
Ganghyun said this place
[knife holding sound]
is the best in this town,
Mr. Jin.
It's me who brought her here first,
Mr. Park.
[meat cutting sound]
No wonder.
Hm, it's even better than usual today.
[meat cutting sound]
[Junyoung exclaims]
This is good, Mr. Jin.
What's wrong with you?
Hm, it's yummy.
[Isoo cutting meat]
[shallow sigh]
[bottle holding sound]
[bottle opening sound]
[lid clinks]
[Junyoung] We'll talk casually
if you drink this, okay?
[pouring beer]
All of a sudden?
After all those days?
[bottle thuds]
No, I won't, Mr. Park.
Okay, you keep it, then. I'll go casual.
[scoffing] How ridiculous.
Look at this thick froth.
[Isoo drinking beer]
Okay, done?
[glass thuds]
[Isoo sighs]
[Junyoung sighs]
I found you annoying like hell at first.
I still find you annoying.
[fork thuds]
[pouring beer]
Thank you.
[bottle thuds]
[soft music]
[Junyoung] Thanks to your
kind of reckless
and ridiculous strategies,
we finally caught Shin Woohyuk.
You'll never know
how meaningful it is to Ganghyun.
What a complicated compliment.
[shallow laugh]
[Isoo] By the way,
is there something between you two?
What do you mean?
I mean, you two
had some good feelings,
dated each other, or something?
I already have someone in my mind.
You do?
Hey, don't tell me
you're interested in Ganghyun--
No way.
I was just wondering.
I saw you hugging each other
at the scene earlier.
We're bestie to each other.
I'll be her bestie some day.
[sighing] You think you can do that?
We've been close for ten years
since the Police University.
[pouring beer]
Just keep drinking.
[bottle thuds]
[glasses clinking]
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
[reporter2] Today, in Na Han Won,
the headquarters of the Oryun Community,
the leader Shin was arrested.
According to the police investigation,
[door opens]
the Oryun Community
could be involved in the death
of Lee and Moon
[TV turned off]
[shallow sigh]
[remote thuds]
You watched it.
[Seungju] Isoo was in danger today.
Why don't you call him and ask how he is?
Yes, good idea.
[shallow response]
[shallow sigh]
[pouring soju]
[bottle thuds]
[mellow music]
[Hyungjun sighs shallowly]
[glass thuds]
[Misook] Pour me a drink, too.
[Ganghyun] Wow.
Ms. Go Misook.
You want a drink?
[Misook] Because I was so upset
about my daughter.
[Ganghyun laughs]
I'll get drunk.
[quietly] Pour it.
[bottle thuds]
I'll go crazy tonight.
[Hyungjun exclaims shallowly]
[glass thuds]
[Misook exclaims]
[Misook exclaims]
[Ganghyun] It's sweet.
[Misook] Why do people drink soju?
It's bitter.
[door closes]
[door lock beeps]
[light turned on]
[phone vibrates]
It's me.
I just
Are you okay?
[mellow music]
Take care
[clears throat shallowly]
Go get a treatment tomorrow.
[call ending sound]
[shallow sigh]
A senior superintendent
accepted bribes from a cult leader
and divulged the official secrets.
Even worse,
he framed a detective
investigating the cult leader
for accepting bribes.
Should I take all the responsibility
by resigning?
[Changun] Well
We did have a corrupted police officer.
But the culprit
who killed so many people was caught
by us, the police officers.
We'll complete the investigation
and reveal everything clearly
as soon as possible.
Please appoint Lee Hyungjun,
who was dismissed unfairly,
as the senior superintendent.
That's the right way
to show the innovation
of the police organization.
[mellow music]
[birds chirping]
[passersby chattering]
[Hyungjun] It's time to go.
[Misook] Oh.
[shallow breathing]
[Hyungjun sighs shallowly]
[Misook sobbing]
Why are you crying now?
You were so happy last night.
[breathing in tears]
I'm not crying.
[Hyungjun] Honey, thank you
for holding out all of these.
[Misook sobbing]
[Hyungjun] How do I look? Cool?
[Misook] You look great.
[Hyungjun and Misook laugh]
[door opens]
[Hyungjun] Hey, Mr. Park.
[Changun exclaims shallowly]
Please forgive me.
No. I'm sorry, too.
[Changun] Let me escort you.
See you at the station.
[Ganghyun] Okay.
[Misook] Thank you.
[car door opening]
[car door closing]
[Misook laughs]
You're crying again?
[commissioner] Certificate of appointment.
As of October 24, 2023,
Superintendent Lee Hyungjun
is appointed to the senior superintendent
of Seoul Gangha Police Station.
[bright music]
[commissioner] Congratulations.
Thank you.
[people cheering]
Thank you.
[tires screeching]
[dark music]
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[Daehoon grunts]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[Daehoon breathing shakily]
[heavy exhaling]
[line ringing]
[line ringing continues]
[tense sound effect]
[closing theme]
A dead body was found in my house?
[Myeongchul] Who died?
[Ganghyun] He drove here--
After being stabbed.
We got a suspect.
[Gwangsik] He said he knew something huge.
[Junyoung] The culprits are at least two.
[Ganghyun] Follow him
to get the accomplice.
Is it related to you?
[Heeja] You're suspecting me?
[Isoo] You're the one
that he talked to last.
- [Seungju] Trust me.
- An article about Isoo is up.
We'll rule out Jin Isoo from this case.
[reporter3] Did your mom commit suicide?
[Myeongchul] I'll take responsibility
if it's related to my family.
Hiding everything from me,
you didn't really know
[Isoo] I'd be like this?
[Kyungjin] Bro.
I watched the chairman's debate.
You did?
He did so well.
It's easier said than done.
Oh, is one of them for me?
[Isoo] Oh.
I got it for myself,
but you can take it.
I'll vote for the chairman.
It's okay. Even I won't do that.
- Coffee for me?
- [Isoo] Hey.
No, this is for Ganghyun.
What about me?
Go buy it yourself.
You speak casually to each other?
Yes. It's been a few days.
You look so close.
[Isoo and Junyoung] We're not.
Yes, you are.
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