Ghost Doctor (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

The Conflict

[Jung Ji-hoon]
[Kim Bum]
[Son Na-eun]
[Ghost Doctor]
[Episode 12]
It is Cha Yeong Min.
You said last time
that I spoke as if I were
in Cha Yeong Min's body.
Stop talking.
It's not that I'm in his body.
It's actually the other way around.
Shut your mouth.
What? What are you talking about?
Right now
he's standing right next to me
and he's looking very mad.
Don't you dare say another word.
Dr. Go.
Why are you saying that to me?
Don't you see that she's scared?
Let's go outside and talk.
Try to act naturally, and say goodbye.
Even now he's still worried about you.
Should I come in?
What's the matter with you?
Why did you tell her
without discussing it with me first?
Isn't that what you did?
Acted on your own without
discussing it with me?
I've apologized to you, haven't I?
I tried to hold back but I couldn't help.
You lost your senses
suddenly because of Dr. Jang.
Yes, that's right. And I
still feel sorry for that.
I did it for Dr. Jang, too.
Not sure if I regret it though.
Perhaps she hates me for this.
So, she forces herself not to get close.
She even has built a wall between us.
When will he wake up? Can he wake up?
Seeing her stay with one
who has no consciousness
and keep blaming herself
when she did nothing wrong,
I feel so sad for her.
So, you told her
that I've become a ghost,
wandering around her,
and that I can possess your body?
You think
she'd believe you like Han Seung Won did?
Aren't you worried that she'd
get scared and confused?
You have something urgent
to tell her, don't you?
I think she has things to tell you, too.
I will hear her myself
and talk to her in person.
I'll look at her in her eyes
and tell her with my mouth.
I'll be patient, and
I'll tell her everything
with my own mouth!
But you don't even know
when you'll wake up.
No matter when!
You'd forget everything when you wake up.
Then I'll just start over.
What if you don't wake up?
I've seen so many people
like you since I was eight.
And most of them ended up
staying unconscious forever.
Until one day they were gone quietly.
Have you ever thought that you could miss
your chance to say goodbye
to the one you love?
So you mean I'll die soon
and I need to say goodbye to her?
I didn't mean that.
Yes, I'm aware
that any complication
such as pneumothorax,
pneumonia, and septicemia
would make me die and disappear.
I know that.
But even if I can't wake up, even if I die…
Seung Tak, do you know why
people can't remember anything
when they wake up from a coma?
Even the fact that they once became ghosts?
Because they wouldn't be able
to live if they remembered.
Anyone who has such
experience is like that.
But the living people will remember.
She'd remember the words
I wouldn't even remember.
Like you said, if I die,
even I can't even take that,
how is she supposed to take it?
The world can only go back to normal
when neither of the two sides remembers.
The world of the living has its rules.
Who do you think you are
to break the rules?
When a person you love
suddenly disappears
without saying goodbye
It's feels like hell to the
people left behind.
No one knows that better than you do.
You talk about privacy a lot.
This is apparently an invasion of privacy.
Please don't cross the line again.
You'd better solve the problem you created.
You are good at that. Make things right.
Dr. Go, what did you say just now?
What did you mean exactly?
What did I say?
Hey, you brat…
I don't remember anymore.
I can't recall what I said,
so just pretend that you heard nothing.
What kind of answer was that?
Hey, Go Seung Tak!
I think I was really wrong about you.
Yes, that's right.
I admit that sometimes your
words make me confused.
I think it's my fault.
Because the thought of losing
someone I love is too painful,
and it's the hardest
thing I need to deal with.
I appreciate your help these days.
And I think we are dealing with
this difficult time together.
I believe that you truly
cared about Professor Cha.
But how could you say that you can't recall
and ask me to pretend I heard nothing?
Do you think this is the time for jokes?
How could you make fun of one's life?
What kind of freak
would say those things
about an unconscious person?
Well, Dr. Jang…
Let me warn you, Dr. Go.
Don't you dare get involved in
anything that concerns Professor Cha.
And don't go to his ward again.
If I see you there one more time,
regardless of who you are,
I'll throw you into the fire.
What? Am I in big trouble?
Yep. You are.
It's the first time you've seen her like
that, right? I've seen it many times.
She can be very terrifying
when she's angry.
Three or four times more than I am.
But you are truly in big trouble.
What should I do? She said
she'd throw me into the fire.
