Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Typhoid Georgie

[blows nose]
What are y'all doing?
I'm learning how to knit.
Are you okay?
You don't sound so good.
Oh, just allergies.
I always thought knitting was
kind of a little old lady thing.
Why would you think that?
'Cause I've only ever seen
little old ladies do it.
Like my meemaw and
Mostly my meemaw.
- Ugh.
- Good one.
Would you like to join us?
Oh, I think Georgie
has better things to do.
I'll give it a whirl.
- Why don't you pick that one up
from the basket. - Okay.
Hold your needles up like this.
Now, watch
me and Connor.
In through the front door
Round the back
Out through the window
And off jumps Jack.
Okay, hold on, slow down.
In through the front door.
Dang. In through the
[groans] Dang it.
That front door's
hard to get through.
What's all this?
I'm teaching
the boys how to knit.
You're kidding.
I got through
the front door!
- Nice!
- Nice.
They should bring back
the draft.
Okay, great. I'll see you then.
That was Channel 7.
They want me to fill in
- for the regular weather girl on Friday.
- Heather with the weather?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, that's amazing.
You okay?
Heather has to go
to her grandma's funeral
in El Paso.
Which is obviously sad.
You don't look sad.
Well, I am.
The good news
is if this goes well,
then I could be their go-to
emergency backup weather girl.
- Hey, all right.
- That's awesome.
- Oh, that's great, honey.
- Thank you.
Why are you knitting?
Your mom's teaching me.
Thought I could
make CeeCee a blanket.
Sweet. I'm gonna be on TV.

[blows nose]
This just feels like
it could be the break I need.
You deserve it.
I know it's only temporary,
but, I mean, who knows
what could happen.
Maybe people will like me better
and start a letter writing campaign.
I'd do that.
Well, I'd call.
I'm not much of a letter writer.
I can't wait to quit the diner
and tell Earl what I think of him.
I thought you liked Earl.
I do, but what's the
point of being famous
if you can't
tell somebody off?
Are you sure
that's allergies?
Okay, well, I'm not.
Oh, come on.
I thought we could celebrate,
if you catch my drift.
Yeah, I
I don't want to
catch your drift
or anything else.
I ain't sick.
Yeah, sorry, snot boy,
I can't take my chances.
Where you going?
I'm gonna sleep
in the baby's room.
Aw, dang.
[door closes]
[blows nose]
That don't look like allergies.
Yeah, we'd also recommend replacing
the brake pads and rotors.
Great, we'll get right on that.
You okay?
Yeah, just a little cold.
No big deal.
You sure?
You can take the day off.
Just 'cause
I'm learning how to knit
don't mean I'm a wimp.
No one's calling you a wimp,
you just sound bad.
I'm fine.
Besides, Cooper men
don't take sick days.
My dad once
had his appendix out,
he was at work later
that afternoon.
Yeah. I mean, he passed out
in the teachers' lounge,
but he passed out at work.
Son, I'm not sure
you're taking the right lesson
from that story.
Sure I am.
Tough it out.
No, I don't think so.
Hey, the Oldsmobile
- Are you kidding me?
- Sorry.
I don't forgive you!
So, it's sounding like
100% chance of meatloaf
with a possibility of pie
in the forecast.
What are you doing?
I'm practicing. I'm doing the weather
on Channel 7 this Friday.
Good for you.
Yeah, I'm not really a waitress.
I could have told you that.
Thank you.
Hey, Beth, I need a favor.
Can you cover for me on Friday?
Yeah, I guess. What's up?
I'm doing the weather
on Channel 7.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
They just let
anybody do that?
Of course not.
I'm a trained weather girl.
It's my real job.
So, what, this is
your pretend job?
No, this was just
supposed to be temporary.
Good for you.
No, no, no.
Don't be like that.
We can still hang out.
Sure, if you're not busy
with all your fancy TV friends.
[scoffs] We are not fancy,
we are just plain,
simple folk like you.
Ooh, frigid temperatures
coming down from the north.
Ruben, you seen
my son-in-law?
You mean Typhoid Georgie?
[Georgie coughing]
Son, you got to go home.
No, no, I'm fine.
Just a little catnap.
Georgie, listen to me.
The cat's dead. Go home.
Oh, but I have to work.
No, you have to live.
My granddaughter needs a father.
Okay, I'll go.
Okay, what do you think?
Oh, good, I was worried
it was out of style.
It is, but still beautiful.
Why did I ask?
Why don't you get something new?
I can't afford it.
I can.
A dress of my choosing?
Your choosing,
my choo
Let's just call it
"our choosing."
[sighs] I don't know
what to say. Thank you.
You don't have
to thank me.
I just hope this turns into
a real career for you.
Mm. So you can brag
to all your friends
that I'm on TV
instead of waitressing?
[chuckles] I don't tell my
friends you're waitressing.
Come on, we can drop this off
at the Goodwill on the way.
[Georgie coughing]
You look terrible.
Oh, nothing a little
orange juice won't cure.
Please don't put that
back in the fridge.
Let's see
what we're dealing with.
Oh, yeah,
that's a fever.
I'm gonna say 102.
You don't know that.
A rectal thermometer
would be more precise.
But I don't think
you and I are there yet.
Have you taken anything?
No, I just want to get in bed.
At least take some ibuprofen,
bring your temperature down.
Okay. We also need to run the shower,
get some steam going,
break up the congestion,
and while it's a little
outside the medical mainstream,
two fingers of Kentucky bourbon
to help you sleep.
Your mom teach you all that?
No, I watched an episode
of The Golden Girls
where Rose
caught a doozy of a cold.
Really messed with
Blanche's date that night.
That's a good show.
They're old, but full of life.
You go to bed, Rose.
Sophia's on the case.
What's going on?
Honestly, I'm a little nervous.
It's been a while since I've been on camera.
Oh, you'll be fine.
Nothing to worry about.
Hope so.
Amanda, the job is look pretty,
smile and point.
There's a little more to it
than that.
Like what?
Well, what you're pointing
at is actually behind you,
and it's not really there,
it's a special effect called a green screen.
And you can't smile if you're talking about
a tornado ripping a trailer park to shreds.
You look like a psychopath.
All right.
And you have to have
easy banter with the sports guy,
even though off camera,
he's a little handsy.
And if it looks easy,
the only reason is because
people like me
make it look easy.
Got it.
[scoffs] "Smile and point."
I'm not Vanna White.
Morning, son.
Hold on a minute.
Are those
chocolate chip pancakes?
Sure are.
Well, all right.

