Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Mom! Dad! You won't believe it.
I'm going to a party!
If I liked the ones we had in Antarctica,
when only Professor McQueen came
with his bagpipes,
imagine how much I'll like this one,
when the whole school goes!
It's to honor the Churchills,
Raquel's family,
who donate to the school each year
during the party.
But I don't know why
they're called the Churchills,
because Raquel's last name is
Pérez Ventana. Awesome!
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
My 22nd surname on my mother's side
is Churchill.
So, this party,
where my mom donates to the school,
honors my illustrious surname.
Is that clear, Noa?
Good. Any more questions?
Yes, Noa, again.
So, we can go as a group,
dressed as young orangutans.
No, Noa, you can't go as a group
dressed as a young orangutan.
I told you. This party has rules.
Rule number one:
I am the queen of the party.
Rule number two:
The queen decides the rules. Okay?
-Any more questions?
-Me! Me!
Noa, if you're asking if you can go
as a gorilla or chimpanzee,
or any other member
of the large primate family,
the answer is no!
And there's also rule number three:
The queen chooses her escort.
Lucas, you will have the honor.
Hey, but who said that--
Rule number four: The queen's escort
has free breakfast for a week.
Sounds good.
The bulletin board has the rest
of the party protocol
and the etiquette rules. You're dismissed.
Now, play "God Save the Queen"!
God save the Queen!
Long live the Queen!
Gala dresses are mandatory for girls?
Come on!
Monkey style is so trendy right now.
Everyone has to have a date.
These rules are impossible.
-Speak, young commoner.
Can't we attend a little more…
you know, with our own look?
-Dressed like monkeys?
The answer is a definite no.
My party has rules.
Don't follow them and you're out.
And honestly, Noa,
you probably can't follow them.
-Why not?
-Look at you.
Who'd want to go to a party
with someone so… savage?
How dare she? Honestly!
I don't know who she thinks she is!
Would a savage do this? Huh? Would she?
Awesome, Noa! That was… savage.
Oh, okay.
Well, I guess I'm a savage. Awesome.
I'll be the first savage who's able
to go to the Churchill party.
And I'll prove to Raquel that anyone
can follow her absurd rules.
I just have one little problem.
I have no idea how to do it.
If you really want to go, I can help you.
I'm the best school party expert
in the world.
Awesome! Have you gone to a lot of them?
I actually haven't gone to any.
You know that I'm better with theory.
But if you listen to me,
I'll transform you into an "It girl."
An "It girl"?
Okay, Noa, the plan
is to bring you from here… to here.
Although, I like the first one better.
It's an evolutionary process
that would take most girls years.
But we'll do it in… ten minutes.
First, we'll work on your…
Your air kiss should be 16.5 centimeters
away from the face.
-"Hi. You rock.
I saw you and I said, 'Like, what?'"
What does this mean?
I don't know, just say it.
Where's the cucumber slice for your eyes?
They were for my eyes?
Presenting a master of haute couture.
Matías? You were a designer?
I sewed fishing nets in the Port of Tokyo.
Ready? I'm coming out!
I called an old friend,
a hair stylist, who'll help us.
-It's Matías, right?
-Of course.
I used to be a dog groomer.
When you've groomed a giant poodle
in heat, you can do anything.
Although… there's something missing.
Whoa, Noa! How elegant.
Almost better than a monkey suit.
Thanks, but don't exaggerate.
Charlie and I make a great team.
Noa, now's your chance!
Sixteen point five. Perfect.
Hey! You rock. I saw you and I said,
"Like, what?"
You're like, wow. Selfie!
Wow, Noa, I don't know how you did it,
but I'm definitely proud of you.
You crossed over to the cool side
and you followed the rules.
Keep it up, and who knows?
We might even be friends.
Awesome! I mean, hello!
All you have to do now is dump
that group of awkward losers.
You understand.
What does she mean by "awkward losers"?
How can I explain this?
Parties are great,
but not everyone feels invited.
Some people like to make friends
or they don't adapt well to the rules,
or they're misunderstood.
Believe it or not, I've felt like that.
Don't group me with the freaks,
because at least I have a date.
Noa, are you listening?
-Yeah, sure. Go on.
Look, on party days, those kids,
alone, dateless and ashamed,
go where nobody sees them,
to a sordid, gloomy and hopeless place:
the library.
Hi, guys. What are you doing here?
You look too fancy for the library.
No. The question is,
what are all you doing here?
And why don't you go to the party?
-Well, you know, nobody invited us.
That's a great game
with its little black-and-white penguins.
-They're called pawns.
-Awesome. I love it.
And you know what?
You're all so great,
the party won't be the same without you.
So, everyone, to the party! Let's pair up.
-Don't worry about me. I'll skip it.
-No, not a chance.
Charlie and I are one,
so you can be our date.
But we don't have the right clothes.
We know a sewing whiz.
Why are those freaks at my party?
They're ruining everything!
Cut off their heads!
Throw them out of the party.
We can't, Queen Raquel.
They followed the rules.
They're wearing cool clothes,
with dates, all of them.
Must I do everything myself?
Stop the music!
How disappointing, Noa,
seeing you again with these losers.
What losers?
I only see friends having fun.
Sure, but you need a date.
Well, Charlie, Minerva and I
came in a trio.
There was no rule against it.
Oh, yes, there is. Watch.
-Rule number…
Rule number 147: No coming as a trio.
You're kicked out of the party.
I'll go by myself.
Nobody else has to leave.
No, wait, Minerva. I'll be your date.
Don't be ridiculous.
-How can you leave a queen?
-Well, for a friend.
-This is unacceptable!
Don't you see that if she's alone,
the rules say she must leave the party?
Thanks, Ruby.
Leave! Leave! Leave!
We crown Noa queen of the party.
Rule number 148: No more rules!
Everyone goes with whomever they want
and dresses however they want.
It looks great on you.
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