I'll have to possess your body again
and ease her anger to forgive you.
Why don't we just tell her the truth?
Just drop that thought.
I told you the answer is no.
Right now, he's standing next to me
and he's looking very mad.
Even now he's still worried about you.
Bastard. How could he make such a joke?
When a person you love
suddenly disappears
without saying goodbye
It feels like hell to the
people left behind.
No one knows that better than you do.
When he got home, he saw
that many of his friends had arrived.
They all said hi to him.
"Hi, I'm Ji Won. What's your name?"
Hi, I'm Seung Jo.
Do you know why people
can't remember anything
when they wake up from a coma?
Even the fact that they once became ghosts?
Because they wouldn't be able
to live if they remembered.
The world can only go back to normal
when neither of the two sides remembers.
Who do you think you are
to break the rules?
Can you move?
Like this.
Come on.
Just forget it. Forget it
and live a happy life.
Say whatever you want to say.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[Intensive Care Unit]
I was so happy that day.
I thought I'd become rich.
Anyway, I wonder
if Jun Yeong has grown taller.
Son, I hope you can come to see me.
[Intensive Care Unit]
What? Are you scared?
I thought you were an expert.
It's not like you've never done it before.
No, but this is…
Dr. An, you seem to have
forgotten about it.
I never touched President Jang.
I didn't even tuck him in.
It's also not me who stabbed
Professor Cha in the back.
If we let it be,
Professor Cha may wake up any time.
Can you face him?
Since we started it together,
let's finish it together.
You also want to get back
to the hospital soon, right?
Don't you?
Se Jin. Jang Se Jin!
Se Jin. Se Jin! Se Jin!
There's a patient here. Come on.
Go Seung Tak.
What's the matter?
What's wrong with Professor Jang?
Se Jin, wake up. Jang Se Jin.
Professor Cha?
Check her vital signs.
Get CBC, electrolytes and ABG analysis.
Are you back?
Uh? Yes.
But why am I here?
I fell asleep in the duty room.
She has cold caused by
excessive fatigue and lack of sleep.
And she's slightly malnourished.
She passed out in the ward.
He must've been in a hurry.
He didn't even wake me up.
His face was pale when he carried her here.
Is he beside her now?
Right, he's watching her.
What did you do to her,
that she ended up like that?
You asked me to help her
Then you should do a good job.
Ask her to have meals on time.
And take shift breaks.
Be nice to her from now on.
Even a strong man can get sick
if he works like her for
months in the hospital.
I know their relationship
without you telling me.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
I didn't expect the chance to come so soon.
It's time to give full
scope to your expertise
and say goodbye to your tutor.
I'm not forcing you.
Dr. An, make your own choice.
Do you want to be confined to
a prison in prisoner's garb
or walk in the hospital in a doctor's coat?
It's a nice day today.
I really want to go for a ride
and relax in a place with fresh air.
Dr. Jang, please make
Professor Cha be comfortable.
[Cha Yeong Min]
Nurse Jeong. Nurse Jeong?
[Shining Star, Jessica]
You really are a fan of her.
I'm not used to the day without you ♪
The past knocked on the door again ♪
Oh dear. I seem to be dreaming again.
Remember your face ♪
and hope you'll have a nice day ♪
Why did you get up so soon?
You can have more sleep.
Are you feeling better?
What is this…?
Dr. Go, why are you here?
Is it my fault? I did something
I shouldn't have done.
It's my fault.
Because I'm a jerk who can't die or live.
How could you say those affectionate words?
I'm sad that we can't do surgery.
Me too. I want to ask you a favor.
She worked so hard,
of course she could get sick.
I'll convince her and bring her there.
If she refuses, I will tie
her up and get her there.
I'll just wait for her to fall asleep.
This is the entrance password. Thank you.
When our favorite season is back ♪
Let's smile again like we did before ♪
Like the day when we first met ♪
I just came. Not long.
Nurse Jeong has gone to work.
And I happen to be off today.
Look, Dr. Go
Could you get mad after you feel better?
Have some food first.
I've told you not to appear in front of me.
Do you think what I said is
outrageous or I'm ridiculous?
What joke is this?
It's not a joke.
Never mind. I'll go.
Professor Cha
wouldn't want to see this.
He wouldn't want you to get ill.
Dr. Go, what do you know?
Why are you acting like this?
If I were him, I would.