So, how's
my granddaughter doing?
Amazing. Walking, talking.
- [chuckles]
- She tried to eat a pickle the other day.
You should have seen
the faces she was making.
You ate a tub of Vaseline once.
Why'd I do that?
Hungry? Dumb?
Who could say?
Why aren't you at work?
I'm sick.
Well, la-dee-da.
Aren't you the delicate flower?
When I was 19,
I didn't take sick days.
'Course, I was in Vietnam.
Really? You didn't
get sick days in the Army?
Nah, that's for them
mama's boys in the Navy.
Did you ever miss a day of work?
Yeah, when I had
my first heart attack.
Did you have a heart attack?
No, sir, just runny nose,
scratchy throat.
Oh, serious.
And a fever. 102.
Poor baby.
Should I sing you "Soft Kitty?"
I'm going back.
Good man.
What you doing?
Hugging you.
Get to work!

Where you going?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're not
going anywhere, mister.
Connor, get out of my way.
Don't make me get
the special thermometer.
- I think that's the one.
- Really?
You look amazing.
Uh, but it's
your decision.
[gasps] You're right,
I do look amazing.
It's gonna go great.
Yeah, I think so, too.
So, are you feeling more
confident about all this?
Yeah, I can do this.
You know, I bet
it goes so well
that they ask me
to fill in again next week.
And then they'll probably recommend
me to the affiliate in Houston,
and and then
they'll offer me the job
and I'll have to tell
Georgie we need to move
and he's not gonna want to
and it's gonna be a huge fight
and I don't want to move CeeCee
away from her grandparents
but this is my dream job!
Look at the bright side:
maybe you'll stink.
How's that?
Feels good.
I guess I was a little
out of it before.
Little bit.
I had a dream about my dad.
Oh. Was that nice?
Not really.
He was disappointed in me.
I think 'cause I went home sick.
Well, he was in the Army,
he was a football coach.
Ever since I was a little kid,
he's always taught me
to play through the pain.
Rub some dirt on it,
walk it off.
What's the dirt do?
Stops the bleeding.
I don't know.
Would you make CeeCee
go to school if she was sick?
Of course not.
But she's a little girl.
I'm a grown man.
People depend on me.
And if you don't show up,
you're letting them down?
How old was your father
when he passed?
What's your point?
Maybe if he'd taken
better care of himself,
he'd still be here.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
I'm serious.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Thanks again for the new outfit.
You're welcome.
And for the Cinnabon.
It really helped.
That was for both of us,
but it's fine.
Oh, hello.
What are you doing?
Taking care of Georgie.
Georgie's here?
He's very sick.
Oh, my God.
Oh, wait.
Here's some Vicks.
He would not let me
rub it on his chest.
You're taking care of him?
Trying to.
He is not an easy patient.
Did you threaten him
with the thermometer?
I had to.
Always worked with you.
Still a little warm.
You shouldn't be in here.
I don't want to get you sick.
Oh, I'll be fine.
No, you need to stay healthy
for your weather thing.
Right, my weather thing.
Listen, if this doesn't go well,
will you be disappointed in me?
Of course not.
I could never be
disappointed in you.
Thank you.
And if it does go well, will
you move to Houston with me?
Never mind.
Here, rub this on your chest.
I can't sleep.
I said I can't sleep.
I can't sleep.
Well, lucky for you, I'm awake.
I'm nervous about Mandy.
Oh, she's gonna be great.
That's the problem.
What if this leads
to something bigger?
What if she gets a job offer
in Houston or Dallas?
What if they move
and take CeeCee?
I can't lose my
granddaughter, Jim.
Look, nothing's happened yet.
I know.
But if they're moving,
we're moving.
Wait, what about the store?
Oh, you'll figure it out.
Good night.
Yeah, good morning.
Something wrong?
Yeah. I'm worried if I work
myself into the ground,
I won't be around
for my daughter.
I get that.
'Cause I want to be there
when she has kids.
Well, hopefully
it's a lot later
than when you had kids.
From your mouth to God's ears.
I did a good job raising you.
You did.
Wasn't easy, 'cause you
were a pain in the ass.
I thought we were
having a moment.
We are, son.
Thank you, Kimberly.
I've got your weekend
weather report.
Let's get right into it.
Look, CeeCee,
there's Mama.
Well, I like what she's wearing.
You're welcome.
But there's a cold weather front
moving in from Nacogdoches,
so expect some
precipitation tomorrow.
and "precipitation."
[short chuckle]
Tough combo.
You know, that map
isn't really there.
It's just green.
Overnight, into the morning,
we'll be seeing
some wind gusts which should
clear out those clouds.
Dang, she's really good.
for all you churchgoers.
I'm Mandy McAllister.
Heather will be back
with the weather on Monday,
unless she needs a few
extra days with her family,
which would be
very understandable,
given the tragedy
that's befallen her.
Now back to Chip, with sports.
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