If someone gets sick because of me
and she still wants to accompany me,
I'd rather die.
Will my death make her feel comfortable?
I would think this way if I were him.
Dr. Go Seung Tak.
If you take a day off and recover,
he may feel better.
He may want to wake up even for you.
I think that's a better treatment for him.
About yesterday
I'm really sorry.
Forget about it…
and don't bring it up again.
About that
What would he think
if it was Professor Cha?
To see you exhausted
taking care of him.
I wondered
if I can convey his feelings to you.
I guess I was just trying to do something.
So… I wasn't
I wasn't trying to make it hard for you.
Maybe I didn't do it right or went too far.
It will
never happen again.
But he has no one with him right now.
You know that.
[Pediatric ICU]
Who is that man?
Oh, it's hot!
I tried my best
maybe they are not very delicious.
I haven't cooked at home in a while.
So long that my skills are a little…
Did you cook these dishes
with your injured hand?
Pardon? Well
Well yes.
Though they don't look very good,
they may taste not bad.
You like tofu, don't you?
And egg rolls, too.
Oh, water.
Why is there a scratch?
Right, there is a new cup.
You know this house well.
It's like you once lived here.
Professor Cha often invited me here.
Don't you hate each other?
It's complicated, I guess.
Actually, we are pretty close.
And he mentioned you a lot.
Have some.
Are you leaving so soon?
Why don't you take some
rest before leaving?
I've slept well and had
food here. I'm fine now.
I'm leaving.
Wait… Wait a minute.
What about spending the rest of your day
on Professor Cha?
Like the time we went to Jessica's concert.
You can fulfill Professor Cha's
wishes for him.
It should also be what Professor Cha wants.
It's slippery here. Be careful.
I really ♪
Hoon Gil, what are you doing here?
It's so empty here today.
Professor Cha and the new comer
are not here. Bo Mi also…
Isn't it also like this in the past?
It's nice to be quiet.
[Intensive Care Unit]
The past is the past.
Now the quietness makes me feel empty.
Will he be back today?
Of course he will. His body is still there.
Where else can he go?
Nice. He can still go out for fresh air.
It's tiring to wait like this every day.
What? Coma patients?
It's a trouble to keep in the hospital
the patients who might
wake up any time or never.
Talk with the families and
ask them to transfer soon.
Uh, well… I know something
happened yesterday.
But the patient is now in a stable state.
Chief Ban, what's wrong with you recently?
I've let you go in the
kid's case last time.
Shall I mention it to you again?
Now that we've mentioned it,
let's have a good talk.
About the patient next to the one
who had an accident yesterday.
Little Fish or Walnut Cookie?
The chief surgeon…
Our hospital is short of beds now.
They've stayed here long enough.
It can't go on like this.
Of course, you're right.
You're right.
Then don't delay it any further.
I having a headache just at the
sight of those coma patients.
Do you feel uncomfortable?
It can be a little uncomfortable.
Mom, I'm in the middle of something.
I'll call you later. Sorry.
I'm going to put it in now.
Just a little uncomfortable.
I just want to bring you
some snacks, then I'll leave.
Baby girl.
Did you hang up?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
She hung up.
I haven't come to this hospital for long.
Why does she have to work here?
What floor is the eye department?
Is this one better? Or this one?
Are you familiar with this store?
Yeah, I came here a few
times with Professor Cha.
He asked if I was tired of
always wearing the same clothes.
And he criticized me and
called me a fashion terrorist.
He said things like that?
He said he was good at
matching clothes now.
Oh, that one is nice.
Aren't you tired of always
wearing the same clothes?
You've worn this one for years.
Do you know what others say
about you behind your back?
They mock you and call
you a fashion terrorist.
Professor Cha has never hated you.
He said he always thought
of those happy days.
He just couldn't hate you.
He doesn't hate you at all.
On the day when you met again,
he was angry with you
because you came back too late.
He waited for you so long.
But you didn't return till now.
I guess this should be the reason.
Over the years, Professor Cha…
has become quite twisted
and small-minded.
And now,
in order not to keep you waiting
and to come back as early as possible,
he is doing his best
to fight and recover.
I know that clearly.
After all, we are close.
It's all done.
As long as you take the prescribed drug,
you'll get better soon.
Well, you look so young,
but you are very skilled.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
This is my work.
Mom, I will explain this to you.
O Su Jeong,
the patient here needs the ABG analysis.
It's an emergency case.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Mom, wait here.
O Su Jeong!
Why are you looking around? Hurry!
I am coming.
Did you call the patient's family?
Oh, gosh.
Right. Ask them to come
to the hospital first.
We'll talk with them.
Ban Tae Sik, your life is really a mess.
This is not right.
A doctor is also a worker and wage-earner.
In today's world, if I
make a small mistake,
I might be ruined.
Well, look! Who is this guy?
[Carry Out EunSang Group's Core Values]
Ban Tae Sik,
[Chapter 5 People-centered
Future Medical Culture Creation]
you look so handsome.
At the beginning,
I was a doctor with high aspirations.
I got lectured about
the doctor's sense of duty all the time.
Ah, here is
the walking Sense of Duty.
He was such a great doctor.
He was respected a lot by his juniors.
And then what?
He died all of a sudden.
Life is so futile.
That disobedient girl,
that disobedient girl.
What? Ophthalmology?
When did ER become Ophthalmology?
How could she?
She lied to her mother.
Well, I don't want anything from her.
I only want her to have a good life.
Ooh! What an unfilial brat!
You are so right!
Is there any child who can understand
the parents' good intentions?
They think they're all-knowing.
When your heart is tortured by worries,
you need to calm down.
Drink this.
It's alright.
Your daughter is a doctor
at this hospital, right?
Yes, she is.
Oh, you raised her so well.
But you didn't expect that she
would work in the ER, right?
It's tough to work in ER.
ER is the most tiring department.
I can't agree more.
She chose the hardest job.
I am so mad at her.
Oh, it's so infuriating.
It is understandable that you are angry.
These days, who will consider
being a doctor as a noble
and respectable profession?
Rescuing and curing patients
exhausts them every day.
Besides, they work around the clock.
They are too busy to see their family.
What kind of life is that?
It is not a good life.
Nowadays, if one can live comfortably
and make a lot of money,
that will be the best
and that will make one's parents happy.
Am I right?
Madam, how could you say this?
How could a person working
at the hospital say this?
If you just want to make more money,
what what kind of doctor is that?
I can't believe what
I just heard. Seriously!
Are you alright? If you feel
too cold, the car
I'm fine.
It's nice here.
I thought I would never
see such nice scenery.
Since you are in so much pain,
why are you staying with
Professor Cha Yeong Min?
Nobody knows when he'll wake up.
I apologize. I'm talking too much.
Because I'm scared.
I'm scared that I would
let go of his hand again.
12 years ago, I took the
initiative to let go of his hand.
I was a fool and I lacked courage.
I don't want to let go of him again,
so I'm going to muster up the courage.
But I'm starting to feel more scared.
I promised to save him,
but I'm worried that I won't
be able to keep the promise.
Because there isn't much that I can do.
You are doing
everything you can.
Which is staying by his side.
The store doesn't pick up.
Director Jo must be very angry.
Mom has found out,
what will happen to me in the future?
I think I've seen this picture before.
That being said, it wasn't
Go Seung Tak last time.
Ah, Professor.
I've heard that you are not feeling well.
Are you feeling better now?
Are you alright?
I was scared when I heard the news.
Dr. Jang, see.
After taking one day off,
you look better.
To be honest, I've been doing too
many meaningful things lately.
By the way, did you take
away the black card?
It's in Brother Jae Won's hand,
to subsidize the cost of the Department.
I lend you my body and car,
and you still want my card?
It's okay to just use
my money once or twice…
thank you for today.
Why are you thanking me suddenly?
Ah, well
The cost of the clothes
is 584,000 Won
or was it 585,000 Won?
remember to transfer the money to Dr. Jang.
Thank you.
Cost of what?
I'm not in Cha Yeong Min's body,
but he's in mine.
I also know
how absurd this sounds.
But I hope it's all true,
even just for a day.
I hope it's all like a dream.
I actually study so sincerely like this.
It's such a high wall.
you wake up so early.
Oh my.
Did I wake you up?
So Mom,
what did you do
to wake up your son who hadn't
come home for several days?
It's the water pipe construction.
The water has been on and off
recently, how troublesome.
I don't know where it's stuck,
the worker says the whole
pipe should be replaced.
What should I do? My God.
- My gosh. Dad.
- Yes.
Are you alright?
My dear Grandpa,
why did you stand there?
What should I do?
My God, my God.
Dad, what should I do?
If you have something to say, just say it,
don't spray water on me.
My son,
don't just stand there,
go get a towel.
The pipe, the wall.
- Seung Jo.
- What should I do?
What's going on? Who is it?
What are you doing?
Why are you here at this time?
Well, I'm Go Seung Tak.
Take your time and get changed, I'll wait.
I found something.
What did you find?
It's blocked by a wall!
Blood flow. The blocked blood flow.
You brat, can't you just say it?
Although the brainwaves have improved,
there is a wall blocking something.
That wall, blood vessel, Seung Jo.
Compression of the internal mammary
artery due to increased blood flow.
Is it possible that Professor Cha's
blood flow there also got compressed?
The examination of this aspect
We have done it.
CT scan of blood vessels.
It was nothing at the time,
and after that, we just
watched his brainwaves
because that's the most important thing.
And now the brainwaves are turning better.
What are you talking about?
Let's go.
Let's begin.
The left subclavian artery looks good.
Let's check the common carotid artery.
The left common carotid artery is fine.
It's there.
It's the innominate artery.
The innominate artery is constricted.
We found it.
It's this one.
Hey, how did you find it?
Unlike somebody, I'm a genius.
When a genius sees the apple
falling, he thinks of gravity.
When seeing a bathtub overflowing,
he understands density measurement.
Uhh? Hey, hey!
These two
Oh my.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.
It's okay, it's understandable
to be overly happy.
We found a solution to Professor
Cha Yeong Min's unconsciousness.
- What?
- Really?
- Awesome!
- How did you find it?
Here are the results of the
angiography performed this morning.
Here, you can see the constriction
of the innominate artery.
As a result, blood flow
to the brain is reduced,
which in turn leads to
impaired consciousness.
Oh, that's true.
Why did we miss it all the time?
Didn't we do the MRI and CT?
I checked the CT taken
at the initial stage,
but did not notice any problem.
After that, the state was not stable,
so it was not reflected in the CT results.
Professor Cha's brainwaves
have improved recently.
Could it be because of
increased blood flow?
Maybe it can't be explained by medicine.
Because it happened in an unfathomable
territory beyond human measure.
- Unfathomable territory?
- What unfathomable territory?
He was fine just now,
why is he like this again?
How remarkable, Go Seung Tak.
You actually found this.
So in short,
as long as the innominate artery problem
is solved, Professor Cha can wake up?
How should we resolve it?
Artificial blood vessel replacement.
Replace the entire innominate artery
to improve blood flow inside the brain.
Of course, there is also a safe way,
which is to use a shunt.
But since he is a young patient,
then the fundamental solution is correct.
Is the surgery scheduled?
It's scheduled at 8 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
I am going to do Professor Cha's surgery?
Dr. Go, why are you doing this to me?
Thank you for doing
Seung Jo's surgery last time.
Knowing that you might be
in trouble because of that,
you still bravely grabbed
the patient's hand.
You have stepped on the
same boat as me since then.
The same boat? I haven't
gotten on the boat.
Professor Cha will get on
the boat after he wakes up.
Can I get off the boat? I feel dizzy.
Huh? Can I?
Then, Dr. Go, you will
be the assistant, right?
What? No.
Didn't you hear what Tes-hyung said?
How can we do surgery in a state like this?
We successfully completed
Seung Jo's surgery, didn't we?
Perfectly done without flaw.
It was dangerous.
Because of that buffer.
You said it was temporary.
Do you know how anxious I was at the
time because of that so-called temporary?
There was also something happened
that day we went shopping.
I'll pay you back.
Thank you.
Gee, did I buy too much?
Are you not confident?
Forget it then.
I'm not confident? I'm Cha Yeong Min.
Could it be that my belief in wanting
to save patients is inferior to others?
You said that you are afraid
of this kind of thing.
You saved countless patients
with this state of mind.
Is there a doctor who wants to
save you more than you right now?
He's making a hit like that.
Are you just going to stand by?
You said you were going to let him go
up the altar and then let him fall.
But why does he keep going up?
When will he fall?
He's such an unenthusiastic boy,
why did he suddenly start working hard?
And now they say he's a genius. How?
Is he really possessed by a ghost?
Oh my. Then we have to resort to exorcism.
Hey, what are you talking about
this early in the morning?
Aren't you busy?
Being like this, aren't you afraid
that he will take away the hospital?
You're older, but why can't you
win over your younger cousin?
You keep losing to him.
Chairwoman Go.
I am leaving.
Gosh, I thought you were going to
grasp the asset that belongs
to you like what I did.
I'm so disappointed.
What's the matter?
What? Who is going to take surgery?
No, after taking it, then Professor Cha
So who is going to perform it?
The surgery is not the most difficult.
Because it's a second surgery,
there may be some little problem.
But I can manage to do it
even with shaking hands.
It's like Seung Jo's surgery.
What is the most dangerous part?
Where there can be no mistakes.
Here, when connecting
the innominate artery,
the native and the graft blood vessel
[Native: Native blood vessels]
[Native: Native blood vessels]
[Graft: Artificial blood vessels]
will be fused together.
If we accidentally tore
the native blood vessel,
we have to go deeper.
Then the operation becomes
very difficult and dangerous.
If the suture fails here…
It'll be a disaster.
The chief surgeon is Chief Ban Tae Sik.
The first assistant will be
Dr. Go Seung Tak.
He'll perform on himself.
(Army Navy Retractor)
Something must have happened.
There must be something between those two.
I'm doing this well now, aren't I?
In the beginning,
I left scars on your face.
Was that painful?
Sorry. It was my first time,
I had no control over it.
I won't
Do you know why
we shave coma patients?
Because we don't know
when they will wake up,
so we hope they won't be too
surprised seeing their face.
So many things happened during that time.
When you wake up and see me,
you might get angry again.
But if you get angry with
a good-looking face,
then it might hurt less.
It's all right.
We can start over.
We can do that.
It's the last time I shave for you.
Next time, you do it yourself.
You know what I mean, right?
I heard that you solved the problem.
It's a reward for you, good job.
Whoa, finally a reward.
Carbonated drink? I'd prefer some milk.
I want to absorb protein.
That's a protein drink.
You can supplement protein with that.
How refreshing. I like it.
Like our relationship.
I haven't been eating much.
I use this as a supplement.
Since you mentioned it,
you don't look to good today.
What's wrong? Is it because you
haven't been able to go home?
Have you been on duty all along?
To put it accurately, I have
been avoiding something.
I don't have the guts to start a fight now.
Against whom?
Has your mom found it out?
Let's talk about my problem later.
You should finish Professor Cha's
surgery successfully first.
You must psych yourself up
for tomorrow's surgery.
Why need I do that? I am not
the one who will operate.
Stop calling me after tomorrow.
Well, it's the last day of such a life.
I feel relieved.
Many people will be happy about this
and many people will be disappointed by it.
How about you?
How will you feel?
What do you think?
By the way, you said you saw
something 20 years ago.
What was it? What did you see back then?
Let's talk about this later, too.
A lot is going on with me these days.
I don't know whether I should hope that kid
would forget everything
and live a comfortable life
or hope the kid would live a proper
life even if it might be a bit hard.
There is a new patient.
Try to make tomorrow's surgery a success.
[119 Rescue Squad]
This patient fell while
riding an electric scooter.
There might be rib fracture
and lung injury.
The chest might also be injured.
Are Go Seung Tak's hands better?
Call him immediately.
Uh, now Go Seung Tak…
I will call Chief Ban first.
Excuse me… Tes-hyung
I finally found you.
Why is it so hard to find you?
Professor Cha, I am sorry for
asking for your help twice.
Could you help me bring this
to the walnut cookies shop?
I heard that you would
undergo surgery tomorrow.
That's great! Congratulations!
I know you don't have time for this now,
but I am burning with anxiety.
Considering what happened to Hoon Gil
and the sudden disappearance of Bo Mi,
I think you can understand that
once I vanish, it will mean I am dead.
[Walnut cookies recipe]
I'll go.
It has been a while since I had
the street food last time.
Where should I go?
Excuse me?
[Walnut Narae]
So he is a master of walnut cookies.
What can I do for you?
Our shop is closed today.
Anyway, the cookies I made don't sell well.
That's because they don't taste good.
What did you say?
Follow this recipe and the
cookies you make will sell well.
when you are free, bring
your son to the hospital.
He is waiting for you.
[Walnut Narae]
[Walnut cookies recipe]
Why are you here?
Well, don't worry. I'll put
it back before you come round.
It fine. You don't need to return it.
Thank you
for what you've done so far.
Well, after you go back,
you should tame your temper.
Why? Are you nervous?
Are you afraid that something might
go wrong while you're operating?
Then leave it to the living people.
Will you?
But then, it's your own life.
You can do anything to it.
Who can stop you? You brat.
Didn't you say
that whether you'll wake up or not
is up to the will of God?
I'll take good care of it.
Why are we here?
Gosh, so much dust.
They should give it a good cleaning.
However, nothing has changed here.
Your life is really corny.
I want to do it myself, but I can't.
So you have to do it.
Do you want me to put on these?
I won't say this to anyone else,
so I want you to listen carefully.
Exercise your hands like
this once a week from now on.
I am not trying to make your hands pretty.
Because patients' lives
depend on your hands,
you must treat them as
you treat your patients.
Why must I go that far?
You should go into the operating
room more than once a day.
You can either watch others
operate or work as an assistant.
You said you frequented the
hospital in your childhood, right?
Do what you did back then.
If you go often into the operating
room, you'll get used to it.
I'm sure you'll overcome your difficulty.
I will be with you and help you,
just like how you helped me.
Let me repay your kindness.
It's strange. Why is there bleeding?
Nurse Jeong!
OK. I'll be right there.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
What's wrong? What happened
to the patient again?
He has been bleeding in the chest.
His heart rate is up but his
blood pressure is dropping.
He fell while riding a scooter.
Professor Jeong checked his X-ray and C
and said he would do the rib
fixation surgery in the morning.
[Rib Fixation: Surgical stabilization
of rib fractures]
Though the patient has got
multiple rib fractures,
his aorta hasn't been torn by the bone.
We have drained the blood,
and observed him overnight.
Professor Jeong will operate
on him in the morning.
The blood is bright red, which
means the aorta has been torn.
I guess a rib pierced it
while he was breathing.
The patient is in great danger.
Move him to the operating room immediately.
It's the aorta.
A rib pierced it.
Then what should we do?
Why are you wasting time?
Call the professor now.
Call anesthesiology to
get an operating room.
Call the professor.
I will book an operating room.
What should we do? It will take
Professor Jeong two hours to arrive.
Two hours? Is there any other
professor who can get here sooner?
Professor Han can't come because he drank.
Professor Gim is in some other place.
This is driving people crazy.
What did you hear?
How can we operate now?
Professor Jeong won't arrive
in two hours. That's not good, right?
It's the aorta.
It is a major operation and a risky one.
That's even more reason for you to do it.
I have told you many times
that my hands are unstable now.
What if my hands shake
during the operation?
During such an operation, if something
goes slightly wrong with my hands,
the patient will die. Don't you know?
Then what about your operation?
You will still take the risk, right?
That's my life.
When I operate on myself,
even if something goes wrong…
Anyway, the patient's life
depends on this operation.
I can't gamble with the patient's life.
Keep draining the blood
while giving him an infusion
until the professor arrives.
Can a drowning man
wait until help arrives?
Patients can't afford to wait for doctors.
Isn't that what you said?
Go Seung Tak.
Seung Tak!
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Why isn't anyone coming?
His blood pressure dropped to 60.
He won't last longer.
Hurry and figure out a way.
Go Seung Tak, what should we do?
Now only you can save him.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Did a rupture occur?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
(Electrosurgical unit)
It seems to have been ruptured.
It's too late, right?
Deaver retractor, please.
The suture needle with Prolene 4-0.
Hey, Go Seung Tak.
Get yourselves together!
Suture needle.
What? What are they doing?
They are operating.
The patient is dying and
the ICU is in a mess now.
I heard it's about a main artery
and the surgery's very difficult.
Those people really…
Hey! Hey!
Darn it!
Hey! Do something, or the patient will die.
Go Seung Tak.
Seung Tak.
Don't just stand there. Clamp it!
Clamp, please. Hurry!
[Ghost Doctor]
-=Preview of the next episode=-
Hey, Seung Tak!
Why must I go through this?
Cha Yeong Min, you ruined Seung Tak.
I'm not sure whether he'll come back.
I don't want to do it anymore.
I want my life to be what it used to be.
I don't have much time left.
I am going to die.
You might die before
entering the operating room.
There's a patient you need to operate on.
If there is any slip-up, he
might die on the operating table.
You want me to operate on Professor Cha?
This will probably be the last time.
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